Shark Huntress (2021) Poster

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Nice poster/cover art. Shame about the film
rainerberger24 October 2021
I must admit the poster or cover picture for this film is very impressive and made me want to watch the film.

However, the film itself is a total waste, with a ridiculous script, terrible acting and a budget so small that they apparently could only afford one rubber fin to represent the shark.
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It's the plastic people.
nogodnomasters9 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A shark film begins with a woman swimming in the ocean and PLOT SPOILER gets attacked by a shark. The film moves on with what sounds like a soundtrack to some decades old European light romance film like that Man and a Woman thing. This is most likely the influence of Katrina Grey who also stars as Sheila whose mother is missing. Not too hard to figure out. Her hippy dad lacks an accent and any ability to act. Mom worked at a secret lab that was planning to make recyclable containers from a unique algae in the area, but the evil plastic people (another plot spoiler?) placed a shark in the water. We discover they are worse than the tobacco giants in a long environmental and corporation lecture which was bad but not half as bad as watching Katrina take diving lessons in a swimming pool. I guess this was their equivalent of Rocky beating on Pauli's meat. And the shark was the biggest expense of the film as they had to shell out for a plastic fin. Indoor sound barely passable.

Guide: No sex or nudity. Only swearing was me yelling at the screen WTF!
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Yeah, another rubbish shark movie...
paul_haakonsen21 October 2021
Granted, I wasn't really expecting much of anything from this 2021 movie titled "Shark Huntress". I mean, the title and the movie's cover/poster was just screaming one-of-those-awful-shark movies. But still, I opted to watch it, on the odd chance that the movie would actually turn out to be a good and enjoyable movie.

Well, it wasn't. Writers Dustin Alexander III and Dante Delmare just completely failed to compile an interesting or believable storyline here. And seriously, for people that are so aware about the world environment that they are picking up plastic from the oceans, why would the main character go out on a spree of vengeance against a single shark? The chances of finding that specific shark that actually bite and killed her mom would be so low, and they would probably just end up killing a random shark. It was just so ludicrous and laughable.

Just as the storyline was rubbish, so was the majority of the acting performances. It was especially painful to watch Katrina Grey (playing Main) and the actor playing Guru performing on the screen. Their performances were so wooden and rigid that it was just painful to watch. And their inability to deliver dialogue in a convincing or natural manner just had be laughing most of the time.

Then there were the actual shark scene. Yeah, let's just move on from that.

Don't waste your time, money or effort on director John Riggins' 2021 movie "Shark Huntress". Some of us suffered, literally, through this ordeal so you don't have to. The movie's cover/poster was actually the best thing about the entire ordeal.

My rating of "Shark Huntress" lands on a most generous two out of ten stars.
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Possibly the worst acting I've seen
blueboys308527 November 2021
Don't waste your time these movies are obviously never going to be great but can sometimes at least be fun mindless entertainment but this is not one of those perhaps the worst acting I've ever seen in a movie just no redeeming features at all avoid at all costs.
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adamsdabratt13 November 2021
This movie was beyond terrible.

If it was supposed to be a commentary on the environment, then it was a very poor representation.

If it was supposed to be a shark movie, it failed miserably.

If it was supposed to showcase talent, there was little talent to be found.

It ended up being quite a waste of time and I am sure some investor cash.


Not sure how you could try to make it worse!
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danskinner-158956 November 2021
There are bad films and then there is Shark Huntress. The dialogue was so halting it was almost as if they were reading crib notes to do their lines. The "Guru" character was so patronizing he sounded as if he was addressing a grade-school classroom. Horrid film, horrid dialogue. A total waste of time.
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sarahlouiserescue12 June 2022
Terrible acting all around. One of the most boring films I've ever watched. I was expecting something interesting & to actually see sharks. Honestly save yourself 83 minutes.
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An hour and a half I'll never get back
rickstuart-0130911 November 2021
Wow... this came up on a streaming site that I use. It gives you thumbnails of other movies available, and this one came up.... as did my lunch, almost.

What a god-awful, cliched, poorly acted waste of an hour and a half. Steer clear, go for any of the Syfy shark offerings.

Suffice to say, porn movies have better acting.
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There's Barely Any Sharks!
icocleric22 June 2022
It had a nice environmental message going on, but sadly that's the only good thing I can say about it. The message doesn't come across great, because the script is so awkward. There's too many long drawn out conversations, and the acting is terribly still.

I love terrible shark films, but what disappointed me about this is that's its barely got sharks in it. I come for the sharks with this these films. So this was a big let down for me.
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Takes itself too seriously & suffers for it
lara-milvain5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The cinemaphotography on this is striking - from the opening shots, the DP has it nailed. And it appears, sadly, to be the strongest aspect of the film.

The story is confusing, and even the explanatory discussions between characters don't serve to clarify anything. "Your mother had a secret lab, that wasn't a secret. She shot a video in front of the dream lab but had a real one in a secret location." What? Why? Whose guru are you, anyway, and why are you hanging around with a bunch of kids, and one od those kids' mums?

Nothing really makes much more sense than that the whole way through. As others have pointed out - randomly attacking a shark seems ... random. But, maybe the connection is the Channel 10 news report included early in the film that says Great Whites don't patrol Micronesia, and don't come within 1000km of where the "murder" took place. So, possibly the "that's the one" assumption is based on their not being any other Great Whites within cooee.

Most of all, I'm struggling to work out the connection between the shark attack and the crusade against polluters of plastic. Just doesn't seem to have the synergy I'd normally go for in a movie storyline.

I watched this as part of a "shark film" binge - you know, the bunch of Asylum Mega Shark films, and other bogus scifi B and Z grade creature-features. This one, she's not like the others. Shark Huntress tries to take itself seriously as an eco-flick, and it suffers from a low-grade script, dreary acting, and zero tie-in between the shark attack and the eco-warrior side of things (apart from an early one-liner about disturbed migratory patterns).

Don't flick this on looking for a good time. It's trying to get across a serious message and makes itself unwatchable in the process.
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cassandrajane-226379 March 2022
I would have easily given this movie a 10/10, except for the fact that I only watched 5 minutes of it, but wow, were those 5 minutes the best 5 minutes of my life.would highly recommend.
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Another Cliched Shark Movie
mikekemp60-115-54814920 October 2021
Poor acting and casting make this shark murdering film unwatchable.

I'm guessing most people by now realize that sharks don't behave the way they do in movies.

Show some imagination and make movies about more realistic subjects.
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World's worse acting skills goes to ...
murtdoc21 October 2021
The acting in this is so weak that it actually hurts. I feel that I could have done a better job and I don't even claim to be an actor.

Katrina Grey and John Buster Flano - if you guys are seing this message ... please take acting seriously or find another career.
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16 reason why this movie sucks!!!!
Craigelink26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1) boring 2) long and drawn out dialogue 3) poor acting 4) no likeable characters 5) you see maybe 5mins total of the shark 6) shark is horribly biologically inaccurate. It even has a dolphin's tail 7) the shark literally appears on call no matter where the characters are. One scene even sees it lured with a steak???

8) the characters walk everywhere with no luggage but have immediate access to a 2m tall antenna that they "bought with them" 9) the main character literally carries a picture of her mum everywhere. Not a photo, not a phone pic, a framed photo that fits easily into her tiny bag apparently 10) plot is non existent 11) "stunts" are terrible. Theres a scene with a woman on a kayak being "attacked" and you can see her swimming under the kayak although "dead" 12) main character has flash backs to kayak woman's death whilst learning to dive, despite neither knowing the woman or seeing her death 13) romance scenes are forced and random 14) main character shoots a spear gun on land. Whilst looking down the barrel. The force alone of the kick back out of water would have torn her jaw off 15) main characters outfit changes scene to scene with no explanation (watch for the pink top) 16) after their friends are killed they show literally no emotion

The best part of this entire movie is the driftwood chair the characters sit on when on the jetty.
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I will never get that time back.
ben_sheath24 September 2022
Erm.... I seriously have no words for how bad this was.

It's like and Aldi version of the MEG and I never thought things would get worse than that but here we have it.

I'm just grateful I didn't pay for it.

The best thing about this film is how hilarious it is.

It's like a combination of someone's GCSE geography and media studies final project. The shark is the least wooden actor in the film and it's actually made of wood.

Possibly the worst but most hilarious film I've seen.

I am however now feeling like a tepid steak from my cool box with some magic mushrooms and a bottle of vodka while I comb my beard.
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Good Grief!
balaamdebbie24 July 2022
This was absolutely rubbish! I like Shark films, thought l might get a good horror. None of the actors could really act. The old guy Guru was the worst. Hope you didn't pay him a lot, he was a waste of money! Sheila was supposed to be American, she didn't even try to use an American accent. The best part was Sheila's two dogs she was fussing while she was in America, the one star is for them. Glad l didn't have to pay for the film.
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One star
beuk742 March 2022
Well not much to say about this movie. You won't find worse acting than in this movie. A shame as the concept of this story could be great, but it is far from great.
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Passionless Project
mlovacheff-50-35447926 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sadly, we allowed the hype of this movie to temper my expectations. Initially, we thought this was a Spielberg quality film as the opening shot was done very well. The beautiful blue water was the best scene in the movie followed by a downhill ride of inconsistent establishing shots, uninspired acting, and disjointed character building.

The audio in the movie would change with each cut away. The protagonists lines were written separate from everyone else's. The actor's were less interested in the movie than we were.

In the very first scene, a woman gets into dirty water, then her stunt double is scene doing a backstroke in beautiful blue water. Then, a fin appears, followed by a weak scream, and instant blood. Uninspired and Passionless.

My mother in law asked if the main actress had poopy drawers in her yellow outfit. We weren't sure how to answer thPassion less. We just had to suggest it was some type of shark deterrent.

No one cared above the protagonists mom. No one was really concerned. We surmise that the director threatened not to pay if they did not refrain from inflection. We are certain they got paid!
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Never seen anything like it (besides sharktopus, another Jen for you guys)
cboenisch10 March 2023
First of all, the shark might as well be non-existent. You actually barely see it at all throughout the whole movie. The acting is obviously horrible (as I expected from a movie like this). I found myself laughing for the majority of the film (if you can even call it that). Just had to mention this part, the main character is completely fine one minute, and the next everyone suddenly vanishes into thin air and she's drowning in a four foot pool, despite being a supposedly "good diver" 🙄. One of the most aggravating part of the film was the whole "plastic" thing. It's unrelated for one and wtf are the plastic people?!! Although I did have a good laugh over it, please don't waste your time with this movie. An hour and a half you'll never get back.
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Environmentalists slaughter a random shark
bitbucketchip15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert.

A budget-friendly cast of environmentalists who voice their cue cards like they are learning how to read and are obsessed with protecting the oceans from the evils of plastic spend most of the movie trying to kill a plastic fin floating in the ocean. It turns out a shark killed the lead's mother and it is up to her to use her vast array of non-existent forensic and detective skills to track down a random animal so she can exact revenge on the poor thing for behaving like a shark towards her mom.

The acting is so good at being bad it is genuinely laughable. I'm very impressed with the talent of everyone in front of the camera. It can't have been easy to find an entire cast who can successfully portray wooden, bored, baked, and confused at the same time. The environmental message of "pollution bad" is duh! To everyone but the scriptwriters, who think its a revelation worthy of screen time. I'm so happy for them that they learned trash is a thing and want to share their discovery with the world. To their further eternal credit, the screenwriters addressed the burning question everyone asks but is never answered in shark movies: Where did the star learn how to swim? These guys boldly show us: she takes lessons in a pool. And oh boy, do swim lessons make for compelling theater. I predict every shark movie going forward will have similar scenes.

Despite its strengths, it isn't all perfect, however, hence losing one star. The costume designer dressed the unfit actresses in revealing clothing. Since the budget only allowed for minimal costume changes, we are seeing a lot more of women we would rather see a lot less of. More cloth, or better yet fit actresses, would have earned that coveted tenth star.

Give this movie a try the next time you need noise to make it appear you're home as you sneak out the back just ahead of the cops. Nine stars.
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Worst shark monster movie ever?
marktyoung27 May 2023
What can I add that other reviewers haven't? It is perhaps the worst shark monster movie I've ever seen. Primarily due to the terrible script and the shocking acting. The lead and the old guy with the beard... There isn't a single sentence they say that sounds genuine. It's quite the feat! It starts off laughably bad (that car ride at the beginning!) then just gets worse and worse until you can barely stand to listen to them. "It's the plastic people!". It's not even a film that's so bad it's good, it's just bad and annoying. Not even a film you can watch on a Sunday with a hangover! Those of us who've watched this film have suffered so you don't have to!
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One word for the Film 'Crap'
sauravjoshi8522 July 2022
Shark Huntress is a film directed by John Riggins.

Venturing into the deep sea to battle the plastics industry and a blood-thirsty shark seeking revenge for her environmentalist mother's death.

This is one of the most rarest type of film which is very easy to review. The film was terrible and not only the film but the acting, direction, screenplay, plot, execution and direction everything is terrible. After watching this film i opinion that now IMDB must start having zero ratings for the film. Please do not waste your time and effort for this crap. Please avoid.
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Atrocious amateurish nonsense but still better than Endgame
namob-4367321 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So this was a disaster from the start. You just need to look at the movie image, see the name of the movie, and then you know all you need to know. This is amateurish nonsense and so badly done I could have done better. The filming (if it can be called that) would have been done better with a smartphone by two 14yo's. Script abysmal, I honestly have no idea what this was about really and the ending was so confusing I was wondering if I actually saw the movie - did I fell asleep?

Well, anywhoooooo... generic amateurish girl 1 - dunno her name although I saw the movie like 5min ago... - is out for revenge for some reason against a shark... who live in a big ocean... And how can you know which is which? Is there only one shark on the planet? And there is something about environment and plastic that I was not paying any attention to. Then there is this apparent bad guy and something about "evil plastic???", sorry, I got so confused...

Well, filming and directing is the worst you have seen, story is so convoluted and dumb I cannot believe it was even written, the acting is amateurish below middle-school play level, and the message about not throwing plastic in the ocean is so obvious it just make you mad. Of course we also have the Shark...

I gave this a 2/10 and the only reason for that extra point is that this is still better than Avengers Endgame and that cannot be stated enough times. Yea, I am still angry about that one and sorry to compare the two. This is too bad to watch though, I cannot recommend this.
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I just want to say one word to you. Just one word. Are you listening? Plastics.
MissAnnThrope28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where to start with this movie.

A young woman goes to some island to find her mother, who it turns out is dead from a shark attack. Not any shark, but a great white shark. She meets up with a friend of her mother, who explains to her that the mother was working on some plant-based plastics substitute and the "plastic people" were out to get her. There is a lab on a secret island in international waters. Very remote. No laws. She was working out there with her boyfriend/business partner.

She goes around the beach town, and gathers maps, tells people that she is organizing some race, etc. A shopkeeper makes a very mysterious phone call to someone, telling them that an American girl was in there asking about the shark and buying marine maps. This is hilarious, because the accent on this actress is definitely NOT American, but Eastern European and thick.

Well, cutting out the dross, this young woman, her friends, and her mother's friend head to the remote island, where the mother had been staying with some guy. One of the first things you notice about this super secret island is the fact there are fishing boats in the bay. Oh wait, we find out it is supposed to be a lagoon. But it looks more like a bay. And this is where I have to go into detail, because their time on this super secret island is so silly.

They find some cute poisonous mushrooms, right next to a house. Not a hut or anything, but a house. With a boat in the yard and what looks like a possible swing set in the background.

Then, as they're walking to the super secret lab on the super secret island, you can see the city on the main island in the background. I mean clearly.

This super secret remote island in international waters also has some kind of power plant, as there are lights on the docks, and electricity in the super secret lab. Which also seems to have internet. But of course, no cell signal.

Yes, there is a teeny tiny solar panel on the roof, that looks like it was put there for the sole purpose of the movie. I'm not sure it would generate enough electricity to run a laptop.

They meet the dead mother's boyfriend/business partner. He tells them how the "plastic people" put the shark in the waters. And how if they stay on the island, they're all going to die. If he knew this, why is he still on this island?

Next, the appearance of a dorsal fin. The mother's friend screams, "SHARK!" like they're swimming, instead of being on dry land. The daughter is holding a spear gun, but does she use it? You don't even have to ask. There's still around 25 minutes left.

The boyfriend/business partner tells them there shouldn't be a shark for 1000 miles and that this isn't great white shark habitat. Really?

Looking at the map on National Geographic Kids, the only way for them to be somewhere where great whites don't exist is the Arctic Ocean or the Southern Ocean. Like, polar regions. They are definitely in the tropics.

But my favorite part about this super secret island in international waters is in the next scene. Where you definitely see houses, and a bunch of them, on the other side of the bay/lagoon. (It does look like a bay, it is not enclosed like a lagoon.) I mean a lot of houses. The camera operator tried to not get them in the shots, but, there was no way to avoid those houses in some shots.

Somehow, the tech genius of the group manages to get aerial video of this super secret island in international waters and we discover there are paved roads and very new looking cars. But then the camera feed dies. And everyone is upset.

Next, one of the group gets eaten by the great white. So she really wants revenge now! Time for her to kill the shark!

So she goes out in the middle of the night, dips a spear in the poison mushroom juice, and wades out into the water to wait for the shark. Just as it's almost close enough to shoot, one of her friends comes out, grabs her from behind and her shot goes wide and misses the shark. But it had to. They still have to fill 15 minutes.

Cut to the next day. Her mother's friend is murdered and thrown out to sea. She and the few remaining friends continue to look for her mother's formula, while trying to get a sea taxi back to the main island. But in spite of it being broad daylight and the main island in plain site and like maybe 5 miles away, the sea taxi won't come out after dark?

After finding the formula, the boyfriend/business partner reappears, (of course,) to kill them all. Or something. But they get him into the water, where the shark is just waiting to kill.

Then the movie ends. No killing the shark, no hunting the shark. Just the remainders vow to save the world and it ends.

No one in this can act. The script is stupid. I wasted way too much time watching this. I want my time back.
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I fast forwarded 1/2 the movie
JCinHB16 August 2022
Well.... this movie was boring and found myself forwarding it to hopefully finding some action... even B level action and there was barely any of that.

This is one movie that its not worth wasting your time, it would of been nice if it was sooo bad its funny, but its not even that.
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