The Goode Family (TV Series 2009) Poster

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It's not terrible, no King of the Hill though.
mark-300801 March 2024
Satirically making fun of the far left. Not in anyway that's too tasteless. I'd say the characters are a bit over the top, it needed more time to lush itself out. The comedy is just far too obvious at times. Unlike King of the Hill the characters are sort of two dimensional. When you lean this far into the satirical side it just feels like a takedown. The characters just aren't very likable as a whole. The main characters feel more like they should be over the top side characters. It's almost the opposite of King of the Hill, but if King of the Hill was only Dale. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you feel like throwing some background thing on go for it.
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The little show that tried
Juaqino17 May 2010
I'd like to say something nice about this show before I say something bad about it. First off, I love the idea of this show. It's basically the reverse of Mike Judge's previous shows such as the hilarious Beavis & Butt-head and the somewhat funny King of the Hill, which poked fun at rednecks and idiots. The Goode Family instead pokes fun at P.C. environmentalist liberals. This is an idea that I have not seen anywhere else, and in reality it should make a great show.

But it doesn't. Much of the humor falls flat. I don't know how else to describe this show, but it's just not that funny. It has it's moments, but so far it's been disappointing to me. Mike Judge is better than this. This show has a lot of potential, but in the first season it certainly hasn't met that potential.

However, I don't hate this show. I want to see it succeed because I still like the idea and want to see Mike Judge make a terrific show. Fortunately I think it's been picked up for another season, so we'll wait and see what happens.

The show isn't bad enough that I won't watch it. The upside is that it's not obnoxious, like King of the Hill sometimes was. Though The Goode Family isn't great, I'm still hoping it will get better. It still has time to fix it's previous flaws. It could even become as good as Daria was(which was a spin off of Beavis & Butt-head).

I give this show a 5 because it's worth watching, but just barely.
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It's just not that good
lucasdenyerbro13 June 2009
To start off, this show is no King of the Hill. After watching the first four episodes consecutively, I am left with sadness and a feeling that the legacy and comedy of King of the Hill will not be coming back into this show. It is true that all good things must come to an end at some point, but that is not to say that The Goode Family isn't a good thing. It does have it's high points, such as poking fun at what is now considered to be the good American mentality, has characters that resemble King of the Hill characters (i.e. their neighbor who resembles Hank Hill in almost all ways except he's black), realistic animation such as that in King, as well as some plain old funny moments. But it's not laugh out loud funny. There's no crazy moments or situations that drive the episodes, and the characters are hard to get into.

I know I've compared this show to King of the Hill a lot, but quite frankly it's all I can think of. Even if I had never seen King I'd still probably say the same stuff as mentioned above. The show isn't genius. It had a wonderful idea and when I heard about the characters' personalities I thought that the show had a great chance. But it's just not that good. But at this point in the game it's a little to early to tell,

Shame on FOX for getting rid of one of the, if not the greatest animated comedy of all time.
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Why am I just discovering??
tnbeauti29 November 2018
I only became aware of this show after being told about Tubi TV app by my Lyft driver. I started watching and I was immediately hooked. Why did this only last 1 season? Maybe because no one knew about it. Either way, this show is pretty GOODE for watching at work or just passing the time. I heard Bliss' voice instantly knew it was my girl Linda C from Freaks and Geeks! Anywho, this show is pretty decent. It's no Beavis and Butthead or King of the Hill but it did the trick.
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Good,real good.
steveaherne200028 May 2009
Witty,erudite,scathing and very very funny. Anyone who has seen Idiocracy,Office Space or King Of The Hill will know Mike Judge as a satirical iconoclast of the highest stripe.

In this,his new series he once again hits societal taboos square on, scoring bull's eyes everwhere he aims!

The Goode family are a painfully earnest PC family striving to accommodate every "right on" trend that rears its pompous head in modern America. From the side splittingly creepy father/daughter abstinence mock marriage plot line to the harpy like eco-moms backbiting in the local one world market to 'Che' the long suffering forced vegan of the family(it's the dog!)Judge once again shows that he is one of the most underrated of comic writers working today,

All of the Judge trademark touches are here as well as the real beating heart of all his work namely the realism(broadly speaking)of his characters,sure the family are precious and trendy wannabe hipsters but Judge invests them with real warmth and treats them with the same sympathy and understanding that made Hank Hill and the rest of the Arlen citizens so accessible and likable.

Like KOTH the characters in this show are all grounded in the real world(unlike almost every other cartoon series out there)and as a result the situations the family finds itself embroiled in are all too familiar and all the funnier for it.

Style wise the animation is close to KOTH and is all the better for it,the pilot shows great promise and i have my fingers crossed that the summer debut and the Wednesday night slot do not portend an early demise for this show that already has so much potential.

UPDATE:6/12/09 Well it seems i was unfortunately prescient when i mentioned the possibility that the networks would not give this show a decent runout and it seems they have shifted the show to a Friday night and the start time to a half hour earlier,one can only hope this is not the beginning of the end for this very tasty show,only time will tell. I urge everyone to put the word out about this show or its gonna be this years Stroker and Hoop!
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Really disappointing :(
miss_toucan18 November 2021
As a huge King of the Hill fan, i had high hopes for The Goode Family.

Unfortunately it isn't even in the same league. It's really not that funny. The writing lacks real humor and there are a handful of slightly amusing lines at most.

Basically the whole family are just really fake people who aren't very good but pretend to be. I totally get that that's what is supposed to be funny, but it just doesn't work for me. There's just not enough going on here. Im not interested in any of the characters and don't feel there's enough story or jokes to save the show.

I watched it all because there aren't that many episodes, but if this had been 5 seasons instead of 13 episodes, I would have quit after maybe 3 or 4.

It's certainly not memorable like KOTH and had zero character or story development.
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Does to the left wing what Archie Bunker did for the right wing
Damonfordham28 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the premiere of this last night and really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to future episodes and will keep my Wednesday nights open for this one.

Essentially, this is a lampoon of modern day political correctness. The Goode family consists of a caricatured ultraliberal couple who are hooked on every PC pop-culture trendy fad-chasing cliché under the sun. For instance, since they want to adopt an "African baby" (as did Madonna, Angelina Jolie, et. al.) they adopt a White South African boy who they name "Ubuntu" (admittedly a clever inside joke, as "Ubuntu" is a native Black South African word loosely meaning "the oneness of mankind."). They struggle over whether to call their Black neighbor "Black," or "African-American" etc. (The neighbor in question wittingly replies, "We hold a convention every year in Memphis to decide such things. You're not invited.)" Black people such as myself who have suffered such scenes from well meaning but silly and patronizing white liberals as the Goodes in real life could relate.

The Goodes (of course) are fanatical vegan/vegetarians, so their dog Che (after leftist icon Che Guevara, of course) constantly runs after smaller animals to eat in disgust of the Goode's refusal to eat meat.

The scene in the health food store (an intercom announces in a horrified tone, "Someone in Aisle 4 is driving an SUV!" while the patrons gasp) is a real hoot! Needless to say, these folks are straight-up boobs. However, as he does with the "just plain folks" of "King of the Hill," Mike Judge draws the careful line to make the Goodes just real and personable enough so that the viewer actually likes these characters while mocking their foolishness. The one drawback is that the gags are so straight out of today's headlines that it will date quickly and confuse future viewers.

On the whole, I'll rate this equally with Judge's "King of the Hill," slightly below the Simpsons, and far above the abominations of animation known as "Family Guy" and "American Dad."
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OK, but nothing special
tirkkanen4 July 2009
This is not the kind of comedy that makes you laugh. It's more of an educational drama with a touch of funny.

The characters are all good and the environmentalist theme of the show is nice. Still it doesn't really amaze you in any way. It's just something to watch when nothing else is on. For example when watching the pilot I almost laughed out loud during the final scene before the credits, so it definitely doesn't itch everyones laugh nerves.

The animation is good, I like the realism of it. I also liked the irony of the pet dog being a vegan (against his will of course). The characters are the stereotypes you would expect. They include the parents, the mother being the obsessive one and the father being more relaxed but still staying true to the cause. The teenage daughter is fairly normal with teenage problems. The weirdest character is the adopted white African American son who seems to not be all there but yet excels in everything he does.

Maybe there is potential that I didn't quite catch or I just simply don't enjoy the subtle comedy, because I like to laugh when watching a comedy. Anyway I'll give it 5 out of 10 for being too plain.
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Professional Comedy is Rarely About Laughter
anderbilt11 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I remember when this show came out in the Spring of 2009. I watched each week; actually amazed that an ABC show was daring to buck what was already a heavy Hollywood trend of slavishly adoring Democratic politics and personalities, while working doggedly to bury, or ridicule-then-bury, the persons and politics of the Republican Party.

Each episode was funny, and trailblazing in terms of who was the target of the satire. The Goode Family was a pitch-perfect sitcom laying bare the foibles of ALL politics, to be fair; from the over-correctness of the Goode family and the consequences of it, to the grating and raspy Texas-style over-conservatism of Helen's father.

There's an abundant supply of comedy stemming from the family's good intentions, but sloppy follow-through. The baby they adopt from Africa and raise, named Ubuntu, is actually a big blonde Afrikaner who's having a constant inner war between his conservative genetics and liberal upbringing. The dog they've trained to be a vegan, is a closet carnivore catching and eating all the pets in the neighborhood when his master's out of sight. Their daughter just wants to live a real and genuine lifestyle, and she questions her parents' good intentions but bad, fearful and reactionary outcomes in practicing the life they aspire to live.

The critics' predictable response to the show ranged from "meh, no laughs here," to outright offense at Mike Judge's apparent lack of understanding of who society's REAL enemies are. And THERE is where we get to the modern dilemma, is it possible for a show that makes a political statement to stand apart from the partisan co-opting of show biz that the modern Democrats have achieved, and had certainly already achieved by 2009? Aside from South Park, a show that manages to skewer everyone everywhere, I can't think of anyone who pulls it off.

Our power to laugh is as energy-filled as our power to express sadness and outrage. People who get results in today's national politics are skilled and schooled in how to use media and message to tap into our inner fears and control where our national energy does and does not dare go. Finding and laughing at The Goode Family, for the things it gets right as a vehicle for entertainment and political satire, is a thing you can do for yourself on your own terms, if you dare.
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really bad and devoid of anything remotely amusing
guringo4 June 2009
Where to begin..? Just how bad this mindless fiasco of a toon really is, I wish I didn't know. They tried way too hard and it backfires horrendously, the drawings may be OK, although I suspect Ubuntu looks smarter than the artist who made him up. There's absolutely no one you'd want to relate to, but you can make out a 'familiar guy' or two, however botched. As I said last time, imitation is sometimes also the sincerest form of felony, at least artistically speaking. I used to respect Mike Judge, at least for KotH, B&B never did it for me, but I'd take a week of Beavis over another Goode episode.
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Could have been a great show if it had stayed on longer...
ugotit-13 January 2012
Obviously Mike Judge is a comedy genius. He created two smart and hilarious animated sitcoms BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD and KING OF THE HILL. Shows that appeal to both teens and adults. After KING was unfortunately cancelled by Fox (big mistake!), Judge took on another animated sitcom, THE GOODE FAMILY. Like a lot of viewers, I didn't care for the show at first but as I watched a few episodes it started to grow on me. The show is meant to be a political satire taking a shot at liberals and their common environmentally friendly lifestyle however this show takes that lifestyle so far to the point of comedy. I feel that if THE GOODE FAMILY stayed on the air for at least one more season it could developed into a fantastic show that could've become a hit. Did THE SIMPSONS or FAMILY GUY start off great in it's first season? No. Those shows grew over time into their own unique humour and style. So give THE GOODE FAMILY a chance, it's a pretty good show if you take the time to watch all thirteen episodes. Perhaps the show will obtain a cult following! Judge has brought us another brilliant piece of animation, shame that it couldn't last...
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Worth the Watch
kbrady2520 November 2019
Defiantly ahead of its time. Show revolves around the Goode family who do whatever they have to do to show they are socially, environmentally, and mentally "woke". The family, led mostly by the parents, are willing to do whatever is the new mainstream socially conscious fad, whether they agree with it or not. The show is very bright, with lots of eye popping colors. Pretty much the opposite colors if King if the Hill. Wish it got a chance for more episodes. People saw this show and thought they were being made fun of and couldn't laugh at themselves. I believe a lot of people also saw this show and thought people don't really act like this. Fast forward to 2019 and the Goode Family wouldn't be woke enough. Overall great show. The extreme liberalism and bright colors hurt the show having large fan base but worth th watch.
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Making fun of vegans isn't funny
realitycheck4you2 February 2020
Making fun of compassion and health consciousness isn't humorous. Maybe it was considered funny in the 1950s. This show isn't funny. Showing a family who is eco-conscious isn't a joke.
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How labels destroy creativity
WeHeldTheCum5 April 2017
The opening paragraph is a little off-topic rant/opinion dump, If any potential reader is interested in the review itself, I would recommend skipping it.

It's sad how prematurely this show was scrapped due to low ratings. Now, I'm sure people can find a whole bunch of reasons "The Goode Family" never amassed the necessary popularity to survive, but I personally see it as tragic case of preconceptions determining public opinion. Now, I'm not from the USA myself, so any political BS people throw around about satirical shows such as this one was never that interesting to me. If I'm not mistaken, the main creative force behind the show (Mike Judge) once stated, that his work is more about people's way of thinking and social processes - not political events. Even so, people just love to label things as "conservative" or "liberal" to simplify them. It really sucks when folks can't appreciate a good joke, or a piece of art in general, just because they have a stick up their arsenal about some recent political event that no one will give a fudge about in 5 years or so. Quite sad, indeed.

The show itself is based around episodes with individual plot lines - there is no connection between episodes, save for the characters and setting. The humor is varied, ranging from lighthearted jabs at different stereotypes that doesn't really stand out that much from other satirical shows to slapstick moments which work surprisingly well and occasionally - surprisingly cynical and nuanced humor, which is the highlight of the show.

The series does have several shortcomings, some of the running jokes, namely the dog not being fed properly, could have been handled better. Some of the supporting characters aren't developed properly and don't fulfill the potential their overall concept had planned. Out of the 13 episodes created, the later ones show more refinement and potential, (especially the "lime dew" one) proving the series had a good starting point. Sadly, corporate pulled the plug.

In its unfinished state the series exists as more of a curiosity, but I would still highly recommend seeing it, as it still shows time, effort and creativity was put into it, what little there is.
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The Goode family, more like the annoying family
lingering_dark19 June 2009
Having just watched the first three episodes of Mike Judge's new show "The Goode Family", I must admit I was disappointed.

Judge has been at the helm of some of TVs funniest animated shows - unfortunately this just doesn't seem to be one of them.

The premise could be amusing - a family of over the top environmentalists who do battle daily with the world around them, trying to make it a better place. Sadly, all Judge did was manage to get an amazingly accurate rendition of these types on the screen. Sadly because, really, when was the last time a rabid Eco-vegan made you laugh?

Yes, the show has its amusing moments, but they are few and far between, and for the most part don't involve any of the main characters. Interestingly the Goode family seem to be drawn with a lack of detail when compared the rendering of the rest of the characters... strange. The single funniest thing in the entire show is the family dog Che, who is forced to eat vegan dog food. Che gets his fill of meat by hunting down squirrels, birds or cats in the neighborhood while the Goode family is blissfully ignorant of the killer dog they have inadvertently created.

One of the odd errors in the show is the mispronunciation of the character name Ubuntu... Judge insists on pronouncing the word "You-buntoo", and not the correct "Oo-buntoo". A minor mistake to be sure, but a painfully obvious one to anyone using the Ubuntu operating system, or having bothered to, you know... look it up...

Basically anyone who finds "real world" Eco-crusaders and militant vegans to be tons of fun will probably find the show amusing - anyone else, not so much.
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Mike Judge turns the mirror on my tribe and I love it
Buckywunder7 September 2009
I only discovered "The Goode Family" (TGF) this past week and have been gobbling up past episodes with abandon through YouTube. What a hoot they are.

Nobody remembers that the term "political correctness" was actually coined by the Left before it was hijacked by the GOP and the right-wing in the late '80's. Originally it was meant as a humorous check on ourselves and a term of endearment and self-mocking rather than the derisive put-down of others it mutated into. I like to think that TGF is a continuation of that gentle spirit of PC which softens the edges of political rhetoric that can cut deeply and easily alienate.

Episodes around the politics of being a "football family," public radio, One Earth food stores (a stand in for Whole Foods), eco-terrorism, graffiti tagging and cult icons of frugality and consumer waste hit many of the right spots. For someone who has spent the majority of his adult life in Madison, WI, New York City and Seattle, WA while visiting Portland/Eugene, OR and Berkeley, CA, these shows really do touch on life in these communities no less in need of skewering than people in suburbia or Texas.

While I wouldn't say that the series is yet a subcultural must-see, it bears watching and deserves getting picked up and given more time to develop. TGF reminds me of the first season of Seinfeld where they were just getting characters and themes established. While not as out-and-out shocking and stupid (in a funny way) as Beavis & Butthead, TGF is clever and there is some potential here for very good humor.
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ABC's Verson of Chalkzone
tommypezmaster6 September 2009
It ruined my life. One of the main problems is probably that The Dialog, Writing & Scripts are simply is not all that funny. Beavis & Butt-Head was pretty good, but this show just does not do it. It is not only almost as worse as other inappropriate animations like This Just In and World of Quest, which are both poorly written and simply unfunny, but it is also close much worse than Chalkzone, Will & DeWitt and Squirrel Boy, all of which I cannot stand. Could be funny if it was completely revamped and they took on some other writers.

OK, what in the ABC is this, the first chance I gave it was mildly OK when I turned out in the second episode OK too and the rest of the episodes, it's plain horrible. Like this show is weird and and the show is creeps me out. Like in some kind of a episode is all about a group of Nazi prisoners, in after the second break, the angry cop is so angry, and his dialog, I have one thing to say about that idea: disgusting.

OK it's all about a stereotype vegan father named Gerold and his family who share a house a Doomageton-spoofed old man who want to sit in the same place in the living room, they live in a dull city called Greendale. The episodes wasn't so family friendly after all like they just make a lot of people angry. like This Just In & Chalkzone, the plot is pointless.

Animation: The animation is in King of The Hill style, but it is hand drawn?

Characters: There OK, but they doing rude & evil thing.

Humor: The humor isn't very good

Voice acting: It was OK....

Plots: Pointless....

Overall: Poor King of The Hill style animation, poor humor, OK voice acting, OK characters but they do rude & evil things and pointless plots. I recommend you should watch Freak Show than watching this.
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Very Goode Show
acdelco35014 January 2010
This show did not get enough time on the air to catch everyones attention. One season does not give this show justice. I felt I was just getting to know all of the characters and now I can only imagine who they would have become. It was a unique show working with ideas I haven't seen in any animated show before. Mike Judge is always doing good work and I hope this show can get picked up on another station someday. But for now we can all catch the reruns on Comedy Central! I mean doesn't everyone remember when Family Guy was cancelled and how big of a following it received while it was off the air? It was too bad that King of the Hill ended in 2009, but then this show comes on and I felt a little better because it was still the same animation and some of the same humor.
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Off to a promising start
duhduh6661 June 2009
I think animation lovers will know Mike Judge only too well from 'Beavis and Butthead' and 'King of the Hill'. Very different shows but they grew on us. King Of the Hill in it's prime was wonderful and now in auto-pilot is still amusing to watch. I love both shows and wish B & B could make a comeback minus the music videos. Mike's new show 'The Goode Family' is a little more like KOTH. In the sense that it feels like a sitcom with live actors except that it's animated. The pilot episode was amusing through out with some good dialogue and interesting characters. The title character Gerald Goode is voiced by Mike Judge doing a reprisal of the hippie teacher from B & B. The consensus on the web seems to be that the show is too risqué with it's hyper-liberal goody two shoes family at the heart of the story. Others plain don't like it. I think like Mike's other two shows, this one needs some time. Give it a season, if it's still good...
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Best. Show. Ever!
jlo561628 August 2009
I LOVED The Goode Family!!! I have been a loyal watcher of most "adult" cartoons like The Simpsons, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Futurama, American Dad, etc. for years. When The Goode Family came along I quickly found a new favorite! I'm a vegan and live in Burlington, VT. The Goode Family mirrored my everyday experiences in my town, from grocery shopping to recycling to getting involved in my community. The humor was spot on, and I can't believe how in depth their knowledge of all things vegan and eco was. Someone really did their homework for this show! Environmentalism and vegan movements are huge right now, and The Goode Family found a way to put a humorous spin on it while rather factually representing a unique subculture that is growing. We really need more entertaining cartoons like this that also have a positive message.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that the show will reappear with new episodes on another network soon!!!
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Worth a rewatch in 2024
shrvny-9549124 February 2024
Never has the show been more relatable than 2024 when all our groceries are overpriced, paper straws are the norm and vegan burgers are in every food chain. Especially love the returning joke of reusable bags. The mom is a classic Vegan Karen mom we all know in 2024 .

Mike as usual presents a male husband protagonist that is funny and grows on you. I like Gerald he seems like a very loving husband who rides a bike we all know one.

Mike did a great job it's a shame the show appeared on tv before it's time; no one saw the true relationship the public could of had with the show. Maybe in the reboot of King of the Hill we will see the Goode Family again... I hope.
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Cancelled WAY too Early!!
aulikevan16 July 2021
The Goode Family is one of the best TV shows of all time. It is a intelligent,funny,witty satire of liberal america. As i liberal myself, I find it funny poking fun at people like me. I have much im common with the Goode Family that is is great to see people like myself represented on TV. It has great satire and social commentary. It has smart and intelligent jokes in it. Makes you think deeper. I can understand why ABC cancelled it however. It only is enjoyable for the ultra-liberal high brow people like myself. The average Joe-Schmoe in Conservative in the midwestern or the southern part of America. Would not get the humor and think it is stupid. It is so highbrow that most people don't understand it. I could see this show totally succeeding if it had aired on PBS. ABC wasn't the right network for it. It also just came out at the wrong time. Had it had come out now on PBS i could see it becoming a very successful show!

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So ridiculous, it's amazing.
smccallum4219 August 2019
Mike Judge is a genius. No wonder the show wasn't renewed. It shows how stupid people are with their leftist ideology.
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How Did I Miss This!
vjt-943552 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How in the world did I miss this in it's original run? I can see where at times it can be a bit much. But wasn't that the point in this series? Anyway, it's enjoyable. We need to laugh at ourselves sometimes. Reminds us to not take everything seriously all the time. Thank you Mike Judge!
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