Rough Draft (1998) Poster


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latenight laughfest
Laozi11416 January 2006
I don't know why everyone is so harsh towards this movie. I saw this movie really late at night on one of the "premium" channels, and by the end my side hurt from all the laughing. Often time one is reminded of a modern day Ed Wood with this films script and production values. As I don't want to ruin any of the film for you, I would be remissed if I didn't mention how funny the scene where Gary Busey's character is running through the streets. As mentioned by another, the scene is done with a stand in, in a ridiculous wig. The scene was shot totally guerilla style during some sort of nighttime festival on the streets of a very "New Orleanish" city. Basically the standin in the wig runs into various groups of people while Busey's voice is dubbed in yelling things. This was sort a high point for the film when its truth was laid out there for all to see.If you can imagine how funny this scene would be then this film might hold some value to you.
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Did they only use the "rough draft" of the script?
gridoon18 April 2004
A cliched, thoroughly unbelievable plot does this one in; it requires EVERY CHARACTER in it (the "hero", the detectives, even the killer) to be a moron. Busey is miscast, but Madsen manages to be pretty funny (intentionally) even though he is quite visibly bored out of his mind, and Vosloo is downright creepy as the serial killer - he acts as if he's in a good movie. Laughable "twist" ending. (*1/2)
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Get a grip Gary
Dave-43013 July 1999
Gary Busey is one of those actors who have some great performances in decent-to-good-films but who also, from time to time, have mediocre performances in c-movies. Rough Draft definitely qualifies for the latter category. The serial killer is omnipotent yet more annoying than scary, and the story twist in the end is one of the worst I've seen in a long time and Wild Things is still fresh in my memory... Do I have to say more?
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I saw a murder.....
SkyMan-26 March 1999
I have one thing to say about this movie, and that is:

I saw a murder.............THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!!!

This line is the greatest line performed by any actor in any film ever made. I suggest renting this movie if only for this one scene. Nothing even comes close.
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GizzUK12 August 2000
My girlfriend and i decided to rent this film on DVD one night, the cover catching my eye, especially as it namechecks the excellent 'seven'......Imagine then my horror as we watched the most dreadful, poorly acted, cheesy film ever made unfold before our eyes. My girlfriend instantly fell in love with the appalling acting of MR GARY BUSEY, who has now become a cult figure in our homes. The acting in this film really is second to none, BUSEY being the main culprit, for example the moment were the idiot looks lovingly across the street at his girlfriend, with a big cheesy grin on his face, and the way he reacts to a serial killer as if his granny had popped round for tea. There are also blatant errors in the film, like the fake plastic bottle, AND most unforgivingly the moment were Stefan (vosloo) hits Nelson (busey) with a dummies arm, and once he is knocked on the floor Busey is replaced by a stand in, WITH A TERRIBLE BLONDE WIG ON, it is so obviously not busey, why did they need a stand in for him laying on the floor? and also the is a busey stand in running through the crowd moments earlier......other highlights include.........Busey's reaction when he hears stefan on the phone (priceless).......Busey's silly giggle at the end......when busey dresses as a woman to get past the cops, and the realize its him, so they get in the car and drive off in the opposite direction instead of running round the corner to get him.......My girlfriend and i went and bought the film on DVD and now watch it a couple of times a week......dreadful film but its so bad you gotta get it....LONG LIVE GARY BUSEY
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The worst movie in 1997
hajime28 December 1998
I thought Batman and Robin was the worst movie in 1997, but this one is even worse. The story is dull. The casting is terrible. The filming is even worse than soap-operas. I want my money back!
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Exceedingly awful
timelord-34 January 2000
From what was touted on the box as the best independent video release of the year, Diary of a Serial Killer had a lot to do to live up to that promise.

Unfortunately it did not even come close.

It tries very hard not to have the look of a cheap telemovie, but its parentage peeks through and unhappily reminds you exactly how cheap it is.

I can see what the writer and director were trying to do with the Busey character, and his inner torment at having to interview a serial killer. But it just didn't come off that well on screen.

Arnold Vosloo isn't that bad, but is let down by some truly awful dialogue.

A great idea, but poorly executed.
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Vosloo surprised me.
vinnie_hans6 September 2002
Well what can i say about a movie with so many cliches. I bought ex-rental video because i collect Michael Madsen films. When i watched it i was very dissapointed with the acting. Especially Gary Busey was so terrible. Michael's performance wasn't too good either. The only actor that did surprise me was Arnold Vosloo(also known from"the mummy"). He plays a very disturbed man who has it in for brunettes. Unfortunately for Vosloo, the storyline is so predictable and boring. In another serialkiller movie who could have been very special. I expect that Arnold Vosloo could appear in similar films, hopefully with a better script.
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Shockingly bad!
domagojpint23 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
By looking at the names of actors like Busy, Madsen and Vosloo you would think this it is not that bad, but it is in reality one of the worst movies ever made. The story itself could have worked but in this case it didn't, acting is below avarage and some of the things in this mess are just insane. For example, Busy comes into police station with a tape with a recorded murder, he is a witness to a murder and murderer comes in folowing him. So, one would say that's a perfect time to report a crime since you have pretty strong evidence and a murderer with a murder weapon is right in there. But Busy runs of without reporting it because murderer told him not to. And most of the things in this film is like that without any logic and pretty iritating.
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Fast paced, tense thriller, poorly received by its critics.
Vivekmaru457 May 2022
Fantastic film. I'm a big fan of Arnold Vosloo from his movies Hard Target/The Mummy. Here he puts on a menacing performance. Though this film lacks in depth, it more than makes it up with its fast paced thrills. Overall I've watched this film twice now and enjoyed every minute of it. Gary Busey as always puts his heart and soul into his roles, whatever movie he's in. Welcome to see the classy Michael Madsen in this, though his role is more of a cameo. The rest of the cast are outstanding and carry the movie well.
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Good For Saturday Horror Matinée
KaliTime19 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I got this movie mainly because Arnold Vosloo was in it and I wanted to see him in something other than a loin cloth for a change. I certainly wasn't disappointed in his performance in this. He really seemed to put himself in this role to chilling effect.

**************Spoiler Warning******************* (Hope I don't give too much away)

A writer (Busey) is attempting to get through a dry spell by researching a particular subculture and stumbles across an interesting case subject (Vosloo). It's only after following him that the writer finds out he might have gotten in for more than he bargained for. It's a race against time and patience as the writer seeks both the story and 'the right thing'.

**************End Spoilers*******************

It may not be the 'thriller of the decade' but it is pretty decent. The plot was reasonably good, the villain chilling and credible. It's something you might expect to see on a Saturday Afternoon Horror movie feature nowadays. It's certainly worth renting and I bought it mainly because I like such movies.
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Oh so bad!
kate387823 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, don't read anymore of my review if you're not ok with a spoiler. Although, I must warn you, this movie ruined itself with the horrible acting, lack of storyline, no character development, cheesy music, bad drag outfits and horrendously bad murder scenes. If a journalist followed a serial killer around, recorded the murders, and didn't report the murders immediately, in some states he would be an accessory to murder and in other states, he would be charged with felony first degree murder. Why his idiotic girlfriend, who was hot and had a good career, would want anything to do with him escapes me. She admitted that she paid all of his bills and all she asked of him was that he he show up to a picnic and he failed to show up. He was so obsessed with a murderer that he ditched his girlfriend to follow a killer around town and tape the killings. The ending was ridiculous because the movies ends with the journalist selling his novel about living vicariously through a murderer and then becoming one himself! Who wrote, directed and produced this piece of s*it?
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Nobody here seems to be trying very hard
Wizard-820 September 2010
A washed-up freelance journalist stumbles upon a serial killer in his city. When the killer finds out that a journalist knows about him, instead of killing the journalist, the killer asks to be interviewed. This premise is an interesting one, though not really original (check out the Kurt Russel movie "The Mean Season"). It could have worked again here, but the end results are pretty poor. None of the characters seem to be very interesting, even the serial killer. In fact, all the characters in the movie make some really stupid decisions when common sense would have quickly ended this story. The movie moves at a snail's pace because there's simply not enough story here. Don't get me wrong - I like a lot of low budget B movies, but this one is so poorly made that even I can't forgive its shortcomings.
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Very much a daytime TVM
fliks21 March 2000
Arnold Vosloo comes accross believable in this movie as a crooning smoothe serial killer who gets off on killing women who he meets in the street by using his charm to walk them into isolated alleys where the deed is done. I'm afraid that Gary Busey is a weak act in this movie reminding me that this is a B grader and not a star studded cast. No mindblowing camera or lighting work as a matter of fact it really belongs on daytime TV. With Michael madsen playing the dodgy cop who smokes and swears a lot ( mmmmmmm thats a new role for him ) NOT. The movie is pretty predictable right through to the end scene when finally there is a small twist. My video case boasts "Independent video release of the year 1998 VSDA Award Winning" ........What??? Yeah right! I reccomend you watch it in the afternoon when you're bored and havent anything better to do like I did. Outta 10 ....about 4 and thats because Vosloo made a good effort when the odds were against him starring in a B grade movie with a B grade cast
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To cut a long story short, I ended up with child's sick in my mouth
mjvinegrad2 September 2004
I bought this film for £1 from my local supermarket. It was hugely over priced.

Despite featuring 3 fairly established Hollywood actors (Gary Busey, Michael Madsen and Arnold Vosloo) the acting is so excruciatingly bad it often seems like a tongue in cheek comedy sketch. The director must have been a functioning alcoholic or drug addict to think the script was i anyway feasible and to apparently not notice the laughably poor standard of acting.

This is genuinely one of the worst films ever written, directed or acted in.

Another reviewer states that the film is so bad it is almost funny. Fair enough, but I can't (as he can) watch it twice a week. Because I would vomit into my own mouth over and over.
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Nothing could have made this movie worth watching
tracyhenson-5357528 February 2024
I happened up on this movie on Filmrise. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could have made this movie worth watching, not even the cast. I put it on just because of the cast. I loved Arnold Vosloo in "The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns". I was greatly disappointed with his acting in this, it was lukewarm at best, as was Madsen's and Busey's. These are good actors so the only thing that makes sense is bad directing and bad writing. This should have been scrapped.

The murderer (Vosloo) sets up a writer ( Busey) to take the blame for a murder. I think Madsen would have been better cast as the murderer and Vosloo as the detective.

If you like to have your TV on for noise while you try to go to sleep, this is the perfect movie for it.
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BearLover18 October 1998
I thought this was going to be a somewhat decent film about a serial killer and how his/her mind works....YAWN! I couldn't even finish watching the film. It's hard to believe that Gary Busey once was nominated for an Oscar. Now he's doing this garbage.
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LeonLouisRicci7 August 2021

This one Promises to Deliver with the Subject "Serial Killers" and the Cast of Gary Busey, Michael Madsen, and Arnold Vosloo.

Plus the Plot of an Investigating Journalist who "Enters the Skin" of His Subjects.

For Example...While Doing a Book "Through the Eyes of a Transvestite",

He Dresses Up and Frequents Their Hangouts.

In a Previous Book..."Through the Eyes of an Alcoholic'', that Won Awards, one of the Side-Effects of His Work...

He became an Alcoholic.

A Foreshadowing, that was Abandon in the Script about the Book "Through the Eyes of a Serial Killer" that could have Expanded the Film to Something Special.

But the Budget was Small,

Hence the Small Minded Makers of this Straight to Video Never Went There.

Another Flaw is the Total Wasting of Michael Madsen in a Thank-Less almost Invisible Role as the Detective on the Case.

While Gary Busey is Fine as the Journalist, it is Arnold Vosloo's Creepy Dual-Persona of Charming Murderer that Steals the Show.

It's a Little Movie that Fails to Support the Heft of a Story that had Enormous Possibilities.

It Reminds of the Successful Film "Best Seller" (1987 ) with James Woods and Brian Dennehy.

They Could have Used that as Inspiration.

Overall this is Not a Bad Movie it just Screams Out for More Movie than what was Made Here.

Busey and Vosloo Impress and the Concept is Intriguing.

Worth a Watch.
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Excellent! Many thanks to Mr.Gary Busey!
Romashka12 October 1998
This film is great and I enjoyed it very much! My favourite actor is Mr.Gary Busey and I think he gave an excellent portrayal of the journalist. I'm studying in journalist faculty so this film is very close to me. Now I understand what means to work as a journalist and I want to say THANK YOU for this to Mr.Busey. And besides many thanks to Mr.Busey for his thoughts about God, many of them help me to live. I also liked Mr.Arnold Vosloo as Stefan, but I know nothing about him as an actor, It's a pity but I've never seen him before. And my best wishes to Julia Campbell! I've seen her in "Santa-Barbara" and in my opinion she is a very nice and talented actress. Well, best wishes from Russia!
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