Final Approach (1991) Poster

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Some good ideas in this one
Red-Barracuda29 October 2021
A test pilot trying out a top secret stealth jet finds himself in a psychiatrist's surgery and has no idea how he got there; the doctor tries to rebuild his memories. This was a pretty good effort at a bit of an intelligent mix of sci-fi and mystery. It has a very small cast and is a bit limited, meaning it depends on the acting and script a lot and that's not always amazing. Still, its quite decent with a few twists and turns in its story.
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Intriguing & thought provoking film with neat twist at end.
b25036421 November 2002
I actually rented this film just one lunchtime, to watch later that night, but when I put the film on to check it's quality, I ended up watching it all the way through to the end! In fact, I ended up with quite a shock when the ending came, because I thought I'd figured the plot out but was, in fact, way off line. Great acting by two fine actors, (Sikking & Elizondo, who is one of my favourite actors). OK, as far as sets go it could have been a stage play, but how would you show the events leading up to the air crash, and also Halsey's (Sikking) past life. The digital sound is superb and can give you quite a jolt at times as the sound FX are a good deal more dynamic than the dialogue. Some great low thumps from a good sub-woofer all the way through the film. The twist at the end is beautifully handled, and those people who got bored with this film really should watch it for the consciousness that it awakens in you. Maybe that's the way it really is, know one knows, but if it's someone like Hector Elizondo doing the 'remembering' bit, then I for one would be quite happy, as his 'shrink' technique was superb. Don't knock this little film, after all, everybody knocked Blade Runner and now it's a cult classic.
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A long bad twilight zone episode
Malfred1 July 2000
This film is lifeless, dull, and driven completely by cliche, with a "twist ending" you can guess during the opening credits. The average high school one-act is more interesting. I can't understand how it got so many 10-star ratings. James B., is that you?
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Predictable and boring
trekkie-1120 May 2001
I do actually think that I watched this movie with an open mind, but boy was I disappointed! The ending is terribly predictable, one gets it about five minutes into the movie, and then watching another almost two hours makes it really really boring. A ten year old could have figured the "twisted" ending out.

Sure, the dialogue was pretty ok I guess, but having figured out the ending and pretty much the whole story a few minutes into the movie it was pretty meaningless. And just what did the aircraft have to do with all of it, a trick to lure people into renting it? Just don't waste your time watching this movie.
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Intelligence Litmus Test on a Disc
primerisk8 July 2002
Final Approach is a very different movie and people with the thrill-a-minute attitude will never get it. The sound effects in this movie are incredible for their day. There are hundreds of different effects to tantalize your ears. The entire point of the movie will be come apparent to everyone in the final seconds of the movie. The litmus test is to see when someone watching the movie for the first time says "Ah Ha! I understand what is happening...." Those who get to the end of the movie without getting it should be allowed to return to their 7-11 night manager job and you should talk to them later.

I suggest this movie to anyone who likes to watch movies where at least some thought is required.
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Boring Movie - Avoid
apollomaster010 June 2008
I rented this movie thinking I may have missed it at the box office years ago. The cover looked very interesting which led me to believe that the movie would cover new ground for science fiction fans. I was hoping for material to be creative, with a very understanding script. And, recognizing a few name actors, led me to believe that this film may be good to watch. Sadly to say, the movie just put me to sleep. The people behind this project must have not have any experience in motion picture production. Or, the people producing this film may have been in the mood to make a movie for themselves to enjoy? No entertainment value!
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This highly unusual film rewards the attentive viewer
tigger.bounce7 June 2000
If you're looking for a bit of light entertainment, forget it.

I saw this film when it first came to video and it blew my mind. It's major selling point at the time was that it was the first film with Digital sound. The sound is amazing but is an infrequent part of what is mainly just two guys sitting in a room talking to each other. The acting is excellent and the dialogue is highly unusual in that throughout the film your perception of what the characters are actually talking about changes. By the end, if you've been paying attention, you're head will be mangled.

An amazing film, thoroughly recommended for those tired of watching the usual big budget, action packed and totally mindless blockbusters.
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Psychological film of very high standard. CAUTION-SPOILER IN THIS REVIEW!!!!
riv-216 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I'm writing this "spoiler" only because there were many negative comments about this film and I can see that many people would simply wait for actions shots that never appear - and be disappointed. This film is about a pilot who has gone to the afterlife, following a plane crash in an experimental plane. This "afterlife" is in the form of a psychiatrists consulting room - The psychiatrist is assisting the "newcomer" to adjust to the life hereafter. Personally, I thought the film works extremely well and the dialog was superb. Yes - if you're after a "Top Gun" or "M.I 2" type film, then I can see why this film would greatly disappoint. People who have drawn parallels between this film and Jacob's Ladder are justified, of course but Final Approach is more polished, in terms of dialog and subtlety. I suspect all references to the SR71 Blackbird could have been removed and the whole film would have been just as (or more) effective. I gave it 7 out of 10 but I'm a very hard marker. Probably if I not had such a hard day at the office, I'd have given it 9 out of 10. Ian Rivlin Queensland, Australia
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Weird premise with no punch
taruss27 April 2001
This movie was so strange, so very hard to follow, and made practically no sense at all, until the very end. The premise was actually unique, but it took so long to get to it, though two hours of fairly boring dialogue and scattered flashes of scattered scenes. I wondered why I had never heard of this movie. I am surprised that either Sikking or Elizondo would have been involved in this picture, but then again, like many pictures, the script might have looked good, and the fault is in the final editing production. Miss this one if you haven't seen it. It would have been a much better book.
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Absolutely brilliant!!
grokuk26 October 2003
This is a virtually unknown gem of a movie - thought-provoking, challenging, amusing and beautiful - what more could you want. The only serious problem with it is the lack of a release on DVD where the excellent soundtrack could really be made to shine.

Definitely not for those who have to be hand-held through a plot - this is a film that rewards repeat viewings. It's rich script and subtle performances keep it fresh and give you a little extra to spot each time round.

Films don't get much better than this :)
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Utterly dreadful -- and utterly predictable -- bore
Erewhon17 September 2001
This was primarily an experiment in recording sound for a movie digitally. It's almost nothing else. The actors are good, but the story is so painfully predictable, so trite, so overextended that you'll want to heave a brick at the TV halfway through.
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Only if you can't get to sleep & counting sheep ain't working.
Screaming Banana29 May 2001
Maybe I'm a masochist but I felt compelled to post a comment on this movie as 10 years on it's still one of the five worst movies I've ever been mad enough to watch all the way through. It has an interesting premise but this is totally wasted by a very confusing script. Messrs Sikking & Elizondo are talented actors but even they can't save this one. The only remotely interesting point is the bizarre moment when Hector Elizondo's character impersonates someone having a grand mal seizure - I'm no expert & I don't wish to belittle epilepsy but it seemed extraordinarily well done. This aside, I'd have to say - don't get suckered in by the video cover like I was - it just ain't worth it.
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mroberts-25 January 2000
I have seen many films in my life. Some amazing, some dire. However, this film surpasses anything I have ever encountered. As film goers we sit and tolerate a slow start, confused plots, etc., in the hope that they improve. This film does not. I am loathe to even write about it, as it has already wasted two hours of my life. Be warned the marketing bods have been at work and the back of the video cover even makes this sound exciting, 20,000 digital effects and out-of-this-world mystery. If I every have to watch this film again, I will end it all. Officially ...... The worst film I have ever seen. And I've seen Nothing But Trouble.
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An exercise in subtlety, not an action flick
douglas_goodall13 October 2013
As someone who is not an experienced movie critic, I don't know all the elements a review should have, but I will try to hit the high spots. Normally I expect a movie to have character development. I don't think we know substantially more at the end of the movie than we did after the first ten minutes. Normally I expect a movie to have a plot, and for there to be plot development. A few twists and turns help derail watchers and cause them to continue thinking, but this movie has only one plot development, and that happens at the end when there is not enough time left in the movie to adjust. I am not big on movies where the characters spend the entire movie in one room. This movie could have been a stage play except for some flashes of SR71 trivia. Also I am not a big fan of movies where you are kept waiting for something to occur that justifies the time already invested at any point. I did laugh once at the end of the movie when I learned the name of the receptionist. I guess my last comment is that if you feel an interest in watching this movie, maybe it would be best to do so alone, in order to avoid the embarrassment of having to explain to a friend or loved one why you recommended this for them.
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the worst movie ever (the champion winner of bad movie)
turgeon_marc8 October 2010
I rented this movie on video cassette i found this movie so boring that i started be be an aggressive man and i wanted to break my TV set apart. finally i couldn't leave things like that so i re-rent the movie and at that time i had a VCR that was able to do video and audio dubbing , for people who saw this movie they know that there were some flash video in this movies that reflect the mind of the guy talking i video dub every flashes with really hard action XXX movies snapshot and my action did a better movie and i sent back the movie to rent store maybe the reason of the good review of some people of that movie is because they have seen my version :)))) sorry for my bad English i'm french speaking
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This movie is near perfect and a classic in my books.
offvader14 April 2002 summary should suffice...but for those of you that need more...this movie is well written and directed...the acting is was one of the first fully digitally mastered movies so they went a little heavy on sound effects but it's still's witty...intelligent(unlike some of the people that left negative reviews of this movie)...the suspense and mystery builds wickedly right up to the of all it is quite original(a rare treat)...and well you just have to see it for yourself.
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stunning, intelligent, a masterwork
eugene_fraxby23 May 2001
Anyone who calls this film "boring" or "a disappointment" is merely indicating their lack of intelligence and ability to work with a film. If you want the kind of movie where you leave your brain at home and stuff your face with popcorn then go rent any one of a million sh*t hollywood blockbusters, this film is poignant, touching and clever, with a brilliant script (perfectly executed by the two main characters) and a stunning soundtrack. Every frame is beautifully lit, framed and designed. My only complaint is that it doesn't seem to be slated for a DVD release, which would give the viewer the ultimate aural experience intended in the original release. If you want to know what it's about, i can only sum up with the words of Dr.Peterson....."'s about life"

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A psychological journey of inner space
mark-pearce29 November 2005
Don't listen to the pooh pooh brigade who read the front cover and think this was going to be top gun for the digital age. It is in fact a psychologically taut study of the human condition when stripped to the bones. Yes this could very easily be transported to the stage but this is not a detracting factor (resevoir dogs anyone). James Sikking is superb as Hal in a role that fits him as well as his great hill street blues days (he infuriates you but you still care for him). As the nightmarish scenario unfolds the claustrophobia rises and your choices of possible endgame's runs out of control. Then bang you make the final approach towards the undeniable conclusion. Shiver tingle damn that was the answer all along "i knew it, i think". Press rewind watch again with hindsight and clear vision this piece will unfurl like a flag before you. So lights off volume up and eyes peeled lets try and crack this confrontation before times up.
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A blast
zaphod_dent25 August 2005
I loved this film picked it up not knowing what it was, and couldn't turn it off. If you enjoy character plays and films that think this would be your stop. I thought the interplay between two highly talented actors was impressive. This is more of a two man show at a theater than a film. I loved the minimalistic set and the entire feel set by the director. Kudos to the actors for taking part in a film that realistically never had a chance to be a "hit", but would stretch them as actors. Also, this film would make for a good discussion film for a group of friends. I have no idea how this film was greenlight given how Hollywood has been catering to people with a room temperature iq for long time now. Enjoy this rare nugget of quality film making and storytelling!
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Great mental twisting movie
Fiss16 May 1999
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't too sure what to expect with this movie, so I went into it with a fresh mind. Good thing I did. If you're watching this movie for SR71 Blackbird technobable and top-secret sounding military jargon, you're going to be sadly disappointed .

This movie instead uses the air-craft and airforce references as Col Hasley's life. This is NOT a sci-fi tech fest. It is instead a surprisingly deep and amazingly subtle movie. I'm disappointed at the other comments on this movie when it is clear that the other viewers were simply bored, and didn't even watch the ending...and in this movie, that was probably the most important part.

But I suppose the tech-bits were good too. The flight sequences were amazing. I connect with the love of flying to a great degree, and some of the shots in the movie were amazingly breathtaking low-altitude rollercoasters. That alone is the only real reason aircraft are even in this movie.

I can't explain what happens, or who does what, but I will tell you that this movie is actually a very similar idea to 'Jacob's Ladder.' Perhaps even with a hint of 'What Dreams May Come' mixed in for good measure. Though at first it seems like a simple, straight-forward idea, little hints keep building up to the climax that basically turns your mind inside out and your expectations upside down.

Comparing again to Jacob's Ladder, this movie tends to rely more on mystery and recollection rather than disturbing and frightening imagery to convey it's ultimate message: Life isn't always what it seems...if you're already dead.
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If you didn't "get" this film, you're hopeless
dayglomadness19 September 2002
I have watched this film at least twenty times and have always come away rewarded. The search for action, adventure, are fruitless. However the twists and depth, and the ability of Elizondo to disrupt your train of thought are amazing. This film gets into your head. The comparisons to Jacob's Ladder are trivial. This film relies on subtlety, and misdirection, to bring you in, as opposed to the shock and "underground governmental experiment" genre that was conveyed in Jacob's Ladder. Any adult who has respect for cutting edge film making, needs to see this.
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An underrated gem
grokuk-317-9497693 March 2021
What began as a technology test with a story attached turned into a rare and hidden gem of a film about life, memory and consciousness. Yes, there is a lot of footage used from the USAF which does look stunning but we see perhaps a little too much of. But the core of the film is a one-room conversation between two men that for much of the time keeps you guessing as to just what is going on - is it psychiatry, some kind of interrogation or is there a much bigger, broader conversation going on. Those that dismiss it as "all a dream" either didn't watch or understand what was happening. It is not a dream! Approach it with an open mind and don't expect to have information spoon-fed to you and you'll enjoy this. It's pretty funny too :)
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This flick rocks!
caudesign27 December 2001
If you like puzzlers, this film is a great little distraction. It is also one of the first films to have been shot with a completely digital audio soundtrack, so the sound is crystal clear.

Sikking gives a very human portrayal of a very confused pilot plagued by flashbacks who sees a psych counselor (played by Elizondo) after recovering from a secret spy plane crash.

It's a good flick for those folks who like a good puzzle, and definately not for those with lazy brains!

Viewing Tip: Your brain must be engaged before watching. Enjoy!
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A Master Class!
dchampagne9 March 2006
This movie is truly a great lesson of editing (both sound and picture). I think everyone who cares about this aspect of cinematography should see it because it's a "Master class".

I'm really surprised that the editor of this movie (Stefan Küt) has only one entry on IMDb because he is simply brilliant.

I'm an editor myself and honestly I was amazed by the stylish, creative, surgical precision of each cut of image and sound. Even if it's 15 years old, it's still modern and innovative.

Moreover the scenario is brilliant, the acting is great and I also liked the music. Bravo!
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"Not making any sense until the end"
zubutix13 December 2006
For those who thought that this film was hard to follow because it didn't make any sense until the end. Well that is the point with this film. I mean the viewer is in the exact position as Sikking. First "that" is going on, and at the next minute we are somewhere totally else. We are in Sikkings "shoes" so to speak, and what he is trying to figure out is the same thing we the viewers are trying to grasp as well. So you are supposed to be confused. Thats the idea. And to be confused but trying different solutions along the way just to get the carpet pulled away under your feet in the end, well thats a very good film in my book.

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