"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" For the Uniform (TV Episode 1997) Poster

Avery Brooks: Captain Benjamin 'Ben' Sisko



  • [Sisko is trying to arrest a former Security officer turned traitor] 

    Odo : Sir, have you ever reminded Starfleet Command that they stationed Eddington here because they didn't trust me?

    Sisko : No.

    Odo : Please do.

  • Sisko : [letting off steam pummeling a punch bag]  He worked under me for a year and a half. I saw him almost every day, read his reports, had him for dinner. I even took him to a baseball game in a holosuite once, and I never saw it! It's my job to be a good judge of character, and what did I do? Not only did I not see it, I put him up for a promotion.

    [shouts angrily] 

    Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax : He played his hand well.

    Sisko : He played me all right. And what is my excuse? Is he a Changeling? No! Is he a being with seven lifetimes of experience? No! Is he a wormhole alien? No! He's just a man, like me - arrgh! And he beat me!

  • Sisko : "Les Misérables" isn't about the policeman. It's about Valjean - the victim of a monstrous injustice, who spends his entire life helping people, making noble sacrifices for others. That's how Eddington sees himself: he is Valjean, he's Robin Hood, he's a romantic, dashing figure, fighting the good fight against insurmountable odds.

    Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax : The secret life of Michael Eddington.

  • [Eddington has sent Sisko a copy of "Les Misérables" to read] 

    Michael Eddington : Pay close attention to the character of Inspector Javert - the French policeman who spends twenty years chasing a man for stealing a loaf of bread. Sound like anyone you know?

    Sisko : Why don't you beam over and we'll discuss it?

  • Michael Eddington : Mr. Cing'ta won't be joining us. His shuttle had an accident on the way to this rendezvous.

    Sisko : Is he dead?

    Michael Eddington : You just don't understand the Maquis, do you, Captain? We're not killers. Mr. Cing'ta's accident has marooned him on a particularly nasty planet in the Badlands. But I assure you, he's very much alive.

    Sisko : How merciful. You condemned him to a slow death.

    Michael Eddington : It's more than he deserved. He was going to sell us out to you. He betrayed us.

    Sisko : Now, there's a subject *you* know a lot about.

  • [to provoke Eddington, Sisko has just poisoned the atmosphere of a Maquis planet] 

    Michael Eddington : Can't you see what's happening to you? You're going against everything you claim to believe in. And for what? To satisfy a personal vendetta?

    Sisko : *You betrayed your uniform*!

    Michael Eddington : And you're betraying yours, *right now*! The sad part is, you don't even realize it. I feel sorry for you, Captain. This obsession with me - look what it's cost you.

    Sisko : *Major! Shut that thing off! Commander Worf*! Prepare to launch torpedoes!

    Michael Eddington : *Wait*! If... you call off your attack, I'll hand over all our biogenic weapons.

    Sisko : Not enough!

    Michael Eddington : All right, Javert. I'll give you what you want... me.

  • Sisko : Is the new holo-communicator ready?

    Major Kira : The Chief's had online for six hours now. I think he's eager for someone to give it a try.

    Sisko : Always like to please the Chief.

  • Chief O'Brien : With most of the bridge control functions offline, all orders to Engineering will have to be relayed. In the interest of clarity, I thought it best that those messages be relayed with one voice:

    Chief O'Brien : [indicates Nog]  Mr. Academy here. I figured you'd want somebody who could hear you while the bridge is exploding all around you.

    Nog : [alarmed]  Exploding?

    Sisko : We may be going into a combat situation. Do you think you're ready for that, Cadet?

    Nog : Sir, yes, sir! Absolutely, sir!

    Sisko : I'm glad to hear it. Report to the bridge.

    Nog : Aye, sir.

    Nog : [walks off despondently] 

    [under his breath] 

    Nog : Exploding?

  • Captain Sanders : [talking about Eddington]  Do me a favor.

    Sisko : Of course.

    Captain Sanders : Save of me a seat at his court martial.

  • Michael Eddington : Look at them, Captain. They're humans - just like you and me. And Starfleet took everything away from them. Remember that the next time you put on that uniform. There's a war out there, and you're on the wrong side.

    Sisko : You know what I see out there, Mr. Eddington? I see victims. But not of Cardassia or the Federation. Victims of you, the Maquis.

  • Sisko : All right, say it.

    Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax : What?

    Sisko : That I have lost all perspective, that I'm turning this into a vendetta between me and Eddington, and that I am putting the ship, the crew, and my entire career at risk, and if I had any brains at all, I'd go back to my office, sit down, and read Odo's crime reports.

    Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax : I wasn't going to say that.

    Sisko : But that's what you were thinking, right?

    Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax : No. Actually, what I was thinking is... you're becoming more like Curzon all the time.

    Sisko : I don't know how to take that.

    Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax : Consider it a compliment. And the next time *I* go off, half-cocked on some wild-eyed adventure, think back to this moment, and be a little more understanding.

  • Sisko : Eddington is the hero of his own story. That makes me the villain. And what is it that every hero wants to do?

    Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax : Kill the bad guy.

  • Sisko : I think it's time for me to become the villain.

  • [Sisko and Sanders are trying out the new holo-communicator] 

    Captain Sanders : Are you receiving my image, Captain?

    Sisko : Yes, and you?

    Captain Sanders : You appear to be sitting on my bridge. May take me a while to get used to this; I'm not fond of uninvited guests.

    Sisko : I'll try not to overstay my welcome.

  • [last lines] 

    Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax : Benjamin, I'm curious. Your plan to poison the Maquis planets - you didn't clear it with Starfleet first, did you?

    Sisko : I knew I'd forgotten to do something.

    Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax : Big gamble.

    Sisko : That's what it takes to be a good villain.

    Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax : You know, sometimes I like it when the bad guy wins.

  • Sisko : You win some, you lose some.

    Dax : You always had problems with the "lose some" part of that.

See also

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