Terror Firmer (1999) Poster


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God bless Lloyd Kaufman!
capkronos18 May 2003
Indy directors schooled in shock had two options when Hollywood stepped in and stole their thunder with bad taste comedy hits like THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY and American PIE.

1. Become like John Waters, lose your edge and deliver much tamer (and much more bland) stabs at the establishment or...

2. Up the ante in terms of nihilistic gore, nudity, amorality, cruelty and cheap toilet gags.

Lloyd Kaufman has, with this film, undoubtedly established himself as the poster boy for the latter. So possessed is this man to disgust, offend, shock and give viewers an alternative to good, decent, Speilbergian entertainment, he has whipped out a film that includes, but it certainly not limited to, dismemberment, decapitation, impalement, castration, breast mutilation, urination, scat, puking, incest, rape, child molestation, drug use, cheesy sound effects, flatulence, deformed sex organs, full nudity (male and female), a fetus ripped from a womb, soft core sex and gore-dripping overkill in any and every other possible department. I must say, that it's a hectic, erratic, messy film, but I was never once bored while watching it.

Since the story takes place around the set of an independent movie (invaded by a hermaphroditic serial killer who hacks his/her way through the cast and crew in an effort to shut down the production) we also get some commentary on how the film industry works (and how it doesn't) and on the comedic virtues found in the lowest of low human behavior.

All four of the leads (Will Keenan, Alyce LaTourelle, Trent Haaga and Debbie Rochon) are great. Kaufman himself also shows considerable on-screen appeal as Larry Benjamin, the aloof director of the film in question, who also happens to be blind, an idea copied by Woody Allen for his acclaimed (but apparently not all that original) film Hollywood ENDING in 2001!

Fair enough to say that not everyone will be able to endure TERROR FIRMER, but be grateful someone has the audacity to slap Tinseltown in the face by beating them at their own game. The video and DVD both contain deleted scenes and outtakes and are available in uncut or R-rated versions. Watch for a cameo by SOUTH PARK creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone and Motorhead's Lemmy during an amusing end credit sequence.
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"These movie people are disgusting!"
Hey_Sweden28 July 2017
The makers of a Troma film, including its director Larry Benjamin (Troma head honcho Lloyd Kaufman) are both hard at work and hard at play. Some of its crew members get targeted by a crazed mystery woman (Sheri Wenden), who's busy slaughtering people in inventive ways.

It wouldn't be inaccurate to consider "Terror Firmer" a magnum opus, as far as Troma product goes. It goes on a LOT longer than a typical film from the independent studio, clocking in at almost two hours. As a result, if you're not on board with the kind of crude, graceless tomfoolery on display, that will make sticking with this difficult if not impossible.

Of course, if you're a fan of Kaufman and these guys & gals, you'll be amply rewarded with an amazing plethora of bad taste gags and twisted characters. In his review for the excellent sleeper "Def by Temptation", Leonard Maltin referred to Troma as being "aggressively schlocky", which is as good a way to describe them as any. Here they have tremendous fun just tossing anything resembling decorum out the window. They've always *embraced* the tackiness to be found in many a B picture, and you can certainly see that in a lot of the hammy, campy performances and the onslaught of hilariously crude gore effects.

The cast is enthusiastic as Hell. Future Oscar winners they might never be, but they give this production everything that they've got. Will Keenan, Trent Haaga, and Alyce LaTourelle play the love triangle at the heart of the story, with the appealing LaTourelle cast as the script girl who gets a chance to be an acting star. Uncle Lloyd himself is a gas as the flamboyant director, who happens to be blind. B movie icon Debbie Rochon is fine as temperamental actress Christine; look for cameos by such people as Ron Jeremy, Lemmy, and Joe Franklin.

*Obviously* not to many tastes, but if you love Troma to begin with, you'll likely have a good time.

Inspired by the book "All I Know About Filmmaking I Learned from the Toxic Avenger", written by Kaufman and Troma alumnus James Gunn.

Seven out of 10.
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Holy Crap! A fat naked guy!
unakaczynski16 November 2005
Terror Firmer (Quickie Review) This is a Troma gem we've got here. And we all know what that means, right? It's likely going to be bizarre, violent, absurd, ridiculous, offensive... whathaveyou. And this film is all of those things--and then some. It revolves a film crew, led by a blind director (played by Troma founder, Lloyd Kaufman), making another Toxic Avenger movie. But the film crew is constantly plagued with problems, foremost among them is a psychotic killer doing in people throughout the film in humorous and gory ways. And, in typical Troma fashion, there's insults and spoofs galore, including repeated verbal attacks on Spielberg and a mocking of Seinfeld. Lloyd Kaufman really seems to have a hatred of fellow entertainment business Jews, it would seem... At any rate, the acting, at times is surprisingly good, the gore quality is about average--sometimes, however, laughably weak, entertaining and surprising nudity, and the story is somewhat ridiculous. Bizarre and shocking ending, to boot! Ron Jeremy has a small starring role as an abusive father... sort of...

So, who should watch this thing? Well, gorehounds with an interest in crazy movies will enjoy it, Troma fans will enjoy it--that's almost a given. A unique film, however you look at it. Recommended strongly to curiosity seekers with a tolerance (or love) for weirdness, violence, gore, nudity, and independent film fans. 7/10

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Hey, baby, do fries go with that shake?
lastliberal26 July 2008
Debbie Rochon as a blond? Wow, this is something different! Of course, this whole movie is something different.

Lloyd Kaufman has really pulled out all the stops to give us the grossest film I could ever imagine. No, I would be Lloyd Kaufman if I imagined this stuff - this is waaaay beyond my imagination.

Extreme amounts of blood and gore and body fluids and solids. This was the ultimate in gross, but you had to look.

Once again, there was a perfect part for me. I coulda been a contenda in indy film.

Not for those with a weak stomach.
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Disgusting, Sick, Perverse but Oh so Funny!
NateManD5 July 2005
It's hard to describe "Terror Firmer". Think "Living in Oblivian" with Lucio Fulci style violence, filmed by the "Vienna Aktionists" on the set of "Sweet Movie" directed by Groucho Marx and John Waters. Those unfamiliar with the 60's shock artists the Vienna Aktionists; will be surprised at their similarities to troma. The Vienna Aktionists were a group of anarchist stage performers from the 60's, who would put on live surreal sex shows. They would take food, urine, feces, vomit and semen and create shocking works of art. When I think of Troma, I'm reminded of the Vienna Aktionists. Troma's films are so sick and gross, that they teeter on artistic brilliance. O.K, so "Terror Firmer" defies description. Troma is a company dedicated to gore hound freaks and fans of guilty pleasure b-movies. I am one of those fans. Terror Firmer can definitely be considered a surrealist film. It lacks a traditional narrative, it has grotesque imagery and mocks many institutional standards. It's also one giant middle finger to Hollywood. The plot concerns a psychotic, hermaphrodite serial killer; who is killing people off in the most morbid ways imaginable, on the set of a troma movie. Lloyd Kaufman plays Larry Benjamin, a blind movie director who continues filming even though his cast keeps getting murdered. He wants to get his bizarre artistic vision out there. It seems like "Terror Firmer" tries to outdo "Pink Flamingos", "Cannibal Holocaust" and "Salo" in shock. The first five minutes of the film contain a leg decapitation, an abortion, death by corn flakes and a suicidal shot in the head. This film is almost guaranteed to even make the most jaded viewer cringe. Your either laughing or disgusted with shock. There is ridiculous amounts of sex, full frontal nudity and of course "big breasts". Almost every imaginable bodily function or fluid is present, including crap eating. Also the films obsession with pickles is quite disturbing. After viewing this film, you'll never think of pickles the same way again (guarenteed). As repulsive as the subject matter is, the film is pretty damn funny. Just be prepared to squirm too. I appreciate Troma, because after watching "Terror Firmer"; I searched for other bizarre films. I also became interested in surrealism. So if it wasn't for Lloyd Kaufman, I may of never appreciated Bunuel, Godard, Greenaway, David Lynch, Fellini, Jodorowsky, John Waters, Salvador Dali, Jan Svankmajer, Tekeshi Miike, Dusan Makavejev or David Cronenburg. I love Troma, even if their films are sometimes a bit much. They opened up my mind and imagination to new ideas. I know one thing Otto Muehl and Dali would be proud. Now let's go make some art!
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Best Troma film ever!
Fuad-24 August 1999
Just like Lloyd Kaufman's awesome book, All I Need to Know About Filmmaking I Learned from the Toxic Avenger, this movie is an offbeat, hilarious, gratuitously sleazy (in a good way) item about the world of independent filmmaking. Everyone who reads this should stop and go see the movie if that is at all possible... NOW!
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Terrible Troma trash.
BA_Harrison5 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Terror Firmer, from B-movie outfit Troma, is a two-hour long attempt at being the most offensive movie ever. Packed into this trashy effort, from director and Troma head honcho Lloyd Kaufmann, is some of the most disgusting imagery ever committed to film. The trouble is, despite the inclusion of such 'delights' as an unborn baby being ripped from its mothers womb and poo eating, the most offensive thing about this movie is that it ever got made in the first place. All over the world, truly talented film-makers struggle to get their projects into production—meanwhile, Lloyd Kaufmann is regularly churning out reprehensible cack with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I have to admit that I have never been a fan of Troma's output, finding it amateurish and juvenile in the extreme. Their films do have their followers, however, and I suspect that they will find Terror Firmer to be two hours of pure heaven. With practically no plot, very puerile humour (farts, puke, bodily fluids, willies, tits and bums etc), bucket-loads of unconvincing gore and a smattering of sex, your average moron will probably find this movie unmissable.

Starting off with a man being beaten to death with his own leg and the aforementioned foetus removal, the film quickly lets viewers know what to expect. Now I've no problems with sick humour and OTT gore (I've been a fan of Peter Jackson's movies since Bad Taste) but I do like to see some semblance of talent from those involved. Terror Firmer may be extremely violent and outrageous, but with some truly dismal effects, dreadful humour, awful acting, an annoying cast, and no attempt at a coherent narrative (at least until very near the end), this film is something of a challenge to sit through.

The plot, for what it's worth, goes something like this: Larry Benjamin (Lloyd Kaufman), a blind director for Troma is making the latest Toxic Avenger movie. Unfortunately, a psycho killer is bumping off the cast and crew in various grisly ways, making completing the film slightly tricky. The nut-job responsible for the murders turns out to be the film's boom operator, Casey (Will Keenan), a hermaphrodite who had his/her penis cut off by his/her father (played by porn star, Ron Jeremy), who just wanted a little girl so he could abuse her. This has understandably unbalanced Casey mentally, resulting in him/her going completely gaga.

I tried to like this film for its excesses, I really did, but by the end credits I felt like I just wanted to hurt everyone involved in the making of this worthless garbage.
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lloyd kaufman is a genius... no, THE Genius.
marrymetoxie10 October 2002
one of my all-time favorites now, this movie is definitely not something you want to watch with your parents (unless, of course they have a perverse appreciation for the eccentric filmwork that lloyd kaufman is THE master of...) it has an amazing cast (i am always willing to watch debbie rochon) and an equally amazing soundtrack (the lunachicks rock my socks!) its a twisted murder mystery/horror/black comedy that will gross you out and tickle your funny bone all at the same time! try to see if *you* can figure out who is murdering the crew on the movie set... and who IS that mysterious woman?! if you love blood and gore, crazy food sex, fetus-ripping, exploding breasts, cross-dressing, frat parties gone wrong, and pickled unmentionables, you'll love terror firmer... :) 10 outta 10!
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Basically the sickest most twisted movie you're likely to see anywhere
Ghenghy19 March 2002
What can you say, pickled penises, a lunatic hermaphrodite, the return of the Toxic Avenger, and more puke scenes than a Jr.High beer bash. Not for everybody but it is very funny. I have a hard time sitting still for more than 20-30 minutes thru this thing. Something very disturbing about it but it gets the laughs nonetheless. Worth checking out-bring a strong stomach.
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I usually LOVE cheap-n-cheesy flicks, but...
jwpappas22 October 2002
...this is SO bad it pratically dares you to watch it. The thing that is great about Roger Corman's films is that he is TRYING to make a good film. Hell even the dreck that Israeli mierd meisters Golan/Globus put out under the Cannon moniker were enjoyable (in the so bad its great tradition). Troma on the other hand doesn't even try to make anything that is even remotely entertaining. In their nearly 30 years in business Troma hasn't progressed one iota--as a matter of fact Troma films have become more slapdash. "Terror Firmer" is yet another example of lazy & artless product.
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This One Was Just Disgusting
CMRKeyboadist15 December 2005
Since I heard about this film back in 1999 I have been trying to get my hands on it and finally about a month ago I received the Director's Cut. This movie I will just say makes most Troma films look like childs play. Not necessarily for the gore (it was very gory) but for the sick and disgusting last 20 mimutes of this film. I really just don't want to even go into that right now as I have already watched the movie about 5 times with numerous friends and my brain really feels as if its gone down the toilet. This movie genuinely makes you feel gross. But from Troma, this is what you are going to get. Basically the story is about a group of low budget filmmakers start filming another Toxic Avenger movie and in the background there is a woman running around brutally murdering people. You're exposed to this right away as the opening scene is the killer ripping off a mans leg and beating him to death with it and then randomlly ripping a fetus out its mothers stomach. Pretty typical for Troma and rather hilarious. But I will give warning about the end of the movie as it has grossed out everyone I have shown it to. I don't know why I watch these films (I guess I'm just screwed up in the head). Anyway, this is still a great Troma film and it truly goes hand in hand with Tromas next big movie "Citizen Toxie" which is a must see also. 8 stars
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Bloody violent bloodbath.
HumanoidOfFlesh4 April 2005
This is the story of a low budget film crew,led by their blind film director,Larry Benjamin (Lloyd Kaufman/co-founder of Troma Inc.),trying to make some art.In addition to the typical trials and travails of a Troma set,the crew finds themselves set upon by a sexually conflicted,bomb bearing serial killer.Production assistant Jennifer(enchanting Alyce LaTourelle)struggles to succeed on set and to decide between the two men in her life-straitlaced Casey(Will Keenan)and over the edge Jerry(Trent Haaga).This threesome heats up as the killer draws even nearer.As the insanity increases and the bodies pile up,the crew bands together(both physically and sexually)against the threat in their midst."Terror Firmer" is an occasionally amusing and extremely gross horror comedy.Of course people don't watch Troma flicks for production values or artistic pretensions,they just want gore,nudity and crude humour."Terror Firmer" is based on Kaufman's autobiography "All I Need to Know About Film-making I Learned from the Toxic Avenger".The film is really disgusting,with several way over-the-top scenes of vomiting,dismemberment and crap-eating.Still I liked it and you should too if you are a fan of Troma's crazy horror films.7 out of 10.
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self-important, overdone parade of poor taste
Jonny_Numb7 October 2005
What can really be said about a movie that deliberately and gleefully intends to push the barriers of taste right out the window? Therein lies the failure of "Terror Firmer," an over-the-top parody of the making of a low-budget movie crossed with a slasher flick. In its own hyperactive, slovenly way, it tries too hard, and simply doesn't have enough "meat" to merit its near-two-hour run time. The film is stained with gore, viscera, vomit, and is heinously overacted and overwritten, and a majority of the time confuses shock value (no matter how inane or black-humored) with comedy. A female slasher is on the loose, killing off the cast and crew of a low-budget independent film (director Lloyd Kaufman, founder of Troma, never skips an opportunity to inform us of the virtues of independent cinema)–who is doing it, and more importantly, who cares? That being said, "Terror Firmer" does have an eerie charm that (for a while, at least) bangs on the 'ol funny bone with some consistency, though a little of this stuff goes a long way, and eventually you'll just want the movie to end.
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Troma Continues to Give Us the Sickest and Most Hilarious Films in History...
moviefanesc3 September 2003
This has got to be one of the sickest and most hilarious films in the independent field to date. After watching the four Toxic Avenger movies, I was told to watch this as its a good companion film. They were right! The story is basic, during the filming of a new Toxic Avenger movie the cast and crew start to get killed off by a mysterious woman in the most grotesque ways. Of course this is being brought to the public by those sickos at Troma Entertainment and who better to play the role of the blind film director Larry Benjamin than director and Troma owner Lloyd Kaufman. I highly recommend this film to those with strong stomachs and those who just want to have a good time. In R-rated and UN-rated versions.

My rating 3 OUT OF 5 STARS
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Can you handle this freak show?
silversidhe15 May 2013
I was exposed to this film last night. I feel both like my life is more complete AND like I'll never get back that weird little bit in my soul ever again. I'm not sure I've experienced that phenomena before. This film is gloriously terrible. I'm glad I watched it, despite possibly being scarred for life. "What doesn't kill you makes you stranger". I think they did a fantastic job of doing a terrible job, and the performances were pretty disturbingly well done for the most part, especially the main...guy. I think my favorite part might be the "continuity" bit, which is funny because it was one of the least over-the-top funny moments...for this movie. I was also really disturbed by the number of physically attractive actors in this film considering the bizarre, messed and/or stupid characters they played. It made me uncomfortable in a good/bad/confusing way, which I felt ultimately added to the specatacle.
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The ne-plus-ultra of sick humor
dmkay7 June 2003
Wow. I mean, wow. My jaw hit the floor and stayed there for most of this movie. When the movie begins with a live fetus ripped out of a woman's belly, and then the woman fights with the attacker for the fetus, playing tug-o-war with it...you know you're in store for something special. I've seen some other Troma movies, plus Italian zombie movies, Last House on the Left, I Spit on Your Grave, etc., but this one is probably the most entertaining and imaginative. Mind you, I still don't think it's as good as Toxic Avenger, and certainly not up there with Evil Dead 2 or Dead Alive (aka Brain Dead) in terms of overall quality, but for pure perverseness this takes the cake. Any fan of splat-stick should see it.
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more isn't always better
movieman_kev27 August 2005
Larry Benjamin (a thinly veiled Lloyd Kaufman, playing more or less himself) is in the midst of shooting a movie, while all around him ghastly murders are being committed to people associated with the film. All of the "plot" is just a flimsy device to have more blood, guts, bad-taste, vulgarity, and general depravity then even other Troma films never had as much of before, or since thus far. But more doesn't equal better at all, quite the opposite, because while I love other Troma films such as the "Toxic Avenger" films (well accept for the abysmal third one), the first "Class of Nuke 'em high", "Tromeo and Juliet" and others/ This film (the unrated version at least) is so extreme, so artless, so offensive that it gave even me pause to wonder what the hell the point of it all was. Note to Lloyd: I NEVER thought I'd say this in my life. But tone it down a notch or two, bro.

My Grade:D

DVD Extras: Disc 1) intro by Llyod; Lloyd's Commentary; Editor's commentary; actor's commentary; 19 deleted scenes; 21 alternate takes; comic to film escalator scene comparison; audition footage; blooper reel; Teaser and theatrical trailers Disc 2) the 99 minute "Farts of Dakness: the Making of Terror Firmer" documentary; 3 music videos (Say what you mean by Lunachicks, Freak of the Week by DJ Polo *with nudity AND Ron Jeremy*, and Seeing Red by Entombed); soundtrack spot; promos for All you need to know about Filmaking, and Tromadance film festival; Gyno-talk with Alyce Latorelle wherein she talks of how disgusted she was; a mini interview with Lloyd Kaufman's daughter, Charlotte; the Radiation March (the horrid PSA that's on every Troma disk it seems), and Trailers for "Citizen Toxie", "Unspeakable", "Cannibal the Musical", & "Parts of the Family"

DVD-Rom content: Terror Firmer the game (I can't get past the "Toddster level, the nails go by to fast)

Easter Eggs: On disc 1, let the credits under the filmmakers menu play through for a re-creation of a phone call; highlight the face in the main menu 3 times for a 6 minute censored version of the film. Highlight the Terror Firmer logo in the extras menu for 10 seconds of color bars followed by 10 seconds of a gross appendage; (their's another egg, but the link it gives you doesn't work anymore) Now onto the second disk,highlight the face for footage of "the Naked Cowboy" (who I've seen at Mardi Gras in New Orleans multiple times)
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Troma Strikes a Blow for Freedom of Dismemberment
chuckc16 July 2005
On one hand, the folks of Troma are true independent filmmakers, striking a blow for the First Amendment with every movie they make. On the other hand, they make movies with jiggling breasts, tons of sex, severed body parts, and crushed melons for brains. Troma fills the void left behind by John Waters when he went semi-respectable.

"Terror Firmer" is the low-budget maverick's grandest statement for freedom of expression--its biggest blow against the empire. The flick is "Babes on Broadway" crossed with "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls," with a touch of "Pink Flamingos" for good measure. The plot, such as it is, involves Troma trying to finish the latest entry in its "Toxic Avenger" series while dealing with the ultimate critic--a serial killer bent on shutting the production down.

I'll say one thing for "Terror Firmer"--it's funnier than Waters's "Cecil B. Demented" and much more repulsive. I can't recommend the movie entirely (although I never found it boring), but Lloyd Kaufman's (the director's) book "All I Need to Know About Film-making I Learned from the Toxic Avenger" is a hoot and worth reading.

I admire Troma's spirit, if not necessarily their movies. We need these guys now more than ever.
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A strange dichotomy...
jpilkonis1 December 2005
I find it very difficult to sit through the "normal" Troma film. (This might be the only living example in captivity, by the way, of the words "normal" and "Troma" coexisting side-by-side.) I find them intolerably busy, erratic, and annoying. At the same time, I am utterly fascinated and impressed by the irrepressible Lloyd Kauffman,the "face" of Troma, one of the most charismatic figures in all of cinema. Given these preferences, "Terror Firmer" becomes a Troma film worth watching, because buried deep within this highly fictionalized account of what it takes to put together a Troma film are, one would assume, many, many kernels of truth, isolated and blown up way out of proportion in Troma's over-the-top style.

Even more interesting than the film, however, is the director's commentary track by Kauffman himself, which carries the "film within a film" concept to even deeper depth (because you know Kauffman is "performing" throughout).

I haven't quite decided whether Kauffman and Troma are the best thing to ever happen for independent cinema or the worst. While Troma proves that it can be done and that such a company can endure, the quality of Troma's product might work against independent cinema by implying that the company's profitability comes from the public's acceptance of low-budget, badly conceived and executed drivel.

Hats off to Lloyd Kauffman. Just don't expect me to like what you put out.
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Mon Dieu
pestilences9 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
THIS IS THE MOTHER OF ALL B-MOVIES. It combines the fun and arts of film making with that of complete heresy of what should be seen by the human eye. The film has lovable characters and a message behind the love of twisted b-movies. It is for anyone who thinks outside the standard of what good movie making is and for anyone who appreciates the ridiculousness that can fit into one film all in the name of fun. I haven't seen a movie that satisfied my love for gore and shock value all while making me laugh. It's also a good watch when your drunk. The moral of the story: Don't trust psychotic hermaphroditic Spielburg lovers.
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Must see Troma offering
deheor2 December 2005
As a long time Troma fan I have enjoyed the Renaissance that the company has enjoyed in the wake of Tromeo & Juliet. After the success of Toxic Avenger (and video success of Class of Nuke em' high) troma had fallen off the chart. Several dismal Toxie sequels and the long wait for Sgt. Kubuki Man NYPD created the impression that Troma had lost their way but Tromeo & Juliet reminded everyone why they had fell in love with the company to begin with. Tromeo raised the bar once again for what you could expect from a Troma offering and with high expectations I watched Terror Firmer and thankfully this movie delivered.

Someone is killing people on the set of a Troma film. As the body count rises the crew must rally together to get their blind directors vision to the screen (or at least to the video shelves). From that absurd premise we launch into what I truly believe is the best in house Troma production ever (2nd only to pick up film Cannibal the musical over all) and this movie works as a valentine to the beloved company.

Indie-film god, and troma co-founder, Lloyd Kaufman finally responds to the worlds demands and returns to leading man status as Larry Benjamin, director of the newest Toxic Avenger film. Larry tries to get the best out of his inexperienced, though largely enthusiastic crew. Tromeo himself, Will Keenan plays the Spielberg loving crew member who competes for the affections of the pretty Alyce LaTourelle with Trent Haaga. Haaga plays Jerry, a guy who seems to be living out his dream (as well as the dream of most fans) working on a Troma film. With a very likable cast this film can, and often does, takes many detours. From a Seinfeld parody to a odd public service announcement, the story often wanders off in odd directions only to be corralled back by another killing.

As you can tell by some of the other reviews, this film is clearly not intended for the mainstream. It was specifically designed to appeal to the faithful, not to win over any new fans. From the lead performance by Lloyd Kaufamn to the tons of cameos by Troma veterans like Lemmy, Joe Fleishaker, Trey Parker and Matt Stone and Lisa Gaye this movie seems to be like Troma doing a victory lap to celebrate the fact that in a industry where independents get chewed up constantly, They are still standing. And their fans are grateful for that.
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This is the gratuitous sex and violence you've been looking for
hbendillo8 February 2005
I only rated five out of ten but that is relative. This is a 10 out of ten violent, sexually explicit and stupid movie that all those looking for such things want to see. Limbs removed, impaling, squashed heads, stabbings, slashings and gallons of fake blood. Main stupid plot line and stupid sub plot line. Actually both good and bad acting making the bad look very bad and the mediocre look great. Sex with monsters, sex with vegetables, sex in bathrooms, large breasts. Pure trashy entertainment to watch alone as in not for the whole family or close relatives. So plug it into the DVD player, grab the remote and use the rewind, slow motion and A-B repeat buttons liberally.
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