Devil's Prey (2001) Poster


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Complete waste of time and money!
Kungfuzombie10 April 2002
I don't know why people actually liked this movie just for a bit? Maybe because of the big breasted teens? There is NO plot, almost nothing is happening and it drags on and on. I'm a big B-movie fan and I don't care if the acting or the fx are bad (sometimes it makes movies even more fun!) but nothing is happening in this movie. So AVOID this one! I warned you!
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"You just dumped six bodies on me & I ain't even finished my breakfast." Watchable teen horror.
poolandrews6 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Devil's Prey starts late one night as five teenage friends, David (Charlie O'Connell), Susan (Ashley Jones), Eric (Bryan Kirkwood), Samantha (Jennifer Lyons) & Joe (Rashaan Nall) drive along an isolated backwoods road on their way to a rave in a barn. Eventually they reach their destination & inside the barn everyone seems to be having a good time until David gets involved in a fight over drugs & the five friends are kicked out. They drive off heading back home but hit a girl named Fawn (Elena Lyons who is a bit of a babe) who stumbles into the middle of the road, after stopping they try to help her & decide to drive her to a hospital. However they are forced off the road by a van, the friends are now stuck in the middle of nowhere & to add to their problems Fawn informs them that a satanic cult known as 'the shadows' operate nearby & are always in search of fresh, young sacrificial victims for their sinister devil worshipping ceremonies...

Directed by Bradford May I thought Devil's Prey was an OK teen horror, I certainly thought it was watchable at the very least. The script by Randall Frakes & C. Courtney Joyner moves along at a fair pace & is never boring, at first it plays pretty much like a standard slasher film with a group of clichéd teens, the obligatory black dude, the 'strong' female, the idiot, the couple etc., being hunted down by people in robes & masks that reminded me of the killer from Scream (1996) but about halfway through they come across the small town of Hallow's Point where the film takes a different direction. I'm not saying that Devil's Prey suddenly becomes a masterpiece or anything like that, far from it in fact but it was nice to see the film try & break out of the normal horror mould that appears set in stone these days. The character's are non descript & forgettable although they don't annoy too much, the plot twists are far too easy to figure out & I was one step ahead of Devil's Prey all the way & there is one bit which bugged me & still does even now. It's the fact that Fawn deliberately walked in front of a moving car as part of an elaborate plan, OK fine but there is no way on Earth that she could be sure that being hit by a speeding car wouldn't kill or seriously injure herself, is there? In fact I thought she was unbelievably lucky to bounce off the bonnet of a speeding car & get up with no visible injury whatsoever. That's a massive chance to take for very little benefit, I mean the guys in the van force the car off the road anyway, right?

Director May does OK & Devil's Prey looks alright, it doesn't have much style or visual flair but it's good enough. There isn't much gore, someone gets a bullet through their head, there are a couple of really tame Satan worshipping rituals & the films best sequence in which Patrick Bergin has intimate relations with Elena Lyons all inter-cut with Jennifer Lyons breasts & body being cut with a knife, nice.

Technically Devil's Prey is fine, it's well made & competent throughout. The acting was OK & a couple of the girls here, especially Elena Lyons, are pretty hot.

Devil's Prey is a decent attempt at a teen horror, it's not the best but it's far from the worst & I personally think it's worth a watch if your a fan of the genre & aren't too demanding. Not a bad effort. One more thing when the satanic cult are referred to as 'the shadows' I take it it has nothing to do with the Hank Marvin & Sir Cliff Richard band?!
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Don't bother with this "film"
nsanders-24 October 2002
What a waste of celluloid. The acting is atrocious, the direction appalling. The script and story line are so transparent and obvious that after a five minute introduction, set your dvd to 16x and you'll get the rest of the movie in a further five minutes, and miss nothing. The only surprise was that after the first bit of flesh there was no more. I can only surmise that the actresses involved decided to prevent their reputations getting further destroyed.
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You need some high-powered drugs to make it through this one.
capkronos8 May 2003
Five L.A. teens make the mistake of accepting an anonymous invitation to attend a backwoods rave called 'Straight to Hell' and, wouldn't you know it, that's just what the local sect of Satanists had in mind when they lured them there! Before you can say trite morality lesson, the kids (who've apparently burned too many brain cells as is) are run off the road by a van and chased around in the woods by hooded, masked cult members who want to sacrifice them to gain immortality. After the token black fifth wheel is snuffed out, the survivors (plus a young woman who escaped an earlier sacrifice attempt) stumble onto a very small town inhabited by (surprise!) more Satanists and it's time for round two.

Don't waste your time with this irritating semi-throwback to 1970s drive-in horror films. The movie doesn't look bad, a few of the actresses are pretty hot and it has one effective plot shift near the middle, but those things are a dime a dozen in horror films and not nearly enough to sustain interest during the entire length of this stupid, boring movie.
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Not worth hunting down.
gridoon11 July 2003
You know you're in trouble when you can spot continuity errors in the opening sequence of a film (check out the disappearing bra) without even looking for them. "Devil's Prey" is otherwise a well-shot movie, but it's just hokum of the ninth degree. The devil worshippers are a joke compared to the satanic cults in other horror films (and, although they clearly outnumber the heroes, they persist in attacking them one by one), and I hope Patrick Bergin knows that, after a role like this, his career has little hope of reviving. (*1/2)
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Started out ok but became boring
mrbdoyle20034 May 2004
I love horror films and blonde hotties. I got this to see Jennifer Lyons but was disappointed to see no breasts and she was not too sexy nor could she act! This movie was ridiculous after the rave party It went on and ON CHEAP and predictable Didn't look to bad but the rest of the movie and the killers were played out fast. People running around tring to kill for what reason? Devils Cult? The ending was pretty good but this movie took too long to get to the end.. And Jennifer didn't look that great
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Stay away from this one!
scobbah24 June 2007
As somebody else stated so well, this is a complete waste of time and money. B-movies can be very entertaining indeed but there is nothing here that appeals to me. Over-exposure of breasts, depicting drug use in a way that is far from reality and poor acting - none of those mentioned appeals to me, sorry. If it appeals to you perhaps this flick is for you. Was there even a plot? I cannot remember myself noticing it if there ever was one. I consider this one to be a complete failure as regards making a college flick with goals set on appealing to young people.

2/10 - my advice is stay away from this one!
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Quite disappointing, even for a B-movie
khilari13 July 2008
I gave it a 2 because the actors were OK, the actresses quite pretty and they seemed to make at least a half-hearted effort.

The rest of the movie however is awful. There's little suspense other than the odd shock, the plot is poor, the script awful and the production value horrendous.

I've tried really hard to be generous with this one but have found it difficult. It's also quite perturbing to see Jerry O'Connell's brother in this movie as there are flashes when one thinks it's him, but then the realisation seeps in that it's just someone who looks like him!

Avoid. Don't even waste your money on renting this one.
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Not a commentary, more of a questioning...
TimmyLee5 December 2001
Not much to say about this film. Why do they make these? And for whom? Typical "horror" film with a non-existent plot and awful acting. And the beginning, although the best part of the film with loads of good looking babes, is exceptionally pointless. A group of teenagers go to a party outside city and are later on chased by satan worshippers. Makes you shake your head in disbelief. Not much of a tension anywhere in the film. And the chemistry between the leading roles doesn't work. I don't even want to tell anything about the rest of the film, because someone might be surprised about the turnaround in the plot. I personally could not watch the whole movie because I started feeling nausea. But this movie can be used as a test. If someone can watch it, he/she could have a future in...Hollywood?
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Horror like in the 80's
danishmuscle4 December 2002
This is one of the greatest horror movies I have seen this year... It made me feel that I was back in the 1980's... You could almost feel the pain and fear of the young people who is hunted and used for a higher purpose... It is great to see that it is still possible to make movies this way...
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Good movie, so why the low rating? I am baffled!
eye-sea21 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Devil's Prey is not a high budget movie, yet still there are thrills and twists which I enjoyed watching. In my opinion, the violence and sexual content isn't raw; it's mildly presented and if you're over 18 years of age, it's no big deal.

The movie is never boring as we see a group of seven twenty-somethings first at a party who then get drugged and attempted to be captured and murdered by a group of loony satanics; there's a twist in the tail here as two of the young twenty-something "friends" are in fact part of the satanic group drafted in to capture the others.

This I didn't get until almost the end, when to my surprise, they were uncovered! There are other characters in this movie who you sense from the start they're "in with it", and like in "Race With The Devil", the satanic loonies are more part of the town than an isolated group.

It's a good film, low budget yes, but well acted and worth renting. I gave it 7 out of 10. More than the average 3 it currently received while I wrote this review. I still cannot believe how low the rating is!
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Prey for the Devil
kosmasp25 May 2022
Or whomever you think is more likely to listen. Are you into horror movies? Do you like seeing people fight for their lives? In movies that is of course. Than this might just be for you.

Nothing special, though maybe with a twist or two you may not expect. Especially if you let the story just wash over you, without really thinking about you.

Fun and games until there is an accident. Which by the way and having watched the movie: what a coincidence right? Or maybe not! It was a script that was written, right? All kidding aside, this is straight horror to a degree, where the characters seem gullible and lo and behold without a cell phone. Which was something normal back when the movie was made. Not that they don't find an excuse for people not using them nowadays (battery, reception and so forth) ... just be aware what you are getting yourself into. Nothing more and nothing less.
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* out of 4.
brandonsites19817 October 2003
How does this strike you for originality? In Satan's Cheerleaders a bunch of kids get stuck in a town full of Satan worshippers. In Devil's Prey, a bunch of kids get stuck in a town full of devil worshippers. Without the campy approach and the B list actors that made Satan's Cheerleaders entertaining, this film doesn't really have anything to offer. Just one long boring and derrative flick where everybody and everyone seems to be going through the motions.

Rated R; Sexual Situations, Nudity, Violence and Profanity.
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Insults The Intelligence of Any Audience
aimless-4619 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Devil's Prey" (2001) is the first movie to show the brutal reality of devil worship and virgin sacrifice-dull, boring, and stupid. It is an amalgam of vile scenes scotch-taped together to form a motion picture. A gang of devil worshipers, led by Seth the local minister, doesn't like a gang of ravers, led by David (Charlie O'Connel). Driving away from the rave, David runs over Seth's girlfriend Fawn (Elena Lyons) who is mysteriously immune from blunt object trauma and who just gets into David's car.

In retaliation Seth forces David's car off the road and Seth's friends hit Joe (one of David's closest friends) with their car; Joe too is mysteriously unhurt from the collision but loses his glasses. In retaliation David's gang begins killing a bunch of girls because they are dressed in long black robes and running around in the woods at night with sharp objects. In retaliation Seth's gang sacrifices Samantha (Jennifer Lyons) because she speaks with the voice of Rocky the Flying Squirrel and they figure she must be a virgin. There's a lot of avenging going on. By the end David's gang seems to have pretty much wiped out all the citizens of a small California town along with Seth and Fawn. But you can't be sure because they come back in one of those moronically tacked on endings.

The movie nicely balances scenes of Jennifer Lyon's tight abs with charming shots of the little chapel in the dell, so there's something for everybody. But frankly, there just wasn't enough virgin sacrificing.

But seriously, "Devil's Prey" may not be the worst ever example in the horror genre but you are unlikely to randomly chance on anything worse than this mess. It relies on its target audience's inability to recall misdirection devices that have been in use for decades. You immediately know that the seemingly normal townspeople are in league with the devil worshipers and that Fawn is their high priestess. Fawn's revelation is so predictable that even cheating by introducing impossible things that point in the opposite direction cannot disguise it.

Devil's Prey is an illogical story lamely masked by confusing plot elements. It relies on poor lighting and minimal close-ups to mask poor performances and direction. There is a puzzling lack of intensity, suspense, and fast pacing as each scene seems to get mired down in extended shots-all this extra air apparently was necessary to get the running length up to 90 minutes.

Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
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Standard for the teen horror genre
p1phillips27 July 2001
Five teenagers are kicked out of a rave. While driving away, they accidentally hit a young woman (Elena Lyons) with their car. She isn't too badly hurt, and informs them she is on the run from some sort of cult. Pretty soon, they are all being pursued by devil worshippers.

This teen horror flick looks good and moves quickly, but it has too many tiresome cliches that killed the genre in the first place (the ethnic minorities don't last long, promiscuous girls must be punished, etc.) and it is gratuitously unpleasant. For example, there is a sex scene that doesn't show anything - the nudity is provided by intercut scenes of a topless girl being stabbed repeatedly, and which has nothing much to do with the rest of the film. Who wants to see that? Besides such pointless moments as these, there are a few thrills to be found and, like many teen horror movies these days, the cast is made up of TV stars, and they do a capable job.
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Decent for a Teen Horror movie
ElenaLyonsFan20 September 2002
I bought this movie to see Elena Lyons as a star in the film and she did an excellent job, of course. I'm a fan of horror movies of all type, but this type of film is becoming old, it's no Friday the 13th. It's the famous teen horror movies where someone is chasing-someone to kill someone-thing. It was made pretty good, effects and filming of it was quality. The actors were good. It was far from being scary. Overall it was decent for this type of film, worth renting if there's nothing on TV.
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Pretty Cool Little Movie
chet1926 November 2001
I dig this kinda movie way more than the big budget Hollywood horror films, and it's just as spooky. A bunch of masked devil worshippers chasing people around the woods is about the jist of this flick, but there's more to it, with some cool plot twists that I didn't see coming. Some great photography sequences at the rave party scene.
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*1/2 out of 4.
bigpappa1--231 May 2002
Ripoff of a dozen or so 70's drive-in flicks about teenagers falling prey to town that seems populated by only devil worshippers. Decently paced with an appealing enough cast and some thrills and chills, but way too familiar to be effective. I kept expecting Yvonne DeCarlo to jump out somewhere. Rated R; Nudity, Violence, Profanity, and Sexual Situations.
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Nothing Too Special, Ok For Its Genre.
Stealth-514 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Devils Prey was a movie i picked out for no apparent reason, even the cover looked too "I know what you did last summer", but i still gave it a go....and to my suprise it wasnt too bad. The cast wasnt top Hollywood actors/actresses but im sure youve seen at least one of them before. The story isnt too complicated, A bunch of teens, after having a party in a country town, drive back home, but on their way there they run over a girl, her injuries arent severe, then they are followed around by some devil worshipers wearing scary masks,**SPOILER**one of them gets caught, and theres no sign of him through-out the movie, so that was a big no-no...What happened to him? Why didnt they show it? **END SPOILER**

The acting was acceptable, except that of the Blonde girl, though she shows her fears well, the movie wasnt written to well, it had its good points (Barn scene) but others, were just copy-cats of other movies like (I Know What You Did Last Summer) just check the ending out, absolutely un-neccesary.

The film also had familiar scenes to the likings of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I Know What You Did.... & Hannibal/Silence Of The Lambs. Im sure it could have been done better, but it was still an acceptable movie, not very scary, but some of the scenes were appealing, especially for its type of Genre.

ACTING: The acting was acceptable, there was alot in the cast, and they all did OK, nothing overwhelming at all, but they did their jobs satisfactorally.

ACTORS: Not really a familiar cast, no-one really all that famous, and if you recognise them, they are from TV Shows, not the best chosen cast, but i guess they suited their roles ok.

SCRIPT: Again it did copy alot of movies, and the ending was quiet dissapointing, there were many potholes in the movie, giving the impression of a bumpy ride, and well..A Bumpy script, not too good.

CINEMA: Fair enough, i didnt find any exceptional cinematography, a few nice country settings, the town looked ok, though you wouldnt brag on about any of it.

THRILLS: Quiet a few, it almost starts out as a good thriller/horror film, you might get a few trembles, because the movie deals with Devil Worshipers and Evil, not many films go that far, especially of its Genre.

MUSIC: The music was good, not sound-track worthy, but whenever music was played, it was played appropriately with the scene it goes with, so the music was nice.

OVERALL: A Satisfactory horror film, of course it would have been done better as it did have its flaws, but like most of its Genre, their never classics, and Devils Prety definantley wasnt a classic, but it was an OK movie for its genre.

*** (3 Stars)
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Starts off well, but flows the wrong direction
LimpingForth25 January 2003
I was certain I was in for a rough ride of gore a-plenty horror with the scare factor turned up to maximum. What I got was a story that went in the wrong direction.

Devil's Prey (hereon "DP") started off almost brilliantly. A group of twenty-somethings running from a cult of Satan worshippers intent on making these innocents part of their ritual slaughter. Unfortunately the plot soon goes off-track.

The Satanic cult, known as "The Shadows", take off their masks and cloaks way too early, revealing not a bunch of evil dark-side doers, but instead a handful of stupid psychos who make up as they go along what the devil "wants of them".

Besides the cameraman seemingly being obsessed with naked dancing women's breasts at a rave party, the overall general camera work is almost as jumpy as "The Blair Witch Project", especially in the action scenes. As a result of this, a couple of times I was unable to pick up at first who stabbed who, and was often left wondering how a member of the group received their injury.

Plot holes also majorly scarred DP. The younger of The Shadows at first appeared to be the leader, telling his side-kicks to prove themselves. By the middle of the movie he has not only turned into a side-kick himself, but is a newbie to the cult.

However terribly put together DP was, it is only fair to follow criticism with praise. What looked at first like a horrible "I know what you did last summer" clichéd sequence actually turned out in a proper logical way. But that's about it.

Devil's Prey is a movie that begins with a lot of potential, but goes in the wrong direction, turning into a messed up dud. It has a very nice start, flows well (despite the plot holes), but makes you wish it was more. I liked the epilogue at the end, though!
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Good movie
ceccezach2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie, it has hint of a thrill in it I have watched it a lot. I like Charlie o Connell acting.

Could had more people in the freind group but other than that. Other than that good movie. I love movies with chase scenes and plot twist.

The beginning is Intense and bone chilling I would defiantly recommend people to atleast watch this movie atleast once it is different won't know until you watch it. I think every actor in the movie did a good job with their rolls. The rave scene was really cool and fun because u didn't realize that's where the villains came from.

Very good and very intense movie.
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