"The Comic Strip Presents" Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door (TV Episode 1988) Poster

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Among the funniest films ever made. Seriously.
ragingeric4 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Not for the faint of heart or those that like their comedy polished and friendly, "Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door" is high energy drunken lunacy caught on film, a comedy that gets funnier every time you watch it. It also makes you want to take a shower after viewing, as Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson (as the "Dreamytime Escorts") leave a trail of slime a foot deep where ever they go. The slime, however, just greases the wheels of some of the funniest bits ever put on film and a surprisingly tightly plotted and well executed story. Wait, did I say Plot?

Yes, there's a plot, a mildly complicated affair of two idiots misinterpreting everything from what men want when they call an escort service, to an intercepted message meant for a mob assassin and the drunken chaos that follows when the boys follow the instructions in the only way they know how; drunk and stupid.

Tough to find on NTSC, but PAL tapes are available on the net. Some American viewers may have trouble with the accents (hard to understand at times as the dialogue descends into hilariously incoherent drunken ravings) and cultural icons (quick cheat sheet: Nicholas Parsons roughly equals Alex Trebek/Regis Philbin; off-license = liquor store; fairy liquid = dish washing soap; the Dorchester = The Four Seasons; fluffy toys = teddy bears; tonic water = well, tonic water). But not to worry if you are accent-challenged; the film is hysterical whether you can understand what is going on or not.

So cue up the Tom Jones records, sharpen your meat cleaver, and hide your fluffy toys and fairy liquid, because Mr. Jolly may be looking to add you to his client list.
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Rick and Ade's finest hour
johanperkins24 July 2017
If you are a Rick and Ade fan, then look no further. This is the epitome of what they were always about, their finest filth distilled into an hour of comic genius. To be honest, if you are watching this for the first time in 2017, you are 29 years too late, but the fan of Bottom, Young Ones, Dangerous Brothers etc. will recognise what is on show here.

If not for any other reason, you may become one of the secret Mr. Jolly aficionados - there are many in the UK. I have met at least two in my entire lifetime. You will be able to refer to Heimi Henderson, Tonic Water, Nabushi Shang Hong and other timeless cultureless references, hopefully, while in another old English pub.

It is the best thing Rick and Ade ever made, and it has Peter Cook too. Why wouldn't you watch it?
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That's very good! I'll have another.
roop-9453223 February 2017
To blokes of my age and social dipsoition this episode - like several other Comic Strips - is sheer genius. At the time the world it was set against - downbeat, sleazy London at it's best - seemed like a fixture but is now, alas, long gone unless I'm missing something. The two protagonists are the sum of any sex tourist's worst clip joint nightmares but still seem to bring a savage nobility to their quest to "take out Nicholas Parsons". And what a gent he was to step up for this; "look Nicholas I can light my farts!", legend. I won't say much more other than if I ever realize my long-cherished dream of owning my own boozer it will be called the "Neon Teepee" and the cast will be welcome to free G&Ts on the house, well, just one.
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Ritchie and Eddie at their peak
stevenwithers5 April 2006
Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmundson have been playing these two characters in one form or another for many years and many incarnations, from the Dangerous Brothers, The Young Ones, Filthy Rich and Catflap, to Bottom...etc, they are always two sleazy, ultra-violent, uber-slapstick, childish loosers. In my view this movie represents this concept at it's brilliant best.

In this movie They play two relentlessly alcoholic slime-balls who's sole goal in life is to make it to the next drink. Two more unsuited "Dreamtime Escorts" you would struggle to find! The Comic Strip franchise produced a wide variety of film types from very subtle to the outrageous, and this movie perfectly represents the later end of that spectrum. In my opinion it is one of the better Comic Strip movies, ranking up there with the other greats such as Bad News and Five Go Mad in Dorest.

The presence of the legendary Peter Cook, appearing as Mr Jolly, adds to the movie's significance in the series.

If you like your humour subtle then this is not a movie for you. If you like a good simple, unsophisticated, childish, cartoon style of humour, and laugh at things such as Eddie trying to light his burps, and Rik knocking back pints of vodka then this movie is for you. Sometimes it is good to laugh at something refreshingly childish! This movie never fails to cheer me up.
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Comic Strip at it's best
Wayland_Wombat6 August 2020
Probably the funniest film ever made, some classic lines and classic silliness.

Such a shame that A sitcom called "Dreamy Time Escorts" never materialised

It has it all that comedy can deliver plus the bonuses of Peter Cook and Nicholas Parsons.

I've lost count of the times I have seen, but know it will have more than one viewing again this year.
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A hliarious vomit drenched tale of comic misunderstandings and mistaken identities
The-Last-Prydonian20 August 2009
I must confess that I'm something of a fan of some of Ade Edmonson and Rik Mayall's work. It's fair to say that their brand of anarchic humour that has become more identifiable with such television sitcoms as 'Bottom', and the earlier and even more anarchic 80's comedy series that was 'The Young Ones. So it comes as little or no surprise that 'Mr. Jolly Lives Next door', one of the few scripts they worked together on for The Comic Strip Presents... series of short films Isn't that far removed from those other televisual works.

Co-written with Roland Rivron (One-half of the spoof lounge act Raw Sex who regularly featured with French and Saunders back in the late 80s and early 90s) Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door probably stands alone among most of the cult series short movies. Not because of Its anarchic humour which was 'The Comic Strip team's most notable hallmark. But that while these series of condensed movies were by turns subtle and not so subtle and usually tried to make some comment on society, politics, or the media in general. Mayal, Edmondson, and Rivron just try to create a ball's out, gross-out comedy with no pretensions whatsoever. And oddly enough It's one of Its greatest strengths. It's your average tale of comedic misunderstandings and mistaken identities that can only be told in Mayall and Edmondson's own vomit-drenched style. Anyone looking for subtlety and something more high-brow would do best to stay clear. I personally like nothing more than a good intelligent comedy, but every now and again It's great to watch something that just tries to be funny and you can just sit back and laugh at it without having to engage your brain. And Mayall, Edmondson, and Rivron accomplish this magnificently.

'The plot revolves around two delinquent, drunken, lay-about losers (played by both Mayall and Edmondson) who run their own little escort agency from their little office in a grimy, flea-ridden apartment building. The very fact that when the movie opens the pair of them happen to be visiting a Morgue where a previous client now lies deceased, gives you some indication of how good the pair of reprobates are at their job. Right next door to where the two dregs of society run their business (and presumably live) is Mr. Jolly portrayed here by veteran comedy actor Peter Cook, a vile sociopathic hit-man who likes to batter his client's victims to death while a record of Tom Jones's performing It's Not Unusual plays throughout his office. Black isn't it! Unfortunately for the two escorts (the names of which we never learn) a telegram intended for the cold-blooded killer is sent to them by mistake and upon reading that they've to "take out" actor Nicolas Parsons (who actually features as himself quite prominently). The pair take the message out of context, believing that they've to take the poor, unsuspecting sod out for a good time.

What follows is one hilarious scene after another as the duo drives poor Parsons around the bend, while eventually being found by the dangerously unbalanced Mr. Lovebucket(played with wonderful silky-voiced menace by Comic Strip founder Peter Richardson}, the man responsible for wanting Parsons dead. Finally realising they've both been mistaken for other people. The two fools then make a complete pig's ear of attempting to kill Parsons, as they potentially share the same fate as their intended target if they don't complete their objective.

There's actually more to the film than I'm letting on and to give away more would be to spoil much of what makes, Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door; a complete riot from start to finish. Edmondson and Mayall are endlessly hilarious, throwing themselves into their roles with the crazed enthusiasm you'd have come to expect from the comedy duo. You can see that they're thoroughly enjoying themselves here as was the same with, Bottom for instance. And while their characters are similar to both Richie Richard and Eddie Hitler they still stand on their own as individual creations. They in fact make the anti-heroes of the later sitcom look positively refined by comparison, if you had ever thought that even possible. Some of the comical scenarios although possibly not entirely original are still never the less gut-achingly funny, while there's the odd moment of an inspired bit of lunacy that you can't help but applaud. A moment that stands out is the pair attemptting to grab a case of alcoholic beer from outside a beer van that's pulled outside their apartment. Doesn't sound that interesting? I can only recommend that you watch and see how they try to accomplish it, and do so with some considerable panache.

But like I previously pointed out, 'Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door' won't be to everyone's taste. Those more accustomed to the more subtle, satirical comedy of the Comic Strip team may not warm to it. However, if you like your comedy to occasionally be low brow then you might like this, and while it does verge on the teetering edge of descending into inanity on occasion there are still enough gut-aching moments to compensate for it. All in all for those who might appreciate its vile, gallows humour, Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door is an excrement-encrusted gem and one not to be missed if the chance presents itself!
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Rik Mayalls' finest hour (or 50 something minutes actually...)
ptudor10 June 2014
The sad passing of Rik Mayall - a legend. And, as much as I love The Young Ones, my favourite from these guys is Mr Jolly. It is funny, absurdist, very black, but I can never re-watch this without at some point rolling around on the couch in hysterics. I tell myself, every time, this time I am going to sit through it and control myself. But, no, at some point, sometimes different points in the plot, sometimes not, I just lose it.

The review here is excellent. I guess it is the measure of the comedy that Mayall and his cohorts created that it elicits such intelligent and worthy criticism.

What a funny guy. You will be missed!
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Does anyone know you're here?
terraplane9 June 2014
You've probably already read the previous reviews of this movie, so I'll refrain from repeating what others have said, as far as possible. This is the best of the Comic Strip offerings by a very large margin and the reason is because it is funny without trying to appear as if the makers are concerned about social issues or any other questionable "point" which was all the rage with the painfully unfunny Ben Elton and his acolytes. Mr Jolly is just about being funny for the sake of it. Stupidly funny, childishly funny, disgustingly funny but - praise the Lord - not "we care and we're going to lecture you about it" funny. Two blokes spend 80 minutes causing mayhem and havoc - very often to each other - mostly in pursuit of any kind of alcohol, including embalming fluid, and get involved with various other lunatics, in particular the eponymous Mr Jolly, played by the great Peter Cook, of the title and a lugubrious gangster called Mr. Lovebucket, who pays Mr Jolly to "take out" his enemies, wears a white cashmere overcoat and apparently isn't a w_anker, and the heroic Nicholas Parsons. For those who don't know him, he was a stalwart of the family entertainment side of television programmes, a man who would never, ever say rude words or wear jeans. I take my hat off to him for having the confidence to put his reputation on the line, as it were, by getting involved with something which is the complete antithesis of his genre and having a bloody good laugh at the same time. As the two lunatics are fond of screaming: "Nicholas bloody Parsons!"

Anyway, the movie speeds along like a turbo charged idiot on industrial strength speed driving a truck full of explosives with no hands on the steering wheel. There is every kind of bodily function and bodily fluid involved as the two insane Escorts hurtle mindlessly towards oblivion and an explosive conclusion. In the words of one of the gangsters: "If it's tonic ye want, it's tonic ye'll get". It's a tonic for those who like their slapstick with added vomit.

In memory of Rik Mayall who died today age 56.
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a tad over the top
tim-lloyd-723-8865554 April 2013
So sad to see Rik Mayall in "Jonathan Creek", this is more like it. First Mayall & Ade Edmonson were the Dangerous Brothers. They morphed into Richie and Eddie for Ben Elton's "Filthy, Rich and Catflap". Ultimately they became "Bottom", but along the way we had the The Dreamy Time Escort Agency aka "Mr Jolly Lives Next Door".

Richie and Eddie (I don't think they have names actually) are Dreamy Time Escorts which is a pretty gross concept considering the lineage of the characters! The escorts steal school boys' lunches, effectively kidnap foreign business men for drinking tours of Olde London Town ("The French guy's paying"), drive a filthy old van very dangerously, drink copious amounts of gin. In fact they drive a filthy old van very dangerously before, during and after drinking copious amounts of gin. Shout, swear, throw up...and have dinner at the Dorchester with Nicholas Parsons. You get the picture!

Parsons and Peter Cook make magnificent cameos, the former as his TV persona and the latter as a murderous neighbour. The omnipresent Peter Richardson puts on his sullen head as an obsessive gangster type who cherishes his car.

There is some semblance of a story here. I guess that is where co-writer Rowland Rivron comes in. But don't let the story motif put that you off. This is an exercise in grossness and there aren't many better at that than Mayall and Edmonson. Except Peter Cook perhaps!
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sam_muleadams24 December 2020
If you diss this film you simply don't get it. The nonchalant slap is worth the entry fee alone. Condensed perfection.
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Bottom with more violence.
13Funbags24 May 2017
While this episode is very funny, it's also very predictable.Even worse than that, it's basically just the two characters from Bottom.I know, this was before Bottom, but that doesn't help over twenty five years later.If you are not familiar with Bottom it's about two disgusting guys who drink all the time and constantly hit each other and that's exactly what this episode is.The best part of this episode is that not only is there a character who looks like Michael Stone but he even gives Ade and Rik some hand grenades!This aired less than two weeks before Stone took care of business at Milltown.Now that's a crazy coincidence.Bottom line, this is funny but it's just Bottom.
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Elephant and Castle .........
Silverfox197211 March 2023
This is still the funniest 52 mins of mayhem I have ever seen.

The story is mad, a pair of drunks living above an off license, who run an escort agency in London. They get mixed up with organised crime and a contract hit on British Legend Nicholas Parsons.

It defines the 80's and the change in the tone of comedy after the 70's. It's chaotic, bonkers and funny beyond believe.

So much so, I still have to say "tonic water" in a Scottish accent.

The Comic Strip was different, it didn't always hit, but when it did we got a masterpiece that will live forever as a classic. And Peter Cook plays Mr Jolly, what more can you ask for?
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Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door
Prismark1024 October 2023
Peter Cook and Nicholas Parsons join the Comic Strip in an episode written by Rik Mayall, Adrian Edmondson and Rowland Rivron.

It is a rehash of Rik and Ade as the Dangerous Brothers and a precursor to Bottom.

Rik and Ade are two deplorable drunkards who run the Dreamy Time Escorts. Which consists of fleecing their far eastern clients and getting drunk at their expense.

Next door to them is Mr Jolly's (Peter Cook) office, it is something to do with cuddly toys but Mr Jolly is actually an assassin. He kills his targets at his office and the dispose of their bodies.

Only due to a mix up. Gangster Mr Lovebucket (Peter Richardson) ends up sending £3,000 and a note to Rik and Ade to take out Nicholas Parsons. Which is precisely what they do.

Only to later find out that they are supposed to kill him. Now they have to find Nicholas Parsons to kill him.

Frenetic, silly, full of cartoonish violence and plenty of blood. You can't help finding it enjoyable in a childish puerile way.
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steve-barry-15 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Mr Jolly lives next door is one of my favourite Comic Strip Presents episodes. Starring Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall as two very seedy, alcoholic escort agency owners. Unfortunately their escort agency has no girls on the books, just them who turn up at the appointment and get as drunk as possible. The episode opens with them being taken to a morgue to identify a body, a former client of theirs. A few clues in the scene reveal that they played a falling out of the window game when very drunk, unfortunately they were on the 18th floor. Getting back to their seedy offices, they drink the last of their gin, so set about their home brew, which they started the day before. We meet Mr Jolly, who has the office next door to "Dreamytime Escorts" and we rapidly discover that he is a psychopathic murderer, who runs a business fronting his actions called "Little fluffy Toys".

The Escorts get a call from a Japanese businessman at the Holiday Inn, and take him around London from pub to pub. Eventually they intercept a message for Mr Jolly, and £3000, to take our Nicholas Parsons. They rapidly spend all the money on Gin in one afternoon. Realising Mr Jolly may not be terribly happy that they've spent all his money, they decide to take Nicholas out themselves. However Gangster, Mr Lovebucket, follows them to the Dorchester to make sure they do the job, and the next day, he's not very happy that Parsons is still alive.

Favourite quotes:

Rik Mayall: (Being shot at by Mr Lovebucket's gang) Quick! Quick! Get me out of here before I s**t my pants! (Sound of a large f*rt) Too Late!

Mr Lovebucket: Now, where is Mr Jolly? Mr Jolly: I'm Mr Jolly Gangster #1: You're not Mr Jolly. Mr Jolly: I am Jolly Gangster #2: You don't look very Jolly Mr Jolly: Look, just because my second name is Jolly, doesn't mean I have to be Jolly all the f*****g time!

Rik Mayall: Right, that's it, we surrender! Mr Lovebucket: Which one of you is Mr Jolly? Rik Mayall: I am Mr Jolly, or rather HE is Mr Jolly. (Points to Ade Edmondson) Mr Jolly, someone to see you. Can I have a name please? Mr Lovebucket: Quiet you! Rik Mayall: It's a Mr Quietyou to see you. Er.. Hungarian I think.
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