"Monk" Mr. Monk and the Candidate (TV Episode 2002) Poster

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Re-Watching Monk - 1-2
masterblaster197525 May 2023
Second half of the first episode of Monk, it's pretty much all there already. We learn about his deceased wife Trudy, and that her death might be the root of his obsessive-compulsive disorder. (I know now he had it before, and it became worse because of her death, but that seems not clear to me at the start of the series.) Tony Shaloub is great right from the start. It's worth mentioning, because in many TV shows, I have the feeling that the actors need several episodes (or even a whole season) to get the character right, e.g. Psych, or Lucifer.

Ted Levine is already very good and convincing as Captain Stottlemeyer. I seem to remember him being a little less serious in later episodes, but in the beginning he is a no-nonsense guy, and pretty hard on Monk, at least compared to later.

Monk has the goal of rejoining the force, I can't recall if this changes later in the series. In my memory, he was always just a consulting detective who happens to be an ex-cop.

The case itself is pretty interesting, kept me guessing for a while. I like the Sherlock-Holmes-vibe of some of Monks discoveries, and how he does not seem to mind other people eyeballing him because of his quirks.

Two highlights I remember: Monk 'fishing' for his keys in the church and lifting the hand of a dead man by mistake, and Sharona's "I never vote. It only encourages them." (I disagree, of course, voting is very important. Still a funny quote.)
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Re-Watching Monk - 1-1
masterblaster197525 May 2023
First episode of Monk, it's pretty much all there already. We learn about his deceased wife Trudy, and that her death might be the root of his obsessive-compulsive disorder. (I know now he had it before, and it became worse because of her death, but that seems not clear to me at the start of the series.) Tony Shaloub is great right from the start. It's worth mentioning, because in many TV shows, I have the feeling that the actors need several episodes (or even a whole season) to get the character right, e.g. Psych, or Lucifer.

Ted Levine is already very good and convincing as Captain Stottlemeyer. I seem to remember him being a little less serious in later episodes, but in the beginning he is a no-nonsense guy, and pretty hard on Monk, at least compared to later.

Monk has the goal of rejoining the force, I can't recall if this changes later in the series. In my memory, he was always just a consulting detective who happens to be an ex-cop.

The case itself is pretty interesting, kept me guessing for a while. I like the Sherlock-Holmes-vibe of some of Monks discoveries, and how he does not seem to mind other people eyeballing him because of his quirks.

Two highlights I remember: Monk 'fishing' for his keys in the church and lifting the hand of a dead man by mistake, and Sharona's "I never vote. It only encourages them." (I disagree, of course, voting is very important. Still a funny quote.)
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Good start to the series
grantss17 July 2022
A good start to the series. We're introduced to Monk and his peculiarities, there's a decent degree of mystery and some of the secondary characters are interesting.

Is a bit disappointing if, like me, you were hoping solving the mystery would be the centre of the plot, not the central character's weirdness. This leaves it feeling superficial and gimmicky rather than gritty and intriguing.
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Probably the best TV show around
Blade_Le_Flambeur30 April 2003
Monk is a very funny and very good Television show. The script and direction really fill up the screen well, combining excellent situations with hysterical moments. Tony Shaloub, who won a Golden Globe for his performance is at his best here as the phobic detective solving a new murder each episode. In good support is his aid, a women who sometimes gets sick of his phobia but is still a help nonetheless. Ted Levine, who's famous for films such as Heat and Silence of the Lambs is also an honorable mention as the head of the police department. He has a nerve to his character that kind of says "I don't want your BS." Even though he's a bit skeptic to Monk's theories, he usually ends up helping out in the end. There is also a human drama side to the series, on Monk's relationship with the people and how he's coming to terms with life since his wife died (not an episode, I don't think). Personally, I don't get around to watching TV all that much, but this is a show I must watch. Very enjoyable television, excellent cast and excellent storyline. Some episodes are a bit tedious though and have had the formula done before. 9.5/10
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Monk is Brilliant
melodyc31 July 2002
Adrian Monk has OCD in the same way Superman has an allergy to Kryptonite. I LOVE Monk, and this new series underscores how what may seem a "disability" can really be a whole new, wider way of looking at the world. Naturally, he'll need a LOT of help with the disabling aspects, however.

Tony Shalhoub is perfect in this -- every nuance, every moment, every choice is 100%. His empathy with the character is profound, and rather than some quirky stereotype, his Monk is a beautiful, poetic character that will live for a longtime after the petty series characters of modern "hit" television fade away.

Bitty Schram's Sharona is a lovely, warm act of faith, and everyone -- literally everyone -- is perfectly cast.

And along with all this warmth, this is the funniest show to come along in many years.

Ignore the naysayers...watch it.
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Gotta Watch
katlb977 October 2002
This show is awesome..I love the way it is acted out, and how out of the ordinary Monk is. I don't know if I could put up with him (the detective) irl, but its one of the most interesting shows that has been aired recently. This show has its own quirks, and is worth watching if you enjoy reading Robert Parker books. Please, watch this show so it can stay on the air.
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Best detective show ever
LivingDog13 June 2003
Best detective show ever. Tony Shalhoub is impeccable as the compulsive detective. He is able to solve crimes based on the thinest (and believable) threads of evidence. He is also able to draw you into the plot with ease - like an old friend who brings you into his trust you wait on every word.

Mr. Shalhoub is an enormously talented actor. Anything he has a role in is worth watching just to see him in it. You must watch this great program. 10+/10


PS: ...sorry - I got so involved in Mr. Shalhoub's acting ability that I forgot - major kudos to the writers and supporting cast and the crew. :)

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Lv2return26 November 2002
In my opinion, Monk is one of the best shows I have seen in a long time. The main characters, detective Adrian Monk (Tony Shalhoub), and his friend and personal assistant, Sharona Fleming (the very talented yet underrated Bitty Schram) are very likeable and well-drawn. More importantly, the episodes are very well-written and highly amusing. I definitely recommend it.
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Wrap It Up!
Hitchcoc21 February 2020
This second part of pilot episode is full of twists and turns. It also exaggerates the detective's OCD, putting him in incredibly toxic situations. But the case is really interesting and laid out well, step by step. One thing that will carry on is the relationship between Monk and the Chief which, for now, will be constant. Also, Sharona is really endearing as her family has adopted Monk and he them
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Introducing Adrian Monk: Part 2
TheLittleSongbird8 July 2017
'Monk' has always been one of my most watched shows when needing comfort, to relax after a hard day, a good laugh or a way to spend a lazy weekend. "Mr Monk and the Candidate", in a way a two part pilot episode, kicks off 'Monk' and introduces us to lead character Adrian Monk.

To this day, "Mr Monk and the Candidate" (both parts) is to me among the best episodes of 'Monk'. While some 'Monk' episodes are better than others, which is true of most shows (very few shows are a case where every episode is great on a consistent level, not even other personal favourites like 'Agatha Christie's: Poirot', Granada's 'Sherlock Holmes', 'Midsomer Murders', 'Law and Order', 'Criminal Minds', 'A Touch of Frost' and even 'Inspector Morse', if we are talking about detective shows for a moment), misfires are fairly few.

One of the best things about 'Monk' has always been the acting of Tony Shalhoub in the title role, it was essential for him to work and be the glue of the show, and Shalhoub not only is that but also at his very best he IS the show. Have always loved the balance of the humour, which is often hilarious, and pathos, which is sincere and touching. It is remarkable here that for an episode that only introduces him that one likes him straight away, even with his quirks and deficiencies that could easily have been overplayed, and also that he is better developed than most titular characters of other shows at this particular stage. Who can't help love Monk's brilliant mind too?

He is very well supported by a sharp and no-nonsense but also sympathetic Bitty Schram, whose Sharona makes for a worthy and entertaining partner for Monk's sleuthing and somebody with a maternal side. There is always a debate at who's better between Sharona and Natalie, personally like both in their own way and consider them both attractive though as of now leaning towards Natalie as the better acted and more attentive of the two.

Also by a very amusing, and sometimes even funnier than that, Ted Levine, what a difference from his Buffalo Bill in 'The Silence of the Lambs'. Jason Gray-Stanford is not quite as entertaining, with not quite as memorable lines (only because the other three are so good that's all) but shows great chemistry with everyone and is appealing enough. The supporting cast work well.

It's not just the cast though. Another star is the writing, which is also essential to whether the show would be successful or not and succeed it does here. The mix of hilarious wry humour and tender easy-to-relate-to drama is delicately done but extremely deft, which elevates what could have been just a conventional and formulaic story to a greater level.

On paper, the story may have been conventional, but even in the first half there are enough twists and turns to keep one guessing and never in a way that feels rushed that you need to rewind or bog things down that the pace becomes slow. It gets even better in the second half, where things are explained more, there are more twists and turns and the outcome is not what anybody expects in all regards after being led to believe otherwise for much of before.

"Mr Monk and the Candidate" is shot in a slick and stylish way, and the music is both understated and quirky. Much prefer the jazzy Season 1 theme tune to the later "It's a Jungle Out There", which always struck me before as one of my least favourite assets of 'Monk' but has since grown on me, which should have been kept. It's all very capably directed throughout.

Overall, brilliant introduction to 'Monk'. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Like its title character, the show is good but has problems
bill_garrett15 August 2002
"Monk" is a decent new TV show. The title character is a former police detective who suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). At first I was worried that the show would milk his OCD too much for humor value and make it a mean spirited run-on joke, or that it would become too sappy with fawning sympathy for him. Thankfully, the show's writers and director have found a good middle path combining human dignity with enough humorous situations to keep it fresh and upbeat. The characters are fairly good, with two exceptions: the police chief's assistant and the weekly villains. The assistant is one-dimensional as a dunce. He's the sort of character who's funny once but unbelievable and annoying as a regular role. The weekly villains often engage too much in chewing the scenery. It's like watching Scooby Doo, where at the end the apprehended bad guy always sneers, "And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for this crazy guy and his sexy nurse!"

The aspect of the show that's weakest in my opinion is its believability as a police procedural. Yes, I know this is character drama and not another spinoff from the Law & Order franchise, but I did see an interview with the show's creator where he said that one of the main goals of this show is to function as a clue-finding whodunnit, much like a Sherlock Holmes story. In that respect I have difficulty believing Monk's abilities. His astute eye for detail, I'll accept as a combination of him being a smart guy, a trained detective, and an OCD sufferer. But his encyclopedic knowledge of seemingly every topic that comes up in the course of evaluating evidence, I can't swallow. In addition, that preternatural genius removes some of the plot buildup. There's no increasing tension as Monk puts in legwork or research time figuring things out; he just has to see all the clues and, Bam!, he's got the answer.

On the whole, Monk is a good show. It's definitely above average for network and cable TV series. But I'm a very picky viewer (I currently watch about 5 hours/week), and after watching several episodes I find the show's shortfalls put it right at the borderline between what I think is worth watching and what is not.
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Can USA network have LONGER commercial breaks next time?
Mike-29912 July 2002
I was really looking forward to this show, and all in all it was OK. The plot was fine, the acting was good, etc. Monk's obsessive behavior, which was supposed to be quirky, got to be more annoying than quirky, but it's something that they can work on. But they'll work on it for someone other than me. Why? Because the damn commercial breaks went on FOREVER!!! They had to be 5 or 6 minutes long each. I saw more spots for "The Dead Zone", Bowflex and acid reflux than I can count. I was caught up in the plot, so I didn't want to change channels, but never again. I suppose I could record the show and skip the commercials, but that ain't the point.
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Over touted
=G=28 December 2003
"Monk" is a comedy-drama, with the emphasis on comedy, which tells of a San Francisco detective-savant with Sherlock Holmesian abilities and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The result is a peculiar sort of super cop who has to have a babe sidekick/babysitter to help him make it through the day. "Monk" is a lukewarm sitcom quality watch which is entertaining but something which probably will not pass the test of time in the dog-eat-dog world of television. Worth a look if the premise sound interesting but not all "that". (B-)
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pilot episode for mr moron
sandcrab2772 January 2020
After this opening volley i'm chagrined as to why this show lasted 8 and a half seasons ... its simple its simple its simple .. if you pass away you should get all your money back after watching this bundle of crapola ... i am not a mr moron fan as you can probably tell ... perhaps shalhoub should have paired with his wife who is the real comedian in the family ... if you don't believe that watch every episode with brooke adams ... she has the gift ... its too bad he didn't give her the floor
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A true revelation-I laughed like a fool at some of the same quirks I exhibit myself!
ccull5 January 2004
On New Year's Day I lucked onto a Monk marathon, and spent the next several hours in Monk heaven. I don't have cable, but was fortunate enough to discover Adrian Monk anyway, while house-sitting for a friend. We both know I do it so I can suck up some cable for a few days. Every chance I get, I watch the show. I love Adrian Monk-as a character, as a person, as an image of someone less than perfect who inspires such loyalty in a sidekick like Sharona. Some of the things he does that make him so great to watch are quirks shared by many of us out there, and we love to see him succeed. It's just good TV, and I would love to see it continue for years, then go into syndication so those who don't have cable can enjoy it too.
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Bless his heart, Congratulations! :)
auntygravity10 February 2004
I think he is just super! I enjoyed him as "Antonio" on WINGS, he was so funny in Galaxy Quest, and in his more dramatic roles, he also shines. His latest offering of Monk is a pure delight to watch. Congratulations on his recent Golden Globe win, and hoping he will no longer be overlooked as a serious actor endeavoring to perfect his craft and the range with which he does so. Keep up the good work Mr. Shalhoub and may God bless you and yours.
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I Forgot How Good It Was
Hitchcoc21 February 2020
This, like so many first episodes, took pains to introduce us to the principle characters, y.from Monk to Sharona to Randy and others. We begin with a murder scene where Monk does his amazing Sherlock Holes bit. He is the master of simplicity and precision. The case then leads to a shooting at a campaign rally for the mayor. I have watched Tony Shaloub perform in movies and on Broadway. He is a treasure.
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Great start of the series - (8.5)
sujith789_reviews15 March 2020
  • Watched this episode in Amazon Prime video.
  • The first 2 episodes were combined with a total run time of around 80 minutes.
  • This is a whodunnit episode.
  • This episode serves as a good introduction of all the characters.
  • A woman is killed and in few days an assasination attempt happened on a candidate and his body guard gets killed.
  • Comedy is good.
  • A great start of the series.
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MortimerRandolph26 April 2006
This first episode of "Monk" and the next ("Part 2," originally released together with it as "MONK: The Premiere Movie") are essentially everything that television should be. As close to perfection as I have ever seen on American TV.

From here, the show could have gone up ever so slightly to be one of the greatest television series in the airwaves' history. Heck, I'll nominate it for that honor on Season One's merits alone. Alas, "Mr. Monk and the Candidate" is still the show's best episode. Directly after it comes "The Psychic," a huge step down. From there the series rose again for most of it's first season, but never as high as at its inception.

Season Two was still amiably enjoyable, but hardly great. Season Three pained me to watch. I am, of course, being harsh; but in fairness, I am being so out of the tremendous expectations this fine mystery-cop-comedy show gave me. But I can still most heartily recommend Season One to anyone I meet, and most particularly recommend this fantastic episode. It should be required viewing for anyone desiring the title 'well-rounded human being.'
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Awesome show
alientube11 July 2003
I love this series. I hope that it has a good, long run. Tony Shalhoub is awesome in this role, the writing is great, Bitty Schram is excellent as Monk's nurse. More and more of my friends are getting hip to this series and love it too. This is the only show on TV that I consistently watch and tape every week.
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One of the few shows I'll watch.
pwargo24 August 2003
This show is a wonderful oasis in the wasteland that is television today. Well written and well acted. The lead characters are amazingly well-developed, and I honestly enjoy each episode. Well worth watching!
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Didn't realize it was a TV movie...
sarastro712 June 2004
I bought this on VHS at a very reduced price because I am a great fan of Tony Shalhoub (whose vehicle this is, of course). I thought the character of Monk was very off-beat and entertaining, and his nurse Sharona was also very likable. While watching it, it never occurred to me that it was a TV movie.

But overall, the story failed to engross me; it just wasn't that interesting. I'm sorry to say it, because I am a huge fan of Shalhoub, and now I have to rate this movie a 6 out of 10, which is a shame as it has, as of this writing, an IMDB rating of a highly impressive 8.1 (!). I usually think good movies are rated too low at IMDB, but in this case I'm amazed at the high rating. The 300 people who's given this movie a 10 out of 10 must be very, very, very big Shalhoub fans!
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Absolutely the best thing on television!!
dswatts22 September 2003
Tony is incredible! It was so nice to see someone as deserving as him win the Emmy for Lead Actor in a comedy series. The man is just plain brilliant! I hope this one has a long run! This is 'must see' television. Way to go USA Network!
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"How does he do it, I have two eyes but I don't see what he sees?
ygwerin14 June 2024
This is the very start of the entire show, and it gets up and running with a two part episode, I am not at all sure why this was done, it certainly doesn't warrant it, the normal episode length allowing for advertising, is around the hour mark and I simply can't see why, this has been padded out over a second one.

I would provide separate Reviews for each Part, but IMDb doesn't list it as a two Parter, simply as if it were one single Episode, so here is my one Review.

Warren St. Claire is a Mayoral Candidate who with his wife Miranda, is attending a photo opportunity in his electoral campaign, when a sniper suddenly attacks the event killing one of his bodyguards.

The police investigation is led by Captain Stottlemeyer, and Lieutenant Deacon, but their work is suddenly interrupted by the knowledge, that the Mayor has strongly recommended the inclusion of one Adrian Monk in the police team.

Neither the Captain nor the Lieutenant, are exactly overjoyed at Monk's involvement in the case, but they are forced to concur with the decision that is out of their hands.

Adrian Monk is a former Detective with the Los Angeles Police Department, who works with a young woman Sharona Fleming, who accompanies him in the working environment.

Monk comes to believe that this case bares some similarities to an earlier murder, but unfortunately for him the Captain doesn't believe him.

During the police investigation the views of Captain Stottlemeyer, and that of Adrian Monk become increasingly divergent.

Adrian Monk however develops a conviction that the shooting of the Mayoral Candidate's bodyguard, is somehow directly connected with the earlier crime.

It should really be no surprise that Adrian Monk has a shrink named Dr. Kroger, I say that because this is America after all, and it does appear to me that he may need one.
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too annoying to continue watching
JustHavingALook13 May 2024
Well crafted pilot with all the elements the audience can expect to see in the series.

-the protagonist/Sherlock style with his hilarious OCD issues + his superhuman ability of seeing things, connecting dots and solving mysteries.

-the nurse/Dr Watson who follows the detective protagonist in his adventures and will help him or cause troubles, because no conflict no story
  • a series of allies and opponents who might exchange roles according to the situation
  • intrigues, plot twist, stuff to investigates
  • the number 1 case that will never be solved until the end of the whole series: the death of our Sherlock's wife.

Now: it's all fun and games until I came to realize how predictable the following episodes will be: our protagonist will solve each case. Each one. Yes, some will be a bit harder than others but he'll get the job done.

His being awkward/making silly mistakes/being unable to function in society should add a level of trouble here and there but overall it's there more to function as a funny moment than as a real obstacle (eg the funeral, in this first episode)

overall I cannot relate in the least with the guy, too "know-it-all" to make me root for him.

Anyway: with 100+ episodes I guess the Producers are right.
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