Unseen Evil 2 (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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How low can you go? "Alien 3000" low.
Cosmo3223 July 2005
I too, had the "mis-fortune" of seeing this movie before the street date. If this movie cost more than $25,000 to make, the producers of this movie need to get receipts for everything, because none of it went into the special effects. I shouldn't even use the word special effects at all because there definitely wasn't anything special about them. I don't think I would even label this a "B" movie. Try C, D, or F+. Take the military helicopter, for instance. It's a remote-controlled model. It looks as real as a dog's chew toy that resembles a hamburger.

And what type of blackmail did they use to get Lorenzo Lamas. I know he works the "B" movie circuit but this is a new low. How low can you go? "Alien 3000" low.

This is definitely not worth seeing if you are paying. Now if a friend gets it and you enjoy bad movies then watch away. You will find yourself laughing most of the way through. There is plenty to laugh at: stereotypical characters, bad sets, bad acting, bad effects (or lack thereof). I think my rating of 2 out of 10 is probably a bit high.
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Impossibly cheap Predator clone
Leofwine_draca2 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this on Amazon Prime under the title ALIEN 3000. The video cover complete with an image of the alien from ALIEN but in fact this is nothing more than another blatant copy of PREDATOR. Once again a bunch of characters are trekking through the wood when they're stalked and murdered by an invisible alien in scenes that come very close to those in the John McTiernan movie. B-movie stalwart Lorenzo Lamas headlines an entirely undistinguished cast, and the film as a whole is improbably bad, with shonky editing, boring direction, and half-hearted performances. The invisibility effects are okay and there's plenty of gore, but it's very cheesy indeed, hardly better than a Troma movie. Apparently this was originally a sequel to a film called UNSEEN EVIL, and I'm sure it couldn't have been as bad as this is.
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So bad
karl_consiglio8 December 2009
At first the Alien, although it looks stupid, at least it looks dramatic. But then later you can see its just a stupid costume. This film, and I never thought I would be saying this about any film, is as bad as Alien Apocalypse. At least its got the odd hot bad chick in it. All this film is about is waiting to see when the monster will strike, and when it will not, that's all. The gold is really cheesily placed too. Some really bad acting as well, and some really bad models for the helicopter and building that explodes ridiculously. Really stupid props, really stupid soldiers, color of jeep, and color of camping tent, everything is bad. If you gonna watch it anyway, look out for that scene when the alien jumps at the helicopter.
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Deliciously awful--see it!
willywants10 July 2005
Before I begin my review of this film, I'd like to point out some interesting tidbits about the film. Firstly, the cool monster shown on the box art is from the film "Breeders". Secondly, this creature doesn't even appear in film. Third, according to IMDb this film is a sequel to "Unseen Evil", which I have not seen (though based on what I saw here I'm not sure I want to anyways), but I rented this under the title "Alien 3000", a title which has no relevance to the film.

Anyways, this masterpiece has a bunch of foul-mouthed and stupid "soldiers" from the "Paranormal government research agency" (good to see our tax dollars hard at work) going into a remote mountain range to look for missing soldiers. What they find instead is a blood-thirsty creature capable of turning invisible (I didn't sense any "Predator" vibes while watching this one, no sir!), which begins killing them off one by one. If you're looking for a B movie with cringe-inducing dialog, horrid production values and deliciously awful special effects, you've rented—or, Lord have mercy on you're soul, bought—the right movie. Everything about the film is cheap and laughable. The special effects, as one would imagine, are the funniest aspect of this film. The alien creature is brought to life by a combination of hideously bad CGI and a slightly less awful man-in-a-suit, either way it looks stupid and cheesy. The miniatures are among the worst in motion picture history. The toy helicopter, the remote controlled Ford F-150 pick-up (substituting for a Jeep pick-up in non-effects scenes--I love how the makers even left in real-sized shrubbery just to make it look worse), and the explosion of the "Paranormal research" headquarters were all so pitiful that I was laughing until tears blurred my vision. The gore effects were unimpressive but abundant, and as another viewer mentioned, the splitting-in-two of a character's head was especially bad.

I'll give the film credit where credit is due—the lead actress, Megan Molloy, Was very good, and deserves better roles than this. Everything else is bad--but entertainingly so. Highly recommended for fans of crappy movies.

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Think you've seen the best with "Alien" and "Predator"? ...Think again!
Vomitron_G9 February 2008
WHHOOOOAAAAAH! YAY! Anyone with a decent sense of humor and all bad movie-lovers in general: SEE THIS MOVIE! It's UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE and ranks way up there in the 'so-bad-it-is-hilarious' top whatever list! It fits the description ALIEN/PREDATOR Z-grade rip-off. And it also makes no sense whatsoever: In the first half of the movie we see different sorts of extremely bad transparent CGI creatures in a cave, ripping people apart. In the second half, the movie simply ignores them, and we see a dude in a very bad rubber monster-suit (at least 5 times worse than the monster in DNA) with Predator-like invisibility abilities running around shredding people.

Totally bad acting in this one, of course. Lorenzo Lamas is listed as the star-power of this movie, but he only has a cameo. It looks like he's on a booze burn-out and gets killed off before he even had any clue what he was doing in this movie. And the effects are simply amazingly bad... and there are a lot of them. I was laughing out loud the whole way through the movie. One highlight in the effects department (and as a scene in general) was definitely when the alien/predator (CGI) jumps up from the ground, high in the air and glues himself to the window of a helicopter. Lorenzo and his buddy freak out over this and just jump out of the helicopter (still waaaay up in the air). The next shot has them rolling over the ground (like if they just jumped off a table) without even a scratch and then we see a miniature helicopter (still in the air) blow up, its tail out of the frame, like if someone was holding it to make it look like it was still flying. Man, man, man... I could go on and on... but just go and rent it. It really is worth your money, if you know what I mean. And luckily, it doesn't skimp on the gore too. Oh, and just in order to warn you again about the fact that you're being ripped-off so bad that it hurts: The cool monster on the ALIEN 3000 (its AKA-title) cover-art (it looks like a cross between H.R. Giger's Alien-design and Pumpkinhead), isn't even in the movie. I don't know where the hell the advertisers got that picture from, but it sure looks like a million dollars compared to what you get to see in the movie. And also make sure to see the totally moronic interview in the extra features with the foreign (as in: Not-American) guy who played the alien. He even has his mask on during the interview. Boy, oh, boy, some movies.... Did I mention this movie opens with a shot of naked boobies?

UNSEEN EVIL 2 apparently is a sequel (Du-uh?) to a movie starring Tim Thomerson. They feature a 2-second long shot of Mr. Thomerson in this sequel that doesn't really fit or match with anything else in UNSEEN EVIL 2. I guess the producers decided to insert Tim to enhance the "cool-factor" of UNSEEN EVIL 2. Now it would be far too easy to give this movie a 1/10 star rating. So I'll throw an extra point in the mix. Or maybe not, hèhèh. This movie needs to be seen. Go watch it. I myself need to hunt down the first one, although I have a feeling that things just can't get any better than... UNSEEN EVIL 2 aka ALIEN 3000.
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Polaris_DiB3 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Now, hold on a second: I want to make quite clear that I already expected this film to be terrible going into it, and was sitting down for some nice camp value or something. I didn't really expect very much at all from it, except one single, tiny thing: an Alien.

It's just a simple request... and this movie completely failed my expectations.

To get anywhere near the Alien mythos would be to assume that this is a sequel to Alien Vs Predator and that hybrid thing at the end spawned a race of hybrid things that made terrible flying saucer things then went around hiding in caves protecting ancient Mayan treasures... or maybe this film has absolutely nothing about Aliens at all and is just a Predator/Independence Day/Men in Black rip-off about a bunch of annoying losers who walk around a desert all day being stupid while something that looks kind of like a cross between an action figure and a computer game chases them around.

I want to say that this movie is redeemable in that it's honest: it opens on a shot of boobs. It might as well have opened on an opening script that said, "The following is senseless lack of entertainment and should only be approached with a MST3000-ft stick," except it wasn't honest; it promised me Aliens and it didn't give me Aliens! I cannot emphasize this point much better! The case this DVD comes in has an Alien! It's name is Alien 3000! The decoration on the DVD disc has an Alien! Isn't this a good case for false advertising or something? How did the filmmakers possibly, POSSIBLY have been allowed to call this an Alien movie? Except that it's actually called Unseen Evil 2... which means it's a sequel to a completely different thing. The unseen evil is that now I can't rent a movie without wondering if the product I'm getting has any relation at all to the advertising it comes with.

About the movie itself, real quick: bad acting terrible directing not scary boring pointless stupid characters really bad effects boring opens with boobs.

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What a waste of my time
RedJay9 July 2005
Avoid this movie at all costs. It is so bad that there should be a warning on the label.

It looks like they tried to cash in on the "Alien" franchise. The monster on the cover looks a bit like Ridley Scott's 'Alien'. This is where any similarity ends.

The dialog is laughable. The special effects are so poorly done that I couldn't believe it. In one part, one soldier gets his head chopped in half. It looked so fake that I had to play it in slow motion. The dummy head: 1.) looked like a uneven melon with a face drawn on (which I suspect it was); and 2.) didn't even have the same hair colour as the actor! I know that these movies are strapped for cash, but come on. They did try to do some CGI with the Alien but it you pay attention you can see that they use the same footage a few times throughout the movie(like when the alien gets shot) and it is almost sad to watch.

The editing was so bad that it was actually difficult to understand what was happening. And the 'Special Feature' was almost impossible to watch because you couldn't even understand what the alien was saying most of the time.

I really don't expect very much from these B movies (I watch enough of them). Usually I get a kick out of these types of movies; as most of them try to entertain. But Alien 3000 really was unwatchable and unenlightening. Save your money.
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Monster trouble
Dr. Gore9 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers

You could easily write a book about all of the things wrong with "Alien 3000". Easily. This movie screams incompetence from beginning to end. It proudly shouts it from the mountaintop for the whole world to hear. But I would be lying if I didn't say that I found a few terrible parts enjoyable. There were scenes in "Alien 3000" that had me rolling in my chair with laughter. I doubt the movie was looking for that reaction but it got it from me.

"Alien 3000" is about a cave and the cheap invisible monster that lives there. The government sends a misfit crew of mercenaries to check it out. Lorenzo Lamas is hanging out back at their cardboard building headquarters for some B-movie backup. After much shouting and arguing amongst the soldiers, the monster decides he's had enough of their whining and proceeds to tear his way through them.

"Alien 3000" is a bad movie. It's got bad acting, horrible casting, atrocious special effects and generally reeks like a dead fish. The problems are almost too numerous to mention but here are some of them. First off, if the government is so concerned about the monster, why does it send the reject squad of mercenaries to handle it? These bozos didn't look like they could kill a slow moving fly, let alone kill a monster. All of the scenes with Lamas looked like they were filmed separately. He never once interacted with the main cast. "Alien 3000" felt like two or three different movies pounded together.

The other big problem was with the special effects. They were mighty cheap and terrible although some of them were so awful that I had to laugh at them. One scene has a soldier running toward Lama's helicopter when he suddenly explodes. Another scene has the monster flying through the air and landing on Lorenzo's copter. These scenes may sound reasonable enough but in the movie they are handled with such ineptness you'll be howling with pain/joy. Both of these scenes had me laughing my head off. At least I got something halfway fun out of "Alien 3000".
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So bad that it's good.
mkoosa4 January 2020
I gave a 5 stars. The movie does not deserve even one. But after forcing myself through this epic piece of cr*p, I went to the mall and bought a DVD. That's how bad this is. Terrible acting with many embarrassing scenes, horrendous CGI and the story-line which puts the dot on it.

So if you are looking for something that is really so bad that it's actually worth watching, this "unseen piece of cr*p 2" suits just to that category.
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Alien? Using that name is an insult to the series of that same name.
nunyabiz1713 August 2005
One of the worst films I have or ever WILL view. Highlight was the nice topless scene in the first 2 minutes, then all downhill from there. Previous reviews are correct. They use model helicopters that I could probably photograph and make look more real than the movie did...OMG, I was laughing, it was so funny. But it's supposed to be a "scary" movie and here I am splitting a gut over the cheap props....explosions that my kids can simulate easily. The entire storyline is an utter insult to one's intelligence. For example, we're supposed to believe that Lorenzo and his military buddy JUMP FROM THAT TOY HELICOPTER WITHOUT PARACHUTES AND THEY BOTH WALK AWAY? Are you kidding me?

Some of the special effects remind me of the late 60's early 70's cartoon series, "The Thunderbirds," where puppet like characters and buildings were supposed to look "real" but there is no way they were actually real. The only thing that kept me watching to the end was to see how much worse it could possibly get...and trust me, it did. From concept to plot to storyline to acting to special effects, this has got to be in the running for all-time bomb of all time. Heck, if they had used a bomb as big as this movie against that alien, he would have died on the first hit. This screenplay unfolds A LOT like my own first attempt to write an original creative story...oh, did I mention that it was a 6th grade project? DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, BAD MOVIE APPROACHING! DANGER! DANGER!
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Words Can't Describe the Horror (1 out of 10)
dominion7625115 August 2011
Hands down, this is the most vile piece of garbage ever committed to film. I am a big fan of B movies: flicks so bad they are good. This is not it. This is the "so inept it should have been destroyed as soon as it was made" bad. Honestly, a 12 year old could have come up with a more coherent story. NONE of it made sense, the special effects were a joke. Even the actors knew what was up. They just deliver their lines with a sarcastic smile/laugh, as if saying "is this abortion over yet?". The box picture is an outright lie: false advertising trying to suck in unsuspecting rental customers. There is no alien like it at all in the movie. Obviously this was a trick by the video company to get some return on their investment when they realized the movie alone wouldn't do it. Avoid this at all costs. It is not even worth renting to laugh at it. The only redeeming part of the whole movie was the one hot brunette who swore nonsensically for no reason all the time. How a movie this bad can get a national video release and end up in video stores throughout the country is beyond me, while many AWESOME 70s and 80s movie STILL aren't even available on DVD. Sad. This flick is the reason IMDb needs to allow a 0 rating. You have been warned.
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So funny!
adirtyshame1431 August 2005
This movie is one of the funnest movies I've ever seen,I mean it's up there with Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I laughed through the whole movie. Just the thought of an alien protecting swords and gold is funny.

The most funny part in the movie is when ever the alien is chasing them, the animation on that is terrible but it's so funny. I saw this one before the first one. This probably could be called a Troma Studios Film, but it's better than that.

The extras are fall off the couch laughing because of the guy who played the alien has an interview.

Also read my post on the message board for more info.
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A classic B movie, what fun!
stormruston17 November 2005
First things first. The Monster on the cover art is not in the movie, it is not even a decent facsimile.

Now on to this watchable piece of turd B midnight, one too many beers special.

The gore was funny and way way over the top. The CG blood was surprising good even in slow-mo. Watching Lorenzo Lamas(wearing the same clothes as in "deep evil"..these must have been made back to back) getting cut in half was worth the 10 bucks I paid for this...Hilarious. I would not be surprised if they spent 1/2 their budget of about 3.00 bucks on the gore.

The acting topped out with Lamas and went down hill from there, if you know his work then you can pretty much put together the quality of the acting based on what you think of Lamas.

I laughed and smiled though most of this piece of visual bubble gum.

If you like your B movies silly, fast paced and pretty gory, try this one.
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This is the worst movie I have ever seen, hands down.
oeagle17 August 2005
If I weren't giving this a sympathy point, I would give it a 0, were it available. Never, ever, EVER have anything to do with this horrible waste of time.

For starters, the acting is miserable, and I have never heard the "F" word used more, not even in a Wes Craven movie. Not only do they curse more than necessary, but they sound like uneducated dope-heads when they do. More than once, there are painfully obvious Audio/Visual mismatches. Seriously, they don't even come close. Then there are scenes with various shots, and people talking, but you never really SEE them talking, which is ridiculous.

The picture quality looks like something way back in say, the eighties. The scene transitions go from bad to worse as they go to screen swipes towards the end. The special effects are worse than a Sci-Fi original movie, and CREATURE CHANGES ALL THE TIME!!! Seriously, when the beast is in the cave, it has maybe four legs, and when out, it is bipedal. And more often than all the time, footage is repeated from other scenes; easily recognizable.

In the DVD, the movie is divided into only 4 scenes to start from, and there are only previews and a ridiculous interview with the director.

The movie is full of plot holes, and NOTHING is explained.

And finally, the beast on the box, while very cool but looks somewhat like Alien, is NOT in the movie. I don't know what it is, but it is most certainly not what you get. The beast in the movie looks like a Power Rangers reject, and most importantly, it bleeds a bright green and can camouflage. God knows we've never seen that before (*cough cough*) Predator! On the bright side, this movie is good for a laugh, though I'm sure they didn't have such in mind. Lion's Gate has gone from bad (House of 1,000 Corpses) to absolutely horrible (Alien 3000). With a sympathy point for inadvertent humor, I give Alien 3000 1 outta 10.
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"You're Evil! You're Eeevil! You're Eeeeevil!"...
azathothpwiggins23 June 2021
After opening with some mandatory female toplessness, UNSEEN EVIL 2 begins.

Three nameless characters (aka: monster fodder) are investigating a cave, when they immediately discover a massive treasure. This isn't difficult, since it's sitting right out in the open. Obviously, there are monsters about, and the anonymous trio is quickly reduced to red, icky goo.

Next, a group of belligerent paramilitary types, with a collective IQ of about 8, are sent to investigate the cave. Haphazard plotting and unforgivable non-action ensue. The dialogue appears to have been written on the fly, by semi-sentient mildew, and certainly, the roles could have been played with equal believability, by a team of home-cleaning robots.

The only thing worse than the humans in this movie is the "monster" itself. This is due to the "special" effects, that can only be described, in technical terms, as digital dung. The shameful CGI is far inferior to that used in first generation DOOM computer animation. Making matters even worse, the "practical" effects amount to a giant, rubber homunculus that blubbers around while killing Priscilla Barnes! This is followed by the blatant burning of a toy building, standing in for some actual structure.

This sewer raft co-stars Phoebe Dollar, who always seems to gravitate toward these wretched roles. Sometimes she's good. Here, well...
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No wonder they changed the title!
lordzedd-315 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I place blame for this utter disaster of a movie squarely on one of the worst directors of this or any century. I'm speaking of Jeff Leroy. If you look up HACK DIRECTOR in the dictionary, not only would his picture be there, but his entire life story! If I was going to write or direct a sequel to something, I would at least watch the original. But this complete moron didn't. He changed the location, the first movie happened in the forest, not the freaking desert. The creature was dumped their CENTURIES AGO! If it was freaking prelude to invasion what the hell took so long for then to return? The cave drawling said it was a failed experiment that they dumped here. ANOTHER BAD CHANGE. They totally changed the creature's look. Plus the OTHER SHOE ending, after KATE kills it, a UFO shows up with a freaking army of those things. The end of the world. A bad ending, what would expect from the hack Jeff Leroy who brought you CAMP BLOOD. Another pile of crap.
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absolute rubbish
xley25 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When Special Forces are annihilated. When mercenaries are massacred mercilessly. Who would you expect to be the only one who could possibly save the day ... you guessed it, the woman with PMT.

A basically fair idea but a poor script with bad editing and 1950's styled B Movies special effects totally spoil the day.

Sorry but this film is not worth the cost of the shoe leather to walk across the doormat of our local video store on give-away of the century day.

p.s. If you decide to ignore my advice, then try watching the film in monochrome (we started to play it in a player which was on the blink) as this at least made it a little interesting, still totally rubbish but a little interesting.
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This is a mile-stone piece of... art :)
dgrmkrp14 February 2006
Summing up the movie is easy: everything is worse than amateur work. The camera/perspective is all wrong, you always get the impression of cheap/badly made independent movie and the actors are waaay too bad.

It is funny how Lorenzo dies (we couldn't believe it the first time we saw it :) I mean, he should be the feature in the movie, but he appears in 3 or 4 scenes and I bet he has less than ten lines in the entire movie!), how everybody dies! And the ending is just hilarious(this CGI part sucks sooo much, even i could have made better UFOs)! We have a good story implemented in such a way that after a few minutes you wish you never rented/downloaded it! treasures, aliens, curses... blah! Everything lacks consistency and it all looks like a bad dream :) ALthough, I do recommend watching this "thing" just to see how far others have made it! This is 1st grade work :)
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This movie... yikes...
Geddysburg11 May 2006
Yes, I rented this movie after looking at the cover of it, guessing it had something to do with the "Aliens" movies since the alien on the cover looked something like the basic Alien design we all know. Guess what? It wasn't... This has NOTHING to do with the Alien vs. Predator movie. This was far from a B movie.

The acting was horrible. The female characters had the acting talent of base porn stars, I swear, and the special effects were outdated-- you would have seen something like this off of that little known game console, Sega CD.

Seriously, I enjoy B movies because I can only laugh at them, so if you like B movies like that, by all means, RENT this, but if not, stay clear.
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all we reviewers should form a support group for the psychological damage this film caused us
microfame9 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I think the other reviewers covered much of the excremental content of this film, but I didn't see mention of the ridiculous shots of Lorenzo and the other guy "inside" the helicopter cockpit, which made Ed Wood's "Plan 9" airplane cockpit look good by comparison. As to the multiple and varied CGI images of the "alien", it was as if someone made a bunch of test effects for the film, and they decided to use every bit of it somewhere in the movie. It all proves that as long as the DVD cover art and write up are good, you can cram 90 minutes of any filler onto a disc. I only paid $2 for it, at one of those "overstock" type stores, so it didn't financially hurt me, and I KNEW it probably wouldn't be great, but I didn't imagine it could be so brutally bad......really, nearly unbearably, awful. Only those of you here on IMDb who have seen it will know about the severity of the pain I'm describing.....
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You think the chopper looked bad?
tbkemp10 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
How about the outside shot of the exploding building? It looked like it was made of cardboard and Play-Doh. Well, I guess that's because it WAS made of cardboard and Play-Doh. And the cars? They could have AT LEAST splurged and used some Hot Wheels. Oh yeah, the bats in the cave? Ed Wood did a better job with that garbage. Good thing that one dude decided to bring a freakin' paintball bazooka so he'd have something to play with if they got tired of hunting the INVISIBLE monster. Did no one in the group wonder how they were going to see the damn thing? And how about the dynamite the chick was throwing out of the back of the truck? You know, the Toyota truck that was painted with green spray paint and somehow turned into a Chevy S-10 right before it went over the cliff? Yeah, did anyone else notice that it was just three red candles taped together?

Had I know Lorenzo Lamas was this hard up I would have sent him twenty bucks.
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Terrible movie
fresnel14931 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When I rented this movie, it was sitting on the shelves just after the end of the Ridley Scott series, and I thought it was just another "Aliens" movie that had flown under my radar. I was horribly wrong. This is without a doubt the worst movie I've ever seen. They couldn't even decide what the alien should look like. In several scenes (really the same one played multiple times) the alien has four legs and two arms, but in the entire rest of the movie it has only two legs. There's one scene where a girl is throwing dynamite out of a pickup truck, and she has the girliest throw I've ever seen. The sticks are hardly making it out of the truck bed. Yet at another angle, they're precisely thrown and land exactly where they should, dozens of yards away. The acting was terrible, the plot was cliché, the effects were incredibly bad, the footage was re-used, the title and box were misleading, and overall it was a terrible movie. I wouldn't pay to watch it again.
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The Stupidest Funniest Movie on the Planet
islandxtreme200214 July 2009
I am rating this a 10 because of how stupid this movie was. I can't even believe the director wasted his time putting together such a dumb and movie (which they put in the horror genre XD)so that my friend and I could laugh at it the whole way through!!!! First, the dudes are in the cave at the beginning. The alien changes from the form of a spider to the form of a....gorilla. The guy gets torn, and you see his - lets move on.

Secondly, the surviving army dude who's running back to the chopper from the cave gets torn and thrown in a distance with a trail of blood flying behind him. We laughed so hard cause it looked like a grape getting squished and flying over the hill!!! LMFAO!!!! There is so much more to make fun of, but the other part we especially laughed at was when the Alien 3000 jumped onto the front of the helicopter and was turning his head side to side. That was so funny, I can't understand how the director would think that that would be a scary effect.

One more thing. The blood in the first half of the movie looked pretty real, but in the second half, when people were getting stabbed and stuff, purplish black blood would spill out of their mouths! I couldn't stop laughing! Hahahahaha! The director probably said: "Since our alien for this movie is sooooooooooooooo good, we shouldn't waste any more money on fake blood. Go get the grape jelly from the fridge." ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!
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Thoroughly enjoyable, underrated modern B classic
buzzcutsmultimedia19 September 2021
I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur of terrible movies, so this isn't the first title I've seen from Sterling Entertainment and his ilk. It is, however, one of the best. Sure, it's painfully repetitive at times and not overly original, but it makes up for that with some truly (over) ambitious practical effects, legitimately fast-paced plot (which includes everything from ancient treasure to aliens to military shoot outs), ridiculously over-the-top characters and a perfect B-movie throw-away ending. If you're expecting something on-par with the work of Ridley Scott, obviously this is going to be a disappointment. But if you're looking for exactly what you SHOULD expect from a film called 'Alien 3000' produced on a micro budget, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
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skip this movie in a wide ark!
polarnimeda20 June 2007
this is really awful. computer animation of monster in this movie is worst ever. it looks like movie crew gave this job to their kids. even black & white movies had better solutions. acting is even worse. but if yo think about it, you can understand actors a little- lines they have to say are childish. story is backing up all the previous stuff... so shallow, and yet- the best part of the movie. how? simple- everything else sucks incredibly. it just looks like this movie was filmed in 2 days. if anyone ask me what is the worst movie i watched... well, now i have the answer. but, i can't say that i haven't been amused... all this was so silly, that i almost cried while hilariously laughing. if only this effect was what they really wanted to make... Maybe i wouldn't be here to try and save someone else from wasting his time and money... and yes- if you have watched trailer- you have seen a whole movie! i really don't understand it's point. nor any point about this movie....
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