Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) Poster

Adam Carl: Donatello



  • Donatello : The perimeter's quiet.

    Leonardo : Yeah, a little too quiet.

    [Donatello knocks two Foot soldiers out] 

    Donatello : Well, that was easy!

    Leonardo : Yeah, a little too easy.

    Donatello : Look! It's Raph!

    Michaelangelo : Yeah, a little too Raph.

  • [last lines] 

    Splinter : Were you seen?

    Leonardo : Of course not, Master Splinter.

    Donatello : We practiced Ninja.

    Michaelangelo : [off camera]  The art of invisibility.

    [appears from behind Raph] 

    Splinter : [holds up the New York Post, with a front page picture of the turtles on stage, with the headline "Ninja Rap is Born!"]  Practice harder.

    [the turtles groan] 

    Splinter : Ten flips, now! And remember:

    [quoting the song played at the show] 

    Splinter : "Go Ninja, go Ninja, go!" I made another funny!


  • Leonardo : Take the ugly one!

    Raphael : No, you take the ugly one!

    Donatello : I'll take the ugly one.

    Michaelangelo : Which one's the ugly one?

  • Donatello : Yee haw! Ninja cowboy!

  • Raphael : SHREDDER!

    Donatello : Ah! Thanks, Raph, I may never have the hiccups again!

  • Donatello : Hey, is this gonna work?

    [regarding the donut idea] 

    Michaelangelo : Is, like, Schwarzenegger hard to spell?

    [Donatello prepares to spell but realizes its true] 

    Michaelangelo : Yeah.

    [the turtles walk out into the middle of the construction site] 

    Donatello : Pretty quiet.

    Raphael : [shouts and breaks the eerie silence]  Shredder!

    Donatello : [grabs Raphael]  Thanks, Raph. I may never have the hiccups again!

  • Michaelangelo : I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

    Michaelangelo , Leonardo , Donatello , Raphael : Man, I love being a turtle!

    Raphael : Too bad the Shredder can't say the same thing.

  • Michaelangelo : Ahh, ninja pizza!

    Donatello : Ninja pizza?

    Michaelangelo : Pizza that vanish quickly without trace!

  • Leonardo : Get it?

    Donatello : Got it.

    Raphael : Good.

    Michaelangelo : I don't get it.

  • Michaelangelo : Hey, guys, check this!

    [he uses brushes to imitate 'The Karate Kid'] 

    Michaelangelo : Wax on, wax off. Wax on...

    Raphael : Mouth off!

    Donatello : Hey, everyone's a critic.

  • Michaelangelo : Guys, guys! I've just thought of something. Two words that'll solve all our housing problems! Time share!

    Donatello : [taps on Michaelangelo's head]  Hmmm, not quite ripe yet.

  • [after Leo starts conversation about the Foot] 

    Raphael : We kicked their butts. They're all in jail. Besides, we took out the Shredder. So what's everyone so worried about, anyway?

    Donatello : He's right.

    Leonardo : No, Splinter took out the Shredder!

    Donatello : They're both right.

    Raphael : Yeah, yeah. I was there, Leo, remember? Ol' Shred did a swan dive, with a half gainer, right into the back of a garbage truck! AAAAAHHHH!

  • April O'Neil : [picks up phone]  Donny?

    Donatello : April...

    April O'Neil : Where are you guys? Did you find a new place to live yet?

    Donatello : Yeah, we'll bring you down. We've only had time to pick up Splinter and get a few essentials.

    Michaelangelo : [holding out a bag of potato chips]  Yeah, the bare essentials.

    Donatello : The reason while we're calling is, have you seen Raphael by any chance?

    April O'Neil : Raphael? Why, is he missing?

    Leonardo : You know, there is still a little more stuff to help with, Michaelangelo!

    Michaelangelo : Hey! I'm helping Donny!

    [tries to pry the phone from him] 

    Michaelangelo : Gimme the phone!

    Donatello : NO!

    [flips Michaelangelo to the ground] 

    Donatello : So you haven't seen him at all then, huh?

    Leonardo : Well, if she has, tell him thanks for wasting our time, because instead of going to look for the ooze like we should, we gotta go out and look for him instead!

    [slams box on Donatello's foot] 

    Donatello : Owww!

    April O'Neil : What was that?

    Donatello : Leo says hi!

    Michaelangelo : Gimme the phone! Gimme the phone!

    Donatello : Oh, all right, all right, here!

    Michaelangelo : April, this is Mikey, I'd just like to say: HELLOOOOO.

    [kissing noises] 

    Donatello : Would you give me that!

    [April laughs as they start arguing again] 

  • Leonardo : Turtle-rific

    Raphael : Max-a-mundo!

    Donatello : Accapella!

    Raphael : Huh?

    Donatello : Uhhh... Perestroika?

    Michaelangelo : Uhh...

    Donatello : Ok, I got it... Frère Jacques.

    [starts singing] 

    Donatello : Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques...

    Michaelangelo : Donny, give it up!

  • Professor Jordan Perry : This is bad! Carbon dioxide is essential to the anti-mutanagenic process. Their burping is probably retarding the reaction.

    Donatello : Is there anyway to speed it back up?

    Professor Jordan Perry : Well the reintroduction of CO2 could act as a catalyst.

    Donatello : Yeah. Hmm.

    Professor Jordan Perry : The problem is finding a ready supply.

    [Walks over to a nearby fire extinguisher and takes it off the wall, showing it to Donatello] 

    Donatello : Genius. Pure genius.

  • Leonardo : [the Turtles say their farewells to April before entering the sewers]  See ya, April.

    April O'Neil : Bye.

    [Leo hops into the sewers] 

    Raphael : Wish us luck.

    [Hops in] 

    Donatello : We'll be back for Splinter.

    [Hops in] 

    Michaelangelo : [Imitating Humphrey Bogart]  Well, the lives of two people don't amount to a hill o' beans in this crazy world, Elsa. That's why you're getting on that plane.

    [April laughs] 

    Michaelangelo : Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow...

    Leonardo : [Yanks Mikey into the sewer]  Will you come on?

    Michaelangelo : YEOW!

  • Splinter : What troubles you, my son?

    Donatello : I-I don't know. I just thought there would be more to it; to the ooze, to you know, us!

    Leonardo : I know!

    Donatello : I just always thought there would be something that... I thought we'd find out we were special.

    Splinter : Do not confuse the professor's words with your current worth, my son.

    Donatello : But I don't believe him! There's just got to be more to it!

  • [smoke bomb was set off] 

    Donatello : Oh, great.

    Leonardo : Terrific.

    Raphael : Wonderful.

    Michaelangelo : Bummer.

  • Leonardo : I'm Leonardo.

    Michaelangelo : I'm Michaelangelo.

    Donatello : Donatello.

    Raphael : I'm Raphael!

    Michaelangelo : All the good ones end in "O"!

  • Keno : [upon seeing the turtles for the first time]  Who? What? Where? How?

    Donatello : Well, I guess that leaves out 'why' and 'when', doesn't it?

  • [cooking up an anti-mutagen to transform Tokka and Rahzar] 

    Michaelangelo : You think this stuff is gonna work?

    Donatello : Well, we won't know for sure until we spray those guys.

    Professor Jordan Perry : Well, actually...

    Donatello : Actually?

    Professor Jordan Perry : Actually... ingestion is the only course.

    Michaelangelo : You mean they have to eat it?

    Professor Jordan Perry : Affirmative. Yes. Yo. Right on... my man.

  • Donatello : These nets are very effective and very well constructed.

    Michaelangelo : Yeah, remind me to drop a line to Ralph Nader!

  • Michaelangelo : Um, not to criticize science or anything, but wouldn't it be easier just to call it 'the pink one'?

    Professor Jordan Perry : [pours a liquid in a pan, and eats a piece of pizza]  Pepperoni heaven!

    Professor Jordan Perry : [pours two liquids in a pot]  Donatello, continue aeration!

    Donatello : Continuing aeration.

    [begins to stir the mixture the pot] 

    Raphael : [sniffs the mixture]  Man! This stuff is rank!

    Keno : Yeah, try carrying it on the subway sometime. I never got a seat so fast in my life.

    Leonardo : [sniffs the mixture]  Blech! Thanks for doing all the shopping for us, Keno.

    Keno : No problem. I hope you didn't mind me picking up a few pies.

    Michaelangelo : You're forgiven.

    [sniffs the mixture] 

    Michaelangelo : Whoa!

    [drops a slice of pizza in the mixture] 

    Michaelangelo : [Donatello continues to mix the stuff with the pizza slice] 

  • April O'Neil : And they said if you don't mean them at the construction site tonight...

    Donatello : What?

    April O'Neil : He said he'd send out Tokka and Rahzar again. This time into Central Park.

    Donatello : Central Park? How are they gonna avoid all of those... people?

    Michaelangelo : Then, there is no choice but to meet as the Shredder wishes.

  • [the turtles are watching April interview Professor Perry] 

    Raphael : Man, who is this spaz-matic?

    Donatello : Would you give the guy a break? He's a scientist!

    Raphael : Yeah, fascinating. Hey!

    [picking up TV guide] 

    Raphael : Isn't Oprah on?

    Leonardo : Raph, just leave it!

    [throws away TV guide] 

    Leonardo : We're watching April.

  • Donatello : [kicks a foot soldier to the ground and starts giddily running around]  Haha! I win! You lose!

  • Leonardo : We'll give you the tour later. Right now, we got a few questions.

    Donatello : Yeah, a few inquiries.

    Michaelangelo : Yeah, a few... Uh, we'll give you the tour later.

  • Leonardo : [sees that Shredder is vanished]  Hey, where'd he go?

    Raphael : Hmm, anything?

    Donatello : Nothing.

    Michaelangelo : Well, dudes. I'd say that's pretty much a wrap, and... Cowabunga?

    Raphael : Cowabunga.

    Michaelangelo : Yeah!

    Leonardo , Raphael , Donatello , Michaelangelo : COWABUNGA!

  • Michaelangelo : It's a good thing we saw you up from the roof-

    [Leo kicks him from behind] 

    Michaelangelo : Ow! I mean from Austrailia-

    [Raph smacks him in the head hard] 

    Michaelangelo : Ow!

    Donatello : [Annoyed]  Geez.

    Raphael : Look kid, you can find a phone and call the police. We'll start tying them up.

    Keno : Yeah, but I...

    Raphael : Yeah, yeah! But good, go!

    [Keno leaves] 

    Michaelangelo : Kids.

    [the turtles begin chuckling with one another] 

    Keno : [Moments later, on the phone with the police]  Okay, well hurry up! There's a ton of these guys! Okay, bye.

  • Raphael : [while a fight is going on, Raph is still tied to a pole, Donny turns around as he hears Raph's muffling, he then rips the tape off his mouth]  Dah! Jeez! Why don't just rip my lips off? You think that-

    [Donny puts the tape back on Raph's mouth to shut him up] 

    Donatello : Here, let me get this first.

    [Frees Raph from the ropes] 

  • Raphael : [the Turtles are searching for a new home in the sewers, but suddenly Raph gets in a bad mood]  Dah! Alright, hold it.

    [Tosses his bag aside] 

    Raphael : This is stupid! We got the foot up there, with the ooze, and we're down here playing Century 21!

    Raphael : [Disgusted with his attitude]  Raph!

    Raphael : Come on, Leo! Even you can think of something better to do than this!

    Leonardo : I already had. Now let's get going.

    Raphael : Uh-Uh! That's it, I'm going up!

    Leonardo : [Grabs Raph as the latter tries to walk away]  No you're not!

    Raphael : [Looks down]  Let go of my arm, Leo!

    Michaelangelo : Guys, guys, guys! I just got an idea; two words that can solve all our housing problems; time share.

    Donatello : [Rubs Mikey's head like a fortune teller]  Hmm. Not quite ripe yet.

    Raphael : I'm outta here!

    Michaelangelo : Hey... Oh man.

    Raphael : [Walks off]  Boy...

  • Leonardo : [In Perry's lab, on the computer]  What do you make of it, Donny?

    Donatello : I'm not sure, looks like a bunch of serial numbers. Let's see.

    [Scrolls down the screen] 

    Donatello : Disposed... disposed... disposed.

    Michaelangelo : [On the other side of the lab]  Hey dudes, we're too late! Like, no deposit no return.

    Donatello : Well, except maybe this one.

    Leonardo : What do you mean?

    Donatello : [Scrolling down to a canister that says "Active"]  Look!

    Leonardo : Active.

    Donatello : Yeah.

    Leonardo : Can you bring up the file?

    Donatello : Well, I could try. But if the whole base is coded, the whole system might go down.

    Raphael : [after thinking it over]  Do it.

    Donatello : Yeah.

    [Tries entering the password. Meanwhile, The Foot sneak in quietly. Donny's password gets denied] 

    Donatello : Oh, drat!

  • Donatello : [Riding on a rolling chair]  Whoa! Hey Mikey, surf's up dude! Heh Heh Heh.

    [a foot soldier dives and sticks his staff in front, Donny looks down and gasps, the chair trips over] 

    Donatello : Wipeout!

    [Fumbles the can of ooze, which goes into Tatsu's direction, he catches it] 

See also

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