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Flush this movie down the waterspout
brandonsullivan9116 September 2013
Bad acting in a story filled with plot problems, it moves slowly and didn't even scare my wife who is terrified of spiders (which was my main motivation for renting it). The only redeeming quality was that it was actually so bad that we laughed to the point of tears at a couple spots. My favorite moment in the movie is when the main character is surrounded by a s.w.a.t. team and slowly backs away and then successfully runs away without one soldier managing to fire a single shot. The other moment I enjoyed was when the main character fights the mother spider with his fists after tanks, machine guns, and missiles failed to do any damage...sure that makes sense. This movie really doesn't deserve ten lines or ten minutes of your time, but alas my displeasure desires to have a voice.
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Lame and Stupid Story
claudio_carvalho13 February 2016
When a meteor shower hits an old Soviet space station in the orbit of Earth, parts and debris crash into the New York subway tunnel near the Noble Street Station. The traffic controller Jason (Patrick Muldoon) sends his colleague Jimmy (Atanas Srebrev) to inspect the damage but soon he is found dead. The doctor finds a bite on his leg and eggs inside his body, and Jason takes one of them to ask his wife Rachel (Christa Campbell) to test in the laboratory where she works. When he goes with the subway security team to the location where Jimmy was found, they discover a nest of strong and carnivorous spiders. Meanwhile Col. Jenkins (William Hope) and the Russian scientist Dr. Darnoff (Pete Lee-Wilson) discuss the special breed of spiders genetically developed in the space with zero gravity that would build a powerful nest that would be used in military purpose. Further, they need the queen's egg that Jason gave to his wife. Then and he lies to the population telling that there is a deadly virus in the neighborhood where Jimmy was found and they hunt Jason and his family. When they recover the egg, Col. Jenkins put it in the nest to raise the queen and decides to execute everyone that is aware of the spiders. Will he succeed in his plan?

"Spiders" is a film with a lame and stupid story from the beginning. How can the colonel lie and execute people in a democratic country the way he did? By the way, why execute people? Just to keep the spiders in secret? In a situation like that, why keep powered trails in the subway. The spider queen can resist to machine gun, bazooka, but a traffic operator is capable to contain the giant insect with a steel bar. The corny conclusion with husband and wife forgetting the divorce is also awful. The cinematography and the effects are reasonable but the acting is terrible. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Aranhas" ("Spiders")
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Web Down
thesar-212 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a sucker for spider movies. Sadly, like poker films, there are so few good ones. So little, in fact, I believe there might be just 1-2 really good to great ones in either genre.

This is not one of them.

I guess I am drawn to spider movies because the little arachnids frighten the sh|t out of me. The real ones, that is. So when a movie, like 2013's (bland of a title) Spiders makes them all completely unrealistic, I barely flinch.

Mercifully, the first half of this spider-invasion film is more up my alley in terms of threatening little eight legged freaks. But, as all wannabe Syfy-movie-of-the-week flicks go, the little terrors must grow into human sized (or bigger) beasts.

That's all you really need to know in this routine sci-fi, When-Animals-Attack movie. You go through the motions: the beast(s) crash land on earth, no one knows what's happening, one person dies, then more, hero with a history with the heroine investigate, government intervenes, etc, etc. Age-old tale.

While it wasn't a complete and utter waste, it's neither recommended at all. Stick with 2002's Eight Legged Freaks or 1977's Kingdom of the Spiders – both of which happen to take place in my lovely state of Arizona. Huh. No wonder I frighten so easily from these baddies.

* * * Final thoughts: It's much more distracting when you don't pause a movie to find out who the lead of the film you are watching and just keep wondering where he's from. In this case, I finally did remember, and was confirmed later on, our hero, Jason, played by Patrick Muldoon, was on Melrose Place. Yep, a lot of my viewing time here was spent on trying to place him than the movie at hand.
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Prepare for the infestation in Spiders
rgblakey6 February 2013
Back in the day giant monster movies were all the rage thanks to King Kong and Godzilla. Now they seem to only pop up from time to and usually in low budget films that don't offer all that much. The latest Spiders, is the latest creature feature to crawling onto DVD and VOD, but will it be enough to make your skin crawl or be just another generic SyFy channel style cheese fest.

Spiders follow a city under siege from a new species of poisonous spiders as they mutate into gigantic proportions after crashing to Earth on a destroyed Soviet space station. If the plot sounds ridiculous, it is, but that is usually the case in these sorts of films. If you can't separate yourself for the silly nature of things to come then you shouldn't be investing your time into this film. That being sad, Spiders is a lot of fun. Believe it or not, it doesn't come off like a cheesy SyFy channel as you would expect. It shows that this film either had a decent budget or was just used wisely to make it work as opposed to just slapping something together. The story is pretty straightforward and works for what they are trying to accomplish. It's very reminiscent of the film THEM where as the military are forced to take on giant ants, but here with spiders. It starts off a bit slow initially, but quickly kicks into gear to let unleash the spiders on the city with each getting bigger than the next. Wisely they seemed to have spent a good amount of the films budget on the Spiders themselves which makes this film work even better. The spiders look pretty cool, with only a couple times that they feel CGI. There are some great classic giant monster shots, including an ariel shot of the giant spider running through the city complete with tanks and spotlights that is really cool.

Make no mistake this is a silly monster movie and doesn't try to be anything else. It works because they take it serious in an attempt to create a fun monster movie and succeeded. There are not major stars here and the acting is average, but if you love monster films, then give Spiders a shot when it hits DVD and VOD in March.
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My Spidey Sense Tells Me This Sucks!
joeg23721 July 2013
Problems With Spiders:

-Not enough spiders. -The spiders don't kill enough stupid actors. -Christa Campbell's botoxed and sadly altered faced makes her look like Michael Jackson near the end. -Not enough spiders. -When every actor flubbed a line (and they all did at some point, some more than others) it seemed like the director just waved them on to continue. -Seeing the same forty or so extras in nearly every crowd scene (watch for the red hoodie). -Not enough goddammed spiders!

I could go on, but it's hot in my apartment right now. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
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An epic disaster
alistairewallis7 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe that I stuck out this movie and wasted 90 minutes of agony on this movie. I'm one of the suckers that keeps watching to see if the movie by some miracle gets any better. The CGI gets worse as the movie progresses and the storyline gets more unbelievable with every passing scene. It would be OK I guess if the script didn't take itself so seriously, but even if I was stoned beyond comprehension I would still find the movie a POS. Steven King's "IT" boasted a better spider and it was built by hand. The characters at the start display some promise, but the minute the spiders appear everything implodes into one big steaming pile of audio-visual landfill. Utter, utter garbage
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A low budget movie that takes itself too seriously
princexjeo2 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
By the time the credits roll you've just had quite enough of the infestation. Spiders (avoid the 3D if you can) starts off on a passé premise and one or two scenes that makes your skin crawl, but any spider movie would do that.

The Actors are horrible. The mother (female MJ) has the worst timing and insincere line delivery ever witnessed on screen. She whines, is pathetic and really did drag down what would have been a 90min laugh to a drone.

Father, train technician and giant spider killer on the weekends. Totally believable.

The CGI should have won us over but it was so inconsistent my head hurt. The size of the Queen changed from a 3 storey gargantuan to barely the size of a subway train dueling with our Hero. WTF?! The military was so inept I'm surprised they knew which end of the barrel bullets exited.

And finally the end scene. A spider can take Rocket fire, mortar, bullet hail, Tank fire and Apache gunship missiles, but turns in train track kill? But the little spider that caused all this survived a fall from outer space!! My head hurts.
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Alien spiderly monsters crash to earth and wreak havoc on a large American city.
olavlossrian18 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst films I have ever seen in my 35 years, and the sole reason I signed up for the IMDb account. Consider this review my personal therapy to get this filth out of my system. I wanted to see this film because Spiders in 3D sounds tantalizing, right? Who wouldn't have enjoyed the classic Arachnaphobia in 3D? The filmmakers must have decided it was tantalizing too. What a genius way of selling a worthless, pointless and talentless film. Here are 10 reasons why this disaster of a movie should be avoided: a) The doctor who performs the autopsy early on probably skipped Biology class. I quote: "some insects, such as spiders, plant their eggs in a foreign host". Well, when I was four, I learned that insects have six legs, spiders have eight. b)Pete, or Jason, or ... who is who, anyway? Why do they have Patrick Muldoon's double playing his friend Pete? I can't tell them apart. They have the same stupid goatee. They both look like porn stars. c) The whole cast looks like porn stars. Every time someone begins a dialogue, I expect them to start undressing. There really is no other way to describe the horrible script, the deplorable acting and the atrociously unnatural conversations people have in this movie. d) Phoebe, Jason's other daughter... oh wait, no, is she the au pair? Why does she have a Russian accent? Oh, OK, she's the director's niece. Got it! e) "Adam put in an extra shot of expresso." Did he really mispronounce espresso? I have this idea: let's place the movie's setting in the early 1990's, and let's make it more realistic by having characters say 'expresso' instead of espresso, and, oh! Let's give them goatees. That way, it's easier to explain the references to the Soviets, and we don't have to make that many changes to this cheap script that's been lying around since 1985... Besides, back then, people didn't know the difference between spiders and insects. f) "The queen is always implanted in the first host." Yes, did you not know that? Spiders can communicate through telepathy, so there's no misunderstanding about who bites first. 'Everyone, I'm gonna bite this guy Jimmy here, so that'll be the queen, you hear?' g) Oh, yes, spiders have a queen. She's like the boss. But all spiders lay eggs, apparently. At least there's no gender discrimination. h) The spiders look like they have been photoshopped from the 70s. They look utterly ridiculous. i) I guess the filmmakers realized this a little late, so they changed the script: "They look like huge spiders, but that is just the form that they are inhabiting. Twenty years ago, we discovered a spacecraft..." OK, so they are really aliens dressing up as spiders. j) Don't even get me started on the 3d. I suspect it's short for 3 digit budget.

I suppose I could go on, but I ended up fastforwarding through much of the film. But it's not all bad. The length is the film's one redeeming quality, clocking in at one hour and thirty. It's an hour and a half you'll want back, though.
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"3D" that makes your eyes bleed ...
Silberfalke26 February 2013
Okay, if you like trash, this might be the movie for you. The 3D is AWFULLY converted and makes your eyes bleed without any visible depth... The acting is horrible. Christa Campbell cannot move her face because of all the botox, and Patrick Muldoon has seen better days and there is a sense of desperation radiating from him during the whole movie. And no, it does not have to do with his role. The story is on SyFy Channel level, the FX are slightly better than usual in a production like this one... If you have to see every monster movie on the market, than give it a try, but you have been warned. Don't expect "Eight Legged Freaks" from outer space as the movie takes itself so seriously, that there is not the slightest sense of humor in this production. At least not wanted one. The second star is only for the decent special effects... What a waste of money...
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Um, wow... I apologize for the harshness but we need to rip the band-aid off..
roadstar0614 February 2013
OK. Cheesy? -Check Goofy? -Check. I enjoy low-budget monster flicks. One very serious question. How, in an industry filled to overflowing with passable actresses who can at the very least simulate believable expressions and the occasional emotional response does Ms. Campbell get cast? Her vacant expressionless face combined with a spectacular lack of inflection, timing and anything resembling acting is worse than a second-day community college acting student. This movie didn't have much of a chance but the damage inflicted would have been less if they would have picked a random name in the LA phonebook. Maybe, just maybe, she was distracted and unable to "find her motivation" ... no, forget that. She's just awful.
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1950s throwback scifi with decent 3d, IGNORE the haters!!
joiningjt16 October 2020
It's a throw back to the cheesy 1950s scifi horror movies with some decent 3d and special effects, acting is weak and story is obviously predictable but its SUPPOSED to be!! Itsca frucking movie called spiders, people give a garbage movie like Blair witch project a 6.. which was a handheld camcorder shaky no effects no nothing garbage movie but give spiders a 3....huh???????? Ignore the haters and enjoy a throw back 1950s campy FUN 3d movie!!!
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Good Spider Effects
timothygartin26 April 2020
I liked this movie. Not a lot of new ground here. There have been almost as many spider movies as shark movies. The spin here is that the spiders are a hybrid with some kind of alien. Even though some of the acting is poor and the story is thin what makes this movie stand out are the monster effects. The Queen Spider is especially well done and menacing. I was really surprised by how good she came out. There are a few points when the CGI freezes, but that wasn't too long.

This is a pleasant surprise.
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A creature-feature with eight legs...
paul_haakonsen16 February 2013
As a person who always had a love for monster movies, and spiders in particular, then it was a thrill to stumble across this movie. Initially I had feared that it would have been much worse than it actually turned out to be, as the genre of monster movies tend to turn out to be campy, goofy and usually have horrible effects that are just downright painful to watch.

This 2013 "Spiders" movie, however, did come to prove my initial fears wrong. Especially because the spiders in the movie were actually quite nicely animated and looked realistic enough. Well, as realistic as you can go when dealing with a 6 foot arachnid. The creature designs were nice and held lots of good details, and it was greatly helped along the way by the good CGI. One thing did bother me though, and it was the sounds they opted to put on the spiders. Growling, screeching and hissing, come on now, seriously? It just gave the spiders a cartoon-like quality that didn't really help them along in any way as for being menacing or monstrous.

About the storyline, well it is fairly straight forward textbook scripting here; a top secret non-American experiment that took place it outer space crashes down on Earth - in New York, of course - and with it came the mutated arachnids that grow at an accelerated pace, becoming a threat to all of New York in record time. And it is up to a small handful of people to put a stop to this outer worldly threat before it is too late.

Bam. Bam. Bam. Straight out of the Hollywood 'how-to-make-a-monster-movie' manuscript. Campy story? Check. Unlikely heroes? Check. Grotesque monsters created by the hands of science? Check. Super predictable? Check. Everything you need here for a basic monster movie is present.

As for the people in the movie, well then it was fairly ordinary performances here, with mostly no outstanding performances, aside from possibly Patrick Muldoon. People did good enough jobs with their roles and characters, but there was just an general sensation of lack of enthusiasm lurking behind some performances.

Despite not adding anything new or jaw-dropping to the genre, then "Spiders" does provide good entertainment, because it is a fast-paced movie that lets you see the spiders a lot and in good detail. "Spiders" is a no-brainer; the type of movie that just lets you disconnect your brain and just ride along for the fun and entertainment. If you enjoy monster movies, then "Spiders" is well worth a watch.
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Spiders from space
Stevieboy66622 April 2018
Parts of a Soviet space station containing spiders crash to New York, which then go on to grow into gigantic beasts. For a just divorced couple it becomes a battle to save their daughter, their relationship and the city. This is slightly better than your typical Sci Fi or Asylum creature feature, but that's not exactly saying much! Much CGI here, not the worst I've seen but still pretty cheap looking. As the spiders grow they become less scary & more silly. Acting is pretty wooden, the guy playing the Russian doctor keeps letting his natural English accent seep out. I watched this in 2D so unable to comment on the 3D. It's all very predictable & instantly forgettable.
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Spiders....low budget remake of Eight-Legged Freaks
Rob_Taylor23 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the budget went on the effects, I think, and trust me, they aren't all that good.

I'm really trying to think of something positive to say about this movie, but I'm struggling. I've seen a lot worse than this. A lot worse! But this ends up being a nothing movie.

Why? Because you care NOTHING about the characters. They are beyond wooden. Styrofoam would be more apt. A collection of cliché-ridden stereotypes that would make an 80's blockbuster movie go red with embarrassment.

Patrick Muldoon plays the stat hero, out to save his family from the deadly arachnid menace. Except, half the time, he delivers his lines so badly, I wondered if he really knew what was going on.

Christa Campbell. Good God! That woman had just the worst role ever to play. Screaming, hysterical woman! There aren't many scenes where she isn't just blubbing at the camera and whining incessantly. Trouble is, none of it was convincing. Somebody check her into both over- and under actors anonymous!

Bill Hope. Clearly he had none, which is why he took on this part. Bungling military officer. Hasn't he played that somewhere before? Oh no, wait, that was a real film.

None of the characters are particularly likable, which means you don't care what happens them. If you don't care about the characters even a little bit, then you are in trouble.

Then there are the effects. I suppose they're not too bad. Again, I've seen far worse. But whoever decide to give the spiders fang-filled, comedy maws, needs a swift kick in the nutsack. They are beyond ridiculous, trust me. You can't take them seriously.

The science behind the spiders is ropey, to say the least, as it is throughout the movie in general. I don't expect too much in the way of realism in such movies, but a nod towards actual reality from time to time would be nice.

Along with the crazy monster mouths and the dodgy science, the spiders all seem to growl and whine and make all kinds of odd noises that make them comical, to say the least.

Whilst I'm on the subject of noises...

The score is at times extremely aggravating. Sometimes you get heroic, stirring music, but often you have to make do with jarring, discordant sounds that someone believed enhanced the film. News flash! It doesn't! It's just grating. At times, this jangling blends perfectly into the background sounds of the scene, leaving you wondering whether the noise is part of the score, or an environmental effect. Not good.

I'm not sure whether they wanted to make a comedy movie here, or a serious monster movie. It seems a little of both, but unfortunately, not enough of either to make the film work on any real level. I guess I should have expected the worst, given the rating here on IMDb, but I'm all for giving films a chance. Sadly, this one fell short of the mark.

My advice. Watch Eight-Legged Freaks. It actually knows what sort of movie it wants to be and manages it perfectly well. Spiders, by contrast, is a bit of a mess.

Not really worth the effort.
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Alien Spiders Run Wild In New York City
loveablejohn-466292 April 2019
This movie was entertaining to watch with a script that was well written and the actors did a good job in their roles. The cinematography was good despite some mistakes but since this movie was filmed in Bulgaria their idea of what New York city looks like was flawed and the special effects were just average at best.
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oh god i'm so annoyed by this movie
watup958 February 2013
good god can this acting get any worst and these spiders, really with the teeth? the mom is the most annoying whiny actress i have ever seen. good god i'm contemplating punching the screen every time she is on with her whining and the horrible acting done by the dad. seriously dude how is the mom supposed to run with you grabbing her arm? i would assume that the military would be smarter in their weapon usage. if the M4 doesn't work maybe bust out some larger caliber bullets? and they killed the hottest actress in the movie... that's really going to make people watch this to the end. NO BOOBS :(. seriously mom woman get your sh** straight, stop the whining man up for your child.
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Trashy B Movie - Worth Watching
Pairic21 March 2019
Spiders 3D: More than 20 years after the break-up of the USSR a Soviet Space Station crashes to Earth. But not just any station - mutant spiders were experimented on in this one and they'er had all that time to mutate further. Some of the debris which survives re-entry hits New York and ends up in the Subway. We soon have spiders killing transit workers and laying eggs in their bodies. Spiders of all sizes but rapidly growing bigger send rats and bats scurrying and fleeing from the Subway tunnels. But those who live underground in abandoned tunnels and stations. the mole people, provide a ready food supply for the spiders.

The large spiders, about the size of capybaras, are quite frightening and realistic. They are difficult to kill and readily scurry up fire escapes. The Queen Spider when she finally arrives is a real monster but not as credible, effects just didn't hack it. There is an evil army colonel who wants to secure the spiders as a weapon who will kill anyone who gets in his way. The script isn't any great shakes and the locations are limited as I guess was the budget. The best acting is certainly by the spiders

A trashy B movie which is certainly worth watching if you are a fan of such fare. 5.5/10.
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Not Too Much Bite Here
Michael_Elliott27 October 2013
Spiders (2013)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Another "big monster" movie with this one here centering on a Russian space station that crashes into the subway system of New York City. At first the "issue" seems to be clearing itself up but soon giant spiders are on a killing spree. SPIDERS somehow managed to get a theatrical release, which is kinda strange considering this really isn't any better than the type of monster pictures that show up on SyFy week after week. This is certainly far from a horrible film but I honestly couldn't recommend it over countless other low-budget "B" movies that I've seen here the past decade. At least with the movies that you see on SyFy they are cheap, fun and offer up some sort of badness. SPIDERS, on the other hand, really isn't all that fun. The title of the movie should have been "Walk Around and Talk" because that's pretty much what happens throughout the running time. We're introduced to our "heroes" who pretty much argue with one another as they walk through the streets of New York seeing all the destruction. As for the spiders, the effects are slightly better than what you'd see on SyFy but at the same time they're still pretty cheap and aren't very convincing. The look of the spiders aren't too bad as they're at least mildly entertaining. Of course, they were in 3D in the movie theater so watching at home I wasn't able to judge that. The death scenes in the film are mostly forgettable and there's just nothing special to any of them. The PG-13 rating certainly holds the film back from being "more" and, again, the stuff you see on SyFy is better.
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Truly pitiful!
doorsscorpywag9 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting idea with a mixture of Eight Legged Freaks, Tarantula and Mimic. Sadly really badly done.

The spiders were not bad apart from the fact spiders don't have teeth and growl but one has to suspend belief a bit with these kinds of movie so that's no big deal.

No the worst part of this tripe is the acting. Or lack of it. It actually contains several 'actor's who once appeared in decent films with Gorman from Aliens and the pilot in Starship Troopers. But acting had a day off for this and we were reduced to some of the worst non acting in a film ever.

Not just the leads but those who had bit parts and even extra's. People were standing around waiting for their cue with a look of total disinterest on their faces. Leads delivering lines like they were reading them from cue cards that had ran in the rain. Watch the cop waving people out of the subway who looks bored stiff and waves even when there is nobody to wave. The soldiers look less realistic than ones you could find in boxes back in the 70s. Those plastic ones had more acting ability.

But the worst acting goes to the lady who played the wife and the woman who was the doctor doing the autopsy. If you are getting paid for these kind of useless films the least you can do is look mildly interested for the audience.

Yes it's a low budget effort and most of the cash spent on the spiders but acting ability is important if you plan to charge people a tenner when you flog this as a DVD.

The ending which was swiped from Mimic was pretty dull and the most terrifying thing about Spiders is the very real threat of a Spiders 2.
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Absolute garbage, register to moan type stuff!!!!
ianoc2027 March 2013
Please.......don't waste your time on this abomination of motion picture. Terrible CGI, but that's not what makes this muck unwatchable, it's the terrible, gutless and almost amateur acting by everyone in this movie....and I include the extras in that.

In one scene people panic run from the subway, and they aren't even running LOL.

So again, please make the world a better place and avoid this pile of poop.

Kind regards.. .....Mickey.:) Oh and Arachnaphobia was like a masterpiece compared to this.
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It may be stupid, but it's fun.
jabarker8113 April 2020
There are movies like Battlefield Earth where they are just goofy. There are some like Demolition Man where there's mindless action with some smart writing. And then, there are shark movies. Honestly, this movie is like a combination of them all. It's really fun to watch. It may have poor effects that make Battlefield Earth look good, but in the end, they mostly look convincing enough to give you the creeps. There are some fun twists and turns, and while there are some horror cliches in it, you immediately overlook it, and want to watch the spiders kill everyone like how you want to see the sharks kill everyone. I may be mixed on shark movies, but I love how giant spiders could be made to look creepy. I may be a harsh critic on a lot of movies, but this is one of those movies I have a soft spot for, and I would watch it again.
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Don't yell at me
LaundryMatt2018 November 2020
I'm only giving this 'movie' a rating this high because it's so hilariously bad. It's clearly supposed to be a legitimate horror film, but it's just so terrible in every area, from the laughably awful dialogue to the ugly gray tint on the whole thing to the terrible, terrible CGI. I loved watching it because of how truly not good it is.
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Muldoon is Hardly to Blame for this Mess
gregsrants11 March 2013
Those damned Russians! First, they were responsible for the ongoing Cold War that would scared me silly throughout most of my youth. In my teenage years, it was White Russians that were my downfall at any local establishment with a liquor license. And now, it is a Soviet space station that has crashed in New York City that is resulting in giant venomous spiders. Damn you Russians. Damn you, Damn you, Damn you! Of course, the third of those examples never really did happen. Or at least not on anything outside of a Fox News Report (apparently it was Obama's fault too). But it is the idea behind the new monster film, Spiders from director Tibor Takács, who back in 1987 surprised us with a little Canadian film called The Gate. Spiders stars Patrick Muldoon (Melrose Place, Starship Troopers) as Jason, the father figure and potential hero of our film that has to fight both the military presence on the streets of New York and the rampaging and irate arachnids as he attempts to free his daughter from a quarantined zone within the city. So he will run, jump, dodge and evade the obstacles in his way leading us to a conclusion that is hardly in doubt for a movie of this genre. Converted into 3D, Spiders is a step up from usual Syfy movie-of-the-week madness. But that bar has been set so low that patting anyone on the back is hardly necessary. The spiders look campy and hardly creepy. And the whole idea is really just an excuse to make a $50,000 looking Them! A few special effects could be considered 'passable', but in general, everything looks computer generated and I have seen a man in a Godzilla suit destroying Tokyo look more realistic. Muldoon seems destined to remain in CGI-monster direct-to-VOD films for the foreseeable future and has worked with the director once before fighting a different type of spider with Ice Spiders in 2007. He looks tired yet invested in Spiders and is hardly the reason why the film fails. That fault can go to the lack of any character development, lack of good special effects, lack of plot or purpose that dogs this film from start to finish.
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A film so bad, it's almost good
zaphod200328 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Atrocious acting. As one reviewer said, Botox rules OK and none of the actors move their faces. The script is laughable and the acting so wooden its hard to tell some of the cast from the props.

The special effects are laughable. Why would a spider make a roaring noise? Further, all the spiders appear to be bullet proofed, but the "soldiers" continue to fire at them even though the bullets are are clearly not having any effect and don't even mention the helicopter pumping round after round into the queen spider, which also eats a couple of cast. Amazing since spiders don't have that ability. Something also strange is that the queen also appears to only have 2 eyes and halfway through the movie most of all the other spiders disappear. Apparently they also got fed up of the movie.

In fairness, the sort of movie you'd watch because you think this can't get worse, but it does.

Won't spoil the ending but just say its indescribable. Work out how the "hero" manages to survive. Defies all logic.
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