Defense of the Realm (1985) Poster

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Nice'n'twisty brit thriller
thehumanduvet2 May 2001
This is a wonderfully moody piece, featuring the magnificently brooding Gabriel Byrne as a journo on the trail of sinister conspiracies.

Dark, seedy and washed out, with a wealth of British stars, following an intricately woven thread of plot, this is a great example of old-fashioned, restrained British film.
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Good British thriller
blanche-27 October 2007
Gabriel Byrne stars in "Defence of the Realm," a 1985 film also starring Denholm Elliott, Greta Scacchi, Ian Bannen and Robbie Coltrane. Byrne plays Mullen, an aggressive newsman who is responsible for a story leading to the downfall of a Parliament member - he was seen leaving a madam's house, as was a KGB agent. However, he soon learns that there's much more to the story than that and that the man has been set up because he knew to much.

This is a very good story with handsome Byrne heading up an excellent cast of foreign faces that will be very familiar to Americans. All of the acting is good, with a standout performance by Denholm Elliott. The beautiful Greta Scacchi, an asset to any production, is totally wasted here, however.

What I liked best about this, and many other British films, is that you have to pay attention - first of all, so that your ears can adjust to the sound of not only the accents but also adjust to the way the British allow room tone to mix in with the dialogue, which we're not used to here. It gives the atmosphere a much more realistic flavor.

Worth seeing.
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A very good, well written thriller.
Sleepin_Dragon12 May 2019
Defence of the Realm is a slick British thriller, it's done in the style of John Le Carre. It's no surprise that it won a host of awards, it is exciting, enthralling, and superbly acted. The writing does perhaps lack some of the intricacies of Le Carre, the most notable perhaps being the ending, which was the only element I didn't particularly like.

Gabriel Byrne is terrific, very charismatic, and well suited to the part. He's in great company, with a host of British talent, Denholm Elliot in particular is superb.

It has of course dated a little, but it stands up so well twenty plus years later. 7/10
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They're out to get you...
heedarmy25 April 2001
This taut, underrated little thriller might be called a British version of "The Parallax View". Ian Bannen plays a Profumo-like MP targeted by the security services because he knows too much. His career is ruined by muck-raking reporter Gabriel Byrne but the latter's determination to get to the bottom of the story, and his guilt at the death of a colleague (the superb Denholm Elliott), lead him down unexpected political byways...

"Defence of the Realm" can boast excellent location work and a convincing recreation of the vanished world of the "old" hard-drinking Fleet Street. The tone becomes darker and more claustrophobic as the film goes on and the apolitical Byrne enters a paranoid world of car headlights in the rearview mirror, bugged telephones and rifled apartments. The film taps into many of the issues that concerned the British Left in the mid-eighties (secrecy, American missiles on UK soil, the unaccountability of the security services, newspaper obsession with sexual gossip to the exclusion of harder material) and builds to a clever, if shocking, double-twist climax. Well worth locating and viewing.
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My private life is my business!
sol-kay4 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Hard to follow spy and cover-up movie about an incident at a US Air Force base in the English countryside that's loaded with nuclear missiles that the local population is totally unaware of. That's until a nuclear bomb laden US fighter plane almost crashed in trying to avoid a local runway from a juvenile detention center Steven Dyce, Steve Woodcock. Dyce was killed by th plane on the runway as he was trying to escape from the police with his friend Mickey Parker, Graham Fletcher Cook. That after the two tried to make their getaway in a stolen car.

It's when member of Parliament, or MP for short, labor party bigwig Dennis Markham, Ian Bannen, started snooping around and trying to get to the bottom of what happened that he was exposed in not only cheating on his wife but having a tryst with a hooker named Marinda Court. It was Miss Court who was also involved with the East German military attaché in London Dietrich Kleist, Alexei Jawdokimov, who's also secretly working for the Soviet KGB! That has London tabloid reporter Nick Mullen, Gabriel Bryne, smell a big scoop and get on the story. It's Nick Mullen's friend at the tabloid Vernon Bayliss, Denholm Elliott, who smells a rat in this story and by getting in touch with Markham, who both were once members of the British Communist Party, who tells him that the entire story about his relationship with both Miss Court and Soviet Agent Klesit is pure BS or at least the Kleist part of it. Markham claims that it's really an attempt to cover up the Steven Dyce death and the circumstances surrounding it!

It's after Vernon was mysteriously found dead from a heart attack in his London flat with it being ransacked that Mullen started to realize that the whole sex and spy thing about Markham was a red herring in order to keep the the real reason for trying to destroy Markhm's political career! It's really because of his investigation of the fatal accident that took young Steve Dyce's life! It's then that Mullen gets to work in uncovering what really happened to Dyce which leads to the highest members and most powerful of the British Government! Even higher then the Prime Minster at the time-in 1984-him or,in the person being Margaret Tatcher, herself! And at the same time puts Mullen as well as his partner in uncovering Dyce's death Markham's personal secretary Nina Beckman, Greta Scacchi, lives in serious jeopardy!

Nothing really great here with the exception of the sexy Greta Scacchi getting a chance to show that she's as good an actress as a sex symbol. There's also actor Gabriel Brynes looking and acting like an Irish version of Al Pacino in the movie "Serpico" but in here playing an investigative reporter not an undercover New York plain clothes detective.

P.S There's a photo in the movie that was faked up, by the members of the "Realm", to prove that Markham and Kleist actually knew each other in a photo shoot with Soviet Preimer Leonid Brezhnev taken in Prague in 1979. What we see is Markham and Kleist in the background looking like their good friends by them either winking or smirking at each other. What I noticed in the photo that was a lot more interesting and could have well proved the photo to be a fake is that in it was also the former Soviet Preimer Nikita Khrushchev! Khruschev was in fact dead, he died on Septemer 11, 1971, eight years before the photo was supposedly taken!
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Clever stuff
tetsab2 May 2001
Well put together, and it will not do your paranoia any good at all! (But then, if you're not a bit paranoid, there's something wrong with you!)

Perhaps the characters could do with filling out a little, but on the whole, this is a very well-crafted thriller, to which you have to pay attention, as there are no big info-dumps or exposition: you have to work out a lot for yourself.
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So-so, bit hard to follow
Marlburian11 January 2006
It seemed quite promising, but was hard to follow in places, not helped by one or two outdoor scenes not transforming well onto a TV screen. I'd recorded it, so on several occasions was able to rewind to have another go at understanding it. It might help if I was to watch the entire film again from start to finish, but I can't be bothered. As I understand it, a youth fleeing from the police clambers over a very nasty looking fence onto the runway of an American air base and gets killed by an aircraft that's landing with a nuclear bomb on board. This precipitates an emergency exodus from the base. Cue cover-up, investigated by local MP who gets set up, leading to investigation by reporter.

Byrne does well as the reporter, but as is often the case Denholm Elliott impresses the most. Greta Scacchi is very bland.
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tight and watchable thriller disappoints at the end
didi-512 September 2007
With a mouthwatering cast (Gabriel Byrne, Denholm Elliott, Fulton Mackay, David Calder, Ian Bannen, Greta Sacchi, etc.) this film promises a lot and more or less delivers. Set in a newsroom against the backdrop of political scandal and cover-ups, 'Defence of the Realm' keeps you watching and keeps you guessing.

It is a shame that the ending is a bit of a let-down, coming far too abruptly and leaving the viewer cheated of a really tight finale. But it is a minor grumble, and although this film is far from a classic there is much to recommend it. And incidentally, good use of music at the moments where a bit of tension is needed.
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All too plausible
alexgreig16 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Thoroughly intelligent and chilling conspiracy thriller set in Thatcher's Britain and based on the rumoured just averted nuclear disaster in East Anglia in the 1950s. Almost film noirish in quality, London at night has never seemed so threatening, complemented by a brilliantly edgy musical score.The characterisation and acting are first rate especially by the supporting cast of Ian Bannen Fulton Mackay, Bill Paterson, Robbie Coltrane and above all Denholm Elliot as a washed out alcoholic veteran reporter who is on the brink of uncovering a shocking conspiracy. The portrayal of an old style newspaper office is probably one of the most authentic ever seen in movies. Definitely a film to savour.
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A decent thriller with a good cast
LCShackley27 August 2007
According to IMDb, this movie was released in the USA in November of 1986, but I honestly don't recall hearing about it. I was drawn to it on cable this past week because it was a thriller and had a good cast; it was not a disappointment, but also not a classic.

Gabriel Byrne holds the film together well as a journalist who ventures into dangerous waters whilst writing an expose of a supposedly corrupt politician (Ian Bannen). The supporting cast do a wonderful job, with a few observations: 1) Were some of Robbie Coltrane's scenes cut? His character comes and goes randomly. 2) Greta Scacchi doesn't really sizzle in this film as she has in others. 3) Even Oliver Ford Davies, who barely has a line, still impresses by his bureaucratic aura!

This is one of the few 80s electronic film scores that I've heard recently which hasn't totally driven me mad after 10 minutes. It falls more in line with Jarre's classic WITNESS score; unobtrusive but effective. The sets and locations are wonderful. But it's a little tiresome to find out that the "McGuffin" is all about sinister Americans with their nasty nukes. Is that the best the scriptwriter could do? When I heard the first American accent I knew the Yanks were in for another cinematic whipping. But all in all, a thriller worth watching, even though you may resent the abrupt, explosive ending.
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"Four legs good.two legs bad",er sorry,"Two legs good,,,,,,,,,,"
ianlouisiana24 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty standard Left - Wing anti - American propaganda that would have delighted the Wimmin of Greenham Common as they rested between throwing condoms full of urine at the police and hanging used tampons on the fences.Borstal absconder escaping from Old Bill(so its all their fault) enters USAF base and gets squashed by a plane carrying nuclear weapons. Nearly a nasty accident then,and it's kept secret from those guardians of all that's decent and proper - the newspapers. Whilst spying on a philandering M.P.,those self - same guardians etc, etc, etc,stumble upon a possible scandal involving the aforementioned non - event. Screaming with self - righteous indignation,the gentlemen of the press proceed to ignore "D" notices (an event which could have put the editor in prison)and carry out an investigation, careless of its affect,concerned only about increased circulation("We've sold an extra 200,000 copies" smiles odious Newspaper owner Fulton Mckay). It all ends in tears - obviously - and the S.I.S. is shown to be the running dog of the Imperialist Americans,equally obviously. Only Denholm Elliott rings true as the veteran reporter who,to his indignation,is "outed" as a former communist by one of his colleagues "I left The Party in 1956!",he seethes.(For many British Communists,the Russian suppression of Hungary in that year marked a loss of faith). Mr Elliott as the only sympathetic character in the whole movie is clearly marked for an early departure and he is seen off with almost indecent haste after his room is broken into by the S.I.S. running dogs. Gabriel Byrne seems to have settled for "faintly worried" when "seriously concerned" or "raving mad" might have done better. "Defence of the Realm" appears to have been written by the sort of people who spent most Sundays in the early 80s shuffling along the embankment shouting "Maggie,Maggie,Maggie out,out,out!"In spite of all their efforts the Tories stayed in power until 1997 and then Tony Blair came along and proved to be even more of an Imperialist running dog,a poodle of the Great Satan.Life's a bitch eh guys?
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A Realistic Yet Tense Thriller
timdalton00720 September 2010
Beginning with the later years of the Cold War and extending to this very day, there has been this question about the enemies of a nation: are the ones within more dangerous then the external ones? This question has produced quite a few intriguing thrillers over the years and one such is Defence Of The Realm from 1986. This film looks at that question from the perspective of late Cold War UK politics and in turn presents a realistic yet tense thriller in the process.

The film has a fine cast of some of the UK's best actors and character actors of the time. Leading the cast is Gabriel Byrne as reporter Nick Mullen who finds himself writing one story and then follows a trail of breadcrumbs that leads him to discovering he has in fact been used. That trail of breadcrumbs belongs to Mullen's colleague and mentor of sorts Vernon Bayliss in a BAFTA winning performance from Denholm Elliott who makes the most of a small part. Helping Mullen is Greta Scacchi as Nina Beckman, the assistant to a Parliament member (played by Ian Bannen) caught up in the events. They are aided by Bill Paterson as Mullen immediate boss and opposed by David Calder as the newspaper's editor and Fulton Mackay as the owner of the newspaper Mullen works for. Also in a small role is an early appearance from Robbie Coltrane as a fellow reporter in a few scenes. The result is that the film is well anchored by a fine cast.

The film is helped out by the realism of the production values. This is especially true of the production design of Roger Murray-Leach who, working with what was likely a small budget, nonetheless created a whole plethora of sets ranging from newsrooms to a U.S Air Force base before taking us inside the secret halls of the government. Roger Deakins cinematography gives the film a sense of claustrophobia at all times even when the film ventures into wide open spaces. The result of this is amplified by the editing of Michael Bradsell and the score from Richard Harvey to create an almost continuous sense of menace throughout the film. All this comes together under the direction of David Drury to give the film a strong sense of realism.

The production values though take that realism from the script by Martin Stellman. The script looks at the question mentioned in this review's opening and does so through the lens of late Cold War Britain. At a time when Cold War tensions were increasing and a good deal of the public clamored for the government to do something about it, the film looks at how far a government and its national security apparatus might go to prevent a scandal that could bring about just that. What appears to be just another sex scandal involving a high ranking member of the British Parliament who has ties to the Defence establishment ( that is itself is highly reminiscent of the 1963 Profumo affair) might in fact be covering up something that seems completely unrelated: a police chase of two escaped teenage prisoners that accidentally crossed over onto a U.S Air Force base sometime before. The script takes Mullen and those he encounters on a journey into the secret workings of the British government. As it reaches it climax the film asks an important question: when does a government's ability to protect secrets cross the line into becoming something much more darker, threatening and even criminal? By combining a fine cast, production values and a fine script Defence Of The Realm is able to create a realistic yet tense thriller. While it may be set and more or less about late Cold War UK politics, the film asks questions that are relevant today. All of these elements come together to make Defence Of The Realm far more then just another thriller and ever watchable nearly twenty-five years on from its original release.
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A riveting combination of journalistic and political thrillers.
Hey_Sweden30 June 2020
A well-paced and reasonably intelligent film, "Defence of the Realm" would seem to be a rather forgotten picture 35 years later, but it does deserve to be better known. Gabriel Byrne is solid as Nick Mullen, an investigative reporter who latches onto a story. It appears that a high-ranking British MP (Ian Bannen) shares a lover with a KGB agent, and that this may have led to leaks between governments. It causes the end of the MPs' career, but Byrne soon realizes that there are *layers* to this story, that not everything is immediately clear.

Touching upon such topics as freedom of information and the desire for transparency in government, "Defence of the Realm" entertains quite well for 96 minutes. Director David Drury builds considerable suspense, and gets excellent performances out of his cast. Best of all, this mystery (scripted by Martin Stellman) draws you in by having you learn things along with Byrne, and not be two steps ahead of him the entire time. The end result is a scenario with far-reaching consequences, one in which you know the lead character will have the right to feel paranoid. This, despite the fact that he's an apolitical type with no skeletons in his own closet.

Byrne is extremely well supported by the lovely Greta Scacchi, as the MPs' secretary, Denholm Elliott, as Nicks' colleague and friend, and Fulton Mackay, Bill Paterson, David Calder, Frederick Treves, Robbie Coltrane, Annabel Leventon, and Oliver Ford Davies. Look for Al Matthews, Sergeant Apone in "Aliens" a year later, in a bit near the end.

This is one of those cases where the story in the film *does* add up, for the most part, as audience and lead character alike put all the pieces together. "Defence of the Realm" compares well to American paranoia-laced pictures of the 70s such as "The Parallax View".

Seven out of 10.
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Not good
WilliamJE28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
British paranoia film with two big plot problems that destroy its credibility. Firstly warplanes don't fly around with armed warheads. This plot hole has been pointed out by others.

Just as bad a plot hole- The incident occurs because a teenager gets on base through an unguarded gate that's close to a runway. An alert is going on at a base with nuclear weapons and a gate is unguarded.

The plot of this movie is too stupid.
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first rate
stuart.galbraith17 March 2000
This movie is a good example of the British film industry quietly making good movies that nobody saw. Brought out at the height of the cold war , as far as i know it was only ever seen on channel 4 (which kept the british film industry alive). The plot is hardly revolutionary. A journalist (a hard bitten Gabriel Byrne)stumbles upon a coverup by the british goverment, of a nuclear accident on an american airbase (which actually happened in the 1950s, but thats another story). Shades of disaster at silo seven, presidents men and forth protocol. But where this movie is different is the feeling that THEY are following you, helped by an understated yet eerie soundtrack. Byrne is followed by a car from the american airbase, it crowds him off the road and all of its windows are seen to be blacked out. He phones the American embassy and hears his phone being tapped.We dont even see the watchers untill the very end of the movie (which weakens it slightly) Even the Kangaroo court at the end of the movie is reminicnent of Franz Kafkas THE TRIAL. This is the X FILES without ufos, yet Byrne and scacchi are more that a little reminicent of mulder and scully (who also break the rule and dont fall in love on screen). Helped by fine performances from Denholm Elliot and Fulton Mackay(Robert Maxwell?), it evokes a patina of the hidden state only equilled in the uk by EDGE OF DARKNESS and Ken Loache`s HIDDEN AGENDA. its not the best thriller ever made in the UK, but it deserves a damn sight more attention than its received. See it , before THEY do.....
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Defence of the Bleeding Realm
Oslo_Jargo19 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*** This review may contain spoilers ***

*Plot and ending analyzed*

Defense of the Realm isn't too bad, I think it is an interesting film with a premise that is very obscure. If you can understand some of the low-audible dialogue and the heavy-handed British lingo, then it's a worthwhile film.

Defense of the Realm has newspaper reporter Gabriel Byrne digging up muck in England, where a Member of Parliament gets thrashed and eventually dismissed for supposedly associating with a KGB agent.

It's hard to follow at times and the ending is a big let-down because during the entirety of the film there was an enigmatic suspense that was really showing itself. Still, it does manage to bring enough closure to allow for the full critique of the American nuclear program abroad, which is staffed by lunatics. As a political thriller it should satisfy the basic audience.

Also recommended: The Parallax View (1974), Three Days of the Condor (1975), The Conversation (1974), All the President's Men (1976), and Telefon (1977).
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wheels within wheels
mjneu5913 November 2010
Good political thrillers demand sharp wits from filmmakers and audience alike, and here's a case in point: a competent, complex, and all too plausible fiction exposing the invisible machine at work behind top-level government affairs, set in England but perhaps even more relevant to audiences on this side of the Atlantic. Gabriel Byrne stars as an ambitious Fleet Street reporter following another unremarkable Ministry sex scandal, who finds his life in sudden jeopardy when his investigation begins to touch on some highly sensitive matters of national security. The scenario combines all the best elements of investigative journalism with the worst aspects of Realpolitik expediency: treachery, paranoia, and corruption (in short, all the things that make governments work). The atmosphere is sinister and the plotting appropriately elliptical (but never too hard to follow); only the sudden, downbeat ending looks artificial.
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Russian Lullaby
writers_reign14 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is very much the Mixture As Before which wheels out the Usual Suspects, Bannen, Elliott, Calder, etc, and lets them meander through ten reels of Is He, Isn't He, Was He, Wasn't He, Will He, Won't he til it figures the punters have had it up to here at which time it throws in an ambiguous ending. It was a good twenty years since the 'Profumo' affair so the Producers were fairly safe in recycling the idea of a Government Minister and a KGB Officer sharing the sexual favours of the same hooker as the tip of an increasingly larger iceberg. Gabriel Byrne is the 'investigative' journo who discovers, surprise, surprise, that there's more to the story than romps in the hay and minor cover-ups and the whole thing is fairly undemanding for Multiplex regulars who can swallow it whole without missing a beat of their popcorn mastication.
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" Do you believe information should be available to everyone? "
thinker169128 February 2009
Democratic governments are said to work in the public interest. All well and good. However, when that government decides to work in secret, then it becomes an enemy, not only to the people it purports to work for, but is contrary to the spirit of democracy. This is the premise to this film entitled " Defense of the Realm." In this story, our hero Nicholas Mullen (Gabriel Byrne) is an inquisitive newspaper reporter who stumbles across a sensitive story involving the cover-up murder of a school boy. The lad's death is hushed up by government authorities and involves a prominent cabinet official. The case is ultra secret so that when a Parliament official seeks to inquire into the death of the school boy, those who want to keep it from being re-opened, first seek to scandalize him, then discredit the first newsman who helps him, then anyone else who gets involved. After his colleague is found dead, Mullen takes up the challenge of exposing his friend's murder and soon finds himself threatened, then targeted for assassination. The movie is stark drama and with the aid of exceptional actors like Denholm Elliott, Ian Bannen and Robbie Coltrane produces an exciting and heart thumping atmosphere. A fine film and highly recommended as a late night thriller. Excellent! ****
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Good cast, limited budget
chrischapman-475453 December 2018
A gritty period political thriller which requires close attention. Good for its realistic location shootings, especially the newsroom - only thirty years ago but no computers or word processors in sight. I found the incidental music a little intrusive - early crude synthesiser muzak. Film quality feels a bit like grainy 16mm. Editing and cinematography not the best (feels like it was a bit rushed at times and not set up properly) but excellent period cast.
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political bias!
According to the dedication at the end,This film was shot in the offices of The Times and used that papers' staff; in 1986, the time it was shot, the paper's proprietor, Rupert "Dirty Digger" Murdoch had just a bruising year-long strike in which he chased the print unions off site; obviously a condition of being allowed to film was that the film not have an anti-Tory slant; this explains why the "evil" British Government in the film is a Labour government and the disgraced plotician is in the Labour Party; in reality there hadn't been a Labour government in UK since 1979. Murdoch obviously would only allow the film to be made if it attacked the Labour Party (at the time led by Neil Kinnock)
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This movie is hidden gem! A must see!
politfilm26 July 2019
A British journalist follows the story of a politician who might have contact with a KGB agent, but eventually comes up to a much larger discovery. It appears there has been some cover-up at the highest level and any further step becomes more dangerous after the Secret Service takes an interest in him. Exceptional thriller in which skillfully built tension makes you feel as if you are being tracked, listened to, lurked upon...
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so sad
nrl-travers7 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched the DVD. I wanted to weep. This film is dire. Gabriel Byrne spends a lot of time doing nothing but looking moody (okay if you fancy Gabriel, elseways a total void). The plot twists and turns, with any number of loose ends and dead ends. Dead ends make for dead films. The newspaper office scenes are nothing like any newspaper for which I worked in those days - as a business reporter for The Times, as a freelance for the FT, as a part-timer for the Sunday Express: even the layouts are wrong (too much Citizen Kane, or whatever). The civil servants lack the silky touch that Whitehall assassins frequently master so well. The did they, didn't they ending floats in the water, and then sinks without a farewell bubble. I am not surprised it never seems to have made it onto the big screen. Or was it previewed in Bury St. Edmunds?
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Zeitgeist film
shiphrahkovacs26 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film is set in 1984, and is highly indicative not only of the spirit of the time, but also of newspaper culture and practices of the 1980s.

The cold war was in full swing in 1984. The Thatcher/Reagan collaboration was comforting to some, and deeply disconcerting to others. The threat of nuclear war was profoundly feared, and sex scandals dogged (but never completely undermined) the Conservative government. The presence of US Air bases in the UK was similarly a matter of national ambivalence.

The newspaper industry was vastly different from today's industry. Each newspaper had its own print unit, and computers were the exception rather than the rule. The culture of lunchtime drinking and an all-male working environment were part of Fleet Street life - and of course in 1984 the major English newspapers and agencies were still based in Fleet Street.

One scene in particular stands out as a symbol of past times: a character is retiring and all the newspaper staff congregate in the printing press for a noisy beating of printing blocks on tables. The practice was commonplace in the mid-1980s, and has died out since the introduction of new technologies. The changes had begun in the early 1980s, but were precipitated by the move of the Times and associated publications from Grays Inn Road (near Fleet Street) to Wapping in 1986.

I watched Defence of the Realm for the first time in 1987 and since then I've come back to it about once a year; I notice something new every time. I'm a huge fan of Denholm Elliott and he is impressive as always, playing a washed-out hack with a drink problem (sadly all too common among journalists of the late 20th century). His character Vernon Bayliss dies in suspicious circumstances while working on a secret story, which Gabriel Byrne's character Nick Mullen pursues. Byrne is at the beginning of his film career and he deserved more recognition than he got for this film; his performance is solid and convincing as a journalist caught in the dilemma between the need to sell news and the need to report the truth. Assisted by Nina (Greta Scacchi), the secretary of an MP who is being framed, Nick finds himself watched, followed, and threatened by government security personnel. Scacchi's character is reserved but brave, and her performance, like Byrne's, is understated. This is absolutely necessary to prevent the film slipping into melodrama, and is no doubt the source of comments in other reviews about the British character of the whole film. Other comments in previous reviews, such as scorn for supposed America-bashing, are anachronistic. The film's political concern is not with America's status as a superpower, but with Britain's participation in undemocratic means of maintaining the defence of the realm.

The film is best understood as a comment on its own historical context rather than as a universal or timeless thriller. It shows us where we have come from and points to features that have developed in new ways in contemporary culture (e.g. the importance of fear of the 'Other' now expressed as a fear of Islam rather than of Soviet powers). The musical score is excellent; it adds greatly to the sense of danger and suspense and of course contributes to the historical feel of the film. The script is similarly sharp and suitable; nothing is wasted.

I've enjoyed this film over and over, since shortly after its first release until the present day. I lived in London throughout the 1980s and remember very well the zeitgeist: the hopes and fears of the decade. The Berlin wall came down in 1989 and Thatcher lost her power in 1991; since then everything has changed. But in 1984, the world of Defence of the Realm was the world we lived in.
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Makes you think
j-scott3316 December 2002
If ever any one was in doubt that democratic governments may not be averse to using the occasional dirty tricks then this film is an eye opener. Based around a busy news paper office this is the story of one mans crusade to make sure a scandal involving a cabinet minister is not pushed under the carpet. The story is full of twists and turns as our intrepid hero gets the bit between his teeth but the powers that be haul in him and judge for yourself the meaning of their words. A must for any one into political thrillers.
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