Oh! Sûpâ Miruku-chan (TV Series 1998– ) Poster

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An animated acid trip
lovecraft2313 August 2006
Here is a show that's bound to confuse just about anybody. A show that breaks the boundaries of it's genre, and is a perfect example of a show that you either love or hate.

The plot: Milk Chan, a 5 year old "superhero" without super powers, lives with her useless (and often abused) robot Tetsuko, and an alcoholic slug named Hanage (name translates to "nose hair"). Oh, and the President (of well, everything) has her go on missions. Oh, and she's a foul mouthed, lazy, selfish brat.

Of course, the plot doesn't really matter. Much like "Ren and Stimpy", the show highly revolves around surreal situations and oddball humor. It also features random Japanese pop culture gags (i.e Riki Choshu), odd supporting characters (such as a homosexual landlord) odd one liners ("He who controls Ramen controls the universe",) odd catchphrases ("You Dumbass!") and...ah hell, the whole show is odd.

When it came to Adult Swim in 2004, it was largely hated, and is still largely hated today. When I look back though, I think it ticked off comedy fans because it was an anime, and ticked off anime fans because they wanted something more action oriented. However, those with some patience (and some time to spare) might find something oddly enduring about the anarchistic weirdness on display. .
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TheKonamiMan9 November 2004
Super Milk-Chan is a very odd anime which is also very funny if you like weird humor. The art style of the show jumps around to fit the different characters. And the jokes range from harmless to dirty to just plain strange. The characters a very unique and out there. The main art style is can be compared to the art style of the GameBoy Advance game Wario Ware Inc., Big bold outlines with bright colors and strange yet cute character designs. The animation is clean and looks nice as well. The English voice acting fits the show but I can't comment on the Japanese voice acting at the moment.

I'd recommend it to anyone that likes the cartoons on Adult Swim or any that likes strange anime humor.
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Just brilliant
polysicsarebest21 September 2009
Sublime, surreal, unensical humor. Totally unreal. Totally unlike anything you will ever see. Minimalist, strange, headscratching, sublime. Occasionally annoying, especially to those who don't understand the point of this humor.

The key to understanding this show is that every episode is a remake of the first episode. They all hit on the same exact points, but at different times, and getting there is always different, smart, and inventive.

The thing that always strikes me about people who dislike this show is because of its brief run on Adult Swim. People said it was too random or too stupid or that the art style is terrible; the truth is, that describes just about every Williams Street-produced show ever (you know, Aqua Teen, SeaLab, etc.). I like those shows, but come on -- this is more Adult Swim than Adult Swim itself, the epitome of what makes those shows watchable.

This is just an amazing piece of work and there are layers and layers of absolute brilliance. Check it out. What I really like about it is that it's somewhat insane, but it's somewhat restrained as well. Every episode isn't a grabbag of hyperactive weirdness, really, the weirdness is served in small and hilarious chunks. Just great.
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Why exporting culture doesn't always work
stargunner23 November 2004
Apparently this show was a huge hit among a wide audience in Japan. Well, after watching it on Adult Swim, myself and millions of other Americans don't quite get it, and never will.

Why? You can't take a show called Super Milk-chan to the United States and expect people to enjoy it just like that. It's too weird - that's just not how things work. Super Milk-chan is very strange, and I can't even understand why it's a hit in Japan. I doubt if they screened this before an American audience before letting it hit the TV, because I honestly haven't met one soul who derives happiness out of watching it.

If you're thinking this is like anime, you're thinking wrong. Super Milk-chan has no interesting characters, no plot, no story, no direction, and no potential for capitalist marketing or a card game. Sorry to burst your bubble, but just because you like anime doesn't mean you'll like this show. Heck, I like anime and this is the worst show I've ever seen.

The exportation of Japanese culture to America has reached its limit at Super Milk-chan. If you're like me and reside in the Western Hemisphere, you're better off avoiding this one.
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A Different Milk Perspective
afinklea14 December 2004
Though I'm probably one of the few, I'll proudly proclaim here and now that I like Super Milk Chan. I find it to be very funny. I cracked up throughout the homeless episode, and even more at the sequel to the homeless episode, (which was exactly the same as the original homeless episode but with different props and jokes...too funny).

Yes, there's no real plot, though I guess that in and of itself could be considered a plot, and yes, the characters are rude. I just find the idea of a 5 year old super hero with no real super powers, who curses out the President, drools constantly, drinks milk from a bottle, and refuses to pay her rent (rent? ...for a 5 year old?) unbelievably hilarious.

I've read comparisons of Super Milk Chan and the PowerPuff girls, many of which are accurate. Both the PPGs and Milk receive information about crimes or other disasters in progress from top political figures. For the PPGs it's the Mayor and for Milk it's the President (of everything). They both resolve the crime or conflict by the end of the episode. They're both cute in a disturbing way. They're both children, and both shows have a sizeable dose of pop culture mixed into the episodes.

That's just about where the comparisons end. Whereas the PowerPuff Girls could be considered to have lite PG-rated content (after all, there's fighting, teeth being knocked out, bruises and broken bones), Super Milk Chan is, in my opinion, a solid R. Milk ridicules everything and everyone, even her closest friend Tetsuko. There's a landlord character named Lalo (get it?), who just happens to be, let's say, not very masculine (not that there's anything wrong with that), who Milk always schemes and belittles so she won't have to pay the rent. Milk also gleefully takes pleasure from others' misfortunes. For example, there's a TV show about what really poor people eat that Milk never wants to miss.

Super Milk Chan is one of those shows where the first time you see it, your mouth hangs open in disbelief. Disbelief shortly becomes disgust, but that doesn't matter, because as disturbed as you may be with the content of the show, something about it makes you want to see it again, and once you do <BLAMO!> you're hooked.

In the final analysis, it's just a stupid cartoon, but if you give it a chance, I'm sure you'll find yourself chuckling, despite yourself.

So, as Milk would say, come on and watch Super Milk Chan with some Sushi or something...You Dumbass!!
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So weird, you can't stop watching.
lcotten3 January 2005
I have no real idea how to explain this show, but I think I like it. It totally defies description. I can't even explain how this show might have been conceived or written. There are definitely some strange people somewhere in Japan (not unlike here). But, it's so bizarre, I'm thinking of buying one of the DVD's. I wonder if the translation is a part of the charm, or if this show was equally obscure in Japanese. It's doesn't really matter. I just keep watching it thinking I'll figure it out eventually, but I kinda hope I never do. Perhaps it's best that I don't. I can't even figure out if the cultural references are real or not. Should rice cakes be chewy or crunchy? I think I'm going to go get some sushi or something.
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Just not funny
conradandian28 November 2004
I wanted to like this show. I saw the ads, all of the bright, goofy characters. It looked like something I'd usually enjoy. After watching it though, I was highly disappointed. It just wasn't funny. Maybe it's because I'm not from Japan, but the humor just doesn't work. There are times when you can tell the show is making a joke, but I've never laughed once ever. That's the worst kind of miss as well. I've seen every episode aired so far just because I haven't gotten around to changing the channel, but every time, it feels forced. Milk-Chan herself is just irritating. The swearing seems like it's just there because they can. In fact, every character is just annoying. The worst is when they keep doing the unfunny joke over and over. Such as Milk talking on the phone with the president. He just kept pounding on the desk. Over, and over, and over. It got so irritating so fast. The more I write this, the more I hate this show. Give it a shot yourself, I guess, but don't expect anything.
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Yay! Lone "HA!" Completed!
kidmongo26 July 2005
Super Milk Chan is the funniest thing you can buy. And now that it's on DVD, you don't have to suffer thru Inuyasha or Full Metal Complex or whatever dreadful anime that was on before it. Anybody with a partially functioning brain can tell you this is a classic anime masterpiece. Believe me, I have one! The relationships between the various characters is loaded with situational irony, and could be described as a Freudian "Family Romance". The ever-hopeful, ever-loyal, love-starved mecha, Tetsuko, who dreams of reuniting with her "Daddy", probably Dr. Eyepatch, who mercilessly insults her and often threatens to scrap her. This scene (like many others) is repeated in every episode. Then of course, the relationship between the President and Milk are at turns, playful, strained, hateful, and more than a bit dysfunctional. Since they never speak face-to-face, only via telephone,there are plenty of opportunities for misunderstandings. A now-famous parallel soap opera involves a family of ants, dealing with infidelity and "messaging." Too funny! For me, though, the most intriguing aspect of this show lies in the relationships between the characters. These relationships are placed in situational and romantic ironic settings. If you read between the lines you will see plenty of social protest, too. It's sad that Adult Swim caved into the haters of that show, but really, it's not that surprising since the reason it "failed" on Adult Swim is simple: most Americans have a hard time dealing with IRONY! And since most Americans don't "get"IRONY or Japanese POSTMODERNISM, or SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, we get to endure ridiculous tripe like, "Super Milk Chan isn't as fumy as Sealab," or,"The characters are annoying." Puh-leeze.
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So Bad It's Good!
tzer04 December 2005
When I first saw this show I didn't think much of it. Then when I saw it again, I still didn't think much of it. That's when it hit me! Like a a Monty Python 16 Ton Weight! This show is pure genius! It is the South Park of Japan. The animation is poor at best. The kid has a foul mouth, and gets in unbelievably outrageous situation. And every show is the same, but different. It can become so addictive you almost want the whole series running on a loop 24/7. You may read some reviews saying this show is bad. Well, yeah, it is. But just because something is bad has never stopped people from wanting more of it. Super Milk-chan is bad the way booze and ciggies and fattening food is bad. It just leave you wanting more. The more you watch, the more you want.
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Surreal, freaky fun
Vampyrikus21 February 2005
Very odd and strange, but very funny and weirdly addictive. Even if you don't care for it at first glance, it becomes more enjoyable with multiple viewings. Not meant to be epic or self-important. It probably won't please the Anime crowd (who prefer more realistic looking characters and the "comic book come too life" look). It's basically David Lynch meets Saturday morning. Part of the appeal is the Adult themes and language mixed with a "kids" themed show look (ala "Peewee Herman"). Definitely not for everyone, but if you grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons and have a leaning toward the slightly odd, This could be the very show for you. Try it, you'll like it !!!
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If you're American, watch the second dub
shinigami8613 August 2005
I own the first two DVD's of this series, and I have to say, it's one of my favorite anime series right now. When they brought this anime over to America for the first time, ADV realized they had two choices: make a dub with all the original Japanese references so that the die-hard purist anime fans will be happy, or change the references so that American audiences can understand it better. They decided to go with the former. Now, I understand that some of you are going, "Woo-hoo!" and in some cases, that would be justified. But not in this one. Super Milk-Chan just contains too many obscure Japanese references that it's not funny to Americans. There's no way around it: American culture is too different from Japanese culture to make for a smooth transition. I've seen the original dub. It just wasn't funny.

So then they made a second dub. They changed all of the references and replaced the Japanese live-action scenes with their own. And you know what? It was just funnier that way. Buy the DVD, but watch the second dub only. And I don't want to hear, "But it's not accurate to the original version!" Who cares? It's still funny and spontaneous and just so well done, and in the end, it's much more palatable and more enjoyable for American audiences.
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Not your ordinary anime...or show period!
crazypoohbear69_05012 July 2005
I for one rather enjoy this show because it breaks the boundaries that America has placed on Anime. Such as all anime must be a fantasy with demons or magical playing cards or robots and super humans fighting each other. The point is that the Japanese are like any other race in the fact that they enjoy laughing to. So comedic anime (such as "Golden boy" or "Super Milk Chan") should be just as welcomed and appreciated as Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or Action.

The plot (if you would like to call it that) is silly and repetitive. Each episode is built in the same way, but every episode turns out to be individually funny. I also love that there is a show within a show (A mini soap-opera about a family of ants and their marital issues) with in the show. The characters are funny I love the president most of all.

I would also like to address the comparison between "Super Milk Chan" and "Power-puff girls". The only reasons that there are similarities between the two are because SMC is a parody of the Young Super Hero shows that seem to be sprouting up like weeds (Such as "Power Puff Girls" "Teen Titans" "Danny Phantom" "Totally Spies" and that "Max mystery" thing.) The mayor and The President make this even more apparent. But people are acting as though the PPG was the first show to have a Commander or Chief figure that sends his or her (In the case of "Captain Planet") force of superheroes or spies to solve a problem. This has been used since the days of "Charlie's Angels" or " The Justice League".

So if you are a person who likes silly, repetitive, and bizarre humor make sure you check out this anime. User rating 7/10
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Terrible by even Adult swim standards, but has potential to grow on you
wendingowolf7 November 2004
This show is something that is just odd, and doesn't agree with it's viewers at all. The Main character comes off as a jerk and very rude. Seeming like Adult swim made the translation like that on purpose, and it comes off completely terribly... The robot main comes off as the helpless mother. This show seems like it is untented at a younger audience (one of the plot lines is to lure out the counter fitters by making a Belgium waffle stand, which breaks out into a Public broadcasting worthy song) but given the material of it (the robot dog p***ing on the floor) it is something I would definitely never show my children. (at one point, they even swear and the line "With this money, I can become a Real Woman" by a man dressed as a woman is said... but at 12:30 this is apparently allowed)

The animation style seems to change from low kitty grade, to standard anime, to live action weirdness.

Seeing it on Adult swim now... and when the 'president' talks, Clearly you can clearly see the WTC Buildings in the background. Not cool at all. Even though it takes place in japan supposedly

But by the end of the show, it was getting better, and it was very slowly growing on you, but this kind of material I can see most getting very sick of quite quickly. It clearly does not have the the "WTF" lasting value that Aqua teen hunger force, or Sealab 2001 have (a lasting Adult swim theme)

The anime quality was low kiddy grade. but geared to adults makes quite the contrast, but as adult swim says. "not untented for anyone under 14" But at the same time, put up the disclaimer, "Not untented for anyone over 41"

Rating: 4.5/10
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first episodes translate poorly, then gets over itself, moats, and turns into a pretty good sitcom
sorrybutt29 November 2004
think about the castle of dr. weird on a hilltop lit by a background of lightning. it's a convention used to the point of cliché, but the sequence becomes funny when it surprisingly deviates from the tired convention to the other extreme and becomes 'random'. repetition only reinforces the humor as each episode stays just as random. the humor is dependent on your jadedness at the conventions. when cinema is exported, immediately, a cult forms around all material from a geographical location, mainstream and cult films alike. this is because viewing anything from another visual/narrative tradition is already fresh.

in the first episodes, super milk chan is constructed the same way only it is random to a different tradition of clichés. far from jaded, the irony is a stretch for foreign audiences. plus it felt like they had limited material so they paced it really really slowly with silence as filler as it tries to bully you into a cold laugh.

so just as i was ready to write this show off, it changes significantly in later episodes. all of a sudden the visual style went from flash movie-like to hand drawn, nodding at its roots. more importantly, the humor got a lot drier and became situation based. it's like somebody turned the light on and finally got it. instead of just referencing culture, the show finally becomes it and writes with contemporary abandon. it finally had timing: in its curt, clean cuts where appropriate with no wasted pauses, furthermore, they wisely axed the derivative sitcom device of framing with repeating situations (e.g. dr. eyepatch and tetsuko, landlord visitations, the president acting consistently within a set personality, etc.) the writers took a 180 and showed complete conviction. i doubt it's an accident that the show blatantly references dr. slump (visual example: helicopter in the middle of the screen; thematic example: inventor/ technology juxtaposed with lewd and/or toilet humour,) and i believe it has the possibility of becoming just as good at this point. we'll see as the season progresses.
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