Disaster! (2005) Poster


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MPAA Rated R for pervasive strong crude and sexual content including some aberrant situations, and for violence/gore, language and brief drug use

Sex & Nudity

  • Lots of sex jokes and many cartoon BOOBS
  • Plenty of sporadic Claymation sex scenes, all brief and comical--a man in a bondage suit is on the set of a porn film being shot. 2 topless women are on set, awaiting their bondage-clad man. A black male enters the set by pure coincidence and joins the set after rescuing the bondage man who was hanging off a catwalk. The 2 women resume shooting the porno with the man who is briefly seen performing oral sex one of the co-stars. A general comes to recruit the black male seen seconds earlier. He changes his mind after seeing what's going on and postpones leaving right away. The black recruit and the general both undress and join the porn set.
  • A cowboy astronaut and a female astronaut engage in oral sex as the woman hides under a table to pleasure her boyfriend who is listening to the main hero lecture him about protecting his daughter's virginity. The cowboy astronaut finally disappears under the table after becoming fully aroused and the couple begin rocking the table. The hero flips over the table to see his daughter and the cowboy undressed and having sex. He breaks it up and chases after the cowboy with a rocket launcher.
  • Another pair of astronauts on the team (a man and woman) enter a training room to practice "drilling techniques". While the general demonstrates the function and performance of a space drill, behind him in the training room are the two astronauts, undressed and having sex on the edge of a table. Sexual jokes are included in the general's speech about the space drill.
  • A female astronaut and her partner are left alone on a fuel station in space. After some idle, comedic banter, she offers sex with her partner. After he acknowledges the camera (audience), he is seen tackled to the floor by the woman, implying they started to have sex before quickly cutting to another scene.
  • Another man and woman in space are found naked together in one of the compartments on the spaceship. The male is briefly seen in frontal nudity (minus any clear view of his genitals) before covering up with his cowboy hat. He is briefly seen from the rear, with his butt exposed before he dresses.
  • A man is seen in a hot tub with two bikini-clad women. He is on television as the "President of the United States" addressing the nation about his efforts to repopulate the world after the disaster occurs. At the close of his speech, a third woman pops up out of the tub, suggesting she spent the whole time giving him oral sex. The "President" quickly puts her head back down under the water to resume her work.
  • A news reporter on a farm is seen displaying interest in a cow. This is blatant bestiality as he is later seen having sex with the same cow (on the news broadcast), before realizing he was still on the air live.
  • A female news anchor completely abandons all professionalism after learning the world is ending, and proceeds to remove her skirt. She stands on the new desk facing her bare butt to the camera, telling viewers to "eat her".

Violence & Gore

  • Various gruesome Claymation death scenes, including beheadings and other bodily dismemberment.
  • Animated blood associated with punches and blows from weapons.
  • An astronaut is comically (yet brutally) beaten by his teammates to the point of retardation. He is depicted with multiple wounds to his head, including his eye knocked crooked, before having a monitor box broken over his head. Although he survives all of the attacks, he finishes out the remainder of the movie with irreparable brain damage.
  • A NASA controller attempts to commit suicide after the Earth rescue mission has mistakenly been deemed a failure. He is seen attempting to hang himself but is rescued by his boss.
  • A scientist is attacked by his own robot. The robot brutally batters his body before ripping his head off. An intense, bloody scene but relatively brief on screen. It ends on a bizarrely comedic note.
  • An astronaut flashbacks to his boyhood witnessing his family killed by a golf cart. Each member is brutally (and graphically) killed in the accident, leaving the boy as the sole survivor.
  • During the training sequence, a woman astronaut trains with an automated loading arm and clamps the grips around the head of a scientist. Unable to follow the safety instructions, she accidentally crushes the scientist's skull, spraying gore onto a view screen nearby.
  • A brief flashback scene refers to the hero and his daughter being stranded on a snow-covered mountain. The hero instructs his daughter to eat an arm which belong to her mother (who is dead and has been made into food). A brief scene with a dark and grisly sense of humor.
  • A fight with a huge space monkey (comedy scene) ensues. It goes on a rampage in its cave, beating up 2 astronauts and dismembers their robot sidekick before dying at the hands of one of the astronauts who drove a power drill through its chest.
  • Various characters are killed by vehicles and machine parts, including with cars, trucks, and a helicopter.


  • Five uses of "fuck" (one paired with "mother"). Several uses of "shit", "God", "hell" and "damn". Some middle fingers. Frequent crude and sexual dialogue.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Some characters use drugs and paraphernalia associated with the various drugs used. There is drinking briefly seen also.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Sensitive viewers and younger viewers might find the death scenes and certain violent moments disturbing.

See also

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