Haunters: The Art of the Scare (2017) Poster

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Russ McKamey should probably be in jail...
matthewssilverhammer27 December 2019
A completely unremarkable and slightly unfocused doc formally. But holy cow...that stuff about McKamey Manor, which becomes the bulk of the story, is some of the most disturbing stuff I've ever seen. Ever. As dirty as it felt, I couldn't look away.
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fun and interesting
Snoboa75510 November 2018
If you love Halloween and love being scared this is definitely something you'll enjoy. It's pretty fascinating and shows u a side of horror you've never seen before. A history of haunted houses and how they have evolved. Everyone's story is different yet they all do it for the love of the scare. Fun and interesting. A must see for horror fans.
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You have to see this!!
louisestonier17 October 2018
This is essential viewing for any horror fan, haunt fan or anyone who is interested in understanding why people want to be scared. It looks at many types of haunts from home haunts to theme parks to more extreme experiences! And even some scare actors. It really tries to get to know why people enjoy working at haunts scaring others and why people like to attend them. There are so many interesting characters to watch. I have seen it a few times now and will watch it many more as I just think it's a great documentary.
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I felt so many emotions during this. One of the best documentaries out there.
annakopsky13 February 2018
"Haunters: The Art Of The Scare" had a great trailer that immediately got me pumped to give it a try - and I got so much more from this documentary than I expected! Director Jon Schnitzer put a lot of research, creativity, and soul into this project, and it really paid off. The production quality is on par with other high-budget documentaries I've seen and he interviewed huge names in the haunt industry (like the Creative Director for Universal Halloween Horror Nights and Russ McKamey of the interactive haunt McKamey Manor in California). I became emotionally invested in the people interviewed for this film who have been in the industry for years and are passionate about haunting.

"Haunters" opened my eyes to make me realize the people in these haunts are actual human beings who get hurt while they're on the job, have to balance their own families with their love of Halloween, and that these haunts are affected by real-life tragedies and happenings as well. This is hands-down one of the best documentaries I've ever seen and I recommend it to anyone who's even mildly interested in the world of haunting.
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Chose the wrong people
jon_anderson7714 October 2019
I really wish i could have given a better rating but the filmakers really chose the wrong people to feature. Unlikeable doesn't even cover it. From the guy who treats his wofe with no respect so he can build a haunt thats open for 4 hours to the wedding singer who has mental problems and gets off on seeing people in terror. Just not what i wanted to see from a documentary about haunts. Missed an opportunity here to show a much better side of what is really high art when done well. Too bad
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No easy answers in the world of Haunted House Attractions
nicholasvince-3126423 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm based in the UK and Halloween really isn't as important as in the US. I've always wondered why that is. Haunters: The Art of the Scare, answered so many of my questions about the origins of the tradition of haunted house attractions and just what happens in them. Oh and why Americans have a dread of clowns, which seem to feature as monsters in haunts.

For me, the mark of a true documentary is that the film maker doesn't comment on or judge the people who're the subject of their film. This is true here as Jon Schnitzer presents a variety of haunts and alternate views on their social and psychological aspects. He presents their stories with equanimity and I found myself loathing some and loving others.

I found the part on the haunted house in a war zone fascinating and the scare actor Shar Mayer (and her 'haunt widower' husband) adorable.

Insightful, moving, funny and sometimes disturbing, this is a film best watched with others for the debate over 'extreme haunts' which is bound to follow.
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Too Much
dcarsonhagy24 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We've all been to "haunted houses." Most of these places seem to appear out of nowhere about a month or so before Halloween. Most of these houses are pretty innocuous. This film is about those that are not.

"Haunters" is about some notorious haunted houses that go (what I would call) "beyond safe." Those involved are NOT interested in just scaring people; they want to literally torture and victimize those who may dare to venture through the confines. Don't get me wrong; I enjoy a good scare as much as anyone. However, I found what was done in these haunts went way beyond a safe level.

I do not care how many "waivers" a person may sign, that doesn't make these side-shows any safer. It's one thing to have a jump scare, but there is no rhyme or reason as to why the participants are holding peoples' heads below water, putting putrid stuff in their mouths and (when they vomit) have been so lovingly instructed by the proprietors to "pick up the vomit and put it back in their mouths."

One experience called "Blackout" is literally a one-on-many torture encounter. Interviewing one participant who made it through, the viewer learns he "did things that would cost him his marriage" and "thing that would cost me my freedom." Now, think about that for a second. The guy had earlier referred to "rape"; I wonder if that's what he did. With enough loose canons out there already, these places would be just what they'd need to unhinge completely. What was even more frightening to me were the participants who seemed to experience orgasms while wallowing in the carnage.

The movie is not rated and I personally do not recommend it. Mark my words, people are going to wind up getting killed in one of these "abodes" because they are hell-bent on out-doing their rivals. Then--and only then--will something finally be done to control these idiots.
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It's remarkable!
btrflygirl30 January 2018
Just WOW! This is a remarkable documentary that explores the blood, sweat and tears that goes into crafting a "perfect" haunt and the psychology behind our need or want to be scared. You'll see the extreme side to the haunting community. This ain't your Disneyland Haunted Mansion! So buckle up and be prepared for the ride! You'll laugh, you'll cry and you might get enraged too.

BRAVO to it's creator and filmmaker Jon Schnitzer! It's a great piece of work!

And it's completely worth the watch to hear legendary haunter Shar Mayers talk about her history in the industry and know her story. What an awesome individual!
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JonnyDR751 March 2020
I was hoping to gain some insight as to what makes someone want to transform themselves into characters with faces, limbs, tongues, etc. torn off or their cast mates who chew on those amputated fingers, brains, etc. in order to scare people. I wanted to believe that this is just another form of art expressed by actors in the same vein of those who dress up like singing and dancing cats, opera phantoms or Shakespearean villains. However, the kind of costume and role play enjoyed by those who work these events doesn't come from a need to be a part of good story telling that illuminates the human spirit. These are mentally disturbed people who get off on seeing others in pain. They are literally masquerading as artists in order to fulfill criminal-like fantasies. The good news is that most people will watch this documentary and walk away feeling sorry for the subjects involved rather than wanting to celebrate or emulate them.
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Funny and scary and crazy, OH MY
marchela9909 October 2017
Easily one of my new favorite movies, and one of the best viewing experiences I've ever had in my 4 years attending Fantastic Fest. Its absurd, funny, scary, and exciting the whole way through and inspired me to immediately apply for a haunter position at House of Torment in Austin, TX. Thank you for making such a unique look into the craziness of extreme haunted houses! Shar is my new life inspiration!
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madzooted27 October 2018
This documentary only focuses on three haunts and that's being nice. It mostly focuses on the owner of the haunts. Very little detail on the what makes the haunt work. For a documentary title the art of the scare, I feel like we barely into the scares.
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Unique, fun and horrifying
ryanpardeiro-13 February 2018
You better have a strong stomach to watch this one. It's funny, heart warming and disgusting all at once. A real trip into the darker sides of human consciousness with a healthy balance of inspiration. Very fun and awesome film.
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593PMP19 January 2018
To think that any competent, sober adult would be genuinely scared from just walking through a haunted house is moronic. These people are dorks that just want attention. Some of the reactions from the paying guests of the "haunted house" lead me to believe that they're under the influence of drugs, which is the only way I'd ever agree to participate. Take a few hits of acid, and it may be worth the money and time on the "waiting list." Other than that, this is stupid.
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Never did I know about the subculture realm of Haunters.
yeadonpaul23 January 2018
Jon Schnitzer unexpectedly but also beautifully lures you into the subculture realm of haunters were you will be drawn eerie close to the creators of a wide range of different haunts. The documentary is well put together and lacks nothing. The cinematography, score, and the 3D graphics, blend scarefully well together.
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I hope that Russ McKamey will be in jail soon
theonelostboy29 December 2022
They chose the wrong people. Russ is a horrible person and shouldn't get more popularity for what he does to people. It's not a haunted house or an extreme haunt it's pure torture. There are so many unique haunted houses like 17th Door ... I hope next time they will film a movie about haunted houses it will be better with normal people. All in all was the camera crew good, it was exciting documentation and the whole idea is great. I only give this movie 1 star because it's horrible to watch I don't get anything out of it and I had to look 1h 28min in the psycho face of Russ. Im really sorry to say this but dont watch this crap. Its a waste of time.
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Not your typical Documentary
arranch17 April 2018
The minute I pressed play on this documentary I knew it was something different right from the start. Not because of the fact of it being a documentary about Huanted Houses & scare actors. But because I knew whoever made this put a lot of time, passion, commitment & their heart & soul into making this movie. This documentary brings you into the realm of what it's like to be a scare actor & own your own haunt. This film showed that the community of Haunters is incredible & probably has the most passionate & devoted artists out there. The drive & appreciation that these people have to be able to have this as a dream job is amazing. Jon Schnitzer did an incredible job of capturing the work of Haunters and what it feels like to be in their world. Thank you to an amazing director & cast/crew for putting together this documentary & sharing with people to keep following their dreams!
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This is coming from a Scarey Cat.
jluvme23 January 2018
My favorite thing about this is that Shar Mayer is now forever immortalized. She is an amazing human being, and I was lucky that my first Haunt ever was with her. I've now worked with her 4 times in a row in 3 years. I adore this woman. Shar, I cried when you said, "Because a haunt monster haunts". This documentary has inspired me to continue Haunting.

Especially, with The 17th Door Haunted House as the COMPLETE COWARD I am, it's really the only place I feel safe, thank you Heather Luther & Robbie! Also, I love that there is a story line to follow and it's just so weird that I can't wrap my mind about it. I mercy a lot during cast walk-thru but I appreciate it so much.

I recommend everyone watch this on Netflix right now! It's great. I am not a fan of the McKamey Manor though...in the sense I won't ever attend myself. But I also won't attend HHN. I do appreciate the Dog Good they do though!

I am so happy with this. Who would have guessed I would ever feel warm and fuzzy about something scare-related. Great job to Jon Schnitzer who I've also met. Dude I was so lucky to like start with all of these incredible humans. I had completely forgotten I saw snippets of it at ScareLA when I was the SM there in 2016. How cool that I had a sneak peek to something that has now inspired me.

This is a long winded way of saying, 'this is soo cool'
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Easily one of my favorite docs
kimiyob25 November 2020
If you have not watched "Haunters: The Art of the Scare" you are MISSING. OUT. The documentary offers an in depth, multifaceted, look at the haunt industry. I learned so much about the safety of scare actors, the competition within the fear market, the history of haunts, and what work people have been doing to make our Halloween experiences all the more spooky. I've probably watched this documentary like 5 or 6 times since it came out. This is a MUST WATCH.
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Just Brilliant
bettinahooper10 October 2020
WOW! I went into this expecting a film about The Haunted Halloween House phenomena. What a wonderful surprise to discover one of the most finely layered documentaries I've ever seen.

It's Grey Gardens good. No kidding.

Just wow. Watch it.
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A Super Horror/ Halloween Inspiration film
leylahavok12 April 2018
Finally a film I can get inspired and love watching over and over again. Haunters: The Art of Scare is truly a delight for upcoming Haunt Owners, Actors and HorrorFanatics alike. This film is amazingly awesome, VERY EDUCATIONAL and brings you back to when you were a kid and going into your first Haunt for the first time. I absolutely enjoyed this movie from the beginning to end and cannot wait to see more from this director. Truly inspiring.
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A Must See For All Halloween/Haunt Lovers!
KimmyBlanks21 April 2018
As a Halloween/Haunt fanatic, I couldn't help but be stoked for this documentary the moment I heard about it. Jon Schnitzer offers up a fun, in depth, informative look into the world of haunting. And and even deeper look into the world of "Extreme Haunts". The whole crew who made this film happen did an awesome job and it's a must-add to any Halloween/Haunt lovers must-see list!
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Loved it!
cherie-006992 May 2018
Watched it twice and will watch it again. Showed us things we had no clue about! Never knew there were such extreme haunts. Loved Shar of course! She was my favorite part! Learning that people spend all their lives devoted to haunts gave us a deeper understanding about the actors behind the scenes! Thank you to all the people who create or work inside the haunts. Keep it up, we need you to feed our love of the scare!
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Great horror doc!
andrewsarriaga11 April 2018
Really dug this documentary. Not only does it highlight some of the most fascinating haunts in the country, but it also sheds light on the folks who both love to scare and be scared in this industry. I appreciated a chance to get to know more about folks like Shar, Donald, and even a madman like Russ. Definitely worth a watch!
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jennycardenas1 May 2018
This documentary is amazing! As a haunter myself, having worked a theme park scare zone and a current haunt, this documentary shows nothing but the beauty and art behind the things we do. It's eye opening to audiences that real people find true passion in haunting, halloween and horror.

From talking about Mckamey Manor, to Knotts, to real extreme haunts and regular walk throughs, it's all just interesting to see what different types of haunts exists.

I highly recommend this documentary to the public, and to haunters. It's an amazing passionate community whom bond together over something fun we all like to do.

10 of 10 stars from me!!!
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emma-servant24 October 2018
As a kid I was HORRIFIED of haunted houses, ironic since my birthday is in October. After I started working at haunts I became OBSESSED with haunted houses.

This movie brings you behind the scenes and explains what makes us haunters tick and why we do what we do.

Highly recommend!!!!!
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