"True Blood" Thank You (TV Episode 2014) Poster

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Way Should Have Ended
monarogto27 August 2014
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The way this spectacular season should have ended was, when Sookie was going to use her light to kill Bill and in return make her human, she should of thrown it at Bill. However it should have killed the vampire part in Bill and made him human. Since the Hep V was returning the human side of him, (his emotions, caring for others and she could hear his thoughts). Sookie also mentioned how the light was part of who she is and all we know about it is that it kills vampires. So if Bill was showing Signes of humanity (memory flashbacks, visiting his families graves, marriage, kids etc.), the light should of counteracted with the vampire side in him leaving the human side, making Sookie and Bill both human.

This would have given Bill a second chance at life (family side of life) and Sookie a fresh start. Then at the end Sookie could of been pregnant with Bills child and they finally could have had a normal life together. 
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You call that a finale.
MattBrady09913 October 2014
Bill: "You will always be a part of me".

This has to be one of the most disappointing final's that I have ever seen, because the whole season has this big build up of a finale and when it comes to the end it's a freaking let down. Eric and Pam are the only good things in this season and that's saying a lot. Sookie has to be the most annoying TV character in TV history, most of the time she is screaming her head off at Bill and Eric. The finale is not as bad as Dexter's final but it's pretty damn close. I wanted this finale to be good, but it turned out disappointing and kind of lame to be honest.

Eric: "Everything is pain in the ass these days".
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Some people just can't be pleased.
Wirefan12227 April 2015
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Now I will admit that this season was probably one of the weakest of the bunch but this episode was not as horrible as most of the reviewers make it to be. Not happy with just giving it one star, some have to complain that they have to write ten lines to be included...oh, the pain, but thanks for sharing how ANGRY you are over a television program. Not to sound too clichéd but perhaps you need to either get a life or get over it.

The wedding with Hoyt was quite painful to watch and probably could have been shortened! I was never a big fan of his anyway. The rest of the show was decent enough as it tried to wrap up 7 seasons. Eric and Pam continued to (for me) be the best of the bunch although Sookie and Bill's finale was quite moving.

All in all not a great episode by any means but then again the finale to most any good show rarely is. Most seem to expect some earth-shattering climax and when it does not happen boy do they get their dander up!
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Want a payoff? Have some speeches instead.
ladiesbane25 August 2014
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If there is no intended finale in the minds of the writers at the beginning of the series, how can the payoff be rich? I get it. But even if your script can't feature a lush, Shakespearean payoff, at least tell some kind of story! This season started weak and set us up to fail. The town picnic massacre and aftermath took too much time. New ideas such as Merlotte's becoming Bellefleur's, Sam becoming mayor, every human home needing a vamp friend...all these were diversions of emotional energy that went nowhere. Episodic tie-offs were abrupt, but instead of being shocking (or exciting, given the changes they spawned), it was all rushed and insubstantial.

Sookie and Alcide? Okay. Alcide's dead suddenly? Okay. Town went cold sober witchhunt? Uh-oh! But I guess not, since we ignored them once they weren't interesting. A whole episode tied to Tara's childhood? WHERE WERE YOU A FEW SEASONS AGO AND WHY DO THIS NOW? And Bill's serial, never-ending flashbacks -- god, what torture! Write quick, people -- a short flashback, at the right time, has impact. Starting a second drama (and having it be disjointed, with a clanking sermon on Bill Compton, Friend To The Slaves) is yet another time-wasting, energy-draining diversion.

Then there are the glib-but-witless tie-offs for Lafayette, Andy, Holly, Arlene, and side characters such as Sookie's grandpa, Holly and Andy's kids, Pastor Newlin, Eric's Fangtasia minion, and whatsername, the town drunk. These episodes would have been perfect bonus materials for a disc set. Fun, sure -- but they detract from the season's story flow. Or they would detract, if the season had any real purpose.

The best thing about this season, and all that passed for acting, was the maturing of Jason Stackhouse. But even that was a bit empty, since JS's previous girlfriend had also imposed the "we're not sleeping together tonight" rule. Jason is now an old hand at crashing with a girl and not having sex with her, so Bridget's edict and his compliance was not exactly a refreshing step forward.

Much of this season seemed tied to the final books in the series, with the cluviel d'or, Sookie's Choice (even though she wasn't going to lose her fey in the book). But given that we are stuck with a mystery man in the flash-forward scene, did anyone consider NOT killing Alcide? He could have been put on ice or taken out of the picture early on. And then we would have had some connection to Sookie's future.

But the one thing that makes this episode the biggest stinker of all is the dialogue, especially between Sookie and Bill. Rambling thoughts, unconnected to action, and drained of emotion. Unsupported. Circular. Old territory. It's like watching people chew food. And Sookie's speeches are the worst of the worst. The demanding speech that gets no response. Too long. Old message. Rambling thought. Pointless. A thudding sermon on "I gotta be me" and "God doesn't make mistakes" and "Love is love" and other points we've covered eighty bajillion times on this show.

And wasting Eric and Pam on comic relief, and their wasting Sarah Newlin on cheesy TV huckstering and bar-basement small change, was more clunkery. And that truly nasty ending for Sarah Newlin herself was ugly.

I was relieved when it was over -- scene, episode, and series.
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True Blood Finale was absurd
dr217725 August 2014
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The series ending to true blood was ridiculous. Sookie helping Bill kill himself made no sense. Of the reasons Bill gave for his suicide, the only one that even made a little sense is that he had lived beyond his normal life span and wanted to be with his dead human family. It made no sense that he had to die because he was evil and could not keep himself from hurting Sookie and neither of them could walk away because they loved each other too much. He could choose not to hurt her and she could choose to be with someone else as she did with Eric and Alcide. The main reason given, that Sookie needed to move on and have a normal life and have children and since Bill, as vampire, was sterile she could not have his genetic children, was the most absurd. Too bad there is no other way to have kids if your partner is sterile or the same sex, like maybe artificial insemination by a donor or adoption. I guess it was okay to give Arlene, Hoyt, and Lafayette, a happy ending with vampire partners because the having genetic children from the union with their partner was not an issue for them, as Arlene had kids, Hoyt did not want them, and Lafayette could not have a child with another man by having sex with him. This ending says that true love is something you just throw away if there is an obstacle, like a sterile partner because it is so easy to find true love that u can then just go find a new human partner that can reproduce. I know the message was that the show was Sookie's story of coming to accept herself as a half fairy and she did that, when she refused to give up her light for Bill, but it was also a love story about Bill and Sookie. This ending did not do justice to that love story and it glorified suicide as a way to help others move on and be happy. Sookie should have been strong enough to tell Bill no, when he asked her to kill him and he should have been strong enough to accept himself the way she did. If he could not find the will to live he should have taken the cure and then killed himself with no help, so Sookie would not have to feel guilty about giving him a disease that led to his death, instead of getting her to help kill him, so she could be further traumatized. If there had been no cure for Hep V, this assisted suicide ending would have been poetic and sweet because it would have been an act of love for Sookie to release Bill from his pain, but because there was a cure it was disturbing. Also to have this show, that was about anything but normal life, end with a normal Thanksgiving dinner was also silly and it ignores the fact that Sookie is still a fairy, who vampires will always seek out, and that she can still hear the thought of the faceless human husband she is with, which will always be problematic. It was all very disappointing.
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Crappy conclusion
this_is_really26 August 2014
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Let's not kid ourselves, this finale was awful and there is nothing to redeem it. They just ruined it. I mean, suddenly characters nobody know and care about are the leads (yes I'm talking about you Bridget) and Lafayette is an extra on the show. Lafayette, the fan favorite!!! And to add insult to injury, they force us to watch a precipitated annoying wedding of two people whose romance was indeed really cute at some point but about which nobody really gives a damn right now. And Bill, I don't dislike Bill as much as a lot of people do but it was like die already evil vampire who manipulates the supposedly true love of his life into killing him because there is nothing romantic like staking your lover in the heart. That part was really sick in my humble stable person opinion. We did get to see a little bit of Eric and Pam but they also were relegated to a supporting part but thank god, we had Bridget!!!
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The Series Finale Was No Better Than The Last Two Seasons Have Been!!!
Deana9124 August 2014
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I was really hoping something grand would be pulled off for this last episode all while worrying that is was going to be no different than what we've been given these last two seasons and unfortunately we got the latter. It seems a never ending cycle of story lines being started only to be snuffed out just as quickly, almost like they never happened at all! For example, Gus Jr and his men were all so extremely dangerous that they almost killed both Pam and Eric a few times this season but then suddenly in the episode opener Eric decides he's had enough of Gus and his men and kills them without much effort at all?!

Besides that and other irritating plot points the most disappointing was to not have Eric involved in Sookie's storyline at all this final season after killing off Alcide. I think most die hards who've been watching since the beginning were hoping to see Sookie end the series with one of her top 4 loves Bill, Eric, Sam, or Alcide. Everyone had their own personal first choice but would have accepted her finding her happily ever after with one of them. To have her end up with a nameless faceless mate seems like a complete cop out for the writers, who maybe couldn't decide who she should end up with. Unfortunately for me, the only good thing about this last episode was the Led Zeppelin song used at the closing of the show! So sad, so very very sad!!!
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Worst possible ending
lemurzx28 August 2014
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I understand it's quite difficult to make an ending that satisfies everybody. But this is the worst possible ending. Anything else would've made it more interesting. The script is lazy and has a total lack of imagination.

Bill dies in the least glamorous possible way. He is Killed by a piece of shovel handle, and he just explodes like a normal vampire. If you are going to kill one of the main characters, at least think of something more stylish. Like dying by Sookie's light ball, with some kind of awesome effect. Or give a twist to the story. It would've been nice if the light ball turned Bill into a human, or something like that. Or if Bill decided to turn Sookie into a vampire, so they can love each other forever. I don't know, the possibilities are unlimited.
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Everyone Just Stop
nickmanix25 August 2014
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Good Lord, I think most comments from people are just so they can get a rise out of others. Stop acting like the finale was as bad as "The X- Files", "Lost", "Roseanne", "Sex and the City", "Camelot","The Sopranos", "Life on Mars", "Alf", "Quantum Leap", "M.A.S.H.", "St. Elsewhere", "How I Met Your Mother", "Dexter" or "Seinfeld".

What do they call it when people post nefarious and negative reviews of things just to try and get a rise out of people? Trolling?

Maybe Eric should have tricked Sookie into marrying him like he did in the books? Or maybe Jason should have become a Werepanther and practically vanish from the show like he did in the books? Maybe Sarah should have been beheaded and her head thrown on a pike and erected in Fangtasia? Maybe Hep V should have killed everyone that had it? Oh, I got it! Why not introduce yet another character from the books that Sookie falls in love with, Quinn, the Weretiger.

Did it occur to anyone that maybe HBO left it open the way they did so they can return to it like they wanted to do with "Rome" and are doing with "The Comeback"? Or that they may give us a 2 hour movie a couple years from now? Sookie was still a Fae, vampires still roam the earth as do shifters, witches and who knows what else.

The ending wasn't as bad as bad as some are making it out to be. It wasn't as good as some out there but at least it wrapped things up. Friends were with friends, Eric and Pam had their greedy little empire going, Lafayette and Arlene found love, Jason finally (kind of) grew up and Sookie is starting a family. If you want to watch some really bad episodes that made no sense and really had no place being in the show, watch some of the episodes in seasons 4 & 5. There was very little redeeming merit in a lot of those. If you want crappy endings, just watch any of the fourteen shows I mentioned above. "True Blood" was given the ending it needed.
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Decent ending to a wonderful show!!!
Serenity300012 July 2022
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One thing that I've always loved about True Blood is that the show never took itself seriously. There was no deep meaning or life lessons to the show. It was just great, fun, entertainment that featured horny vampires and corky crazy humans. From day one, I was hooked on the love story of Bill and Sookie. The chemistry between real life married couple, Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer, was something that always made me root for Bill and Sookie to get an happy ending. Although, like Sookie and Jessica, I didn't agree with Bill's decision to have the true death, I totally understood why Bill would want it. Sookie, as long as Bill was alive would never truly allow herself to love another man. It was always Bill for Sookie and Sookie for Bill. Bill had lived his life twice over as a vampire, so by taking himself out of the equation, he gave Sookie a chance to live her life and be happy with a human man and to have kids,

The final episode did feel like filler by the writers. Except for the final scenes and the Bill and Sookie scenes, there wasn't much excitement in the finale. I have never really liked the character of Hoyt, but his mom was hilarious for the series. Jessica was a favorite of mine and her relationship was Bill was so natural and honest, that I love her as his daughter. She got her happy ending with Hoyt. Sam got his happy ending with Nicole and their babies. Lafayette got his vampire lover and so did. Arlene. Jason ending up with one woman finally and a house full of kids. I thought that was a nice and cute ending for the extremely horny and simple minded Jason. Erica and Pam became spokes people for New Blood and the show threw in Willow as being happy at the end.

So overall, the ending was decent and all the stories were wrapped up. Sometimes, words aren't needed. The fact that the director and writers had all the characters there, even the minor characters like Jane Boathouse with her man and Rev. Daniels, were a wonderful added bonus for the fans that watched the show from day one. There will never be another True Blood.
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Last and Worst episode
bizaobi25 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, I Gave 7/10 to True Blood (in general), because I've been liking the series for some years, and it has a lot of great great points.

I think the series became a lot better when Eric joined it, and I really liked every single Eric/Bill Plot.

There were some obviously bad things about TrueBlood too, but I decided keep watching, so I could see if (at least) the ending would be acceptable.

You know, I had really many toughts about this ending, and I could not find a worse ending than the original. Actually I pictured a lot of endings, Sookie had four f&king guys in love with her in the series, I have to admit I prefer Bill or Eric, but god damnit, I could never imagine a a worse final. This was certainly the worst ending that the series could EVER have.

Eric & Pam are totally disconnected to the main Plot. Eric (more than 1 thousand years) gave a sh!t about sookie, and is just worried about money (Wtf?).

Sam, Jason, Hoyt and Jessica had terrible second-stories, I feel bad about some of them, cuz they showed us they are great actors (some), and they didn't deserve this bad ending. One thing I learned with TrueBlood, and I've been learning since 1st season, is that maybe there is something stronger than True Death, and it is True Love. Love of all kinds, of all ways. In the vampire/werewolf/shapshifters/etc plots, all that matters more were love. And now, Bill just died for a stupidy reason and sookie was a 30s pregnant with a unknown husband, and she was MENTAL SICK for like 20 years, but now, that she is not with ERIC, BILL, ALCIDE or SAM, she is fine. What a great ending HBO, now please take your kids out of the pen and give your shows any decent writers.
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I rate an 8/10 to solely give the episode more credit than it's already been given.
austinbuhman943 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I swear, one of those "unanswered questions" is "What happened to Willa?" She was at the Thanksgiving dinner. I've come across that question multiple times. And no, not necessarily am I being nice on this review. As an avid movie goer, and writer, they had a decent approach to the series ending. Do I believe they were in a rush? Yes. Did I hate it? No.

If you fully paid attention to every detail between season 2 all the way up to the final season and throughout, you could practically see Bill's death coming. I already knew that once he was infected that he would take that opportunity to reunite with his family. Not necessarily to be with Caroline, but more because of the trauma he went through with Sara. The pain he had to endure with watching her die, and then the consistent flashbacks throughout the 6 seasons, his death was inevitable.

Tara's death, unforeseen. I was distraught at first, but very happy how they ended the Letty Mae story. It was much needed. Alcide, I think that was just a quick kill off. Sarah Newlin... Bout damn time. Jason... Well... Just be glad they didn't stick to the books and make him a were-panther and marry Crystal and live at that godforsaken Meth camp. Eric. Nicely done. Pam. Never ceases to amaze me. Ginger. WTF? Sam... Needed to happen. Thankfully with Nicole. Jessica? I'm still up and down. Hoyt? Why not have Sookie just restore his memory? Lafayette... I'm happy for him. Arlene? Surprised she stuck to a vampire. She freed herself to finally enjoy the company of a vampire. Still shocked, but satisfied. Holly and Andy, great. Adeline's love for her step-brother... Welcome to the south. Or... Clueless. ;) So yeah. Decent ending. Could have been better, but still decent.
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True Crud
bone825128 September 2014
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Normally I get excited to see how a series will wrap up it's loose ends and at the same time give it's loyal viewers an explosive ending. But I knew something was up from the first episode of the final season, I think since the horrible ending to the Sopranos, writers feel compelled to out-do each other on how bad they can disregard there loyal viewers with crappy endings. I had DVR'd the last two episodes since I wasn't home. When I watched the second to the last episode, I was so bored I literally fast forwarded through most of it...total yawn fest. I would go into to more detail but there was nothing worth noting. And to wrap up the season, it took forever to kill Bill...I didn't read the books but why couldn't they kill Sookie too, she was the worst character of the entire season.
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the end of what could have been
nathanielmalonej25 August 2014
I have watched true blood since day one. I thought it would be stupid, but i watched the first three episodes that were on my dvr at the time all at once I couldn't get enough once I started. The beginning of true blood was magical and new. Something dark and sexy. something new that hasn't been done like what they I think initially tried to do. after i say season 2 maybe into season 3 you could tell they were going away from what made them different and exciting, but i still watched.

now with that being said i like to think i am a true true blood fan. and this finale .... was stupid. this whole season and even the last two were kinda boring and had me wondering why i was even wasting my time, but this season finale was stupid like many people said so many plot line gaps no reason for certain story lines and or characters. the ending should have been an epic war deadly apocalyptic ending in which some how only sookie lives (obviously) and most likely ends up with eric... whom i think is a bad azz and is the shyt. but yes the ending was boring....
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So bad
muffinpup1 November 2014
I guess I have to say, at least 10 lines or I can't post a comment. What I wanted to say was, That. Totally. Sucked!

I can't think of anything more to say. That had to be, one of the worst endings, EVER. WTF? I am so disappointed. I thought the Dexter ending was bad, but this takes the cake. I am so peed off right now. I cannot believe what a waste of time that was.

I wasn't looking forward to this last season, but once I started watching it, I thought it wasn't so bad. But WTF happened? The ending for this show was so bad. I'm just sitting here, speechless and they want me to write, at least 10 lines?
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Destroyed the entire series
tladylaura-430783 April 2019
I have never in my life seen a spectacular show like this go to opposite direction so badly. The writers should truly be embarrassed by this finale. God you really ruined it!!
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not a "real ending"
pygar-7559014 January 2017
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Just watched it a few years late since I do not "pay" for hbo. Just get the "free" rentals at my local library.

I'm glad to see that they did not have Sookie use her last energy ball. That would have been stupid.

Here is the way I would have done it. Bill lies dying on Sookie's lap with the sunrise coming up. Then he dies, but instead of him going plop, he wakes up as a human with the sun in his face. Sookie's half breed blood has mutated the hep-v and it is a cure. Fast forward a bit. A news story on TV telling how there are no more vampires bla bla bla. The thanks giving party has Sookie and Bill with their kid. Jessica and Hoyt with their's etc.. Eric Northman is a pimp and is running Sara Newlin and Pam out of a beat up caddy, who we see as cheap whores on a street corner.

I suppose this would have been jeered by those who saw the series as an allegory of strait vrs gays. (gays being the vamps) But I NEVER saw this series like that. There are strait and gay vamps, and strait and gay humans. I don't consider it even part of the show. Just some of the characters are that way. No big deal.

I saw it as a vampire story. At the end of which all the bad guys should get theirs and the innocent victims like Jessica are redeemed. At the very least, they could have had alternate endings. This series just ends with the world the way it was at the beginning. It's like what was the use of the entire series?
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True Blood: The End was satisfying, IMO.
ronswilliams-0317130 August 2023
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As season 7 wound down, the writers tied up Loose Ends. The decision to deliver a rather happy ending required a tone change and a tapering off of the sex, violence and Mayhem. Maybe that was disappointing to many. (But there was still pleanty of that in this season.) I'm okay with it, and specially okay with the season's villain, Sarah Newlin, being sentenced to an eternity of torture. That satisfied me much more than any gruesome death for her. The dissatisfied viewers apparently hated that we left the series with so many characters in a seemingly happy place. At last, free of unresolved conflict and ceaseless and impending doom. I loved all of the sex and violence excess served up throughout the seven seasons. I liked some stories lines better than others. But the characters, acting, cinematography, special effects and flights of fancy delivered a truly excellent television series.

Those reviewers who are really just wan'a be writers, should actually write something, get it green lit by a studio, or stfu.
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Somewhat led down the garden path
worthington_jessica31 December 2022
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All I'll say, is that I honestly thought that Bill was going to end up human, mainly due to the fact that Sookie started to hear his thoughts, so it's like being led up the garden path, to find a big gaping hole at the end. Also, it's nice to see everyone happy at the end, but I kind of don't care to see Sookie with some faceless guy that had nothing to do with anything, I do see what the writers are trying to say with this though, but it's still disappointing, I thought maybe she might end up with Sam if the relationship he had didn't work out but, nope, just some random back of a head. Oh well, I guess live goes on 😂
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Completely Told The Whole Story
wicca-1268522 August 2018
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I Thought That The Writers Did A Great Job Finishing The Story. All The Individual Stoylines Complete. But I Personally Never Cared For The Romance Part of The Show, Which is Why I Believe This Finale Got Such Bad Ratings. It Ended With A Thanksgiving Sit Down Extended Family Dinner. And Led Zeppelins THANK YOU As A Final Song Was Perfect.
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Season 7: Generally messy season relying on viewer goodwill but mostly confirming why nobody should be sad to see it go (SPOILERS)
bob the moo8 November 2014
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True Blood as a seven season series has not always been a great road to be on. At first it was a great show but some middle seasons were very poor and it was fairly clear that were the show not so popular and so important to HBO, then it may have pulled the plug sooner. The sixth season was not particularly good, but it at last had lots going on and it entertained consistently even if it was all very superficial. If I really correctly I even wrote at the time that I would be fine if it managed to maintain that same approach of having a decent plot with lots of events.

Sadly the seventh season doesn't manage this and, although there are some elements running through the season, the narrative is generally all over the place. Hoards of vampires roaming the country, midnight house parties, lots of sex, flashbacks to Bill's pre-vampire days, and many other things all produce a sense of it not really knowing what it is doing apart from having an idea that it needs to bring everything to an end whether it makes sense or not. This is evident by the middle of the season, where the initial messy plotting has fizzled out and the season starts pulling on different threads to see what works. Along the way there are bits that are good and bits that aren't; bits that are funny and whole sequences that are tough to get through – occasionally it reminds you of the show you started watching, but not often.

In the end it tries to give as many characters as possible a decent ending; it is brave in some regards but unfortunately scenes such as Sookie and Bill's final one, is lessened by it occurring surrounded by so much mess in the rest of the series. Finally it throws characters together rapidly, jumping years in the future at the end to have a cheap final scene showing everyone totally fine and doing great together before fading to black. It is a nice ending for sure, but it doesn't work as well because it has been many years since it was that kind of show where it was about the characters and how we felt for them. It isn't awful, but it lacks focus and cohesion – with good bits almost certain to be followed by not so good bits; and with plotting that rarely has enough of a flow to keep you interested.

It is a shame that it goes out with a pretty messy and generally weak season, but to be fair it is befitting the previous 3 or 4 seasons, which didn't keep the standard from the first few. Not terrible, but certainly not very good – in many ways it is a welcome season primarily because it is the last one, and I watched it for this reason, enjoyed it for the good aspects, and tried not to let the messy and negative aspects push me away too much.
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Perfect closing of a series
chrisboringlife15 January 2023
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I guess the last episode always get a lot of bad reviews... After seeing the rebirth of Dexter and Game of Thrones and so many more series flunk this to the core... me rewatching True Blood on HBO Max had me in tears all episode (Did have a bottle of wine though) -- And I just realized... For this series, everything just ended perfectly, even for Bill.

There will be no series on this planet that will rate 9+ on their final episode, a curse all series will have to carry and deal with and a dread for all writes...

Funny, as I am writing this, I know there is, or might be a True Blood remake, or re-continue, or rebirth or however you will call this, and I am moderately excited regardless, as the original series will be fresh in memory, But I think, as for closure, this series partly could have continues on the new blood vibe, but also wrote an amazing ending regardless, satisfying and granting sufficent closure... And to be honest, without Tara, any continuation will just be stabbing at a sore hole in my soul.
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S7.E10 - Emotional Goodbye - Thank You [9/10]
panagiotis199324 November 2023
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(S7. E10) My Live Reaction / Review for True Blood Season 7 Episode 10 ''Thank You''. Episode 9 was good and I gave it a rating of 9/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. Sarah now wants to be a vampire? She is pathetic. Bill is still suicidal and it sucks. He says that he is doing this for Sookie, that's so dumb. Bill wants to give his house to Jessica, that's sweet. Jessica and Hoyt getting married has to be one dumb decision and that's because I don't trust Jessica, she is crazy. Sookie can hear Bill's thoughts? How? That's insane, no explanation. Bill's death was so emotional. Sookie staked him, I thought Bill couldn't die like that based on what weve seen in previous episodes, I wonder what changed. Very tragic end for Bill. Sookie is pregnant? Sarah got what she deserved, a life of suffering. Overall this episode has flaws but it was really good and emotional. My rating is 9/10.
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