"9-1-1" Buck, Bothered and Bewildered (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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10/10, No Notes
slgrunder5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was the perfect episode to celebrate 100! The storylines were great, both hilarious and sad, and the acting was very well-done (especially by Oliver Stark). The crossover with the Bachelor was fun, and I'm impressed with how well the guest stars fit into the storyline. That poor girl glueing herself to the pavement and Joey's attempt to comfort her while Chimney quietly freaked out and FaceTimed Maddie and Josh was a great scene. Then the call about the intruder...that was heartbreaking. Athena having to break it to the poor woman that she accidentally killed her son was hard to watch. Kudos to both actresses. And Harry's storyline (yay, Harry's back!) was well-done. I always like when 911 puts a spotlight on real life issues! The actor for Harry did a great job, and I was so relieved when the problem was resolved in the best way it could be.

And of course, I must mention the end-of-the-episode surprise. I'd been screaming over Buck's behavior all night- his jealously, his visit to Tommy's workplace, his facial expressions throughout the episode, etc. But nothing had me more excited than the ending- and Oliver's incredible acting. Without giving too much away, the talk in Buck's loft at the end brought forward a storyline I'd been hoping to see for a while. The realization that Buck has in this scene opens the show up to an incredible storyline with representation that we don't always get to see in these shows. Particularly with a character who is very stereotypically masculine, and a former "ladies-man." You can really tell that Oliver put a lot of thought and care into his performance. I'm excited to see him explore this storyline for Buck. 10/10 from me, no notes.
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Chrismiss777 April 2024
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Couldn't have asked for a better 100th episode! The writing, acting, everything handled Buck's bi discovery so well, and I can't wait to see where the story takes us next. This is a monumental moment in TV, and a huge step in representation!

Having it shot entirely from Buck's perspective is such an interesting choice, and it really shows the viewers how he perceives his relationships with others (especially Eddie). It holds so much potential for Buck to evolve and grow, and I think there's a great story line in there for Eddie also. The switch to ABC has really invigorated the series and made it much more exciting to tune in each week!
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I mean, we saw this coming, it had to happen, it was teast for so long !
Tv-Addict19915 April 2024
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Buck just must be gay or have a gay love interest, it was teast for so long in this show and now it happened....

I Myself ... i dont know if i like it.... certanly not with the guy he kissed, but i also think. Eddie would have been absolutly the wrong choice for the first gay kiss or the first gay experience.....

With The History of the Women Buck dated, the change seems a bit forced..... but for the last two seasons i think, there were signs for this to happen.....

I Think a lot of people will not like the Idea of Buck beeing.gay or having a gay love story.... not for homopohic reasons but for the sudden change in the Character who dates so many women for so long

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Classic 9-1-1 is BACK!
CeeCeeLove216 April 2024
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First off, it's a shame this is a short season and the network switch happened when it did because it would be great to have a full cast episode celebration for the 100th episode with something really wild, but coming off the big disaster, another one wouldn't have fit. Maybe for the 118th episode? I need the whole firefam to *shine* together!

That said, this episode was PERFECT. The whole episode was just FUN except for when it was being heartbreaking, and that is the show I know and love! It's one thing for the disaster episodes to feel like old school 911. The lightning strike episode managed that easily. But I knew these more character focused episodes would be the real test if the show could recapture that early magic, and I was NOT disappointed. From the fun and crazy Bachelor call, to Maddie and Chim playing long-suffering older siblings to Buck, to a gut-wrenching call, to Athena having an important conversation with her son, to Buck feeling like his (boy)friend is replacing him, every inch of the episode was CLASSIC 9-1-1. Tim has brought back his excellent pacing as well as inspired storylines to the show. I was laughing one minute, crying the next, and occasionally forgetting to breathe while waiting to see how things played out in a scene. I could not be more happy with how the show is going with Tim back in charge, and ABC is clearly willing to take the risks FOX was not and start moving storylines forward instead of around in circles. SO refreshing. This network switch doesn't seem so much like a fresh start as it feels like finally coming home. Like coming back to what always made the show great from the start and that is the characters and their relationships with each other at the heart of everything.

Now for the big thing! Buck's storyline. It was so, so lovely to see Oliver telling everyone the fans weren't seeing things, there were crumbs along the way, and he has been making efforts to get this storyline to happen. It was SO tiring watching Kristen run Buck's character in circles, be stuck with women who were AWFUL to him (and the firefam), and turn him into someone I hardly recognized. Hearing Oliver and Tim also call out that it was an issue that needed to be addressed was another relief that we weren't seeing things and clearly something at the old network was interfering. To go from all of that, to giving Buck a really fun and funny episode and ending in a really gentle moment with another man was such an absolute treat. The way you can see the wheels turning as Buck has his realization and sort of lights up? It was so beautiful, and tender, and I cannot wait to see his journey as he talks to his family and learns more about himself! Now naturally, I know where I want this storyline to be headed (Buck was just...SO close to figuring out he was begging for Eddie's attention all episode and was worried his kid was looking up to someone else), but seeing as how Tommy also seemed to have picked up on that, I'm willing to see this play out. It will be nice to see Buck with someone who cares about him for a change, and as long as the main focus stays on Buck and his moments with the firefam, I think this could be a good background thing happening this season, as well as a solid base for Buck to re-examine his relationships and have an "oh" moment about why it bothered him so much that Eddie wasn't making time for him. (So funny to me that this never came up with Eddie's girlfriends because Eddie making time for him was never an issue. I see you Tim!) Thank you ABC for being willing to let Tim allow the storylines to move and follow the narrative tugs they've been having since the start, but that fell off somewhere around the showrunner shift. It's truly a moment that will go down in TV history and was so beautifully done. Thank you Oliver for pushing for what you knew was true to your character's story and treating Buck with so much love and care. Let's keep this train rolling!

Final thoughts: 1) I loved the little jokes about people not recognizing Harry since it was a new actor 🤣 I remember hearing the previous actor wanted to step away, so I'm glad they found a way to bring the character back. 2) Ravi is not being paid enough to put up with Buck and Eddie's drama. He has been missed and it was lovely having him back being sassy in the background. 3) Buddie is so close I can taste it, but knowing we have season 8 already renewed, I'm excited that the storyline can breathe and unfold naturally. 4) 9-1-1 proved this week that it is TRULY back, and back in good and respectful hands. I am ready to see what else this season has in store.
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100 eps!!
npr-577055 April 2024
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This episode was so good and the storylines were amazing and the ending was the best thing ever especially since we have been wanting buck to be bi for a while now. It just was an episode for the fans and abc have done amazingly by giving the fans what they want in only four episodes when fox wouldnt do that for six seasons. Hopefully we get gradually see bucks journey with being bi and coming out. I also cannot wait to see the madney wedding which should be one hell of an episode. I hope we get to see more of harry aswell since we only got to see what had happened and the resolution and not much more than that.
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The ending shocked me..
nylandjordan7 April 2024
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I mean I was not expecting buck and tommy to kiss but it was a cool surprise that happened right at the end of the episode. I wonder how long there gonna last.. If they don't last long maybe buck and eddie can finally become a thing!! I'm so happy that it's been renewed for an 8th season already. This show has been amazing.. I'm excited to see how the date goes in the next episode, it's probably gonna be a bit awkward lol especially with Eddie showing up.. and the emergency in the next episode is.. interesting lol. I hope the series keeps getting renewed because it's an amazing TV series to watch.
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soccergrl975 April 2024
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I thought the bachelor bit at the star was hilarious, and Chim freaking out over Joey 10/10 lol.

Jealous Buck made me sad like Eddie is his person, but Eddie was kinda being rude about it. The basketball scene, the music 10/10 again!!!

Henry... he aged so much like good lord. I liked the side story there and hope they explore it more.

Let's get to the good part now lol, BISEXUAL BUCK!!!!! Like finally omg! I've been waiting so long, the moment they kept get closer I was like okay something is up, and boom the kiss!!! I am so happy right now and if you say buck was never bisexual. I'd have you go back and rewatch a few episodes.
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lochersheralyn5 April 2024
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I am speechless. This episode once again proofed to me, that the move from Fox to abc was the best thing to happen for this show. This episode felt light and happy but still had it's deep and emotional moments.

The crossover with the bachelor was fun and showed the team's dynamic once again. Not sure yet how to feel about the return of Harrys character but I could see this storyline evolving nicely.

I was very excited for this episode after the title and knowing it was a Buck-centric episode and I was not disappointed. Bucks jealousy towards Tommys and Eddies relationship made for some fun but also chaotic moments that ended in an amazing revelation for Buck. I love the way they are handling Buck sexuality and as a queer person myself it feels extremely nice to see a character like Buck (big, strong firefighter dude) going through this time of self discovery.

Extremely excited for next week's episode :)
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evroberthickling10 April 2024
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This episode (while having some moments where I had to cover my ears, sorry but some bits gave me heavy second-hand embarrassment), was brilliantly done. Maddie, Chimney and Josh fangirling over the bachelor was too funny. I'm glad Ravi is back, I've always really liked his character and it's good to see a bigger cast of recurring characters. 911 has always had a really good balance between call and character centric episodes so it makes sense that after the three opening episodes the fourth would be more character centric. Harry's back and the new actor did brilliantly, exploring his relationships with Bobby and Athena always makes for a good episode (for me personally, anyways). The call that made Athena want to talk to Harry was truly heartbreaking and definitely shows the dangers of not getting checked out after a head injury, great portrayals of mother-son relationships all round. Loved the brotherly relationship between Chimney and Buck as always, like Chimney winding Buck up in front of Maddie and agreeing to play basketball with him even though he knows Buck doesn't really like basketball. Now, onto the controversial bit... some people seem to think this came out of nowhere but I personally think Buck discovering he's bisexual is a great storyline that totally fits with the character growth that they've given him over the seasons. Firstly I want to say that it is so so great that ABC is able to portray a story like this, there's so little bisexual representation for men on network TV, especially for men only just exploring their sexuality as an adult. So I'm super happy that we get this representation. Not to mention there have been hints about Buck's sexuality over the past seasons (which could just be taken as jokes or misunderstandings), like Maddie commenting on his 'boy crush' on Eddie in season 2, or TK assuming Buck's flirting with him in the crossover episode. Buck's a character known for being on a hamster wheel of reinventing himself and yet something always seems to be missing, I think it's a fascinating choice to have that something possibly be his sexuality, like he's always known there was something but only just realising what it was. So many queer people can relate to that feeling, that 'oh' moment where everything clicks and I'm glad the writers and actors are looking to explore that experience. Tommy's an interesting recurring character and I'd love to see more of his connections with the other members of the 118, especially Hen and Chimney. ABC did brilliantly and it's no surprise that 911 has already been renewed for an 8th season. Can't wait to see how the teased storylines (Hen and Karen having a kid, Bobby's past, Maddie and Chimney's wedding, Buck's date, etc) play out. I don't think there's ever been a series that I've looked forward to watching every week so much. Brilliantly done.
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A love letter to the fans
sarahschygulla7 April 2024
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The 100th episode is always a bit of a big deal. They're eagerly awaited, usually paying homage to the past 99 episodes of a show, so seeing 9-1-1 hit this milestone was exciting. And lo and behold, the producers delivered an 100th episode that can only be described as a love letter to the fans!

The bachelor call was absolutely hilarious and cringe at the same time. Josh and Maddie fangirling? Enlisting Chim to find out who the new Bachelor is? I couldn't stop laughing! And Harry, all grown up!

'Buck, Bothered and Bewildered' moved seemlessly between funny and heart-wrenching moments - from Buck being jealous of Eddie and Tommy's friendship (hilarious), Mama bear Athena having a heart to heart with her son (emotional), to the call with the mother who shot her own son (absolutely gutting). The 100th episode really focused on what 9-1-1 does best: showcasing their characters. It brought old faces back, like Harry, and moved character storylines forward, like Buck discovering his bisexuality (which, let's be honest, it's been there since the start of the show). Still, Buck and Tommy's kiss came utterly by surprise for most viewers, even to those who firmly saw Buck as bisexual from the very beginning. The scene will no doubt become one of the most defining moments of the show, and Oliver Stark's acting in this particular scene - though great in this episode throughout - was spectacular.

There could have been another plot with Hen and Karen (since both actresses have also been around since the start), and both of them also deserved a moment to shine in the 100th episode, but there's only so much screentime, I guess.

Still, the show has come back better than ever, and someone who decided not to watch 9-1-1 anymore after the ending of season 6, Tim Minear & Co have successfully managed to bring me back. Season 7 is moving forward from the shortcomings of season 6, and the show has proved it isn't afraid to take risks. 9-1-1 is finally exciting again and I, for one, can't wait to see what else they have in store for us!
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The forced Buck and Tommy kiss (and forced thing at all) ruined the episode for me
e_fischer5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Despite going into the 100 th episode without any excitement at all thanks to the leaks going around on social media i had fun watching a happy Eddie Diaz, even though i felt like Eddie was very no completely out of character. Anyways Ryan is such a sunshine and i so wish they would use his talent a lot more on this show. He is an amazing actor. Sadly you cannot say this from Oliver or Lou. I don't know if it was the wooden acting of Oliver or Lou or whatever, but the Bi Buck thing fell completely flat for me because of the fact that it came out of nowhere and there was absolutely no chemistry between Buck and Tommy. The acting from both during their scenes was very stiff and kinda awkward. Some scenes were like both of them simply just reading their lines. That was new for 911. And i have to write it, but if i compare Buck and Eddie's chemistry together holy hell what a difference. Therefore the choices made for this episode felt like a slap into the face of every Buck and Eddie fan. Anyway Buck and Tommy getting together after only 4 minutes of total screen time is an absolute turn off for me and as a Buck and Eddie fan i'm personally insulted by this. Sorry 911, but this episode was an epic fail.
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Absolutely Incredible Episode
kmt03010-476-2568645 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely loved this episode! Thank you so much ABC, Tim, and Oliver! I am so excited to see what is next for Buck and I absolutely love that him being bisexual was finally made canon. I have been waiting so long for this. It is so amazing to have this representation! Especially for someone that is in their 30s! A lot of people realize later in life especially if they have gone through trauma. Your sexuality can be really repressed and it's nice to see a character who is in their 30s realize that they are queer. I cannot wait for next week's episode! I am excited to see Buck come out to his family! I do also hope that we get to see more of Hen and Bobby in the next episode! As much as I absolutely loved all of the Buck anf Eddie scenes, I missed seeing the firefam too!
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Buck, Bothered, Bewildered and B
amoinuyashas5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Simply AMAZING episode. Bi Buck hints were dropped throughout the show and the payoff WAS SO WORTH IT. I'm really excited for the potential it has, and I know they'll have to utmost care for this storyline.

Also, love some homophobes trying to pretend their "distaste" for the direction the show took is not purely prejudice... Not a good look.

Elijah, the new actor for Harry Grant, was also pretty good in this episode.

I don't watch and don't care for The Bachelor, but Madney and Josh freaking out about it was really cute. It's these small things that make the characters so good and fun to watch.
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Fantastic 911/10
FinleyKolapo6 April 2024
From the reactions I've seen in general, most are positive, and a few that are reacting to this negatively are likely just being unfair and showing their personal bias.

Regardless, I want to say that I think this is the perfect 100th episode! The crossover with The Bachelor injected a playful dynamic, and the guest stars integrated well into the story.

They finally took Buck's character to an interesting "revelation" that many in the fanbase have been waiting for, and they did it in such a natural way that it doesn't seem forced at all. Kudos to the writers and Oliver Stark for their brilliant portrayal of this storyline. I'm excited to see how Buck's journey unfolds from here.
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"I am free."
agentsofsword12 April 2024
This was genuinely the best way to celebrate 9-1-1 's 100th episode. Ignore the biphobic reviews this was a beautiful episode. Oliver Stark may not be in a lot of projects but he continues to prove that he's got range and is a great actor. Buck is my favorite character in the entire show and to say that the stuff that happened came out of nowhere what show have you been watching?? During early seasons they gave tons of clues and media literacy is there for a reason.

Buck is a special character to me and the way he's still finding ways to discover himself is just chef kiss. I never knew that they would actually do it because we're in the seventh season and yet they finally did it! I absolutely loved how they approached this and delivered it in a heartwarming way. I shed a bit of tear at the ending. I've grown attached to these characters after years of watching.
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this is the first episode in a long time i truely cannot fault
tahl-328877 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had some high expectations of 9-1-1 since moving to ABC, but i did not expect them to meet them let alone exceed them. I genuinely could not find a single thing wrong with the episode, something that hasn't happened in seasons.

Bucks bi arc was obviously the highlight of the episode, something the fans, the actors, the writers, the whole crew had seen for years, finally being told on the screen. Certainly not how i expect it, but my god it was way better. They couldn't have done it more perfectly. Oliver's acting in this episode was truely insane, especially during that kiss scene. You can tell just by watching it just how much Oliver cares about Buck and this storyline and the fans, so much care went into this scene and he couldn't have done a better job. We're so lucky to have someone who cares as much as him delivering this story for us.
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This is so important
noodlewigg5 April 2024
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It was an incredible episode but it truly made me so emotional to see a very typically masculine character like buck in his 30s getting to have this moment of self discovery where lots of things just start to click in place and it's terrifying and thrilling. I was crying at that final scene because a lot of queer people have had that moment where someone just shines a light on a part of yourself that you've been ignoring or pushing away and it's overwhelming. It's so important to see stories like these betrayed on screen and I think it was beautifully shot and acted I can't wait to see more of his journey.
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I knew it
lunaamoonieee9 April 2024
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I knew it was going to happen since 9-1-1 is now on abc. For me it was a wonderful episode, that buck is bi is nothing new, there were too many hints in the last 6 seasons. Many people who say, buck is not gay, you ruined buck, probably really haven't watched the show and missed the entire point of the show. I don't really care if he is bi or not, his Charakter doesn't change. It doesn't matter if Eddie is gay or bi. If it's a problem for you that Buck is bisexual, then you shouldn't continue watching the show. I mean It's featured queer relationships from the very beginning, so surprise! I'm excited to see what they do with Buck now. This episode was great for buck.
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Best 100th episode ever
bradysfan7 April 2024
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Omg this episode was absolutely perfect. The way Oliver delivered his performance was phenomenal. Buck finally being able to be himself is so breathtaking and also to everyone who can relate to buck it's amazing. Also the cast did an amazing job also. Just a great episode altogether. Lou also did a great job as Tommy. I love the part where Maddie and Josh were fangirling over the bachelor. Honestly the cast and crew is such a great job. Seeing harry was great also man he has grown so much. I also can't believe the used the song from top gun from the volleyball scene. One of my favorite episode ever.
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Couldn't have asked for a better 100th episode
brfranco-208516 April 2024
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What I've always loved about this show and what keeps me coming back everytime are the characters, their relationships and journeys.

This season, being able to see new sides to the Bobby/Athena relationship and how they face internal and external conflict so far into their marriage; Seeing Hen as captain, fighting for the team with the same love as always; And now, having Buck learn more about himself, see him really happy with that big smile and twinkle in his eyes. Truly, is what I'm here for!

And as well, having this payoff from things we've noticed throughout the seasons, portrayed beautifully by Oliver and also the support and kind way with which he talks about it really fills my heart with so much joy I can't even put into words!

For us all who feel represented, seen, validated and most of all truly happy with what we got this episode, if you can show it please to do so. And if not, that's okay too and you are not alone. We are not small or crazy or wrong.

And for you in the back who keep saying "this doesn't make sense" or "the show is now ruined", have you really been watching this show? Have you followed Hen and Karen's story? Buck's? Or any of the episodes in full, besides some 2 minute clips of the rescues? Were you just fast forwarding the scenes when characters would talk to each other?

Because I can't, for the life of me, figure out how could you say these things having truly watched the show. But, feel free to go watch something else, if that's what you want. Just please keep your bigotry to yourself yeah? Or, even better, learn some empathy.
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What a realization for Buck!
JMadems5 April 2024
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It's been 99 episodes in the works! Finally - and it's okay that the awakening came with Tommy - would have been too terrorizing if Buck went directly to Eddie. And that could get messy in a hurry. We can hope for Eddie eventually but Tommy will be just the first step in the journey. Oliver was pure magic in bringing Buck along this journey. And we have a whole new Season 8 to continue what Tim has started - finally. Really hope he doesn't desert OG again like he did. He is the very breath of this series. And it will take his fine hand to plot the future Buck.

Really looking forward to next week - even though Maridull will mar our screens- please make it short - read that she's never shared with Eddie that she's an ex- nun. Yeah - he really doesn't need that disaster - and asking her to move in? Cause her stuff's in boxes?? Of course it is. She DIYs houses and goes from one to the next one - she lives out of boxes - please make her go find her brother and leave Eddie & Christopher alone. Chris acts much more mature than she does - a giddy 12 year old girl will not be a good thing. And Eddie's going to be a bit distracted by Bucks news. Please Tim - head em up and move her out!!

The Bachelor thing was cute but meh. Not the best lead emergency. Enjoyed seeing Taylor Wong on that side of the camera Hope she had fun!!

The poor lady with the brain bleed and the way Athena handled the notification- brilliant. So compassionate and such a blend with her own mother/son issue. Well done! Missed the Hen/Maddie session but hope to see it soon. The motorcyclist in the drain - nice and cute Ravi realizing he's going down the sewer - sweet. Lots of good utilization of the set-up times allowing Buck & Eddie to talk. No wasted time. Great direction.

Poor Buck - so frustrated and not a clue why until Tommy showed up. I don't care if you're 16 or 32 - when you know - you know. You could actually see Bucks brain and spirit go through the realization that he needed to take a chance.

I know he's going to get support with his firefam. That's part of what made his courage kick in.

Love your writers this year. But the true magician is Tim - does he ever sleep? I think of him as the Pied Piper that leads this group through a magical process!! Please don't leave - the only one who needs to leave is Marisol - she needs to go find her brain!!
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I'm sorry?!
selfcheck-774185 April 2024
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Really was not expecting that this episode, they've done it bisexual buck is canon and he's decided to reveal it with a kiss shared with tommy!?

Super happy that they've been able to confirm this, as it was pretty obvious buck was an open book when it came to his sexuality since season 1. Just hope, this could lead to a possible Buddie confirmation also, but i'm having doubts that Eddie swings that way, and that buck even has or had feelings for Eddie in the first place!

Was really interesting to see harry jump back into the 911 action as i'd been missing his character, little disappointed they changed his actor but i'm assuming it was for valid reasons. Also hoping to see May this season as she's one of my favourite characters and i'd love to see her and harry's brother, sister relationship again.

Great episode and looking forward to seeing where this Tommy x Buck plot leads!
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Alone, watching this episode, literally yelling "DO IT" at the TV!!
caseymac1969-18 April 2024
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I generally stay out of the forums and don't look up spoilers for shows. I like to be surprised. Tonight I was stunned! I did NOT expect Buck's storyline to take that turn but I'm thrilled it did! At one point, earlier, I thought "C'mon, Buck! You're behaving like a jealous girlfriend!" Well, heck. I was in tears when Athena broke the news to the woman who'd had the fall in the garden. The acting on both parts was superb. As the mom of an adult son, I FELT that storyline. Just when I think the show can't get any better, it proves me wrong and I've never been happier to be proven wrong! Chim's man-crush during the opening was adorable! I did find the transformation in Harry a bit jarring and unrealistic. I realize the role is now played by a different actor but they aged the character far too much, in my opinion.
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Thank you ABC and Oliver Stark
sheri_warren9 April 2024
I have loved this show from the beginning, and I am more excited for this season than any other. This storyline has been left unaddressed for too long, and there are people out in the real world who need to see it because it is their story too. Hopefully, some people will learn to be better and do better. Kudos to Oliver Stark for the careful representation and support of his character. Also, I'm happy to see Lou Ferrigno Jr. Front and center. I am so grateful to ABC for grabbing this amazing show and running with it. A renewal after three episodes is a relief and allows fans to just enjoy the stories. I know that is what I plan to do.
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Change in character was in earned
mcxrbmdc6 April 2024
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Changing major character traits always requires build up. While fictions is, well, fictional, it should reflect certain aspects of reality. People do no change on dimes like buck did. There was zero lead up to his change in attraction from women to men. I don't not necessarily have a problem with that character trait, hen has always been a great character, however major character traits can not be changed without lead up. If a character changed from gay to straight that would also require narrative reason a build up, otherwise it would come off as cheap and shoehorned, as bucks change did.

All I ask for is good story telling and this episode really dropped the ball in that department.
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