Terror on Tour (1980) Poster

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Odd low-budget trash from Don "Ilsa" Edmonds!
emm8 November 1998
What's more fun than seeing KISS-lookalike rock group members mutilate the pretty female groupies in and out of their concerts? If exploitation is your thing, then this'll be the perfect movie for you! This one came from Don Edmonds, who directed the violent exploitation classic ILSA, SHE-WOLF OF THE S.S. You know you're in for some mindless and tasteless fun, so dig deep through the bargain bin! Come across TERROR ON TOUR and tell the cashier that Jason Atwood of Virginia sent ya'!
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Cult classic or crap classic? Somewhere in between.
punishmentpark13 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The protagonists are a fun mix of Kiss (make-up), Dracula (black and red cape), Crimson Glory (partial masks) - a band that didn't even exist at the time! - and Vampira (big hair with streaks painted on as if they were horns). The killer dresses up the same way, and happily slashes his way through a good load of groupies and a few others. It will be easy to assume that poor boy / roadie Herb is the culprit, but it turns out it was that nice, supportive manager. Then, there's a good cop who even likes the band and their music - he buys it (and I don't mean their album...). And, finally, an undercover hooker defies the killer, but she too, eventually, dies. As a matter of fact, most of them die - except the band and the crowd - and the film ends with the frantically screaming manager, telling the crowd to "STOP!".

Yes, this is a fun film, even if it does have quite a few boring scenes and a lot of nonsensical dialogue and bad acting. But there's a lot of hot bare-chested rock chicks, some fine old school hard rock (I would have guessed that was Betsy Bitch over the end credits, but I can't find any conformation of that anywhere), quite a few okay kills (though none of them are very gory - but there are some nice, bloody shots) and some scenes are just silly or creepy or endearing or just fun enough all on their own (for instance: the chick who almost makes love to a noose or the acoustic backstage performance of The Clowns - which was actually a real band called The Names). They should have worked a lot harder on the story (the undercover chick could have come in way earlier, for instance) and dialogue and also on the gore and the kill scenes, but perhaps somebody more talented may do a remake or rehash someday...? That could work.

5 stars for all the fun I've had, that's really all I can make of it.
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Dull slasher movie with plenty of nudity.
HumanoidOfFlesh22 September 2010
The Clowns are rocking hard on stage.Their energetic and insanely cheesy performance includes decapitating mannequins.During the show a dealer is murdered and the groupies are dying stabbed to death whilst being semi-naked.Is the killer a crazed band member?Or perhaps a nutty fan?"Terror on Tour" is an ugly and very dull slasher movie directed by Don "Ilsa:She Wolf of the SS" Edmonds.The direction is lame,the acting is poor and the characters are bland and annoying.Even the horror and stalk-and-slash scenes leave something to be desired.The killings are just stabbings and there is a bit of blood and plenty of naked female flesh.5 clowns out of 10.
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My apology for my performance
soupnazi-414 August 2007
For anyone who makes the mistake of sitting though this movie: I had just decided to become an actor and I knew very little about it. I was majoring in journalism in Junior college and took a theatre class to get a date with a girl I liked and got interested in acting. I drove a friend to the audition of Terror on Tour (originally called "Clowns") and the director (Don Edmunds) asked me to read. I told him I wasn't ready as an actor to do a film and didn't know anything about acting much less film acting. He cast me and talked me into doing it. I was patently awful. I over acted every word and indicated like crazy. Above that a year after initial filming when I knew a little more about acting they called me back to shoot two pick up scenes (easy to spot as my hair was much shorter--it went from '79 to '80 nuff said). I was told to yell my dialog as there would be loud rock music playing in the background. The other guy in the scene was producer Sandy Cobe who wasn't an actor and couldn't really handle yelling while imagining loud music. In the end they forgot to add the music so it seemed like I was over acting even more than in the rest of the film. When I saw the film I came very close to quitting trying to be an actor altogether. The only reason I didn't quit is that I figured if I could spot how awful I was maybe I had a chance to learn to do it right. The band members were a real band and had never acting before so you could forgive them their acting. Of the rest of the cast there was (in my opinion) one good actor. Jeff Morgan. In filming he actually seemed to be in the moment and connecting on an honest level when you were talking to him. When I saw the film I felt I could see it in his performance. I never heard from him again and don't know what he's doing now but I do think he escaped the horror of the acting in this horror film. Again I hope whoever has to see me in this film will understand my horror that it still exists.

Larry Thomas
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Clowning around
haildevilman13 May 2007
The producers of this crap owe the horror fans a BIG apology.

There's no way they could have been serious. This was a sorry excuse for a comedy. They tried gore for no reason other than they knew the joke was flat.

This gets one star for the idea, and another for the concert scenes. Even though the music was worse than anything I could think of.

Deaths follow a metal band on tour.

Did they do it?

Will you care?


Put it back and rent something else.
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Boring, boring, boring
lthseldy112 December 2000
This movie was hard for me to watch without falling asleep, but I stayed awake for me to reveil how this movie was. There was little suspense, you knew what this movie was about from beginning to end. just another slasher/mystery movie that had little to watch out for and little enthusiasm in the film. This movie is a tale about a KISS look alike rock group called The Clowns (what a name) that basically goes and lives the fantasy of every rock musician (girls, beer, lame music and no backbone). But this movie tells about the mysterious killer from the beginning of the movie so it leaves little suspense for the viewer to look for. This movie is one of the most lame movies of the 80's when lame rock movies started coming out. I give this one a 3.
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you gotta be kidding, this movie is awful
ethylester17 November 2003
There is absolutely nothing redeeming or interesting about this film. There are no moments even worth mentioning and there were no characters that were the least bit intriguing. It was all shot in the dark and everything was shadowed. Every scene is dark and most of the time you can't even tell who is talking because it's so shadowed you can't see their mouth. The premise of the movie is idiotic. Like that idea hasn't been done a million times before.

Question: why is it that movies that wish to involve attractive women always resort to killing them because of their "morals." Every movie you see with "hot chicks" that are murdered always ends up being because they were thought to be loose women that didn't deserve to live. There's some white guy who thinks these women should die - kind of like that real life case that we just learned about of the guy who killed prostitutes after he had sex with them. This guy murdered over 50 women in real life. Horror movies caught on to this idea way before this guy was busted. Why is this? Is it because we really think this in society? I'm serious, this is not the only movie that does this, there are TONS. I just don't get it. Or is that the only excuse the writers can some up with that enables the viewer to see the ladies topless. After all, any woman that takes off her shirt has got to be immoral and a whore, right? Any woman that is pretty deserves to die, right?

Anyway, despite my obvious disapproval from this rant, the movie sucked even more than that. The music was generic and horrible, the Clowns' outfits weren't the least bit sexy, the characters didn't have anything unique about them, the movie moved really slowly and I found it hard to believe any word that came out of any character's mouth because either I couldn't see which character was even saying it, or because no one talks like that. The writing was bad and the acting was bad. Bad bad bad bad.

1/10. If I could have given it a 0, I would have.
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Gene Simmons is the killer. End of story!
Coventry26 October 2014
"Terror on Tour" is a lousy, putrid and terribly annoying attempt at occult slasher/Rocksploitation movie from the director of the infamous first two "Ilsa" flicks; - namely "She-Wolf of the SS" and "Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks". I've seen copious amounts of 80's slashers already and there are definitely more bad ones than good ones, but "Terror on Tour" is absolute bottom-of-the-barrel unendurable guff. The film lacks anything that remotely resembles a screenplay, the killings are dull and monotonous, the decors and cinematography are ugly, the acting performances are embarrassing and even the numerous topless girls flaunting in front of the cameras are irritating. A couple of losers form a rock band together, called The Clowns, and before as well as during and after every gig the concert hall transforms into one giant orgy with drugs, horny groupies and on-stage violence. Their looks are inspired by KISS and every band member is disguised, so we can't tell which clown is responsible for the gruesome knife- killings that are occurring after their concerts. The band members remain uninterested and unworried, even when more and more groupie-corpses are piling up around them, so why should us viewers wonder who's committing the murders? The killer is probably a very angry Gene Simmons because he didn't give permission to imitate his facial make-up. There, case closed! Most of the killing sequences in early 80's slasher movies are extremely misogynic and sexist, but the chicks in "Terror on Tour" truly deserve what's coming to them… They literally just throw their naked selves to any musician with a mask and paint on his hideous face, and then they look surprised when a knife is planted deep in their A-cup sized chests. This dud definitely earns a spot in my bottom 5 worst 80's slasher list, next to other hopeless titles such as "Blood Lake", "The Stay Awake", "Appointment with Fear", "Hollow Gate" and "Sledgehammer".
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Terror On Tour
Toronto8517 January 2013
Someone starts murdering people and a rock band called The Clowns (a KISS rip off) are under suspicion in "Terror On Tour". The film begins with a girl murdered right after the band performs on stage. At first I thought the main suspect was one of the band members who really enjoyed putting on the makeup, there was a weird scene in the band's dressing room with him explaining that it's easier for him to talk to girls with it on... But I don't know, the film lost focus and I didn't know what was going on half the time. In between all of the scenes with the band, we get some shots which show the rock and roll lifestyle (sex, drugs, alcohol, etc). No reason to have them in there. Anyways, it soon becomes apparent throughout all of the craziness that the killer is someone dressing up like the other band members. More murders take place during the concerts, and the cops begin investigating. All of this leads up to a silly conclusion.

This has to be the most confusing slasher films I've ever seen. It was so all over the place and never had focus, so much to the point that I didn't what was going on. Yes I got that people were getting killed, but was it the band members doing it or people dressing up like the band... I felt like I was supposed to know who the killer was, but because there were so many forgettable characters that looked alike AND the horrible quality on the VHS, I didn't know who was who for 90% of the film. Most of the film follows the same pattern it sets. A girl takes her clothes off in one of the room's at the concert thinking she'll sleep with one of the band members, the killer comes in and stabs her, cut to the next pointless scene. Then it happens again, and again. There is no real scares or anything that makes you really jump, it's just one sleazy killing after the other. There is one chase scene near the end that was just okay, but wasn't great.

So many problems with this lackluster slasher. The dialogue is just awful and most of the time pointless, perhaps the most meaningless dialogue ever in a movie. I'd rather they just had no lines at all and just ran the film without it. The acting is terrible, in some scenes the actors shout their lines (when they shouldn't) or say the lines strangely making it awkward and out of place. And don't get me started on the ending and the killers' motive. Terror on Tour is an awful film with no direction and no focus. It gets two stars for a handful of creepy moments with the killer in full makeup AND a decent chase scene, but I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

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This is the worst movie of all time.
ruinously9 March 2005
Terror on Tour starts out very bad. It never improves. It just gets worse and worse until the end and this ending will make your head hurt. No movie has ever caused as much mental anguish for me as Terror On Tour.

I want you to think of the worst movie you have ever seen. Terror On Tour is ten times worse. Probably one million times worse. I do not know how this production came about on such a horrible premise. I also can not fathom how they chose such horrible and ugly actors to bring it to life. This kind of cinematic Hell just takes the fun out of movies.

Terror on Tour is rot. I really think you should see this if you like bad things. Sometimes movies get so bad that they actually pollute the Earth. I do not know how anything can get worse then this.
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The Clowns on tour!
BandSAboutMovies3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"The Clowns are a rock group on their way up the ladder of success. In their macabre makeup, it is impossible to distinguish one from the other. Their incredible stage performance center around sadistic, mutilating theatrics and eventually, real murders begin. The police are called in and consider the band members prime suspects until they realize the killings are occurring during their performances. The search for the murderer begins ... and ends with the audience chanting, Kill, Kill, Kill!"

The Clowns are an Alice Cooper-like group that sings about killing their fans. So when their fans start showing up dead at their shows, of course, they're the main suspects.

Directed by Don Edmunds (Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS) and with James W. Robertson, the director of Superstition as the director of cinematography, this is a sleaze, sex and murder filled movie. Which is probably just as you like it, just as the crowds that come to see The Clowns like it and the kind of life the boys in the band are struggling to get away from.

Larry Thomas - the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld - is even in this, as it's his first film. He hates the movie so much that he wrote an apology on the film's IMDB page.

This is a dark, murky film - not just because of the transfer I saw - that has plenty of drugs and sex. It honestly feels like a porn movie without the payoff of sex. The music isn't bad, with one track that sounds a lot like Motörhead.

I never understand why bands hate the spotlight they find themselves thrust into. And I don't get it here, either. Also: the story is a total mess. You should probably get messed up yourself while watching it and yell at the screen a lot. That makes every movie better.
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Rock/Slasher Entertains, But Could Have Been Much Better
ObscureCinema10130 May 2012
I'm a fan of 80's metal. I'm a fan of 80's horror movies. Put the two together, and what do you get? Well, if you're lucky, ROCKTOBER BLOOD (1984). Or you might get TERROR ON TOUR (1980), but that's not too shabby.

The Clowns are a rock band who wear clown make-up and half a clown mask across the right side of their faces. Someone sporting their concert get-up is murdering prostitutes and various groupies at their concerts. Who could it be? TERROR ON TOUR certainly isn't for everyone. The acting isn't great, the killer is goofy, the identity of the killer is obvious, and it's pretty sleazy to boot. But, being the die-hard slasher fan that I am, I really enjoyed it. Sure, it's not as good as ROCKTOBER BLOOD, but what can you do.

The acting wasn't TOO bad; it was more tolerable than anything. The people who played The Clowns were a real band called The Names, so you have to at least give them credit for trying.

The kills aren't too bloody or even original (it's all stabbing with a large knife), but they (mostly) come rapid fire and I'm in a forgiving mood, so I'll let it slide. The killer's identity is obvious (any four-year old who's seen more than one episode of Scooby-Doo can guess it), and his motive is really, really stupid.

On the rock scale, I'd say it gets a decent 3/4 mannequin be-headings. There are a lot of catchy rock songs, but none of them are very memorable. The runtime was short, but I never felt that it was boring; just a little repetitive.

Anyway, TERROR ON TOUR was a treat for an undemanding eighties slasher fanatic like myself. So if you're in the mood for a little rock and slashing and your VHS of ROCKTOBER BLOOD just broke, check this out.
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Absolutely worthless and filled with plenty of issues
kannibalcorpsegrinder12 October 2023
Heading out on tour, a fledgling shock rock act trying to make their way through the willing groupies, sketchy clubs, and available drugs that come from touring, but when a trail of bodies start to follow their performances with claims the killer is dressed like them must stop the killings before it's too late.

There's almost nothing to enjoy about this one. Among its only positives are the rather sleazy killings that manage to get quite a lot of nude flesh on display. Since we're thrust into the world present here where a successful rock group is granted access to the best drugs at the best parties populated by the best-looking women around, it all feels natural for the willing participants to engage in this kind of sordid activity which is what happens here. Most of the kills take place on topless or nearly-nude women trying to seduce the band with supposedly kinky concepts before they get twisted around revealing the killer has been the target the entire time, and baring a few exceptions prove to be somewhat bloody splashing some blood on the surroundings. However, that's really about it here. Otherwise, there's not much to be said here as it fails in pretty much most manners you want to look at. The main one to be said here is that most of what happens here is so dull and uninteresting it's hard to care. Starting with the main group of characters who barely work up a nerve to care about the deaths to those around them and that the evidence is pointed at them being the main culprit as all they want to do is party, it really takes a lot of the sting out of this one where it just doesn't seem interested in who they are. That also extends to a lot of the kills where the same setup is employed almost every time a groupie hoping to hook up with the bandmember is confronted by someone they think is in the band only to be revealed as the killer who slashes them easily. It renders the suspense completely void after a while and just makes it so hard to care what's happening. On top of that, there's the random and bland story that doesn't move at any kind of immersive tempo or pace leading to a wholly disappointing and boring time here. It's so sluggish with its tempo and pacing that whenever it tries to get something interesting going things are dropped immensely quickly due to the unnaturally toned-down style employed. There's just no energy or life to this one with the constant conversations and interactions that take place and it just leads to a lack of scares and eventually interest in anything here so it's generally just the nudity on display keeping this one afloat. Even if it wasn't so dark as to make it impossible to make out anything that happened on-screen that's all it has going for it.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language, Nudity, Graphic Violence, and drug use.
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Clown show
Dr. Gore30 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers

I bought this video for three bucks. A band called The Clowns is rocking the house. They look like KISS except that they all have big afro wigs with orange streaks in them. Someone is murdering all of the hot chicks who come to their shows. The cops think it's one of the band members getting too caught up in his own sadistic music. Will anyone stop the killer in time? Do I care? When is this over?

I really wanted to like a movie about a killer rock band. I was ready for some serious 80's cheese action. Instead I got stuck with a very lame murder mystery. Who cares who the killer is? I don't. The band doesn't. Nobody does. Women keep getting stabbed to death but nothing fazes the Clowns. They rock on regardless. The gore effects were terrible and most of the movie was shot in the shadowy depths of the rock club. "Terror on Tour" is a stinker. The only thing positive to say about it is that it had a lot of topless women. Since this flick is from the early 80's, all of the ladies had real breasts. It was a refreshing change of pace from the overly buxom ladies of today. Movie still stunk though. No matter what "Terror on Tour" might have, it's still not worth it.
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Tour should have been cancelled
udar5522 October 2022
A rock group called The Clowns are doing amazing business with their stage show where they stab beautiful ladies during songs. Someone, however, is taking it too far and actually slicing nubile groupies and makes the band members suspects because the killer is donning the same clown make up. I guess this is what happens when you've seen all the good slashers from the 1980s. This one is rough as director Don Edmonds draws out nearly every scene. Be prepared for lots of scenes of the band raising hell at parties by throwing the food off the catering table. OMG! Have you ever seen such madness? Who do these guys think they are? Sorcery? To his credit, he does throw in lots of nudity. But the killings are rather bland. (Example of imagination: "What do you want me to do?" asks on groupie; "Die," replies the killer.) The Clowns are obviously KISS inspired with their make up, but they all wear the exact same style make up so you can never really tell who is who. It is funny because this is done to disguise the killer, but you'll pretty much guess who it is right away. I guess the biggest point of interest is this is the first film of Larry Thomas, who later became the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld.
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Not to good but one actor..............
emmykapture29 November 2011
The movie wasn't to good but that guy Larry just blew my mind when i saw him in other things! I hear he is a great, funny, talented, and can sing pretty well ! All the other actors weren't as good and this isn't his best work he did good in Sienfield, and Austin Powers. I met him and he is such a great guy. Can't wait to see what he is going to do later on in life. he played a really funny character! no soup for you was a good episode of sine field he is a very very very very talented actor. but the other reviews where right on how the movie sucked. i don't recommend watching the movie but i do recommend looking in to Larry as an actor.
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Slasher sludge
lor_29 January 2023
My review was written after watching a Media Home Entertainment video cassette.

Made in 1980, "Terror on Tour" is a theatrically unreleased stab and slash feature film currently available to home video users. Uninvolving programmer has little to offer horror addicts.

Premise has a hard-rock group the Clowns (wearing makeup reminiscent of Kiss) doing a Grand Guignol-style live act (similar to such trendsetters as Alice Cooper), caught up in a murder investigation when someone wearing their makeups starts stabbing girls for real. The victims are prostitutes, and script rather tediously keeps hammering away at the relationship between drugs, rock music and violence. Filmmakers even have the temerity to end on a note imploring the audience to stop displaying its enthusiasm for violent, "sick" entertainment.

Belying its ile, low-budget feature has no tour, with barely any exterior scenes and the group rooted in one spot. Only a handful of extras appear in the concert footage. Performing is dull, though lovely Lisa Rodriquez has a nice little role as a prostie working undercover for the police. Identity of the killer is obvious early on by the process of elimination.

Biggest surprise is absence of extreme gore, since "Tour" was directed by Don Edmonds, whose two "Ilsa" gore spectaculars of a decade ago have become cult favorites. He may have cleaned up his act, but the result is a failure to meet the minimum requirements of the exploitation genre.
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