Amityville 1992: It's About Time (Video 1992) Poster

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One of the better "Amityville" sequels
drownsoda9013 January 2017
"Amityville: It's About Time" follows a California architect who returns from a business trip in New York, where he acquires an antique clock. Soon after his return, he is in a terrible accident that leaves him bedridden; meanwhile, his family experiences an array of bizarre occurrences in their house. Little do they know, the clock they've brought in was from the Amityville DeFeo house, and is doing more than telling time.

I'll be frank here: none of the "Amityville" films have ever been spectacular—even the original, which, though a good haunted house film, had its flaws. The sequels have been hit and miss, and 1990's "The Amityville Curse" was abhorred by many (I actually somewhat enjoyed it, but that's another story). As the installments in this series progressed, they've tended to sprawl out to the point that each haunting is incidentally connected to the Amityville house via objects rather than geography—this occurred in Part 4 where a lamp possessed evil powers, and would be re-used again in the followup to "It's About Time" in "Amityville Dollhouse." Long story short, the series as a whole is rather silly.

With that out of the way, I do think "Amityville: It's About Time" does have some goods to offer. Where the earlier films in the series were more concerned with suspense, this sequel goes straight for thrills from the beginning, though there is a bit of character building as the film meditates on the disintegration of a family. The clock itself acts as a catalyst in the warped dynamic, and there is a lot of playful writing involving the clock's powers and its relationship toward time.

The film manages to evoke a weirdly oppressive suburban atmosphere, and the performances throughout are better than what you find in most direct-to-video fodder; Stephen Macht's role as the breadwinning architect-turned-madman is decent, and Megan Ward and Damon Martin play convincing enough teenagers. Nita Talbot is a bit of a show-stealer here as a matronly neighbor who uncovers the truth behind the family's turmoil.

Overall, "Amityville: It's About Time," though not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, is one of the better "Amityville" sequels. As silly as the premise may be, there is a decent amount of fun to be had. A few memorable performances plus some appreciable special effects and playful writing render this worth a watch for genre fans. 6/10.
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Really good direct to video effort. Creepy concept.
insomniac_rod15 October 2006
A decent straight to video sequel to a "popular" franchise. "It's About Time" centers on a possessed clock that happens to be from the original Amytiville house. A family with intentions to renew their life, move to a beautiful mansion. Unfortunately for them, they buy the possessed clock and that's when things start to get horrible.

This is probably the second best sequel in the franchise, following "The Possession", a sinister sequel. "It's About Time" obviously centers on the possession topic and has the occasional poltergeist scenes provoked by the clock's evil glow.

This movie scared me when I first rented it (I was 8 or 9) because it has a dark, creepy atmosphere. The mansion is scary enough for a movie like this. The f/x are below average but it's normal for a direct to video sequel.

If you are a fan of haunted house or possession flicks, this is a very good option that exploits the greatness of direct to video.
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Amityville It's About Time: Weak but certainly not the worst part of the franchise
Platypuschow21 November 2017
I'm binge watching the Amityville titles I haven't seen before and am being reminded that all in all this is a poor franchise.

It's About Time otherwise known as Amityville 1992 begs the question what would happen if an item from the infamous house was relocated to another? The answer is a pretty bad movie will happen.

A man buys an antique clock that came from the Amityville house, before you know it strange things are happening and himself and other family members seem to have been possessed by something evil.

This did at least feel like an Amityville movie and reminded me a lot of Amityville: Dollhouse (1996) A passable watch for fans but as a standalone movie it's really not great.

The Good:

Amityville vibe

The Bad:

Another cheating antagonist

Pets getting killed in every damn horror film is overkill

Flawed confusing story

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Amityville is a major contender for the most butchered franchise in movie history
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Forget "Curse," this is the REAL Amityville 5
aaronzombie16 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
After an almost completely unrelated part 5, we get a sequel that puts the series about an evil house back on track. This one builds on the idea that 4 started, objects from 112 Ocean Ave. that kill, and does it without being a retread.

!!!POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!!Jacob Sterling returns home with a strange antique clock from the town of Amityville, Long Island. As soon as he sets it on the mantle piece the evil is released, and for Jacob and his family, life is going to be one hell of a terrifying trip through time.

Good story, acting, and effects. *** out of *****.
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A Welcome Improvement
Muldwych6 March 2010
'It's About Time' rehashes a concept last seen in 'Amityville IV: The Evil Escapes', in that an artifact from the infamous Long Island house is relocated into the home of another family, where it soon begins to take over their lives with its demonic intentions. Hardly surprising, given that John G. Jones was the scribe for both installments.

This, I have to say, is the better attempt, and it goes a long way towards rebuilding the damage done by the painful and indeed execrable 5th film, 'The Amityville Curse'. This time around, the artifact is a clock, and its hellish influence not only possesses both the house and its occupants (naturally), but plays around with time itself, breathing at long last some new ideas into the franchise. The tension is reasonably well-paced, allowing for a gradual build until all hell breaks loose.

At the same time however, 'Amityville 1992' still suffers from a fairly silly and uneven storyline, aggravated by sloppy editing choices that prevent the overall effort from meshing together seamlessly. Add to this some rather hammy acting from veteran performers Steven Macht and Nita Talbot, along with some just plain bloody awful acting from Jonathan Penner, and it becomes difficult to take the film seriously. Thankfully the principal lead is Shawn Weatherly, who avoids the obvious temptation the script offers to go over-the-top and gives a creditable performance under the circumstances, as does Damon Martin, in what looks to be his final film.

Nonetheless, 'It's About Time' makes a far better effort to remember its roots than its two predecessors. With minimal rewrites, IV and V could very easily just be standalone horror flicks, but the plot of VI rests upon the apparently again-destroyed Amityville house's past history. On the one hand, it has no conscious ties to the DeFeo murders, but in the universe of the film franchise, these were supposed to be influenced by the house's long-present demonic incumbents, and it is here where 'It's About Time' builds its story. In the process, it grafts yet another unnecessary centuries-old European explanation for its dark history which I didn't really buy into, but I can let it slide since new ground is being explored. After all, I also have to put aside the obvious fact that if this clock has been in the house all along, why does it only manifest its powers now? Yet this is the most interesting aspect of the film, and if anything, Jones should have really let fly with the time distortion element and tried harder to pull it together into what could have been an even better and possibly mind-bending tale.

At any rate, 'It's About Time' pulls the franchise out of the mire that the previous installment dumped it into. It's still fairly silly, but a great improvement nonetheless.
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Not bad for a sequel "B" Movie.
Asmodeus Night11 April 2001
The story was a little cheesy, evil clock and all… but the effects were good and it was actually somewhat scary. Don't get me wrong strictly `B' material, but definitely entertaining. Sound story, decent characters, semi believable (as supernatural events go) and even some horror and some humor.

And as for the guys: nothing here really, extremely brief sex scene at beginning not even worth mentioning, but one fairly erotic scene with the daughter and a demon controlled reflection. Good and seductive but no nudity.
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Better than the previous movie...
fistofgonzo17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest thing this movie has going for it is that is considerably better than the last one. However, it's still a mess with a plot that's way too convulted for its own good. It doubles down on the possessed family members, follows a love triangle, and has the evil force beaten by going back in time to change the natural course of events. It's all a bit messy, but still a lot more fun that other Amityville films.
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Really good b horror with some dreamy scenes
bensan913 May 2019
This movie is about a clock that is haunted and evil. It messes with reality and time, cursing the people in a house.

A great soundtrack and some really memorable scenes. The actors and story keep the film from dragging. Shawn Weatherly is attractive and a good leading lady.

If the film had been a little darker and scarier that could have made it even better, but certainly a good one to grab up and add to your vhs collection.
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Oh, it's about time? I always thought it was about a house
Coventry3 October 2022
For me "it was about time" as well - and urgently - to catch up on the Amityville franchise. I quit after the original first three, and never had the energy to watch any of the sequels/spin-offs released during the late 80s, 90s, and 00s. Since the makers also stopped bothering to number the sequels (always an indicator of a series outstaying its welcome), I needed the help of a horror buddy to "educate" me about the correct structure. Apparently, the three straight-to-video installments made during the 90s form an isolated trilogy that fit perfectly into the series but can nevertheless be watched separately. Good to know!

The best thing I can write about "Amityville 1992: It's about time" (apart from the fact it has an ingenious title) is that it's a more than decent and enjoyable horror tale, IF - and only if - you bear in mind it's a video-production and purely thriving on cliches, false scares, and bloodless death sequences. The script moves away from the legendary Amityville house, located in Long Island, quite nifty via a real estate agent who brings a clock from the original house to his own home. He puts it on the chimney as a niece piece of decoration, but it doesn't take long before the device starts altering time and dimension, and possess the family members of its new residence.

The mandatory "haunted house" cliches are all there: the old neighborhood lady sensing the danger, fireplaces turning themselves on and off again, the rebellious teenage son taking the blame for sinister occurrences, sweet family dogs turning vicious, etc. The importance difference, however, is that the clichés and stereotypes aren't too irritating thanks to the good pacing, adequate performances, and three or four well-timed suspense moments. The beautiful Shawn Weatherly is a terrific leading lady, and horror fanatics will appreciate the cool guest appearances by Nita Talbot ("Frightmare", "Chained Heat") and Dick Miller ("I Bury the Living", "The Howling"). The ending is a letdown, but then again, typically 90s.
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Amityville 1992: It's About Time
HorrorFan198416 March 2020
It's certainly about time that this series had a hit, and with Amityville 1992: Its About Time, we have one!

This sixth entry ignores whatever The Amityville Curse was doing and continues the theme of the fourth film which involves cursed items from the infamous house being sold off to new owners. Here we have a possessed clock which has been purchased by the head of the family named Jacob . Once Jacob brings the clock into his house, we start to see the Amityville evil take over him and other members of his family.

Jacob gets bitten by a rabid neighbourhood dog which is when he starts to become possessed and physically dangerous to everyone around him.. After the clock kills a few people and possesses family members, it's up to Jacob's girlfriend Andrea to try and figure out what is happening and how the clock plays into how everything around her and the family is falling apart.

The acting is very well done by all. Stephen Macht and Shawn Weatherly are absolutely terrific as the dysfunctional couple. Macht has the job of playing the possessed abusive male lead and he certainly is terrifying! Shawn Weatherly as Andrea is a wonderful heroine which I rooted for to survive the entire time. Jonathan Penner provides comic relief in the later half as Andrea's side piece, trying to adapt to the craziness happening around him.

This film also gives us some really effective special effects, including a very realistic dog bite and a melting face to name a few stand out moments. It provides scares in a very fun way, some predictable stuff but entertaining nonetheless. The director likes to trick the audience numerous times in thinking that one horrific thing is happening when in fact it is not.

Amityville 1992: It's About Time is for sure my favourite sequel of the series. It provides scares, pretty decent special effects, and a story that connects this film to the original two while also making viewers entertained throughout.The evil clock has the ability to move time forward and backwards at a rapid pace which I found really well done, and it starts to control time in the home. I definitely recommend this one to any horror fan. It's a fun sequel that doesn't disappoint on the fun and cheesiness meter.

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An Improvement Over the Previous Two Films in the Franchise
Uriah4329 August 2023
This film begins with a man by the name of "Jacob Sterling" (Stephen Macht) returning from Long Island, New York to his home in Burlwood, California. When he gets home, he is greeted by his former girlfriend "Andrea Livingston" (Shawn Weatherly) who he had asked to stay there to look after his two teenaged children "Lisa Sterling" (Megan Ward) and "Rusty Sterling" (Damon Martin). That said, immediately after being greeted by them as well, he then produces an ancient clock he bought in New York that came from a burned-out house in Amityville. Not long after that, strange paranormal events begin to happen which include rifts in both space and time, hallucinations and severe personality changes in Jacob--and then things begin to get even worse. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I found this movie to be a definite improvement over the last two films in the franchise--as this one was much more imaginative. Likewise, I also liked the performance of Shawn Weatherly who practically carried the film all by herself with her beauty and charm. Be that as it may, while I would admit that this movie isn't the best horror film in the series and that it could have used a bit more suspense here and there, it seemed to pass the time fairly well and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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About as good as 3-D
Cole_Early7 July 2007
This one is probably one of the better sequels, and though it doesn't really live up to the classic standards, it sure packs a punch.

Unlike the fourth and seventh and eighth sequels, this one delivers far more suspense, though a lot of it is typical and expected, such as the declining sanity of the buyer of anything related to Amityville. But it's well-done/well-put-together, and the idea of an Amityville-possessed clock is far more ominous than a stupid lamp, mirror, or a doll-house, you've got to admit.

It even has some real gore thrown in there... what a surprise... Also, this is the first Amityville that really relies on lies, cons and deceits of people and how things like that can tear families and attachments into shreds.

It's a decent sequel, I suppose.
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won't make for high brow film discussion, but silly fun nonetheless
boy_in_red2 September 2006
Okay I admit it. The Amityville movies are definitely one of my guilty pleasures in life- but hey everyone has a vice right? I just genuinely get excited before I'm about to see another, and so far (with the exception of the incoherent snooze-fest that is Amityville 3/ 3-D) they've all been pretty entertaining.

So they aren't highly polished works of art, the standard of acting is variable to say the least, and the series did very quickly descend to made for TV/ straight to video territory. But I find the films to be a lot of fun, and considering the sheer number of sequels (seven and a remake to date) for the most part each film does manage to bring something new to the series, and considering the original concept of a haunted house doesn't lend much in the way of creative flexibility, it has been fun to watch the different ways in which the subject matter is approached.

Amityville 1992 : It's About Time (or simply Amityville: It's About Time as it is known on DVD) continues the theme of items from the original Amityville house ending up in new households, only to wreak havoc, as introduced in Amityville: The Evil Escapes. In this case it is an antique clock, which the audience will discover has a history of its own. However, rather than go for the obvious "and then things get thrown around the house and the walls bleed route" the writers have decided to play with the theme of time- we see glimpses of the past, time slows down and speeds up, and events are undone. Yes the premise of course is ultimately silly- time warps don't fit comfortably with Amityville lore, but it does make for a nice twist in the saga.

I liked the fact that characters were flawed also- our heroine Lisa (played convincingly by Megan Ward is introduced to us as a woman who is cheating on her psychiatrist boyfriend with an ex she knows she shouldn't get involved with/ Okay it's not groundbreaking stuff, but for the genre of horror it's a nice move away from the virginal stereotypical protagonist. In many other horror films she wouldn't be the female lead, she'd be the prime victim.

Expect some unintentionally hilarious dialogue, one of the charms of the Amityville horror movies, and look out for an interesting death scene which reminds me of the Final Destination films- you think you've escaped death by oh no you haven't. In fact it's delivered with (I hope) a real tongue in cheek sense of humour- you'll know what I mean when you see how the poor character is finished off! So to summarise- silly fun that's certainly worth renting. If you've seen the other sequels you'll know what to expect- it won't make for high brow film discussion, but it'll entertain for a couple of hours, and make you laugh a couple of times too.
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Time to go home
sol121822 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** The fifth installment of the Amityville Horror that really has nothing to do with the famed haunted house. It has to do with an antique French clock that supposedly was found, before the cursed dwelling was finally demolished, in it.

Getting the clock for a steal widowed architect Jacob Sterling, Stephen Macht, brings it back to his home to Southern California as memento of his trip back east. The clock as it soon turned out is in league with the Devil in being able to drive people to do evil and ungodly things. It also can drive those who are in possession of it insane as it soon does to the unsuspecting Jacob.

Jacob ends up being brutally mauled by his neighbor's sweet and lovable dog peaches ending up with both rabies and a gangrenous right leg. Mad and deranged Jacob, not seeking medical help, goes completely insane locking himself up in his room and playing with toy houses as his two kids Lisa & Rusty,Megan Ward & Damon Martin, and live in housemaid and lover Andrea, Shawn Weatherly, flee in panic. It soon becomes evident to Rusty that it's that damn clock that driving everybody in the Sterling home crazy which now includes, besides his already cracked-up dad Jacob, his sexy hot to trot sister Lisa.

Things get so out of control that Andera calls for help in having her former boyfriend psychiatrist Dr. Lenoard Stafford, Jonathan Penner, come over and get the now criminally deranged Jacob committed to the nearest mental institution before he cause any more damage! This all backfires with Jonathan not the crazed and out of control Jacob left hanging, or better yet twisting, in the wind.

***SPOILERS*** The movie ends much like it began but with the knowledge, to those watching, that it was that clock that was responsible for all the mental and psychical carnage that happened in the movie. It was there and then that Andrea did what she should have done right from the start which would have prevented all the mass hysteria, and insanity, from occurring! And thus saved the world, or those in the movie, a whole lot of pain and suffering.
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Better Than Some of the Sequels
Michael_Elliott14 April 2012
Amityville 1992: It's About Time (1992)

** (out of 4)

Jacob Sterling (Stephen Macht) returns from a business trip in NY and has an antique clock with him. It turns out that this clock has a bad history including being present in the infamous Amityville house. Soon all sorts of bad things are going on so Jacob's son (Damon Martin) and girlfriend (Shawn Weatherly) must try and destroy the clock. This here was the sixth film in THE AMITYVILLE HORROR series and it was one (of many) that went direct-to-VHS back in the day. I think what really hurts this film's reputation is the "Amityville" title because I'm sure there are fans of the original three movies (why I don't know) who come to this cheap horror film and are disappointed that it's really not connected. Like HALLOWEEN III, if this film was released on its own and not part of a series then perhaps it would be enjoyed more. With that said, no one should mistake this for a good movie because it's not. However, it's still better than your typical low-budget film. The story itself isn't the greatest in the world but I think there are enough interesting ideas to where you can stay entertained. The film also benefits from some pretty good special effects and you're going to be shocked at how good they are compared to most movies like this. We get a rather vicious dog attack that looks quite real and the leftover impact of the attack is on full display throughout the rest of the movie as the wounds continue to ooze blood and other stuff. There are also a few other creative death scenes but one is without question really bad and I'm not going to spoil it but it's something that happens after an almost death by car. You won't miss the scene. The performances are also better than normal with Weatherly really coming across good as the girlfriend. AMITYVILLE 1992: IT'S ABOUT TIME shouldn't be looked at as a masterpiece or any sort of good cinema but it's certainly much better than most films in the series.
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Big Improvement of the last movie
atinder20 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A dad come home and bring this clock, that he got from the Amityville house, for the family.

(I saw this movie back to back with Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes as they are Very similar to each, bear with me, i may write about scene of the 4th movie,instead of this one.)

What I do remember of this movie, is that It's dose not take long before strange thingw start to happen, like when the boy come down at night to turn the living room light off, when he dose the room turns red and nothing like it was before, every time he turns off the light that happens.

The next day, when the Dad is out jogging, he is then attacked by neighbour who let her dogs lose on him,then stabs the dogs that cuts dogs nose and dog runs off.

later at home he dose not want to get treated,

the bite is getting more painful, every tick of the clock, later he goes to see neighbour and see that dog never did attack him at all, as she or never left the house that day.

a lot more odd things happen in the house, to many things to mention, this movie never gets boring.

The ending of the movie, was just like it thebstart of the movie as it was about start all over again, I was like you have got to be bloody kidding me (At this point) but I am clad, it did not end that way.
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zabou-5913122 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I definitely preferred our good old haunted lamp from the curse. This time this movie is featuring the ''scariest'' evil ever...female sexuality! Evil clock from a historical french pedophile get cozy into a home, making the guys violent and the women horny. Masturbation, incest, dead dog. I'm not sure if this movie is trying to scare or disgust.
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Probably won't be your new all time favorite
Finfrosk862 June 2015
I read this in depth review of all the Amityville Horror movies, and it said that this was one of the very best. It also said that most of them were very bad. After I saw this I understand that the others must be horrible. Because this is not very good.

The plot is strange, and in the end I'm not really sure I understood what had happened at all. Hah, weird.

It is not scary. Not hugely entertaining, just OK. Which is why my score is 5. In the middle. OK. Meh. It has got some charm here and there, a little humor, but honestly not much sticks out.

I am very fascinated by horror movie series, with countless sequels, it's just interesting to see how they develop. Unfortunately, this movie series is pretty darn boring. And every movie has less to do with the Amityville-house than the last.

I do really like the remake with Ryan Reynolds, though. That one is pretty solid. And the original is OK.
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An reasonable horror film
pickeringmark-1768729 December 2020
It's a not bad movie it has some exciting moments and it can be a bit boring in some places at times but on the whole it's worth watching especially if you are a fan of the amityville series
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Its about time this series died
boo_4ever2 April 2005
1992 : Its About Time - and it concerns a clock. Do you see? Its clever. In a way.

What wasn't clever was basing a whole film around it. This has to be the worst film ever. Name one bad film and I guarantee you this is worse. Except maybe Halloween 3. I sometimes have nightmares about being battered to death by the extra heavy deluxe editions of these two movies tag teaming me until I'm a bloody pulp.

The film concerns a clock / lamp ....thing which was removed from the Amityville house. But , get this, its possessed! As was the toaster, the oven mitts, and the TV remote. Fortunetly for their new owners they were successfully exorcised. Unfortunately for us we have to watch the evil lampstand kill people in the attic.

This comment was meant as a warning not to watch this film or your DVD player will literally be possessed by an evil you wish you never borough into your house.
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Best of the sequels
zitajohann22 February 2022
I just watched all the amityvilles up to the 2005 remake had seen some but most were first time views. This one stood out along with part 2 as the most interesting and some really cool fx.

If you want an entertaining B horror movie this is a good one.
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Nothing impressive here...
paul_haakonsen8 August 2022
Well, with the "Amityville" movie franchise getting worse and worse with each passing movie, I have to say that I wasn't particularly thrilled about watching the 1992 movie "Amityville: It's About Time" from writers Christopher DeFaria and Antonio Toro. Yet, I opted to sit down and watch it, as I hadn't already seen it, and I had the opportunity to do so.

The storyline in "Amityville: It's About Time" left me with an overwhelming sensation of 'why?'. The iconic house wasn't even the focal point of this 1992 addition to the franchise. And the storyline was just sort of generic and rather pointless really. So I wasn't particularly entertained by director Tony Randel's 1992 movie.

Where in one of the previous movies it was a lamp that served as a focal point of the storyline, "Amityville: It's About Time" has a clock. Yeah, so much for originality.

It should be noted that the acting performances in "Amityville: It's About Time" were actually fair enough, especially when taking into consideration the severe limitations imposed on the cast from having very little to work with from a subpar script and storyline.

Visually then there wasn't anything spectacular about "Amityville: It's About Time". It was a pretty forgettable movie really. And as for the horror aspect of "Amityville: It's About Time", nay, it just simply wasn't there.

My rating of "Amityville: It's About Time" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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It's about relationships (including temporal)
BrandtSponseller30 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
For the sixth installment, the Amityville series is back in California, as in Amityville: The Evil Escapes ("Amityville 4"). This time, Jacob Sterling (Stephen Macht), a single father and an architect, brings the "Amityville Curse" home with him by way of a possessed clock that he picked up on a business trip to Amityville. The fact that the clock is the source of the burgeoning evil our cast of characters encounters is one that they don't really figure out for themselves until near the end of the film, but it's not a spoiler to reveal that to readers, because it's clear from the very first scene that the clock means trouble. So this is one of those films where the audience will be egging characters on to figure out something that the audience already knows, and which it often seems the characters should more easily discern.

Director Tony Randel seems to have chosen the setting of the film to invite associations with the Poltergeist series. The suburban neighborhood of Amityville 1992: It's About Time, or "Amityville 6", looks very similar to the neighborhood in Poltergeist; for all I can remember of Poltergeist at the moment, it may very well be the same location. But it doesn't matter if it isn't, the desire is still there to latch on to same kinds of archetypes, so that evil invades generic U.S. suburbia, with the hope of making the fears more relatable and immediate for the audience. That's not the only film reference that Randel makes. One of the odder and more enjoyable ones, for which I still haven't figured out the symbolism, is a fairly literal quoting of Ed Wood's famous footage of Bela Lugosi in front of Lugosi's home, walking out of the front door with a black cape on (of course), and slowly going over to smell a flower. Wood shot the footage without a specific use in mind. It ended up in Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959). Randel recreates the scene (minus the flower in a direct way) with Iris Wheeler (Nita Talbot), one of the more interesting, although a bit underused, elements of Amityville 6. The appropriately named Iris is something of a "seer". She has visions of evil invading the Sterling household almost immediately. Later on, she functions as a plot facilitator in a number of useful ways--she provides a link to a more esoteric, supernatural world while simultaneously anchoring, catalyzing and supporting our more grounded/realistic characters' mounting beliefs, she provides important historical information, and she is the first to be dispatched by the evil presence. Her death scene manages to be amusingly ironic, and maybe even a bit absurd, but without bringing the film into a humorous mode; it veers towards but doesn't quite visit campiness, as do many subsequent events.

The twisted relationship dynamics in the film are particularly interesting. Jacob returns from his trip to Amityville to greet his children and Andrea Livingston (Shawn Weatherly), a former live-in lover who was watching the kids. Jacob quickly reinitiates their physical relationship, but Andrea makes no bones about wanting to get back to her boyfriend, Dr. Leonard Stafford (Jonathan Penner). Jacob suggests that Andrea have Leonard stay at the house, and eventually, this does happen. Meanwhile, Jacob is supernaturally devolving into a George Lutz-styled monster, from the same forces that got to George, but Jacob is also physically transforming--or deteriorating more accurately--in a more literal way. There is complex love triangle material between the three throughout much of the film, and Randel executes most of it so it works on two levels--as a straightforward but twisted soap opera and as horror with a strong psychological edge. This is reflected in Leonard's job--he's a psychiatrist, and appropriate to one of the popular stereotypes about psychiatrists, Leonard is the character who falls apart psychologically in response to the Amityville curse.

The Amityville force has often been about unhinging deeply suppressed "dark" feelings and desires in its victims. That works as a catalyst for the twisted relationship dynamics, including between Jacob's kids, Rusty (Damon Martin) and Lisa (Megan Ward). Lisa is the one with more hedonistic suppressed desires, which might seem surprising given the initial character development of the two kids, but on the other hand, Rusty is more outwardly expressive from the beginning, so maybe it's not so surprising after all.

The more purely supernatural aspects of Amityville 6 are both a bit understated and charming in their own way. As suggested by the subtitle, "It's About Time", time and especially time manipulation provides the theme for much of the supernatural material. This enables characters to be placed in alternate realities and it gives Randel and his writers another way to explore elements of characters' subconscious minds, including their fears, of course. Maybe more could have been done to work the time theme into the film in various surrealistic ways, as when that material occurs, it's certainly one of the films' strengths, but the decision to take a subtler track and stay closer to soap-operatic realism wasn't a bad one.
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Deserves more credit than it gets...
Triple717 December 1999
Amityville 1992 is unfortunally "not liked" and many people would agree, but I think this movie is good, entertaining, and scary. It's not that original (Basically all amityville movies steal ideas from each other) but can give some good frights. Cheesy...? Maybe. Bad acting...? Probably. This film still deserves more credit than it gets and is better than most of the other Amityville movies. You'll love it or you'll hate or you'll just say: "Well that was interesting... Well, lets watch something now!" The makers of Hellraiser 2 were involved in the production.
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The Revenge Of Lewis Vendredi
aesgaard418 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
SOME COMMENTS MAY BE CONSIDERED SPOILERS: Take one movie with a loyal cult following, steal the cursed object premise of Friday the 13th: The Series, and presto, you have a bunch of objects vaguely and distantly related to the first Amityville Horror movie that the cast of the TV series know nothing about. Jack Sterling (Stephen Macht) takes home to sunny California a cursed clock that quickly makes itself to home. Before you know it, there's time warps a plenty in the house and weird things happening in the neighborhood. It's not very scary, often tedious, and the plot shows very little creativity. Several scenes are fixated on ooze as if the writer is obsessed with sewer water.There's some nonsense about the historical Gilles De Rais as this made-for-video movie tries to be scary, but it actually just repeats the same inane material from the first sequels. What it is is a weak horror movie with the Amityville Horror mythology weakly tagged in to it to try and make it more scary. The cast is lackluster; Shawn Weatherly isn't as attractive as she used to be, and Megan Ward actually seems bland until she makes a stunning transformation from a girl next door to a total babe! The movie could have centered more on her and less on her dad's degeneration and her brother's fictitious would-be criminal behavior possibly being conjured by the house, the father or whatever. She's missing from too much of the movie, and becoming as attractive as she does, I'm left looking for her and the brother for the rest of the movie. The scene with her boyfriend melting into goo was just too campy to belong in the script. His vanishing could have been much more creative, after all, she's sitting on a table top train, what if she shrank him down to that size just before she ate him or did something else. In fact, most of the script needs one major over haul except for the one continuous shot where Rusty Sterling leaves the kitchen in the morning and returns to discover it's now night! It's possibly the only really good scene in the whole fiasco. Actress Nita Talbot, possibly best known as the Russian spy on "Hogan's Heroes," is very little instead of given a much bigger part. The whole movie is about manufacturing a fake reputation by supernatural means instead of creating a top-notch haunted house movie. Overall, the movie ranks as fair to dismal, but it's not much of a horror movie.
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