The Standoff at Sparrow Creek (2018) Poster

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Super underrated
liambarreta3 March 2021
This movie is very underrated but is not perfect. The performances are great as well as the cinematography. The story is pretty solid some points are a little weak. Character development is good although you only get to know about 3 or 4 characters really well. If it was a little longer with better character development I would rate it a 8. Also the twist (no spoilers) kind of ruins the opening for me. One I first watched it those gunshots he hears are chilling. But once you watch it again (for me at least) it isn't as good. But this is a solid thriller and people should check it out. It's on Hulu.
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A Damm Fine Effort
northernpaladin11 April 2021
Sometimes indie films can be a little self indulgent and wayward but not so here. This is an assured and confident piece of work from a first time feature director and I will be looking out for more of his work.

Essentially a one set multi player piece held together by some taut direction and solid performances by Dale & Mulkey in particular, which doesn't try to be too clever.

The opening scenes place us in an unfolding story without exposition and treats the audience as intelligent beings who will follow along and listen and learn - great🙂 The plot has a couple of twists but nothing unreal and the denouement is tragic and moving. As a commentary on the place America currently finds itself in, particularly after the January events in the capital, it is apt and believable.

At 90 something minutes this well worth the investment, give it a go.
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So close to amazing.
Colemanation19 January 2019
There is an amazing film here that the writer/director didn't actually get on film. The cast is solid and the direction is fine. The writing falters here and there. There are story lines that needed to be fleshed out a bit. Some of it seems a little implausible but only because there isn't enough attention given to details. I'm not bashing the writer/director. He did a fine job; better than most would. I actually look forward to what he has in store. I just can't help but feel this could have been a mind-blowing film in more, I dunno, seasoned hands.
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The Standoff at Sparrow Creek (2019) - 7.9
Bonnell722 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Standoff at Sparrow Creek (2019) - 7.9

Act 1 - 7.5

Act 2 - 7.7

Act 3 - 8.4

Local militia meets in a warehouse after an attack on a police force at a funeral by what seems to be one of their own

One is a former cop and one is an undercover cop who was assigned here to take down the militia who is obviously dangerous

People in the militia feel they can do the cops jobs better than them

Ex cop interrogates other members to get info and figure out who did it

Militia attacks are starting to turn up all around the country on the same day on cops

Some want to keep peace with the cops some want to use this to go to war with them

Tense really good moment when a cop shows up

The cops that know about the undercover cop have all died from other attacks leaving him in a dangerous situation

Conversations and characters are great and thrilling

Ex cop gets two confessions but they both get critical info incorrect exonerating them

Turns out that Noah is the ex cops brother and he did it

Cops get the location of this militia due to the ex cops planning

Shootout scene was very well executed, felt the tension

In a final twist Noah and the cops set up all of this with a sting operation and a fake attack and fake news

It was a plan to get rid of some undesirables of society who had the potential to be dangerous

Ex cop got confessions from people who did nothing but all had plans and wanted to

Good social commentary at the end

Great acting all around

Amazing dialogue and characters that get flushed out through thorough conversations

Has a Reservoir Dogs feel to it with an undercover cop in an abandoned warehouse as they all start in fighting trying to figure out who killed people

A nice mystery that unfolds

Highly recommended
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A solid debut effort with only a few flaws
jtindahouse9 July 2019
I'm a big fan of single-location mystery/thrillers. They have produced some of my favourite movies in fact over the years. There's just something about them. I think it stems down to the fact that the director doesn't have the variety in locations to drive his movie, so he has to use the story and dialogue to carry things. Give me that any day of the week. 'The Standoff at Sparrow Creek' won't go down in the category of greats, but it's a pretty solid effort from a debut filmmaker.

The film is very dark for a large majority of the runtime. It can be quite difficult to tell what exactly is going on at certain points. There's a decent sized cast for a clearly low-budget film. Some of the characters are really interesting, others not so much. The interesting ones luckily have the most screen time and carry the weaker ones when they share a scene.

There are some really strong lines of dialogue in this movie too. Some of them caught me off-guard by just how thought-provoking they were. They film does sometimes struggle to justify its already short runtime and it feels like things are being stretched out just a little at times. All in all though I had a good time with 'The Standoff at Sparrow Creek' and if this is where writer/director Henry Dunham is starting his career then the sky is the limit.
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It isn't Shakespeare, but it isn't bad either.
tjsuf26 January 2019
I get that people either hate movies or love them, but this was a middle of the line movie. It had a pretty decent story, with a good twist at the end. Th acting was done very well, and the writing was decent. Yes the cinematography could have been better, but for a low budget movie, I think it was pretty good. It isn't a 10, but it aint a 2. If you want a movie that gives you some action, (but is shot in one location like reservoir dogs, so it can get a little slow), and is an ok thriller then this is your movie. It is a good Monday night movie. 6.4
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larrys322 May 2019
Certainly intriguing enough to keep me engrossed throughout and it kept me guessing. But some of the plot elements were nonsensical and the ending seemed more convoluted than it needed to be. Good debut for the writer and director Henry Dunham.
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Not as expected ...
npjy8330 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has no introduction, no character build up, it commences right from the beginning of the first scenes. In a who-dunnit esk style premise, the story is not as "gripping" as others have rated it. The story is hard to follow in some parts, and the ending is open to your own interpretation with no explanation. There are a few intense parts within the movie to keep you awake from the much boring dialogue throughout. I wanted to like this movie, and in parts the movie did have intriguing scenes, however in total it was a complete let down in my opinion.

The movie is based and filmed 97% within one warehouse. With a group of men demanding answers from one another in continuous dialogue with very little action scenes. The scenes within the warehouse is very dark and in some parts of the movie the lighting is so bad, at first I thought my screen was bad and attempted to put the brightness up.

I will not jump on the "best movie of the year" bandwagon as others have however, as this movie wasn't as good as I had hoped, perhaps the four stars I gave is generous. It has a disappointing ending which leaves you scratching your head. If your in the mood for a quiet night in and the choice is this movie or a good mystery novel, then chose to read.
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kirbylee70-599-5261794 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
With the abundance of mega-budgeted, star studded films being released each year there are a ton of smaller films that gain little notice but that possess more storytelling than those same effects laden flicks we flock to at the nearby theater. Fortunately we have access to those movies, movies that deserve more attention than they receive, once they hit DVD. One such movie is THE STANDOFF AT SPARROW CREEK.

Alone and listening automatic fire and explosions ex-officer and now militia member Gannon (James Badge Dale) turns on his police scanner and hears that a militia group has gunned down a number of officers at the funeral of one of their own. Taking off he heads for the headquarters of his militia group where the founding members have gathered to find out what is going on.

The group is limited in number, about 6 in total, and no one claims to have led this attack. But one gun is missing as well as several explosives. Ford (Chris Mulkey), the leader of the group, finds himself able to trust Gannon and asks him to put his police talents to work, questioning the others to find out who launched the attack.

One by one each is interrogated and each has their own story to tell. We learn the most likely suspect lost his family and the response from the police was less than helpful. Another had to move after having killed someone in his home state. Each man has the potential to be the culprit but they also have possible alibis.

As the night wears on more problems arise. Militia groups around the country inspired by these events have begun their own attacks on local police forces. They see it as an uprising against the system. Deciphering the clues is what Gannon is left with as he attempts to find out who the guilty party was, save the group from being destroyed by a vengeful police force and stopping the madness across the country.

The movie works on various levels and plays out it an amazing way. Taking place almost completely in a few rooms at a lumber mill the leader owns there is little action on display here and plenty of dialogue that examines each man and his motives for being there. In addition to that we learn early on that one of the members is a plant sent in by the police months ago. But even he has the potential of being the one to start it all. As Gannon goes through the list of suspects deciding who the guilty party was doesn't become as easy as one would expect. The ending is even more surprising.

Led by Dale and Mulkey every single performance here is outstanding. Every actor on board brings their character to life and has you moving back and forth from anger to sympathy and then confusion. You find them all believable and at times can understand what would have driven them to this madness and membership. But would it be enough to make someone start a potential civil war? The only way to find out is to watch this film, a movie worth your time and attention.
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Not bad, but not for everyone
nightringer-768401 July 2019
For those who love stage-liked story telling, this one is good. But obviously not for everyone. It is enjoyable and seriously well-written.
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Just Ok
gloopy-4523919 January 2019
Not sure about these real high ratings on this one, explain this edge of the seat thriller, high intensity film you are all watching?. It's mediocre, slow, nothing much happens and that's about it.Guess everyone is different but to me this is just a one to watch when you run out of time and find nothing else before you stumble across this.
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Tense, Suspenseful, and Exciting Paranoid Thriller
zardoz-1325 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The title of writer & director Henry Dunham's feature film debut "The Standoff at Sparrow Creek" is reminiscent of the classic John Sturges paranoid conspiracy thriller "Bad Day at Black Rock" (1955) with its alliterative title. Initially, "Militia" served as the preproduction title, but Dunham may have rejected it as too conventional. Mind you, little about this gripping, provocative melodrama qualifies as conventional. Basically, "Standoff" focuses on an anti-government militia group under police scrutiny, and law enforcement's mounting concern about their trigger-happy membership. Trouble flares up suddenly when an anonymous individual in combat garb shoots up a police funeral, and the men in blue suffer multiple casualties. Miraculously, not only does the charmed individual who perpetrated this attack elude authorities, but he also makes it back to his militia outfit without a scratch. When fellow militia members assemble after the fracas, they cannot account for one missing fully-automatic AR-15 assault rifle in their illicit arsenal at a remote lumber warehouse. Despite its all-male, all-white cast, "Standoff" benefits from Dunham's strong, forceful helming, his snappy dialogue, and lenser Jackson Hunt's sinister cinematography. Apart from some trifling plot contrivances, "The Standoff at Sparrow Creek" is tense, exciting, and surprise-laden. Indeed, the subject matter of an anti-government militia is as relevant to audiences as today's headlines. Moreover, Dunham doesn't complicate this above-average thriller with arguments either for or against militia as much as contemplate the anomalous individuals who drum up reasons to join these fringe groups. Ultimately, Dunham shuns pyrotechnical spectacles until the police and the militia clash briefly during the dramatic final quarter. Throughout imaginative, white-knuckled, 89 minutes, writer & director Dunham sidesteps material which would have made this nail-biter not only formulaic but also predictable. Happily, he has done a praiseworthy job of paring the story down to its absolute, essential components. Not surprisingly, the suspense and tension that "Standoff" generates rivals similar low-budget features such as "Reservoir Dogs" and "The Usual Suspects."

One of the militia members is a former profiler, Gannon (James Badge Dale of "13 Hours"), who left the force and sought serenity in the wilderness. He hunts wildlife for game, cooks it, and lives the life of a recluse. Gradually, we learn more about Gannon as well as his momentous decision to quit the police after fellow officers pressured him to kill a suspect to reassure them about his loyalty. Gannon is the first militia member we see. He emerges from his trailer and listens to the distant crackle of gunfire. Actor James Badge Dale delivers a spellbinding performance. The leader of the militia, Ford (Chris Mulkey of "Ghost in the Machine"), contacts Gannon and five others about a rendezvous at a lumber warehouse in the boondocks. After they complete an inventory of their arsenal of firearms and explosives, they come up short one AR-15. Reports about similar militia outbreaks, such as at the cemetery, surprise them. Ford orders their own communication expert, Beckman (Patrick Fischler of "Mulholland Drive"), to notify neighboring extremist groups that his chapter was not responsible for the shooting. Afterward, Ford assigns Gannon the task of ferreting out which of them took the assault rifle and blasted away at the police. One of them must have committed the crime because only the seven knew about the elaborate security measures the militia had installed to maintain arsenal safety. Gannon chooses the two most likely suspects who might have done this dirty deed. One of those two is Morris (Happy Anderson of "Duplicity"), and Gannon's questions and observations yield a quick confession. Morris is an Aryan Nation heavyweight, with a lifelong grudge against law enforcement. Essentially, the person who saw a gang rape and kill his daughter was an undercover cop who refused to testify since he would have blown his cover. Interestingly, Happy provides Gannon with a detailed confession. Meanwhile, the other suspect is a tight-lipped, 23-year old college student named Keating (Robert Aramayo of "Nocturnal Animals"). Out of the entire group, Keating is an enigma because he rarely speaks. Indeed, the others believe Keating is a deaf mute, until Gannon penetrates his hard-bitten facade. Meantime, Ford is worried about another member, Noah (Brian Geraghty of "Jarhead"), but Gannon has no qualms about him. As it turns out, Noah is not only a cop, but he is also Gannon's brother. Ford and Gannon figure if they can identify the guilty member among them, then they can hand him over to the authorities and suffer the least consequences. Predictably, nothing turns out to be as cut and dried in Dunham's screenplay as these militia men are prone to imagine.

Apart from its alliterative title, "The Standoff at Sparrow Creek" is one of those movies that gets to the point fast and doesn't waste time piling up superfluous complications in both character and plot. All seven militia members show up at the warehouse and analyze the shooting incident and what it means to them as well as law enforcement. Although it depicts an extremist group, "Standoff" doesn't stoop to hate ideology. Races, creeds, and national identities are not bandied about. The literate dialogue is laced with profanity, but each line contains vital expository information. Since the action strands the cast in a warehouse, with an illuminating flashback about Gannon's past, "Standoff" never wanders off its narrative course. Nevertheless, you'll pull your hair out trying to figure out who crashed the police funeral. The tension that escalates among the men about their own private Judas evokes memories of the suspense in John Carpenter's sci-fi/horror, cult thriller "The Thing." A shape-shifting extraterrestrial, in "The Thing" (1984), infiltrates a scientific expedition in the Antarctic and duplicates one after another of their group to evade capture. Consequently, the scientists must flush it out, but paranoia undermines the group's unity. Despite its obvious low-budget, with the action confined to one dominant setting, "The Standoff at Sparrow Creek" keeps you guessing, while Dunham forges an aura of eerie paranoia and tantalizing suspense.
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Highly relevant movie now...
fatamorgana-4020815 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie came out in 2018. It may have meant one thing back then, but right now I think this movie is extremely relevant and is far better than the bad reviews it's received.

This movie is NOT an action movie. It is a drama centered around a militia group that has gathered in a hideout after a mass shooting attack against the police. The characters immediately realize that one of their own militia members is most likely responsible for the attack and the rest of the movie is about the interrogation by an informant to find the culprit.

The mood and tension are good. The actors do a decent job to bring the subject matter to life. And the writing is something that may have been unrelatable five years ago. But, today, it should resonate with every viewer. It's a not-so-subtle inquiry into what rights citizens should be allowed to have and what rights to safety they are promised. And I think it poses the question without ever preaching or deciding for the viewer what the correct answer is. It simply tells a story and leaves the rest up to you...if you stick through this one, I think you'll enjoy it.
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Talk about a stalemate...
gabriel_sanchez26 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A reported shooting at a cop funeral makes all policemen hunt down all militia men, and one team of militia men find themselves in conflict when it's clear that one of them did the attack.

This movie should have been called "The Interrogation at Sparrow Creek", because it's pretty much what this movie is about. Throughout the entire movie, all we are up to is Gannon showcasing his worst on interrogation tactics. Even Ford, who strikes me as one of those brainless tough bosses, puts Gannon in his place showing that he's being dumb on his assumptions.

It does not take long for one to realise what's going on. When you get that, most of the movie seems kinda just a bunch of filler being throw in for the finale to take place. It has its curveballs, but it's kinda weak. Because of its length, most facts are just shout out faster than Gannon's choice on who's the killer.

Kudos for Robert Aramayo's Keating persona. He does a hell of a job.

Visuals are kinda bad. Most of the movie is dark and it's hard to see most things. Then again, pretty much no action happens; it's mostly just people talking and gathering or spitting out facts.

It's just an OK movie.
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The local militia members turned out to be
MovieIQTest25 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Either so old or so fat or so middle aged or so young around 20+, a mute guy. Well, just tell me how foolish this role creations were? Why they just smelled the hands, arms, and the body see if there're traces of gunpowder generated and left behind after the multiple shootings with AR15? These guys hid in a timber warehouse, chatting, guessing, gossiping, puzzling about the possibility of the shooting suspect. Then one of the guys said there's a car rushing down to the warehouse, lights out! But where were all these guys pickup trucks and vehicles? We saw they parked the car in front of the warehouse, but didn't see any of them drove their cars inside.

The stupid screenplay and the scenario just wanted to created some highly unlikely plots to fool the audiences but it just felt so unreal and illogic. This movie was just so weirdly, moronic stupid. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME, GUYS.
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The twist changed the whole perspective
SoumikBanerjee199621 March 2024
A tight screenplay effectively nurtures anticipation; it efficiently builds up tension and does not let go until the very last frame. The performances too, whilst not noteworthy on individual grounds, seemed to have worked wonders from a collective viewpoint.

Thrillers confined to one singular location tend to lack substance to work with; they often risk running out of ideas and 'fresh' events as the story gradually moves forward. Unfortunately, this too had suffered the same fate, only salvaged by the well-paced, no-nonsense script!

P. S. The ending twist changed the entire perspective, it turned the whole story upside down, I liked that!
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Perfectly Slightly Above Average
kitcatch3 April 2019
The tense conversations between characters are where this film shines, the dialogue is tense and gripping. James Badge Dale and Robert Aramayo standout in a film full of excellent performances by a cast of lesser known actors. My only complaint is the relationship and quick backstory of two characters that lead to a ending that felt incredibly far fetched in an otherwise grounded film that has a lot to say about relevant and timely subjects.
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indy-3916 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty tense combination of "Reservoir Dogs' and "The Thing" that really is interesting for it's overtly political bent. Released in 2018, the film lays out what happens when everyone decides to take the law into their own hands and resorts to vigilante like behavior (especially law enforcement). Seen through the lens of the ever growing distrust of those who claim to protect us the "twist" in this is obvious fairly early in the film (well, it's obvious to at least half the population anyway).

Performances are very good and while the story might be too short to fill the running time it's still a worthy watch.
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OK but that's all!
doorsscorpywag20 January 2019
Seems more like a play than a movie and is well enough acted. I liked the performance of young Ned Stark Robert Aramayo who for me was the standout with his small contribution to the story.

The tale overall was pretty implausible but it made an interesting 90 minutes. Certainly not as brilliant as some of the reviews say and the ending was a bit daft.

Still worth a watch all the same.
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Fast Flowing and Gripping Gun Culture Thriller
Blue-Grotto3 October 2018
Militia members gather underground in the aftermath of a mass shooting to discover something disturbing. An AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, the type used in the attack, is missing from their cache. Interrogations ensue, tempers flare and threats fly as they try to discover who among them knows something before the police arrive. Confusion, mistrust and fear spike as word comes that an extensive plot is underway and neighboring militias are involved in something ominous. Everything depends on where and who the information comes from and truth is in short supply.

This fast flowing and gripping gun culture thriller contains a wonderful cast of characters including a lone wolf, informant, tech geek, ex police officer, quirky and enigmatic leader, old timer and white supremacist with a criminal past. Lines are delivered like rifle fire and it takes concentration to follow the action. There is pleasing depth in this dialogue and intriguing mystery about where the conversations will take the story. Actions seem plausible and the actors are more than convincing. Lots of testosterone and guttural grunting all around. The film was shot in Dallas. This was according to the director who was at this world premiere and midnight madness showing of the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival.
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thersmith16 June 2020
Top notch production value on a budget, and noteworthy performances from barely recognizable actors even though there are a few that you might recognize if you watch a lot of movies and television.

The story is fun and engaging and really does leave you on the edge of your seat and I can't say that I really figured it out completely before the conclusion was reached. As far as independent thrillers go, this is among the head of its class.

Definitely check it out, but keep in mind that it does get slow at times which could be offputting to some viewers.
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Pretty vague and pointless movie
Boristhemoggy4 February 2019
At no point did I ever think when watching this film, "Yeah this is good." That's because it wasn't. There were bits that were obvious, and bits that were totally mind blowingly vague. There were lots of scenes that had absolutely nothing at all to convey and were nothing to do with the story. It's just a load of paranoid men who like toting guns around and shouting at each other.
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Tense and Suprising
s_vogelzang10 March 2019
Based on other peoples opinions I thought I would not make it to the end. But really, it kept me watching. The uncertainty that keeps you guessing is very well played. Ofcourse it is not one of the true great ones, but at least it has a good story, and a good twist at the end. Maybe it could have used a little more action. Not a bad watch at all.
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stjackson1010 June 2020
Classic cinematic thriller tension interposed with a liberal narrative. It became predictable about midway through the story, and I didn't regain legitimate interest until the actual standoff itself. That said, small budget movies like this often need to rely on characters, and this is no different. The meticulous and patient reveal of the lead while simultaneously satiating the viewer using others was enough to maintain my investment. All actors contributed. Fine enough film.
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There are better things to do!!!
alexjrowley-579-69837223 January 2020
An hour in, I found myself wondering what else I could be doing and what I could have achieved with my now wasted 60mins... it must have a good ending to warrant the the excellent reviews? ...... NO it didn't! There's a decent enough story but just really badly conceived.. no one is likeable or relatable and the script needed a fresh pair of eyes.
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