"Fargo" Buridan's Ass (TV Episode 2014) Poster

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Dark, Brooding, and yet thoroughly enjoyable
bzim4221 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This episode, despite its dark overtures and bloody encounters, stands to date as possibly the best episode the show had to offer. The episode completely encircles itself, with the image from the fish swirling in the fish tank in the opening scene to the fish falling from the sky, perhaps natures way of executing the malevolent Lorne Malvos plan for him, near the end. The development of corrupted Lester Nygaard was done even more superbly, showing how low his character has dropped. And who is left to stop these villains? We're not sure, for the episode leaves us unclear to what happened to our heroes, Gus and Molly. Great acting, great writing, great surprises, a fantastic action scene, and the always enveloping environment. There's not much more you could ask for. It will be great to see just what happens to these characters, heroes and villains alike. All in all, a superb hour of television, one surely not to be missed.
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That There Was Some Snowstorm!
Hitchcoc6 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What a wonderful episode. There are so many things going on here. First we have Don and his idiotic trust of Lorne, who takes care of him in the most awful way. The fact that he is negotiating a piece of the action is so sad. He would have been better off running for his life. As it it, Lorne gets wood screws and locks him in a closet. Maybe that was a hint. We also have the two hit men who are chasing Lorne finally confronting. We have Lester coming up with an amazing plan to avoid the authorities and further cover his tracks. He seems to be getting smarter and smarter. Then there are Molly and Gus. Molly is resourceful and Gus really wanted to be a mail carrier. But there they are, out in that blizzard, trying to figure things out. They are totally out of their depth. Finally, the religious allegory continues for Stavros as he tries to appease his angry God. This is about as good as television can get.
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A Satisfying Hour of Television
tlfirth14 March 2015
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Due to the build of tension we'd been having in the last couple of episodes, I had a feeling something big was coming. Similar to a moment in Breaking Bad like One Minute, this was an episode hellbent on shocking the daylight out of us. From a number of different perspectives, the episode provided us with excellent camera angles and superb resolutions. On three fronts, there wasn't a dull moment.

First there was Lester, who's mind is starting to fall into darkness as he plots to incriminate his brother by escaping the hospital. Barely a word is spoken by Martin Freeman, but you hang on to his every expression and every movement he makes, we're all wondering what he'll do next. The writers have set this one up perfectly and even down to that smile at the end, we start to wonder what happened to the character we met at the beginning of the series.

On the second front, Stavros is dealing with a religious crisis. Great directing allows us to understand the internal conflict he's facing and why he believes god is watching his every step. Returning to the place where he was saved was a very symbolic way of bringing this series right round in a circle. But even after returning the suitcase of money, god rains his vengeance down upon him with the death of his bodyguard, and more saddening for him, his own son. The grim image of his son's corpse in the car is a defining moment that perhaps seals the deal on this incredible episode.

Finally, probably the best part of the episode, was Malvo's twisted plan to kill Donn and then his subsequent attack from Mr Numbers and Mr Wrench. Sublime in direction and music, this is a hazy series of snapshots which involves a lot of gunfire and misery. Donn's untimely end is somehow picturesque and Glenn Howerton plays it brilliantly. Following that Grimly and Molly feebly investigate the gunfire through the blizzard before Grimly makes a terrible mistake. Seeing Molly on the ground is unprecedented because she has been the one we've been routing for. And it seems even the kind-hearted ones will make revolutionizing mistakes.

Sublime television, this series is on par with Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad in my book. And it can only get better from here.

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Buridan's Ass - WOW!
lizamayliza20 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wow you writers! Wow the snow scene! Wow what a PLOT holy shamoly! Unbelievable poetry. Fargo is the best television I've ever seen, including the beauty of "The Wire." And this episode, Lester's expression as the last shot, omgawd, just blown away here. Congratulations, gorgeous storytelling, perfect TV. Thank you.

I hate that I have to wait till next week to continue. Is Molly DEAD?!? Hope not, I like her. I don't want Lester to get caught. I don't want Malvo to get caught either. Don't mind Adam Goldberg going away - didn't like him, not believable in the role, took me out of the story, always seemed to be sneering at himself or the show itself or something, just wasn't in the story, somehow. His deaf partner however, he's great, looking forward to more of him. Love Bob Odenkirk, looking forward to more of him, too. Just loving everything about this, such great writing, such great characterizations, camera work, sets, and music! The opening and closing music is such a treat!

Oh, and the fish! Channeling "Magnolia." I don't understand the meaning of the fish, yet, but loved it, and didn't find it weird or out of place, maybe because the episode, the whole feel of the series so far, is so thick with atmosphere, foreboding, and religious messages, that fish falling from the sky just fit right in.

What can I say, this was just breathtaking artistry, this episode.

Just wow.
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Where on Earth did he find time ???
haidarkanaan1 September 2020
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The fact that Lester went out the hospital , came up with a twisted plan , went to his house , then to his brother's house , execute his plan then came back to the hospital ,and no one could ever find him , no one checked on him , no one looked for at least 2 hours for the man in splint ?? Second thing is how stupid the police are ?? To kill a man who was tapped to a chair ? they just kept shooting for almost 4 mins with all those guns !! Awful !!
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Fargo: S1E6 "Buridan's Ass" Review - King Cadmium
kingcadmium1 March 2022
Malvo executes his master plan, while Lester attempts to craft his own. Gus and Molly team up in Duluth.

What I Liked:

The cinematography is solid, and each scene perfectly implements its beautiful and mesmerizing music score. On top of that, each actor gives a strong performance, with Billy Bob Thornton and Martin Freeman being the clear standouts.

Malvo is one of the most intriguing individuals you will see on television, with Thornton's portrayal being nothing short of superb, along with Freeman's portrayal of Lester.

Lester's transformation sees him become arguably the most interesting character on this show, even more so than Malvo. It will be fascinating to see how morally bankrupt he will become by season's end.

What I Disliked:

Lester's escape plan and his return to the hospital are highly implausible and contrived. His plan never even comes close to failing, aside from when Gordo spots him in their house.


Fargo delivers yet another fantastic episode, and it's the most action-packed so far. Just about every element combines to create a highly enthralling viewing experience.


King Cadmium.
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A great, dark, depressing episode
i-am-so-original24 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! What an episode that was, filled with humour, tension, and some surprising moments that left me with my mouth open.

I've been finding Fargo a little slow recently, but I suppose that can be attributed simply to the show laying the foundation for the story, setting up the characters and where they need to be, and creating the overall tone of the show. But now, we are over halfway through the story, and quite simply, it's time to get dirty and for the chips to start falling into place.

At the moment, I'm finding Lester my personal favourite character, as he knows what he wants and isn't afraid to obtain that. I've always loved Martin Freeman, and his performance as Lester is one of the shows' top ones. I feel sympathy for Lester, but I also want him to suffer for some of the horrible crimes he has committed, specifically killing his wife and recently framing his brother and nephew for said murder. That said, I find his development strangely enthralling – he has gone from his small, defenseless man-child and grown into a man who knows what he wants and is ruthless to obtain it. He is slowly devolving into a Walter White style character; he is scheming, conniving, and a generally brilliant layer of lies and deceit.

The other two characters whom I'm not so particularly fond of, Gus and Molly, had the most impactful scene of the episode. I'm not a huge fan of these two, as they seem relatively boring to me. Molly is your typical good girl cop with no moral ambiguity or conundrums, and Gus is simply far too childish and naive in his approach to his police work, and it makes him come across very childlike and innocent in a world that punishes innocence and favours the bold. That said, this was a great episode for them. I loved the small touches in their performances, such as Molly fixing her hair after Gus leaves to get changed. The outcome of the snow shootout was rather predictable, as the second Molly left Gus to chase the deaf man, I knew one of them was toast. Once Gus fired into the snow blindly and Molly was not responding/saying anything, I knew it was her that caught the bullet. This is a rather predictable cliffhanger, and it makes the show come across a little network-y in its approach to endings, but it was still effective. That said, I don't think Molly is dead. The show could not continue at this point without her. Maybe if this was episode 8 or 9, but at only episode 6, I don't think they would kill off the only character many viewers are left rooting for.

And that brings me to Lorne Malvo. I'm not a huge fan of this character, as he simply comes across as robotic and simply too diabolical, but this is also weirdly fascinating at the same time. It's the same effect that Chigurgh had on me – the character is simple, but menacing, and this malevolence makes them become weirdly effecting. The scene where Malvo leaves Dom to die by being shot up by the police was gut wrenching. I didn't know that I could feel so much sympathy for a character I didn't even get to know that well, but it was simply the way the scene was handled and shot, mixed with Glenn Howerton's great performance, that gave it its edge. It was a beautiful and haunting scene, as was the whiteout shootout, and having these two scenes right next to each other led to the most exciting batch of scenes Fargo has done yet, but it also led to the most ambitious moves the show has pulled so far, and for that, I commend it.

+ Beautiful and exciting scenes

+ Bold steps in the plot

+ Great performances by Freeman and Howerton

  • Molly's cliffhanger "death" is a little too cliché

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I would thank IMDB for it's objective reviews and ratings
mgidb30 August 2019
This is a new kind of tv show, black comedy well excuted story scenario, great slow pace for events and characters conflicts thanks for everything.
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Among the best episodes of any TV Series ever
drunken_raindrops16 January 2018
I really liked Season 1 of Fargo, but I felt I needed to go back and review this particular episode, because it simply consists of some of the best 60 minutes I've spent in front of a screen. Everything about this episode is magnificent. There are three different story-lines going on, and each one of them is intelligent, moving and poetic. Martin Freeman's character surprises us all by showing how amazingly smart he gets once he's really up against the wall. Meanwhile, the Greek deals with his demons and his gods in a very emotional story. Finally, what really makes this episode the masterpiece it is: Billy Bob Thornton's genius evil plan. It doesn't get much better than this when you're in front of a screen watching something. I'd also like to highlight Glenn Howerton's participation. I'm a big fan of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, so I admit I was very happy to see him in something different, and I may not be 100% objective on this. But I think his performance was so incredible that it wouldn't have been possible to achieve such greatness without him. It's a difficult and unconventional performance that was required, but he pulled it out like a truly great artist, which I think he is. In conclusion, Fargo's first season is very good, and I would recommend everyone to see it. But it is this particular episode that really stands out as something memorable and unforgettable.
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matthewwhitby19901 June 2014
This is only going to be a brief statement and less of a review, but I feel nothing more needs to be said. This episode is the best TV episode I have ever seen in my life. I watch a lot of TV, I have seen pretty much the whole of Breaking Bad, The Wire, Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Sherlock, Mad Men, some Sopranos and more... basically everything except for the West Wing. Buridan's Ass exceeds every single episode that any of those great shows have come out with, and there have been some stunners. I know it is a big statement, and perhaps there are some other TV dramas I have yet to catch up with but I honestly believe it to be so. Flawless, majestic, unsurpassable.
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reuben_clark7 March 2021
The best episode of TV I've ever seen. Nothing else needs to be said.
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A very eventful and thrilling episode dampened by a distinct lack of realism
jdjc00119 September 2020
There's no doubt that 'Buridan's Ass' changes the game for the first season of Fargo, however the over-reliance on contrivances and coincidence makes this episode somewhat bittersweet. I'm not going to list the things that I thought fell in this category since other reviewers have done so already but I will say that there were clearly some very creative writers in the room for this season and it's a shame it sort of missed the mark. Definitely not a 9.4/10 in my eyes but still enjoyable nevertheless.
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davisdonaven-3660110 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
70% of this episode with just so unbelievable.. the snow scene could have been amazing. Everyone says it is but when I watched it was the complete opposite. Characters disappearing for no reason and when molly got shot I cringed so hard. She ditched Gus what 3 times in like one minute? Where is common sense? Wouldn't I want to stay with the partner I was trained with instead of running into a gunfight alone?? Easily the worst wtf moment is the swat team and house scene. First of all WHAT KIND OF SWAT TEAM BLAST A WHOLE HOUSE WITHOUT KNOWING WHO THE HELL IS INSIDE!!! This literally makes no sense at all. Is this how real life swat teams bust into homes? Spoiler alert it's not, they don't shoot up a house then check to see who is in it dead or alive.
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This episode kicks some (Buridan's) ass!
TheDonaldofDoom16 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In the space of a single episode, Lester has gone through the most awesome development of any character. Until now, he has been a weak-willed, bumbling mess who has somehow managed to struggle on, often by luck. Now, he is becoming a cold, rational criminal who can also put on a pretty convincing act. In other words, he's becoming a bit like Lorne. The way he makes it out of the hospital and back is genius. The way he frames his brother for his murder is devilishly clever. The way he plays the part of the weeping, scared Lester who was afraid of his brother is similar to how Lorne was able to change his demeanour in an instant. What's more, it's hilariously apt that after his brother told him the police had better find a culprit who isn't him, that culprit turned out to be his brother.

I think how Lester manages to escape from the hospital is worthy of a mention. It's a plan so ridiculous that the only reason I can suspend my disbelief at it actually working is the way it's handled in such a comical fashion. Moments like these wouldn't work in any other show, but Fargo handles them just right. Another completely insane scene that actually works is Lorne's decoy to distract the police. What follows is a tense scene as everything works out exactly the way he intended. Chumph's death is shocking, because of how defenceless he is at the same time as appearing threatening to the police. Of course, they keep firing as it looks like he is still pointing his gun at them. It's brutal, Fargo's first scene of violence that has a nasty edge to it rather than any comedic one.

Meanwhile, Molly and Gus have their own problems. Namely, him shooting her. Now, I hope she doesn't end up dead because of this because I can't see how it would serve any purpose in the plot or relating to the series' themes. It feels like it's there only to tug at the heartstrings, which makes it a rather contrived plot device.

The other thing I wasn't keen on was the fish rain. Unlike the other Biblical events that have happened to Stavros, this one can't have been executed by Lorne (I mean, he's not actually God so even he couldn't make fish fall from the sky) so the only explanation is that the storm stirred them up. It's a step too coincidental for my liking for this to coincide with Stavros's journey down the road just after he dropped off the money, and for it to kill his family. That's a hell of a lot of coincidences. Sure, it carries a message, a message that has been repeated throughout this series, that once you've made the wrong choice that choice has been made and you'll suffer for it, even if you come to regret it. It's what happened to Chumph, it's what's happening to Lester and it's what happened to the two hitmen. For it to happen to Stavros in this way though, is unbelievable.

This is a gripping episode that delivers some of the best moments so far, the most satisfying of all being the dark change Lester's going through.
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All the chapters are well resolved but this ...
checholin-139-964553 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The staff of that hospital should be really stupid...
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Oddly terrible
nikhilparatkar1 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The story goes so well upto this episode. I don't know what happened here. So many things don't make common sense in this episode. Why would cops be so dumb? Why would hospital staff not find out that someone is gone for hours? Why did Malvo tie the guy up - he says it buys him time - for what? He is still on the road when the cops shoot up the place! The two professional killers suddenly become idiots when they want to kill Malvo? The lady shoots at someone, what happened to that? And worst of all, why is this episode rated highest? It's the stupidest episode so far. Who are these people that are rating it 10/10??
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Blizzard of the century.
gedikreverdi5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lorne's omnipotence is becoming a bit tired. He somehow gets away every time. He killed one of the hitman of Fargo and in the blizzard Gus shot Molly. The supermarket king put the money by the road where he found it and his son died on the road with raining fish (!). Lester put the bloody hammer in his brother's weapon closet along with his wife's panty. The guy who's obsessed with Turkish baths got killed in Lorne's trap and it's sad because he was one of the fun characters.
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A waste of potentiel great episode
nicofreezer3 May 2022
The snow, the atmosphere , everything was there to have a great episode, but something was off and it fall so flat, in the end its only a decent hour of TV.

But man, we are millions miles away from the quality of the Pilot ( a masterpiece) I give a 7/10 here, could have been way better.
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ikrivi17 March 2020
Up to this episode the show was great, but it all fell apart at this point. So many things just don't make sense, and just aren't logical. Do yourself a favor and just don't watch the show. It should have been a comedy, than I would buy into it somehow. Stay away from this
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Not good if everyone is stupid
sydnee_man6 October 2018
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I like smart shows and this episode was not smart. Also, it's not good if the bad guys ALWAYS get away with stuff. ALL the police can't be stupid. At least not THAT stupid. Billy Bob is a great actor but all the people who interact with him do so many stupid things. It makes it not fun to watch. The guy who killed his wife - his story line is a little more believable. I guess I was expecting a lot more. I can't wait for Game of Thrones to come back on. Jeesh!
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All about planning
axel-desoomer29 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So far, this was the best episode of this season. It was very intense and had a fast pace.

We see Lester changing. At first he was a guy who didn't stand up to other people and now we see him escaping the hospital to save his own skin. Lester keeps growing in this series, which is awesome.

Finally we know what Lorne his plan is. We could have guessed it but that he would plan it out this carefully? In this episode we see that this isn't the first time Lorne does this kind of 'jobs'. How he set up the traps and knew how everybody would react was great to see.

Our Investigators also planned Lorne his way. Trying to capture him, at least that was the plan. Again we see how Lorne is used to this kind of situations, escaping like it is nothing.

Molly and Gus came at the crime scene and Molly went just in, trying to get answers. Gus, who pushes his limits to finally take action, But did this fired backwards? we have to wait till the next episode.

At the end we see Stavros thinking he did what God asked. When driving back all his faith is lost.

The only negative point for me were the fish, how did they get there? Did Lorne plan this or was it nature? Will we see it in the next episode?

Overall a well deserved 10.
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Time Stamps Way Off
djb118537 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the 1st five episodes. This one now has me thinking should I go on? This was a non believable epsisode. How can this be a true story? No way all of that could have happened in that short of time. Even the snow storm was not believable. Crazy one minute, flurries the next, than crazy again. Two shootouts, a drive to the parking place and into the outskirts of town, an escape from a hospital and to a house in a snowstom, and than back to the hospital and still light out. It's winter, it should have been dark out by the time all this unfolded, unless it all began 6 in the morning in which I doubt!!! Come on, how can no one catch this before editing??? AND worse part, cops leaving each other and or just sitting next to a body on the ground all while the killer is in the area - they did not even take cover :-(
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