"Will & Grace" 11 Years Later (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Nice To See Them All Again
Sober-Friend28 September 2017
When "Will & Grace" first came on I loved the show. However I think after Season 5 I no longer watched regularly because the stories were just stupid and I got very tired of the stunt casting. "Will & Grace" for awhile became "The Love Boat". Guest Stars came in and took away screen time from one our 4 leads. However from time to time I did watch. I was not however a fan of the last episode. I really didn't like that they ended the show with "Will & Grace" not speaking until there kids happen to go to the same college and got engaged. Tonights episode however cleaned up that mess and id a good enough job that I was happy to see "Will & Grace" again. Well no truth is I was happy to see "Jack & Karen" again.

This season premiere was great. It set up the show and delivered the laughs. It had its own past to live up to and it succeeded. This show did a better job in its new inception than "Twin Peaks".

I am so looking forward to next week. Welcome Back "Jack & Karen"
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philneil29 September 2017
The hardest part about watching a show's revival is that it could go either way - on the one hand it could totally suck and spoil the memory of a once great show - on the other hand it could be a fantastic, welcome return of a production that makes superb quality viewing. This is teetering precariously toward the former.

I watched whilst desperately trying to enjoy it, & without any major expectations, but all the while there was this thought in the back of my mind telling me it's had its day.

It is watchable, but despite their best efforts to be modern & up- to-date by including current pop-culture colloquialisms and references, this still felt rather dated.

Hopefully WAG may settle down, find its way and perhaps try not so hard to be so 'woke' in future episodes.
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Great to see them together again!
olicarth28 September 2017
As one review said, the humor does feel like they're trying too much at times, but it must have been awkward for them as well to play together after so many years.

It's been 11 years and everything has changed. I just wanted to say that people shouldn't be so harsh and base opinions regarding the new season solely on one episode. I'm sure that acting, humor and their on-screen chemistry will get more natural over the episodes.

All in all, good to have them back and I can't wait for more!
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Wow! Grandpa Jack!
xetaprime-6425720 October 2017
Hey, I'm 60 years old and I grew up with Star Wars. The great shows/movies you mature with you dream of coming back. When Star Wars The Force Awakens came out I was so excited I can't even tell you! I didn't care much for the prequels honestly. And sadly, TFA let me down and too much to much to explain now, but it did. Not because Han dies but other reasons. So we don't always get what we want, yeah?

Then there's Will & Grace. I have enjoyed Will & Grace so far but episode 'Straight and Narrow' had me laughing out loud so much I coughed. Do you know that feeling? And, acknowledging the seriousness of the episode. Why mention Star Wars? When Will & Grace did their political episode on Youtube- I loved it and wanted more! ...and it happened! How cool is that? And as I said I have enjoyed the new series so far but last night's episode was dark, funny, tender and definitely Will & Grace!

Commenters complaining of politics have never seen Will & Grace (maybe Russian Trolls). Will & Grace was a new thing back then, and people whining about fem gays, have no clue because for one- Will isn't, Jack is- that's how it is in real life and I know- I'm Trans. I have known straight and effeminate Gay men and some in between. I'd be known as 'Transsexual' (post op) back when, but now everything is Trans. I'll add I'm not sure making everyone 'Trans' is a good thing. There are so many variations in our community.

Wonderful episode! I have been let down by many a return series/movie but Will & Grace really lives up to it's promise and I Thank You NBC and all the Cast for returning! A Dream Realized!

P.S. After reading the previous reviews I have to say be suspicious. These days you can't trust what you read- even my own words. I will say lastly if you were a fan of Will & Grace you are no doubt happy with it's return. If you are out to create chaos, lie and fabricate false reviews good luck to you. We will see through you and still embrace Jack and Co.
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To be expected
rudeskin200028 September 2017
It was nice to see the gang together again, but enough already with the politics! The rhythm for the most part was great and reminiscent of the good old days with the exception of Messing. She seemed stiffest and not just physically. I felt as if Messing was playing herself and soap-boxing for the Dems. Reminded me of the twitter feud she had Susan Sarandon last year.

If they could drop that political heavy handedness it would be so much better.

Also, missed Shelley Morrison.
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Will and Grace is Back and wittier than ever!
jplante6426 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I had my trepidations when I heard the show was being brought back to life on the screen. And I am so glad that it has returned The main difference that my friends and I have noticed with this reboot is that this time the cars appear to be more relaxed and just having fun performing together again. Yes... The lines are still quick and the repartee is better and juicier than ever! I PVR the episodes so that I can watch at least two in one sitting,

Kudos for bringing in hot cake HC Jr again .... even if only as a one episode guest. Molly Shannon's character is as crazy as any ever! Hope to see her in a few recurrent episodes in the future as she adds her own touch through her brilliant acting. Saddened by the loss of the character Rosario ... yet loved the episode of Will joining Karen watching and haplessly haranguing her staff. Also please TRY HARD to bring back Bobby Cannavale's and Leslie Jordan's character... Those two fine actors add another level of fun, crazy and zaniness. Perhaps their respective characters go through marriage frivolity that Will/Grace and Karen became entangled in?!?!? Looking forward to MORE of this great show! I rate this show 10 HEARTS!!
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Trying way too hard
sgtbusmc29 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
....I loved the show when it initially started, when it hard that fast pace banter between Will and Grace, sharp and quick barbs from Karen and whats not to love about the semi boy-man Jack who seems wise and yet so lost.

Like so many good shows as it started to go on it even became a bit stale and was trying to hard...almost like a best friend who over stays a party when they get to much to drink, the banter becomes boring and the timing just seems pushy almost forcing a joke down someones throat.

Sorry to say the 'first' episode of this once upon a time iconic and "new" series was just trying entirely too hard and was falling flat with the constant barrage of political jokes, (they may have to be reminded that not all their audience voted for Hillary and like CNN may be getting tuned out by them if they keep alienated them by making them seem like the butt end of a bad joke).

Okay, okay, okay I get it already not only are the characters liberal and anti-trump but the actors and actresses are...guys the jokes have all been done before on any number of talk shows, late night shows and SNL too the point where we have grown calluses to them.

I am so sorry to say that this episode reminded me of when i had seen Bob Hope during Desert Storm when he came to different compounds to entertain us...we were grateful beyond belief to see him up and about but when he told jokes his once great timing was off and when we laughed it was sadly forced in order not to insult an old beloved friend.

The biggest thing though that really bothered me was when Grace was trying to shut Karen's political views down but then the rest of the episode was "in your face" as far as hers.
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Really Disappointing
Man9920429 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Remember when Will and Grace had cutting edge humor? Remember when it had naughty humor that never went too far?

Prepare to be terribly disappointed by the new version of the program. Sure, the four central characters are there, but somehow they are just not as cool or as "cutting edge" as you remember them.

The biggest disappointment is the quality of the writing. It has become incredibly mean spirited and strident. The central focus of many of these jokes is the current President. But there were also jabs at Nancy Regan,Barbara Bush, Pat Nixon. So this is less a comedy and much more of a "political vendetta". I am not a Republican, and I certainly did not vote for the current Administration, but it made me extremely uncomfortable.

Eleven years hiatus has not made Sean Hayes any more tolerable to watch. Hayes is pushing fifty and he is still pretending to be a twenty-five year old actor playing a part. This was bad enough during the original run of the series, but now it just is very very creepy. The writers should allow the Jack character to act his age.

To be fair, the program had its moments, but they were very few and far between. The writing staff needs to remember they are writing a comedy, and not use this series as a tool to verbally smite political figures they dislike.
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Just what we don't need...
jaynedukes30 September 2017
This episode seemed tired and I was literally weary but relieved when it ended. I enjoyed the show back in it's day, but their time has come & gone. I felt as though I was watching a comedy spoof of CNN. I fully expected Rachel Maddow and Alec Baldwin to appear as characters. Honestly, Debra Messing using the good 'ol Cheetos joke (which the public has heard over & over & over) plus the "Make America Gay Again" hat just landed flat. It came across as trying to hard to be funny but simply not able to bring it to fruition. Nope; I gave the first episode my attention...30 minutes I'll never get back....my bad, time is a terrible thing to waste. Moving away from the "been-there" "done that" "heard it 100+ times already political rhetoric, the story line was simply lame. The characters are too old not to have moved on a bit...the story should have at least been set in a different scenario...the same old, same old after a decade is dull and boring...e.g., no one would recreate "Friends" and have them reiterating their 20-something lifestyle at the age of 45+, e.g., coffee shop rendezvous and ridiculous dates. Having Jack portray an emotionally, immature 25 yr old now that he is 40+ comes off as weird & creepy. I love Karen!! Love her...she needs her own show -- please! The other three - not so much.
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Possibly the worse episode to date
russwrpiujfjuhj9 October 2017
I was super disappointed that instead of writing a good episode, they chose to write a political bash fest that just seemed horribly lame or forced. Also, the forced narrative to catch you up on what happened since the last episode was very rough draft. Horrible writing.

I know the first time back they are going to have to find that groove again, but after watching the first few episodes again after this last night on Hulu it was obvious the cast had more chemistry the first episode they filmed than this.

If it continues like this, the show won't be on long.
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What have they done? This show isn't even remotely funny anymore.
yssoete15 October 2017
I'm sorry, this is a sad moment.

I have watched 3 episodes so far of the new 2017 season, and I'm done.

I have watched all the other episodes of all the seasons at least 4 times now. The old WAG is my favorite show ever.

This new one, it's not. The actors are like trying to be an imitation of themselves, the acting, the plot, the jokes, the laughs of the audience, it's so bad I can't even .... please, just horrible.

Grace looks extremely unlikable, it's like everything is fake about her, even her acting.

I tried very hard and was ready to laugh very hard, instead I was watching the clock, to see when the suffering would be over...

I understand people need and want to make money but this is a complete waste, it's so bad. I'm done. Bye WAG, thank you for the old seasons, let me just forget this new 2017 season ever happened.
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Was this show this bad 11 years ago?
fastpuppy29 September 2017
Was this show this bad 11 years ago? I remember I wasn't a regular viewer but the old show had it's moments.

The Will and Grace reboot is absolutely painful to watch. Hack jokes that may have been edgy 11 years ago just seem forced, painful and out of time today.

As we trudge through the heavy handed political commentary, which seems to be the entire point of this episode, you hope for something, anything, that is lighthearted and funny.
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msudude2228 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I only watched part of it because my roommate was watching it. He changed the channel to something else half way through. The plot was lame. It left me with the question of why? They should have left it where it ended in 2006. They were trying too hard to be funny, it came across as fake.
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hmmm, from a big WAG fan... it's time to call it a day
hanish-085424 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Side Note: I am from the UK.

In it's hay day, I used to absolutely love curling up and getting ready for another episode of WAG... Knowing it was set for a revival, I was ecstatic! But...

From the start, I started to feel that something was just off here. From the political rhetoric, to the same old setting... however with a cast that is hitting and exceeding their 50's was painful to watch. I tried desperately to laugh and enjoy the show, but I just can't do it. I watch re-runs all the time, I love the show that much! But I don't think I could watch a re-run of that.

Megan Mullaly (Karen), however was a fabulous relief! The 4 is purely for her part in the show. Give her a chair and a camera and I will watch all day long! :)

Sean Hayes (Jack), however the opposite... Watching a close to 50yr old man, with the same immature and naive personality just doesn't work!

Sorry team, I love you guys, but please! either change the setting, the direction this show is going in or hang up your boots with a glorious legacy behind you! :)

Yours Truly! A true WAG Fan x
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Kill it now, please.
TK3216 October 2017
Was looking forward to the return of Will & Grace.

Wow. I can't stress how horribly unfunny this was. Not one "joke" was funny.

Low-humor political shots cannot make up for poor acting and even worse writing. Please - quit your day jobs!
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How aren't they getting it yet?
flyingthor30 September 2017
I enjoyed watching W&G reruns back in the day, it was light hearted, semi-intelligent humour with a splash of Jack. A good way to start the day, nestled in between reruns of Frasier and Everybody Loves Raymond.

I read an interview with one of the writers/producers months back where he/she was talking about the current political scene, and how they'd have to make some nod to it. Fine. The world is somewhat different since they were last on-screen. What greets viewers of this episode is simply more unfounded hysteria from hysterical people. It's been going on too long now. I'm not even a US citizen and I'm tired of it.

I can't understand how these people aren't understanding that the majority of their viewers aren't watching to get an insight into the show makers or actors political opinions. We're watching to be entertained. You SELL us your product, we BUY it with our own money, through premium channels, or by watching adverts. At its core it's a business transaction. I don't care about the politics of the person selling me my groceries, or the guy who cleans my house windows, or the company I get my broadband connection from. And they don't care about mine.

Why do you think you're special TV land? And Hollywood for that matter. Haven't you been paying attention? Your ratings are tanking, the Emmys, the VMAs, the Oscars, ratings are plummeting because people aren't willing to BUY a product that's little more than ye all patting yourselves on the backs. We don't care. The TV shows that are put out there simply to lecture its viewers, or the shows that break away from what they were to do so, they're all already suffering, or soon will be.

Will and Grace won't get the viewers if they keep this up. Why would people bother?
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11 years to come up with material. Yet it feels like it was written in a day by Maddow
MickandRorty30 September 2017
That's what Will and Grace thought was best to come back with? Just some tired, old, over-used Trump jokes?

Trump has orange skin? Good one. That's fresh.

A show as big as W&G should not have it's primary comedic force to be divisive tactics. You are alienating half of your audience that feels like you are just belittling out intelligence, all while cracking non-funny Trump jokes that we have all heard 100+ times.

Can we get some non-political activists writing some content in Hollywood? This show should be a light-hearted sitcom, but is very discriminate and judgmental now....which is exactly what the show was OPPOSED TO in the first place, right?

1/10....BAD. This show will die now.
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Some shows just have to be left in the past when they were good
KatooHvdW6 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Like so many I was very excited when I heard W&G was being picked up, but I had some reservations because it felt like all of the story lines were told. And I was right. Eleven years later, all four are still stuck. Stuck in their lives, in their careers and in the same time of age when the show stopped.

Jack and Karen were such fun characters, crazy and over the top, but they balanced well against Will and Grace. You'd think they would mellow, being older, not ever being boring or normal, but not as wild as 11 years ago. Matured maybe, but without losing their wit and quirkiness. On the contrary, they're just plain annoying and stressful now. I sometimes wanted to shout like: O please don't be so childish and ridiculous. To me, it's just not believable that 11 years later, both of them just stayed the same, hyper and loud people. And maybe that was fun 11 years ago, but today I'd like to think that we moved away from the gay stereotype that Jack used to be.

That really goes for Will and Grace as well. They are so boring now, I don't give a hoot for Grace's career as an interior decorator. (decorating the oval room when you're just a company of 3 or 4 people, yeah right... that makes her successful). In one episode Grace even uses Will's gayness as a bribe for getting a job decorating 15 hotels. Well, if it were the other way around (a guy setting up his female business partner with a client to get a job) it would be all over the place. But hey, when you're a woman and you play the gay-card, it's not so bad - and this comes from a woman saying this. Will is no better. OK, so maybe his relationships weren't that successful, but that doesn't mean he has to constantly look for quick, meaningless affairs. I would have liked him by now to have been in a meaningful monogamous relationship (as in, you know, would have been a nice change to the series). But no.

I got tired really soon of all politics and references to today's political climate, the US president, Melania, etc etc... I don't watch comedy shows to get that thrown in my face ALL the time, and I mean this time it's literally present in almost every scene.

So yes, greatly disappointed that the producers, writers and actors didn't take the chance to make this show relevant to 2017. I aged 11 years, but the show and the characters clearly didn't. It's just not relevant anymore. Won't be watching it anymore because after 5/6 episodes it didn't get any better.
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Trite and Predictable
stuntman630 September 2017
Of course if you are a fan of the series (which I was), then you'll be open to the overuse of political "humor" and Trump bashing as you bask in the glow of the return. But It was a cheap hedge by the writers to use this mechanism to add currency to the show's return. Imagine the potential plot lines available just to give in to the obvious temptation. Too much, too heavy and the times have moved way past the innovative stories from a decade ago. Still love the characters.
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chicocasillas23 October 2018
I don't know. I used to love Will & Grace but this was somehow very cringy. I mean, Jack looks old and the character keeps acting as if he was a 30 year old. I don't know, maybe it was just the first episode and all... but I was very disappointed. Don't even know if I'll keep watching it.
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nickingriola26 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The orignal show was great. We finished it and was perfect the way it ended. We were confused when we saw a new series. We've already seen half the 3rd season so we thought we would try it from the beginning. But Why? When people want a reboot, we want it to carry on from the original series. Not act like what happened didn't happen. It's tacky. The show is still funny but with political views. We are disappointed. Honestly, shouldn't have done it. Terrible idea. And it's getting terrible reviews. Its honestly pretty sad. And now they are trying to end it with trying to have kids? WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY KIDDING?! You had your kids! You threw them out of the storyline and Now you got to end with a tacky ending. This reboot had potential and just... Wow..
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Will and Grace return
studioAT31 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
'Will and Grace' returns for a revival series, and one that very quickly wipes out most of the last series of it's original run as being a dream, which is a shame because I quite liked it.

I agree with other reviewers - this episode went a little heavy handed with the political jokes, and Jack being an odd man child at an older age isn't quite as funny as it used to be.

It's an episode that does still display the wonderful chemistry between the cast, and on the whole a good level of writing though.
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