Puppet Master X: Axis Rising (2012) Poster

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Puppet Master X Axis Rising: A franchise that should have died years ago
Platypuschow18 April 2019
Okay Puppet Master were never exactly good films, but compare the first movie for example to these more recent efforts and there really is a clear deterioration.

Campy, not scary, not funny, not interesting.

The second movie in the Axis trilogy it tells the story of..............every single other Puppet Master movie. More people teaming with the puppets to fight the Germans during world war two.

You'll have literally seen it all before, no originality, no advances in lore or sfx. Just a pitiful recycling of the same ideas they've been peddling since the 1980's.

One thing that did stick out however was the female antagonist, her costume, her awful German accent. Was I supposed to take her seriously? When she came on I questioned whether I'd acquired a porn parody of the film, she was ridiculous.

If you like Puppet Master films and have low expectations then you'll likely enjoy more of the same, because that really is it all is.

The Good:

Follows on well from the previous movie

The Bad:


Some questionably bad audio quality

Cringe inducing

Stephanie Sanditz
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"Careful fraulein, I take contracts very seriously"
hwg1957-102-2657049 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Even worse than the previous film in the series 'Puppet Master Axis Of Evil". The two leads from that film, Danny and Beth, have been replaced with different actors who are not interesting at all. The character Ozu returns too, played by another actress, but is killed in the pre-credits sequence. Throw in a few comic Nazis and a similar plot and you get another disappointing film from Full Moon. What is new is that the captured scientist builds a new set of Nazi puppets but the only appear in the final third of the movie. There's no entertainment value here apart from the deliciously over the top performance by Stephanie Sanditz as Uschi and her stunning... attributes.
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Too jokey, but little things fighting big things is a formula that works
a_chinn10 June 2017
Blade, Jester, Tunneler, Pinhead, Six Shooter, and Leech Woman are back! Okay, maybe that doesn't really warrant an exclamation mark, but this is the tentpole franchise of Full Moon Features, now reaching ten films in all (eleven if you count "Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys"). Writer/director/producer Charles Band is also back, but I was kind of disappointed by this sequel. Our WWII era heroes from the previous films, Danny and Beth, are back as well, though played by new actors, and find a post-WWII Nazi plot to create an army of their own evil puppets to do their bidding, using a Re-Animatior like green serum extracted from our puppet protagonists. Not that any of the films in this franchise are exactly brilliant, but this one felt too jokey. I did like it when the franchise introduced the Nazi storyline and had our homicidal puppet heroes fighting the Axis Powers, but this entry was just silly and also continued the unfortunate recent trend of Full Moon Features including casual racism, seen in this film with in addition of an evil Japanese puppet named Kamikaze. However, I do still enjoy watching little things fighting big things (i.e. "Attack of the Puppet People" "Dollman" "Child's Play" etc.) when it's not CGI, so even though this entry wasn't all that good, it did still entertain.
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B -Movie - puppets, Nazis, boobs and blood.
amesmonde21 February 2013
Nazis attempt to create a new army by reanimating corpses, when their plan goes awry they go about using Toulon's Puppet's secret to assist them.

Picking up where Axis of Evil left off producer Charles Band's cult creations return. Mr Puppet Master - Band himself directs this instalment and it shows, Axis Rising feels grander than the last, more film-like with better looking locations and production values, plus there's some noteworthy digital and make up effects. The infamous puppets look more like their original designs especially everyone's favourites Blade, Jester and Pinhead. The outrageous new puppets this time around are more welcome and its a kick to see some 'classic' puppets return.

What Stephanie Sanditz's German accent lacks in consistency she makes up for in screen presence and looks as Uschi, with Sanditz clearly having fun with the dialogue. Oto Brezina as Doctor Freuhoffer is perfect as well as some of the older supporting cast. The leads have been recast with Kip Canyon now playing Danny and Jean Louise O'Sullivan as Beth - while not the calibre of their predecessors they're certainly better than some of the hammy performances on display and solid enough given what has been spawned from essentially a 1989 cult film.

Good B movies are certainly not dead, while suffering from the usual budget restraints as many of its predecessors, to Band's credit Axis Rising flows, looks good, is faster paced and is also slicker than part 9.

What has been consistent throughout the franchise is the great music and Part 10, yes X, is no exception, Robert Douglas and the originals scorer Richard Band delivers a fantastic richer main theme and an excellent amount of stings and cues even if the sound design mix is a little misplaced at times.

Shane Bitterling's writing injects this Puppet Master with a theatrical and campier tone, nevertheless this coupled with Bands on hand touch makes Rising sexier, bloodier and more fun this time around. While lacking the creepy factor of the first and second it's still an event to be had - puppets, Nazis, zombies, experiments, boobs and blood what more do you want?
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Oh my God, Why ?!
artyom_aa30 October 2012
I was wondering while watching, did the actors in this movie laugh at themselves while acting. I have no idea how the idea of this movie developed because a sane person would never think that this can be a good movie. It is better to burn money than producing this crap. I'll tell you what, I am almost certain that I can act way better than anybody in this movie. The accent are simply sh*t. Oh my goodness! Any person with a brain would recognize that the accents were off and wrong. As for the characters, an old scientist who has a family that is being taken hostage that loves his young enemy whorish prono looking woman. The two ridiculous kids, and some military men who are very irrational. Nevermind the dolls! Yes the dolls are heroes here. I want to say no more than avoid this movie unless you have absolutely no other option.
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Needed a scrip rewrite
gacsogergely14 November 2018
The movie kinda works. Sure, the recasting is annoying, but the new actors aren't THAT worse. I can even work with the lore, although if you planned a trilogy, please plan it proper, and don't forget where your characters are, or even what characters you have (pointing at Kaaaahn! to start with).

The problem is 20 minutes wasted on pure softporn between the Mad Scientist and Big Boob Bertha, followed with that another 20 minutes ungrounded medal ceremony. If that 40 minutes would be rewritten, I could even go with the nazis staying in chinatown, with an SS-car, guarding their secret door with obvious henchmen. Lesson to be learnt: if you don't have a script, you don't start shooting. Especialy if you're part of a long running franchise.
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A Fun Watch That Needed Improvement On The Script.
JohnnybGhoul23 March 2023
Blade, Pinhead, Jester, Tunneler, Six Shooter, & Leech Woman are all here! This film also features some new puppets that might excite you. If you are familiar with Full Moon Features then you will know what to expect with production. The same if you are a Puppet Master fan. Writer/director/producer Charles Band (Ghoulies, Terror Vision, Re-Animator) is back again to bring you another Puppet Master titled 'Axis Rising'. I was kind of disappointed by this sequel. Our WWII era heroes from the previous films, Danny & Beth, are back, though played by new actors, & find a post-WWII Nazi plot to create an army of their own evil puppets to do their bidding. Using a Re-Animator like green serum (Sound Familiar?) extracted from our puppet protagonists. Most of the films in this franchise aren't exactly brilliant, this one felt too goofy when compared to the others. I did like it when the franchise introduced a Nazi storyline & had our killer puppet heroes fighting the Axis Powers, but this entry was a little too silly & also continued the recent trend of Full Moon Features including a little casual racism, seen in this film with in addition of an evil Japanese puppet named Kamikaze. In my opinion I thought it was hilarious! However, I do still enjoy watching these little things slaughtering away when it's not CGI, so even though this entry wasn't the best in the trilogy , it did still entertain. If your a Puppet Master fan I highly recommend this.
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Puppet Master Axis Rising
skybrick73614 June 2014
All I can say is that I was blown away by how bad Axis Rising is and I am realistic knowing what Full Moon filmmaking is all about. Not even the puppets or the new evil puppets could save this film from its terrible awful premise. The acting especially the new Danny and Beth were just plain unwatchable. The story of the new Nazi's and their doctor was outlandish and complete rubbish. For the hot German not even to take her clothes off was an opportunity missed by the writers and director. The acting was atrocious from start, middle and end and even the dialogue is cheesier than normal. I had a couple laughs and enjoyed some puppet action from of course Blade and Six Shooter otherwise nothing in this film was at all enjoyable or interesting. Avoid watching unless you are a fan or the series it should be viewed for free online.
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Stupid, very stupid!
paulclaassen16 June 2018
Puppet Master 10 is the 4th film in chronological order, and the second film of the Axis Trilogy. The story continues directly where 'Puppet Master 9: Axis of Evil' left off. It is a pity, though, that they did not use the same actors to play Danny and Beth, the film's heroes. This installment is more comedic than horror; only its not funny. There's no suspense and hardly any action. There are a few new puppets, built by the Nazis and enemies of the franchise's puppets, but must admit they're rather silly. The 'bitch' fight between Leech Woman and Bombshell was completely and utterly laughable, from the 'acting' perspective, as well as how stocky they appear. The film is also laded with horrible dialogue and acting, probably the stupidest yet.The puppets really look haggard and utterly lifeless. It's hard to believe they were so well done and believable back in the 1989 original. More often than not it looked like a school stage play, and a very bad one at that.
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Axis Rising
BandSAboutMovies21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Docter Freuhoffer (Oto Brezina) is obsessed with dolls and has been forced by Kommandant Moebius (Scott Anthony King) to learn how to bring the dead back to life or his daughter will be executed. Working with the evil Uschi (Stephanie Sanditz), he tries to reverse engineer the captured Tunneler and ends up making evil puppets Blitzkrieg, Bombshell, Weremacht and Kamikaze who battle the good puppets Blade, Pinhead, Leech Woman, Jester and Six Shooter.

If you look closely enough, you can also see Freakshow's robotic baby from Killjoy 4, the Zuni doll from Trilogy of Terror and Retro-Tunneler's head which was last in Retro Puppet Master.

Directed by Charles Band, who wrote the script with Shane Bitterling, this leads into the last film in the trilogy. Reviewers were not kind to this one, but you know, puppets fighting World War II is a theme that I'm going to watch no matter what. I mean, they did it four times, including the Blade spin-off, and I've watched them all.
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Aim and shoot or my eyes are up here
kosmasp4 August 2018
Although it wouldn't really matter where you look with this particular doll (or rather puppet). So this is a direct sequel to the ninth entry to the franchise. And the second part of a trilogy. We get the surviving members of the previous movie and they get new enemies and so forth. Who'd have thunk it? I know everybody - you can't kill this franchise.

You could have done with less movies to tell the whole story of course, but whaever. So good puppetry again, not so good acting as with almost all of them, and a lot of puppet violence and death and all that. One more until the much praised "Littlest Reich" is on the horizon ...
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Full Moon's answer to "Ilsa" in a movie about killer puppets? Bring it on.
konadick2 January 2013
Puppet Master X Axis Rising is the latest addition to Full Moon's Puppet Master (PM) franchise. If you like the indie horror series about magically animated puppets with a penchant for bloodshed, you won't be disappointed.

Frankly, I don't understand one-star reviews for a movie like this. Axis Rising has a built-in "bad movie" factor, but it's fun-bad in my view. The Nazis play up nefariousness for all its worth, and Brad Potts is hilarious as Sergeant Rock knockoff Sergeant Stone. Paul Arnold cuts a George C. Scott-like figure in his brief appearance as General Porter. And Stephanie Sanditz, who plays Nazi villainess Uschi, gives a deliriously sexual, power-hungry performance with a presence as eye-popping as any hentai girl the demographic for this type of movie could imagine. What else could the straight-to-video horror junkie want?

It might have run longer (a common flaw with Full Moon films), but writer Shane Bitterling does a nice job balancing the storyline with his obligation to showcase a slew of creepy puppets. Kenneth Branagh acting? Peter Jackson effects? Polanski atmosphere? Come on!

Not to beat the dead horse of believability, but anyone who saw the last PM knows this WWII is not set in our universe (in writer August White's version the U.S. jumps into the fray in 1939). Relax, it's okay if some of the accents and period slang miss the mark. Enjoy the movie for what it's supposed to offer: grue, cleavage, and puppets.
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It's fine for what it is.
mistyfifield17 November 2012
Puppet Master movies are serious -Nobody ever.

If you are expecting this to be gritty or suspenseful, this is not your movie. Since the second one (and there are MANY Puppet Master movies) they just are not meant to be taken seriously.

They are campy, over-sexualized and goofy. And that is exactly why you watch them. Nazis with bad accents? Check. Gratuitous boobage? Check. Puppets that kill? Check check check.

This movie is what it is, a good movie to laugh at with your friends. It's made by the same folks who made Demon Toys and who have their own Roadhouse line. That should tell you what type of movie you're in for. It's worth the rental.
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A great horror film
jacobjohntaylor13 March 2017
Why do this get a 4.3? This movie has a great story line. It is very scary. It has great acting. It has great special effects. It is better then The Shinning and that is not easy to do. I give this 9 out of 10. This a very scary movie. It is so scary. If this movie does not scary you know movie will. This a very scary movie. If it does not scary you know movie will. If you want to get scared see this movie. It will scary you. This is better then A Nightmare on elm street. You may not want to watch this alone. It very scary. See it. It is a great horror film. If you like a good horror movie then you will like this movie. It is a great movie.
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Solid and enjoyable outing in the franchise
kannibalcorpsegrinder22 October 2018
With the puppet in Nazi hands, the couple who survived from before are thrust back into the fight against the Nazi's when the superior officer in charge comes in to clean up the mess in order to carry on his quest for Nazi super-soldiers and forces them to fight new, deadly puppets to stop him.

This was a fun if somewhat flawed entry. One of the better aspects to this one is the fact that there's a lot of fun work to be had here with the continuation of the storyline. Not only by knocking off the previous film's villains in order to keep that storyline going but introducing the new one involving the rogue Nazi commander who wants to create a new race of beings based on the work of the puppets that moves this one along nicely. There's a fun air here in the Nazi hideout where we see the failed experiments play out as the reanimated soldiers turn to goo or melt away which launches into the many speeches or enjoyable rounds of temptation taking place in the lab where it really plays on the sympathies of those around him to really work nicely within this one. The second half here, where it focuses on the plan to stop them and get their stolen friend back leads to some more fun here in the full-on puppet action that gets unleashed here. From the first encounter with the new puppets that are not only cool-looking creations but given some impressive powers, the later confrontation in the community hall as well as the series of action scenes in the German hideout that has a lot of fine action between the puppets and between the people involved which is what makes this so enjoyable overall. There are a few major problems with this one, mostly the fact that the puppets are reduced in screentime to such an extent that they rarely are shown here. This one offers up far more scenes of the Nazi's standing around making threats or experimenting on their discoveries which goes hand-in-hand with the few scenes of the kids coming to terms with what happened the day before which really keeps the puppets to such a small part of the film that they don't make much of an impression until the finale. There's a lot more this could've done to work them into the story earlier and more often, so it's a major missed opportunity to leave this one with such a lack of action. The other big issue here is the rather obvious cheap-looking aesthetic throughout here, from the few locations that are rarely changed up or look like they're all that well-stocked which give away the film's key nature. As that extends to the CGI blood-splatter that looks awful as well, overall this one really showcases such a low-budget nature. Beyond these elements, though, the film isn't that bad.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Language.
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Puppet master axis rising
jeffreyc-3256713 August 2019
As a puppet. Master viewer four. Many years and have all the P M 📼 films i found this film excellent and the good guys puppet came through my ratings 10 throughonly enjoyable
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I am not like most with this movie i actually liked it.
mr_waterfall16 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The whole idea of Puppet Masters are way up there on my list, most movies today are lame or boring or nothing cool about it, besides very few movies draws attention to me. I always liked puppet or doll movies due to their the most creepiest. For me personally, i think this movie is really good, i liked the main character, and his girl. I really liked the Sarg, he was big and funny in my book, and sadly he had to die. Usually that happens in horror, the odd but cool guys die, and same old, same old that live. But the main character which i forget names as i type so i think its Danny, i am sure of it lives so that i am happy for.

And Blade is the usual, awesome and cool looking puppet. I love watching him, he brings humor and etc to the table to me. The rest did a fairly great job and it isn't the worst, movie and its my FIRST IMDb i ever reviewed, mostly i tired of the low ratings on this, i just bought it off walmart and i recently saw it, yea there is times where looks cheap or so like when Bombshell was shooting her teets guns and the two people in the background didn't run away as 1 would, i mean really? Some of the puppet fighting was a little lame but funny. For me personally i cant wait if it comes out with a new one. But its my taste, not everyone i guess. The worst one was with that mentally ill character barely showed puppets all about the love triangle this was more of a two part series, so i like it, and i rather have the puppets be good than bad, or else be routing for the EVIL versions of the puppet masters than doing good against evil with them. Just my opinion.
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Puppet master x axis rising
jeffreyc-3256714 August 2019
Puppet master X axis rising I enjoyed the film and the new bad puppets were very good bombshell in particular and gave it 10 stars I now have 11 Puppet Master films in my collection
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I strongly recommend this for fans of the Puppet Master series
kevin_robbins18 May 2021
The Puppet Master Axis trilogy continues with Puppet Master Axis Rising (on Amazon Prime for $5.99). This is the 10th Puppet Master picture and tells the tale of the Germans having created their own puppets to help take over the world and a young couple reaching deeper into their bag of tricks to unlock another puppet that may even the odds. The Germans believe they can destroy the puppets as we know them with their new kamikaze puppet. I really enjoyed this picture and the new puppets, especially the werewolf. The storyline is fun and a nice continuation from Axis of Evil. I strongly recommend this for fans of the Puppet Master series and I would give it a 5.5/10.
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Absolute Crap!
shootyhoops23 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It can best be summarized by what I learned from the film: 1. You'll always have time to change your hair, makeup, clothes, and overall appearance when on the run from puppets. 2. AK-47s were actually used by Nazi's and used before 1947 when the Russians started using them. 3. It's easy for Nazis to get into the U.S. undetected and prance around Los Angeles in full Nazi uniforms. 4. While Leech Women and Jester could easily escape a cloth bag, a puppet with a drill on his head CANNOT. 5. Cool puppets like Ninja just disappear without a good explanation. 6. In one day, Danny was able to upgrade from a small apartment to a two story house. 7. ONLY Chinese women can be called Dragon Queens NOT Japanese women. 8. Don't trust EVEN Bible salesmen 9. Women were allowed to be high ranking officers in the Nazi army 10. The U.S. Army is unable to detect Nazi's who wear full uniforms in Chinatown where they're the only White people there. 11. Protecting heroes is beneath a sergeant who has served 11 combat tours 12. Nazis were able to sneak in Hitler busts and swastika statues into the U.S. 13. Nazis are not afraid to speak German in public and on U.S. soil 14. Heels are the perfect footwear for women sneaking around a Nazi hideout. 15. As menacing as puppets with guns can look, there's a chance that they're VERY inaccurate especially if they're designed by Nazis. 16. Kamikaze is historically the first puppet who says words as opposed to grunting, whimpering, and laughing. 17. What the hell happened to Blitzkrieg and Weremacht? 18. Letting the person who created evil puppets go instead of getting him arrested by the army is a smart move.
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Best Horror Franchise Ever Made...
Dark_Lord_Mark2 November 2018
I am not sure how many movies total...this says X meaning 10, I thought their were like 8 or so...but whatever. All the movies have been small budgeted bUt very good. They are actually good representations of 80's horror. Almost no CGI and all really good stories. Some movies are horror, while others are horror comedy.

I must say, this movie was good. Clearly much smaller budget than the usual, but that is why the Puppet Master series is so good.

This movie is about, Nazi's...great, occult...great, resurrection....great, puppets...HELL YEAH, and good men trying to stop an atrocity from happening. That's all you need to know about the plot.

Puppet Master X is a good horror. I give it about an 8.5 out of 10. I adore this series so much that I must go out on a ledge and give it a 9. The best horror series out there.....while people love Jason, and Freddy and Mike, these Puppet Master movies are consistently watchable and entertaining.

Super Highly Recommended.
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