"Black Mirror" Black Museum (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Awesome final episode of the season which connects many other episodes
tarikkorkmaz30 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am totally astonished about this episode and I found many answers. I think this one was kind of a connective episode and excitement still continued. There were a lot of connections to previous Black Mirror episodes, while almost all Black Mirror episodes can be watched without watching any other episode, this one was different.

Plot takes places in a sideway museum, which is far away from crowded. There is only one visitor on that day. Owner of the place jokes about the place being crowded in the earlier days and we understand what he means towards the end of the episode. In the museum, there are many artifacts related to previous mysterious events and crimes. We saw a robot bee from Hated In the Nation episode, we saw the tablet from the Arkangel, we saw the bathtub from Crocodile, to count some of them. Museum owner, who is apparently the single employee, starts touring the girl in the museum and telling three stories consecutively. It turns out, all events are actually related and is part of a development of some technology which eventually allows transferring human consciousness to a virtual program. In the first story, only feelings could be transferred. In the second one, human consciousness could be transferred to a different human mind and also to an object and in the third one it could be transferred to a software. Interesting thing here, as it is seen in many previous episodes, is that transferred consciousness is like a human without a body. Have emotions, can feel, can think, can express.

Here is the part that made the episode great to me. It turns out, we saw this technology of transferring human consciousness, its advance version or its primitives in different Black Mirror episodes before. To speak of some, in San Junipero, we saw human consciousness being transferred to a cloud that sort of created heaven for people who are dead on earth. I think this one was an advanced version of consciousness transfer since transfer was to a cloud in which all transferred human consciousnesses could interact and communicate. The characters actually mentioned San Junipero in this episode. We saw humans playing a virtual reality game by transferring their consciousness into the game, because they were like sleeping in real world when they were playing, in USS Callister. We saw sight transfer and body condition transfer (like heart rate and nutrition values in blood) in Arkangel. We saw memory transfer which was kind of primitive technology since it was not giving correct results every time and it was largely depended on emotions and feelings in Crocodile. We saw a dating app in Hang the DJ and I think the way that dating app works was also about transferring the human consciousness to the system because eventually digital copies of the users were created and used to make good matches. I am sure we can find other traces in episodes I am not mentioning here, like White Christmas and Playtest.

The point I am getting to is, there was this pattern of consciousness transfer/digital copy creation in many episodes and I think this one explained the development of the idea and technology in great success. This idea of consciousness transfer is presented in innovative ways throughout the series and it definitely expanded my horizons.

I think the only episode of the season I don't mention in this review, Metalhead, is one of the standalone nice episodes too, its review doesn't belong here. To conclude, I enjoyed watching all episodes in this season even though I sometimes was bored in some of them, but Black Museum was definitely not one of them.
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Sleepin_Dragon5 January 2018
What a way to round of a superb series of Black Mirror. I'll admit my anticipation levels were high for this one, and I was not left disappointed. Instantly this was absorbing, it unfolded in real style, loaded with twists and turns, captivating viewing from start to finish. Technology used in true Black Mirror style, used to make a wonderfully twisted, but human story. Fabulous acting from all, Letitia Wright was fabulous throughout, particularly at the end. I've always been a big fan of Douglas Hodge, he seems to have been off the radar somewhat, so it was great to see him back, he was excellent, impressed by his accent too . At times it felt like a seventies portmantaeu film, lots of stories within a story, all combining at the end, similar in layout to 'From beyond the Grave.' This one seemed bigger and bolder, had the feeling of a quality film about it. Very impressed.
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Head like a F'ing orange
fingazmc18 July 2019
I really hope Karl Pilkington got paid in some way for this. Almost word for word what he's said on an old podcast episode.

Look it up if you don't believe me, it's crazy!

Fingaz MC.
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Black Museum is a 'Tree-House of Horrors' style episode; and season 4's finale is its hardest to watch
DissidentRebel31 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The final episode of Black Mirror's fourth season was one shrouded with a lot of mystery; with Brooker and Jones defining it as a 'Tree-House of Horrors' style episode with, in the style of White Christmas, three separate stories to tell. And, having finished the episode, I have to admit it was the most difficult of Black Mirror's run to watch and, while definitely an all-round great episode, I had a few nit-picks in regards to credibility - by Black Mirror standards of course.

Aforementioned, the episode centres around three separate stories. Here, a young British woman named Nish visits the Black Museum where she meets the eclectic Rolo Haynes. After introducing her to some of the many artifacts - smart easter eggs to previous episodes - he tells her three separate, immensely disturbing stories. The first centres on a doctor named Dawson who, after being introduced to a device that allows one to feel another pain - in order to diagnose them. However, this takes a turn when a glitch happens in the device and Dawson now receives pleasure from pain. The second follows young couple Jack and Carrie; after Carrie is rendered comatose by a road accident, Jack is given the opportunity to have her consciousness implanted into his own. This proves an issue as Jack wishes to move on with his life with another woman, but he has Carrie's persistent voice in the back of his mind. And the last story? Well we'll get to that one.

I have to mention the final twist of this episode. In the final story, Rolo introduces Nish to the main attraction; the living hologram of a man executed by electric chair - who he allows to be persistently tortured by the attendees of the museum. Revelation comes when Nish sheds her fake accent and reveals to Rolo that not only is she the daughter of the imprisoned man, but the water she gave him has been poisoned. While this was a great moment when everything clicked into place, my slight issue comes with the overly-convoluted reveal that honestly seems dark for darkness sake. It's definitely clever, but I definitely felt it to be quite over-the-top.

However, to wrap up Black Museum is an all-round great episode of Black Mirror, and deeply disturbing and violent. The acting from Letitia Wright and especially Douglas Hodge as the increasingly maniacal Rolo Haynes was excellent. While it is the hardest to sit through, and aforementioned in my eyes a tad over-the-top and convoluted, it's definitely a rewarding experience that - with it's countless clever easter eggs - feels like a finale for the series.
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Tales from the Black Mirror
Bored_Dragon21 October 2021
With its structure, story, and most of all its atmosphere, the "Black Museum" irresistibly resembles the cult anthologies of the eighties, such as "Creepshow", "Tales from the Darkside", "Tales from the Crypt", and to some extent Rod Serling's "The Twilight Zone".

A young black woman rides an old-timer on a dusty road, which suggests a retro episode. But when she stops at a gas station, we see her plugging a car into a solar panel. This kind of charging will take quite a while, so she decides to explore the nearby facility, to pass the time.

The building in question is the Black Museum, which, with the black woman in the lead role, again leads to wrong assumptions. It is a museum of various technological achievements related to crimes. We had the opportunity to see a good part of the exhibits in previous episodes of the "Black Mirror" series, but this episode does not focus on them, so they can easily go unnoticed and represent the "easter eggs" of this episode.

The Black Museum focuses on three exhibits we have not encountered so far. The curator of the museum, a person of a very suspicious character, tells our heroine the history of these exhibits, so in this episode, we have a triptych of short, but powerful and quite shocking and morbid SF dramas. Each of these stories opens new questions about human psychology and attitudes towards technical achievements and makes us think, and each for itself would be a worthy episode of the "Black Mirror" series. And when you finally, through the final twist, see how all three stories are connected, to each other and the background story, the episode becomes even more striking.

Although the twist is quite unoriginal and towards the end it becomes more and more predictable, and there is no tension typical for most "Black Mirror" episodes, everything is so nicely blended and works perfectly that the shortcomings are negligible. And in my case, the similarities with the anthologies of my childhood add another nostalgic star to the final rating.

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Both excellent and not. The results are... It's good!
Quinoa19842 January 2018
My initial reaction to the season 4 finale of Black Mirror was that it was good - I can barely think of one episode that wasn't at least trying something intriguing or questioning our perceptions of the world thru our technology in some form... And yet I found this mean spirited piece of business with a hammy lead performance....

(One hour later) after pondering some more, so appreciate that this structure is similar to White Christmas but the nastiness lends itself more to something like CREEPSHOW: here are people who get twisted by the technology that they are given by this doctor-cum-carnival barker, but that doesn't excuse how far two out of three of these subjects abuse what they are given and end up going for the worst in humanity.

The last subject in this museum is a guy who rides the lightning and his consciousness in computer form has to relive it over and over. I might question how a computer entity can feel pain and become mentally fractured by it, but this is also a season that began with a video game programmer using the DNA of his coworkers to warp them in simulated space madness, so it is consistent.

I think the hamminess of this guy, how sweaty he gets, his general demeanor, is too much in the moment and yet of all the episodes this is one I want to watch again the most. It's sick in its humor (that one doctor and what he does with his pain receptor is the best part for me, I could have done with a whole episode about him, or seen him crop up in a Philip K Dick short novella or something) and it leaves on a note of that is not depressing. It's just... Trying so hard.
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S4E6: Black Museum: Strongest and most engaging/entertaining episode of the season
bob the moo24 March 2018
The fourth season of Black Mirror has not been what I hoped it would be - the quality of production is higher than ever, but the ideas and delivery thereof has been less interesting than before. The final episode though is a strong finish, helped by its 'anthology' approach. A British girl is charging her car and decides to visit the 'Black Museum' nearby. Inside the owner tells her about a series of tragedies with their roots in technological advances that he was involved in pushing - all which his main attraction awaits behind a curtain.

The 'sideshow' feel to this episode allows it to be more entertaining than many of the episodes this season; the tales have a darkness but they are told well by Rolo to have humor between them and in their delivery. Each of them deals with technology to keep someone around or to have an extra connection to them - whether it is the consciousness of someone in a coma, a doctor experiencing the pain of his patients to help diagnose it, or a killer captured at the time of his execution. The individual stories are engaging and well told with enough to shock but not to break us out of the "camp-fire" setting of the museum.

The final story allows for a strong finish/twist in the telling. The ethics of it are a bit all over the place to be sure, but it is also satisfying in how it tidies up a strong episode. Performances are strong from both Hodges and Wright, while the mini-episodes also have plenty of good turns from familiar faces. Each story and the overall story tells of letting go, and of not doing something just because you can - treating human and emotional things as pure science or data; and I guess in the context of that, the overall ending is easier to take because, as wrong as it is, it is also a natural extension of the same.
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Black Mirror Easter Egg Hunt
gibbs-181729 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Nope the first time I watched this I had no idea of the twist. I did reckon there was something a foot as the tour progressed and the guide began to sweat and when it came to the star attraction I did take on board ... well it would become a spoiler but let's say this story was discussed in different terms from the others.

But the other thing is to look out for all the stuff from other episodes so this must be way into the future in the BM timeline, I mean way into when you actually walk around but that's for you to find.

One of the best episodes, like White Christmas a series of stories within a main feature story.

Ten without a doubt.
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Great finale
theflash197022 January 2018
This may not be a 'Black Mirror' style, but this is one of the best episodes in this series indeed. The end was totally unexpected and that's why I gave it 10.
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One of the best Black Mirror episodes
akier-275951 February 2022
Black museum is a true horror black mirror episode, it has almost everything you'd like to watch on one and more. My favourite tale out of the Three was the Doctor Dawson one. Heck Yeah.
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Started off incredible, then fizzled out.
dwaghorne1131 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a tough one for me to rate as the first half is some of the most brilliantly disturbing televison I have ever seen. The entire story of the doctor gripped me and made me feel exceptioanlly uneasy. Honestly though, they should have saved that concept for it's own 60 minute episode. Hell, you could even make an entire series around that concept and it would be fantastic.

I think part of my issue is how abrupt Black Museum changes. The storyline of the doctor was so disturbing and so completely original in the Black Mirror universe, that right after we see the climax with the drill, we're left something we've already seen in the teddy bear story. It's another transfer of consciousness idea that we have already touched on in not one, not two, but three privious episodes, one of which was already in this current season. What started out so original instantly became cliche', and the tonal shift from so completely bleak and disturbing to a more lght hearted emotional piece just didn't cut together well for me.

Overall, it was a fine episode and I enjoyed the twist, but, in my opinion, the beginning of this episode set us up for something that simply did not pay off. it is absolutely worth your watch though, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next season of Black Mirror.
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Black Mirror at the finnest!
joaopedro_edf30 December 2017
What a amazing season finale for season four, great plot, storys, characters and one of the biggest twist EVER! Can't wait for more episodes, keep on going Netflix!
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I have mixed feelings about this episode
giovani-rgs3 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I thought Season 4 was a little underwhelming. Pretty much all episodes simply recycle ideas from previous episodes (and 2 of them - Hang the DJ and Metalhead - cannot even be considered Black Mirror episodes, since they do not explore the how technology may affect human behaviour).

Black Museum is the pinnacle of this recycling, since it is a mix of White Christmas, White Bear, and Be Right Back (maybe its title should be "White Christmas Bear Will Be Right Back"?), and also brings a ton of easter eggs from previous episodes. In a way, these easter eggs are a "plus" because they put all episodes into context (for example, explaining how some of the technologies from previous episodes were made illegal). But they may also be a "minus" because they could be interpreted as an excuse for the lack of creativity.

What I liked about the episode was the message behind the doctor's story. It took me a while to understand how that story fit with the rest of the episode, but eventually I realized that it was intended to make us think that there must be something "broken" inside you to make you get off on other people's suffering. What the other 2 stories and the twist ending do is to completely flip that around and show how ordinary people also enjoy it. That's Black Mirror at its finest.

What I didn't like was that the message of the twist ending is basically "revenge is cool", as the girl and her mother drive into the sunset after trapping the villain of the story in eternal torture. Sure, he did the same to thousands of copies of their father/husband, but for some reason they don't seem to care much about those copies.

I'm usually generous when rating movies on IMDB. Usually I give them an 8 if I didn't love and also didn't hate them. But I'm giving this one a 7. Black Mirror Seasons 1-3 set the bar really high, and the overall lack of creativity of Season 4, the twists "for the sake of the twist" didn't help.
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Doesn't reach the high bar set by other black mirror episodes
edeweystem20 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Takes concepts from many other episodes, which isn't bad in itself. But it cheapens an episode like White Christmas: Back then the thought of imprisoning a cookie for months, years, or centuries really gripped me and I could see how someone could justify those actions despite their immorality. But COME ON, I just cannot buy people wanting to eternally torture thousands of copies of someone, it was so over-the-top that it didn't move or effect me at all. The ending resolves none of this, with the girl ending the suffering of just one of the copies of her dad and treating the guy who imprisoned him with the same torture. I had a few other gripes, but the episode was still OK, just not up to the standard that previous episodes of this show have set.
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If there was only one episode of Black Mirror it would be this one.
blzrgflazzwintersole31 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode embodies the core tone of Black Mirror. It's dark; it's unethical; it's unpredictable. It's so clever that the main character defines the series as a premise that sounds perfectly good, but there's always a "but." Anthology within anthology: the very idea of this episode is already perfect. It makes the shared universe completely clear. White Bear, Crocodile, White Christmas, Fifteen Million Merits, and I imagine every other episode, were referenced. The "Black Museum" represents the show itself. Rolo Haynes showcases dark (or black) concepts, but he is directly responsible for all the unethical acts showcased. Just like Charlie Brooker, who showcases dark and unethical material, but in their nature (being hypothetical) Charlie Brooker creates the realms and events portrayed.
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Black Museum: HOW much blacker can you get? Warning: Spoilers
**Review may contain slight spoilers**

Jesus; this episode... this EPISODE! Black Museum just might be one of the very best episodes of television I've ever seen; and that's saying something in my books. I love Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Sherlock, Doctor Who and of course Black Mirror. However, it takes something truly special to have a single episode stand-out from the crowd in general, because whole shows like Black Mirror tend to be fantastic overall. The series is one of the best science fiction stories on television, and it arguably transcends the likes of The Twilight Zone for some. The revelations in this episode, the twists, and the sub-plots are all amazing, adding to one of the best Black Mirror reveals to date.

And much to my surprise, this episode actually had some moving moments as well. Considering the stuff Black Mirror usually covers, I didn't expect to be moved the way I did. I take my hat off to Charlie Brooker for this one. He's now become one of my favourite writers.

Want some truly smart sci-fi? Look no further. Black Museum is a classic!
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sebastian_puerto6 January 2018
This is so far one of the best episode of the entire serie, the history have a line unpredictable and connected perfectly. This was just a great reunion of emotions, and I loved it.
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Dark Tale
claudio_carvalho29 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While driving to celebrate her father´s birthday, Nish stops at a lonely station to recharge the batteries of her car and walks to the criminal Dark Museum before the opening hour. However the owner Rolo Haynes admits Nish and tells the dark story related to each object. The air conditioning is out of work and Haynes drinks a bottle of water provided by Nish. Soon he learns who she is and what he agenda is.

"Dark Museum" is a dark tale and one of the best episodes of "Black Mirror". Each segment is attractive but the lead story is very creepy and the conclusion surprises the viewer. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "Dark Museum"
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Perfect Finale
jetkot28 April 2018
Season 4 ends perfectly. The acting is brilliant. The writing is flawless. You do not know what to expect. The twist in the end is fantastic. The episode has a few stories in one story and all the stories have a WTF moment. The shock factor of this show is awesome. Looking forward to more.
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Tales from the Darkside
safenoe22 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This season 4 finale is very moving, dealing with themes of sex and pain (Daniel Lapane bouncing), race, brain implants, death penalty and revenge. There are numerous Easter Eggs galore in this episode that refer to previous Black Mirror episodes. There are a trilogy of stories in Black Museum, all connected to each other. One of the final scenes was very poignant, where the plush money chimes "Monkey loves you".

Douglas Hodge, a British actor, masters the American accent quite well, as he did later when he played a criminal defence lawyer in The Undoing.

Can't wait to watch Bandersnatch and season 5.
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Fantastic exploration of the fear of death/ grief
maariahupsha13 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastic episode. I wasn't really a fan of the synopsis for most of this season and ended up only watching two episodes - this and hang the dj. This is by far one of the best episodes to date.

As a key motif in black mirror, this episode explored the transgressions humans can make in their desire to prolong life, aided by scientific/technological advancements. This alludes to ideas of previous episodes, such as Martha's attempt to keep hold of her lover. We see how this is built upon, particularly through the second of the three (interconnected) stories.

This episode offers a profound reflection on the human nature/tendency to avoid confronting grief, and thus death. This is shown through the second story, in the decision to prolong the existence of a comatose girlfriend to the confinement of a brain, and subsequently, a stuffed animal.

As humans, we tend to prioritise our desire to not experience grief, over the suffering of another (e.g in the form of a loved one dying) - the idea of prolonging life (to avoid the grief of losing them) thus prolongs the suffering of another. Thoroughly enjoyed the exploration of these themes, in a thought provoking reflection of modern day moral dilemmas concerning death.
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I hope Charlie Brooker paid Karl Pilkington for this episode!
jon-758-77975919 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The two main ideas

A doctor who can feel what his patients feel

A man sharing a brain with his head partner

Both ideas of Karl Pilkington on the podcasts with Rick Gervais!!!

Good episode though but not the best!
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Rolo Haynes is one very unusual man....
planktonrules14 February 2018
"Black Mirror" is an anthology show a bit like "The Twilight Zone" but also much darker and with an emphasis how near-future technology can make our lives horrid. This episode clearly is about the horrid.

When the story begins, a young lady arrives at a crappy little museum in the middle of the desert. The place is called 'The Black Museum'...a term inspired by the British Black Museum of crime and criminals that actually does exist. She is soon shown in by the owner, Rolo Haynes...a guy who seems to really enjoy frightening his patrons and regaling them with stories of misery and death. Unlike other episobdes I've seen of "Black Mirror", this one consists of several short stories--all horrid and all which in some way involved Rolo in his old job of selling strange technology to folks at a hospital. I could summarize the three tales but frankly you're better off just seeing them and being surprised.

Throughout his little tour of his chamber of murder and horror, Rolo seems to enjoy this very much. In many ways, he's at least partially responsible for much of the misery and you hope that there is an accounting for his actions. And, don't worry...there certainly is!

As with many episodes of the series, the only problem with it is that at times it's too vivid and too grotesque. This is NOT a show for children and the easily offended!! Still, like so many episodes it's incredibly imaginative and well written...and well worth seeing.
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Treehouse of Boredom
jjmorrison-154-1772359 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode begins in a pretty interesting way that makes it feel like Black Mirror's version of "Treehouse of Horror."

Unfortunately, there isn't much character development throughout the episode (the twist felt both forced and obvious), so the episode sort of leans on Rolo's little tales. The Doctor's story is fairly interesting, but the episode fades into boredom after that.

I like the idea of this episode, but it ends up taking a nosedive (forgive the pun). The characters are dull and the twist is obvious once you gaze past the red curtain. It's an unfortunate finale to the season, but it's worth a watch if you love Black Mirror.
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Wow Awful. Delusional reviews
curtislee88-412-9391815 June 2019
Has buildup of stories that have nothing to do with ending. You think they will make a connection but just fizzle out. I get the plot twists but they are out of place and awkward. Hard to not laugh at some scenes, I was tempted to turn it off several times but wanted to see it through. I get the tone they are trying to make but it's just off. Is this black mirror? How do people enjoy this?

The only explanation in my head that would cause someone to enjoy this: 1. They hate white people. Or 2. Low IQ. Beyond that it's an enigma and I wonder if half these reviews are from bots.
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