Diagnosis: Death (2009) Poster

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Well worth a look
JohnSeal11 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Being of pensionable age (well, not quite, but I'm over 30), I didn't come to Diagnosis: Death because of comedy team Flights of the Conchords. Though I had heard of FOTC before reading the other reviews for the film, I wouldn't recognize them if they walked past me on the street. No, I came to Diagnosis: Death because I like horror films and films from New Zealand. Consequently, the relative dearth of Conchords did not disturb me in the least, and I really enjoyed the proceedings--in fact I'd go so far as to say this is the best hospital-based chiller since Lars von Trier's The Kingdom. This is a smartly written, amusing, and occasionally spooky little film with an excellent cast, most notably Suze Tye as Nurse Ratched--er, Nurse Bates. As long as you don't tune in expecting an extended FOTC routine, you'll be well pleased with Diagnosis: Death.
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Decent Horror/Comedy Effort from New Zealand
ShotgunHemingway24 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Years ago, when Peter Jackson was just breaking in to the film business, it seemed like New Zealand might be poised to be a hotbed, albeit a small one, of horror film activity. Bad Taste and Braindead seemed like the beginning of something major. They were, only they were the beginning of Jackson's long and award-addled career. It didn't really mean too much for New Zealand horror. Just a couple of years ago another Kiwi horror comedy came out and created a bit of a buzz itself, Black Sheep. A horror film about killer sheep? Sign me up! And, it is a fun little movie - one that I recommend you view with some friends and a good sense of humor.

Last year, Affordable Films released New Zealand's latest horror-comedy Diagnosis: Death. They tried to capitalize on the popularity of their country's own Flight of the Conchords and included Brett McKenzie, Jemain Clement, and Rhys Darby. Full disclosure: I love Flight of the Conchords - the show, and the band. The only problem is that these guys are probably in the film for a total of five minutes between them. Yeah, it's a cocktease.

The film itself, a horror-comedy, is surprisingly light on both horror and comedy. It stars Raybon Kan (apparently he's a New Zealand stand-up) as a school teacher that is stricken with a rare form of cancer. He goes to a weekend drug trial to test out new, experimental drugs that may be able to cure him. Sounds reasonable enough, but wait, there's more. It turns out this hospital used to be...wait for it...a MENTAL INSTITUTION! dun-dun-dun. And, as if that wasn't enough, some famous author supposedly killed herself and her child in this very same ward! The movie is basically a ghost-story-mystery thing disguised as a comedy. The laughs are few and far between, the revelation at the end is predictable, and the horror is cheap and stupid. That said, the two minutes of screen time that are alloted to Rhys Darby had me rolling - he's basically playing Murray as a doctor. I was able to watch it with a friend and we managed to enjoy ourselves by adding our own, MS3TK-style commentary to the film and rewinding the Rhys Darby's final scene (he gives a great look at the end of it) multiple times. Fortunately, they keep things fairly light and every once and a while the jokes will land so you should be able to get through the film.

Because we were able to enjoy ourselves while watching, I'll give it a 5 out of 10, but it really doesn't deserve anything higher than that. I advise you not to buy this one. It may be worth a rental if you are a big Conchords fan or would like to watch something light and silly with some buddies on a weekend. I advise against watching it by yourself, too, as you'll have no one to crack wise with.

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A truly strange but funny film
gclites12 February 2011
Watched this with some friends. Found it most useful for ridicule, a la MST 3K.

A teenage student (who appears to be 30) and a teacher for whatever reason agree to participate in a drug trial locked into a clinic with a confused doctor (Flight of the Concords' Bret McKenzie), an insane nurse, and, as it turns out, a family of ghosts looking for revenge. They experience hallucinations and explore the mystery of how the ghosts died.

The movie is laugh out loud hilarious with the three main cast member of Flight of the Concords popping in and out randomly. The mystery makes no sense. The sexual relationship between the girl and the teacher would be creepy were she not clearly about as old as he is. The climax is ridiculously artificial.

Basically, grab a beer and make fun of Diagnosis Death and you can have a good time. Take it seriously, and you'll be lost.
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I got suckered
popshed28 August 2009
I deserve to have the word "sucker" tattooed on my forehead. I'd just finished watching season 2 of Flight of the Conchords and was in need of more. Stumbled across an advert for this film and immediately ordered it.

Jemaine appears in precisely one scene (about 2 minutes) Murray appears in 2 scenes (about 3 minutes in total) Bret appears in 5 or 6 scenes as a peripheral inconsequential character.

Truly awful pedestrian plot not worthy of a TV movie. I can only assume that the three starts of FotC got suckered into making this movie themselves.

Really, don't bother with this. I gave it 3 stars and I think in retrospect I was being very kind. At that point I still had 20 minutes to go.
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Diagnosis: Dreadful
BA_Harrison12 December 2019
Given less than three months to live, unethical school-teacher Andre Chang (Raybon Kan, who also co-wrote the film) takes part in a weekend drug trial, hoping that he'll get 'the good stuff'. While there he befriends 18-year-old schoolgirl Juliet Reid (unconvincingly played by 28-year-old Jessica Grace Smith), who helps him to work out whether a series of strange occurrences on the ward are merely hallucinations caused by the drugs or if a restless spirit is the real cause.

The quote on the cover for this New Zealand horror comedy claims that it is "as funny as Shaun of the Dead", while the blurb on the back informs us that Diagnosis: Death gives a 'gruesome nod to Peter Jackson's early films'. Neither could be further from the truth.

It seems quite fitting that the two central characters of this diabolical misfire are suffering from a terminal disease, because the whole thing is about as funny as inoperable cancer. I can honestly say that I didn't laugh once throughout the movie, but I did yawn quite a bit. And as far as graphic violence is concerned, there is very little to be seen for most of the run-time, and even when it does get gory, it's nowhere near on the same scale as Bad Taste or Braindead.

2/10. Not worth the effort, even for avid fans of NZ cult comedy Flight of the Conchords: the cameos by the show's stars -- Jemaine Clement, Bret McKenzie, and Rhys Darby -- are all too brief and also not in the slightest bit amusing.
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Skip this one.
leetwanker31 December 2009
There is Cancer, then an experimental drug trial. Then comes the nurse who seems evil. Hallucinations are blamed on the drugs. Two of the patients form kind of a bond to try and figure out what it is that's happening to them.

If this review sounds boring, that's because the movie was. So boring I couldn't even finish watching it. If this review was here before I watched the movie, It would have saved me an hour. So hopefully this will save you that time.

It's a bit silly to me that IMDb won't a low a nice succinct review. In order to express an opinion you have to write up a mini-biography of the movie. I do and do and do for you people, and this is the thanks I get!
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Neat wee film
vinny_e24 March 2010
This is a nice, low-budget, interesting little movie. Great to see a film with one of the main writers as a lead (funny-man Raybon Kan, who is as good-a comedian as he is a movie star). Suze Tye was my favorite though, creepy & beautiful at the same time, I thoroughly enjoyed her character and the way she portrayed Nurse Bates

Comparable to Shaun of the Dead, (which also features a great writer/actor; Simon Pegg) but on a smaller scale, with very much the same RomCom Horror spirit (not so much horror, but enough to remove any chick-flick stigma :)

I'd expect short-sighted mainstream movie-buffs to quickly denounce and criticize this film, so 'skip this one' if you're too narrow-minded to appreciate the simple things in life

Go NZ movies!!
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Awful Film
sleeping_pirate20 April 2010
This is honestly one of the worst films I have ever seen. It made me laugh for all the wrong reasons: stilted dialogue; awful camera-work; and terrible acting. It makes sense that the lead actor is one of the writers... he wouldn't have been cast otherwise. Naturally, like most people, I bought this because Bret, Jemaine, and Rhys from Flight of the Conchords are in it. The fact that Jemaine and Rhys are hardly seen didn't bother me at all, the film could've still been really good without them. But it was horrendous from start to finish.

I bought this for £6 in a sale, whereas really it should have been in a bargain bin somewhere for 50p.

I'll never watch it again!
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Enjoyable light comedy/horror
ramelramelramel10 February 2010
Anyone watching this expecting a horror will be missing the point. This is a movie which includes in cameo roles the stars of Flight of the Conchords.

There's nothing serious about this movie, and the plot is very light; the reason to watch this movie is the characters, who though almost only two dimensional in depth, are very likable.

The tone/rhythm of the movie is a lot like Flight of the Conchords, as is it's subdued humor.

There really isn't much more to say about this movie.

I enjoyed quite a bit.

It's a light, enjoyable snack.
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Diagnosis death
jeffreyc-325675 September 2019
Not really my type of film as one reviewer said it is not a horror. Mostly he was right so I gave it a very low rating. Only cost me two pounds so it was just a time filler really.
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Really Good actually.
stevensams9512 September 2009
Don't listen to what everyone else says this film is actually really good. Firstly everyone get over the fact that Flight OF The Conchords aren't actually in it that much. Bret has quite a big role, say the 4th biggest in the film. Rhys is in 2 scenes and Jemaine is only in it for about 2 minutes. After you realise this you can sit back and watch this movie with an open mind. The plot is rather solid and good and the acting is done in a way which is suspenseful and comedic. Overall really enjoyed it.

8/10 Most will enjoy.

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pretty awesome!!
Billie-bum25 December 2011
A very well composed film; funny, scary and down right nonsense (in a good way). Good acting, great storyline, alright script. Very awesome film will definitely watch this again :) shame the flight of the chonchords trio weren't in it more though, the writer of the film missed a trick there unfortunately. But, a great light hearted comedy horror :) kept me interested and on the edge of my seat throughout. Should definitely of been more of a detective type horror with the chonchords starring. that, now, would be amazing :) Not up there with the great films but nowhere near the bottom. A very good try, but could've been better.
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Didn't do anything for me.
poolandrews5 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Diagnosis: Death is set in New Zealand where English teacher Andre Chang (Raybon Kan) is diagnosed with a rare & terminal form of cancer, Chang is told he has less than three months to live but there is hope as experimental drug trials are currently being held. Chang volunteers to be a guinea pig & test the new cancer drugs, while in hospital he meets schoolgirl Juliet Reid (Jessica Grace Smith) who also has terminal cancer & is there for the trials. The two quickly form a close relationship but start experiencing strange hallucinations as they become convinced that the ghost's of previous patients are trying to tell them something...

This New Zealand production was edited, co-written, produced & directed by Jason Stutter & I presume Diagnosis: Death was meant to be some sort of hip modern horror comedy full of references to pop culture, one-liners, medical gags & scary ghostly images. Well, it isn't. In fact I thought it wasn't funny at all & the entire concept of a straight comedy about terminally ill cancer patients just seemed wrong to me & I honestly do not believe cancer is a laughing matter but I guess we all have different senses of humour. I will say right now that I did not find one single scene in Diagnosis: Death funny or amusing or even slightly witty but I am sure some will. I guess Diagnosis: Death is also a slow moving drama as the friendship between two terminally ill cancer patients grow until Chang breaks the law & has sex with a schoolgirl, again not funny or clever & ever so slightly repulsive. Between the romantic interludes & unfunny gags there's also a ghost story here which is never really explained to any great degree, why did Nurse Bates kill her sister & her son again? Why did they get to come back as ghost's while no-one else did? Surely lots of people had died in that hospital so why wasn't the place overrun with ghost's? What significance did the mirror have? The final ten minutes tries to tie up loose ends as quickly as it can but it just felt empty. At 82 minutes long with the end credits taking up a couple of minutes Diagnosis: Death probably runs less than 80 minutes & even then it felt slow at times & the happy ending where Chang suddenly & miraculously recovers from cancer says it all. Keep watch as the end credits roll as after there's a brief extra scene at Bates funeral.

The whole hook of Diagnosis: Death is that it stars the guy's from the comedy show The Flight of the Choncords but they have nothing more than cameo's so don't be fooled by the DVD packaging. The whole film has a competent but bland look, there's no real gore except a cut hand, a mouldy skeleton & a head impalement on a stool leg. The entire film takes place in virtually the same location & only features about three main character's that have anything more than a cameo.

Filmed in New Zealand the production values are decent enough I suppose but it's still not funny or scary enough. The acting is mixed, Raybon Kan is just wooden & speaks with the same tone all the time while Suze Tye is quite good as the villain.

Diagnosis: Death is a horror comedy drama that is neither scary, funny or heartfelt enough. That says it all really, while some will stick up for it I doubt many viewers out there will get much entertainment value out of this.
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DOA ... or DOB
kosmasp9 June 2020
So this is fun. Well it is a comedy I should say. It can also be annoying. Not the fun bits (although since humor is in the eye of the beholder ... who knows?), but the "scary" bits. If you constantly get kicked over and over again ... you would get annyoed and maybe bored.

This is what happens with the jump scares here. Some may be thrown in as jokes of course ... but yeah. The story is alright if predictable. A decent horror comedy though some may feel there could have been more with the people involved in this.
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Horror comedy that forgets the comedy
jfgibson738 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started out really funny, but seemed to lose its sense of humor in the second half. The opening scene in the classroom, the diagnosis, and the beginning of the trials were all great. Then it felt like the movie became a conventional low budget horror. Brett was great as some sort of medical worker who was more interested in hitting on the teenager, and he had one of my favorite lines ever ("This is what we call...the good s---"). The lead actor seemed to be playing the early scenes with just the right balance of self-centered callousness, but seemed to drop the irony half way through. If they could have sustained the tone through the whole story, this might be one I would watch back. As it is, I would probably only watch the first few scenes if I ever queue it back up.
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nogodnomasters13 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has a simplistic plot, perhaps as a spoof of horror movie plots which have all blended together. It is basically a comedy with a horror background. I enjoyed the role of Nurse Bates, using the infamous Bates surname. Suze Tye has a really gorgeous set of eyes which come through even as an evil nurse. The animated skeleton with smoke love making scene was original, but not clever or well done. They could have placed the animated characters into impossible positions. The beginning scene of parents attempting to bribe the teacher reminded me of the movie "Serious Man" where the bribe became a moral dilemma for the Jewish teacher, unlike this movie. The movie has sexual scenes, no nudity, and Suze Tye's eyes. I think they should use Jackie Chan and Lindsey Lohan for the American version.
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An Enjoyable Mystery Horror
ladymidath29 November 2022
I love horror movies from New Zealand, Mr Wrong being one of them. Diagnosis:Death is now one of my faves as well. The cast, Raybon Kan as teacher Andre Chang and Jessica Grace Smith as student Juliet Reid have great chemistry as two people who meet during a drug trial to try and cure their terminal diseases.

Throw in ghosts, a creepy nurse, Nurse Bates played wonderfully by Suze Tye and a mystery and what you get is a thoroughly enjoyable movie. Bret McKenzie and Rhys Darby are terrific in their roles as are is the rest of the cast.

There isn't a lot of gore and there are some very creepy moments but the overall tone is a lighter, more fun one. The special effects are pretty good, with a couple of pretty effective ones later in the film.

This is one of the better horror movies I have seen this year, give it a watch if you want something a little less serious and enjoyable.
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