"Unforgettable" Brotherhood (TV Episode 2012) Poster

(TV Series)


Poppy Montgomery: Carrie Wells



  • Al Burns : College. Good times for me.

    Carrie Wells : Hackey sack in the quad and Ultimate Frisbee?

    Al Burns : Hey, kept the beer weight off.

    Carrie Wells : Hmm. You ever have a mullet?

    Al Burns : I've had the pictures destroyed.

  • Roe Saunders : Vic's name is Miles Novak. He's 19, sophomore. There was a party going on outside his door, but nobody heard nothing.

    Al Burns : Who found him?

    Roe Saunders : His roommate hooked up, brought a girl back a little after 5:00. They're going at it, then boom, dead body.

    Carrie Wells : Well, that'll ruin the mood.

  • Nina Inara : I've got patrol getting statements from the students on the floor, and doing a room-to-room search.

    Carrie Wells : [spotting a surveillance camera]  Any chance we get lucky?

    Nina Inara : Yeah, I'll get, uh, video and the log. The university president is on the way over. She wants to know if this is an isolated event or if she should warn the student body about a violent predator.

    Al Burns : We don't even know what we're looking at yet. How'd she get to "violent predator"?

    Roe Saunders : It's all over Twitter that there's a homicidal maniac loose in the dorms.

    Carrie Wells : Oh, well, if it's all over Twitter, it must be true.

    Roe Saunders : [simultaneously, sarcastic]  It must be true.

  • Mike Costello : MLI has the time of death between 11:30 and 12:00.

    Al Burns : Was he killed in the room?

    Mike Costello : Yeah. Blood spatter on the furniture, stains on the floor, and the lividity on the body says that he was moved to the bed after he was killed.

    Carrie Wells : Weapon?

    Mike Costello : Uh, cause of death was suffocation. He was tuned up, then asphyxiated.

    Al Burns : Perp leave anything behind? Hairs, prints?

    Mike Costello : Looking, but it's a guys' dorm room. I bet you it hasn't been cleaned since 1992.

  • Jack Healy : I'm telling you, Miles and I were friends.

    Al Burns : That might be the biggest load of crap you've tried to sell yet.

    Carrie Wells : How'd you get ahold of Miles' student ID?

    Jack Healy : He gave it to me. Said he was quitting school, and his debit account had a few bucks left on it.

    Carrie Wells : He talked to you about quitting school? What are you, his guidance counselor?

  • Al Burns : We know your real name, and we've seen your rap sheet.

    Jack Healy : Yeah, well, that was all in the past. Miles wasn't a mark. I did not change my name to start new scams. I did it to change my life.

    Carrie Wells : You cozied up to a lonely kid, and you tried to steal his college fund. And you know what? It's the way you hurt him that makes me sick.

    Jack Healy : Well, it wasn't me. And whoever did that to Miles better pray I don't find 'em first.

    Al Burns : If you want us to believe you, you better give us something, Jack. 'Cause right now, the only connection we see between you and Miles is you killing him.

  • Carrie Wells : Okay, we're here. So what next?

    Tanya Sitkowsky : All I can tell you is that it's signed in at that location.

    Carrie Wells : [sarcastic]  Okay, great.

    [to Mike as she hangs up] 

    Carrie Wells : So, they've narrowed it down to any laptop in the room.

  • Al Burns : Here's what I don't get: Omega Rho's all bluebloods and jocks. Miles was a computer guy, and by all accounts, nerds are pretty cool these days, right? So why join that?

    Carrie Wells : He's got no family, no friends his own age, he sees a close-knit group of guys, he wants to be a part of it.

    Al Burns : By pretending to be something he wasn't?

    Carrie Wells : Hey, everybody wants to fit in, right?

  • Carrie Wells : [flashing back to 1999]  Detective Burns. Hey.

    Al Burns : Wells. You got a patrol shift?

    Carrie Wells : No, I'm off duty, actually.

    Al Burns : I hear Vice is looking for volunteers; undercover sting.

    Carrie Wells : Oh, yeah? I already tried that. Broke a john's wrist, cracked two of his ribs. It wasn't pretty.

    Al Burns : [with a chuckle]  Aren't you a charmer?

    Carrie Wells : Yeah, well, I'm thankful you noticed.

    Al Burns : Actually, Wells... you're hard to miss.

  • Al Burns : Congratulations.

    Carrie Wells : Yes!

    Al Burns : You passed your detective's exam.

    Carrie Wells : Thank you! Thank you! Well, you're a good teacher.

    Al Burns : Yeah, I like to think so. Which is why I'm surprised you didn't score better.

    Carrie Wells : What? I only missed seven quest...

    [seeing his look] 

    Carrie Wells : ...ions.

    Al Burns : Scores haven't been posted yet.

    Carrie Wells : Yeah, I know. Okay. It's not what you think.

    Al Burns : If you didn't cheat, how do you know?

    Carrie Wells : I missed them on purpose.

    Al Burns : Oh. And why would you do that?

    Carrie Wells : Because I have already taken enough crap for being too smart in this boys' club. If I showed everyone up on the test, it would've been like putting a target on my back, so I just, I played a little bit dumb, you know. Tried to fit in.

  • Colin Marsh : Yeah, it's shameful. I'm glad nothing on there indicates that Omega Rho was involved in any way.

    Carrie Wells : Says the man behind the mask.

    Colin Marsh : It wasn't me.

    Al Burns : Those are your pledges. Who else could it have been?

    Colin Marsh : I have no idea.

    Al Burns : Don't waste our time, Colin. You ordered a pledge to trash Miles' laptop to destroy this video.

    Colin Marsh : I didn't tell anyone to do anything.

    Carrie Wells : If Miles had linked you to that video, your college days would've been over. How'd it feel knowing some geek had you by the short hairs?

  • Colin Marsh : I don't know what you're talking about.

    Carrie Wells : Did you worry that Miles had made a backup? Must've been eating away at you 'till you just had to go find out for yourself, and then what happend? Did you just lose it?

    Colin Marsh : No, because everything you're saying didn't actually happen.

    Carrie Wells : Oh, see, I-I think it did. I think you killed him, and I am gonna spend every waking moment haunting you until I prove it.

    Colin Marsh : Look, can you get her away from me? I'm-I'm trying to answer your questions.

    Al Burns : Well, you're gonna have to try a little harder, 'cause you don't know her like I do. When she says "every waking moment," she means it.

    Carrie Wells : I do.

  • Al Burns : Miles being on the wrong end of drug dealers would explain the torture and the murder.

    Carrie Wells : Timid kid with a computer? He just doesn't fit any profile I can think of.

    Al Burns : Got another theory?

  • Nina Inara : ICE finally called me back. According to their records, Miles traveled to Toronto last Saturday and came back on Sunday.

    Al Burns : A lot of cocaine moves through that city. Maybe the timid kid with a computer wasn't so timid.

    Nina Inara : Yeah, and how about this? The billing address on the plane ticket was the Omega Rho fraternity house.

    Carrie Wells : Okay. Pledges as mules, a fraternity house as a distribution hub. Now, there is a theory.

    Nina Inara : Yeah, we need to search that frat house.

    Al Burns : An e-mail and a trip to Toronto isn't gonna get us a warrant. We need more.

    Carrie Wells : You know, I got more.

    Al Burns : [she takes out the party invite she was given]  Carrie.

    Carrie Wells : What? It's vampire rules. They invited me in. And if I happen to find a few kilos of cocaine, I'll call you.

  • Al Burns : How's the party?

    Carrie Wells : So, listen, everyone knows the hazing video's out. I suspect they're all on their best behavior.

    [loud hooting nearby] 

    Carrie Wells : With a few exceptions. Listen, what if I could establish a pattern of travel of Omega Rho's going to Toronto?

    Al Burns : I'm afraid to ask how you'll do that.

    Carrie Wells : I, uh... I have my ways.

  • Al Burns : We find any drugs at the frat house?

    Roe Saunders : Couple of misdemeanor bags of weed.

    Al Burns : How about Colin?

    Roe Saunders : We got the locals sitting on his family's place in Connecticut. Tried tracking his cell. No luck.

    Carrie Wells : Come on, he's not Pablo Escobar. It can't be that hard to track him down.

  • Nina Inara : Four Omega Rhos have admitted that they went to Toronto with plane tickets Colin got for them.

    Al Burns : They admit to transporting drugs?

    Nina Inara : Not yet. Right now, they're all saying they were helping him import t-shirts.

    Roe Saunders : It's kind of tough to put a crewneck up your nose.

    Carrie Wells : [remembering the party]  Maybe not so tough. There was a drug bust last year at Newark. Liquid cocaine from Honduras. They soaked these canvas tents in cocaine. Now, I saw Colin lose it on one of his frat brothers. He was wearing a t-shirt with a maple leaf on the front. What if they soaked the t-shirts in cocaine?

    Al Burns : Maybe they sent Miles to pick up a load of shirts, he realized what was going on.

    Roe Saunders : No. If he figured it out up there, there's no way that kid's gonna risk bringing 'em back.

    Nina Inara : The DEA replied to his e-mail, told him to call in, but he never did, so they don't have them.

    Carrie Wells : Okay, so there could be a bag stuffed with drug-soaked t-shirts just sitting in the lost and found at the airport.

    Al Burns : Hold on a second. How do you get the drugs out of the shirts?

    Roe Saunders : You rinse it in a mix of water and industrial cleaner, then you heat it up to burn off the liquid. Residual powder would be pure cocaine.

    [seeing their looks] 

    Roe Saunders : What? I read.

  • Al Burns : [in 1999]  Wells. Hold up. I've been looking for you.

    Carrie Wells : Why? What did I do wrong?

    Al Burns : You tell me. You and Marston have a clearance rate over 80%.

    Carrie Wells : Marston's really good.

    Al Burns : My ass. Guy's been coasting to retirement since he got his shield. He was barely scraping 40% when he partnered with you.

    Carrie Wells : And now we're solving crimes. What's the problem?

    Al Burns : He's taking all the credit and you're doing all the work.

    Carrie Wells : You know what? You're right. You're right, and I'm glad someone's finally noticed. He is lazy and he's stupid, and I don't understand how nobody's done anything about it.

    Al Burns : I'm going to.

    Carrie Wells : No, what you're gonna do is make me really unpopular around here.

    Al Burns : I doubt it. I'm gonna make you my new partner. You got a problem with that?

    Carrie Wells : No.

    Al Burns : Good.

    Carrie Wells : [he turns to leave]  Hey, Burns.

    Al Burns : Yeah?

    Carrie Wells : Why you doing this for me?

    Al Burns : Who says it's for you?

See also

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