"Batman: The Animated Series" The Cat and the Claw: Part I (TV Episode 1992) Poster

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A tale about the Catwoman of Gotham. Warning: Spoilers
This episode "The Cat and The Claw. Part One" being the 15th in the order of production was aired as the series premiere in the USA in the 5th day of September back in the year of 1992. Nevertheless it think it is better to consider it the 15th episode for two reasons: First: In most countries, we consider "On Leather Wings" as the premiere episode. And second, being the first of two parts and being the second part the EIGHTH episode of having aired originally, it does not make sense to have two consecutive stories with six unrelated episodes of separation. This (the order where it is the 15th episode) is also the one that most online sources , like Wikipedia,, normally refer to. That said, let's see the episode.

"The Cat and the Claw. Part One" has to do more about the conflicts between Catwoman, who is both a burglar and an defender of wildlife and its ecosystems and "The Red Claw" the most feared terrorist in the world (at least in this episode, there are many more villains that could deserve that title in the DC Universe, Batman alone has 2 or 3...) than it has to do with the struggle between Batman and Catwoman.

Nevertheless, this episode does have to do with the attraction between the two main characters and their alter egos, that is, between both Batman and Catwoman and between Bruce and Selina. It is also important to point out that, unlike most episodes, Batman will consider Bruce to be important for his life, unlike other ones where only the role of Batman is important and Bruce is just one more of his masks.

Some of the scenes in this story, that was the first to be told in some countries remind us that good old series starred by Adam West where most villain girls seem to have a fatal attraction on Batman, and interestingly, Batman did not seem to be immune to all of them...starting with CATWOMAN!

Thanks for reading.

IMDb Review by David del Real.

7th day of November, 2017.
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The Cat and the Claw Part 1
rexshard934 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has a great story and a brilliant teleplay. Story Editor Sean Catherine Derek, Laren Bright, Jules Dennis, and Richard Mueller did a great job.

Some of the Scenes are brilliant. For Example, Catwoman says "So Long, Dark Knight." We hear the line "Drop in, anytime." And we immediately see Batman. Many of the lines are great. Here are some examples - "Thanks for the Memento", "A Cat at the end of its nine lives" are great. This is something that I didn't really see in other episodes of Batman TAS. I remember another great line "I suggest that you save the flattering for the judge." I thought the conversation between James Gordon and Batman was great too. It was very different compared to other episodes. My favorite scene is where Selina Kyle says something like this "Still I wish it was Batman behind these doors." She opens and we see Bruce Wayne.

I thought Animation was brilliant especially the chase scenes between Catwoman and Batman in the beginning. Japanese Studio Sunrise did the animation for Part 1. Akom Animation did animation for Part 2 of The Cat and The Claw. Although the story and teleplay was brilliant, still I thought the animation was horrible for part 2. Producers should have sent the episode to Japanese studios like Sunrise or Studio Mook or Spectrum.
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And so begins the Animated Series
Mr-Fusion21 December 2016
I've always thought 'The Cat and the Claw' was an odd broadcast premiere for this show. It makes sense with "Batman Returns" having just been released, but Catwoman's clearly the focus with Batman taking up a supportive role; that alone is unusual. But on its own, it's not bad. The voice talents are great (especially Adrienne Barbeau, who makes a great Selina Kyle; and Kate Mulgrew works nicely as the terrorist Red Claw) and the playful dynamic between Bruce and Selina is well-defined.

'On Leather Wings' would've been a much better opener, I don't think there's enough material here for a two-part episode. But the first half at least is pretty good.

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Review: The Cat and the Claw Part I
The-Social-Introvert5 October 2016
This episode opens with Catwoman, the thief in the night, doing what she does best with a feline friend. She is tracked and eventually chased by Batman through the rooftops of Gotham. Immediately the one-off relationship between Batman and Catwoman (voiced by the lovely Adrienne Barbeau) is established as they both are unable to deny there is something going on under the radar between the two, despite them both being on either side of the law.

TCATC is another fine episode of The Animated Series. There's a lot going on in this one, including the mob's affairs, Batman and Catwoman's relationship, and corporate business warfare. The main storyline involves Selina Kyle (Catwoman), who is a business woman passionate about wildlife, having her attempts to buy a piece of land for wild cats muscled out by a company who happen to be secretly in league with a terrorist known as Red Claw. This Red Claw character, for whatever terrorist-y reasons, needs the land as there's a hidden military base underneath it and from there she (yes, she) can carry out her dastardly plan of unleashing a toxic poison in Gotham.

As I said already, there are a lot of elements at play in this episode and it's a compliment on the writers' parts that all of these things, such as Selina's donate-money-win-a-bachelor date with Bruce and an exciting police car chase come together to form a cohesive story.

Being rubbed out sends Selina iffy vibes, and she dons her Catwoman outfit and takes a trip to the headquarters of the company who is refusing her purchase of the land, hoping to find evidence of villainous activities. Which she does, of course, seeing as though they are…you know, villains. However, she doesn't manage to do this without alerting Red Claw and co. to her trespassing, and the episode closes with one of their men spying on Selina through her apartment window, having been send there by Red Claw. And I don't think he's there to deliver cupcakes.

My Rating: 8/10
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Batman Battles A 'Cat' And A 'Claw'
ccthemovieman-17 August 2007
They don't waste any time explaining the origins of Catwoman. In fact, they skip it altogether here, beginning the show with the famous villain and her pet cat steal an expensive gem in a high-rise apartment. Batman, however, is on the roof watching. After a short chase, she eludes him. It seems she can fly around the city as well as the Caped Crusader.

Soon after, at one of these auctions where a woman buys a date with a man, a new woman in town - Selina Kyle (Catwoman, in an evening gown) "purchases" Bruce Wayne for $10,000. She's not interested in a date, though, just the contribution since it's for wildlife, something she's passionate about. Bruce wants the date, though, because he's attracted to her.

Back to the action, we now witness witness a big chase scene and find out "the Red Claw," a famous terrorist, is in Gotham City. Commissioner Gordon is justifiably upset with this but has no picture of the guy. If he's so famous, there should be a picture of him somewhere, wouldn't you think. Oh, well, I don''t want to start nit-picking. This is too a show for that.

So, as you can "see," there is a lot of stuff going on in this episode. What I didn't care for was making the Catwoman, who was a common thief, into some sort of heroine because she's going to thwart, or attempt to, the terrorists. However, that's only because she's an animal-rights extremist and terrorist - under the guise of businessmen - won't build a mountain lion sanctuary for her.

This three party struggle - Batman, Catwoman and terrorists - continues with the second part and conclusion next week. (These are back-to-back on the DVD, in different order than listed here.)
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absdgbnkzztj24 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It had a very nice start. But overall, this animation is a complete masterpiece and much better than Batman 2004.
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Here we go...
havokthegamer22 November 2021
This is my first time watching this show in it's entirety. I watched a a lot of the new animated series and some of this show as a kid, but when I was growing up it was mostly TMNT 2003, Teen Titans, Static Shock, and Justice League Unlimited.

Let's start off by saying Kevin Conroy is the greatest Batman to ever Batman. I don't have to say much else about the man behind the dark knights imposing performance, everyone knows this Batman to some extent he is amazing. That being said this Isn't the greatest introduction. It looks fantastic and sounds great, but the story is kind of underwhelming. I think it's mostly because the episode is kind of slow and the villain is boring(not Catwoman she's great), also the cliffhanger feels weird a bit weird. Not much else to say, overall imma give a 6/10. The performances are great, the world is great, the characters are great, everything's great except the story.
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Not a bad way to start off one of the most iconic pieces of Batman media!
madelynmcfly-202743 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad way to start off one of the most iconic pieces of Batman media! I made the decision to re-watch the show, and was greeted with this episode I've never seen before. I think the Batman and Catwoman dynamic here is quite interesting, and this portrayal of Catwoman is very definitive. I think portraying Selina Kyle as a woman who is an environmentalist, as well as referencing the fact that she's a 'cat burgaler', was neat. Red Claw is also set-up as an interesting villain. I don't think this is a flawless episode - Some of the animation is a little rough, the plot not the most engaging... But it gets the job done for a first episode, and I can't wait for more.
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The Cat and the Claw - Strictly Meh
jones-markjones-mark59217 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Story: Bad Batman one-liners. Weak cliffhanger on first episode. Cool Bat-Glider. Good blend of Bruce and Batman plot lines. Irritating references to nine lives cliche. Cool chase scene in cars. (7/10)

Characters: Strange how Selina has a Secretary. Funny irony with Bruce being Batman. Interesting relationship between Bruce and Selina. I like Catwoman's motivation. Perfect Catwoman voice. Red Claw is interesting but has an annoying voice. Her plan is pretty cliche though and she has no motivation. (6/10)

Animation: Strange Catwoman wall-climbing. Faces animated poorly. Dirty colouring in part 2. Strange slow pace in secretary attack scene. Like Catwoman's theme. Flames look awful. Slow pace in Catwoman and Red Claw fight with no impact in the punches. (4/10)

Verdict: 6/10
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Odd pairing of two parts
VetteRanger28 January 2023
Batman: The Animated Series started out with a two-part episode, but for some odd reason Part II is Episode 8. However, since this was aired daily, they were only a week apart. Possibly it was a ploy to keep early viewers hooked, waiting on the second part of the episode.

Here we get Catwoman involved in a burglary, and then donating $10,000 to "win" Bruce Wayne at a charity auction benefitting an animal cause. Neither yet has a clue about the other's secret identities, but after a chase, Catwoman is already hooked on the Batman.

Throw in a terrorist plot they both must battle, and you have a good start to the series.
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A fairly by the numbers Catwoman story
maxglen9 September 2020
This first part is a decent enough start to the Cat and the Claw two hander but it also doesn't do all that much exemplary. It's just fine and that's... fine. Catwoman is fun enough, Conroy IS Batman and the animation is decent. A light to decent 7/10
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The dark Knight begins
kelboy1012 May 2020
This episode focuses more on Catwoman than the cape crusader as she appears to be animal rights extremist and is wanting to build a mountain lion sanctuary. Angry at her lawyers Selina seeks action towards the mob and red claw when her sanctuary is rejected. Not the best episode to open on but it sets the tone of the entire series. Right off of Tim Burton's batman returns came the animated series and it's hard to believe how old this is already. For me the cinematography on the roof tops and car chase scenes are epic. This for me was and still is one of the best animated series of all time. From the dare I say, purrrrfect score, to the film like tone and pacing this stands alone as a rule breaker of its time. The Gothic surroundings and lighting set out where Burtons movies left off along with the magnificent voice talent out of the shadows comes the now all so famous Kevin Conroy voiced Batman. I nice colour palet, the stories drive the animations so well sometimes you forget you are watching a cartoon.
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Batman & Catwoman: Good but Not Great
panagiotis19937 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't know that Catwoman can use her cat to steal stuff, never seen that before, it's kind of funny. Batman saving the cat was adorable. The animation style is pretty unique. Never heard of the character Red Claw, she has to be a character they created for the show. Yeah searched it on google, she wasnt in the comics but they included her recently, interesting. I love how Catwoman brings her cat everywhere she goes, it's kind of funny. Love the reaction of Bruce way Catwoman kissed him. Overall a fun episode but not amazing. It has a nice introduction to Catwoman but now I wanna see more of Red Claw, her plan and what she is all about, didn't see her much in this episode. My rating is 7.3/10.
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Sharpening The Claws
injury-654471 June 2020
I've always been a huge Catwoman fan, so I was excited to see that the series kicks off with her in a central role. Turns out that With Red Claw actually two female villains are introduced in the first episode. I don't know if that's significant or not but it's interesting and shows where we are in the culture. I guess it could be interpreted as an empowering message for girls - you can be a terrorist leader or burglar too! Great?

The story itself is pretty cliche but that's ok, it's only episode 1 after all and it allows you to focus on character and mood. We have the classic jewel heist, the skyscraper chases, the villainous lair with a movable floor, the gangsters and guns, the witty one liners.

The idea of Ms Kyle having a kitty accomplice named Isis draped around her neck is definitely a Catwoman idea I haven't seen before. The cat seemed to provide comic relief? I don't know, it's a ridiculous thing to scale skyscrapers with a cat draped around your neck but it's only a cartoon after all.

The relationship dynamic between Batman and Catwoman has always been a tense and fascinating one. I hope they explore how Mr Wayne is torn between justice & Lust / intrigue in later episodes.

The idea of Gotham having some random potential reserve for wild cats on its outskirts is kinda goofy. But I guess it makes sense if Selena Kyle set it up.

Let's see if all of the parts come to something bigger and better later on in the series.
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Excellent beginning to an Excellent Animated Series
zanghi_james17 May 2022
An interesting depiction of Selina Kyle/Catwoman, with her wildlife activist side being mixed into her rich socialite side. I'm not sure if this version of Selina has the same origin story as she does in the comics or most of the other movies and shows, but she is pretty interesting. I also like her cute secretary, Maven, and I hope she shows up in future episodes.

The actual villain of this production, Red Claw, seems more suited for a G. I. Joe production than DC Comics. I don't think she's a major villain in the comics, either.

This is an interesting series. I've watched a few episodes back in my childhood, but I've really started to watch it more productively now that HBO Max has all the episodes plus most of the other DC Shows.
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Getting me hooked
lbramson19 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm hooked on this show already! I had heard great things about Batman TAS for years, but never watched it. I finally know what I've been missing all my life. This was a convincing start! Tonally, visually, and writing-wise, this is the definitive Batman TV show! I loved the chemistry between the two leads and the Red Claw mystery was perfect! If they keep the streak up, I might be looking at some of the best Batman content ever made and maybe even the best DC show. I feel like complete man after watching this stellar pilot! Great episode, but hopefully the show doesn't peak too early. Can't wait for Part II!
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