Kappa Mikey (TV Series 2006–2008) Poster


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It's a good show!
BlazeuvdeSpirit21 April 2007
Kappa Mikey is a good-natured and funny show. While it pokes fun at Japanese and some American culture, it isn't in a harmful way. The characters have interesting personalities, and there are things in the show that are aimed at different audiences. I personally think the show does a good job with the parodies, and the references to Anime characters are so right on!I agree that one or two shows are not altogether great, but the rest make up for it. The animation is okay. I think it suits the show. I mean they're aiming to make it hilarious not to stare at. Often times, shows like these that are aimed at a certain age are great for all ages. If you want to watch it, it is on Nicktoons.
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A show that represents our cartoons in a whole different country
DcheatB17 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the preview I thought ' not another Dragon ball Z show!' But one day I watched it fully (because I was bored) and found it to be funny! When the Scene at the beginning gets ruined in some strange manner, I always smile. When Mikey Chop's up Ozo's Bonzi tree I laughed. Many people say that the animation is bad but the flash Animation is what made it funnier! the fact that Mikey is animated differential than everyone else is what makes it truly different then most show's I know, When Mikey try's to imitate his cast members expressions( aren't they called face drops?) and say's 'show offs,' I gave that a thumb's up! Why? He is The exact example of a 'fish out of water' When the Japanese release a game we just crawl over it, Mikey Mistakenly traded Gonard for a Lilymu game! We can be very near sighted to other's feelings and Mikey is no exception! He is a over the top American! The cast of Lilymu are the exact opposite of the characters they play! Gonard isn't a viscous monster, but a lovable yet dumb oaf. Mitsuki is the character that shouts out the obvious but in reality the most forgotten cast member by Ozu and is quiet. Guano Only says his name but behind the scenes is the director, the writer, and one of the stars, Which makes him the guy who has a nervous breakdown every episode. Lily is the Damsel in the distress on the show but is actually greedy, manipulative and over bearing to others. The show is how Mikey deals with these situations in the most unusual way! I give this show a 8 out of 10.
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Still holds up
SwitchSwitch36610 September 2023
Even though it has been seven years since I first watched Kappa Mikey, after rewatching it I still believe it is a great cartoon. I really enjoyed nearly every episode of Kappa Mikey however I would say that season one started off pretty bland but becomes good after a while but season two on the other hand has some banger episodes like Back to School, Mitsuki Vanishes, Script Assassin, and The Karaoke Episode (which is my favorite by the way).

I know I said that some of the episodes themselves are amazing but the characters are what make Kappa Mikey really shine. Mikey himself is pretty funny and has a fair share of good moments but sometimes I couldn't stand how idiotic he was or how he treated Mitsuki at times. Guano was good too though he cries a little too much and is practically a wimp who gets pushed around most of the time. Gonard is just the lovable airhead who likes to eat food (mainly sandwiches) but still entertaining all around. Mitsuki and Lily are both interesting in their own right but I somewhat like Lily more though she's a bit of a jerk at times. Ozu is my favorite character cause whenever he gets angry it always cracks me up (most especially when he yells at Mikey and the others), he also seems like a precursor to Benson from Regular Show but less nicer.

There was a time when I wanted Kappa Mikey to make a comeback but now I believe it's better to leave it as it is, a relic of the past, because honestly I believe its better this way than for it to return as a bottom of the barrel remake or god forbid a cringe adult cartoon similar to the pilot.

Btw, the theme song is also a banger.
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Clichés bashed to death in a show totally gone mad.
friend5674 September 2007
It is important how you watch this. "Kappa Mikey" does absolutely not take itself serious but rather wants to take clichés, make fun of them and just make its watchers have a good time. First of all, there's the unique look - with Mikey Simon looking American cartoon flash-animated style living in Japan where everything looks Anime. It has a very special style to it which is incredibly exaggerated and crazy but for that reasons likable.

Style is not everything, for sure it's the content that also matters. And here we get a lot of that. All in all, the stories are just like the show looks - mad, quirky and often exaggerated. But all happenings usually come up with parody, irony, sarcasm or any other kind of humour you can think of.

I can accept if someone does not like "Kappa Mikey" because it's better watched with enough distance not to take it serious - it's only fun and knows about it.
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An anime about an anime!
Chloroform16 March 2006
Kappa Mikey may look dumb at first sight, but the show will honestly grow you on. It's basically about a boy named Mikey from America (And is animated like traditional American cartoons, thick outlines, round eyes etc.), and travels to Japan to star in an anime show. So it's an anime about anime kind of. But funny things happen to Mikey and his friends in the show. It's cleverly written, and the characters are lovable.

It does parody anime at times, for example, in one episode Mikey sees a doctor named Dr. Takashi who wears his medical headband over his left eye (Like Kakashi from the anime Naruto). So there are parodies of anime in here, but it is one hilarious show, and I think you should give it a try.
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Atrocious Warning: Spoilers
"Kappa Mikey" is a terrible series, being a painfully unfunny and poorly made series, which reunites the most undesirable aspects of both Japanese and American animation.

While the premise had some certain level of interest creating a parallel/contrast between the fiction in the reality, the chances to create a good parody are missed, being used several clichés and annoying stereotypes instead.

Most of the humor of this series is dumb and uninspired at best, appealing to several tired and overdone jokes, none of them being remotely funny at least.

None of the characters from this series is likable or interesting at least. All of them seem like bland archetypes borrowed from several different series, lacking of any kind of remarkable personality.

The animation is horrible. The poorly done combination of two aesthetics (Which are different on the surface, but equally awful) results in something very ugly and unappealing, with a horrible colorization, hideous designs, very limited and basic expressions and limited movements for the main characters.

"Kappa Mikey" is one of the worst cartoons that I've seen in my life, which fails spectacularly at every single aspect. Personally, I think that other cartoons (Such as "Megas XLR") did a much better job at the moment of make a parody of Japanese and American animation. Also, those cartoons had more likable characters, were better animated and weren't so dumb and annoying as this series.

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A nice parody of Japanese and American culture
PizzaGuyLOL30 January 2007
Kappa Mikey is a show about a high-school graduate (Mikey) who comes to Japan after winning a contest to be the start of the LilyMu show. The show is primarily drawn in a Japanese anime style while Mikey (and other American characters) are drawn in a western style of animation. Kappa Mikey is an interesting venture into something new. The animation isn't the smoothest in the world, but thats to be expected from Adobe Flash. Essentially, the show is a giant parody of anime, Japanese culture, and American culture (the former being more prominent than the latter). Kappa Mikey is an enjoyable source of entertainment from a network (Nickelodeon) that was struggling to find something new and original, and definitely succeeds in being a good action/comedy show.
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The fact that it parodies animes is not it.
xlnaraia30 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
*Just very brief spoilers. It doesn't matter much* I assume you know what the show is about, right? Well, if you don't, it's about this kid names Mikey. He wins this contest and is now the star of a Japanese anime. That's the basic of it.

Anyway, I have to say, this show does not bring enjoyment to me at all. But, let me say this. It's not the fact that it parodies animes. It's not the animation. The show is just not good. I swear. Episode plots are weak and unoriginal. A video game that looks like the first Mario game? No, even WORSE than the first Mario game. People carry around a game everywhere they go? Pirates kidnapping Gonard? In Japan? Yeah. Okay.

I in general, I don't really like this show. Seriously. Like I said, it's not because of it's animation and the fact that it's anime influenced. What it's about is just dumb. I'm sorry. Now, I can imagine how many people will not agree with me, and my review is pretty mediocre. Ah, well. 5/10.
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An awesome show, and quite underrated!
Homer5671224 May 2006
This show is great! At first I expected it to be corny, but upon watching a few episodes of it, I now love it! The characters have interesting and funny personalities, and I like how this parodies Japanese anime. Also, while the majority of the plots are nothing special, they're definitely funny, like they're supposed to be. One thing that REALLY adds to the greatness is the "Lilymu" show that Mikey and his friends are in. It has some very fun fights, and I enjoy Gonard as a villain, and I think the way it's played out is awesome.

Overall, a truly great show. It could admittedly use some minor tweaks, but it's great overall, and I think there's a lot of people who aren't giving this show a fair chance.
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Mikey's come to town, from the USA straight to rubbage
Midgarmerc4 March 2007
the show is great!

if you're 8 years old and an idiot First off Kappa Mikey is NOT the first show to parody anime publicly watch Excel Saga or Pani Poni Dash (they're anime too but at least they're ENJOYABLE) secondly, even though its a parody its still a BAD parody, the cultural references are borderline racist and just plain unfunny. The animation has no excuse for its amount of suck, "ITS A FLASH CARTOON!!" yeah that would be fine if the show were on Newgrounds but no its a Nicktoon and therefore has the resources to deliver solid animation. Avatar The Last Airbender did it so Kappa Mikey can too. Anime is known for a certain number of criteria which are: outstanding animation, interesting characters, good sound-effects, etc. etc. all the things that go into a good show. Now there are also a lot of sub-categories in anime like: parody, romance, romance-comedy, comedy, action, sci-fi, mecha, etc. now go ahead and tell me which category Kappa Mikey parodies? ... ... thats correct, Kappa Mikey fails to successfully parody ANYTHING

with this taken into consideration one can come to a couple of solutions either A) Kappa Mikey is a terrible excuse for a fake-anime and deserves to be destroyed or B) Kappa Mikey is NOT a parody of anime and is in fact just a border-line racist look on Japanese culture and people with terrible writing, acting, animation, music, or any other form of creativity

I guarantee that one of you will ask "why come to IMDb and comment about a show you hate just to express how much you hate it?" simple, its because I cant stand idiots who think shows like Kappa Mikey and Bo-Bo-Bo Bobobo are 8 stars out of 10 quality

although I give Bobobo credit for actually being a BETTER parody although being better than unholy crap isn't saying much
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People should give this show a chance!
lil_melon876 June 2007
I've read the other comments, and the reactions to this show is very black and white. People either love it or hate it. The thing is that the bad reviews confuse me. Some didn't like that one episode with the video game and the pirates. They thought that concept was dumb. Did they expect it to be an intelligent show? Not all shows can be "Frasier" (also a good show). The show is SUPPOSED to be ridiculous! Also, it doesn't stereotype Japan, it stereotypes the ANIMATION! Yeah, sometimes it goes a little overboard with the animation, but if you watch the latter episodes, they do it less often. The animation isn't even really part of the joke, it's the dialogue. It's got funny dialogue! If people can just sit through the show, ignore the annoying bits of animation, and listen to what they're saying, and HOW they're saying, they can find this a truly enjoyable show.
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Best of Both Worlds!!!
kaynebaby7182 March 2006
I'm a fan of both Anime and American cartooning and this show is best of both worlds! Mikey is hilarious and its fun to watch him fit in.This show is also perfect for any kid thats ever moved to a totally different place, like myself. You'll also fall in love with with the characters. They all have totally different and awesome personalities. It's just a real cool funny show and I really love it. Its real original and real awesome!Its sort of like a reality show. It's a show about a show. I know that sounds kind of stupid but it really isn't. Most shows about reality shows , such as "Drawn Together", are really bad. But not this one, this one is different. Not everyone will like this show, but if you love anime and you love the American stuff then you will so fall in love with this show. It's a perfect combo.
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My personal opinion
tenohsan063 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of cartoons in general. American and Japanese alike. But this is a joke. The animation sucks. The character designs are very poor and unoriginal. And even though it's a parody, it's over exaggerates. I think perhaps the creator could've done a bit more research on anime and Japanese culture before they decided to humiliate themselves with such crap. How embarrassing. This show gives anime a bad image. It's pointless. The humor is directed for people of low mentality, I'm guessing. As far as I'm concerned, this doesn't fit anywhere in the category of "good taste". If the creator has any sense, he'll drop the show immediately. Or at least put more effort into developing the style and characters more, agreed?
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dylanb-7764617 April 2019
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The Nostalgia! It BUUUURNS!!!!
ultrahornetchaser20 March 2015
See, Nickelodeon, this is what you get when you actually TRY to make good shows! Not stupid stuff like The Thundermans! This is a genuinely good cartoon.

Back when Nicktoons Network was a thing, this was my favorite show. It was funny, the animation was great, and every character is lovable in their own way.


What is wrong with you people? -__-

Anyway, back to Kappa Mikey. It's really great. Great like My Life as a Teenage Robot, Corneil and Bernie, and Jimmy Neutron.This is a QUALITY CARTOON. It's appropriate for kids, unlike Breadwinners. It's funny, unlike The Thundermans. And it has awesome characters, unlike EVERY TEEN NICK SHOW EVER.
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An excellent show
joachim00517 December 2009
I can't really see why so many people are bashing on this TV-show. I mean, sure the Animation is crude, the chibi style is a bit overused and there's way too many sound effects. But still, there's many points why this is a great one too.

First, Kappa Mikey is actually just a parody of itself. It's not meant to be serious, and the target audience for this show has to be Anime lovers. You'll see lots of references to Full Metal Alchemists, Chobits, Azumanga Daioh and even Yu-gi-oh which is jokes most people just don't get. I also see most of the people complaining are either kids, teens who can't write normal English or nerds, huh?

Secondly, the character designs looks very decent, not really crappy. I mean, it's still a lot better than most Anime flash animated movies on the net, right? The coloring is also just right, so let's give an applause for that.

Third, most episodes are about the problems regarding Anime. Edits when releasing it outside Japan (Like 4kids does), Piracy (Ecspecially Video Games), writing scripts for countless episodes (Bleach, Naruto, One Piece...) and the use of music.

Fourth, the fact that they actually got a popular Japanese band like "Beat Crussaders" to perform their theme song is just unbelievable. Fantastic. Splendid. And the song is even catchy. The fact that they didn't bother to make a new ending theme is what keeps it away from getting 10 of 10.

I guess some people will continue to bash this show to death and make fun of people who're watching this. But they're just stupid themselves, since they can't blame anyone for liking a show. That would be the same as blaming someone for enjoying violence.

But that's all for now. And at least give this show a chance, before blaming it for everything. It took quite some time to get into it.
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Cured my toenail fungus
dylanb-7764617 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this amazing show and it cured my toenail fungues 10/10 would mama bird cheerios into my dogs mouth again!!!!!!!
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Entertaining and very funny!
isabelleaweber14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who has seen their fair-share of anime, I honestly really enjoy this show. If I had to complain about anything though, it would be Lily. I know she is supposed to parody the "tsudere" cliche found in anime, but I think the show takes it too far and just makes her unlikable. Mikey is also kind of irritating, but it's not as bad as Lily. The best character in my opinion is Mitsuki. If your looking for a very funny, feel-good show, this is perfect for you!
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One of the GREATEST animated shows of all time.
SgtFrog3 February 2024
Truly. Kappa Mikey is one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. Fantastic writing, great characters, the voice actors are PERFECTLY cast, and superb animation-just an all around AWESOME tv show.

Give it a try. You'll thank me later!!

If you're looking for the greatest Animé show of all time; checkout 'Sgt. Frog' (a.k.a. 'Keroro Gunso'). Make sure to specifically watch FUNimation's American Dub of 'Sgt Frog,' starring Todd Haberkorn. It's SO GOOD, I'm seriously considering mortgaging my home so I can pay Funimation to Dub the complete series as well as the movies. Both of these shows are absolute PERFECTION!!

Bravo to everyone involved in making entertaining kids shows that adults will enjoy too. I miss the late 1990's/early 2000's era which had so many great shows the whole family could enjoy: Kim Possible, Phil of the Future, Even Stevens, Dexter's Laboratory, The Power Puff Girls, Foster's Home Imaginary Friends, The Replacements.... What happened to Disney and Cartoon Network? The dreck they produce now is shameful.
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A show ahead of it's time in some ways
lovelytekki18 April 2021
Kappa Mikey is decently well known online, for better or worse, but personally I think that it holds up pretty well to this day and deserves a lot more positive recognition. The series begins when Mikey Simon, a self-absorbed and unsuccessful American actor who wins a contest to become the new star of Lilymu, a Japanese anime series. It's a slice of life comedy series that typically follows a day in the life of Mikey and his friends working on Lilymu. Such friends include the sweet Mitsuki, the well-meaning oaf Gonard, and the neurotic Guano.

The humour is very fast-paced, and they hit you with jokes one after another. The animation can be humorous at times with how they poke fun at exaggerated faces in anime, but it doesn't overly rely on that either. I would describe it as one part a parody of anime, and another part a character comedy where a lot of the jokes come from how characters interact. The main five characters, while they argue quite a lot, are still a believable and memorable friend group in the end. A lot of the scenarios the characters find themselves in can get downright ridiculous as well, further adding to the comedy of the show.

While I think this series is a great comedy cartoon, it still has it's issues and aspects that didn't age too well. The animation is not the best and sometimes appears very stiff, and while the voice cast is generally great, Ozu and Yesman's mimicking of Japanese accents was pretty annoying. This problem was most apparent in season 2's Karaoke Episode, where Ozu just screams out his songs and has no rhythm whatsoever.

In conclusion, I think that Kappa Mikey, though it has it's issues, is still a great animated comedy worth a second shot. Don't go into this expecting some serious action anime, because that's not what they want to deliver here.
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Awesome Show!
vader_0018 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this a while back and i still can't the theme song out on my head i mean it is so catchy and i think anyone with a life would enjoy it.

Mikey is an awesome character who is probably based on Fry from Futurama and lives up to Fry's standards. It is also hilarious when Mikey tries to imitate his co-workers when they have one of those anime moments when a characters head turns freakishly big, and he feels left out so he tries joining in which has hilarious results. Lily is like one of those Sailor Moon characters and is always annoying her peers. Gonard is a pretty much big inspiration from Goku of Dragon Ball Z(which is one of the most awesome anime's ever!) and with Sean Schemmel voicing, it really brings you back to the days when the show was still on. Mitsuki is the girl who will never really be accepted by Mikey even though she is almost a secret stalker with all his pictures. Guano is like the Pikachu with a bit of attitude and I think anyone would find him hilarious.

The idea of American cartoons and Japanese Anime being combined is brilliant. And if the show where still continuing to be made, we may have seen a character based on Family Guy or the Simpsons which would have been hilarious. Could you imagine Stewie in this environment? Exactly! Thats why I recommend this show to ANYONE who wants a good laugh and someone who loves cartoons.
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drawntogether527 August 2006
This is another stupid Japanese shows they think is funny i don't like that show much, an American kid goes 2 japan 2 me in a anime? what the hell? not a funny show u people making this crap stupid Japanese shows this is 1 & so is hi hi puffy amiyumi people leave the good Japanese shows 2 the real ones who makes it good i hate it when this shows try 2 be come chibis not funny on these shows leave the chibis on the show like azumanga daioh stop insulting anime show go- damn it i wish u would just stop making these crappy shows i feel like a dumb ass when i watch this kinda crap kappa Mikey,hi hi puffy amiyumi gotta go OK great good bye kappa & hi hi puffy
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