Nightmare on the 13th Floor (TV Movie 1990) Poster

(1990 TV Movie)

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Nightmare on the 13th Floor: Funny little horror
Platypuschow5 October 2018
This rather obscure but enjoyable none the less horror is an interesting little creature.

It tells the story of a hotel with no 13th floor where people keep mysteriously vanishing. Well when our heroine is involved in an accident and believes she see's a man murdered she sets about investigating.

I liked the idea, it's original and quite fascinating. Is it utilized to it's potential? No, not so much but it's such a good idea it survives regardless.

This is one of the those movies which could do with being remade. Not because the original isn't enjoyable, but because the original is obscure and perhaps didn't get the break it deserves.

Flawed but enjoyable little tale.

The Good:

Very original

Some great ideas

The Bad:

Odd final scene

Doesn't flow all that well

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Most hotels don't have a 13th floor, even the ones that actually do

Ageing has a department

Counting floors while in the elevator is a skill only law professionals can manage
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In one word: Creepy
D_Emery28 April 2001
That's the charm of this movie- it's older and it's perhaps not the best of it's genre, but it is /classic/. The sets and settings are just right to get those little chills going. We all know it can't happen that way (and there are enough plot holes to prove it), but we're still afraid of just that sort of thing happening... it's a big, giant, CREEPY 'what if'... Sometimes people are scarier than the supernatural!
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Creepy 90's made for tv film!
Lizlynn_111113 July 2021
This was one of those mysterious movies I grew up watching on tv and it was always very memorable.

I don't normally want or like horror remakes but I think this one could use a remake. The premise is interesting and creepy and with a higher budget it could a be a really great scary film!
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Shame about the low budget...
LadyGrace030 July 2002
Nightmare on the 13th Floor is an entertaining movie - the plot is good and the story moves at just the right pace to keep the viewer absorbed. There are definitely some tense moments in this creepy and suprisingly intelligent film that make it as exciting as a horror movie should be, but with an added mysterious twist - and it's trying to work out the mystery that keeps you watching! Unfortunately, there are a few things about this movie that let it down - namely the pathetically low budget it must have been shot on. The 'special effects' are practically non-existent and the few there are look embarrassingly fake, making a joke out of some of the scariest moments in the film. That said, the set design is pretty good, especially on the 13th Floor, with its tatty gothic furnishings and maze of dimly lit corridors. The characters are interesting and varied, and the script never seriously falters. The acting is satisfactory and what you would expect from a made-for-TV movie, but no one really stands out. Overall, I'd say that if you see Nightmare on the 13th Floor in the TV listings and make an effort to watch it, you won't be disappointed - just don't expect a masterpiece in terms of cinematography!
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Good suspense, but it doesn't hold up.
AndreasOhn23 February 2016
A TV-movie that I remember scared me as a kid. I found it a couple of years ago, but on VHS on amazon for more than 50$. That seemed a little too much and I would have no way to actually play it, having gotten rid of my VCR. A couple of years later I found it on YouTube and was finally able to re-watch it.

The concept of this 13th floor that is not supposed to be there and this crazy ax wielder is still scary and the suspense works pretty good. But unfortunately as the movie starts to explain its mystery and the characters' motivation it falls apart.

A lot of good childhood memories with movies can be spoiled by rewatching them and this more or less falls into that category. It was however fun to re-watch those scary scenes that had caused me nightmares as a kid.

Fun fact: Louise Fletcher's parents are deaf.
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Round of applause for the man who designed the video case
Gubby-Allen2 January 2004
Which had a photo of the killer wielding the axe, despite the viewer not actually finding this out until the end of the film. While I admit it didn't take Einstien to figure it out, try an avoid the cover if you want a little suspense.

For the first 60 of the 80 minutes I thought I was watching a different film to most others on here. I thought it was pretty good, moved at a great pace & kept the viewers (who avoided looking at the case) in suspense for several reasons. The film was let down by some farsical end scenes but I still think an average rating of 4 is terribly harsh.

Granted the whole scene with the Policeman on floor 13 was terrible & most of the chase afterwards, with the entire hotel staff seemingly unable to have mastered the art of putting one foot in front of the other quickly, ie running. Only Elaine ever thought to run.

Yes where were the other hotel guests? Why didn't the Police bring any back up? What were the benefits for the other hotel staff to be involved in it? Why was the tramp killed? And other loose ends weren't tied up.

As I said, somewhere in amongst the mess is a making for a cracking little chilling film. With a good director, slightly better acting, a touching up of the first 60 minutes of the plot & an overhaul of the last 20, a removal of the many now cliches, one or two hotel staff not being in on the act & possibly a different reason for the killings this really could work well. Given the amount of crap that is remade / rewritten nowadays, someone could do a lot worse than take this potential big hit & re do it properly.

A low 7/10.
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Really, really boring, there is no worse crime a movie can commit then to bore you
Svperstar5 February 2002
My friends decided to pick up a cheesy horror movie to watch, they really picked a lame one this time.

Most horror bad movies are a lot of fun because even though they are bad they have a lot of cheesy blood and monsters to keep you interested and keep you and your friends laughing, this is only rated PG13 so no interesting blood or gore, you never really see people get killed on camera till the very end.

Two of my friends passed out 20 minutes into this crap and the only thing keeping me going was my desire to see as many bad horror films as possible.

If you can get this for free I guess you could fast forward to the ending but other then that stay away, anyone that rates this higher then a 4 needs to watch some real horror movies.

If you want to see horror that is bad in a good way I would recommend you get Sleep Away Camp, or Demons, enjoy :)
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Decent mystery that could have been better
greenbudgie17 February 2022
This is a decent mystery about a hotel with a secret hidden floor. A travel journalist called Elaine discovers this floor when she is trapped in an elevator lift. She hears old-style ragtime music and sees that the area is gas-lit and candlelit as from an earlier era. She is convinced that she has witnessed a murder but has difficulty convincing anyone that it was for real. She recognises some boots with silver toes from the murder scene and fancies she has traced them to a derelict site near the hotel. There is a good sense of rich people living in close proximity to the down-and-outs dossing in alleyways. There is an abrupt jump in the telling of the story roundabout the 50 minute mark where it takes on a complete new twist. Elaine does seem to suddenly gather a lot of information from somewhere at this point. Also some of the reveals come a bit too early for my liking. So I think fans of the old-style mysteries will like this although they may get the feeling the story could have been told somewhat better. Pick of the characters is the sneering Letti of the hotel staff played by Louise Fletcher.
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Great movie
freakshow-6544829 October 2023
Its a great movie but sadly it never got a dvd release. You can find it on youtube but it has spanish subtitles hard coded on it. Just one of those rare movies that never moved into the modern times of dvd/bluray.

Basicly its a satanic panic style movie. A killer on the loose but who is she/he? You will have to watch it and see. I can tell you it is worth the trouble. Of hunting it down.

I would love to know why this never got a public release. I mean there are some well known names in this movie. Any one know the reason it is stuck in the past?

You can buy it on vhs but who even still has a vhs player lol.
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Nightmarish boredom.
HumanoidOfFlesh13 January 2010
Elaine Kalisher is a writer for a travel magazine and is sent to the Wessex Hotel in Los Angeles to write an article.While exploring the hotel the service lift breaks down on an unmarked 13th floor.There she witnesses a murder,but is assured (when she is awake) by the hotel doctor that there is no 13th floor.She tries to solve the mystery of 13th floor...Dull and rarely involving TV production with not enough thrills for my liking.There is absolutely no gore,so I consider it a perfect horror movie for children.All the axe murders happen off-screen.I do like subtle horror like other reviewers,but the boredom almost kills "Nightmare on the 13th Floor".4 out of 10.
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An appealing thriller about the unseen and eerie 13th floor.
OllieSuave-00710 August 2018
This is an intriguing TV thriller featuring a reporter who investigates mysterious events at a hotel after witnessing a murder in a secret 13th floor.

There is a built-up suspense from start to finish and the plot is well-paced, enough to keep the audience engaged and entertained. The acting was pretty good - I especially liked the sarcastic and devious performance of Louise Fletcher.

The eerie feel of the unseen and unmarked 13th floor gives off an exciting and thrilling feel, making you wonder what the place really holds. Just wished there could have been a slower suspense built-up when the floor was revealed.

Overall, an appealing little thriller.

Grade A-
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watchable but not exceptional
myriamlenys12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A female reporter arrives in a fancy hotel, hoping to write a piece for a travel magazine. Soon after she gets involved in a minor elevator accident. Two things happen more or less simultaneously : she bumps her head while falling and she catches a glimpse of a murder being committed...

A blend of thriller and horror movie, "Nightmare on the 13th floor" concerns a reporter investigating the sinister goings-on in a seemingly peaceful hotel. The premise plays around with the fact that many real-life hotels deliberately avoid the number 13, to the point of renaming rooms and floors. Now the movie has its assets, such as a bravely determined heroine and an assortment of colorful or creepy characters. Moreover, the thirteenth floor in question is a triumph of set and props design.

Still, the story does not flow all that gracefully or fluidly. After a while repetition sets in, with ever more people getting turned into mincemeat in exactly the same fashion. If you want to see how this kind of horror movie should be done, watch "Rosemary's baby", which uses a number of the same ingredients - occult societies, devil worship, buildings with dark secrets - and turns them into a vision of Hell.

The plot does not read like an ode to America's total commitment to safety. In most countries - including, I suppose, the USA - hotels are subject to regular inspections with regard to aspects like fire safety, elevator safety, earthquake safety and so on. As a result you'd think that at least some inspectors would have taken a tiny peek behind the scenes - but nah, nobody noticed anything.

For those readers with enquiring minds who long to contact the Prince of Darkness by themselves : pick a Friday the thirteenth and hire a suite in the tallest hotel to be found in your city. At a quarter before midnight, stand in front of the bathroom mirror and blow out all thirteen candles on a birthday cake stolen from a crying teenage girl. At the invocation of "Show yourself, serpent of malice !" the devil will appear in the mirror, movin' his hips like yeah. If he's feeling gracious he'll grant you the secret of physical immortality, otherwise he'll just mock your mother's hairdo.
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Not That Good
Rainey-Dawn10 September 2019
I agree that this is sorta a Nancy Drew story as our main character, Elaine Kalisher, tries to find out what is going on - we watch her solve the mystery that we already know the answer to.

Not a great film but an okay watch for killing an hour and a half if nothing else to do or watch.

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Nancy-4021 September 1999
This was a very good movie, i watch it every time its on. A girl (michelle Greene) is staying at this hotel and finds that the elevator stops at a floor wich is the 13th. She sees a dead body on the floor and then passes out and when she wakes up she tells the hotel workers what she saw and they don't believe her and tell her it was from being hit on the head but she finds that there is a 13th floor and with a little help from some people she finds that its used for cult rituals. Also the doctor she falls in love with may be in on it. its a very good interesting grabbing movie, kinda makes you think twice about staying at a hotel your unfamiliar with.
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Nightmare on any floor
d_m_s15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Thought I might have stumbled on a hidden gem but after a dreadful 30 mins I couldn't bear any more and had to switch it off. The actung is bad, the plot is predictable and the kills are all done off screen. Really boring.
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Not too shabby
headphonealone-131 July 2006
I'll start by stating that Louise Fletcher makes this film.

Now before you watch this, keep in mind that this was a made for T.V. movie so there was only so much they could get away with showing. However, they did a fairly decent job building a creepy atmosphere.

In a way it tips its hat to horror classics such as The Shining, Rosemary's Baby, and The Omen. Had this movie been made 20 years earlier and with a larger budget it could have done quite well.

That being said, if you're a fan of films that leave more to the imagination without a lot of glitz and glamour you may dig this little film.

It has a touch a mystery, a bit of horror, and just enough suspense to keep you watching until the credits roll.
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Would Be Nancy Drew
aesgaard4113 July 2001
This movie looks like equal parts of the tv series Nancy Drew TV Mysteries with Pamela Sue Martin and Kolchak The Night Stalker with Darren McGavin. With a dash of Friday The Thirteenth:The Series, it looks like writer Elaine Kalisher was meant to have a tv series in her name. This movie has all the production value of a TV movie and the mystery and horror of a big screen release. Nail-bitingly good, the movie has a very scary plot as it does to hotels what Psycho did to motels. Several guests are vanishing in a hotel and only she knows it. The police don't believe her, and the hotel staff who do want to believe her can't seem to find proof. It's just a matter of finding the right puzzle pieces and learning who is gas-lighting her. This is a wonderful if not under-rated movie !
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Lucky 13!
devils_neighbor_6674 December 2019
A great movie with great performances! Only downfall is the low budget. But a creepy premise makes up for that
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Phonograph question..
cocorama13 November 2006
I watched this movie when I was about 8 for the first time...I believe on USA...I taped it, but the sound was really bad. I now really want to see it again, will probably purchase it eventually. I do have one question though. Does anyone know the song that is playing on the phonograph on the 13th floor. It's really a great creepy kinda tune, I know everyone can probably hear the tune while reading this. I tried to research it, but could not find anything. I also tried googleing it, and seeing if anyone else had said anything about it. But, alas, I have come up with nothing. Truly a unique movie, a weird sort of classic... If anyone can help at all, please e-mail me at thanks so much
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Really wicked! (in a good way)
dmdarbonne25 June 2004
I first saw this movie about 2 years ago, it was awesome! For a recently made film, it really had a spook factor. With the low lights and all that red on the 13th floor really added to the drama of it. I am glad it's on video, when I first tried to find it after I saw it on TBS, I was disappointed that it was a made for TV movie, and they usually didn't put those on video until recently..

I remember the reporter going on the 13th floor, and just the drama of her heart racing, just wondering what was around the corner. This is the kind of movie a guy can take a gal to and really spook her. It just has that factor to it. (if the girl is easily spooked of course)
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"Scream bloody murder...while you still can."
Backlash0078 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Nightmare on the 13th Floor is a film that can be summed up in one word: tame. When I picked this up at the video store I had no idea it was made for television in the early nineties. Judging by the cover art, I thought it was an 80's slasher. Not so my friends. When the cheesy title screen reared its ugly head, I knew this was no obscure gem. Now, it's not a horrible movie. It's more like a murder mystery than straight-up horror. Michele Greene plays a writer who reviews hotels and travel locations. She's currently checking out the Hotel Wessex when an elevator accident leaves her stranded between floors 12 and 14. Where's the 13th floor you ask? It doesn't exist...or is that what we're supposed to believe? Our heroine witnesses a murder on this floor and can't explain it to the hotel staff or the cops. So, naturally, she becomes Nancy Drew-esquire and decides to investigate. Her findings lead her deeper and deeper into the history of the hotel and the 16 bloody murders that happened on the 13th floor. Are the new murders related? I'll spoil it for ya: Yes, they're related. The hotel staff is in on it and the killer is pretty dang obvious. James Brolin and Louise Fletcher co-star.
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* out of 4.
brandonsites198112 September 2002
Another made for USA television horror movie made in the early 90's. This one is about a reporter who tires to find out why all the guests of a luxury hotel keep disappearing after she thinks she witnessed a murder taking place. Solid supporting cast is given almost nothing to do, but stand around and be bored. Totally devoid of entertainment value and sorely missing any thrills or chills.

Rated PG-13 for Violence.
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Things can be made not to be what they seem.
michaelRokeefe22 June 2002
Yes, this TV movie is a nightmare. Twists and turns actually destroys the movie instead of making it more suspenseful. What has the makings of being a frightful tale of the occult simply seems to go nowhere. Michele Greene is a journalist writing an article on a legendary hotel. A rapid stop on an elevator knocks her she gains composure, she sees a bloody floor and an injured man crying for help on the 13th floor. She has trouble proving what she saw because there supposedly is not a 13th floor. Sounds pretty interesting, but it isn't. Louise Fletcher seems to have stepped out of any of the other movies she's been in. James Brolin's talent is simply wasted. Also in the cast are John Karlen and Michael Melvin. Sorry, it is mundane and forgettable.
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