Oceans Rising (2017) Poster


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oreo-3095330 June 2017
Words cannot express how horrible this movie is. There is nothing else to say besides save the 1.5 hours of your life and read a book. The reviewers are now telling me I must write at least five lines for a submission. Seriously, I am 50 years old and this was by FAR the worst movie I have ever seen....and I have suffered through Will Farrell movies. Enough lines yet?
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Oceans Rising: I was rooting for the ocean
Platypuschow17 August 2017
In this brand new shiny Asylum mockbuster we see the earth flooded with no ark in sight! Just two scientists, their small craft and a few people who somehow someway survived the torrents of water.

Being an Asylum movie as you can imagine it's awful! From the sfx, to the cast, to the script, to the entire movies creation.

Ridiculous concept, countless flaws, plot holes and just little to no redeeming features.

I've always said that The Asylum should stick to slapstick comedy as the few bearable movies they've done have come under that category.

When a story about a flood is less realistic than the biblical one, you know you have a problem!

The Good:


The Bad:

Usual Scyfy pseudo science

That bloody kid
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Everything is sooo bad
markus-miikkulainen19 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the IMDb points (6.9) and rented the movie. That cant be bad I thought. After seeing few minutes from beginning I realized that this was just waste of my time and money. I checked the IMDb rating again and noticed that only 30 people had given the rating by that time and half of them gave 10! Those were obviously the whole cast and the other members of staff. I cant call them as directors or film makers when the more correct term should be "con artists". The movie poster shows the statue of liberty mostly under water but of course we won't see anything like that in the movie. The synopsis (made by film makers) tells about the "arch" that is built by a scientist whose warnings are not taken seriously. The "arch" is a MOTOR BOAT! The whole plot and the acting is so unbelievable that one can't even start to criticize it. You can maybe have some kind of an idea of what I am talking about from one scene: There is a kid playing on the floor, a woman comes and tells that his mama has just died. The kid is very sad and cries. Another scene happens on the same site after about 10 minutes. The kid is still playing the same way and looking sad. The same woman enters and asks "What is the matter with you?". The kid answers, that he is sad because "nobody wants him"!! They both just forgot that his mother has just died. That fact did not play any role anymore in their life. This movie is so bad it is not even a good bad movie. It is just a "wanna be" big catastrophic movie with a budget of a small home movie and it really looks like one.
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Worst movie ever made
mujaga11 March 2017
I wish IMDb made a special 0 rating for such a movie. Never in my life have I been this disappointed. I swear I could have made better scenes with a 4K camera with a drone and a small boat. The acting I mean what the f looks like they took a high school drama team and paid them in Doritos. They should all the prosecuted for wasting my time.
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Worst movie I've ever seen!
warriorzlyfe27 February 2017
This is by far the worst movie ever made. There is no huge Arch. It's a motor boat. And the acting. Middle school plays have better acting this stupid movie. I actually stopped watching it when the "great flood" hit them on their boat and he had to go underwater in a pool to cut the rope off then suddenly he's behind a fast moving boat?? Really?? My dog puts on better shows. I do not recommend anyone wasting their money or even time
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So god awful bad it's genius
jd-creativeguy14 May 2017
This gem throws out all factual science, possibility and reality. If you can't completely suspend even limited understanding of what's real, then you're going to absolutely hate this flick.

The script is horrible. The acting is horrible. The direction is horrible. The special effects are horrible. The story itself is completely unbelievable. There's literally a complete lack of anything plausible or redeeming in this film.

It's pure comedic genius if you ask me. If each actor made $500 for being in this film, I would say congrats on robbing the film company for $495 each.
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This is what happens when U.S. citizens blindly pay cable and streaming services.
wingthwong15 May 2017
Can I give this a NEGATIVE 10? The concept of this movie is in 2017, a rather old concept in terms of real science and an even older in sci-fi. The synopsis for this movie is a complete lie. There is no ark built. It's a charter fishing boat that the main character has bought. The budget of this movie must have been only for the camera and effects computer rentals. That this movie is owned by Broken Films LLC is ironically truthful. In almost half a century, I have never seen such horrible acting, script writing, effects, editing, total disrespect to physical time lines and even the very basics of physics that even sci-fi can't explain, and exasperatingly unbelievable character interaction. That SciFi allowed this to make it to viewers makes me wonder the sanity of its top brass. That it wasn't scrapped after reading the initial script is even more disturbing. I would have believed a script that gave the main characters the power of thought to change the earth's polarity a more plausible concept over their mangling of real particle physics. The product of worm riddled brains. Not even good for white noise while you sleep at night.
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Even stoned, it sucked
richflower-6983516 March 2018
One of the worst films I've ever watched. Horrible acting, horrible plot, stupidly fake special effects that even a 6 year old could create. Really. Avoid this film as you only live for so long. you'd be totally wasting 90 minutes of your life if you watch this
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Horrible movie.
xda-152-9807049 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie must be the worst I've ever seen. There should be laws against filming and distributing this crap, timewasting. The acting is not so bad but most scenes and background is unbelievable ridiculous. The boat scene is crap, it is a toy they have filmed in a bathtub or similar, their trip with the boat to Cern is insanely fast and hopeless ridiculous. I see some US users has given this movie a score of 10 and I believe this must be the cast and their family. Avoid this movie ffs.
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OMG So Awful its funny
angus-0840812 May 2017
So terrible!! i actually felt pain and then had to laugh.! i found the special effects were terrible, the pool scenes underwater in a blue pool! then the love scenes staring into each others eyes through computer screen's saying i knew you would do it i love you no it was you that did it i love you no WE did it i love you and i love you too!!! Get me a bucket
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The Comedy That's Not A Comedy
iNickR22 January 2018
There's something terrible about to happen to the world - a giant, Earth-killing wave will soon eradicate nearly everything. Only one man, a scientist no less, can save humanity but the powers that be won't listen to him. So, he does the next best thing: builds an ark that holds exactly 11 people.

It doesn't take too long for this disaster to occur, and when it does Dr. Josh and his loyal colleague, Dr. Pam, are in the right place at the right time - the boat yard! Suddenly, those who doubted Dr. Josh need his help with saving what's left of the planet. Now, the dynamic duo need to get to CERN in Switzerland and accelerate some particles, displace some gravitons, and reset the earth's magnetic field. Can they overcome impossible odds and do the impossible?

"I need three of you guys on the double," shouts Dr.Pam to a group of survivors she and Dr.Josh picked up floating around in the endless sea. "You're going to save the world."

This movie is classified as an "Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller." Well, let's see. Action? Check! Sci-Fi? Hmm, well ok. Thriller? Uhm...sure. How about adding "Comedy"? There are some serious LOL moments that I don't think are scripted as LOL moments. This is such an awesomely bad movie, and I think it actually takes pride in being that dreadful. The CGI is so awful it's mind-blowing.

Nonetheless, we need these kinds of atrocious movies to be more thankful for the ones that are bad, but not this bad. Therefore, when we see movies like "Sharnado (2013)", or the classic "Pootie Tang (2001)", we'll know that things can get worse. Quite worse.

TWO things you'll LIKE about "Oceans Rising": 1) If you're in a bad mood, this movie will cheer you up. 2) The next movie you see after this one will be better because they can't possible get worse than this one.

TWO things you'll DISLIKE: 1) The movie itself. 2) Whomever recommended it to you
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Kudos to the Makers!!!
rahmanadhikari17 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! What a movie. Kudos to the entire team involved in this film. The Avenger series; Avatar - those big Hollywood movies who has an extra large budget - you need to learn from this film.

I was diagnosed with insomnia a couple of weeks earlier. But this movie cured me out of it. It was one of the best sleep I ever had, even though it was only for ninety minutes in my entire life, even though it was only for ninety minutes and I owe it to this film. This guys, is called a scientific movie. It heals.

For all of you who is giving this a negative review, screw you. Do you know how difficult is it to make a movie this boring? Do you have any idea? People like Nolan and Scorcese are out there making movies that makes sense, and its too cliché. We wanted something fresh, something too far from reality, and "Oceans Rising" gave it to me.

To be fair, I thought this was going to be a fourth sequel from Ocean's series. But this is waaaaay too ahead of ocean's series. This movie is a genre of its own.

And for those who are thinking to watch this movie - there is a thing you can do with a DVD. You can make a Frisbee out of it. Go ahead, try it. Try throwing the DVD as far as you can. And the next person who gets that thrown DVD, throw it again. Let us see how far it makes.
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sfinancing12 May 2017
The poor special effects are rivaled by the horrible acting, lame script, poor science and dismal directing. Free on Netflix and still feel that I paid way too much.

I went in looking for a good point and never found one. Even from a B movie perspective this one is just a waste of time. Save a brain cell and rewatch a Sharknado...at least you can get a chuckle there.
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wow bad even for syfy
zzoaozz25 May 2017
The acting is awful, just awful. A high school drama club could do better. The script is ridiculous. The science doesn't even pretend to make sense and the dialogue is completely unrealistic. The worst thing though is the special effects. The tiny model boat they use for the ocean scenes doesn't look anything at all like a real boat, let alone the boat the people are in. The ocean even looks fake. I don't know for sure but it looks like the ocean scenes might have been filmed in a kiddy pool with a fan blowing over the surface. It was not funny enough to be funny, campy enough to be another Sharknado, or good enough to be a time killer movie. Really, really bad.
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Where can I start?
headtripfilmsfr13 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so awful and the acting is so bad, it should be categorized as comedy. The movie does not make any sense. The dialogues in the whole movie do not make sense. The description of the movie is nowhere near what the movie is about. There is no ark, he doesn't build one either. He has a fishing boat which somehow makes it from Galveston, TX to Switzerland in less than a day. Half of the earth is covered in water and the sun has destroyed earth's satellites, but somehow they have cellphone reception and internet where they go. The CGI scenes are so amateur it looks like some teenager who's just learning how to do fx's did it. I cannot even begin to describe the acting. It looks like a fifth grade play script. Nothing makes sense in the whole movie. There's a scene where one of the flood survivors dies and it's so bad acted it's hilarious and about 10 minutes pass and the lady goes to see how the woman's boy is doing and she sees him sad and she asks the boy"what's wring? Why are you so sad?" And the little boy tells her he's sad cause nobody loves him AND I'm over here like: wait a minute, didn't that kid's mother just die? I guess the lady and the little boy forgot about that in just 10 minutes. I tell you, whoever wrote this movie deserves to be fired and whoever directed it needs to practice something else because direction is not his strength. Ohhhh! And somehow they managed to build a mile long circle with sandbags where water can't come through but somehow water could destroyed the rest of the world, and all this was built in less than hours which is the time they had. Bottom line, what a waste of time this movie is.
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By far worst movie ever....
pixelhuntersofnorway17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am glad I spent the money for renting this movie! Why you say, when its the crappiest movie ever!? Well, only because I never before woken in the middle of the night, and just started laughing, thinking of how TERREBLY bad this Movie is ;) As it has been listed by others, the text and Picture is way of, he don't build an arc, but he has bought an old motor boat tall as a sky scraper, not the boat type you want if you expect a sunami! One of my favorite scenes is after the sunami hit and they are driving around picking up people from ocean, they spot a mian in an inflatable boat in the middle of the ocean, he wonders if they have any food, wen the confirm this he agrees to come on board (as if its a gesture to everyone else????) The boat however is incredible fast, one scene the main character is asked how far it is to the place they are going, you can see they drive slow cruising speed (idle rev) but he claims they go 38 knots at the time, This boat is not built for that kind of speed, and if they went that fast, the man would be steering the boat instead of being outside. After they drop of the female main character and someone else, the people in the boat have to go to the other side of the eart to find another proton accelerator cannon, good thing they have a super fast boat, because after a short short while, they are middle between USA and Europe?? The next day, they have sailed 5200 km to Switzerland (altough this country has no coastline), they arrive at a beach, drive a van up an hill, then they are in the Alps! Everey thing about this movie is so crappy, I will almost recommend that you see it yourself ;)
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Should have been allowed to sink.
paulcreeden13 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What exactly is this? It rivals some of the worst parody films ever made, but seems like it is trying to be scientific and profound. Was it written by a 12 year old? Special effects out of the 1960's. Totally improbable premises. Actors who look like they are waiting for Guffman. Like watching a slow motion train wreck. You want to look away but you are fixated by total disbelief. Don't get trapped. Hit the exit button before it's too late.
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90 minutes of my life I will never get back with spoilers
liviaellis9 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Half of the world is destroyed, but yet they have international cellphone coverage. Oh - and they took a fishing boat from what remains of the United States to Switzerland. There was also perfectly coiffed hair, a tragic orphan, science that makes no sense, a thirty year old United States President, and a hot physicist. I despair. What happened to the SyFy channel that produced FarScape, Warehouse 13, Eureka, and Battlestar Galactica?
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Oh, I see. No one bothered to reference the world map.
Jaynicia9924 November 2017
Yeah, in 100% agreement with everyone here, but the thing that bothered me the most when she said that Bangladesh was under water. Because, you know, if Bangladesh was under water, then so should every country or island north of the Indian Ocean or even the Bay of Bengal. No, they singled out Bangladesh. Seriously - what an odd reference to make in a disaster movie. Of all the countries on the Southeast Rim that people look at as an exotic or scientific destination, this is what they came up with?

No disrespect to Bangladesh, but really? This was a decent movie title wasted on a piece of junk vehicle like this. I don't remember turning the channel, but before I knew it I was watching reruns of Little House on the Prairie. Idunno; I needed to be with something that was wholesome and made sense in my world. I've seen better quality Youtube movies shot with an old Razr phone on a selfie stick. Even in a science fiction, fantasy, disaster...what is this movie's genre? - anyway, #ThisIsWhyResearchIsImportant
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In a word, dreadful
Leofwine_draca2 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
OCEANS RISING is another dreadful disaster movie from The Asylum which is about a Biblical flood affecting mankind. The hero of the hour is a guy who builds a modern-day Noah's ark in order to survive impending disaster, and of course the powers that be don't believe him. The film is a mix of trite dialogue, clumsy plotting, bad acting, and typically terrible CGI effects; the whole thing is drawn-out, mindless, and a chore to sit through.
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It's The Best Movie Ever!
kascha-klaussen9 May 2017
Rarely do you get to see such a wonderful action packed and well acted movie as this one. It's truly a gift that keeps on giving. Just look at all of the one of kind things you get to experience:

1) 265 foot sea level rises that completely swallow entire continents and completely toss the interior of a 25 foot boat, while allowing the man outside of it to hold onto lines one handed and simply climb aboard.

2) In the aforementioned scene, said boat is dry docked one second and in the next is at least 8 miles out to sea in glass smooth water, and the man has been underwater the whole time it was getting there.

3) Obvious day sailors in small sailboats in the distance, and only two survivors shown in water with no visible method of them having gotten out there.

4) 28-30 year old Lindsay Wagner double as President of the US

5) Ozone holes that burn people below decks yet can't penetrate a plastic window in the bridge to burn the star actress, and that disappear in time for romantic scenes on the bow.

6) Single row sandbags stacked 60 feet high in less than two hours by a group of 9 people that are expected to hold back the entire Atlantic Ocean with no bracing.

7) Aforementioned 25' boat that makes it from Long Island to Switzerland in a single day and night on a single tank of gas.

8) Surreal levels of unrealistic science purporting to explain how a Hadron Collider controlled remotely can generate two black holes and control them, restarting the Earth's magnetic field.

9) Death Star - like laser effect as the magnetic field recovers itself in less than 5 seconds worldwide.

10) Black holes out of control within station, but the lead actress can outrun hers since they have absolutely no effect outside of the computer and adjoining rooms.

11) Axe-actuated single cable disconnection feature.

12) Survivors who have absolutely no idea what's going on with the molecular physics the entire movie who high five with complete understanding when it works.

13) Tiny weird Gandhi - like scientist who needs to get up on a chair to tell 8 people that the lead actor saved the world

14) Lead actress who takes 480KW of power through an ax blade and then wakes up pretty much in time to wink and thumbs up the camera.

15) Boat that throughout the movie is portrayed during outside shots using a small model in a tank.

And much much more!

You must see this movie. It is the finest example of film making ever produced. Even finer than Zombie 90 and Black Sheep! No seriously! Even Better! Don't take my word. Rent now!
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brian-verrico20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It will bring a smile to your face. At one point during the movie, I needed another beer. Usually, when we're watching something, we don't bother pausing while I go downstairs and get a beer. This movie was too good to not pause. Like a train wreck.

Seriously though, my girlfriend and I haven't stopped talking about it since the first few minutes that we watched it and that rarely happens.

I can't really put my finger on what my favorite part is but here's a few noteworthy ones: 1) Phil's 9-mile anchor throw when they reached the shores of France 2) The hard-of-hearing old man not understanding what a life preserver was 3) The hard-of-hearing old man speaking French to save the day when all he said was that he doesn't speak French and he's hard of hearing 4) (Maybe my favorite one) When the main character, upon hearing that the double-black-hole theoretical models weren't working IMMEDIATLEY suggested to the guy in charge of CERN that he should use a different formula in his calculations and then they laughed that of course THAT would save the planet! (followed by huge smiles and some hand clapping) 5) When he suggested the same to Pam back at Boulder (not actually sure where she was but I think Boulder) and she also laughed that yep, that'll do it! (nodding her head at how smart he is - wasn't he a geologist and not an astrophysicist? 6) (This may be my favorite now that I think about it) When the kid was feeling down because his mom just got toasted and Pam comes in to ask him what's wrong. I so wish he had answered, "Umm, I'll give you three guesses." 7) Any scene showing the boat in rough water 8) They made it from Galveston to Boulder to France all on one tank of gas and never got hungry or thirsty 9) The old man again (and you've really gotta pay attention during this scene) when main character and Pam were talking via video feed at the exciting climax, the old man's acting in that scene where he's looking back and forth between the two was spectacular (also, how did video feed work when all satellites were knocked out of commission?) 10) The main character claiming he "built" that boat. He had THREE YEARS to build it and somehow made it exactly the same as a nondescript fishing charter boat 11) The old man being briefly seasick then going back below deck with nary a concern (I obviously love the old man) 12) The fact that NO ONE is at all concerned that most of humanity and all plant and animal life is extinct - I've been through a few hurricanes and can tell you that there's very rare moments of levity during those times. These people who presumably lost their entire families and friends had seemingly zero concerns about anyone or anything else 13) Greg's shooting the main character and then being totally forgiven, gun was never spoken of or shown again 14) Main character saying that Greg was now in charge because he was the one with the gun (which only lasted a few seconds) immediately after he was shot 15) The Asian guy's ponytail 16) The weight of the cardboard moving boxes filled with beef stroganoff (gotta be paying attention to how he handles them as he's moving them on board - apparently beef stroganoff doesn't weigh much) 17) back to the boat - why not build something a little bigger? Like a barge. Or steal something bigger? You know that the world will end soon so what have you got to lose? Slowly fill it with extra diesel and stockpile canned food AND water on it? I mean that was the main focus of your life for three years. 18) The 60-foot seawall that approximately 10 people slapped together in a few hours with obviously freshly-purchased scaffolding (note how new it is) 19) The Hispanic angry mother who said that she and her son would help build the wall (I think the line was, "Now you've got 3 and a half.") did absolutely nothing to help 20) You have to watch closely for this one but when Pam cut the power line, watch how the axe just bounces off yet somehow she managed to completely sever it and electrocute herself and die (for a few minutes only)

There's much much more to say: Madam President's lack of concern with the actual problem at hand - merely looking to blame someone for not warning her ahead of time, main character's spit during dialog scene about 3 minutes in to the movie, bald guy being only one to suffer 2nd degree burns when the sun blasted them due to no atmosphere yet canvas on boat and others who were outside are fine, lack of actually throwing things out of the boat to make it "700" pounds lighter, that whole dramatic bilge pumping/throwing things overboard (which never actually happens!) scene really, and, you've got to ask yourself after all is said and done, what happens next? Isn't the sun continuing to blast the earth with Earth-ending solar flares? Wouldn't there be some post apocalyptic roving bands of survivors with guns who would enslave people/hoard the few remaining foodstuffs and potable drinking water?

But you need to watch it in order to truly understand. If after watching it, you've questioned your sanity as to how this could actually be a movie, you're not alone. In fairness though, I couldn't make a movie as good as this one as I only have my cell phone camera and not sure where my local community theater is. I THINK i could write a better script but I've honestly never tried so can't be certain on that. And while this had to be relatively low budget for a movie, I don't think i could talk myself or anyone else into spending money on putting together something of this magnitude.

Back to my first statement though, we have not stopped talking about it and I'm guessing (knowing what goofy idiots my girlfriend and I are), we're NOT going to stop talking about it for a long time. She keeps saying, "Hey Sport, what's wrong?" in reference to the kid being sad two minutes after he's found out that his mom got toasted. I'll never forget this movie so obviously they did something right.
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These reviews are better than actual movie.
jroyle-209571 May 2018
After watching this movie on Netflix, i couldn't believe how terrible it was. Worst movie I've ever watched. I went to check the reviews to see if i was the only one... but No! There's not one review that's good about it.. what were the producers thinking about? I've enjoyed all these funny reviews more than oceans rising. All the actors careers are now over!
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Because the end is near?...
paul_haakonsen12 July 2017
I do like catastrophe movies and natural disaster movies, however the vast majority of these movies turn out to be disasters themselves. And when I saw that this was a SyFy Channel and The Asylum collaboration, then I must admit that my expectations immediately dropped from mediocre to none. Why? Well, just look at the history of movies that have been spawned by The Asylum; not exactly the best of track records.

Regardless, I still continued on and progressed to watch "Oceans Rising", on the snowballs chance in Hell that this might actually turn out to be a good and enjoyable movie. At least I could be nothing but positively surprised by it with an expectation level of zero. But still, I was sitting with the impression that this will be one of those types of disaster movies where the entire world is in peril and a small group of people manage to thwart this and save the world from massive destructive natural forces. And that impression turned out to be true, and even the character Pam cemented that when she said "You're Earths last hope, Josh." Yeah, she actually said that!

And we are off to a positive start at least, with a cast ensemble of unfamiliar faces. That is something that I actually do enjoy in a movie, because I find it refreshing to see new talents, and who knows there might actually be some budding talents here waiting to sprout and impress. So that was a definite plus in my book.

One thing that really bugged me about "Oceans Rising" was the camera work, because the camera was constantly in motion. I loathe that kind of presentation of a movie, because it just has that whole home-made and low budget feel to it. Sure, some enjoy that; I don't! If I invest money and time into watching a movie, then I expect to be properly entertained by something that passes as a proper movie, and not by something that feels like I could have very well be the one who made it. So points off for the questionable camera work that was used throughout the course of "Oceans Rising".

And being a production from The Asylum, of course "Oceans Rising" came with some more than questionable CGI and special effects. But that hardly comes as a surprise, especially if you are familiar with the many, many movies that The Asylum has put out there.

As for the acting, well people were doing adequate jobs actually, despite having a generic script and weak storyline to work with. So they definitely had their limitations to struggle with in terms of having something worthwhile to guide them and steer them in the right direction.

I was somewhat baffled that there were no casualties and debris floating around in the wake of the first massive wave that Struck, especially with the sheer size of that wave. It just felt so amateurish and laughable. And even more so that it just came out of nowhere and with no alarms or warnings issued by the government instances.

Character-wise then "Oceans Rising" was adequate, at least in terms of disaster movies go. Generic and stereotypical? Sure. But they served the movie and storyline well enough.

Most of the movie took place on a small boat with a handful of people, so it was fairly limited in terms of story development, character growth and general ability for the movie to maintain interest from the audience. So this wasn't a particularly great accomplishment from writer and director Adam Lipsius.

After having watched "Oceans Rising" then I am still waiting for the day to come when a hundred foot tall fake CGI wave to come and wash me away.
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just awful
courtjes11 June 2017
Encouraging they used a female President. But then they made her too young, too impatient and clueless. (Chelsea?) Terrible acting. The trip to Galveston looked like it was taken from a cheap mobile phone camera.At least the old Japanese horror flicks had a sense of humor. Ocean's Rising takes itself serious but doesn't deliver. Total waste of time.Try again Netflix, you have done some great shows.
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