Ape vs. Monster (2021) Poster

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Very bad.
The ape in a 40 yr old Donkey Kong game looks more realistic than this. And the very talented Eric Roberts couldn't save this movie. I couldn't watch more then 15 minutes so I don't know who won this.
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Distribution is all that matters!
johnnygriner23 March 2022
I would 1st like to thank SHOWTIME for using my monthly fees to show such garbage as ape vs monster.

It's a lovely tale about an ape vs a monster but done in the worst way possible. The acting is horrid, the script? Worse. There were so many head scratching moments that I lost count. I feel stupider for watching it. BEWARE!!!!!
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crwing13 May 2021
Omg where do I start.. I have no words but omg the fact that they used Godzilla's roar?! Like damn... toho might come for y'all lol. I'm not being toxic but Jesus Christ this was awful. It looked promising but when I saw the cgi- yeaa HELL NO! I would rate this a 0 but I can't

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An abominable movie
dasa10813 July 2021
This movie is possibly one of the most disappointing experiences of my life. It is absolutely clear to me that with little money and some talent it is possible to make a film that marks generations. Robert Rodríguez did it with El Mariachi, Wes Craven with his first masterpieces and Tobe Hooper with his most important film. Here's an Oscar-nominated actor, Eric Roberts, and a story that trying to parody Kong vs. Godzilla makes for an even more disappointing movie. While the original was too bad this one is even worse; it is abysmal. The first three or four minutes are promising, the rest is pathetic, with unpleasant characters, a gruesome story and a series of nonsense that together offer an embarrassment made celluloid. Only recommended for our enemies.
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Bad CGI Cringe acting
zrsuhail7 May 2021
I wonder if the makers even watched this before releasing it to public. The bad CGI took the last bit from it. Worst of its kind.
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Very BAD acting and a huge letdown
Izzaboo8117 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited to watch this. As a small child (almost 60 now) I grew up watching "Godzilla" movies. Then as a teenager "King Kong" with Jessica Lang came out. THAT movie was great. This movie was HORRIBLE! The acting was absolutely terrible with the exception of Eric Roberts and the guy playing the "scientists" dad. The scientist first off is WAY too young to be in that position. But the actress portraying her was probably the WORST acting I have ever seen. EVER. Her expressions, each and every one which came every 5 seconds were so FAKE! And the stuttering which, probably intentional for dramatic purposes, just hurt my ears. I can't remember (and I just finished it) if she spoke one single sentence without over dramatizing EVERY WORD. It was too bad and happened too often. The wound she got on the side of her forehead never did dry up and it looked as though she had accidently smeared the fake blood. I also expected better special effects considering technology now-a-days. And then when it was FINALLY coming to the end I expected a really good battle between gorilla and gila monster. It may have lasted 1 minute. All of that mental pain while watching bad acting should have paid off but alas did not. And where was the reunion between the ape and his childhood buddy the *10 year old genius physicist*?? Such a huge let down. I can't recall the last big movie let down that was as huge as this. I am so glad it was raining when watching this as I would have missed it by spending time in my pool. Bad movie, good concept, poorly put together. BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. HUGE.
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We have Godzilla vs. Kong at home
schenkel-austin1 March 2022
Are you fr? Like, how it this even legal? What even is this? Why is it even a thing? This is literal garbage. I wouldn't even want it if it were given to me.
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The Worst Acting I've Ever Seen
connolley32529 June 2022
I can do a better acting job than these people. Truly horrible! Wooden and zero emoting. Even Eric Roberts seemed to be phoning it in. Horrible CGI. I couldn't finish it and I pretty much watch anything. It was worse than a high school play. PAINFUL.
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Another mockbuster from The Asylum...
paul_haakonsen28 August 2021
Yup, another lovely mockbuster from The Asylum. And this time they are cashing in on "Godzilla vs. Kong".

I mean, just by the movie's cover/poster alone, you already know it is going to be one of those movies. Yet, I still opted to sit down and watch it. Why? Well, every now and again a watchable enough movie does make it out of The Asylum's mill.

"Ape vs. Monster" was watchable, sure, but it was by no means an entertaining movie. Especially so since the two gargantuan creatures had so very little screen time. Come on people at The Asylum. When people sit down to watch your mockbusters, they want to watch the action between two gargantuan creatures fighting, and not having to sit through 90% screen time of dubious acting and horrible dialogue.

But yeah, that was what "Ape vs. Monster" was. The majority of the movie was just dialogue between the actors and actresses. And mind you, the dialogue was not well-written, nor was it well-delivered by the performers. So you are not in for a Shakespearian experience when you sit down to watch "Ape vs. Monster".

Visually then I have to say that The Asylum definitely upped their game here. The CGI in "Ape vs. Monster" was far superior to most other of the movies that The Asylum spews out. Sure, this wasn't really overly great CGI in comparison to many other big budget Hollywood movies. But for a movie from The Asylum, then it wasn't all too shabby.

Of all the actors and actresses that participated in "Ape vs. Monster", then it was only Eric Roberts that I was familiar with. And let's just be frank here, he isn't exactly a big league player. Though I have to admit that I was a bit surprised to see him stoop to the level of participating in a movie from The Asylum. But hey, a dollar is a dollar, right? It should be noted that the acting in the movie was rigid, wooden and dubious at best.

"Ape vs. Monster" is just another run-of-the-mill mockbuster from The Asylum, for better or worse. So if you enjoy these types of movies, perhaps you will find some enjoyment in this 2021 movie. If you are looking for a properly entertaining movie, then "Ape vs. Monster" is not your best bet.

I am rating "Ape vs. Monster" a generous three out of ten stars.
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mirage-productions5 May 2021
A much better title would be "Monkey VS Monster". They have a chimp turn into what looks like a big stuffed toy monkey and a Gila monster that turns into some sort of large lizard. Terrible dialog, bad acting, bad CGI makes for a very funny film. Lots of "WTF's which will keep you scratching your head. Gave it a 2 instead of a 1 due to the somewhat entertainment we got out of this.
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A true gift to cinema
thedabbage27 March 2022
The dialogue truly rivals that of Shakespeare. The visuals made me cry actual tears of pure joy and enlightenment. This is what all the years of cinema has led to decades of time for us a species to finally see Ape vs. Monster a true cinematic masterpiece.
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douglaswsmith12 December 2021
So bad it's watchable. The doc and Russian are kind of hot but this is otherwise....cheesy enough to be comical. I'd still watch it - like I did.

Final verdict: Throw it on in the background while doing other stuff like vacuuming or doing drywall or working out. Otherwise, pass by it.
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What the hell
patrickhagen-2874230 September 2021
A capsule launched in 1985 and a dream of Bush Jr and Putin? This movie was bad but my God.
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They changed the title
maldinibaresi9 May 2021
How helpful of the production company to change the title. I mean King Kong sounds a little of and Godzilla could be from a rather different genre... so happy they simplified it!

But my praises must stop here! I couldn't understand any of the things being said in connection to the earlier Monsterverse-movies. The CGI looks cheap compared to the other movies but at least the ape looked ape-like, which actually is a great takeaway considering the title. My lizzard looked a little unhappy being called a monster, but she's alright now. But yeah - big disappointment... and where is Mille BB at????
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Dumb af
liv_bugg13 March 2022
I hated this movie with every ounce of my being. I can't think of one good thing to say about it. If I never watch it again, it'll be too soon💩 don't. Just don't.
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Absolutely the worst film ever
acko-6909424 October 2021
This really is appalling, dreadful script, wooden actors, shocking 'monsters' why I wasted over 90 minutes of my life watching this abysmal pile of dross is a mystery.
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Yup, a two
sethomas-3323814 September 2021
Eric Roberts could not save this movie. The other actors & actresses were awful, sounded like they were reading from a script.the chimp & lizard were better than the humans.
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More asylum trash
mhorg201818 March 2022
The asylum. They've never read a trash script or assembled a crew of nobodies they didn't love. Eric Roberts wouldn't have a career if not for the trash they pump out. I can't believe this company has fans. Bad stories, bad sfx, horrible acting. They rip off other movies in a terrible, not a fun way. This trash is just an insult to the great B movies of the 50s.
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Anyone saying this is even 1% as good as Godzilla vs.Kong
terrylarosa2 November 2021
And is not being facetious obviously escaped a mental ward. To say this is an abomination would be the understatement of the millennium. Apparently producers went to a homeless shelter and asked the people there if they wanted to be in a movie for a couple of six packs. Using Edge a Sketch technology and resurrecting Eric Roberts corpse; they managed to complete their movie on a $100 budget and a shooting schedule of less than one day. On a scale of zero the quality here is minus infinity. Comparing this to Godzilla vs. Kong would be like comparing the Sharknado movies with the Lord of the Ring movies.
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I tried...
curtiscrumplerjr18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I started this film knowing it was low budget and yet was still let down. The lead actress looked constipated throughout most of the film. The military was poorly emulated, the overt misogamy from a general was almost comical...... almost. I did find enjoyment from a Russian female scientist her response to a comrade being killed and her prompt escape was the most true to life action in the entire movie. Overall mistakes were definitely made like adding an alien threat only for it to be essentially nonexistent, they literally just went away and nobody cared. Life was finally proven to exist off world and the people in this movies were more concerned about the Chimpanzee (not ape) than the aliens planning to disrupt America's government -_- and lastly the actual Ape vs monster was a 1min 45 second fight lol. My way of judging a move is simple did it entertain me, Does it make sense, and could I make a better film. I was not entertained, it did not make sense ( was it a big monster movie or alien take over) and I truly believe I could make a better version of this movie. It may seem as if I'm being mean or overly critical of the film but it is a mess that doesn't appear to have been screened before it's release to the masses.
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YouTube Kids be like
loussama18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really reminds me of the stuff posted on youtube that are made for kids except this one makes them look normal.
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This movie is watchable
colbertadrian16 July 2022
The actors took their jobs seriously, Arianna Scott put in a really focused performance that made the actors in scenes with her really step up their game, Eric Roberts is his usually smug self, but couldn't loaf with Arianna, the end scene was like him giving her his approval for her outstanding performance, the casual movie watcher might not appreciate what they saw, but it was job well done Miss Scott.

The story was good, the pacing was good, but people want to compare it to a movie with a huge budget I enjoyed it for what it was, a low budget "mockbuster" with a decent plot and decent acting.
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Godzilla vs Kong ripoff
leseditlakula4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The story is good. The acting isn't bad either, but the CGI is bad.
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Dumb As a Rock (no offense to rocks!)
Tarntarow1 April 2022
Just as lame, dumb, as they come. Neither creature should've even made it to the screen, they look so plastic (the budget must've been low. Like $50,000.00).

Knock yourself out. I can't even write more than this...
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Worse than you may think.
NickGagnon9425 March 2022
I know this was an Asylum rip-off of Kong vs. Godzilla but I was still curious to check this out. I really wish I didnt now. This is one of the Asylums worst films. I mean this is brutal. Practically nothing happens. There is far more going on in the poster than in the film. The little that does happen looks like a bad Ps1 cut scene. And can someone get Eric Roberts a real movie to be in.
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