Occupy Unmasked (2012) Poster

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Consider the source
botturno30 November 2012
Before you watch this movie, consider who made it. Citizens United is a conservative right organization, and the film makes the Occupy Wall Street movement out to be a group of left anarchists who hate America. While the footage reveals some disturbing truths about the movement and its participants, I cringe to think of the people who watch the movie under the guise that this film is a completely accurate analysis -- it is propaganda. Videos from the protests show that the movement was indeed dirty, chaotic, unfocused, and participants often came off as unintelligent. But do be skeptical of the things the commentators chalk it up to be, because they obviously have their own agenda.
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Manifest Destiny
jebusriced11 February 2013
This film gives an undoubtedly fair and balanced look at how the scummy left wing freedom hating socialists tried to take over the greatest country in the world: America. Funded by the fiercely patriotic Citizens United organization, a heroic grass-roots collaborative of billionaire constitutional watchdogs, this film exposes how evil workers union bosses have been bleeding our economy dry. For example, one union boss, whose character is so despicable that his name is not worth mentioning, allegedly earned a salary of over $300,000 by coercing payments from innocent law abiding middle class workers. Talk about a racket! Moreover, through a variety of interviews, the film exposes the manner in by which unsuspecting, naive youth get indoctrinated with this vile extremist left-wing propaganda: the education system. Although not mentioned directly in the film, I suspect these same god-war mongering 'educational' establishments are brain-washing our poor children to believe that we came from monkeys (liberals are so silly!) and thinking that sex is natural (clearly, its not). The only reason I'm only giving this film a five star rating is because it clearly fails to address the root of the Union's sinister plans: their secrect pact with Satan and Obama, who as we all know is a Kenyan, to take away our freedoms and make America, the greatest country on earth, a socialist hell-spawn. Anyways, I apologize for the rant; this movie is a must see. Two thumbs up.
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Biased Documentary
aeonsinflux19 May 2015
A biased documentary aimed at discrediting this phenomenon (and the left in general) via misrepresentation and interviewing young protesters who struggle to express themselves.

Statements are made by the presenter such as: "This is how the left goes... These people hate this country... They hate freedom... Hellbent on nihilistic destruction...". Apparently there is a 'secret society' organizing all this. Apparently these people are going to take over our homes and burn down our society. I think they are just confused and disillusioned - and rightly so.

There are many good documentaries describing the issues with the economic system, certain billionaire personality profiles, and the current form of capitalism (Inside Job; Park Avenue etc.). This film does not intelligently debate these issues.

It's obvious there are real problems and capitalism in this form needs to change. Of course HOW this might happen is very difficult to imagine, so I don't blame the Left for this.

It would be good to hear something from the Right, but this is just blatant propaganda. At least this is obvious, but I worry it is not to less educated people.
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hilarious witch-hunting fail
elb_s7 July 2013
two groups will watch this:

1. Breitbartians who believe his bizarrely vengeful, unrelenting attacks (FBI snitch Brandon Darby* was heavily involved here, with a personal vendetta against his former comrades who (surprise!) voiced anger upon learning of their misplaced trust in a manipulative informant)on the Occupy movement. 2. Occupiers looking for a laugh and a chance to see their friends who were clueless enough to respond to leading "interviews" and were rewarded by being taken out of context.

For the rest of the world--even those who opposed Occupy--the premise that the movement had vast, sinister implications is too silly to spend time on. Whether it be Tea Party or OWS, intensely partisan interests just can't help stretching their distaste for the politics of the OTHER into unbelievable narratives. Those of us who harbor a healthy distrust for our UNrepresentative government won't be swayed by such overt maneuvers to divide and conquer.

*For more on Brandon Darby, I highly recommend the documentary "Better this World"
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True to Form
fcfighterpmfs27 August 2013
This movie shows what I saw in my two years of living in New York City..i was there when this crap came about and had numerous times where these scums (mostly poor street people or young college kids) were assaulting people both violently and sexually or sitting in the park getting high making a mess of things..Get a life grow up and better yourself..

The negative reviews of this film are all by the same douchebags that were probably featured in the film already..I'm sure somehow this review will be considered racist and i will be labeled a Nazi for it

The media like to clean up the image on TV as it was a movement to like the 60s which seems to be what every hippie wants to relive
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why would someone be so one sided like this?
klathus13 December 2012
are you kidding me? this must be the most one sided doc that i have ever seen.. I am not even close to being part of the occupy movement, but understand their reasons... when the main spokes person in here says "occupy are revolutionists and thats not the American way, amercicans help each other" i turned it off... what an ignorant a55.. there was an entire war called the revolutionary war... which started from riots and being mistreated by gov. our founding fathers would be disappointed with how much we are taxed today and how much power the gov has.. if we cant rise up and have a revolution, then we are in a policed state and we have no real rights except the ones the gov gives us.. i don't agree with everything occupy says, but the fact that this doc is out, i am starting the be more sided with occupy
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Very good for a polemic
celr6 January 2013
Of course partisans for one side or the other will judge this video on ideological grounds, I think I can say objectively it's a pretty good, though slanted, documentary on the ephemeral Occupy movement which appeared and disappeared in a relatively short period of time, full of sound and fury, signifying...what? The movie explores that question. "Occupy Unmasked" is better than just a polemic, it is very effective in showing just how inarticulate, destructive, and frankly, just plain fatuous the Occupy movement was. How the encampments were a breeding ground for filth, crime and disease and how it ended leaving piles of fetid trash and millions of dollars of damage to local businesses, and to public parks and buildings. There is a lot of detailed information here and the graphics are electrifying. It's a fun video to watch.

What it shows is the American left in the 2st century, adrift in a sea of slogans and political and historical ignorance. Gone are the clearly defined goals of the old communists and socialists. Participants in the demonstrations can hardly articulate what it's all about, they appear tongue-tied when trying to answer the simplest question about what they want or what the aims of the movement are. Their main aim seems to be to cause as much violence and disruption as possible and then see themselves on the evening news. They never get beyond, "Hate the rich!" and "Capitalism sucks!" Mostly the demonstrators were privileged white kids who were taking some time off and thought the government should forgive their student loans. Perhaps they believe that if they can cause the collapse of the current system something new and wonderful will emerge from the ashes. Because they're so poorly educated they don't realize how often that's been tried before with disastrous results.

I think this is a very good film on a subject that could have been ruined with too much heavy-handed polemic and paucity of information. It could have been pretty awful and I would have said so despite my personal antipathy toward the infantile and destructive tactics of the demonstrators. I think most people who aren't committed leftists will enjoy it because of the skill and drama with which it's realized.
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Uncovering the brains (what few there were) behind the Occupy movement
take2docs1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The term "astroturfing" refers to grassroots movements that on the surface seem to be organic but which are in fact craftily organized, usually by some cultural elites who remain in the background and who provide the funding. The Occupy Wall Street Movement was one that beneath its surface would appear to fit this description.

I remember when these occupiers were front-page news back in 2011 and how many people didn't know what to make of them. Who were these mobs camping out in central parks and town squares, in their tents and sleeping bags, in cities like Manhattan and Los Angeles, and what were they protesting? If you listened to the mainstream media at the time, the OWSM primarily involved twenty-somethings into spontaneously showing up at these events in order to protest Wall Street greed and the power & prestige of the one-percenters.

OCCUPY UNMASKED pulls back the curtain on this supposed organic movement to reveal a showy phenomenon that was highly orchestrated by influential far-left organizers, in order to further their radical political agenda.

This here is a fine expose that features the late, great Andrew Breitbart who, although appears intermittently to offer his thoughts, generally keeps a low profile throughout the film, letting the captured images and other interjecting voices (such as David Horowitz) tell the behind-the-scenes story.

The first observation one is likely to make when watching footage of these protests is the type of people which these events seemed to attract. Although in appearance many of these protesters could have passed for panhandlers and squatters, what the film reveals is that a number of those in attendance were actually well-off students, laptops in tow, attempting to blend in with the crowd. Additionally, these events also tended to attract numerous fringe characters and hangers-on, ranging from grubby stoners & scruffy drop-outs to outright hate-mongers & public defecators. These were certainly scenes to behold and OCCUPY UNMASKED effectively captures the entire mob-minded spirit of this manufactured movement, showing at its periphery buskers alongside long-bearded geezers and at the center of it all throngs of stentorian malcontents spouting speciosity, people undoubtedly regarded by the few brains behind the movement as a bunch of useful idiots.

These were not just people protesting social inequality and corporate greed but, as the film argues, the very system itself, by way of street theater or more accurately, theatrical Marxism. Breitbart and his team reveals how many of the occupiers were paid to demonstrate, whereas others would show up to scream and shout merely for fun, perhaps unaware that they were supporting an anti-capitalist (if not outright anti-American) agenda. Indeed, how sadly impressionable and misguided these occupiers appeared to the 98% of us looking in on their circus back in the day.

Bill Maher, Bernie Sanders, and Michael Moore are all shown by way of video footage as having been in support of this movement. No surprise there. One of the more memorable moments in the film is a camera pan of Moore's sprawling vacation home as we listen to an audio clip of him at one of these protests, denouncing fat cats. What a joke.

Of interest, too, is one of the commentators in the film who makes the connection between Saul Alinsky, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. Quite intriguing, this.

The film also highlights how the Occupy Wall Street Movement worked to demonize law-enforcement officers in the mainstream media, portraying them as one-dimensional expressers of "police brutality," officers who were only doing their job in trying to restore order to those protests which became unruly.

OCCUPY UNMASKED plays like a time capsule and takes us back to a period in American history that, as with the filmmakers, not all have forgotten.
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giglbox30 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What happens when you manage to round up 7-8 people who criticize a movement? "Occupy Unmasked." One of the most disgusting works of crapoganda I have witnessed since old Hitler Youth footage (which, by the way, the makers would love for you to believe that the Occupy movement is along those very same lines). Here, you see the same old, tired arguments about communism, socialism, anarchism, etc. without the slightest attempt to even explain these ideologies (within Occupy or in sociohistorical contexts overall). It's blatant, angering, insulting, and, while containing an element of truth in some respects, goes exceedingly out of its way to force feed the viewer a large dose of b.s. The filmmakers go to great lengths to make the Occupy participants look like a bunch of idiotic trust-fund babies out to, essentially, rape and destroy without ever even knowing what they are fighting against. Interestingly, it pinpoints "anti-capitalism" sentiments but, and it would be funny if were not so terribly stupid, mentions nothing of neoliberal policies, the very REAL downfalls of capitalism, terrible political decisions and subsequent wars, the fact that the college students they condemn (particularly because of their "trust funds") may in fact be gambling the prospect of a decent job vs. student loans and long-term debt, and so on and so on. Anyway, it's garbage and as a student in the midst of ever increasing debt and with bank accounts with institutions that charge me just to have a checking account while enticing me to take out loans with them, my personal opinion is that this film is an example of clueless contradictions; catering to others who, for instance, care more about their guns than the actual constitution. If you do decide to waste time watching this film here's a fun game to play: count the number of times you hear the word "left," or its derivatives, mentioned. In fact, it would make a very fun and effective drinking game.
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A documentary you really should see
hankbrns24 June 2017
You just cannot argue with actual video footage of "occupy" members who declare themselves to be socialists as they block streets and leave piles of their trash almost everywhere they have been.

When a video documents the facts (700 arrests for blocking traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge) then that video is serving a valuable purpose for those of us who don't pay much attention to the East coast news.

Likewise, when a female interviewer asks a group of protesters why they are there--and the answer is "...for $60 dollars a day." at about the 31:24 mark. Just prior to that another protester at the event doesn't know what her sign says or how it applies.

This documentary could have been done better by just a few interviews with the people in Portland that had to tear down the filthy tents and wash off the human urine and feces from the street- -or even those who had to treat the increased rat problem (at about 41:35).

It's not a perfect video, but a little investigation into this 'movement' and you will have a good overview of their philosophy and purpose.
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Political Propaganda... don't waste your time
bowers-brady27 December 2012
This film is an one sided attempt to discredit the occupy movement. I do not have strong feelings one way or another about the movement, however I found the whole thing interesting and thought this film might shed some light on what we did not see in the media coverage. Unfortunately it is nothing more than a combination of recycled media footage and biased documentary style video narrated by a very opinionated fella who clearly has a political agenda. It's like being taken strait back to November and being stuck in a campaign commercial for over an hour. The host is introduced in an alley way in his cool guy sunglasses like something out of a 1980's after school special... It is so cheesy that it makes it nearly impossible to like him right off the bat. The beginning of the film does have have some descent editing, other than that I have nothing good to say about it.
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Horror, horror, horror...
santasa991 February 2017
Heavily edited material + outright lies with one purpose, and one purpose only - to create misleading ideological propaganda. Subject of this video, which they call "documentary", is irrelevant when you realize who made it. People behind it are dangerous extremists, one fortunately departed ever since, but some others are in White House as of January 2017 ! It's a nightmarish scenario, one which unfolded in front of our eyes, and which now puts life on Earth in extreme peril. Good luck to us all, we'll gonna need it, as we are entering new medieval Dark Ages: for its proponents, in mold of Trumper's, LePener's, Wilderser's, and Bannoner's, this is an ideal world. It's a world of religious prosecution, neo-fascism, corporate hegemony, "alternative facts" and Newspeak.
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pure garbage
jstall2014 June 2014
This is clearly a right wing corporate funded slander video. One look at the so called 'experts' with missing teeth and looks of racist white hatred and you can tell what the are there for. This is simply more propaganda for the Kosch brothers machine to pump into the minds of stupid fat white people, who forget to take blood pressure medicine. It doesn't take a brilliant mind to know the occupy movement was a disorganized mess. If you need a racist training video to spank to, this is your film. Otherwise for the more enlightened of us, skip this trash. Seriously, I don't have much else to say. I literally got the gist of this crap after less than 4 minutes. The 'film makers' of this atrocity pump angry images of right wing fox new pundits into their audiences field of vision. It's almost clockwork orange esque. If your an old angry confused republican that refuses to understand the world around them, maybe this is your kind of poison. otherwise, get with the program, you are being fed intellectual manure.
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doug-482-32549321 September 2012
Powerful is the one word I use to describe this. No matter what your political opinions are, this movie is very revealing. It actually motivated me to research a few issues and that helped me. It helped in the sense that I did some fact finding from alternate sources that ultimately led me to a more informed point of view.

Regardless of your own political leanings & views, it is something that raises questions. Questions that everyone should be concerned about. For me, it was revealing how the Occupy movement actually started. It is also very revealing to see who supported the movement.

Go see it, it is entertaining, informative & powerful. You will be glad you went.
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Very one sided
cullenfacebookm22 March 2017
The bias is so clear and prevalent in this documentary that a message is barely said clearly. The documentary does do a good job showing how unorganized this movement is (which even 'leaders' of anonymous would say that there is no one motive). However, the documentary ends with the narrator screaming at random people to stop raping people. Because two people were raped on the streets being occupied during the long protest he accused all the protesters of rape, screaming "STOP RAPING THE PEOPLE". Are you kidding me? Occupy Wallstreet was not a perfect protest by far but somehow making it seem like some rape driven epidemic is moronic and insensitive. College campuses and prisons have massive issues with rape and its a childish and disrespectful jab to call the occupy protesters rapists.
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Excellent Expose of the Radicals Who Wrecked the Occupy Movement
douglaswcampbell6013 March 2016
This movie isn't so much about the Occupy Movement itself, but the small group of "professional" radicals/agitators who attempted to hijack and then ultimately derailed the Occupy Movement. Their motto, paraphrased, is that the goal isn't the cause itself, the goal is always the revolution. They are Saul Alinsky aficionados who drift from movement to movement and specialize in trying to manipulate peaceful movements into violent protests. Once they wrecked the Occupy Movement, they'll simply look to move on to the next group who they feel is gullible to swallow their radical agenda.

After you see this movie, you'll be able to recognize them and their methods readily, and I highly recommend it to anyone who has an interest in watching the radicals/agitators play their endless game.
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coolaidthunder22 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Somewhat insightful film of factors which derailed the Occupy Movement. This film had a clear anti-occupy agenda which portrayed the film in an unbalanced way. Had the filmmaker done more research on the grievances which sparked the protests the film may have been more successful & at the same time sparked civil debates on dealing with the issues plaguing the everyday citizens of this nation. He was more focused on airing the dirty laundry of a small number of protesters & organizers to tarnish the movement. He did make some good points about hypocritical organizers & criminal behavior that took place but was the main focus of the film causing it to fall short in depicting anything groundbreaking. Its sad to see people waving signs for peace, equality & justice that are in a state of frustration, ruin what could have been a powerful movement for making things better by matching the bad behavior of banks & corporations with destruction, mayhem & not being able to articulate your points in interviews. That being said the filmmaker could have talked to more intelligent people at the protests had the purpose of the film not been biased.
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You MUST See This!
bespin007930 September 2012
This review is dedicated to our hard-working men and women in Law Enforcement agencies across the United States, keeping her citizens safe.

To call this movie powerful is to understate what it shows. An in-depth analysis of the Occupy Movement within one year since the beginning of the demonstrations. We are shown an alchemy of news footage, photos, and first-hand accounts of persons' experiences with Occupiers. A non- partisan, if watching this would not only be flabbergasted by the havoc, squalor, and utter disregard for decency and safety that Occupy has shown; he or she would also be angered by the horror stories of the injustices done to hardworking businessmen and their families, as well as their enabling by the Obama/Pelosi/Clinton oligarchy.

One's stomach can only churn when you see how the mainstream media has failed repeatedly to cover the radicalism and squalor of Occupy and the scare tactics used to suppress any negative light on it. Further disgust is sown when the so-called Far-Left heroes such as Michael Moore, Bill Maher, and Matt Taibbi hailed the movement as civilized and peaceful. This film tells a different story from what their camp has deluded themselves into believing.

Everyone must see this movie in order to see Occupy for what it truly is.
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Scathing indictment of the Occupy Movement fiasco
Woodyanders5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This alt-right doc from the notorious Steve Bannon does a harrowingly good job of exposing the more violent and unpleasant aspects of the catastrophic Occupy Movement that hit the country like a plague of locusts in 2011. No big surprise that a sizeable number of participants in said movement were unemployed people, clueless college students, rich trust fund kids pretending to be regular working-class folks, and, most damning, folks who were actually paid to show up at these events who didn't even know what they were about. Moreover, it's both scary and depressing to see the violence and vandalism that happened at these supposedly "peaceful" protests. Andrew Breitbart, David Horowitz, Pam Keys, Mandy Nagy, and Anita MonCrief all do an excellent and persuasive job of explaining the more sinister ramifications of the Occupy Movement. A really potent and unsettling documentary.
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Finally a Real Treatment
crocellian7 October 2021
I finally found an actual investigation of the forces driving the ugly under belly of this movement. If you were actually there, you know exactly what I mean.
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