The Convent (2018) Poster


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The un-scary possession of nuns
TheLittleSongbird12 August 2019
'The Convent' was hardly one of those films that was dead on arrival from the get go or anything. Not one of those films that had few or no interest points or where the idea was bad. Actually thought that the idea was interesting enough, even if it was one where one should know what to expect (not Oscar-winning material, not that kind of film) and the cover looked creepy.

Even when knowing what to expect, 'The Convent' just didn't deliver and doesn't really execute its interesting idea well. Really tried to take it for what it was and what it was trying to be and do, but it was hard to do that when too many elements are done poorly and when not a particularly good job is done scaring or entertaining. Have seen far worse potential wastes recently, films that waste absolutely everything going for it and films failing when they shouldn't have.

Will start with what 'The Convent' does reasonably in. Most of it looks pretty decent and could tell at least what period and such it was set in, it has an unsettling look namely down to the lighting and the costumes and settings, while not lavish, don't at least look shoe-string budget-like. The camera work mostly isn't too gimmicky and is suitably moody. The music is variable in 'The Convent', but when it works it is haunting and doesn't create a discord with the atmosphere.

It did start off quite creepily, not original sure but the creepy atmosphere was there. While like the music the acting was on and off, Claire Higgins and Hannah Arterton were more than respectable throughout.

However, some of the other actors are pretty monotone and don't really bring much to their very limited material. Michael Ironside is generally watchable and has been known to be one of the better things of mediocre or less films (and he has his fair share of those), but did not see the point of him being there. He has very little to do and his appearance is placed so awkwardly, he felt very out of place. Some, not all as said but enough times for it to be a problem, of the music was inappropriate in style and tone and jarred as a result, like it was intended for another film. Occasionally the camera work is not particularly professional but on the visual side it's the slapdash and over-obvious special effects that fare worst.

Found the script to be cheesy, very stilted and like it was barely finished, a re-write and read-through more (if there was any of either in the first place) and that would have made at least a smidgeon of a difference. 'The Convent' started well enough, but as it progressed the duller and sillier it became. Suspense and scares were far too few, and the middle especially drags. The last act didn't really excite or unsettle me and it bordered on silly, while the gore could be used excessively and for no real reason other than the film's way of creating some kind of shock value.

On the whole, nothing offensive about it but not a particularly good effort. 4/10
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More demon nuns
aldiboronti3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what we've done to deserve it but for the last few years you can't go anywhere near a cinema without tripping over a possessed nun. The film begins in 1619 with a nun whining about the evil she's brought on the convent. While she whines we see bloodied nuns aplenty, presumably the victims of whatever she brought into the place.

Move forward 40 years to 1659, incidentally the final year of Cromwell's reign. A woman chained in a dungeon. A man enters and says, "Up, witch!" Interestingly he appears to be a time traveler as he's wearing a three-cornered hat of a style which didn't come in till the early 1700s. He drags her before a judge. Yay, it's Michael Ironside, and he's the only reason the film gets 4 points. 3 are for him. He condemns the woman to death when in swoops the Mother Superior of a convent. She demands the girl be turned over to her and threatens him with the Inquisition if he refuses. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Or indeed any inquisition at all in England which was a Protestant country and had no time at all for the Catholic institution of the Papal Inquisition. Michael Ironside instead of kicking the old crone out on her ass and telling her to read up on her history agrees to turn over the accused as he's grown tired of the whole thing. As indeed am I.

The rest is easily told. Yada yada yada ooh scary nun yada yada yada. Avoid like the Black Death.
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Not bad.
fakefacebookemail7 August 2019
I gave the movie a 5 because first off I am extremely hard to please.

I must say I enjoyed this movie and it kept me going throughout. The acting and cinematography was midway but it had a good story line and heck anything with evil Nuns is going to keep my attention.

The downsides were the horrible accents, syntax, and so so costumes but everything else balances all that out.

This is not going to be the greatest movie you will see this year but it is definitely worth the $4.00 rental.
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The effect are very cheap
asdfirepl27 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
All of the effects look cheap, it would be better without them, the lines are awkward, the acting as well. At the end you can see traces of green screen... and this is a "professional movie"
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Incredibly poor
pally_daaa_3339 November 2019
It literally looks like a school project. "Colored eyes" look like marbles, fire looks like Play-Doh, and, to be honest, literally everything else looks extremely cheap. Awful.
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Movie is as bad as the weather
spikeroo-293336 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Every day and night there is thunder and lightning. Lots of eye gouging and blood though. Michael Ironside is in it for maybe 3 minutes going through the motions. Most of the budget is spent on glowing contact lenses. Oh and also blood and eyeballs.
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Lost it's way
kathmummybear1 April 2020
It started off ok and showed a little promise unfortunately it soon lost its way and became predictable and I'm sorry to say boring
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1/10 foot.
jos-dsouza25 May 2019
This movie is a prime example of what a horror movie should not be. In fact this can't even be called a horror movie. Its all confusing and makes no sense. Why did they even make this movie? I would suggest you instead watch an old horror classic.
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Solid 6 Stars
cynthiacaton5 May 2019
I enjoyed the atmosphere of the movie. The time period felt (relatively) authentic. Persephone jumps out of the fire into an all-together different frying pan.

The store is not original and I wish they explained the back story better, but it is a solid film. I watch a lot of horror and this is definitely not the worst!

My pet peeve - I hate when the scenes are so dark that you cannot see anything. This does happen through most of the film, but the eyes do shine bright.

Fine for people who like horror period pieces with some gore.
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You're scaring Emily
nogodnomasters2 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The opens in 1619 with a nun bloodbath (details later) and then jumps to 40 years later...

Necromancer Persephone (Hannah Arterton) is rescued from Michael Ironside cameo by the Reverend Mother (Clare Higgins). She goes to said convent where strange things still happen and their idea of redemption is to have your eyes ripped out of your head. I had a hard time staying engaged with the film. Don't the nuns have a group shower?

Horror special effects were not that great. The plot wasn't spectacular either but nun films are in.
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It's well-made but...Eeeeewwww.
S_Soma4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THE CONVENT is lurid, melodramatic and very overly done. It's filled with gore of the extra juicy variety; by the end of the picture I don't think there's an actor, costume or surface that isn't adorned with its own splatter of blood or surplus body parts. Especially eyeballs.

Just to get it out of the way up front and to clear up any potential confusion, while I didn't enjoy THE CONVENT at all, I still gave it a relatively high star-rating of 8/10. This sometimes happens with my reviews because my enjoyment of the movie and my standards/methods for rating them are two separate issues. I rate movies on a relative scale based upon two general criteria: did the movie turn out to be the movie that it's creators intended to make and how does the movie rate against others of its subjectively perceived genre. Neither of these criteria say anything about whether or not I like a movie. If the creators of a movie work hard to do a quality job and circumstantially produce a movie whose subject matter disagrees with me, I simply don't think it's fair for me to knock it because my personal tastes run along different lines.

And I can very confidently say that this is exactly the movie it's creators intended to make. Spot on. So good on them.

The setting of THE CONVENT appears to be, at a guess, around the late Middle Ages. Everything is damp, dark and dirty and top-loaded with ignorance and superstition. And human filth. Everybody looks cold, dirty, smelly and unhappy and would probably still be so were they not having to deal with evil supernatural entities. I couldn't prove it, but I would suspect that everybody has smallpox or diarrhea. Probably both. It is these characteristics that make it a movie I would not enjoy. I only stuck with it so that I could produce a legitimate review.

After some opening credits mixed with flash-clips of voiced-over bloody scenes, THE CONVENT opens with a cursory "necromancy" trial featuring, for all of maybe four minutes, Michael Ironside. This gives the movie a recognizable name-brand actor on its documentation to feature at the beginning, and we never see him again. A grim and crotchety mother superior shows up at the last second and retrieves a terrified and tongue-tied young woman out of a death sentence and whisks her off to the titular convent.

Unfortunately, the convent has a demon vermin problem. Apparently, several decades ago, a collection of new novices, led by a particularly charismatic novice-leader, summoned a demon. The foam-brained idea was that simple devotion to their religious beliefs was insufficient to win divine approval and that a dramatic "test" was required to adequately "prove" their absolute faith. So they decided to summon an evil spirit and the "proof" of their absolute faith would be their ability to control it through their faith. Yep.

Predictably, things did not go well. The evil spirit busted loose, killed most of the novices and permanently possessed the innocent, sacrificial novice, leaving her to roam the halls of the convent "forever". The charismatic leader novice stayed and eventually became the mother superior, and one other novice ran away from the convent. We learn the details of these events from that escaped novice, now a very old woman at the time most of the movie takes place.

The arrival into the convent of the young woman from the necromancy trial results in the supernatural energies getting all hot and sweaty and your basic gory mayhem begins and accelerates through to the dénouement at the end of the movie.

The end. Oh, and make sure you get past the end credits because there's a brief punctuation scene at the very end. I'll bet you can guess what it is before you get there.

The occasions of stilted acting are relatively few, most of the acting is adequate to purpose, and some of the old dames in the movie actually do a right respectable job. Production values and period costumes and settings are good. The music does run the gamut from pretty awful (context inappropriate) to pretty good so things are somewhat uneven from that standpoint. THE CONVENT engages in amateurish camerawork (unjustified close-ups, shaky cam, screwball angles and etc.) only occasionally.

I didn't like the movie because excess gore (blood spraying in all directions, eyeballs pulled out of heads, juicy stabby sounds, heads pounded into mush) all in the context of an era notable for being smelly, disease riddled, damp, moldy and cruel just doesn't float my boat. You wouldn't want to go there outside of an environment suit and you couldn't touch anything without using tongs. This perspective probably stems from my early experience with a not dissimilar movie, CRY OF THE BANSHEE with Vincent Price around 1970. I was about 11 at that time and the movie impressed me deeply as being nauseating to watch. That set my sensibilities about such movies a long time ago.

So, if this sounds like the type of movie you like watching, I can recommend it. Personally, I'd rather go swimming in a cesspool, but to each his own I suppose.
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Not bad
mjsreg22 October 2019
This movie is watchable, but could have been better with a little bit of thought.

Having seen Paul Hyatt's Seasoning House - which is an incredibly disturbing yet brilliant movie - perhaps I was expecting too much from The Convent.

I found that the movie lacked 'punch'. It transitioned from one thing to another - especially the horror bits - just too softly - the viewing experience was too smooth for a horror.

Some of the effects - particularly the parts with fire - were obviously artificial and overdone in some scenes making the movie feel cheap.

Most of the acting is OK, although there were a few cringe-worthy moments - but nothing that couldn't be forgiven.

Just a few small changes would have made all the difference and would have placed this movie towards the top of the tree. Unfortunately, it is as it is - watchable but not brilliant.
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Dreadful, give it a miss
thistledonicely-119 April 2020
Poor script, poor effects, poor storyline. Generally, a dreadful waste of time. 3 stars is probably very generous.
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Wonky, Shonky, Wobbly, Shlocky
mcm22042 June 2022
Uninteresting and with terrible CGI effects scattered amongst some fair practical effects. Atmosphere is okay, pacing less so. Incomprehensible plot. Gains a couple of stars by having the mighty Michael Ironside (albeit for literally about two minutes; was he just here on holiday?) and Clare 'Hellraiser' Higgins.
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The year in the title is wrong.
onelove-graphicsatx11 April 2019
This comes out May 3, 2019. Why is it labeled The Convent (2018). The release date is correct only the title needs to be changed. I'm not sure how to make the correction.
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Good movie to fall usleep!!!!
romanvercelli29 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The best? nothing! The worst? All! I see many comments that are clearly made by people from the production of the movie. I can not name each one of them, but the one that says: solid 6 stars, or a movie that will get into your skin OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! make you want to cry !!!!!!! The movie is VE RY VE RY B A AAAAAAA D.
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You might need to pray to get through this one
KoolCatReviews28 April 2020
You know the movie is bad when it can't spell its title right. Oh its for creative reasons okay? No its just lazy and odd like the rest of the movie. A terriable title for a terriable move. Micheal ironsides is given prominent billing however he is in the movie for under 5 minutes at the start and that is it. It feels a cheap way to trick to get people to watch the movie because honestly you would not want too watch this movie inless you where tricked into. The rest of cast is relatively unknown and they don't put in a good performance here. CGI is used poorly for some of the outdoor shoots the camera here is often at funny angles. Plot-wise it's pretty stupid, characters act unbelievablely and I didn't for one mintue feel invested. In the end it comes down to horror tropes and becomes predictable. Pray you never have to watch this.
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Ill-advised nunsploitation indie
Leofwine_draca11 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
THE CONVENT is an awful little British horror film that shows no signs of moving away from the doldrums from beginning to end. An ill-advised addition to the small but memorable 'nunsploitation' genre of filmmaking, this one involves a young woman accused of witchcraft who is saved from the stake and led to an extremely gloomy convent, where it turns out a possessed nun is tearing out eyeballs left, right and centre. It's tacky and interminable, badly lit and awfully acted from a dull cast; the only fun comes (unsurprisingly) from the two old-timers in the cast: the first is Michael Ironside contributing an opening cameo, the second HELLRAISER actress Claire Higgins once more playing an extremely unpleasant character. They're not enough to raise the spirits...
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Utterly wrong historically and badly acted as well
geraldleejones-206397 March 2024
The first bizarre thing was pointing out that it is 1619 and then flipping to 1659 in 3 seconds. In 1659 Oliver Cromwell was Lord Protector of the Republic of England. Catholism was outlawed, there were no convents or nuns in Great Britain at the time, the burning of witches was over and the Inquisition was never part of English history as it was part of the Spanish Catholic Church and England was Protestant. A nun appearing before and English Judge would have been arrested immediately and imprisoned! Every aspect of this farce is total nonsense when compared to history.

As if that were not enough, the writing is dreadful and the acting was on a par with those horrible daytime soap operas!

Do youself a favor and skip this pile of manure!!!
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A Horror Story That Crawls And Slithers Under Your Skin...To Scratch At Your Soul...
P3n-E-W1s314 July 2019
So when the epic "The Conjuring" starts to branch out with "Annabelle" and "The Nun" storylines it's like casting chum into the waters... the sharks start swarming. There has been an influx of killer doll flicks and horror titles with "Nun" in or religious-based movie gruesomeness.

I can't fault the filmmakers for wanting to make money and get their film out to audiences... just as long as they believe in their work and their not out for a quick buck, made from somebody else's hard work.

"The Convent" isn't a quick buck maker. However, with actresses Hannah Arterton, Claire Higgins, Rosie Day, and Emily Tucker you have a main cast that is stronger than "The Nun"

Claire Higgins gives a more than credible portrayal of a misguided Reverend Mother, who "saves" lost souls and wayward girls from the barbaric justice of the period. She is strong, unemotional, and unflappable, even when her world falls apart. While Hannah Arterton as the seer, Persephone gives a quiet and moody performance. You get the idea that there's something different about her. That she's always looking, listening, and forming ideas and conclusions. Whereas, the other wayward girls have had the fight religious'ed out of them, making them sheep. Persephone has enough piss and vinegar left to go head to head with the holinesses.

However, I cannot understand why Michael Ironside does a cameo for this film. Now I love Michael and I do tend to watch a film should I see his name in the titles. Though, for the size of his role, he shouldn't have been in the top billing, especially when he's not the strongest actor in the cast. This film is strong enough to stand on its own without needing a name to pull in a crowd. It would've been nice if he'd tried an English accent at least.

The story is your basic Good V's Evil. Unfortunately, the Sisters pride set them up for one hell of a fall (puns intended) and a darkness falls over the convent. There's a strange malady falling over the inhabitants. A fever that infects the brain and forces the diseased to claw out their own eyes. Persephone begins to suspect that there's something else at work in the convent. Could it be the Reverend Mother, The Sisters, or something else?

There aren't many twists in the tale, though the way it's filmed, along with the strength of the acting, keeps the audience watching. The lighting is nice, though it could have been a tad more atmospheric. It wouldn't have hurt to throw in some different and creative film techniques to add a bit more interest; titillating the viewers a little more. All over, it's pretty standard horror fair - direction-wise. I must admit, I did like the way that the gore was kept to a minimum and used perfectly to shock and to build the storyline. Even the quick-snap flashbacks to the massacre were used flawlessly. The gore here come quick and fast - leaving the viewers mind to fill in most of the details.

For me, the pace of the film could have been more varied. For the most part, the story is slow. This builds atmosphere and lets you have time to digest the characters and their surroundings. The thing is, when the director wants to create tension, especially when Persephone is sneaking about, he can't really slow it down anymore - it would make it boring. So, being a little faster paced could only have enhanced the mood of these scenes, which didn't quite work.

If you enjoy horror stories that crawl and slither under your skin and scratch away at your souls then this could be for you. "The Convent" is an enjoyable film and one to watch on a dark cold night... you might feel like you're there with them...
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Horror my ass
eventlaunch9 May 2020
Terrible terrible terrible who ever produced this should be shot
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The Spirit of Hammer Lives.
Magik6712 May 2019
Real British Horror Film. What I used to watch when I got back from the pub.. No need to say more.
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Fun Religious Horror
ferdmalenfant31 October 2019
This is by no means close to such greats as "The Exorcist" or "the Omen" but it's well made with good acting and just enough gore and suspense. I was pleasantly surprised by this little film.
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Story Been Done Dozens Of Times...
wandernn1-81-68327429 December 2020
Another demon thing in hte nunnery story. A few interesting scenes but very lackluster for the most part. 4/10
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Dark Waters
JohnnyMarsan5 May 2019
Watch ....... Dark Waters (1994) ..... instead.......
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