Circle (2015) Poster

(II) (2015)

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Its a 6... good if you are watching 3 movies in one night.
ThomDerd22 June 2020
Eerie? Yes. Smart? Kind of, yes. Interesting? Also, yes. Worth an oscar? No, definitely no. Worth your time? Maybe, if you are into weird movies like "the cube". 50 people in a circle, don't know how they got there and every 2 minutes someone gets zapped and dies. Talking seems to be the only way to get through this... So this sounds interesting and it actually is. It will keep your eyes and ears awake and luckily its not a long film, so it never becomes dull. If you are having a movie night and plan to watch 3 movies, then watch this one in the middle. 6/10
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Great concept, very rushed ending.
blackwelljames-930731 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great concept, great idea of how to use a low budget film. However, after watching the whole thing you wish you didn't see the ending.

The ending made no sense, and had no real explanations that were clear. Very rushed towards the end.

As a whole, I would say 3/4 of the movie was good. However does lose momentum as the movie continues.
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A Clever Entertaining Ride
HorrorOverEverything17 October 2015
This is a fairly simple movie, a bunch of people wake up in a strange room and are rapidly picked off one by one. However the kicker is that they get to vote off who dies next. I really enjoyed this, it felt like a reality show from hell.

The film gets going almost right away, there isn't really any build up or character development before people start dying. As the group gets smaller we slowly start to get to know some of the characters, but no one main character is ever really determined. I like that they did this, it made it so it was pretty unpredictable as to who would die next. The film is also pretty heavy on dialogue, I am pretty surprised that they were able to find a fairly unknown cast that was able to pull this off well. The majority of the characters are believable and deliver solid performances.

There are a few negatives that are worth mentioning though. One is that some of the kills were too random, it's pretty much like "Why would they randomly kill that person when they could have easily killed the person who is clearly giving them a reason to do so?" Not a huge complaint but just kind of took away from the film in my opinion. Also the ending was a bit stale, not so much to ruin the movie but wasn't exactly the payoff I was hoping for.

Overall this is a very entertaining film, it held my attention throughout and actually had me on the edge of my seat a few times. If you enjoyed films like Saw and Cube I would definitely suggest checking this out.

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Good concept, somewhat poor execution
north-3585523 September 2020
First 3/4 of movie were pretty good even if it was somewhat flawed but nether the less kept me entertained. However the movies ending was rushed and poorly executed and raised more questions than it answered and left you thinking " Really is that it" but overall it is still a fun and tension filled movie.
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Doesn't Need That Last Scene
wisemantonofski18 February 2019
A film composed of nothing but dialogue, restricted point of view story-telling and a literal ticking clock of building suspense, Circle toys with the deep-seated morality play of the human condition, though falls just short of properly exploring it. It would have benefited from fully embracing its ambiguity in place of a definite answer to the scenario, as the attempt to deliver a shocking twist ending instead only succeeds in robbing the audience of the chance to explore and discuss their varying interpretations.
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You have to meet this movie at least halfway
thekarmicnomad24 November 2015
Some seemingly random people appear in a circular room, every now and then one of them is executed. They quickly realise there is a way to 'vote off' your fellow circle dwellers in a very terminal way.

It is not long before prejudices and biases start to arise. Someone notices more black people are getting zapped than white people. Coincidence? Some of these biases are played out very professionally with flair and drama, others are handled a bit clumsily leading to some very cringey dialogue.

This film lives and dies by how much you are prepared to invest into it.

If you think about the scenario logically, then a lot of the choices people make seem rash and rather stupid.

But if you can put yourself in the characters shoes, and imagine that you - staring wide eyed down the barrel of a gun - are about to be killed over some scum bag rapist, in reality wouldn't you want that extra two minutes of life over them - just on principle?

This is where the film needs to draw you in. The acting, lighting, effects and sound are all good enough. However, some of the characters aren't, forcing some of the actors into a corner they have to ham their way out off. Then the spell starts to crack.

If you can remove all distractions and try to engage your emotions and blot out the signals coming from the rational parts of your brain then this is very good for Netflix fodder.

I was fully prepared to have one of those stupid no answer endings. I was pleased to get a bit more than I expected.
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Public speaking has never been this much fun (to watch!)
bowmanblue27 April 2016
'Circle.' It's a pretty tight little film, basically filmed only in the one location for an hour and a half – the location being a completely pitch black room with fifty red spots on the floor. In each, stands a random stranger and every couple of minutes one of which gets zapped by – er – something and brutally killed before their body is dragged off into the gloom. Confused? How do you think the fifty people feel?! And that's that – fifty people turns to forty. Forty turns to thirty and so on. It's a tough sell and it's probably never going to be a mainstream hit (especially as about the most well-known face is Dexter's wife from the TV series of the same name). Anyway, I think it deserves a cult following as I'm sure it will find an audience out there somewhere.

Its simple premise and delivery kind of reminded me of other (rather fun films) such as The Human race and Cube. Yes, it's hardly action-packed. The fifty people can't even move off their little red spot on the floor – if they do, that nasty zapper comes back for them again and that's that for them. What you have is a kind of morality tale about what people would do in this situation. Would they vote to kill people they don't know just to save themselves, or would they try and save everyone? It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. I can see plenty of people finding it boring, or being annoyed at the ending (I won't say why – you'll have to check out the internet message boards!), but if you're in the mood for something a little different and without any major car chases or Marvel superheroes destroying entire cities then give this one a go. I found it on Netflix and was glad I did – definitely worth seeing if you're in the mood for something dark, talky and that will make you question what you'd do in this most of weird and extreme of situations.
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Had a lot of promise, fell short Warning: Spoilers
After reading the synopsis of this film prior to viewing it I thought "Aha! This will suit my penchant for sadistic thrillers." I was hoping for something similar to Cube and instead got a feature length study of human nature. This was fine. What was not fine was the so-so delivery of such an exciting premise. It was messy and just seemed to miss some key element. For a movie that was so dialogue heavy it was disappointing to have it not delve a little deeper. Also the voting system was a little confusing and haphazard which made the whole thing seem a little sluggish, rather than clean and fast paced. Despite these flaws, Circle did manage to hold my attention quite well and had me engaged with the characters at points, as each stereotype of society is represented and played with, however fleetingly. The plot twist at the end was not entirely shocking as it summed up the true nature of most humans quite accurately. I believe the crushing sense of disappointment I experienced after watching this film was at least partially intentional, and for that I give it credit.
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An enjoyable watch
alison196316 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching this enjoyable indie film, which is somewhere between an episode of The Twilight Zone and Black Mirror.

50 people trapped in a room who quickly come to realise that they have to vote who will die next, each death at 2-minute intervals.

What we see is the obvious discussions and arguments regarding race, sexuality, who has lived the most valid life, should the oldest be first, etc. ... anything that can be argued to be a black mark against somebody who isn't you, so that they you have a reason for them to be the next victim (and you to live).

The film moves along at a good pace, it never felt like it was dragging.

I found the acting to be pretty good and the twist at the end was a surprise.

Well worth a viewing in my humble opinion.
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Its a no for me.
albinodklint22 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion, this movie wasnt great at all. Theres no backstory of how they ended up in the circle, no explaining of how it all was made up. In 1 hour and 27 minutes they just stand around the circle and just talk why they should survive, and every two miutes it comes an irritating sound that makes me wanna throw up, and then someone dies. Its not interesting and it doesnt make wanna keep looking. I would say that i wasted my time by looking at this movie.
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TheEtherWalk8 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Fifty people wake up in a room, trapped standing on circles on the ground while an orb picks them off one by one. Soon they realize that they can vote for who dies next and a vicious power struggle for survival takes place in which only one person can come out alive, if anyone makes it out at all.

At first glance this film seems like pretty typical Saw-esque horror fare, characters drop one by one as they try to solve their predicament in seemingly logical and ethical ways. But where a lot of those films suffer from 'torture porn' syndrome, IE making entertainment out of cruel and inhuman grotesqueries and human suffering, Circle probes a little bit deeper and doesn't make the constant deaths, though occasionally amusing, the focal point of interest. The deaths are all clean and it never becomes sadistic or sickening, which I appreciate. I think that this film has a lot to say and it gets its points across in a mind-blowing fashion in my opinion. Once the characters figure out what is going on in the room, they all try different tactics to stay alive and to present their ethical ideas to the rest of the group. Prejudices emerge. They could easily feel clichéd but they don't, and one reason for this is that the film feels allegorical in its denouement. It would seem unlikely that so many people from seemingly every different walk of life would wind up in that room together, but it's important to the point that I think the film is trying to make. I think that every moral and ethical idea presented is relevant and all of the characters add something new to the 'idea' of the film. As political sides emerge and different viewpoints clash, it becomes clear that this group of people is sort of like a microcosm of our modern world. It becomes a study in sociology, psychology, morality and Darwinism. Human beings tend to hold their hatred for each other inside and never let others see it. But when life and death are at stake, when everyone's back is against the wall, and when the power to kill another to save yourself is as easy as closing one's fist, how would people really react? I think it's realistic in it's portrayal of seemingly good people turning on each other. Granted it's not totally nihilistic. A lot of them want someone to survive at the end who deserves it, but the group spends so much time bickering and arguing with each other, killing each other through frustration and anger, and even through strategy in trying to survive that they end up wiping out most of the best people early on. Human beings are traded like pawns in a game as strategies come head to head. And in the end, who walks away the winner out of all of the chaos that we humans put ourselves and each other through with our endless judgments of each other and our pointless struggle to the top of the food chain?


The psychopath. The manipulator. The deceiver. The smartest and least ethically bound out of all of them takes the grand prize. If this isn't a metaphor for the elite in our society then I don't know what is. He pretends to be on the side of the weakest in the room, promising to sacrifice himself for them if one of them can do the same. But then he turns on them, survival instincts kicking in. How many people would have done the same in his position? Way too many in this world. His victory totally negates the sacrifices of all of those who came before him, because it's totally unethical. But it makes the movie as a whole mean so much more because of that negation.

But going back to one of the main themes of the movie, is it really our place to judge him? As he stands amidst a group of survivors, we see that they are mostly children and pregnant women. If the aliens are trying to purify the world down to 2 percent of our current population, wouldn't the new world need some strong, smart people to lead the needy and the weak? It really makes you think. And that's why I think this film is great. It makes you think not only about society and the dilemmas humans face as a whole but it asks you to take a look at your own judgements and values and ask whether or not they are really what is best for others and for society. Personally I do think Eric is evil though. We're all faced with the eventuality of our own death, maybe all we can do is live truly good lives and hope that the world that is left after we are gone is a better one. But we need to watch out for those manipulators and evildoers at the top of the pile or they will take everything we've struggled for centuries to achieve.

Overall this is a very disturbing film, but a poignant one. It brings up a lot of interesting questions about human nature and provides no easy answers. This is a bold film, a challenging film, and a film not for everyone, but if you can stomach the subject matter I highly recommend it.
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Social Commentary
gavin69423 October 2017
Held captive and faced with their imminent executions, fifty strangers are forced to choose the one person among them who deserves to live.

Before getting too far into the film, I was reminded of "12 Angry Men". Looking into it a bit more, it is not surprising to find that this was, in fact, the primary inspiration. Something of a modern take on how we judge other people.

As a horror or science fiction film, the material is pretty light. But as social commentary, the film is strong. A bit heavy-handed, maybe, or in some ways too obvious in its stereotypes, but still clever just the same. We are left to wonder if humanity was in such a situation, who would survive? (The film actually suggests an answer, but let us not get into the spoilers!)
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Foutainoflife24 February 2019
A whole bunch of folks wake to find themselves on a circular pad that is some sort of elimination game. How is this game played? Why have they been chosen as participants? What is the point?

So. After just having watched this, absolutely none of these questions came with any clear cut answers. This film was a look at socialism, morality, psychology and self preservation. While these are all fascinating topics and can cause the viewer to invest in certain characters more so than others, there is no real point to this movie. I was into it but the end had no payoff and it made what could have been a 6 or 7 star film take a nosedive all the way down to 3 stars for me. The ending didn't work for me at all. After watching all the drama among these characters the only word I could mutter was "REALLY!?!"
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If you are a nihilist you will like this film
KineticSeoul10 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I will say this movie pulls no punches and goes in a very crude direction. I guess it's the directors interpretation of humanity, motives and realism. What arsenals with mind games human beings will use in order to survive. Of how in the real world, what people usually ends up winning in the end. Well at least in this world we are living in currently. So yeah, this movie might leave a bad aftertaste for some viewers. Actually probably many viewers, especially with the ending and all. It's something no Hollywood movie with a big budget would try to tackle. So I give the filmmakers props for going in a gutsy direction with it all. However this film tries to go in a direction that tries to destroy all hope for humanity. Like I said the ending is a realistic portrayal of what would go down from a nihilist perspective. To be honest I think this movie is probably the most nihilistic and skeptical movie I have ever seen. So I suggest that if you are dealing with depression to stay far away from this one. To sum up this setting overall, it's like some sort of evil and vile game that the Joker would play to bring out the true colors of humanity.

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Don't think it gets better
ckarnoutsos22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, the plot is somewhat predictable until like 5 minutes before the movie ends and we get a "twist". But not only the twist is not even a big one, they explain nothing whatsoever than....the obvious. If you have 1hr and a half to kill, what's it.
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Lets Talk
supatube22 January 2016
So you've read the synopsis and want to see if this is something you might be interested in.

Have you ever seen, "The Man from Earth"? Did you like the movie? Where they talk and talk and show nothing characteristically typical of a Sci-Fi flik. Well, "Circles" does something similar with all the talking, except with strong horror undercurrents and themes that focus more on sociology and politics.

There is a similar "Cube" feeling, that confined atmosphere of death but "Circles" has a far better pace and manages to keep the intrigue all the way to the end with only ever using one room. admittedly I first viewed "Cube" well after its release and I find it so dated and difficult to stay awake through. It lulls me to sleep no matter what time of day. But I digress.

"Circles" could have fleshed out some of those intimate moments of the actors more thoroughly but I'm assuming budget effected time which meant that there were only a few takes. So boom. That one will just have to do.

Nonetheless I appreciate the themes this film shoots for. I enjoy a film that enrages me a little when portraying human nature as it systematically makes my brain wheel turn. Is this plausible, are we capable and would I really behave like that?

I don't think this a horror or sci-fi genre specific, rather more of a drama with the other two built in. I think if you enjoy a good drama but have gotten tired of the opaque sadness the genre likes to play in, then give this a shot. I think you'll have a good time wading through the tension.

In the end it was a great film where it simply holds a mirror up to the 2010's and says, "Take a look, what do you see? Wanna talk about it"
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Great Movie, Will Make You Mad
BrandonLetkeman26 October 2015
Fantastic concept that is beautifully executed. All the decisions and rationale behind them feel disturbingly real. I found myself yelling at the characters on many occasions.

My one gripe would be that it was hard for me to imagine how certain characters would survive as long as they did given their actions.

That said the turmoil did cause me to become that much more involved in the story.

This film falls in line perfectly with others that similarly take a unique concept and flesh them out into intriguing narratives. If you like Cube, The Game, The Box, or even Adjustment Bureau (not nearly as sappy so don't worry) you will love this movie.

Side note if you watched this movie and liked it you should also check out the ones I mentioned above.
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it never gets any better
toddg-473-28981810 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to get into this movie, and by the time it was over, I realized I had wasted an hour and a half of my life. The only reason I stayed with it was because it reminded me of 2010's NINE DEAD, a far better movie.

CIRCLE tells the story of a group of strangers who wake up inside a darkened room, all standing in lit red circles placed in a larger circle in a few rows so that everyone can see and hear each other. A mysterious orb in the middle of the room starts killing each of them off one by one, seemingly without any rhyme or reason. The characters begin trying to figure out how the killing process works, and surmise that the orb kills off another person every two minutes, and that the survivors have the collective ability to vote for the person who will be next. They also discover that death befalls anyone who leaves the lit circle in which they are standing, as does having physical contact with anyone standing near them.

The group spends a little time trying to figure out how they all got there, and to see if they have any ties to anyone else in the room. Not enough time is spent on this investigative process and the uncovering of the layers that might keep the audience interested. Instead the generic conclusion is that a giant ship from outer space reached down and grabbed each of them and brought them to the ship and placed them in captivity. The group then exercises flawed reasoning as to who should be killed next, whether it be determined by age, race, or socioeconomic standing.

The screenwriters tried to portray the group as a random cross section of people: The young, the old, people of different races and occupations. The story then unfortunately takes too many pot shots at stereotypes, particularly conservative ones. For example, the one police officer in the group is labeled judgmental for pointing out the one criminal in the group, and the one the white collar worker wearing a tie and suspenders (a white male, of course) is branded as a racist for his words to a black man in the group. And the stereotyping wouldn't be complete without the same white male devaluing the lesbian mother's life and worth. Even the one minister in the group is scoffed at for suggesting that God is the answer, while the continued elimination of people in the group suggest that God is nowhere to be found. And the lone soldier in the group is accused of having information about the spaceship that he was keeping from the rest of the group.

As the herd thins out, the remaining survivors deduce a convoluted idea that with enough votes in one direction, the young girl and pregnant lady in the group can be spared death. How the script got to this point is fuzzy, and the story was already too far gone for the audience to care if anyone survived.

In the end, the lone survivor is seen on the ground outside the ship, with onlookers gathered to watch the ship leaving the skies above the earth. No further explanation is given, and whatever attempt at a bombshell explanation that is given by the survivor's narration at the end of the movie was ineffective. I finished this movie feeling cheated and empty, like I had been lectured to.
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Good movie...and then the typical ending happens
hami515023 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's a surprisingly nicely done psycho-thriller, much like the movie Cube, only without all the Saw-type booby traps and gore. There were a few holes and flaws in the characters thinking (i.e. how did the "couple" manage to hatch a plan to lie about being married so fast without anyone hearing them, what did the girl whisper to the Latino man who didn't speak English just before she was eliminated, and once they realized they had a minister in the room, why didn't they vote him off? After all, if he believes, then he has the least to fear of all of them). I really liked how I thought it was going to end, and actually felt myself tearing up a bit that this little girl was going to sacrifice herself, only to have that ruined with the guy tricking them. Then, it just turned into a typical forced ending of ambiguity. And, of course, the young white guy is the survivor. Not only did this movie lose me at the end, they also lose serious creativity points. The ending made no sense, and brought zero closure to the whole thing. I personally would have liked to seen an ending more along the lines of the last guy is the "winner", but the prize is that he gets to be a guinea pig for the aliens, while we see the others who were "eliminated" waking up together back on Earth, realizing that they actually "won". But, that's just a thought. It was an enjoyable film, just went into the ravine at the end.
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An OK, but lacklustre social-observation Sci-Fi
trelloskilos-19 April 2016
There are several movies that have done this sort of thing before. Put a cross section of society in an isolated situation (Desert Island, Hostile Planet, Booby Trapped Death Cube, Reality TV Show etc.), and observe their behaviours to see who is a team player, and who is a selfish aback-stabber.

Circle reminded me of a more extreme version of the TV game show 'The Weakest Link'. Only there is 50 people involved, and each is voting for their own life.

It's a neat premise on paper, but ultimately, the movie doesn't really go anywhere with it.

As a social commentary, we are presented with a broad cross-section of some very unpleasant stereotypes across the spectrum. Nothing was spared, whether race, gender, age, disability, sexuality, the movie provided some very sloppy examples of stereotyping & discrimination.

As a sci-fi movie, there is no character development at all. The movie only has two ongoing questions and they are 'Who will everyone vote for next?" and "Why?". The first question is answered every few minutes, and the second answer seems to be "Isn't it obvious?". - There is a third question "What the hell is going on?" and to its credit, the movie does not have an ambiguous ending. It does actually answer that question, but the answer feels like a tacked-on epilogue that doesn't really tie all the loose ends.

All in all, I found myself getting a bit bored & impatient with the movie to start going somewhere. I continued watching a bunch of people squabble over strategic voting and each round became more telegraphed. Even the 'twist' final rounds were predictable.

There are much better socially based sci-fi movies around The Cube & The Exam, for example, allowed for some character development, and for moral ambiguity.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend this film as an in-depth moral commentary about humanity, but if you are into the whole 'watching people stab others in the back' thing, then this will kill an hour or so.
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Hour and a half long serial execution by jury!
ryanoaklen25 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Circle is a thought provoking movie that is definitely not worth a 9/10. So why then did I give it just that?

For reasons that I don't fully understand, I find myself mesmerized by the end of an hour and a half long serial execution by jury. This style of movie has been attempted multiple times before with the likes of Cube, Saw, and a couple underground indie flicks, where in the premise, at it's basis is kill or be killed. Though surprisingly none others quite matched up to the tone and imaginative nature of Circle.

Let me try to explain in more detail and I emphasize try:

Circle is a very simplistic movie where 50 people are trapped in a circle (thought to be trapped by E.T's), a circle that forces the unlucky individuals to choose who to kill in 2 minute intervals. Where it gets interesting is the evolution of everyones mindset on how to go about killing each other. The psychology used, the ruthlessness at the core of seemingly everyday people, the innocence, the betrayal, the discrimination, and the humanity in others is what is so mesmerizing about this indie. It is a lower budget, decent acted psychological thriller that educes the imagination in so many ways. With a semi intriguing simplistic idea, they were able to create an entertaining thought provoking humanistic experiment, simply with dialogue, and a Circle.

I give this movie a 9/10 for the simple fact that there is nothing else quite like it. And whatever is quite like it, still isn't quite like it. In general movie terms, I wouldn't dream of rating this movie higher than a 6/10. However, when you walk away satisfied yet still wanting more, disgusted yet applauding, and tired yet contemplative, I have no choice but to stick with my rating.
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Must see
tootle-3758523 September 2018
Don't let me kid you, this film isn't great. But... you need to see it. It's a clever picture that makes you wonder about how you would react (to the situation) if you were there. Hopefully someone reads this "review" and jumps in blind like I did. Trust this stranger, watch it
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I found it flat
allenandginter16 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It holds you, pulls you into it and has you rooting for people. The problem was simple, to be honest. The ending was so flaccid, based on the build up, it leaves you thinking "Come on.." I was surprised , based on how the film ended, at the level of acting in this movie.That was the shining point when you factor in the ending or the lack of context and content. It was nice to see "Rita" after her demise in Dexter, finding a roll and playing it well :) If it had a bit more context, content or a bit more story, I think it would have been a terrific movie. Instead it went down the pseudo- cerebral path and fell on it's face. I Would not recommend this to anyone unless it was a .99 rental at a red-box simply because it is missing the delivery that comes after the build up
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Who deserves to live?
publicj17 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
No matter what society we live in or what culture we came from we are making decisions that seem small but are affecting the lives of others, we are different and separated because of culture, race, religion, income, sex orientation... but at the same time we are the same: we all want to live, this is what this movie is about.

When it comes to political decisions and who deserves to live or must most profit from resources the question gets complicated, this movie tries the clarify some of the motivations groups of humans have to reject the other and how these motivations only make sense in the heads of people who have them, in nature things are different and it is shown in the ending that the one who gets to live have done that by a mix of intelligence and luck.

This movie is more about political science and sociology than science fiction or horror.
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I annoyingly liked this
danielmanson23 October 2020
Won't lie, I had absolutely no expectations on this film. I just lumped it on and hoped for the best. And I was actually pleasantly shocked (in a good way) about this film. It sounds like something that wouldn't be entertaining, 50 people stood round a circle and choosing one to die every few minutes. But I believe it's done really well, kept me interested throughout and generally just well done. Especially for a low budget film.

My only real issue I had was the ending. I thought it was a little flat. I feel it needed a bit more explaining than what we got given.

On the whole though it was a strong 7/10 and glad I watched.
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