Feeding the Masses (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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These Knock-Off Zombie Movies Are Getting Out Of Hand!
BraveHawk12 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Feeding The Masses was just another movie trying to make a little money off of the zombie craze that is going around, mostly due to the popularity of movies such as Land Of The Dead and the Resident Evil series.

It starts at a television station, which is guarded by the military, and are reporting that The Lazarus Virus (zombies) are close to containment and the city will soon be free to do their business again. The problem is, this is totally false. Zombies are running rampantly and only a small minority of people are aware. Among them are Torch (William Garberina), the camera man, Sherry (Rachael Morris), the lead anchor woman (who for some reason is listed as playing Shelly on this website) and Roger (Patrick Cohen), their military escort. Torch and Sherry are against lying to the people but the station is being run by secret service (or some other government agency) and they are heavily censored.

This movie gives itself a pat on the back on the box-cover saying "We hold FEEDING THE MASSES on a higher level than any o the three 'of the Dead' films by George A. Rombero." The source of that quote has lost ALL credibility with me.

Let me just say that this movie is BAD. I don't mean bad like I was expecting more (I obviously was, though) but I mean bad in that I could not find any redeeming qualities in the film, whatsoever. The acting in all parts are either over done or too wooden. Did anybody remember their lines or are they reading off of cue cards? I can't even think of what the best part of the movie was or the best actor/actress. There really was not one. If I had to give a nod to someone, I would say Roger, the military escort was probably the most interesting character but that is really not saying much.

I would have to recommend to pass on this movie, despite the box-cover looking pretty good (It's what originally drew me to the movie). 3/10
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Decent story... needs work
ZumBLuvR24 January 2007
If my IMDb name doesn't say it, then I sure as hell can explain it. I love zombie movies, even the no budget stuff like Feeding the Masses. Now Masses with nothing spectacular, but one thing I will say is the story kept me interested from beginning to end. The only annoying part about the film, IMHO, was the commercials plugged throughout the film. I really felt they distracted from the story a lot. However, I think the group put forth a decent effort and pulled off a decent indie flick.

Justa thought, but maybe you guys could re-edit the film and do some major toning down on the brightness. Aside from the massive video look it has potential once it is re-color corrected.
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Never judge an unknown video by its cover...
MrGKB10 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
...because 99 out of 100 times, the producers lied through their teeth (or someone else's) to get you to rent or buy their *mercifully censored*.

Shock-O-Rama Cinema proves the truth of this yet one more time with the release of "Feeding the Masses," a possibly well-intentioned but utterly inept and dismal entry into the zombie genre. Folks, this is not only low-budget film-making, this is VERY low-budget film-making by a bunch of people who--I'm sorry, I know they have families who love them--will never, ever be in Variety in any significant fashion. This is one baaaaaaaaaad mooin' pitcher, folks, and not just because it's cheap.

The acting is mediocre, but I don't blame the actors; they had no direction. They had no direction because the script was a half-baked zombie fantasy with no sense of real cinematic storytelling. Characterization is thin at best, no thanks to weak dialogue and soporific direction. Have I mentioned yet that the script and the direction are pretty lame? They are. There's no drama, no tension, no great character moments, nothing. The whole premise of government suppression of the media is squandered on sophomoric "commercial breaks" and an undramatic storyline that defies rational analysis and awkwardly shambles to its ridiculous finish. Syd Field would not be pleased.

How could the government suppress the truth of a virulent zombie epidemic when the reality of it would be apparent everywhere? Why would they give it more than a cursory try? In this day and age of cellphone cameras with wireless access, what could they possibly hope to accomplish for more than a day or so at best? Now, if they were covering something up, like their own culpability....but "Feeding the Masses" never explores such possibilities. Instead, it dwells on absurdity and poorly staged events to dig for laughs and/or significance, praying its audience won't notice the near total lack of production value beyond basic film-making equipment. Did anyone in this film get paid? I hope the actors did, if only for their time wasted on career blind alleys like this one; at least the techies got to rack up some legitimate work experience.

Even zombie fans will find little to gain from "Feeding the Masses." The gore is remarkably tame for no-budgeters of its rank, and there are no distinctive set pieces or memorable effects. They're all eminently forgettable, in fact. KNB has nothing to fear.

Even junk like the Aussie stillbirth "Undead" was miles ahead of "Feeding the Masses." Sorry, guys, back to the drawing boards, and take your deceptive marketing with you.
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A porn without the sex
genericuser-124 August 2005
You know how everyone jokes about the acting in porno movies? Well if you've always found the plot line of a porn to captivate your interest, then this movie is for you. It truly was like a porn without the sex. Or if that analogy is not to your liking, imagine you and your drunk roommate found a movie camera abandoned on a park bench. This is the movie that you would make. -Horrible acting -bad camera work -Music done on a casio keyboard This movie has it all, and more. For those who are masochists in the crowd, this is a premiere piece for your collection.

All I can figure is that the only people to submit reviews for this dripping pile of movie, were people who 'starred' in it.

Their movie career is over before it started.
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Subtle as a brick to the head
movieman_kev24 September 2005
Some news reporters and their military escorts try to tell the truth about a epidemic of zombies, despite the 'government controlling the media'. The makings of the film don't understand that the George Romero zombie films only worked because he kept his politics subtly in the background of most of his films ("Land of the Dead" withstanding). This satire is about as subtle as a brick to the face or a bullet to the head is more apropos for this scenario. What's subversive or subtle about seeing a military guy masturbating to death and destruction? Anything nuanced about the various commercials that are inter-cut with the film? Nope. Furthermore the acting is uniformly horrible, the characters thoroughly unlikable, and the plot inane. Add this all up and you have the worst, most incompetent zombie film since, "C.H.U.D. 2" reared it's hideous head.

My Grade: D
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Paranoid times while the living dead are walking.
michaelRokeefe23 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This apocalyptic zombie film tries to be vicious and shocking; but FEEDING THE MASSES comes off lame as some of the stiff-legged zombies stalking the streets. In Rhode Island, a zombie epidemic known as the Lazarus Virus is being played down by the government manipulated newspapers and television stations. A couple of brave, but dumb, souls at Channel 5 TV News feels its audience is being given false hope and no idea of the real danger at hand. An eager reporter(Racheal Morris)and her cameraman(William Garberina), with the aid of a military escort(Patrick Cohen), risk life and limb to present a 'live' broadcast to show the doom at hand. Do yourself a favor and don't watch. This thing is obviously very low budget and comes across with the feel of a high school play gone bad. Acting is atrocious and the flesh-hungry zombies are almost comical. Also appearing are: Michael Propster, William DeCoff and Brenda Hogan. FEEDING THE MASSES should be left to starve.
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Pure Garbage
phildogger31 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is perhaps the worst attempt at a Zombie film I have ever had the misfortune to see. Terrible, terrible, terrible. Any review found on this site is obviously the work of either the filmmaker, the filmmakers family, or a friend of the filmmaker. How does this film suck? Let us count the ways...

The plot? Incoherent. Dialogue? Atrocious. I will not slam the effects/gore, as I understand that this is low budget. But was there even one zombie that was not obese? C'mon! And for a film set in Rhode Island, why did that truck sport a Massachusetts plate? Continuity, find some.

The Girl dancing while the soldier "Stands at attention". Please, don't put your ex-girlfriend or buddy's sister in your movie naked. This was an ugly movie filled with ugly people, and has no business even mentioning Romero on the cover. Next time you decide to make a movie, don't.
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Possibly the worst movie I have ever seen.
BradM7322 August 2005
Honestly, who in God's name gave this movie an 8.1 rating?? I guess the people who actually made or starred in the movie were the ones who voted. Otherwise this movie sucks! This movie is nothing more than an amateur, or possibly student, film. I'm a movie fanatic, and have seen terrible movies, but there was literally nothing redeeming here. The story and acting was the worst I've ever seen. The props, including the use of toy airsoft guns with terrible special effects, where just as bad as everything else. I'm all for bad language in movies, but the F-Bomb was dropped about every third word and I think we might have a winner for the most use of the F-Bomb in any movie EVER. The movie also appears to have been filmed using cheap video cameras and not actual film. I'd expect this to get awards for an amateur movie shown only on public access stations around the country, but it doesn't belong on a DVD.

Do not buy this movie. Do not rent this movie. All I can say was that this was a terrible waste of a free movie rental coupon. This is valuable time that you will NEVER get back. Unfortunately for me, that time is lost, but it's not too late for you. If you decide to rent this movie, consider this my warning.
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Good for what it is
Heislegend4 August 2007
First of all, let me say that I am by no means in love with this movie, but in the face of the sheer number of awful reviews I just have this to say: it's not that bad. Sure, for every movie on IMDb you'll see at least one person going on and on about how it's the "worst movie" they've EVER seen. In point of fact those people don't usually know what truly bad is.

"Feeding The Masses" is definitely worth the watch if you're into the zombie/comedy genre. Yes, it has it's problems. It's an indie flick shot on a low budget. The story could be a bit stronger and the effects could have been quite a bit better (although they're reasonable given the budget). All in all it's a decently humorous zombie flick with a tiny bit of heart...even if it is introduced a bit too late in the movie. Yes, it's got it's flaws, but that doesn't make it the "worst movie ever". Hell, you're lucky if this is the worst you've seen.
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Too intelligent for no one
Ultra_violence18 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As you may have gathered from the title, I wholeheartedly believe this movie to be the worst zombie movie of all time. The acting, camera-work, writing, special effects and anything else remotely related to this movie sucked. People have argued that while this movie is terribly-acted and terribly-produced but it comes through with a witty intelligent script. Wow. The plot has more holes than I or anyone else could possibly count. For starters, why would the government tell everyone to go back to work when it's not safe? I know the government's supposed to be evil but they don't gain anything by killing the entire population of the country. There wouldn't be anyone to govern! Another thing that I was wondering about, even if the government told everyone to go to work, why would people go if the streets were swarming with zombies? Were the zombies going to hide in the bushes and ambush the unsuspecting people in order to aid the government in their plot to kill everyone on the planet? And how about the ending? That stupid Torch guy sacrifices his life in order to get a few close up shots of the zombies. He probably forgot that every camera made in the last 35 years has a zoom feature. And another thing, why does he say Hindenburg before he dies. The Hindenburg was a rare event seen by a very few people. The zombie menace will been seen by everyone in the country, possibly the world. He doesn't think anyone else will get a few snapshots? They also managed to ruin the only semi-interesting scene in the film when the soldier is watching the exotic dancer. Why did the zombie hide behind a curtain for five minutes before attacking the girl? Especially when the zombie could have come through the DOOR. It's probably just something an unintelligent zombie movie fan such as myself wouldn't understand. Every day I pray that God with increase my brain capacity long enough for me to figure out all the subtle nuances in Feeding the Masses.

Anywho, I think it's interesting that this is the first movie that gave me the desire to physically hurt the people involved in the production. Hey Trent Haaga, I'm calling you out!
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Good movie, unexpected scenes
delwaterman7 May 2005
I watched this film with a bunch of my friends and we all found it to be a great break from traditional horror films. While not really scary, this film has some really shocking parts. My friends and I are the annoying people who predict the plot of the movie out loud, in this film we had no idea what's coming next.

Yes the film is low budget, so you are not going to see Lord of the Rings special effects here, but they are pretty damn good for a low budget film.

In short, I would say that this film starts off in a semi-predictable place but soon goes right off to an area you would never expect. In the end, you'll laugh, you'll be shocked and you'll have fun all the way to the end.
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Feeding the Zombie Genre
DjfunkmasterG9 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Indie cinema sometimes gets a bad rep because anyone with a video camera now thinks they are Steven Spielberg or Stanley Kubrick, I even say this about myself as I am an indie filmmaker as well.

I have a huge love for zombie films. Those and Vampire flicks are about the only horror movies I enjoy and sometimes they can go very wrong when not treated with respect. I recently rented feeding the masses of blockbuster online and it arrived Yesterday in the mail so I popped it in the DVD player.

I almost immediately turned this off when I watched the opening scene of a piece of meat being cut, and it had the "Video Look". I hate when people make indie films and are to cheap to fork up for at 24 fps Progressive Camera or at least use software to de-interlace the image. Thankful I waited it out and was glad to see a majority of the film was shot as I expected it would be (de-interlaced - no video look).

Feeding The Masses suffers from a few problems...

1. Budget - This could be argued for any indie film made for under $100,000, but this film had a pretty huge scope and I think they pulled it off pretty nicely with what little money they had, but you could tell the budget affected a lot of things in the film.

2. Visual FX... I don't mind the occasional CG muzzle flash or bullet hit, but for the sake of all that is holy never try to create a huge explosion or fire with CG programs on a zero budget it comes off hokey, but I will say the CG work on the guns was very nice... the fire and explosions really made the film feel corny at times.

3. Corny Commericals... The Party bus and reburial commercials were just plain stupid and really served no purpose, and really hurt the momentum of the film. When the film started getting really good these annoying commercials would come on and totally mess with the films feel. Bad choice.

4. Acting - I only had an issue with the blonde female reporter, no one else.

Feeding the Masses is a fun ride at times because it spoofs how the Gov't does one thing while completely doing another. I really felt it did nail some of the feel of how the current administration dealt with Iraq and how they would use subterfuge(sp?) to keep the public un-informed it was a great touch to the film.

The story is a god story, it made me keep wanting to watch to see how it ended, and aside from the distractions listed above this film is pretty entertaining at times. If you do consider the film keep a few things in mind: A. This is down in the dirt low budget indie cinema.

B. Don't look for any really outstanding performances or great film techniques.

C. It is made for a zombie fan, and you have to have a true love for the genre to appreciate the work in the film.

This is not a horrible film, nor is it a great film. It is a film shot on the digital video standard and at times has the Video look, and at times has a film look... however what it is is a decent way to blow 90 mins when you're really bored, and the nice part you won't walk away feeling cheated... I walked away feeling entertained.

I give it a 6 out of 10 because of the issues I listed above, other than that It was good.
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Sloppy and Poorly Shot
foggy-916 February 2006
Set in Providence, Rhode Island, Feeding the Masses tries to be a satiric look at the role of the media in government. At best, it could be applied to how the US try to control media during the Iraq War, but it ends up feeling hollow. There's never any really tension in the story and the acting never very good. Worst, the direction of the movie is atrocious, focus more on odd camera angles that fail to convey anything beyond "Isn't this an odd way to hold the camera." Special effects are pretty bad...at one point video of an explosion is green screened over the city, and it's laughable at best.

The film does have a couple bright spots...namely the advertisements for post-zombie services (including a reclamation service and a party bus). But it's far too little to make the film worthwhile.

For a better zombie film, try Hide and Creep. It has the same weak production value, but there's much more wit, humor and talent behind it.
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A Good Idea
ozzie676727 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As I re-watched Dawn of the Dead the other day, it made me wonder what happened to the folks that remained in the city as those few renegades left the city by helicopter. This film gave me an idea. The heroes make up a television news crew that continue to broadcast to the citizens even though a shadowy government agency (not to mention zombies) are working against them. I won't give away the ending, but it was better than I expected. As for the overall quality of the film, I cannot truly attest for I saw a very rough cut. The special effects need a lot of work, but most of the film is up to snuff with the production values of a B-grade horror flick. Standing out in a cast of unknowns is Michael Propster as a camera man who becomes all too aware of the danger facing the crew. I will obtain a finished product and make sure to give it a second viewing. POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!! My favorite scene is one in which a member of the news team is murdered, and Propster leans forward, uttering "We're f**ked." It proves an apt description for the fate of the characters in the film.
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Excellent Special Effects!!
Bob34Mike21 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Although nothing can compare to Vampires Vs. Zombies...in any realm of film making i will attempt to judge this movie.

Firstly, the special effects were breath-taking. When there was an explosion on the television screen i thought my entire house was going to explode, and when automatic machine guns were fired i thought the shells were landing on the floor right next to me. Simply stunning my friends.

But the scene when the Jack Black sound-a-like is giving the worst monologue i have ever heard i nearly killed myself, but don't worry since he was getting blazed in the movie he can pass his awful acting off on "I must be high". Seriously, he must have watched himself mindlessly babbling about non-congruent thoughts that make absolutely no sense and just added that he must be "high" to justify his awful acting. Well if you can say that to excuse terrible acting then if you talked to the writers, directors, executive producers, sponsors you will probably get the same response...seriously.

With a production team called "Shock-o-rama" i was shocked i didn't place a sawed-off shotgun in my mouth and ended my life after this shockingly terrible excuse for a movie was played.

If you want to see this movie, then you should be murdered

Yours Truly,

The General
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Worst movie ever!
hate_mcangry17 November 2005
Please, for the love of God, don't watch it. Now saying that, I know what you're thinking, it can't be that bad can it? If everyone says it as bad as they say, I have to watch it! Don't do it! It'll be like looking at a horrible accident involving little babies and a gasoline tanker! You'll be scarred for life...the image will never leave you! I could only watch a half hour of this before becoming violently sick. The acting is the worst I've ever seen, and I've seen Barbwire!!! If you do risk ripping your eyes out and rent this movie...don't say I haven't warned you! The cover and storyline are a trap!! Zombies? Satire? Shaun of the Dead was great! This movie must be the same....right? NO!! The writing = crap directing = garbage acting = there was no acting. Still not convinced? Then forever your soul will be tormented!!!
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Disgusting to say the least
gercla16 July 2006
First, a little summary. This reporter named Torch is basically trying to get out the story of a zombie outbreak and finds the military & government censoring him. Nice message, government censorship and all that, but the way they DID the movie was, well let me explain.

This movie is beyond description. The idea that somebody holds it in higher regard than anything by George Romero is justification enough for the reviewer to be committed to a mental institution. The script is atrocious on its own, like it was written by a sixth grader.As for special effects, I understand that independent films have low budgets, and some gore effects looked acceptable, but if you want a scene with fire, here's a tip: buy some nonflammable material, have an extinguisher ready, and get a fire going! Don't digitally add it in and make it look like an explosion from a Nintendo 64 game. The acting, well let's put it this way. In my summer theater program, a cold reading of the script is, compared to this, The Godfather. I won't even go into the inconsistencies. Find them yourself.

What disturbed me the most, though, was when everything was finished after shooting and editing, somebody might have said, "Okay, this looks good. Let's release it." It sends a chill down my spine to even think about it, to think somebody felt that this was good enough for DVD release. This isn't DVD quality. This isn't Sci-Fi channel quality. Hell, this isn't even film school quality. If you were to submit this in for a project at a film school, you would get an F. No, not even an F, more like an F-. I wouldn't be surprised if he would try to get you expelled.

I felt used after I saw this thing. Blockbuster and the makers of this movie have my money right now, and I'd prefer not to think of what they're doing with it. I have been the pawn of some elaborate, nefarious scheme at legalized theft, and it doesn't feel good to think that I walked right into it, looking at the back cover with pleasant memories of 28 Days Later only to find a film Ed Wood would watch and say afterwards, "I didn't much care for this." This film is the single most terrible movie I have seen. I have not seen anything by Ed Wood, but I have confidence this is worse. If you are looking for serious cinema, so much as being within ten feet of it will probably give you a bad headache. If not, I still recommend that you personally write the director and ask how he sleeps at night. However, if you are the kind of person who get a laugh out of really bad stuff then I recommend you check this out. You won't be disappointed.
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Worst ZOMBIE movie ever!!!
jaymz-1525 September 2005
The DVD cover claims to put it in a higher class than all three of the ROMERO classics. That's utter nonsense. They are either total liars or smoking some really good stuff. This crap should not have been released. And the acting was horrible also. No one can compare with George Romero and putting his name on the cover to give this waste of money credibility is a crime. Don't rent it. Don't watch it for free. Run as far away from it as possible. I know that a lot of ZOMBIE movies are not very good, But this one is the king of BAD ZOMBIE FILMS. See "Land Of the Dead" or "Undead". These are two new Zombie flicks worth your hard earned money.
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Worth a Look
EcofinaMan31 July 2009
Feeding the Masses is definitely one of the indie zombie flicks worth taking a look at. I have been privy to seeing a few gems, a few ghastly offerings and some worth while offerings.

Feeding the Masses falls into the worth while category as it does try to bring a social message with it, but it tends to go off the deep end once in a while.

From what I can tell the film was budgeted around $20,000 and it seems they tried to spend the money where it counted, but there is something this film lacks, lots of zombies.

When I look at zombie films I want to see zombies , not just a cluster here or there, but an overall mass of rotting dead flesh engulfing the world one bite at a time.

When it comes to zombie films they are never really about the zombies, they are about the characters, and zombies are just the background menace screwing up the works for everyone involved, however, Feeding the Masses uses not only the zombies, but the how the government is spinning the media frenzy surrounding the rising of the dead.

One of the aspects I really enjoyed is how they delved inside the government control of media, it felt almost communist in nature, and I mean that in terms of how the filmmakers portrayed the response to the situation not that the filmmakers were promoting communism. Anyhow, the two single biggest problems I did have with Feeding the Masses was with the use of the CG explosion, and the horribly shot and put together commercials sprinkled through the film.

Budget restrictions aside the film actually has a good story, but it does get lost when you look at the Video feel the film has, coupled with the cheesy CG. If those items could be fixed this would be a sure fire 7 or 8 on my rating scale.

Worth a look for hardcore indie zombie film fans.
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Not the best, but not the worst.
amesabashi15 August 2006
I have dedicated my life to seeing every horrible B-rated movie ever created. I agree that, though this is not the greatest movie, it is not the worst. Yes, the story could have used some work. Yes, the acting wasn't on par with Sean Connery or Brad Pitt. But I found some scenes to be humorous. As for this dreaded F-Bomb, I agree. Just because you can swear to make a scene better, doesn't mean you should every ten minutes. All in all the movie is a hit or miss film. My friend and myself found it a good movie. Other friends of mine found it to be just plain bad. So all I can say is don't take my word for it. Go out and rent it, give it a try. Thank you and good night.
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Low budget zombie movie
pandion17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The world has been infected with a virus being called Lazarus. The main characters work for a TV channel and they are becoming frustrated at censorship of their news reports. Three decide to head out and try to send the real news out on line.

When I started watching this, I checked when it was made as some of it looked as though this was a satire on the media during Covid - but actually this was made 14 years beforehand. And that would give it a level of subtlety that it just doesn't have.

There are special effects - but they are poor. There is acting - also poor and, unfortunately, two of the leads are particularly bad. In the end, it's a cheap attempt at a zombie film. The adverts particularly amused me : Birman and Birman who specialise in Reclamation and Reburial of those loved ones who have become infected. The advisory ad "just play dead" is an excellent parody of government information films put out about nuclear war. But they are the high points in what is generally a weak film.

Some people have complained that this ignores the subtlety of Romero - personally, I think they're overstating it as Romero's wasn't exactly that subtle in the first place.

This is not a radical reinterpretation of the zombie film, but I enjoyed it more than Zack Snyders overblown attempt.
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A fine independent zombie flick.
nflames7 February 2006
Feeding the Masses is billed as a "darkly satiric horror film that takes an acid look at the current state of the news media." Right away they've got my attention, because I absolutely love it when someone starts taking pot-shots at the media. Basically, the dead are returning to life via the "Lazarus Virus" and our illustrious government is controlling the media by not allowing any walking dead footage on the air, thereby protecting us from ourselves and averting a widespread state of panic.

Overall a fun watch as the filmmaker's blast not only the media, but also politics, redneck militia anarchists and even worse, vegetarians. While no part of the movie came across as scary, it was rife with some decent low budget zombies noshing on human flesh, ample amounts of humor, a bit of nudity, and some great, poignant dialog delivered by Torch after a few bong hits. Also worth mention is the camera work, and some pretty good CGI effects that deal with fires, explosions, and weapon bursts.

So one of the main characters, "Torch" is a cameraman for the news, he is getting footage of explosions, zombie attacks, assassinations, and getting all of said footage confiscated by thug-like government agents with names like "Guido" and "Joey Bagadoughnuts" just kidding, but the thug could easily slip onto the set of "The Sopranos." Just imagine, zombies, kept out of the news? After all, what exactly does the evening news even provide for us anymore? Other than death, hatred, war, violence, rape, kidnappings, you know, your basic run of the mill unpleasantness. Oh wait, I almost forgot, the media DOES have some positive reporting to do, they let us know which stars are banging each other this week, who's on what diet and the feuds between the disgustingly rich teenyboppers who can't decide if they're singers or actors, but I'm drifting away from the point, sorry.

Average independent caliber acting, with a few rough spots here and there, but I enjoyed the story nonetheless. The writer, Trent Haaga (who you've heard me mention before) penned the cult classic "Citizen Toxie The Toxic Avenger IV" and he did a great job with the screenplay. There is some really funny, original, and creative stuff in "Masses." I also liked Director Griffin's addition of what he calls "bumpers" or commercial parodies. They added just the right amount of tongue-in-cheek "cheese" that a horror movie needs.

Finally, the most impressive thing to me was dialog at the end, or "moral of the story" if you will. What is conveyed there is something that I've been preaching for a few years now, call me a cynic, call me a doom sayer, but try to convince yourself that it's 100% false. Live everyday like it's your last! Do yourself a favor; don't just watch "Feeding the Masses," LISTEN.

3 out of 5 soldiers with unhealthy sexual fantasies
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The walking dead are back . . . again.
reptilicus27 November 2005
Just to-day my wife and I watched three modern zombie movies in one day. I am about to discuss one of them now.

FEEDING THE MASSES has "amatuer" written all over it but that is not synonymous with "bad"; don't forget THE DEAD NEXT DOOR turned out to be a decent film which surprised a lot of people. I thought I had seen the last of the "The Government can't be trusted" subgenre when the 70's ended but I guess questioning authority will always be with us.

The plot? Oh yes, the plot! Something called "The Lazarus Virus" has gotten out of hand (yes, again!) and the recent dead are returning to life as . . . let's all say it together . . . flesh eating zombies! This time though the Government is trying to put a positive spin on the whole thing by taking over the news media and telling people everything is going to be "just fine" when actually things are going to Heck in a handbasket more each day. A TV station is forced to run such obvious bullbleep as a "public service" message telling you that if zombies attack just fall to the ground and play dead! Shady corporations are still out to make a quick buck by offering to track down, re-kill and respectfully re-bury walking dead loved ones. Self empowered militias of shotgun toting rednecks are cruising the streets blasting down zombies left and right and yet another group extols people to come out and join its "End of the World" party!

Into the midst of all this stands a young reporter who fancies herself the next Diane Sawyer and sees the zombie attacks as her ticket to the Big Time, provided the world does not self destruct first. With her photographer (Billy Gaberina) close by she is determined to expose the official lies and alert people to the danger they are truly in. um . . . not that it isn't bloody obvious to begin with!

Zombie makeups are, well, fair. Gore effects, while plentiful, are standard. The budget was so low they could not even afford blank cartridges for the guns. Actors just shake the guns like they are spewing bullets rapid fire while gunshot sounds are dubbed in.

Then again, what FEEDING THE MASSES lacks in budget it makes up for in sincerity. The filmmakers have managed to put a new spin on an old subject. We kinda like this movie. Of course we also liked Umberto Lanzi's NIGHTMARE CITY and Vincent Dawn's HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD too.
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a response to Kev Keefe's comment on FEEDING THE MASSES
wuttttttttup9 November 2005
Woa Kev Keefe obviously doesn't know much about George A. Romero. George has, on numerous accounts, made fun of reviewers of his dead films that said that the social commentary was subtle. Kev Keefe asked "What's subversive or subtle about seeing a military guy masturbating to death and destruction?" referring to FEEDING THE MASSES and I ask him what's subtle about a black man being shot in the head by a redneck (notld) or mindless zombies stumbling around a giant mall to the sounds of "save now" PAs (dotd)? I don't think the filmmakers behind FEEDING THE MASSES intended their message to be subtle, and besides who says that art has to have a subtle message anyway. FEEDING THE MASSES succeeded in being an entertaining zombie flick that commented on the media of this country. I give it a 6.
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Worthy Zombie Flick!
pilgrim1069 May 2005
Creepy and downright subversive zombie film with great performance for a "b-movie"! If you liked the original "Dawn of the Dead", you'll really like this take on the dead coming back to life, along with a pretty "biting" commentary on what's happening with television news these days!

Overall a worthy entry in the ever growing trend of living dead pictures (and feature-length movies that are being shot on digital video.), "Feeding the Masses" should go down smoothly with audiences who want a little social commentary "meat" with their blood and guts! (But should go down pretty hard with Republicans and other people who think that Fox News is actually a place to get "fair and balanced" reporting!)
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