Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Video Game 2007) Poster

(2007 Video Game)

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A great start to a great franchise!
awwplutto12 June 2020
Bad graphics compared to now, but overall a good game! This is my least favorite of the series but this is not at all a bad game, just not the best! A great story! My order of the game from best to worst:

Uncharted 4: Thiefs End Uncharted: Lost legacy Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Sully is the greatest character ever!!!
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Uncharted Is A Wonderful Achievement in Gaming
jesusisdeceit28 January 2009
Uncharted is an action/adventure game from developer Naughty Dog, and is simply a major achievement in gaming. Simply put, this game will blow you away. To delve into it a bit more, this game offers a plethora of action, adventure, and engaging characters. The voice acting is far and beyond anything in a game thus far, and the characters are just likable. The story is pretty basic for adventure, with some interesting details; but if you ever liked an Indiana Jones film, this is right up your alley. The action is top notch and strategy is a must when playing tougher difficulty levels. The AI is great and there's never a lack of objects to hide behind, enemies to sneak up on, or open areas to run into blazing. The adventure gives another dimension to game, constantly searching for the next cliff to hang onto, the next rope to swing from, and a total of 60 treasures to collect. It's really a blast to go jumping from place to place, climbing and swinging. You can hang on edges and cliffs while throwing grenades to deter enemies or shoot with precision. Don't pass this gem up.
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Great game
sashank_kini-112 November 2009
I would not say that Uncharted is one of the greatest games of all time but there are moments in the game that makes one go wow! The Indiana Jones-like action game is packed with plenty of punch, or rather gun-fights since most of the times one is indulged in that.

Nathan is a very likable character who is perfectly voiced by Nolan North. He is passionate, adventurous and funny without going overboard and sounding cocky. Elena and Sullivan too have been given great roles as the supporting cast. A good thing with the game is that none of the voice actors, even the subordinate ones, sound bad or lazy.

The game play can be a repetitive in the beginning but later on, the tight story and the crisp action make up for it. The enemies are hard to kill (Its like some of them refuse to die!) but I liked it that way. Even on normal, the game was pretty unforgiving as I died multiple times on some occasions ( of course, once you get a hang of a particular task, its simple) but it wasn't as frustrating as the GTA games ( especially SA which took me a loooong time to complete without the cheats).

The graphics were superb though I agree with some reviewers that many components of nature could've been used in a better manner. The whole game takes about 10 to 12 hours to complete which is relatively short and I personally wanted to play more of it.

Overall, it fails to disappoint and stays impressive at all times! 8 out of 10.
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Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider and Gears of War in one!
djrussell6 March 2008
I don't like to use the word "clone", cause Uncharted is far from being a clone of anything. Its almost in a genre of its own... but as I try to explain to people it is a combination of three famous series: Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider and Gears of War. It has elements from all three of those, rolled into one, which in term brew's up the sweetest dish; Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

Uncharted is the story of Nathan Drake, a treasure hunter that believe's himself to be a direct descendant of Sir Francis Drake. Its not actually told whether he is or not, but he shares the last name and is a treasure hunter/explorer himself... so maybe that qualifies? Either way, Nathan is chasing El Dorado... it takes him from caves and ruins to the jungle and beyond. Think of the game as being a faster, and graphically spectacular version of an Indiana Jones movie. It shares the same highs and lows, and the pace is so wonderful you'll be dying to know what happens next.

Not only is this quite possibly the best PS3 game to date, but it is also one of the most visually stunning games you're gonna find on the market today. There's plenty of eye-candy out there these days (especially on the PS3), but Uncharted is one of few to combine that, story, and killer gameplay all in one. If you own a PS3; buy this game. It's worth every penny and it'll have you coming back for more than one take! An average play through will last anywhere from 15-20 hours... and there are other difficulties that can be unlocked, as well as hidden treasures throughout the game that unlock special features on the Blu-ray disc (eg. making of videos, artwork, etc).

The only thing left to do now is wait for the sequel! And let me tell you people - this is one series that'll go from strength to strength - so expect to hear more from it :)
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The New Indiana Jones
ElijahCSkuggs12 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Naughty Dog seriously knows how to make games. I'm a gigantic fan of the Jak and Daxter games, well besides Jak Racing...or whatever that was called. But the platforming/action trilogy of Jak and Daxter are fantastic games. You probably already know that Naughty Dog is also responsible for the mega-hit Crash Bandicoot. Unfortunately I was addicted to Mortal Kombat at the time so I never played any of the Crash games. Well, just like their brethren in Insomniac games, Naughty Dog can also make other games, besides the platforming stuff. Uncharted: Drakes Fortune is an all-out blast to play, and easily one of the best games on the PS3 and the video game market as a whole.

Drakes Fortune revolves around the story of Nathan Drake, possibly a surviving member of the famous explorer Sir Francis Drake. Well, he certainly takes after Sir Drake in the love for adventure department, that's for sh!t sure. Well, this quest Drake is currently on is to find the priceless treasure of El Dorado. Unfortunately, Drake isn't the only one going after the treasure, and too bad for him, the other guys going after the treasure are bad guys. Shame for Drake they just weren't other friendly adventure seekers. But that's fantastic news for us, we get to kill all those bad guys! Throw in a couple side-stories of rescue, and an unpredictable, fantastic story revolving around Sir Francis and El Dorado and you have class A story-telling.

The game itself has some of the highest production values you'll ever come across. I recently finished playing the new Ratchet and Clank, and I thought to myself it won't be for a while until a game this good looking will come out. Boy was I wrong. This game is absolutely stunning. From the water effects, the swaying trees and even the rocks. When you can make rock look good-looking, you know you've got a pretty game on your hands. Add in unbelievable, Oscar-worthy music and incredibly realistic environment sounds, great voice work, and you have yourself one of the best sounding and looking games ever to come out for any system.

But the most important part of the story is the gameplay. And just like the story and production values, it's kickass. Puzzles, platforming (leaping, hanging, swinging etc), shoot-outs, a duck and cover system....the game has wicked good gameplay. And another great aspect to the gameplay, is the fantastic pace of the game. There are zero boring spots in the game. They don't overload you with certain areas, meaning if you just had a huge fire-fight, the next area will be a big change in gameplay, either it being some sort of puzzle, jet-skiing, platforming etc. Naughty Dog has tons of experience when it comes down to gameplay options, and it seriously shows.

The game isn't perfect, but it's damn close. I sometimes had issues with the amount of guys showing up to a shoot-out. You think you have a shoot-out cleared, and then another six guys drop down the cliff and start blasting. I sometimes had problems duckin and covering. I'd be at a weird angle, and I'd try to hurry and duck around something, but since Im at that weird angle, the duck and cover system wont work and I'd end up eating a ton of bullets. But in all seriousness, that's mostly my problem for rushing out into a unsafe area. Obviously you can think of things that bug you in any game, but that's just it, they are just minor nuisances that take barely nothing away from the overall experience.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune instantly became one of my favorite games. It has a unique feel to it, that is very difficult to describe. It's has a vibrant quality that you just don't feel enough in games. I've finished the game on Normal and am halfway through Hard, which by the way IS Hard. And once Im done with that, yup, I'm on to Crushing, the highest difficulty. Why? Because the game has amazing replay and has awesome bonuses. There's also treasure hunting, and medal earning. You shoot 100 dudes in the head, bingo that's a medal. Drakes Fortune is a blast to play, and any fan of action/adventure games should definitely give this game a shot. 9.5 outta 10
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Best Adventure game since Tomb raider!
wtfnigg28 May 2008
This game rocks!

Its a perfect blend between humor and action. And the graphics and realism is just like, nothing I've seen. The enemy AI is not bad neither.

This game was a experience. And the story mode is really awesome, and as many says it is a perfect mixture of Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider, but still It's really original.

The Game is AWESOME! Buy it!! or i will do it for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only minus in this game could properly be missing Multi-player. That would rock, or maybe it would destroy the game? Well everyone has different opinions about that! well as i said before BUY THE GAME NOW!!
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Analog_Devotee2 August 2021
The beginning to a legendary franchise. I don't play games as much as I used to, but I still sit down and marathon 1 - 3 every couple of years or so. These games are just so darn addicting. And, man, how about the storyline and memorable characters? Superb!

Sully is right up there in my top 3 favorite video game characters of all time!
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Kind of a cross between Tomb Raider Legends and Gears of War.
Aaron137524 December 2007
I liked this game for the most part, but I was hoping for something a bit more original, however, if you have played the two games listed above then this is not going to be anything new game play wise. However, it makes up for it by having a rather good story, and I did enjoy the game play in said two games. Just to warn you though, I was cussing at certain parts of the game and I had it set to easy. The story, typical search for the treasure scenario as Nathan and his buddies are after a treasure sought by Sir Francis Drake. You have your typical bad guys and you have numerous shoot outs, which is one of the problems I had with this game. There are two many go here then to the next screen all basic shootouts. These shootouts get annoying, especially when the enemy is seemingly dead on all the time. I just wish with all the advances in gaming they could dumb down the enemy a bit. I can't stand it when you get locked on immediately, it would be nice if for once the enemy would lose sight of you at times as that would be more realistic. The exploring is straight out of Tomb Raider Legends and fun for the most part, and then there is the end which spiced things up with strange things to kill, things that would seem more in place in a horror survival game than in this setting. Still, it was fun, the ending was good and I could see playing another game featuring these characters again. Next time I hope they work on the hand to hand more as you just did not get a lot of opportunity to really use it much.
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Great game!
domtaylor19 September 2012
Even though I am writing this in 2012,this game dosen't get old.I'll try not to compare it to the others(which could be good in some ways)but I'll do that now: This game feels more fresh than the other later two and the story,although shorter, seems not cleverer but better in some ways. Uncharted:Drakes Fortune is a great game which can challenge you at some points.The shootouts get you on the edge of your seat and the climbing and adventure points are good too. This game,although with slightly repetitive gameplay,Is fantastic and makes you think. This is a must buy for all those action/adventure game lovers!
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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - The Original Classic
jamiemannell21 August 2018
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is still a genuine classic videogame title more than a decade on.

PlayStation have no shortage of fantastic exclusive titles but perhaps the most important and the one they're most indebted to is Drake's Fortune. Its biggest selling point has to be its cinematic feel and blockbuster-type approach. It really feels as though you're playing a classic adventure film (akin to Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) or The Mummy (1999)). While its sequels are more filled with crazy set-pieces, Drake's Fortune has no shortage of great moments (finding the German U-Boat and escaping Raja's men, along with a great showdown stand out). One thing that can't go unmentioned is this was the game in which we were introduced to gaming's greatest trio. Nate, Sully and Elena are classic characters all played by fantastic performers (this game introduced Nolan North's greatest work).

There are next to no negatives to think of. One thing that could be argued is some gameplay doesn't hold up overly well. Gunfighting and melee attacks remain fine, but some may say the climbing and jumping may seem sluggish (climbing less so). This doesn't change an unforgettable experience.

In conclusion, Drake's Fortune is still a swashbuckling, excitement-fest, with a characters and a story to rival any film, game or TV show. It's still a fantastic adventure more than a decade on. It's a must-play for all gamers.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (2007) - 10/10
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A promising first game.
franciscojavy1123 June 2020
Gonna play through all the uncharted games. This one was decent definitely the best thing about it was the characters. Gameplay although a bit repetitive it was still fun. Story was good but there's a whole lot of potential for more. Hope the next one doesn't dissapoint.
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its-UMA-UMA-UMA5 May 2018
UMA IN THEIS GAME Nathan Drake COOL UMA UMA COOL game COOL SOOO big MUMkeys buy a PS3 because I am UMA UMA UMA. UMA UMA reviews to show it SHORT
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Great opening game for a pioneer franchise but really flawed
sigurjone9628 November 2023
I would just like to say that I really liked Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. It's a very interesting and an epic opening game for a legendary franchise. But with that said I got to say it's very outdated unfortunately. Respawns of the same enemies over and over again whether it's pirates or the military. Frustrating to play on the higher difficulties because you will be grinding through each section and dying a lot. Patience is key.

Boring two main antagonists and some odd species enters the plot. The main stars are Nathan Drake, Victor Sullivan and Elena Fisher. No other side characters come into play. Gameplay definitely feels sometimes like a chore to get through. Boat motorcycle sequences are going to drive you nuts. You can definitely see the age of this game pour through your playing experience. Puzzles are pretty easy but collectibles are hard to find.

Cliché brainwashing business man villain controls the story along with his hot-headed sidekick Navarro who's a complete thorn in your side. I'm playing on Crushing and it's a pain to go through considering how crazy difficult it is. Beautiful graphics, lush jungle life and unique environments. Cover is kind of janky you will find yourself screaming internally at your controller to move out of it.

I loved Nate's witty persona Nolan North does a fantastic job as the protagonist. Emily Rose and Richard McGonagle provide solid voice acting as the sidekicks for the hero. Pretty fast-paced game although a pretty lengthy one as well 22 chapters. If you love adventure titles this one is going to be of your liking.

Overall I felt the game was really good not without its issues but definitely a heartwarming story and nothing that you are going to regret playing. If you like heart-pumping action and solid journey of an adventure you are in for a treat. If you want to know Nathan's origin story well this would be the game for you start with.

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Didn't age well
M_Exchange15 September 2017
The fact that I was fifty times better at "The Last of Us" indicates how much Naughty Dog has improved since it made this game. There is far too much annoying jumping and balancing on ledges. Sometimes there is no real rhyme or reason behind the direction of the jumps or just how you're supposed to make them. Sometimes the game just wants you to press super hard on the direction and jump button. In other words, the controls are god awful.

I almost always use a shotgun when I have choice in these shooter games. Not in this game. Drake is so slow to turn the gun and so delicate at close range that it's pathetic, which makes the final level excruciatingly horrible. In the final level, you're supposed to take on any number of monster and human opponents at close range-- monsters that are very adept at close range combat, which is far from Drake's specialty. Even if you had a pistol and a rifle when you entered the level, they force you to use a shotgun, which, as I mentioned, he is unbelievably unwieldy at using.

Overall, it was fairly fun, and the story was fairly good. But I literally wouldn't replay this game if you paid me. I bought the trilogy game set. I'm hoping that the next game is a vast improvement. If it isn't, I will abort the series.
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The First Uncharted!
Moviememmer26 October 2019
  • Great story and characters
  • Simple but effective gameplay
  • Great graphics (for the time)
  • A-grade voice acting and animation

  • Has aged abit
  • Overuse of enemy waves
  • Bullet sponge enemies
  • Some clunky gameplay
  • Limited variation of environment

Verdict: The oldest Uncharted game definitely shows its age. How ever it's still a good game to get, just definitely the weakest out of the bunch.

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Fortune and Glory, kid
CuriosityKilledShawn28 January 2013
The globe-trotting adventurer is a familiar character, especially in video games. Lara Croft had her heyday between her first outing in 1996 and the last, terrible, game in 2008. The time was ripe was a new hero to take over and Nathan Drake certainly fits the bill. A descendant of Sir Francis Drake, Nathan has adventure in his blood and is determined to unravel the mystery of his ancestor's final resting place and discover the lost city of El Dorado. It's a well-worn plot, but the jovial Talespin-esque approach and likable characters keep it fresh and exciting.

Uncharted combines run-and-gun, platforming, and puzzle-solving elements as Nathan navigates hot jungles, sunny coastlines, and dark ruins, killing and fighting all the way. You have to wonder about the morality of a hero character who kills hundreds in his quest for personal wealth, but Nathan Drake's scruffy appearance and sarcastic quips will probably distract you from that.

The game is relatively hard and is split in 21 chapters without a single loading screen. However, in order to unlock the Platinum trophy you will have to beat the game on 'Crushing' difficulty, which is virtually impossible. The targeting system and movement of the character can be quite clumsy, and precision shooting really comes down to chance for much of the journey.

It took me 4 years to unlock 91% of the 47 trophies, and thankfully none of them are based on online play. Uncharted has gone on to be the PS3s flagship franchise, and this now 6-year-old game may be getting on a bit, but it's still well worth playing.

Graphics A Sound A Gameplay A- Lasting Appeal A
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A good start to a great series
FilmFreak9416 June 2011
Jak and Daxter for the Play Station 2 was a very big part of my childhood. So when I did the transition to Play Station 3 I wanted to try Naughty Dog's latest series for the next gen consoles.

The basic story behind the game is this; You are Nathan Drake, treasure hunter extraordinare and self proclaimed last living relative to Sir Francis Drake. With your friend and mentor Victor Sullivan you search for the lost tomb of Drake only to find that he had faked his death and gone on a secret expedition to go after ElDorado, the lost city of gold. Now you have to retrace Sir Drake's steps while avoiding greedy pirates, mercenaries, and other dangers while trying to find the treasure of a lifetime.

For all its faults, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a very fun game to play. The climbing and cover controls take some time to get fully used to and some enemies seem to take forever to kill but the story is very well written, the graphics are gorgeous, and the main characters themselves are all relatable and likable. If you want to jump into the Uncharted series before the third one comes out, then there's no time like the present.
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A Great First Installment to One of the Greatest Series
NDbportmanfan17 November 2016
Let me first start off by saying that this review is based off the remastered Uncharted Collection and not the PS3 version of the game. The premise of the game is this Nathan Drake, descendant of Sir Francis Drake, is an explorer and treasure hunter. He is searching for the lost city of El Dorado with journalist, Elena Fisher. As the story continues there are twists and turns as Nathan uncovers the true secrets of El Dorado.

As a story I found it alright but the characters that this game has really sells it for me. As well as the action sequences, Naughty Dog really is the best at making action games and creating characters to complement the tone of the action. Whether that be Uncharted, The Last of Us, Jak and Daxter, or the great Crash Bandicoot. The action in Uncharted particularly rivals the Tomb Raider franchise, and I think the recent TR games take a lot from Uncharted.

The combat is easy to master. The real trouble I had was Nathan getting stuck in awkward cover positions. I would try and roll to one side of cover to another but instead he would go forward and get shot. This didn't happen a lot but enough that it became a noticeable problem. The jumping mechanics were not always fully responsive; I found myself on multiple occasions falling to my death because in a short instant he was ready to jump across with his hand outstretched and then he wasn't. Again minor problems to a near perfect game.

Now to the voice acting, What can I say Nolan North can do no wrong and this is certainly one of his more memorable characters in Nathan Drake. There is a reason why there has been a movie in the works for I don't know how many years. All the voice actors are great but North was definitely the stand out.

Uncharted is definitely a series that you need to check out if you haven't already. I was late to the party but I'm catching up and I am having a blast. It is way more fun going from one to the next rather than waiting two years for each game, that is for sure.
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And This is where it all started
Terryfan15 July 2015
Uncharted 2 made me a fan of the series not only for it's characters but for the fact it has a story line that is worth your while.

As soon as you pop in the game you know that you are about to go on an wild adventure. That's what appeal to me about the Uncharted series is you never know what comes next plus you will be rewarded through the game. Now being that I played the second game before getting the first one I didn't know exactly much in terms how these characters know each other however now that I had played this game it all make sense.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is center around treasure hunter Nathan Drake (Voiced by Nolan North) along with Elena Fisher (Voiced by Emily Rose) and Victor "Sully" Sullivan (Voiced by Richard McGonagle). Nathan Drake is quite the protagonist as he has a passion for finding treasure and can hold his own in a fight. Elena is a reporter but she also proves to be a clever girl in this game while Sully is Drake's good friend and mentor he also is a wise character

The games three villains are Gabriel Roman (Voiced by Simon Templeman) Atoq Navarro (Voiced by Robin Atkin Downes) Eddy Raja (Voiced by James Sie)

Now the game has action through as well as you must collect treasure in the game just have to look hard enough. Also the game is full of weapons and it important to stay ready for combat because you never know when a shoot out will take place

As for the story itself from the moment you start playing you know you are about to be in for a interesting story as it starts off that way as well.

What's also cool about the Uncharted Series is the voice actors actually motion capture the characters they voice which is a very smart idea on the game's part because watching this game is like watching a movie they actually are acting out along with voicing the characters to give them more real depth to them which deserves a medal on it own part.

The game's graphics showcase how the PS3 is meant to show off some of the most beautiful graphics in video game history and Uncharted is one of those titles that has every attention to detail as the Character models are really well done to give them more a real look thanks to Motion capture from the cast. The level designs are really amazing it just makes you want to take the time to look at how superb the game looks.

The story in the game is another good factor to the game as it keeps your interesting from the start as well as twist and turns you won't see coming as well as the writing really helps the vibe of the game they did a very good job with the writing in this game with some creative lines and story telling.

The voice acting is top notch you can tell in their performances that they loved playing these characters Nolan, Emily, Richard and everyone just brought their characters to the dance with their performances.

Game play is simple put fun as you are just rewarded for playing.

However the game does have a few problems mostly the puzzles can always make you go insane if you don't do it right testing your gaming skills and the enemies always keep you on the ropes you better be prepare for a shoot out at all cost.

Now there are some nice rewards to be unlocked as you will get art work, cut scenes from the game, making of the game as well as behind the scenes of how the cast of Uncharted making the scenes

Seriously if you haven't given the Uncharted series a try go on it's not too late to enjoy such a fun and interesting series

With great graphics, great characters, story driven game play and a game that just always makes you wonder what comes next you will be in for a good time

I give Uncharted: Drake's Fortune an 9 out of 10
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Great game
sandlerds24 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great game, so when I give some criticism just know that I adore it in the end. This game introduces some of the greatest characters ever in gaming history and has some of the best voice acting I've ever heard, but... this game does have its flaws, for instance, it doesn't have as much climbing as the games that come after it. Its more towards shooting and action. It's fun and challenging but can get tedious near 7 hours in the game with the lack of guns since there's only like 5-7 in the game. Sections like the jet ski parts were hard and got obnoxious sometimes when you can't figure out where to go, it could just be me as well since I'm not good at driving in games. So if you come into it after looking at uncharted 4 with all the swinging around and different approaches to levels, you may be disappointed with that. But that does not stop the game at all, the parts with a lot of exploration are freaking awesome and really take inspiration from tomb raider. Although I never played them since I was born in 2004. The graphics aren't that great now when you look at 4 and lost legacy but it has a lot of charm to it that wants you to keep playing. But the biggest thing I would really say to really want this is for the characters Nathan is cocky and always gets into trouble and sully is just a complete badass and really emphasizes on "age is just a number". This is a very solid game and if you want some action that's pretty good and straight forward with some parts of climbing and exploration, give this game a go and play the whole series. You will not be disappointed. P. S. Nathan says crap a lot.
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Love this franchise
colts-9395529 November 2020
The uncharted series is an amazing franchise. The second and the fourth one are my favorite in the franchise. It's a mix between tomb raider and indiana jones. It's exploration with you trying to find some sort of treasure. Drake is a history buff too. Highly recommend all 4 games and the spin off.
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The Beginning of Something Big
Gamesearcher130 December 2018
One of the first experiences I had with my PlayStation 4, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune still holds up nicely. Combat-wise, this game has its flaws. The amount of weapons is laughably low, the cover system is unfavourable, and its melee combat feels and looks like something out of a cheesy 80's movie. But on the topic on movies, this game's narrative is great enough to rival one. It tells the most grounded story of any Uncharted game, and while it does have a laughably anticlimactic resolution, all-in-all, it's pretty good. It establishes the main cast of the game well, featuring the great dialogue and wonder voice acting that the series is praised for. The game, for something made in 2007, looks pretty good. A few wow moments do exist, but, even with the remaster, this won't hold up to any AAA game this generation. The music is decent, although it did include the iconic Nate's Theme, a song re-used in every ensuing game in the series. The climbing is pretty smooth, although the controls feel slightly clunky and rigid. Overall, this game is worth a shot for the story and unforgettable characters, but also worth a shot for the far superior sequels that followed.
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The adventure starts
Badr90s6 October 2021
The begining of a masterpiece journey, it all starts here with an unforgettable moments and scenes for the fans, great story paced perfectly with great characters including the villians, soundtrack missions and parkour/action smooth gameplay.
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Good game, but not that good
bad_eend20 August 2008
Recently uncharted got the platinium label, so that was the perfect reason for me to buy it, after all the game had gotten great reviews.

Like anyone else the first thing I noticed were the awesome graphics and animations. Everything is just made with so much detail and care, if you want to show off what your ps3 can do, this is the game.

However there's also a downside. The game can roughly be seen as a combination of 3 different gameplay elements:

First off we have the shootouts. Nathan can search for cover, peek out and shoot his enemies. Yes as other reviewers mention it, you could compare this to Gears of War. However Gears did it like 10 times better. Aiming goes slow (even on full sensitivity) and doesn't get rewarded: you end up shooting a guy 15 times in his chest before he goes down. Meanwhile, other enemies try to flank you and throw grenades to force you to keep moving, exposing you to there fire: the game gets difficult because of a lack of good control and moves, for example:

Nathan can't throw back a grenade; he can get hit even when he's firing blind from cover (which doesn't make sense); He can't run around the corner of a low object from cover without standing and thus getting shot, before getting in to cover again; You have to change your camera standpoint by clicking the joystick before you can see an enemy who is already shooting at you

The second one is the acrobatic platform action as we could call it, like Prince of Persia. The problem here is that it is just way to easy. The path that the player needs to follow is just so clear. Most of the time Nathan won't even jump on other platforms which you thought that could be useful. It's hard to do something wrong, you don't have to think so no challenge and fun. This is no Tomb Raider people.

The third gameplay element are the puzzles. Here Nathan takes his notebook from Drake and shows a page with useful information. Again the same problem as above, way to easy. Sometimes there not even worth to be called a puzzle.

Story wise the game is nothing special but also not that bad. Things start slow but eventually it becomes more interesting.

Don't get me wrong, Uncharted is good and should be worth you attention, but it's simply not that good. It's unbalanced in it's different gameplay elements, it's frustrating and easy when it shouldn't be. I give it a 7.
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not nearly as good as other reviews say
joshjkkemp10 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This game is not very good. The room after room of instantly spawning enemies just gets so tiresome that you are either glad to see something to do other than shoot everything, or too bored to really care. Sometimes that change is worse than the constant shooting. Most notably the jet ski bit where you are stuck going slow on a hi speed vehicle, which can barely turn or reverse, through narrow corridors with plenty of right angle turns to shoot sea mines and more bad guys with the only weapon with infinite ammo, a slow grenade launcher. Some enemies just get placed up on pillars with no way up too, so a melee attack is all but worthless assuming you could get close enough to use it. Constantly getting reset to 2 weapons is just infuriating. This mechanic has ultimately devalued every weapon since you don't even get to keep anything you have.The only real feeling of being Indiana Jones like is in the beginning before constant shooting actually happens, where you are going through ruins and find an old Nazi plane. Though that gets forgotten about in the first 10-15 minutes.
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