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Not NEAR as bad as all these comments
theghost120 February 2006
I don't know for sure but after reading all of these comments at least half of them seem to come from the same person using different handles. All seem to say the same thing that this tried to be a Top Gun with helicopters. I really didn't see any comparison to Top Gun whatsoever. No more than there were people flying and there was a love story. Someone mentioned the Iron Eagle series. If one copied the other it was probably Top Gun copying Iron Eagle Since Iron Eagle came out 3 - 4 months earlier.

I just got finished watching this movie Which I saw originally on NBC.

I thought originally that this was a Made for TV movie for some reason but I guess after reading here that it was put out at the theaters. I would have loved to have seen it on the big screen but admit I would not want to pay 7 dollars to see it. IT still rates better than 1 or 2 stars and all the bad insults it is getting here. I agree with one of the people that posted here that it would go great as a "Movie for Guy's who like movies" As a guy I love movies with action. I am not in the army and know a "Little" about the equipment. I am not a fighter pilot though and am not in the military. As a civilian I love this movie as an action movie. If I wanted to see realistic and authentic representations of Millitiary equipment I'll go to the History Channel. If I wan't an action movie with just the right amount of comedy and romance I'll go see fire birds again.

Is it realistic? NO Is it fun? Yes Is it accurate? No are there some corny lines? Yeah but let me ask you this. All these people talking about Top gun being so big... how many pilots would really fly upside down and flip off a Russian and take it's picture? how many pilots would really do those kinds of fly by's and still be in the Navy? and I won't go into the corny lines from that movie.

All in all Firebirds is deserving of just as much respect based on it's merits as a fun action/romance movie as is Top Gun without comparing them to each other.
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i was entertained
disdressed128 July 2008
i actually enjoyed this movie,which is basically Top Gun with Apache helicopters.i don't think it was a great movie,but it was entertaining.sure there's some bad dialogue and the movie is pretty low key for its kind.the romance angle comes off as silly and unnecessary.but the flying sequences were least they could have been worse,and i have seen worse.the movie doesn't exactly stretch the acting talents of Nicolas Gage,Tommy Lee Jones,Sean Young,or anyone involved,for that matter.the story is not original,either.yet,like i mentioned earlier,i was entertained,and that's something.for me,Fire Birds is a 6/10
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I'm your Mother now....
FlashCallahan8 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The U.S. Government is willing to help any country that requires help in ridding themselves of drugs with support from the Army.

Unfortunately, the drug cartels have countered that offer by hiring one of the best air-combat mercenaries and have armed him with a Scorpion attack helicopter.

The army decides to send in it's best people from it's Apache Air Combat school.

But first they have to be taught how to fly air-to-air combat missions..

So the films not Top Gun, many people have said that, but it's not supposed to be that movie, this has Cage for crying out loud, and just when you thought he was going to put in a restraint performance, he goes balls to the wall.

Yes, the story isn't great, and the film is laughable toward the end with it's dodgy explosions and awful dialogue, but it's endearing rubbish, that doesn't last for long, and is quit enjoyable whilst it lasts.

Jones puts in another great performance, as does Cage, even though it's by the numbers stuff. Young is awful and thankfully her screen time just consists of her knocking back Cage, and shouting at him.

as I said before, it's no award winner by a mile, but switch your brain off and you could do a lot worse with ninety.

At least it's unintentionally funny.
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Get some advisors from Ft Hood, Mr Director!
AlexWard7 December 1999
Firebirds suffered from the same problem many military movies suffer from. The writers knew exactly squat about the subject matter. This movie had potential to be really excellent. Nick Cage and Tommy Lee Jones are two very good actors. However, they had crap to work with. The first problem was Apache pilots are a completely different breed than fighter jocks. They were badly portrayed. Sure, they are cocky and arrogant, but those "macho" lines were soooo corny. No self-respecting rotary wing aviator would be caught dead spouting that garbage. Secondly, the helicopters were shown fighting jets and other helicopters. That's like trying to win the Indy 500 in a Yugo or portraying Schwarzanegger as a ballet dancer. Sure its vaguely possible, but no sane person tries it. Finally, Sean Young, while very attractive was not the right person for the role of Billie. All in all, Fire Birds had the right elements and the concepts, but they were jumbled together badly and handled wrong. Leave it on the shelf and get Full Metal Jacket or Saving Private Ryan and see a military movie done right.
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Worst Dialogue Ever Written for a Film
Elspode22 June 2006
Subject says it all. The worst movie ever made, seriously, zero redeeming qualities. Even the action scenes are boring. Stilted dialog, insipid plot, derivative storyline, laughable direction and acting.

This film is a landmark of bad film, something that should be enshrined in the Hall of Shame. Do not watch this film under any circumstances, including being held at gunpoint.

Rarely will you see talented people having their skills so poorly used, even when they obviously phoned in the part. Cage and Jones, usually actors of some quality, are total stereotypes and probably made the biggest mistakes of their acting careers by allowing this film to ever be released with their faces and names attached to it. Sean Young, however, performs up to expectations, as there are none for her.

Did I mention that this movie is incredibly, unbelievably *bad*?
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You've got to be kidding me
king_of_fla6 February 2005
The first tip that you're in for a stinker is the generic use of the term "South America" without naming a specific country (kind of like talking about "Asia" or "Europe" or "Africa" in the same way). Then there is Nic Cage as helicopter pilot par excellence Preston telling the Joint Chiefs that the drug cartel is "killing Americans every day." When Tommy Lee Jones shows up for a totally obnoxious performance -- and certainly when the utterly disposable Sean Young appears just minutes later -- you realize you're watching one of the biggest turkeys ever put on celluloid.

The only thing that saves this from being a "1" -- barely -- is the fact that there are marquee stars in this, and the extra point is for marveling at what kind of morons these stars must have for agents.
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A true car crash of a film. I couldn't look away
bowmanblue15 June 2015
'Wings of the Apache' is a truly awful film. I can find little good to say about it. During the first five minutes I was 'on the edge of my seat' only in a bad, jaw-droppingly amazed kind of way. I've watched many bad films over the year. I normally turn them off. However, I sat all the way through this one's one hour and seventeen minute runtime. I really couldn't avert my eyes.

Most people describe 'Wings of the Apache' as 'Top Gun with helicopters.' Yeah, I think that's a reasonable description, only Top Gun was watchable for different reasons. The opening five minutes I spoke about is basically Nicholas Cage narrating over a bland action scene involving a helicopter dogfight over some mountains. Now, I'm no expert, but I seem to remember the first rule of storytelling is 'show, don't tell.' Yet Cage just tells us what's happening in a monotone voice. Apparently, the drugs cartels are now using helicopters to shoot down American helicopters. Does this actually happen in real life? Never mind, it does here. And Nicholas Cage – being the only guy who's seen the cartel's helicopter in action – must lead the charge against the lone chopper.

He's ably aided by Tommy Lee Jones – a great actor in his own right, now reduced to barking orders in the most stereotypical 'drill instructor' way possible. Plus there's a love interest. Guess where that subplot goes? So Nick, Tommy and the token woman must train to fight the baddie then fight the baddie then save the day. Hardly inspiring, but I think the most unforgivable element of the film is the editing. It's just bad. It's like every shot has been filmed separately to every other one and then spliced together – badly. There's a slight pause between when someone answers the person original speaking, making conversations seem stilted (assuming the dialogue spoken was any good to begin with – and nine times out of ten it isn't).

So, in case you haven't got the drift of what I've been saying, 'Wings of the Apache' is just bad. And I watched it all until the last credit rolled. Now I've seen it, I wonder why I did and yet I'm also curious as to why I may – one day – even watch it again, just to remind myself how bad it was. It's bad, but bordering on that so-bad-it's-good kind of way. If you're prepared for that, it will certainly keep your eyes fixed on the screen for exactly one hour and seventeen minutes.
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Not as bad as many say
jquest-120 April 2006
Frankly, I don't really understand why people complain so much about this movie. Top Gun ripoff? Maybe - so what? As something of a "military otaku", I've seen both, and I'd say I know enough about the matters portrayed, as well. Is it realistic? Not really, but it does provide simple, enjoyable entertainment and great viewing experience for the aviation fan in you. The footage is indeed great.

People keep bringing "Top Gun" up over and over. Just as unrealistic, if not worse. I'd say, TG is far more far-fetched than Fire Birds. Why does everyone hold TG in higher regard? It came first, but... that's about it.

I hear complaints about bad acting... I can't really tell, as the Polish edition has, just like everything else, that annoying lector instead of subtitles, efficiently making all the original dialogs inaudible. The dialogs, however, seemed quite okay in translation.

Honestly, I really like this movie. It's been in my collection for a dozen years now, and I've gotten myself a DVD recently. What's important to understand, is that it's one of those movies that are NOT supposed to have a deep storyline. The plot is nice and simple, just enough to keep a story going and show off the Apaches.

I love Top Gun, for its beautiful F-14 footage and a simple story that doesn't get in the way of the viewing experience. And i don't really mind the corny lines and obvious lack of any realism. It's not a documentary, it's an action movie, one of the few of its kind (aerial action movie?) As for Fire Birds...

I love Fire Birds for the same reasons - beautiful AH-64 footage and a simple story that keeps the thing going and doesn't get in the way of what I want to see there in the first place - the Apaches in action. I don't mind the corny lines nor flaws in realism. Just like TG, it's not supposed to be a documentary. It's an action movie of the same, rare genre as Top Gun. I wish there was more of those...
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most unintentionally funny movie ever?
hailtothevictorz13 February 2005
I must admit, I busted a gut several times during this crap-fest... how these top-notch actors were directed into this mess is still beyond me... the four-star IMDb rating is insane

I wish more comedies gave me the giggles like this one

Nicolas Cage and Tommy Lee Jones struggle to look serious against writing that is shoddy and painful to hear... I really am only writing this review because this is, in my opinion the worst big-budget movie of our time... I think it would have made a great MST3K target

This actually spawned a really bad TV show, too!

That gives it extra credit

Should have starred Dolph Lungren and The Rock
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Not as bad as all that!
stu10028 April 2006
This film is nowhere near as bad as people on here claim.

Alright, it's not original, and it's not accurate, but it's a fun way to spend an evening.

Not to mention the AWESOME performance from Tommy Lee Jones. He delivers line after line of cocky deadpan humour to perfection in this film.

If you are a Tommy Lee Jones fan, this film is a MUST see, as it has him at his very best. If you loved lines like "dammit, we've only got an inch of topsoil left!" in under siege, or the "Alright people, listen up, we have a fugitive on the loose!" speech from The Fugitive, you are going to love some of his stuff in this film.
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don't be bored half to death, get a different movie
xavierorr5 May 2006
from the description on the back cover of the DVD, you think that you are going to be watching an exciting action movie about the war with the drug cartels, WRONG. This movie is all about the boring and tedious training that the apache chopper pilots have to endure, it is so completely uninteresting that you almost have to fast forward parts just so your brain has something mildly interesting to do. The romance in the story is a joke, the girl is a stinker, a terrible actor and the whole basis of the romance is a joke. I was so terribly dissatisfied with this movie that I had to write this review to warn others. IT IS TERRIBLE
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A Sean Young/June Allyson Fan...
Len987626 July 2008
"Fire Birds" (1990) is reminiscent of "The McConnell Story" (1955), without the action scenes. Although the characters, dialog, and technical aspects of the film may be highly fictionalized, it is accurate and realistic enough to provide splendid entertainment in the tradition of Hollywood's golden era. June Allyson, playing a 'steely' girlfriend, would have been proud to fly alongside her man. Sean Young aptly takes on the role, while showing both a dedication for America, as well as a love for her man. She patriotically flies for her country, while cheering-on and encouraging her man (enthusiatically played by Nicolas Cage). Cage plays a young, 'hotshot' flier, with plenty of arrogance and too-much ego, until he truly learns humility from his helicopter trainer (well-played by Tommy Lee Jones). The film includes the danger and the romance of flying, as well as the privilege to serve as a flying ace. Like "The McConnell Story" (1955), I did not find the dialog to be the least bit 'corny'. June Allyson excelled as the 'good', but rather-emotional and naive wife. Sean Young excels as the 'sexy', sometimes-naughty and sometimes-nice girlfriend. But, Sean makes it quite clear that she wants to be a flier, as much as she wants to be a girlfriend or a wife. And, I do not think it is the least bit 'corny' that Sean displays a love for her country, as much as she displays a love for her man. Unlike June Allyson in "The McConnell Story" (1955), Sean Young does not wish to take on the traditional woman's role. Like her man, she has a dream to fly. And, like Nicolas Cage and Tommy Lee Jones, she excels in her role (as June Allyson does in "The McConnell Story"). And, there is plenty of 'meat' in the dialog, which is far from superficial. Whether it be Tommy Lee Jones talking about why he joined the military ("I wanted to be a full blown American hero, cook-in full tilt boogie for freedom and justice"), Nicolas Cage ("Are you ever gonna let me win?"), or after Sean Young wipes a single tear from her eyes. Nicolas Cage, Sean Young, and Tommy Lee Jones provide plenty of inspiration and strength. I rate this film an 8 out of 10, and highly recommend it to anyone who has a love for his-and-her country. With an open-and-patriotic heart, the film should make one stand up and cheer!
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Cage's Worst Film?
culwin1 January 1999
A typical "action" movie with not much action. Cool helicopter fights are the highlights of this movie, and the plot is really not important. Parts of the movie kind of drag, and you'll be so sick of hearing "I am the greatest", you'll want to smash your speakers. You'll have to see it to know what I mean, but if you don't see it you aren't missing anything. A barely 6 out of 10.
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More Like "Fire Crap"
The-Shape17 April 2003
After the success of Top Gun, rip-offs were a given. Fire Birds is without a doubt, the worst of them. With such great memorable quotes as "Snort this!!!" (Sean Young blowing up a helicopter), "Damn he's fast" (Nic Cage commenting on another chopper), "I'm you momma now", and "I AM THE GREATEST!!!" (both Nic Cage again), this script is unintentionably hysterical. With future academy award winners Nicolas Cage and Tommy Lee Jones, you would guess this film would be somewhat decent. Well, guess again. Whatever studio executive "green-lighted" this fiasco should be forced to watch it a-la A Clockwork Orange. Then maybe he would feel the pain the audiences who paid money in the theatre to see this trash felt. I'm sure that if Cage, Jones, and then up-and-comer Sean Young could go back before they signed their name on the dotted line for this one, they'd have fired (pun intended) their agents for even showing them the script. What were they thinking???
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It was a good try......
bitsybug3 January 1999
This movie should have been good. But it wasn't. With both Tommy Lee Jones and Nicolas Cage, you would expect great things. But you don't get them. The part of Billie was terribly miscast. The special effects during flights were good but towards the end when the camp is bombed, it looks too much like special effects. I got no sense of realism at all. I would only recommend this incredibly slow moving movie when either you have seen everything else in the rental place or your only other choice is Spice World.
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lastliberal26 April 2007
I like Sean Young. She was hot, hot, hot in No Way Out, but totally wasted in this movie. Tommy Lee Jones is also one of my favorites, but. again he was wasted here. There just wasn't much for him to do in this formulaic movie about a cocky pilot (Nickolas Cage) who had to come down a peg, and then saves the day. Wow! where have we seen that before? If you are going to have Apache helicopter action in support of an attack on the drug cartels, then lets see some more action that just Cage and the bad guy. Ho hum, we know how that is going to end.

I did see a couple of regular supporters in this flick that I like, but, all-in-all, it was just filler until something better came on.
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Errrrrr......Nick - fire your agent!!!
Professor_Elemental19 July 2001
Like a lot of other IMDBers - this was the first Nick Cage (an A++++ class actor) film I saw - and really put me off him for a long time - until I saw FACE/OFF.... on checking out the rest of his films I became a Cage groupie and came to the conclusion this was just a lame steer in a whole batch of great films (check out 'Kiss of Death' for an underestimated film!) Well, like dental surgery it was painful but thankfully over quickly - small mercies. IMDB does not provide a score low enough for this film - so it gets a 1. To get over it I watched MANOS - The Hands of fate.....
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Cheesy, overdone action flick
FrankBooth_DeLarge8 February 2005
Fire Birds was released during an unfortunate string of cheesy air combat type of flicks. Top Gun was a one of the first air combat movies, and it will always remain the best. After that, there were some horrible movies like the Iron Eagle sequels and the other movie I can think of(It's not quite as bad) is Flight of the Intruder. Then Fire Birds came along. This proves that movies of this genre are generally not good at all. The action is quite cheesy, and the acting is overdone. I'm not sure how it is that they could mess up the acting so badly. This movie has Nicholas Cage, Tommy Lee Jones, and Sean Young. Not worth your time, ignore the claim that this was supposed to be like Top Gun with helicopters, it doesn't even come close.
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Fun Actions Scenes and a Solid Man's Movie!!!
Dark_Lord_Mark2 June 2016
Just when I think I have seen all the slightly over the top, cheesy, crazy one liners, insane Nic Cage action movies, this enters my life.

I was very afraid to see this movie. The reviews claimed top gun but not as awesome. I think this is more awesome but very cheesy.

Nic Cage gets a bad rap. With so many bad actors getting a free pass such as Samuel Jackson and in recent times Bruce Willis who now collects pay checks rather than acts, I really wonder if he's just a whipping boy as he represents an era when movies were made for guys.

This is about helicopter pilots and Cage is the young hotshot who is awesomely over the top. When he runs he overacts, when he drives he overacts, when he makes love he overacts. His love interest Sean Young just does a terrible acting job herself, but Tommy Lee Jones is excellent as the wily veteran who is their to reign in the cocky young kid in Cage.

Excellent fun film with cheesy action. Lovers of movies get this movie while guys who love Broke Back Mountain simply cannot wrap they heads around why this movie is awesome.

It's a solid 10 out of 10 in terms of being a guy movie, but to be snobbish I will give it a 7 out of 10. The last fight scene is so awesome.
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Full Tilt Boogie Goodness
beardedmovieguy16 March 2015
I loved this movie when I was younger, and liked it now that I have seen it again. Back then I thought Nicolas Cage's character was so cool, now he is still kinda cool but man is there way too much overacting from Cage and pretty much everybody else, well except for Sean Young, who kinda doesn't act, she is just there, like a cardboard cut out of her with a tape player saying her lines would have be just as real, maybe even better. Thankfully Tommy Lee Jones is great, and I have used the Full Tilt Boogie line a bunch of times. So, decent movie, cool helicopters and Tommy Lee Jones is just too awesome for his own good. 3 Beards Out Of 5
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Sentimental Value
irishmen698110 June 2021
When I was a kid the AH-64 Apache was my favorite helicopter. When this movie came out my Uncle took me to see it. Now I'm not disputing the bad dialog, although Tommy Lee Jones does try and help but it is not enough. As a kid I thought the action scenes were spectacular. I'm 40 now and they are still pretty damn good. He'll if it's on TV or I see it in my movie collection, it's getting watched.
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Top Guns wannabe
SnoopyStyle2 August 2015
Jake Preston (Nicolas Cage) is flying his Cobra attack helicopter against the drug cartel in South America. His group of Cobras and Blackhawks are attacked by a mercenary flying a Scorpion. The military decides to send more into the fight. Jake goes to Fort Mitchell to train in the Apache helicopter under Brad Little (Tommy Lee Jones). Brad wants to fly missions but he's deemed too valuable as a trainer. Billie Lee Guthrie (Sean Young) is Jake's ex training to fly reconnaissance. Jake is a confidential natural pilot but he struggles in the dark with left eye dominance.

This is trying to be Top Guns with helicopters. I like that part of the movie. Sean Young assembling a shoulder fired anti-aircraft missile is kind of cool. The aerial combat is slightly below the level of Top Guns. Tommy Lee is a great old guy. Sean Young is good but her relationship with Nicolas Cage is too overwrought. Cage is doing a simple one-note performance as the cocky flier. He is overdoing it Nicolas Cage style. I like seeing the helicopters but not so much the characters.
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Totally Cool
FiendishDramaturgy24 March 2007
This is definitely NOT a Top Gun wannabe, as some have labeled it.

Nicolas Cage, at 26, stars in this exciting Bush, Sr. era-based actioner involving the former president's promise to assist any and all countries who ask for help in battling drug lords and their business.

Cage may have been the star of this film, but Tommy Lee Jones stole the limelight...utterly. He shines through, and his co-starring role eclipses everyone else, including Cage. Fitting, all things considered, as Tommy Lee Jones was in his prime and already a seasoned actor at this time.

This film showcases some great action segments, awesome aerial sequences, and a solid story. I was thoroughly entertained, and miss the days of good, quality actioners.

This rates an 8.4/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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Quite enjoyable despite the cliches and the propaganda
Rodrigo_Amaro26 July 2022
"Fire Birds" in a nutshell can be defined as an "Top Gun" with helicopters but without the same excitment as the 1986 movie. It sure does create curiosity amongst viewers since its unites two Hollywood heavyweights, Nicolas Cage and Tommy Lee Jones, and the duo does not disappoint even though it isn't their greatest memorable moments. It doesn't cause any harm, it's watchable despite its propagandist ideals on the war on drugs from Reagan/Bush era and this is way pro-military as "Top Gun" were (I don't find it but truth be told that many young men became volunteers to become heroes like Maverick in that movie).

Nic Cage is a highly experiences pilot who learns how to fly air-to-air combat missions against the drug cartels in South America where a dangerous and very experienced pilot shoot down Cage's Army buddies. Jones is the man in charge of the whole training while Dale Dye is the commander in charge of the operation and they will train and test those young pilots to fly the Apache helicopter, filled with new forms of weapons and technology. And as usual, there's a romance involving Cage and Sean Young character, who is also part of the team of pilots.

There's humor, mostly due to the cockiness of Cage, playing his usual cool guy while veteran Jones delivers a more balanced performance as the commander showing his skills both in humored ways and also dramatic. Both bear in mind everything here is played out in a very two-dimensional way. There isn't much of a challenge to those characters neither their mission which is played without much enthusiasm or interest (except, obviously, for the final bits when the actual duel becomes really dangerous), unlike the visual spectacle and excitment of "Top Gun" or if the comparison is slightly unfair why not "Blue Thunder" which is also an amazing movie and it revolves about powerful helicopters. And the romance between Cage and Young follows the usual book of Hollywood cliches (they were involved, something happened between them and the man tries to get his girl back in all possible ways). Phil Collins' power ballad "Do You Remember" kicks in to see the mood big time - but the scene is kinda corny, maybe that's just me.

I guess what bothers me the most is the notion that we are seeing a movie that seems sponsored by the military forces, all inclined to follow the Bush father campaign against drugs and its infiltration in the U. S. It's so in your face that it becomes kind of annoying. Given a wider scope about the drug problem in America or to show how the scheme is run by the cartels then the movie would be something extra. But here, all we know is that an unnamed South American nation is facing problems because of the cartels so they request assistance to American forces to help them (as granted by Bush and as told by the movie opening statements).

It's a quite enjoyable movie for those who enjoy simple presentations, with countless cliches and almost no surprises. Those more demanding won't find on "Fire Birds" much of something so marvelous and probably will get disappointed that a more challenging project didn't come on the way of the likes of Jones and Cage. The lack of a higher development troubles the experience a bit since we don't get time to see the other side, the real plans from the villain and the cartel, it's all reduced to the air-to-air combat and the training (one of the most memorable moments comes when Cage and another pilot enter a simulator to test the new system designed on the helicopters and they fail badly after a near perfect training). It sure it fair share of fun moments, it doesn't disappoint to the point of becoming a bad movie. It's okay. 7/10.
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too cool for helicopter school.
xhearto21 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
what on earth is this movie!? good lord mankind, a little shame please!

two stars for being a helicopter based film, a personal favorite, and one more for falling decidedly into mst3k worthy awfulness.

one million stars deducted for having the budget and cast to make an awesome helicopter movie and making this.

unbelievably corny dialogue delivered with cringeworthy timing? Check. ridiculous plot? Check. reasonably excellent helicopter stunts? Check. a scarfed out "soul - rock"? band butchering chain of fools while our heroes strut their groove thangs? Triple check.

cop a chill.
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