Creepypasta (2023) Poster


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Awful movie
sydneysoppe24 May 2023
I was so excited there was a CreepyPasta movie coming out, but this was so disappointing. It's supposed to be about a guy trying to get a hard drive that has "incriminating evidence" on him, and for some reason he has to watch a bunch of CreepyPasta stories to get to it. The movie consists mostly of watching this guy have a nose bleed, and watching bloody nose guy watch really bad short films (as an anthology style). All of this movie was bad- bad acting, bad CGI, bad costumes, bad story line, bad plot holes, and just an overall insult to true CreepyPastas.

The girls voice who "narrates" the film is extremely irritating. Not sure what she had to do with the movie. I *think* she was supposed to be missing, like kidnapped? But the story line made no sense so I'm not really sure.

Why was the main character guy's nose bleeding? Why did he never wipe it off, and why did he pee blood? Why were some of the CreepyPasta films in Spanish with no subtitles? If you don't speak Spanish, two of the films stories will make no sense.

I pushed through to the end hoping this film would redeem itself. It never did. The only reason I rated this movie two stars is because it was about CreepyPastas, and I truly love those stories. There was a "Ben Drowned" Easter egg in the film, so that was cool.
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budget horror
blackmelo28 December 2023
Like the title says it is a low budget horror with not much going on. I don't even know what the story was. It was clearly an amateur filmmaker trying his luck and 99% of the film is just average film making and a waste of time watching but unlike really bad films this one does build up a little bit of atmosphere. And one scene that does live up to its name. There's a 5 minute clip that is well worth watching but like with any horror you can't just skip to the good bit. You do need to let the atmosphere build which this director does manage to do. I just wish there was a better coherent story and far more creepy pasta scenes! The one where the boogeyman comes out to play, great. Could compete with the film Sinister. Unfortunately far too little and no story leaves this not worth recommending and a measly score of 4 stars. Still, props to the director for making one very good horror scene. He has potential and I wish he'd made more use of that. Not many can made a horror that gives you the creeps. Like not even jeepers creepers did that. Still jeepers creepers was far more entertaining. So it's not all just about the one perfect creepy scene.
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Channel Zero sans spirit
amandalhua30 December 2023
It's disappointing when adaptations like this stray from the essence of classic creepypastas. There's already a GREAT anthology of creepypastas and it's called Channel Zero. The original stories had intricate narratives and psychological depth so I have no idea why someone (several someones) thought they could use the namesake Creepypasta for something as dull as video after video of overcooked jumpscares and dragging victims into the darkness. Maybe one or two of the vignettes was fine (the flashlight one comes to mind) but even then I would not recommend this to anyone who came for the pasta. I don't think a single one of these was based on a real classic creepy pasta. If they really wanted to use "Creepypasta" they really should have leaned the other way and made "who was phone" and stories of that ilk.
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A collection of pointless vignettes
tichy_cnp2 June 2023
What if we sat a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters and waited for them to churn out something vaguely similar to VHS? This is it. The framing device is similar. The segments are for people who think the ones in ABCs of Death are too nuanced and bloated. There is nothing good about this movie. I have watched more terrible anthology horror than almost anyone and will continue to make the same terrible error in judgment over and over but this really should be my rock bottom. Spare yourself. Go watch Creepshow or Cat's Eye or Bodybags or Southbound. Watching any of those for the 10th time will be orders of magnitude more satisfying.
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Don't waste your time
ekzalios-204-16623024 May 2023
Utterly terrible. There is nothing "creepy" in any of these stories on this anthology. Having sat through it all - so disapointed. I expected something actually spooky - but 3/4s of the stories used were not made to be put into any other media than the written word. Sometimes they juust dont translate - so we get this horribly done artistic interpetations to suffer through.

There are plenty of better low-budget horror flicks out there. Don't let this one suck your free time away like I allowed it to.

This movie wants to be V/H/S and ends up being more like a college project. Woof. Just stay away.
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Hilariously awful
scaptorhiit30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Got this in a pack in the discount bin and did not have any hope for it. But I love watching awful movies and this delivered.

Creepypastas are spread online, in a way that you can't really just make new ones, despite this film trying.

The costumes are awful, with the most notable being the one scene, where you can see the gloves puckering and wrinkling at the sides, to the point I honestly am surprised anyone looked at that and said "yeah this is movie quality" and the eyes were worse, where before the close up you could see the leds. Also the "Jumby" character had a laughably bad costume, where it was just a man on stilts, which made his arms look unbelievably tiny.

The start of the movie mentioned a string of dissapeances, with a 14 year old being the latest of them, and they are never truly explained. There's also a scene where a man in a bloody white hoodie stands behind the main guy, before just walking away? There's no reason for it, nothing happens, nobody noticed? I do like the ben drowned reference, if you can call it that, considering the game ben was from was not a 2d dungeon side scroller.

In general, this movie was not worth the 7.50 I paid for it, but it did make me laugh. A lot. The polar express is scarier than this movie, and it's a children's Christmas movie. So it gets 2 stars for amusement. And for not trying to use cheap jumpscares.
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Disappointing and underwhelming on nearly every level
kannibalcorpsegrinder13 January 2024
Waking up in a strange house, a man is told to search for the CreepyPasta he originally wrote stored on the laptop of a recently-deceased writer to be able to leave.

The Good Stor(ies): Black-Eyed Children-Left alone in her house, a woman is tormented by a series of black-eyed children who chase her around the house to get what they want. This one here really could've been something but its main factor is simply that there's not much of a chance to make it make sense. The atmosphere is spectacular with the old house in the middle of a raging thunderstorm as the Gothic atmosphere is quite great at showing off how creepy and unsettling the kids are. However, this being so short and not offering a reason for the hauntings makes it fly by without much of a chance to build a story.

Corner of Your Eye-Desperate to prove a story, a woman tries to look into a fanciful story about seeing strange beings out of the corner of your eye is a hoax. This is another solid enough story at play here with the whole idea being far more plausible and intriguing than anything else featured here since it plays into a creepy urban legend. However, this is way too short to do much of anything beyond introduce a great concept for the type of story this is trying to tell and ends up getting further undone by the outright silly creature that emerges as the central figure in the story so everything is a bit underwhelming at the wrong point.

Do Not-Unwilling to follow the norm, a man who makes a point to forgo everything people tell him to find himself under the restrictions for the first time in his life. There was a lot to like here. The short-form way it builds up the story is incredibly fun as there's just enough context to figure everything out about who he is and what he is going to find himself under as the series of phone calls and creepy videos start to interact with him as he breaks the rules. This is all fun and heads to a creepy resolution if only the goofiness of the threat didn't come off as laughable like the previous segment.

Invoke-Looking to spice up her life, a woman convinces her husband to try out invoking a spirit who lives behind a mirror which soon becomes all too real. This one is much like the previous entry where the atmosphere present here manages to overcome an immensely cliched and familiar storyline. The idea of the being living in the mirror and coming for who summoned them after they've performed a specific ritual is a done-to-death topic that's utilized quite better in other entries. Still, the suspense of the situation and the scenes in the bathroom are chilling enough to be quite likable here, elevating this above its familiar factors.

The Bad Stor(ies): Back to Bed-Curious about not being able to sleep, a woman grabs a local ghost-finding app on her phone only to realize too late it works better than she imagined. This is a fairly predictable if still decent enough opening. The idea here is way too cliched and not that original in the slightest, focusing on way too familiar of a setup and way too obvious a finishing stinger to make it worthwhile. The atmosphere is decent enough and does get somewhat chilling with the appearance of the creatures hiding in the shadows which plays off the main story quite nicely, but again the general familiarity does undo that a lot.

Jumby-Trying to bond with her sister, an older daughter grows increasingly skeptical about the presence of her imaginary friend who proves all too real. Again, much like the original effort, the whole idea of this one is way too familiar and one-note to make much of a difference regardless of how good the actual setup is. The main sequence here showing it coming to life and stalking the family member is a solid enough scene showing the figure at its best, but it's just too wrapped up in the overly familiar storyline and way too short of a run-time to make much of a difference here.

Blue Moon-Arriving at a remote house in the woods, a woman subjects her partner to the whims of her cult's sadistic secret of hosting demons in people's bodies. This one wasn't too bad, but it does have a lot of drawbacks. The imagery and atmosphere here are the main thing as that's usually quite effective with the demonic entities exerting their influence in rather likable scenes. This is just way too short to make much difference as the concept is decent enough yet has no context or backstory to work with so most of what happens is without a lot of impact. It could've been stretched out into a feature quite easily.

The Grey Man-Trying to get her latest story finished, a writer finds herself stalked and tormented by the subject of her latest creation coming to life. This is the most cliched and underwhelming entry in the entire film as the segment does nothing original or clever after its initial setup. The whole idea is one that's been done countless times before so it's not a surprise what's going on, a lack of intrigue is dire, and the resulting stalking scenes fail to resonate as the whole thing becomes bland with the resolution being so obvious. This one has no point being involved here.

Hada-After a normal night trying to sleep, a young son finds that he's being visited by a strange being and must try to find a way to get away from the being. This one was pretty fun and had some solid aspects to it. The central story, like so many of the stories here, is just so cliched and inherently familiar it does undo some of the scares here, but thankfully there's still a lot to like with the way the spirit is shown to inhabit the shadows continually popping out of the dark to surprise him. The darkness of the location and the universality of the setup are good enough to help this along, making for a rather enjoyable story.

El Cuco is Hungry-Babysitting for a young kid, a woman finds that their attempts at opening a strange door led to disaster after releasing a strange creature. This one is quite odd as the defacto longest story overall but doesn't add much to what's an intriguing setup. The idea at play is quite intriguing as for how they get the creature released as this has some fine atmospheric touches. It's all again overly familiar and cliched where it's based again on the concept of someone stumbling upon a creature and how to release it which is what happens here as this one goes along.

Deadstream-Waking up in a strange house, a man is told to search for the CreepyPasta he originally wrote stored on the laptop of a recently deceased writer to be able to leave. This is a wholly underwhelming and troublesome wraparound. The main setup here is a decent way to introduce everything with the mysterious performer instructing him to look through the laptop for his story, but there's not much else to this with the only thing going on in between the stories is the gradual descent he suffers which look impressive but doesn't make for an immersive story as everything here is just undone by a massively disappointing resolution to end on.

Rated Unrated/R: Violence and Language.
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sarahlipkin25 January 2024
Tons of small stories that are all basically the same. There's nothing but bad jump scares and no story lines. The acting is bad. The special effects are bad. There's nothing good I can say about this film. It's barely even original since it's basically a much worse version of VHS. At least VHS had stories that made sense or decent monsters. So much of this makes no sense. Don't watch this. It's not even funny bad, just basically if an amateur 17 year old YouTuber tried to make a horror movie. Each story in the anthology follows a character who gets stalked by a monster and ends when the monster jumps out at them.
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Wanted so so badly to like this film..
schittietd3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So when I found out Mr. Creepypasta had some involvement with this film my interest piqued a bit. Had high hopes. What we got was the film equivalent of writing names and references on a wall, throwing dook at it and seeing what would stick. Make some random 8-bit game screen that loops featuring the words "Ben Drowned". Have a body stand up behind the main character in the wrap around wearing a sanguine stained white hoodie with long black hair - but don't show the face. Also, the story jumby was a short that came out in 2014. Saw it myself in 2016 when I was still big into this genre...😕

This could have been so much better had the stories been better curated. If you were going to make your own stories to anthologize maybe don't give us wish equivalent characters like trenchcoat slendy, Jerf Duh Keelah, and LAZY Ben Drowned reference. Slapping the movie with the title "creepypasta" doesn't hide the fact that none of these were based off of actual creepypastas we would have liked to have seen if they were based off of them at all - and that you had to figure out some way to incorporate references in there but not get the rights to the stories.

I'm only giving this two stars because I feel as if this may have been something that was initially filmed during the pandemic but having the knowledge that at least one of these anthology stories is damn near a decade old doesn't really bode well for that theory.

If you want something revolving around creepypastas that's actually worth the watch - Shudder has the entire series of channel zero streaming as we speak.
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Dollar General version of V.H.S.
ahumphrey-1560127 December 2023
Gave it 2 stars only because it's horror related. Movie was absolutely terrible and didn't even have the best creepypasta stories. I would have included shorter versions of the channel Zero adaptations and many others. These anthologies have gone completely down hill since the original VHS series and the ABCs of Death. I thought that they would get better over time, but now I realize that the lower budget and starved artists bring so much more to the table than these over produced and sickeningly predictable short films. Give me more edge, give me more originality, give me a movie to tell friends about!
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Not what I was expecting
luissonic-0678327 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw that Mr.creepypasta said they scream box was making a creepypasta moive I was excited I have been listening to creepypasta since I was 13 or 14 years old and I still do but this was very disappointing I know it was low budget but most of this story's I didn't know it never heard the only one I know was B. E. K. For example when I hear creepypasta the first that pop to mind are Slenderman,Jeff the killer, eyeless jack. There are also so many lees know stories that don't have a monster that I would have like to see hopefully if they make a creepypasta 2 that can focus on one story instead of many different stories.
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Hot garbage
mothrocksandsocks8 May 2024
I have been a fan of internet horror stories for years and the prospect of a movie based on the stories i grew up with seemed to be interesting. Where it falls flat is that none of the films featured here relate to any popular or under the radar story on the Creepypasta site.

To call this a Creepypasta movie is a genuine insult to not only the viewer but authors of internet horror that have made master pieces compared to this hot garbage. While the movie has two cameos from memorable characters from Creepypasta the have nothing to due with the plot of the film and are only there for the audience to point at the screen and mention that is a character from Creepypasta.

Overall, a waste of time and poor marketing by using a memorable name in horror to release something unrelated and disappoint fans looking for their nostalgia to be shown on screen.
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