The Real World Movie: The Lost Season (2002) Poster

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What A Waste
gerigrrl11 August 2002
I was born and raised in Vancouver so when I heard about The Real World: Vancouver I was pleasantly surprised. Then I heard that it was to be a movie and not the regular show. The movie sounded like an alright, slightly creepy premise and I thought, hey I'll give it a try.

Well the movie was just bland. There were no unexpected moments at all with the exception of a few twists at the end but even these seemed tacked-on to give the movie a clean ending.

The acting was bad. I spent most of the movie trying to get past the acting to concentrate on what little story there was.

After watching this movie I was left thinking that MTV had made a mistake in using Vancouver as the setting of this movie and that they would have been better off filming an actual Real World season there. It's a great city and it was completely and totally wasted by this movie.
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IrisBickles7 August 2002
As an avid watcher of the Real World... I was totally disappointed in the storyline and well, its characters... it was badly played out and possibly the only good part of the tv-movie... was Adam, the frat boy's face... otherwise the characters were very bland. Roland, what kind of name is that, who planned the Real World 'Challenge' was a terrible character. Bunim and Murray... that was a low blow to your Real World Wonder.
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Real Loser
sgilm6 August 2002
I am a fan of the Real World and thought the idea of a Lost Season movie sounded pretty cool. Knowing that it was all an acted out production unlike the Real World was ok with me. The idea seemed original and interesting with a season gone very wrong and the tapes and footage being covered up. My first disappointment came with the marketing strategy used in the promotion. They seemed to try to go with the Blair Witch approach by saying there was a lost season of film not used due to a disaster of some sort. That was sort of cool and gave it an almost scary and suspenseful feel. Then the later advertising became annoying by using goofy reporters and very unreal Real World executives. These terrible ads made me not want to tune in to this 2-hour commercial free presentation. Still I gave it a chance having been pleased by previous M TV productions in the past. To my disappointment the movie was just as bad as the commercials. The appearance of some of the original Real World casts was a plus, and then the actors came in to play and ruined it all. The story was poorly written with no imagination and only cashing in on the cheap thrills that M TV uses so often such as sex, sexuality, and sex. M TV also tried to rip off on The Blair Witch Project once more with its jerky camera work. The acting was terrible which is weird since the magic of the Real World is the fact there is no acting. This idea had so much promise but just fell in the wrong hands to carry it out. I recommend not watching the re-airing of this movie and knowing M TV there will be plenty of re-airings in the future. After seeing this movie I think maybe M TV should hang up the filming hat and go back to the basics, namely music and leave films to some one else. In the end this Real World movie was a Real Loser.
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Run for your sanity...!!!!!!!!!!!
Bobobaum7 August 2002
If you see this movie coming on TV, don't panic. Take the controller and gently apply pressure to the power button. Slowly get up and walk away without turning your back to the TV, it can be crafty. When you are 10 feet or so away, run like there is no tomorrow!!!!!!!
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This was an ambitious project, that mostly worked
Me3110 August 2002
Yes, it had flaws, but the people who say they hated it seem to be missing the point. It was "The Real World" parodying itself, and so therefore the characters were supposed to seem over-the-top and exaggerated. The segments with the actual former "Real World" contestants were priceless. Yes, this film defied easy description. No, that doesn't mean it sucked. MTV shows way too many ads though-- that does suck.
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Trying too hard to be "Real"
StephanieGould7 August 2002
MTV basically slapped themselves in the face with this too long TV movie. Granted, that some of the parts were interesting, it basically trashed the fact that people can't try too hard when they're acting. Some of the performances I actually enjoyed like the characters of Melinda and Roland. But that was about as good as it got. The filming was pretty good with the effects and everything, but all in all it was a mixed bag. I'm just disappointed that you don't have cast list of the people that played the fake 7 strangers. Or the kidnapper.Did I mention that the real worlders are kidnapped by a real world reject and held hostage. I must have forgot. If you want a good laugh, check out the movie. Even though it's not a comedy.
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this "movie" was awful!!
jbrockert12 August 2002
I thought "The Blair Witch Project" was awful, but this movie is worse than that!! It was super cheesy and the most boring movie in the world! Why did they waste their time making it? They shouldn't have even wasted their time!! Did those "actors" get paid to do what they did? They would have been better off working at McDonald's for the day!! ABSOLUTELY AWFUL!!
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ScottG12330 August 2002
Why would any1 want to make this movie? It is so god awful I can't even explain. I have never seen such a joke of a film before in my life. Even if you gave Steven Speilberg the directing job and Brian Grazer produce it would still be a sucker. It should be burned and forgotten forever.
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Absolutely the worst idea for a movie ever!
Bbondsmvp7 August 2002
I have seen other movies by MTV films, and I would have to say that this is the first one where they really dropped the ball. The premise was horrible and while the idea of spoofing all the different personas (frat boy, virgin, introvert, sensitive guy, the artist) was initially an inspired one, that was blown by the awful actors portraying these people. Not to mention the timeline not matching up. For example, if this really was the "lost season" then why would one cast member make reference to the movie "Panic Room" and why would Aneesa from the most recent season of the Real World be one of the Real World alums that was supposed to challenge the Real Worlders. Just very rushed, and sloppy and don't really see any reason why this movie should have ever been made.
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wow. it was soooo horrible.
j_gilmour7 August 2002
Complete waste of time. MTV really has gone too far to attempt to make money, this is a complete waste of time. I would suggest reading this for 2 hours, you may find it more amusing, than the actual movie. 1/10 stars. HORRIBLE..
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Ban BMP from the Entertainment Industry ASAP!
Kylic8 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I think this "film" proves that Buffooning Myself Poorly is about as tragically un-self-aware as are all of its hamsters.

I briefly entertained the foolish thought that the plot may actually have been going somewhere when the tall skinny bitchy one started telling her fellow "cast members" that this was exactly what Roland wanted them to do--get all their issues out and create conflict and fulfill their stereotypes.

"Yes!" I thought. "Perhaps we are finally in for some self-critique".

But then it quickly degenerated into something like the bastard child of "The Blair Witch Project" and "Undressed".

Please indulge me, as there are few things I just have to get off my chest (May Contain Spoilers):

1. Why the hell did they run aimlessly through the woods instead of running down the road they obviously came in on?

2. How in the world could Jake be such a stupid freaking idiot?

3. What, oh what was the purpose of having the scenes with the actual RW folks (other than as filler)?

I think we see why Jon and Mary-Ellis failed as soap producers--they couldn't produce dialogue or plots believable enough to satisfy even the basement-dwelling standards of daytime television.

Rating: 1 - I'd give it a big fat goose egg if IMDB had such an option.
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One of the best made-for-TV movies in recent memory.
Corndog200011 August 2002
The truly great made-for-TV movies, in my opinion, all have one thing in common: organic to the plot is a reason why the footage would be on a television screen (think Without Warning). This movie, of course, had an obvious reason why it had to be on television: it's based on a TV show. But what's amazing about the movie is how much that device tints the film itself.

All of the scenes in the kidnapped house utilize the creepily steady pan of the obtrusive cameras (the effect is quite Kubrick at times). Add to that some split screen shots that would make Mike Figgis proud, and you've got a dizzying few of reality.

Ultimately, The Lost Season indicts the viewer for intruding upon people's lives. Too fittingly, most of the viewers indicted were Real World fans.

The movie trails off at the end (as the most innovative movies often do), but the guilt of the viewer stays.
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A Real Yawn
doctor1310 August 2002
Okay, so MTV is trying to bring back "Fantasy Island". You remember, that show where strangers come to Mr. Rourke's island in search of one thing, but find another and learn about themselves in the process? Well, it was a yawner then, and it's a yawner now.

Boring, often frustrating in its stunted production and worst of all, TERRIBLY acted. Whoever decided to hire Bryan Kirkwood to play Roland should be forced to spend eternity with the TV-movie's screenwriters picking strawberries. I haven't seen this much pretentious overacting since Richard Hillman's disastrous "performance" as Neil in TEENAGE CAVEMAN. Hmmmm...there's a thought: Bryan Kirkwood and Richard Hillman with a copy of "Hamlet" in a steel cage. I think I'll get MTV on the phone...
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Barney the Dinosour is better, now thats a shame!
Justcoolin210889 August 2002
This so called movie is the dumbest thing i've seen. Jeeze Barney the Dinosour is better then this and that is a shame! All the actors were so fake! Of course of how MTV is they had to put sex,and nudity in it. I don't think THAT even made it interesting, it just made the movie even dumber then it is! Plus the filming work was terrible because at times it looked like the way they film in the real world series' which doesn't have that movie affect but then at times it did. Well honestly all I can say is that on a scale from 1 to 100 on the bad scale I would give it 120 or more.
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The Not-So-Real World
DeanNYC23 December 2020
Sometimes when you have some success at what you're doing, you begin to think you can do it all. So you try something different. You become clever. You gain a little too much pride. Vanity takes over.

Such is the case of MTV's "The Real World Movie."

When one is vain and self-serving, any "self-parody" done will never entertain anyone but oneself.

Bunim/Murray, the production company that has been cranking out "Real World" seasons for 11 go-rounds as of the release of this "Lost Season," have decided to mock their own franchise with this television movie that stopped being polite in its first moments, then started getting unreal.

The alleged concept: A group of seven strangers were picked to live in what looked like a lodge in British Columbia. After a couple of weeks of the usual touchy-feely, shout-in-your-face, I think I'm in L-U-V antics, the house gets a challenge to face a compilation team of "World"ers from previous seasons: Aneesa from Chicago, Mike from Return to New York, Melissa from New Orleans, Amaya from Hawaii, David from Seattle, Rachel from San Francisco and David from Los Angeles.

A Van pulls up and "Couvers" the cast getting in, but the cameraman was asked by the driver to stay out and off they drove, we're told, never to be seen by official Real World cameras, again.

After hours of driving, the cast is led by the driver to another elaborately adorned house, except for one thing: no windows. The crew was kidnapped by some maniac who wants to produce his own version of Real World and has rigged the very expensive compound with countless cameras, even button style cams that he forces them to wear on their clothing. Everything has been rigged to explode by a controller he wears on his wrist unless the cast gets it going. What will they do???

The most entertaining scenes in the film were the interactions with the former cast members, basically having their own hostage crisis as they waited to find out what happened to their opponents. But, face it! They're all RW pros and know how to give the camera what it wants. I would have loved ninety minutes of that. I mean, "loved" in comparison to what we got.

What we got was creepy, meaningless, not fun, not entertaining, not understandable and not worthwhile.

I suppose I could examine all the holes in the plot... like where did kidnapper dude get the cash to build, decorate and wire up the hostage house? And if he had that kind of money, why didn't he just produce his own film?

Or, why did his cameraman buddy go along with his outlandish plot?

None of it made sense.

No fault of the actors, who all at least looked like RW castmates. But the writing was horrendous. Even a Lorne Michaels send up would have been funnier. In fact, SNL did do one! It featured Norm MacDonald playing Bob Dole as one of the kids in the "Chicago" house. Now THAT was a good parody!
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I Got My Hopes Up For Nothing
airbornegirl167 August 2002
When I first started seeing the comercials for the "lost season" of the Real World. I was excited. That is until I saw the show. Could it be any obvious that it was a fake "lost season". I mean c'mon explosions and kidnapping? I watched the 90 or so minutes of this made for tv tripe and just chalked it up to my love for the Real World. I also knew it was a phony lost season due to the fact that each of the characters played into what some see as the typical cast mold. You have your diva b****, the shy guy, the homosexual, the skater dude, the frat guy, the militant black woman, and the naive small town girl. What made the movie a little more tolerable is the fact that it brought together some Real World Alumni including Amaya (Hawaii), Anissa (Chicago), Mellissa (New Orleans), David (Los Angeles)(remember they kicked him off), and Mike (Back to New York). I guess overall if you're looking for a crazy spin on the Real World then by all means watch this. But if you are really hoping for a lost season that is authentic, then you better keep waiting. ** 1/2 out of ****
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A clever mocking of the popular show.
Jillybean20607 August 2002
Like many Americans, I've been hooked on the Real World since the beginning. I was skeptical about this "Real World Movie" but, after viewing it I was pleased. It follows every predictable character (ex: The Virgin, The gay one, The B*tch) and actions that past Real World seasons have made commonplace on television. The whole movie can be viewed as poorly done and pointless but, I applaud MTV for being able to make fun of themselves. Contrary to popular belief the REAL WORLD is not very "REAL". No one could be themselves in a situation surrounded by cameras. Good Job MTV. Thanks for giving us what us viewers want, our favorite show with drama, suspense, crazy young people, yelling, and happy endings. ;)
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Surprisingly good...Not at all what I expected
dzong8 August 2002
I turned on the TV expecting to see a silly little MTV comedy, kind of like an extended SNL sketch...I didn't plan on watching the whole thing, and I didn't expect it to be more than mildly entertaining. I was shocked to find that the producers had actually made a really taut, interesting, claustrophobic thriller...much more interesting than most of what you see in the theatres. The initial 20 minutes introduce us to the seven members of "the Vancouver cast"...It's a dead-on imitation of the real show. Very believable, could have been funnier. After this initial set-up, the kids are soon kidnapped and held hostage by a rich, crazed lunatic (rejected for the show each and every year) who wants to have a Real World of his own. Cheezy premise, yes!! But what they did with it was really clever! He begins by killing the most boring housemate "There's only supposed to be SEVEN strangers...And you have no personality!!" and forcing the others to go through the usual Real World paces (confessionals, hot tubs, Truth or Dare. I was riveting to the screen, (except in the boring segments in between which feature former Real World alumni in a silly, annoying subplot). Add in a healthy dose of sex, nudity (blurred out for TV), homoeroticism and violence and you have a cool escapist thriller...Again, not at all what you would expect from a REAL WORLD movie... The Blair-Witch-esque chase at the end is cool, the camerawork excellent, and the acting and the writing is not HALF as bad as what other commenters are saying it is....They did a decent job. Very surprised to see the negative reviews. American viewers do not often seem to like genre-bending movies. I've heard complaints that the movie couldn't figure out whether or not it was a comedy, or a horror movie or a thriller or soap opera....Well, it was all of them! (although primarily a thriller). Ending is a TINY BIT of a copout, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. Very good work, MTV. Very impressed.
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Wow... Bummer
HAPPYBUNNIE8 August 2002
Well , what can I say ... I probably would have had more fun watching Yan Can Cook . The acting was really really did I say really bad. It's just like someone had mention before , this was a-la Blair Witch . More like Blair Witch on a really bad "trip" . I don't think I can go on , I'm emotionally scarred from this
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chopstikz859 August 2002
From the weird characters to their estranged roles, this movie gives a new meaning to "Real Weird" I was expecting the movie to be somewhat of a scary thriller but my toughts afterwards are contrary. MTV made such a big deal about the lost season through commercials, I'm disappointed that the commercial's intensions wasn't even relevant to the story line. I mean, the reason why this movie is such an upset to some viewers is probably because MTV wasted all there money on it's crummy commercials. Yes, it all starts out as a usual MTV Real World episode, where everyone is arriving and introducing themselves then they are invited to a real world challenge, get kidnapped by some lunatic and get "real" tortured in somekind of a jailhouse. By the way, if you were paying attention, the people that arrived together in groups of two like Cash and Melinda, Liz and Keith, Omara and Adam all had somekind of love connection... and then you have your categorized, spiritual, on-the-side person- Boomer. The only thing good about this movie is the suspenseful plot, storyline and the acting. Now they were going to far when they totally copied the Blair Witch Project with the Running through the woods scene with the creepy old house, and not to forget the cheesy disclaimers that it was deemed "lost footage" and such nonsense. If you possibly have nothing else better to do,it's late at night and there is nothing to watch then by all means watch this. I recommend it only if you have the time.
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meboja10 August 2002
This movie was good. It was not theatre good but it was good. Most people who have seen this movie do not realize that 'The Lost Season" is a parody. And a good one.
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Awesome flick.
XanderHarris20007 August 2002
Before anyone else can comment on this movie, or bash it like they did on the message boards at, I want to say that this was a GOOD MOVIE. Very funny, but also very dramatic. It was extremely well done, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
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rm919457 August 2002
In a word-LAME! Biggest waste of time, I feel like suing MTV for those 90 minutes of my life back. Not only were the "roomates" weak caricatures of real Real World roomates, they were annoying and vapid. Did anyone else want to strangle Liz or what??! She was almost as bad as Heather Donahue from Blair Witch Project, ALMOST. I mean, if they'd at least been FUNNY I could give them a little credit. And everything seemed rushed in the beginning, then became painfully SLOW in the end. The guys weren't even that cute. The real Real Worlders who "guest starred", although I liked most of them in their seasons, were a painful thing to watch here. The IDEA of this movie was an interesting one, but unfortunately the script that was developed didn't do it justice. Watching this movie was like watching a train wreck, I knew that I should stop watching, but was strangely compelled to see it through. On a scale of 1-10, I give it a -5.
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What was Mary Bunim thinking
matrix337 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*************Contains Spoilers***********

Spoof or no Spoof, this was terrible. I understand that it was meant to be a spoof but we should not have been subjected to this. The acting was horrible, the plot was weak, and the stereotypes were ridiculous and even somewhat offensive. None of the "cast members" hae any acting skills at all. Probably the best actor was the guy who played Roland and even he wasn't that good. It reminded me of watching George Clooney as Batman. We all remember "To-the-bat-mobile," dialogue. It was worse in The lost season. Second, they tried to play it off as a real season of "The Real World" yet the cinemetography was that of a "professional" film. Not to mention that Aneesa from Real World Chicago was in it which aired after "The Lost Season" was "originally taped". Third, the stereotyping of the characters Omara, Adam, Boomer, and Cash was just sickening and offensive at times. Omara was the "black sister" room mate. In your face, offensive, standoffish, etc. Adam was the dumb jock, who made a box of rocks look smart and they end up falling for each other in the end. Boomer was the alternative skater guy who used the word dude one too many times. Cash was the "closeted homosexual" who was outed due to Rolands mind games and for some reason or another ended up making out with the camera man whom nobody knew anything about in the end.

All in all, don't wast your hour and a half. The attempt at a twist ending was ridiculous and I think Jake would realize that MTV was not paying his salary.
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