The Drifter (1988) Poster


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Best watched late at night and actually holds your interest pretty well in a B movie sort of way.
triple87 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
OK we aren't exactly talking academy award material here but I have to admit this movie did succeed in holding my attention. It IS better then your average late night TV movie as others have said. Of coarse I would never say it's actually a GREAT movie or a must see but if your up late one night and this happens to be on(as it has been NUMEROUS times in the past) you could do worse.


Here is what I liked about the movie. It had that psychological thriller component so if your a fan of such movies that peaks your interest right there. But also the movie has a hook. Both Delaney's character AND the drifter are well acted and their scenes together hook you in. ANOTHER positive is the ending. I like unpredictable thrillers and the fact that the mysterious drifter ultimately turns out to be not only a nice guy but a hero is a great twist and saves the movie from being ultimately just another stalker movie. Besides, he and Delaney have genuine chemistry so it stands to reason the viewer wants him to be nice and the two to end up together. Like I said, not a great movie but a clever and effective plot twist.

Criticism: Sorry but to much contrived suspense with Delaney frantically trying to flee when her stalker's in the house with her at the end.(OVERDONE!) Those scenes were predictable and took a chunk of the movie's cleverness away. Scenes like that appear in so many thrillers the writers should have known better,those scenes should have been shortened.

So all in all not the greatest thriller but it manages to distinguish itself with a plot twist or two and is worth a late night look.
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kind of quiet but suspenseful
recluse218 October 2019
This was not outrageously wild or gory or intense but it keeps up a consistent suspense level. Kim plays her role well. She proves herself to be pretty ballsy under fearful circumstances so I respected her and I respected her as a hard-working professional.

There seems to be a blue color scheme in some of the scenes. Kim's wardrobe is well-chosen. The outdoor restaurant with the picnic tables and the bikers seems an apt, realistic locale. Kim's apartment is stylish, austerely furnished in New Mexico Native American style. So the movie has a certain amount of flair.

The concluding twist works adequately well. This low-key thriller was fairly enjoyable.
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Despite the twist, it still does not make any sense.
jordondave-280859 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(1989) The Drifter THRILLER/ SUSPENSE

Written and directed by Larry Brand, that has fashion designer, Julia Morrison (Kim Delany) decides to give a lift to a hitchhiker, Trey (Miles O'Keeffe) after he changes her tire while on a freeway. Before heading home to LA, she decides to have a one night stand with him. And it was during then the stalking begins, as soon as she hands him her pocket watch given to her by her grandfather. Trey begins calling her from her place of residence to calling her at work even visiting her, despite she already has a boyfriend named, Arthur( Timothy Bottoms) a lawyer and a best friend Matty(Anna Garduno).

It's like despite the entire movie making us think one thing, the twist here is that it was not the person we thought it was that's been stalking and harassing her to the point of murdering her best friend, Matty, but more like Arthur's best friend, Kriger (Al Shannon) including slashing her tires and using a watch to scare her through phoning her.
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Don't bother! Great start, stupid ending.
mamamiasweetpeaches19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts with an out-of-town honey hooking up with a hitch-hiker for a one night stand. Right before they make love she "shush"-es him and says "The less said the better". This is because she has a serious boyfriend back at home and just wants a rough and wild tumble in the sheets. Although The Drfter was a one night stand our heroine gives him the beloved stop-watch her Granpa gave her as a child. Okaaaaaay. The Drfter pursues her in ways most would find nutty. He tells her he HAS to see her and that when you make love to someone your bound for life! Call the cops, Julia! But wait...Julia's boyfriend is associated with we can't do that. After menacing phone calls and a friend winding up dead (You heard me) Julia finally has to come clean to the fuzz that the mysterious caller was not just a random dude: She slept with him. Around this time the flick goes Red Herring Crazy: We are SPOILER: led to believe the boyfriend is a nut, having Julia followed and gonna punish her for her night of unholy bliss. It ends up that SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER: it's neither the boyfriend OR The Drifter...but someone else. And who recues Julia from this madman? Why, The Drifter of course. This movie wants to have it's cake and eat it too but won't stand up to scrutiny: To accept The Drifter as a hero we would have to forget his crazy stalker-like obsession with Julia that came from a 15 minute tumble in a No Tell Motel. The guy is clearly crackers! Be Warned: SPOILER: The Villain in THE DRIFTER is one of those talky talky talky M.F's...think "Bond Villain". Instead of just icing someone he talks, talks, talks and talks some more.

Ay caramba!

What was probably meant to be a high suspense moment turns into the viewer looking at their watch, rolling their eyes, and just about giving up on the whole thing. I think I made myself a sandwich, came back in the room and didn't miss anything! Shoulda just made The Drifter The Killer. D'oh!

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Boring and dumb.
TokyoGyaru16 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever wrote this believed that random "twists" are a good idea for some reason, that making the killer be someone whom it would make no sense to be and making the titular drifter a "hero" despite the fact that he's been an aggressive stalker who basically comes across the killer to fight him because he was in the middle of more stalking, himself (!) are good ideas. And the actual killer is annoying as all get-out, rambling on over and over in poorly written monologues with some vague "motivation" that makes no sense. The more the killer said, "I am the man who acts" like it was supposed to mean something, the funnier it got, which I'm certain wasn't what they intended. Then they made the killer hesitate to kill the protagonist because plot. He's a messy killer, clearly quickly stabbing and shooting people, so why deliberate with someone he hates for some reason?

There isn't a single likeable character in this boring, stupid, insulting film. And it ends up being yet another cheating story about two miserable people who cheat on each other but think getting married will somehow make their relationship better.

Just a mess. I tried to think of something to at least give it even two stars for and I can't. I enjoy a good bad movie, and there are some that I can give a decent rating to because they're still entertaining, but this film misses on so many levels, aside from being boring and insulting the viewers' intelligence.
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Attempt At A Display Of Style Thwarted By Feeble Plot.
rsoonsa1 September 2006
Ostensibly shot in only seventeen days, and with a scant budget of less than half a million dollars, this exercise from the cinematic Theatre of Paranoia is similar in tone to many other low cost works of Roger Corman, executive producer for this effort that is filmed largely in and near the Wilshire area of Los Angeles, but although a suspenseful mood is maintained throughout, a plot having little relevance to logic cripples the affair. Julia (Kim Delaney), a clothing designer driving from a fashion showing in San Francisco back to her home in Los Angeles, through the misguidance of lust picks up a hitchhiker, Trey (Miles O'Keefe), and spends a night of carnal pleasure with him in a motel, only to discover that her attraction to this man, although plainly genuine, is going to cause severe problems for her because he begins to stalk her at her home and place of employment. When Julia's best friend, who is staying with her following a breakup with her fiancé, is murdered in their apartment, Julia becomes terrified that Trey's designs upon her may be more malign than amourous, and as an attempt to have him removed from her life, she calls upon her local police department for assistance, there meeting Detective Morrison, played by the film's director and screenwriter Larry Brand, who thereby assumes a critical role as the film approaches its climax that also engages Julia's first-string lover, Arthur (Timothy Bottoms), in addition to a private investigator that Arthur has hired to follow her due to his suspicions regarding possible inconstancy on her part. In spite of a steadily worsening storyline and an ending that is completely ludicrous, director Brand paces the action skillfully, therewith maintaining a viewer's interest that is heightened even more by a good deal of attention that is given to detail, while the cinematography and the editing of David Sperling and Stephen Mark, respectively, are valuable visual contributions, but unplanned presence of microphone booms, attention disturbing jump cuts, and erratic sound quality that too often shields dialogue from being comprehensible, all combine with the shabbily constructed script to drop the production into the extensive catalogue of unmemorable films.
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Kept me interested
kelev198011 January 2001
I first saw this movie on a premium movie channel on cable TV and, unlike 95% of the things I watch on TV, I didnt find myself channel surfing. The movie kept me intrigued from start to finish.

Because I wasnt a soap opera fan, I didnt know who Kim Delany was, but she sure was attractive. Still is (NYPD Blue). Especially seeing her in the nude lovemaking scenes, the movie was very captivating!
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Get in. I can use the company to stay awake.
mark.waltz26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not familiar with Kim Delaney's work between "All My Children" and "General Hospital", I discovered this movie by accident. Within ten minutes of watching it, I realized I had seen it before, but it was 1973 and a TV movie starring Cloris Leachman. Okay, so this is not a remake of that, but it is nearly the same, about a woman on the road picking up a sexy hitchhiker and putting herself in jeopardy by having a fling with him. Miles O'Keefe is a sexy bad boy, and being a bad boy means he can go either one of two ways. He can either be violently dangerous or an anti-hero who has a lot of good qualities and just needs a good break. It's pretty obvious where this is going to go based on their sex scene just hours after they've met, pretty passionate, but a passionate affair that takes place shortly after people have met is usually not an affair to continue.

Pretty racy stuff for a TV movie because it's obvious that the two stars in their love scene are not clothed. At least he isn't with a very visible backside. But this is very cliched and weakly written and the characters are straight out of a bad dime-store novel. Delaney is certainly beautiful, about her character, no matter how smart he is in her career, isn't the wisest in life. Delaney however is such a smart actress that she seems really wrong for this type of part. Too many twists that are unrealistic and a feeling that this was just rushed together to get it out and onto cable TV when there seems to be a lot of really bad quota quickies made for the new medium with an increasing number of channels.
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Fun thriller from Concorde
udar5511 April 2022
Driving from San Francisco to Los Angeles, Julia Robbins (Kim Delaney) picks up a hitchhiker (Miles O'Keefe) and has a one night stand with him. Back in the city, he soon turns into a stalker and starts calling her non-stop, which is bad news because she is in a relationship with a lawyer (Timothy Bottoms). This was one of the thousands of erotic thrillers unleashed after the success of Fatal Attraction (1987) and writer-director Larry Brand (who also plays a cop) does a nice job of turning convention on its ear by having the handsome O'Keefe as the unhinged, spurned lover. There are several twists in this one and Brand pulls them all off well. He would also make a Poe film for Corman (Masque of the Red Death) and a similar thriller (Overexposed with Catherine Oxenberg).
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Well acted B Movie with 1980's sensibilities is fun and repeatable
pbsbkb27 August 2006
Most of us enjoy it when we find a "small", non-big-budget film that surprises us with its adept use of limited resources. "The Drifter" is just such a movie. It is filled with 1980's stylistic touches, and the big hair, moral freedoms, etc., that let you know right away that you have returned to that time zone. So what? Movies, for the most part, are products of their age and we should not hesitate to enjoy them as such, despite some reviewers tendency to slash away at any film (and call it dated) that dared to celebrate its "current sensibilities".

"The Drifter" focused on its stalker theme and managed to do so with panache, plot twists, suspense, and ensemble acting that carries the viewer happily forward. There is a well done sense of unease that permeates the setup and then culminates with violent, frightening moments that cause the flick to bear repeating. This film is a good one to share with folks who appreciate when a "small" film over-delivers. Whatever you do, make sure you rent or buy this little thriller. If you catch it in edited form on television you will miss the "kick" from the plot twists and wonder why some of us admire it so much.
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A lot better than your average low budget thriller
smatysia17 July 2000
A lot better than your average low budget thriller. This had plot twists that I didn't see coming. Kim Delaney was so beautiful then. I first fell in love with her when she played Jenny Gardner on "All My Children." Her soap experience stood her in good stead for "damsel in distress" roles such as (partly) this. She is, of course, still beautiful, but her character in "NYPD Blue" is so much harder edged, that she comes off a bit less so in that part. Anyway, this is a pretty good film for one that no one's ever heard of.
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Wonderful story idea, implausible conclusion
mesocricetus_squatus21 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that had great possibilities - a woman on a road trip who has a one-night fling with a hitchhiker she picks up on the road. But the man refuses to let go, and tracks her down in her Southern California apartment, making unwanted phone calls and trying persistently to have some kind of relationship with her.

It's a fine start. But, without giving away too much of the ending, the screenwriters inexplicably decided to turn him into a good guy, attempting to create another classic "surprise ending." But it's awkward, often confusing, and ultimately entirely unbelievable. Had they story evolved differently, they could have turned this "obsessed" young man into a more sympathetic figure without all the implausible plot twists.

And a scene at the end, in which the woman is trapped with a knife-wielding killer, stretches on for minutes as the would-be-killer misses and hesitates. Real suspense doesn't have to be so clumsy or contrived.
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One of my favorites!
alannasaddress27 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie! I know a lot of ppl. might laugh at me but this film is a favorite of mine, even if it is low budget. I first saw it in the 1990s as a TV movie on the old WPIX TV channel from New York and recorded it on a VHS tape. Loved it! It is about a young, single and pretty fashion designer driving home from San Francisco to Los Angeles CA and she picks up a mysterious handsome drifter while on the road. They hook up at a hotel for the night. Ooo..Very hot and sensual, the lovemaking scenes between Miles O'keefe and Kim Delaney are some of the hottest ever..since then her whole life changes! He stalks her once she reaches home and her real life serious boyfriend is getting suspicious! I love the mysterious, thrilling story! A real gender twist on fatal attraction set in the dark seedy side of Los Angeles! And I love the whole stalker/messy love triangle in this film as it builds the tension to the climax. I own it on DVD and I love it!! And luckily it was reuploaded to YouTube. Great Lifetime-esque 80s movie and definitely a must watch. Ok there may be some filming eras like being able to see the boom mike in some shots but so what still a great picture And R.I.P Larry Brand.
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Don't grab it, just let it drift away from you
Wizard-89 May 2010
I have a strong suspicion that producer Roger Corman, upon seeing the huge success of the major studio movie FATAL ATTRACTION, rushed this movie into production. This may explain why that, even for Roger Corman, this is an extremely tacky production. Even on DVD, the movie's visuals look so bad that you would swear this was made in the early 1970s and kept unmaintained on a shelf for the next fifteen years. There's bad sound (a couple of times when a car door slams shut, you don't hear anything!), bad continuity from shot to shot, and sets and furnished actual rooms looking hastily set up and constructed. You even clearly see the shadow of the boom mike on the ground in one shot! But even if the movie had better production values, it wouldn't help that much. The acting by all the leads is lacking passion, coming across instead as bland and lacking real emotion. But the script really drops the ball. After a while, the movie stops trying to build terror, and almost forgets the character of the drifter in the second half of the movie! Projects like this explain why Corman's movies soon after stopped getting theatrical releases.
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after the devil, a gym trainer, a dissident husband, a serial killer, now it's a drifter (and a mic !!) threatening Kim ! (web)
leplatypus18 May 2016
It may be a cheap movie without money but at last it says something and with a great cast and talent behind, i spent an excellent time ! It begins like « duel » in a red sand back road in California and the talent and charm of Kim pushes it right away… The situation is original and later this unpretentious thriller made in the 80s blossoms : the color, the interior design, the fashion, the cars, well everything is much cooler than our actual standardized 2K society ! Kim is really astounding as she is in every scene and it's one of her earliest movie ! She is definitely among my best actress list and this movie is really an unexpected surprise !
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