1, 2, 3, All Eyes on Me (2020) Poster

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Gripping. Evocative. Perhaps unforgettable.
RunkThePunk8730 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this randomly on HBO without knowing what it was about beforehand. I found it compelling.

Farelle Walker (the teacher) gave a very strong performance and the children were excellent too.

It evoked in me strong feelings of dread, helplessness, sadness, and anger.

I don't know if it was the director's goal or not, but I think the utter vulnerability and helplessness of the teacher and students as they wait for a police response makes a strong emotional appeal for better security measures at all schools. Armed security? Police officers? Teachers with concealed carry? Should be an interesting debate. For me, this short film has definitely helped me shape my opinion on these matters.
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Statistics involving previous review
orangejuicejonesrasp7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
More than half of all mass shootings have been done by white people... as much as the previous review says why did they have to look like those two individuals, they had to look like someone.
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joshkimmel-667374 February 2023
This movie ruined my day. Which means it did what it was supposed to do.

I'm not a film critic and i'm not going to pretend to be one, but all forms of entertainment should make you feel. If you feel zero after a movie, song or whatever it is then it's a zero. This movie took my perfectly normal friday and destroyed it in 14 minutes.

I will never watch it again and I would never recommend this to anyone because of the situation. I personally do not like violent movies and this was the most violent movie i've seen in a while and they didn't show anything. Didn't need to.

Good job on whoever made this.
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Terrifying for anyone to watch
TMax202110 May 2022
This short film captured so much in such a short time, a loving teacher adored by her students and she adores them. She reacted excellently under an enormously difficult situation and she stayed by the kids no matter what. Her solution she thought of was genius and risky but overall when this type of thing happens you are fighting for your life! I was very impressed by all the actors. Felt so incredibly real I could not stop crying, just horrible that these things actually happen. Absolutely terrifying.
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Reality is difficult
GingeryPsychNP17 February 2023
This short film is one if the most terrifying, jarring, as well as one of the most emotion inducing, that I've ever watched all packed into 15 minutes. The first time my children, who are now grown, came home from school and told me about the active shooter drill they had practiced earlier that day, I had to sit with that thought for quite a while. I cannot imagine how it must feel to lose a child to such a violent act of cowardice.

Future perpetrators of such violence aren't going to instantaneously acquire any novel ideas once they watch this.

This now not so new reality is difficult and heart wrenching. We need to generate conversations about this subject. Not talking about it certainly does not wish it out of existence.

The Violence Project is a research database and research center that has a lot of important information about mass shooters and shootings for anyone interested.
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Be forewarned
killercola24 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's extremely disturbing. The most intense and shocking 14 minutes you'll ever see. I'm writing this one month after Uvalde and it seems this short film predicted it almost to a tee. We need to do better for our kids. And to the single one star knucklehead reviews who's complaining about why the director made the two shooters look like the Columbine shooters: because all the school shooters look like that. Teenage white boys with guns. This is not a mystery.
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Real Life
chelseyclair-439765 August 2023
The sad reality is that this happens. In real life and time this is what happens. Some people will say "this short was bad" or "this shouldn't have been made." These people don't want to see the world for what it truly is. School shootings are growing and no one, not even out government is doing anything to stop it. I'm sorry folks but this short is seeing the harsh world we live in now. This short was very informative and this is what teachers have to do what they can. I loved the short made me cry and also think about my children everytime they go to school. Thank you for the informative short.
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Some frustrations
kristenchristenberry26 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been teaching 20 years and I saw some things that bothered me.

1. The teacher took the student outside the school building to talk to him 1-1. That would never happen. Where they went was too far from the classroom. Teacher's typically don't do that.

2. The door to the outside was OPEN! What?!?! Again, that doesn't happen. Especially in a school where there is an intruder alarm installed. The alarm went off and the teacher knew to immediately turn off her lights and close the shades. How does a school invest in an alarm system but not tell their teachers to close the outside doors?!

3. As teachers, we are told that our police department is 3 minutes to our school from first being dispatched. I understand that's close, however, I can't imagine that it took that long before the police sirens could be heard. By the end of the movie, still no sirens???

As a teacher that has had fearful moments during a lockdown, the fear that the teacher displayed was so realistic! The panic getting the kids out of the door and forgetting to count the kids while leaving the school seems quite realistic.

I freaked out watching the shooter blow the doorknob off the door of the outdoor classroom. It literally brought me to tears. I never pictured a gunman doing that to my classroom. This movie brought shooter drills to a new light for me. (I figured if I locked the door and put desks in front of the door, that would be helpful. Watching the gunman in this movie literally throw the chairs out of the door was scary and heartbreaking.)

I wish we would has heard the sirens at the end to know there was help on the way.
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Incredibly Powerful
bogave15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, in 14 minutes, said more than any movie could in 2 hours. It was incredibly well acted and portrayed. The feeling of helplessness is perfectly portrayed.

I am not a gun nut, although I own and occasionally carry one, and the only thing going on thru my mind was how the teachers MIGHT have a chance if they were able to shoot back. I'm not saying they would but at least a maybe.

This movie is disturbing, thought provoking and can be triggering. I usually scoff at trigger warnings, but this movie definitely warrants one.

It's also easy to second guess what you would do in this situation, but that's the point. The teacher even says it: I've never practiced for this.

The ending is also exceptionally well done. There are no sirens and no help on the way. Just silnce and the unknown. Very powerful movie!!
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I'm VERY Conflicted
josignacio-6451211 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't know what to say. I was surprised on how life threatening the movie takes. The violence was taken to a whole new level. I'm not one to watch scary movies but this one got my attention. Basically, 21 students and an art teacher are stuck in a shooter drill, they decide to run to the first room that was shot. A kid didn't listen and got shot. This is basically a combination of sad, scary, action packed, and Al round just something to be confused about. I am not entirely sure if it's real or not but it prepares children and parents what to do in case of that emergency. Again, this is very confusing. But, overall, I really like the plot and idea it goes through.
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Disturbing yet amazing
kfvtbnbrf22 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Thought this short film has a dark premise it really does dive deeper into the mind of someone who might be going through this in the moment. A lot of people shrug off shootings as a "oh that's sad" and don't think about it again but this made me rethink about the things like this. It's frightening and it felt real. That's what was amazing about it. It didn't try to sugar coat the idea of a "shooting" but showed the mind of a teacher who had to experience this. The way the students acted felt real. Some weren't even crying because they were oblivious to the situation. Thank you for opening my eyes on this topic.
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hippostomper2 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why did they have to make the shooters resemble Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris!?
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Movie should never been made such bad taste
startreknerd-2988217 November 2022
All this movie has done is given the sick people who want to do this ideas. They now will go back into rooms they already shot up and do even more. Thia is bad taste and any one who wanted to make a movie like this needs some metal help. It also profits on the tragedies and loss tthat the real failies of simular incedents feel and the memories and ptsd this woild bring back. I am a father of 2 and this movie bothers me. I cant belive any streaming like HBO would be so disresectful to place this on their streaming. I feel for the familes this garbage will affect, and hope this move will be removed from all stream chanels.
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