"Castle" Scared to Death (TV Episode 2013) Poster

(TV Series)


Nathan Fillion: Richard Castle



  • [while searching the victim's apartment] 

    Kate Beckett : Did you find anything yet?

    Richard Castle : Yes... Closet with more stilettos than yours. Didn't think it was possible.

  • Richard Castle : Wow. She looks like she's been scared to death. Literally.

    M.E. Sidney Perlmutter : Is that based on your *vast* medical experience, Mr. Castle?

    Richard Castle : No. Based on the fact she looks like an Edvard Munch painting. Really freaky.

  • Richard Castle : Look at what she was researching here. "How to keep away evil", "How to ward off evil spirits."

    [holds up a book] 

    Richard Castle : A book on urban legends. Over by the door, horseshoes. I clocked two Indian wood chimes, there and there. These are things used to ward off evil spirits. Like Perlmutter.

    M.E. Sidney Perlmutter : I heard that.

  • Richard Castle : And... we're running out of time. So I'm gonna scratch off number 27 on my bucket list. Do you remember that uh, blue porcelain váse you had on your dining room table?

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, the one that the wind blew over.

    Richard Castle : Yeah, about that... I was playing Wii Tennis in the living room...

    Kate Beckett : You broke my vase?

    Richard Castle : "Váse." Vase is acceptable, too.

    Kate Beckett : You know what, you can stop worrying about the spirits getting to you, because I just might kill you myself.

  • Richard Castle : Okay. So I've got incense, palaspas, bagua mirror. This is a veritable war chest for fighting evil spirits.

    Kate Beckett : Is that holy water?

    Richard Castle : Yeah.

    Kate Beckett : Where'd you get that from?

    Richard Castle : A priest blessed this for me two years ago.

    Kate Beckett : And y-you just keep it around?

    Richard Castle : Knew it would come in handy one day... Now, what weapon do you want?

    Kate Beckett : I think I'll be fine with my gun.

  • Kate Beckett : In the meantime... it's getting kind of late. Okay? So why don't we just call it a night? You know what, actually... we could go back to my place tonight and take some more photos.

    Richard Castle : [smiling]  Well, I might be... convin...

    [stops smiling] 

    Richard Castle : Whoa, wait a minute... In every horror movie I've ever *seen*, having sex pretty much guarantees we will die. So, for the safety of us both, I say we just hold off.

    Kate Beckett : [whispering and advancing]  Are you sure? I mean, think about it, Castle. This could be our last time.

    Richard Castle : [backing up]  That's not-

    [backs into a chair] 

    Richard Castle : What you're doing right now, this is not helping. This- I'm gonna... remove myself from temptation.

    [backing away] 

    Richard Castle : A good night's sleep will give me some perspective.

    [turns and walks into a pole] 

  • [relaxing at the loft after solving the case] 

    Kate Beckett : Okay, so, here's to a job well done.

    [clink glasses and takes a sip] 

    Kate Beckett : And now you can finally get rid of this bucket... list... of yours.

    [looks at Castle's list] 

    Richard Castle : What's that look for?

    Kate Beckett : "Be with Kate"?... That's your number one? When did you write this?

    Richard Castle : Well, like, three years ago. Ooh! I can cross that one off.

  • Richard Castle : [reading]  "Legend tells of a mysterious video that can harness the forces of evil from the beyond. The disc is a harbinger of grave misfortune, marking its watchers and sentencing them to certain and unavoidable death." I saw it, just like Val did. That's why she said, "It's coming for me." That's how she knew when she was going to die, why she was trying to ward off spirits, because of the message on that disc.

    Javier Esposito : How's a DVD gonna kill you? Is it gonna come at you like a ninja star? Cut your head off?

    Richard Castle : [sighs]  The actual DVD will not kill me, Esposito. It will be the spirit *inside* the DVD, just like in "The Ring".

    Kevin Ryan : Ooh, ooh, the... one with the creepy, waterlogged little girl that crawls out of the TV. I didn't sleep for *days* after that movie.

  • Richard Castle : You don't know what killed her.

    M.E. Sidney Perlmutter : I wouldn't say that.

    Richard Castle : Do you have a theory?

    M.E. Sidney Perlmutter : Not at the present time.

    Richard Castle : That means you don't know. That means you don't know. And the only explanation is that Val faced something so scary, it stopped her heart and froze her *face* in the last expression she had. Terror. Admit it.

    M.E. Sidney Perlmutter : All I'll say, Mr. Castle, is that, for now, cause of death is unknown.

    Richard Castle : Unknown. Hear that?

    [he pulls out his wallet and fumbles with a piece of paper] 

    Richard Castle : Not good.

    Kate Beckett : What are you doing?

    Richard Castle : Checking my bucket list. See how many things I can get done in two days. Can either one of you introduce me to Bill Shatner?

  • Richard Castle : Maybe we should make a copy of the DVD and send it to someone else. That's how they saved people in "The Ring".

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah, but all those people who got a copy died.

    Javier Esposito : Yeah, and you'd just be passing the buck off to someone else. That's cold, bro.

    Richard Castle : Okay, does anyone have a better solution? Because we need one. If not for me, at least for Beckett.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, that's so sweet. You want me to outlive you?

    Richard Castle : Of course. Who else is gonna tell my tale of sacrifice and selflessness?

  • Richard Castle : Can this get any worse? A dead serial killer has gone missing, we've both seen a cursed disc, we're at a cabin in the woods with no cell phone reception. I don't need Wes Craven to tell me how this ends.

    Kate Beckett : Well, think about it this way, Castle. In all of those horror movies, someone survives.

    Richard Castle : Yeah. Someone. One of us. And the other one is cursed with being charming and funny. I don't think I need to tell you what kind of chances the comic-relief guy has.

  • Kate Beckett : So, Perlmutter, how was Val Butler killed?

    M.E. Sidney Perlmutter : It *appears* she died of heart failure.

    Richard Castle : At 27?

    Kate Beckett : Did she have heart problems?

    M.E. Sidney Perlmutter : Well, she certainly did once it stopped beating.

  • [while entering a suspects apartment, Esposito starts a whispered conversation] 

    Javier Esposito : Hey bro, I just want you to know... I just thought you should know that I really value our friendship.

    Richard Castle : Okay. Thanks.

    Javier Esposito : It's priceless to me.

    Richard Castle : Great.

    Javier Esposito : But if we could put a price on it, what would that be?

    Richard Castle : What are you talking about?

    Javier Esposito : I just wanna know how much our friendship would be *worth* if you were...

    [Castle turns on a light and sees a body] 

    Richard Castle : *Dead*!

  • Kate Beckett : Okay, so both of our victims stayed at that inn at the same time. So, maybe they were having an affair.

    Kevin Ryan : Well, in 2008, Val would have been 24. Jason would have been 66. An affair would've been...

    Richard Castle : Gross.

    Kevin Ryan : I was going to say unlikely.

  • Leopold Malloy : I am not my brother's keeper, Detective Beckett. I never was. And I don't share his murderous impulses.

    Richard Castle : Yet you're still in here.

    Leopold Malloy : For now. But when my appeal comes through, who knows? We could all meet on the street one day.

    Richard Castle : [to Beckett]  On that day, I might cross the street.

  • Richard Castle : It's here. Do you think it'll matter that we still have a day left? Or will it be a "three birds with one stone" thing?

  • Richard Castle : [They are about to watch the DVD]  You wanna hold my hand?

    Kate Beckett : Castle, I'm not scared.

    Richard Castle : Well, I wasn't asking for *you*.

  • [Castle makes a phone call] 

    Wes Craven : [on phone]  Hello?

    Richard Castle : Wes! Hey, it's Rick.

    Wes Craven : Jeez, Rick, it's after midnight.

    Richard Castle : Yeah, sorry. I just, um, I need some advice.

    Wes Craven : Is Stephen King beating you at Texas Hold 'Em again?

    Richard Castle : [chuckles]  Yeah, right. No, but, um, this is actually about your movies. I mean, the name Wes Craven is synonymous with horror. You've made a fortune scaring the crap out of people. "My Soul to Take", all the "Nightmare on Elm Streets", terrifying.

    Wes Craven : So you called me up in the middle of the night to join my fan club, what?

    Richard Castle : Ha, ha. No. I know that you've researched evil spirits who reach out from the beyond for all your films.

    Wes Craven : Of course.

    Richard Castle : I was just wondering if you knew how to stop those pesky suckers.

    Wes Craven : Is this you making your own movie? I mean, are you writing a horror screenplay?

    Richard Castle : [lying]  Yes. I just thought I'd give you a little friendly competition. Just got a little writer's block is all.

    Wes Craven : Okay, what's the story?

    Richard Castle : Um... A ruggedly handsome hero and his notoriously *practical* lady friend watch a disc that's killing its viewers within three days.

    Wes Craven : Really? You don't think that's a little derivative?

    Richard Castle : Yes, but I am hoping to distinguish the ending. You know, make the third act a, um, survival tale rather than a bloodbath. I just can't... figure out how to get my heroes out of this mess.

    Wes Craven : So, the key is always in the spirit's origin story. Once you have that, you can start to figure out the spirit's weaknesses. If it's using the disc as its portal into our world...

    Richard Castle : Then the disc would contain clues as to the spirit's story. Wes, thank you. Thank you. Listen, buddy, it's late. I gotta go.

    [hangs up] 

    Wes Craven : [hanging up his receiver]  Friendly competition, my ass.

  • Richard Castle : All right, let's hear it.

    Kate Beckett : Hear what?

    Richard Castle : Your explanation for this. If there's one thing I can always count on, it's you and your logic, so...

    Kate Beckett : You want me to explain the dead serial killer's missing body?

    [Castle nods hopefully] 

    Kate Beckett : I don't know what happened here... *Yet*.

    Richard Castle : That's it? That's all you've got?

  • Richard Castle : We're going to a cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere?

    Kate Beckett : Yeah. So?

    Richard Castle : So, it's like the coed checking out the strange noise in the basement in a slasher pic. It's a recipe for disaster.

  • Javier Esposito : Freddie's alibi checks out. Friends confirm that he met them at 11, they hung out at a club 'till dawn.

    Kate Beckett : So he's *not* our guy.

    Richard Castle : Well, I'll just point out that Val asked him if he believed in the power of evil and then was talking about how it was real. I hate to say it...

    Kate Beckett : Then don't.

  • Richard Castle : When did you say Val got that package?

    Kate Beckett : Three days before she died.

    Richard Castle : That was midnight on the third day... She died because she saw this disc.


    Richard Castle : And now I saw it... Which means I'm next.

  • [in front of the murder board] 

    Richard Castle : You know, if there's gonna be pictures of us hanging up there, we should really pick 'em out now.

    Kate Beckett : [quietly]  You know, Castle... we could always use the photo that I took of you in bed the other night.

    Richard Castle : I don't know if that's how I wanna be remembered.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, I was joking. There will be no photos of us on that murder board. By tomorrow, we are gonna find a connection between our two victims that will lead us straight to a flesh-and-blood killer.

  • [last lines] 

    [Beckett leans in for a kiss] 

    Richard Castle : Um... Sorry, still one minute till midnight.

    Kate Beckett : Are you serious, Castle?

    Richard Castle : Yes, I'm serious. I'm not taking any chances. This is one deadline I *want* to miss.

    Kate Beckett : You know, you're right. It would be a shame if something happened to us, because there's one thing on *my* bucket list that I would like to accomplish... and it involves a little trick that I do...

    [shakes her drinking glass] 

    Kate Beckett : ... with ice.

    Richard Castle : See, now that definitely sounds worth living for.

    Kate Beckett : [going into the bedroom]  Hey, Castle!

    Richard Castle : [to himself]  I just...

    Kate Beckett : [off screen]  The ice is melting.

    Richard Castle : Okay, just- I just- uh, In... three, two...


  • Javier Esposito : What are you saying, Castle? Oh, was the bogeyman out to get her?

    Richard Castle : I'm saying maybe that's what *she* thought. Why she said "*It's* coming for me," why the lights went out, why she inexplicably died and why she looks so scared.

    Kate Beckett : She was scared because she was about to be killed by an actual person. So we should spend our time looking for that person. Let's set up a canvass and talk to everyone in the building that might have seen or heard something.

  • Kate Beckett : So, what did we get from Val's family and friends?

    Kevin Ryan : Just that they hadn't heard from her in the last three days. She wasn't returning their messages.

    Richard Castle : Three days. That's how long Val's *roommate* said she'd been acting strangely.

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah. So I dug into the last seventy-two hours of her life. Besides a credit card charge for a train ticket to Greenwich, there was nothing else unusual.

    Kate Beckett : What was she doing in Greenwich?

    Kevin Ryan : I'm still looking into that. But, as far as abnormalities for the last few days, that was it.

    Richard Castle : Uh, no, there's more. The wind chime, the horseshoe, the book on urban legends? All bought online two days ago. Almost as if Val thought some kind of evil spirit was coming for her.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, what she thought was gonna happen versus what actually happened are two completely different things.

  • Kate Beckett : Oh, Castle, that message wasn't for *you*. It was a threat for Val. And it wasn't made by spirits, it was made by her murderer. So tracing the disc to whoever sent it should lead us straight to him. Espo?

    Javier Esposito : Yep.

    Kate Beckett : There's a PO box on this airbill. Would you look into it?

    Javier Esposito : Yeah.

    Kate Beckett : And Ryan, why don't you take a look at this disc and see...

    Kevin Ryan : Oh, um, I'm sorry, what?

    Javier Esposito : Et tu, bro?

    Richard Castle : What did you say about the story being a legend?

    Kevin Ryan : Um, well, uh... Jenny and I, we are trying to make a baby. So we're abiding by every superstition in the book.

    Kate Beckett : Okay. Fine. Here, Espo.

    Javier Esposito : Uh, nah, I can't. I can't watch that. If I watch that, it's gonna make my partner out to be a wimp. And I can't have that.

    Kevin Ryan : Thanks, bro.

    Javier Esposito : Yeah.

    [they fist bump] 

    Kate Beckett : This is so pathetic. Fine, I will watch it.

    Richard Castle : [following her out]  Wait, no, what are you doing?

    Kate Beckett : Castle, I'm doing my job. Someone here has to.

  • Kevin Ryan : Well, the victims were at the inn, the inn was on the disc. There's gotta be a connection.

    Richard Castle : The inn must be the place where some unspeakable horror befell the spirits. Think about it. "The Ring", "Psycho", "The Shining". It's when we get to the creepy old motel that everything starts *really* going south. So, this must be the location of the spirit's origin story.

    Kate Beckett : Or somehow Val and Jason connected with the *human* killer at that inn.

    Richard Castle : My version's better.

  • Richard Castle : I mean, on a scale from one to Hannibal Lecter, what are we dealing with here?

See also

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