Holiday on the Buses (1973) Poster

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It's like the moon coming over the mountains.
Sleepin_Dragon25 December 2022
Sacked for writing off two buses, Jack and Stan land a job driving at a holiday camp, there's one snag, Blakey's got a new job too.

The TV series was definitely coming to an abrupt end, with both Varney and Robbins leaving, so this final film feels like the last hurrah for the whole cast.

I quite like the plot, and it's nice that they managed to devise something to put everyone together for one last time.

If you're a fan of 70's British humour, you'll probably enjoy this, I love the series, and there's enough content here to laugh at. It's bawdy, it's raucous, it's wonderfully over the top, but it's still funny.

It is insane to think that Jack and Stan would pull the number of gorgeous girls that they did, talk about hard to swallow.

Sitcoms didn't have a good track record of translating well to the big screen, Are you being served and rising damp were poor, I can only think of Steptoe and son that worked, and on The Buses.

Credit to them for providing original content, and not just rehashing old material, there are plenty of well known comedy faces to recognise too, look out for Wilfrid Brambell, Queenie Watts and Arthur Mullard.

Can you imagine going on holiday, to Pontins, getting off the coach, and being met by Blakey, stood there dressed as an undertaker's assistant.

Good fun, 7/10.
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"You either love these films or hate them!"
jamesraeburn200312 September 2003
Busmen Stan Butler, Jack Carter and Inspector Blake, a.k.a 'Blakey', (played by Reg Varney, Bob Grant and Stephen Lewis) are sacked from the bus company after writing off two buses and damaging the boss's car. They find work at a Welsh holiday camp and when Stan's family, Mum, Arthur and Olive (played by Doris Hare, Anna Karen and Michael Robbins) and their young son, Little Arthur, arrive for a holiday, chaos ensues...

Third and final spin-off from the popular ITV sitcom On The Buses. By now producing comedies based on popular TV shows was more profitable for Hammer than the traditional horror films they were renowned for. As another imdb user pointed out, you either love these films or you hate them. I personally love them, partly because I'm a fan of the series, having collected a number of episodes on video (and later DVD) and because the charm is still there. This is thanks largely to all the series regulars being present and the guest players, including Queenie Watts, Arthur Mullard and Wilfred Brambell ensure that there are some laughs to be had from the usual old jokes and comedy routines.
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Old school fun
mikeiskorn22 June 2021
I loved these films growing up and watching this in my 30s is just a fun. Perhaps they don't make me laugh out loud but the do give a warm feeling. I think this one Is the better of the On The Buses films.
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Don't expect too much and you'll have a good time.
Tyrone_Smollox10 May 2004
If you were growing up in Britain in the 1970s or early 80s, then Holiday On The Buses will provide you with a very potent hit of nostalgia that will doubtless get you talking about "the good old days". It's nobody's idea of sophisticated, and the arthouse crowd should avoid it like the plague, but if you approach it with an open mind you'll probably have a good time.

It's all very predictable, of course, but it fits in nicely with a sub-genre of British comedy best described as "everything goes wrong" where it sits alongside Fawlty Towers and Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em. There are plenty of minor stars on display soon, such as Grange Hill's Mr Bronson, regular Benny Hill sidekick Henry McGee, Joan from Love Thy Neighbour and the inimitable Arthur Mullard.

It's not quite Carry On, but it passes the time painlessly.
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Fun and laughter on our summer holiday, no more worries for me or you, for a week or two.
BA_Harrison15 March 2020
Four years before Robin Asquith got up to saucy antics in Confessions from a Holiday Camp, Reg Varney and his On the Buses pals caused chaos at Pontins, Prestatyn. Having been given the sack from the bus depot, Stan and Jack (Varney and Bob Grant) find work as tour bus operators at the Welsh holiday camp only to find that their nemesis and ex-boss Blakey (Stephen Lewis) is now working there as head of camp security. Also arriving at the holiday destination are Stan's family - his mum (Doris Hare), sister Olive (Anna Karen) and brother-in-law Arthur (Michael Robbins), and their troublesome son little Arthur (Adam Rhodes).

Opening with a busty brunette babe baring her breasts as she runs for a bus, Holiday On The Buses looks set to be racier than its predecessors, but turns out to be much the same as before, with no more nudity, but plenty of titillation and innuendo. Despite clearly in his late '50s, Stan still manages to pull tasty birds half his age, as does Jack (they both have what I call 'the Sid James effect'). The lads' conquests include sexy holiday-maker Mavis (Maureen Sweeney), Italian waitress Maria (Gigi Gatti), the camp nurse Joan (Kate Williams), and a pair of pretty new arrivals. None seem to mind Stan's greased back old man's hair or Jack's tombstone teeth.

This time around, the silliness involves Stan taking a short-cut in his open-top bus (passengers narrowly being killed by a low bridge), Stan's mum being romanced by a dirty old man (Wilfrid Brambell, THE dirty old man), Little Arthur creating havoc with an ink-filled water pistol, and Olive getting into the wrong bed. If you enjoyed the previous films in the series, then this one should prove entertaining enough as well, although it must be said that the formula has worn almost as thin as Robbins' hair and Varney is far too old to be playing a womaniser - probably for the best that they ended it here.
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No wonder it was the last...
Leofwine_draca16 February 2015
HOLIDAY ON THE BUSES was the last of the Hammer-produced film trilogy, following on from ON THE BUSES and MUTINY ON THE BUSES. Sadly, the law of decreasing returns is much in evidence for this lacklustre conclusion to the series, which relocates the action to a Pontins holiday camp in a bid to mix things up a bit.

It doesn't work. The humour here is even weaker than before, with Stan and Jack getting into the usual round of difficulties while chasing a bit of skirt, and finding themselves up against the stalwart villain of the series, Stephen Lewis's Inspector Blake. Comic veterans Wilfrid Brambell and Kate Williams are brought in to add some comedy value, but it all feels too little, too late.

Indeed, much of the running time is filled with obvious gags and some lamentable slapstick humour, all of it obvious and well signposted. There's also far too much reliance on Lewis's mugging for effect, and by now it's becoming irritating. The film isn't actually THAT bad - it's comparable to contemporary CARRY ON films of the period - but there's an undeniable feeling that the joke was wearing thin by this stage and it's no surprise that no more films followed.
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A Dated Comedy About The Luckiest Middle Aged Men Ever!
memorable-name28 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sun, sea, sex and sand who could want more from a vacation? But how about lost, wet luggage, mystery tour mayhem, nosey neighbours, exploding toilets and perhaps the luckiest middle aged men ever, you get all this and more when you take a holiday on the buses.

The 1970's for the British film industry wasn't a great decade, horror films, sex comedies and TV spin offs made up the most of the nation's cinematic output, amongst all these films there were a few diamonds in the rough but by and large most have now been forgotten, much to the delight of those stars still alive today, Joanna Lumley may be absolutely fabulous now but back then was stripping down for the camera. The 1960's had seen sweeping changes in values and social trends and by the end of that decade it seemed we were living in a far more promiscuous society (no safe sex campaigns back then), into this new era came attitudes that today we may cringe at, feminism to many was a joke, sexual preference was still something that could be poked fun at, as was racism, watch certain TV series' from this era and some would probably gasp at what they heard, with language that many would find offensive, it's not that the writers were trying to shock or be crude its just that 'it was a different time' when people had thicker skin, or were less sensitive to others, depending on your point of view but that is a whole different topic that I wont go into here!

From this era came the programme On The Buses, a comedy about the staff at a bus station and those around them. The series had begun in 1969 and became so popular that a film version was made in 1971, this followed a film version of another 60's tv comedy series, Till Death Us Do Part which had begun several years earlier in 1965 and by 1969 had also produced a movie spin off, this film, using the same title as the series would go on to become the third biggest hit of the year at the UK box office behind Carry On Camping and Carry On Up The Khyber. The film version of On The Buses, again using the same title as it's series went one step further and became the biggest box office hit of 1971, signalling the start of a wave of tv series spin off movies, Steptoe & Son, Dad's Army, Are You Being Served? and many, many more all tried to capitalise on their television success. The On The Buses (movie) script told of female bus drivers (oh the thought of it) taking on their male counterparts when staff shortages occur at the depot. After the success of the first film a second was released the following year, Mutiny On The Buses and after the success of this second film a third was released a year later, Holiday On The Buses, this film rounded out the film series and was shown six months after the tv series had ended.

Personally my favourite of the three films is Holiday On The Buses, Stan our bus buddy now works at a Pontins Holiday Camp after he gets the sack from the bus depot (I wont tell you why), once there he invites his family, mom Mabel, sister Olive, brother in law Arthur and not forgetting nephew little Arthur to visit much to his embarrassment and dismay, even getting to the North Wales holiday camp, Prestatyn to be precise is a bit of an adventure for them and that is just the start of their troubles.

His friend Jack continues to chase virtually any young woman in a tight skirt, just how these two middle aged men manage to 'pull' female 'talent' remains a mystery, would a young woman really fancy a cross between Worzle Gummidge and the Pied Piper? (a bit harsh perhaps but you judge for yourself) this perhaps provides some of the comedy and indeed hope to men of a certain age everywhere, if these two are able to go round sleeping with young women, you are in for a chance too! All this activity comes under the watchful eye of inspector Blakey who now has the position of Head Of Security. I have always found the supporting characters in On The Buses funnier than the leads and this film is no exception, Olive get's herself into all sorts of trouble from wading through a river to mistakenly repaint the bedroom she even engages in a bit of bed hopping herself. Mable has a holiday romance with a familiar and rather cleaner than usual faced character from another famous sitcom of the era and tries her hand at ballroom dancing (watching her first attempt should provide a giggle or two) Arthur however it seems is not destined get much relaxation at all in their North Wales Pontins paradise as every time his offspring creates mayhem it is left to him to literallyclean up the mess. Blakey also has love on the cards and even marriage with the local nurse (can you just imagine a baby Blakey?), this however doesn't seem to stop Jack from showing his true selfish colours by having a last minute affair with her, one last fling before she ties the knot, charming, when you think about it, if she's that fed up with him what she marrying him for in the first place? (I never have liked Jack and have often thought he is the villain of the films ) Still, just bite your tongue and remember it was a different time and it's only a film! Stars of the 1970's Queenie Watts (whom an older friend of mine once met at a party, she called him gorgeous and yes she was drunk) and Arthur Mallard turn up as neighbours in the next door chalet which appears to have very thin walls and in a funny example of 'pot calling the kettle black' Queenie announces upon their arrival they're bleedin common' in her most regal of cockney tones.

So is the film any good? It certainly has, like it's 'parent' series come in for criticism over the years, due largely to the sexism of the lead characters, well if you are going to watch the film you must remember as said before it is from a different time and is in similar vein to the 'Carry On' films released in the early 1970's and although hints at sex, apart from a brief shot of a woman exposing her breasts the film thankfully doesn't show more than undressing and kissing (can you imagine any of the cast in sex scenes? This is a comedy not a horror remember), there is one homosexual slur when Blakey gets called a 'fairy', a bleedin fairy at that, by Arthur Mallards character. The continuing chasing of women does get a bit repetitive well before the end of the film and although their antics are probably no different to many young men on a Saturday night, I feel if only they had toned it down it could of been a lot better, saying that however there are plenty of funny moments, mainly from the supporting cast to keep the film entertaining enough for its 1 hr 25 min length and as a result I found the film quite enjoyable.
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What do you expect?
garry07071 June 2009
Its a 1970's British comedy - what you get is a slice of comedy history, typical of its time and place, nothing more nothing less. A bit of slapstick, plenty of innuendo, very loose plot line and full of sexism, ageism and any other -ism going around at the time.

Quite simply it is Britain of the 1970's tied up in a 90 minute package. And if you are of a certain age it certainly brings a smile of nostalgia and sometimes incredulous horror. There are not many belly laughs but that's because comedy today is far more sophisticated and we like all our cinema highly polished.

Enjoy it for what it is - don't put too much onto it. After all it's not meant to be a cinema classic just a bit of a laugh.
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For On the Buses Fans Only
mjw230525 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Stan and Jack, are struggling for work after one too many accidents in and out of the depot. The pair manage to land a job on a Holiday park, only to find Blakey's there as the head of Security and is romantically involved with the Nurse (not a nice Thought, that) Stans invite's the family up for a holiday and everything that can go wrong does. Their clothes are ruined, their toilet explodes, little Arthur redecorates the Apartment, etc.

For Fans of the On the buses Series, this is great fun, it keeps the original cast and is full of cheap innuendo and cheap laughs.

8/10 for fans only
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Ohh Arfur, harmless British 1970s comedy watch
tonypeacock-124 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another example of how 'low' the British film industry became in the 1970s spewing out endless television sitcom film adaptations, ever decreasing quality 'Carry On' films and then the sex comedies arrived! However they hold some charm. This film was the third film derived from 'On The Buses' a very popular television comedy in the early 1970s in the U. K. following the sex starved (but not as adult themed as the Confession or Adventures films that followed) adventures of a bus driver, his 'clippy', his inspector and mad family!

This entry has a slight variation to the two that preceded it in that most of the action takes place at a Pontins Holiday Camp in Prestatyn, Wales. Quelle some new scenes of harmless comedy that seem to upset the more intellectual film reviewers it seems!

Bring it on, ninety minutes of harmless fun with excellent performances from the cast and variation in the location setting. All produced by Hammer films better known for their horror output?

All in all, a cheap, bawdy but harmless, escapist film. Just don't take it to seriously and you might reconsider it.
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Hell On Wheels
ptb-817 December 2011
Please also read the hilarious review from Steve Franciscus also in this section. It is funnier than the whole BUSES trilogy.

HOLIDAY ON THE BUSES is excruciating. As a Hammer Production it is appropriate that they just kept making horror films but changed costumes to suit the TV sit com source of this dire drivel release as a feature film. HOLIDAY ON THE BUSES is really the end of the line for this cringe worthy working class pantomime that seems to have taken up the CARRY ON baton as that series ran out of customers. To say that BUSES is vile, misogynistic, crass and visually pale is a complete understatement. Seeing it on daytime telly at home reminded me of the scene in TOMMY when Ann Margaret's TV spewed baked beans all across her living room.

I am actually struggling for words to express the sheer genuine horror of every aspect... and the worst crime of this production is the cretinous and cruel treatment of Olive, whose constant humiliation and degradation is so shameful as to be disturbing. Then there's Jack's teeth.

Exactly who this was aimed at is also a worry about 70s Britain, as clearly there was enough factory workers for this to have a market. The Brit 'dirty old man' standard lecherously groping dolly-birds in their 20s is just one of the jaw-dropper themes of this terrible last gasp of tawdry UK conveyor-belt film making.

I read on this site that there is an ON THE BUSES fan club, still operating. I can't mentally process that information. It just isn't possible that could exist. Imagine their Christmas party after a few drinks....
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Watch it for what it is,,, bawdy, low-budget 70's comedy!
StokeBlokeUK14 October 2006
Know all the locations very well and have photo's of them and the newly installed plaque at Pontin's Prestatyn to mark the film by the Welsh film location society. The film is often criticized unfairly - but in my opinion it is better than any Hollywood trash and remakes that are continuously released to keep the ijits in jobs. Britain as it was ... and still is in many respects. Just watch with an open mind and enjoy the scenery (and visit it like I have LOL). British films are not about special effects, car-chases, Hollywood Brat pack etc, but about real situations that at least on one level we can all relate to. Just think back to your childhood holidays with the family ... or think of the old tales of them lol, and this film has them. A British Classic film,,, give me a Brit Flick any day rather than a Hollywood release full of fake people. HIghly recommended - the other two On the buses films are Rita, Sue and Bob Too, Letter To Brezhnev, Beautiful Thing. All down-to-earth British films about real life - must be viewed!!!
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Light, nostalgic viewing!
Majikat7631 March 2018
A nice nostalgic watch! Comedy capers in one of the films that bring you two men who are always on the lookout for the ladies who constantly find themselves in trouble.
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An awful, abysmal TV movie with little or no thought put in to the comedy value of it
rob-20521 March 1999
This has got to be the most appalling abuse of the word comedy ever witnessed.It is simply not funny and the scriptwriters have obviously just tried to use the name of the TV series in order to make a few quid at the box office. This film makes a carry on seem subtle as far as sexual innuendo goes ( no mean feat), and has all the charisma of a corpse with rigamortis. A complete washout I'm afraid!!
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An acquired taste!!
Davo12330 August 2000
'Holiday On the Buses' has got to be the epitome of British comedy of the '70s. It has all the ingredients: sexual innuendo, outrageous mis-understandings and a little slapstick thrown in for good measure.

The film itself is the third 'Buses' film, and generally is no better or worse than its predecessors. People tend to either love it or hate it. It is worth noting that most sitcoms don't usually translate to the big screen, this is one of the few exceptions.

The premise of the film is simple: A bus driver and conductor (Stan and Jack) are sacked, but find employment at a holiday camp as the crew of the camp bus. The film has no plot as such, but generally consists of Stan And Jack getting into a series of scrapes with the help of Stan's family who are holidaying at the camp.Add their old adversary, in the shape of Blakey (their ex-inspector, and now in charge of camp security) and the picture is complete.

There are many funny moments in the film, including the 'detour', as well as the paint and the excellent exploding toilet!!

the film never really manages to get out of third gear, but is an interesting look at holiday camp life as it never really was!!! Overall 6 /10
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A nostalgic romp into 70's British films
morgrp-556-45385429 June 2021
This was never going to win any oscars nor was it going to ever provoke thought or emotions. The comedy, smuttiness and sheer predictability of it all is classic 70s British cinema in the mould of the carry on films. The film itself is largely daft, the script is weak and the storyline non existent but I somehow still loved watching it. If nothing else it's a great reminder of how we were back then and how simple holidays were. I actually went to Pontins in Prestatyn where this was filmed around 15years after the film was made and it was an absolute dump of a place even in the eighties so it's nice to see it was once a thriving place for families to enjoy themselves. If you want nostalgia and slapstick gags then give it a crack, if you want slick scripts, emotional excitement and gritty action then look elsewhere - Holiday on the buses doesn't pretend to be anything it isn't and you have to love it for that.
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Pratfalls and smut a go go.
hitchcockthelegend4 February 2014
Come the 1970s we British really began to love our smut, it was a constitutional right to enjoy bawdy humour. Of course the quality was rarely above average, where the "Carry On" franchise would plunge the bawdy depths to try and get its laughs, and the "Confessions Of" series was never really any good to begin with anyway, but as long as they had people like Robin Askwith larking about amongst boobs, buttocks and innuendo unbound, then it was often enough for Brit cinema goers of a certain age.

On the Buses was a hugely popular TV series in the UK that ran for 7 series from 1969 to 1973. As was the case with many British situation comedies in the 70s, big screen outings would follow for the On the Buses crowd, three of them in fact, of which Holiday on the Buses was the last, and for many it was mercifully the death knell for such ventures.

It's a tired looking film when viewed now, the makers straining every sinew to keep the bawdy formula working, with much loved characters thrust into ever stupid situations to try and get laughs. Yet for fans of the series there is still some rewards to be found, but for interested outsiders looking in it's unlikely to generate more than a smile on the comedy scale.

It's hard to believe now that the likes of Stan Harper (Reg Varney) and Jack Harper (Bob Grant) could ever be seen as good looking enough to womanise and get sex on tap! But that's exactly what 1970s audiences were asked to buy into.

Just because there's snow on the roof doesn't mean the fire has gone out down below.

So here Stan the bus driver and Jack the conductor are now working at a Pontins Holiday Camp (how 70s British is that?!) and they basically try and get laid at every opportunity. As does Stan's sexually frustrated sister, Olive (played by the wonderful Anna Karen), only she just wants a bit from her husband Arthur! (Michael Robbins). Even widowed Ma Butler (Doris Hare) is up for a bit of the other, courtesy of the king of dirty old men, Wilfrid Brambell.

Naturally nemesis Inspector Cyril 'Blakey' Blake (Stephen Lewis) is on hand to provide the roguish lads with some japery opportunities, with the Hitler lookalike even getting a love interest himself here in the form of the holiday camp Nurse played by Kate Williams.

There's some good moments such as a swimming pool sequence of events, or Arthur Mullard attempting to dance (you have to know the actor to understand how funny that can be), while even Brambell doing his normal pervy routine is fun enough at times, but ultimately it rounds out as a picture for fans only, and even then it asks much of us to forgive it its lazy sins. 5/10
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All aboard the smut bus......
FlashCallahan3 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sacked by the bus company, Stan and Jack get jobs as drivers at a holiday camp and arrange for the rest of the family to come and stay.

Blakey is there as a security guard and manages to get involved with the camp's nurse. The Butlers head for one disaster after another as Jack and Stan, take two girls for a bus trip on the sands only for the bus to sink in as the tide approaches.

Olive gets into bed with someone else's husband when she makes it back to the wrong chalet in the dark and Baby Arthur sprays the chalet with ink, requiring a re-painting job........70's hilarity ensues...

In the seventies it was the norm for studios to make motion pictures of very successful T.V comedies. Think of any, and I'm sure the show had a cinema release.

The only difference was that they always ended up on holiday, and thanks to the Carry On... series, added a little more smut and innuendo to the proceedings, normally a woman losing her top.

It's a very sexist film, all female characters here are either portrayed as objects of desire, or have no common sense at all. But it was the seventies, and it was the height of hilarity.

I could imagine a traditional husband and wife back in the seventies watching this saying to each other...

'She's just like you love, stupid'......

'Oh love it's true, we know nothing, I'll finish the washing up, make your lunch, and get your clothes out for tomorrow after I've seen this........Do you want another Stout'

'Shhhh love, I can't hear Bob Grant's derogatory comment to that stupid woman'

And this is literally the rest of the film. The two lads get up to some silly antics with lots of women, Blakey gets frustrated and gets caught in a compromising position by Henry Mcgee, the bloke from Benny Hill, and the Sugar Puffs advert.

But this was accepted for almost two decades after this on British T.V. Aside from Girls On Top and French And Saunders, sitcoms were just a family where the man was tearing his hair out because of his family, or was working for some business man and instantly had a crush on his daughter.

But we watched them, and we enjoyed them. Don't feel guilty for doing so. I knew exactly what I was expecting when I switched this on.

But this time, I wasn't laughing with Stan and jack, I was laughing about the audacity they had back then, and how they would cope in these times.

This should be used for Social Studies in the future, to let the next generation know what our parents thought was quality comedy.

It's not terrible by any means, It's just embarrassingly funny, for all the wrong reasons...
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Typical simple British humor that you'll either love or hate.
Boba_Fett113815 August 2006
I guess this third 'on the buses' movie is a typical case of you either love this movie or you totally hate it. The humor is typical British, far from subtle, very sexist and incredibly simple and predictable. If you're into this sort of early '70's British humor, this movie will be a simple pleasure to watch. Everyone else is probably better off avoiding this movie.

I for one found the humor enjoyable but really, it really is purely a matter of taste, more than anything else. To me it the humor is comedy in its purest form, from the early decades of the 20th century, when film was a new medium, only set in a '70's time-frame. The situations are all very simple and predictable. Everything that can go wrong goes wrong. The story is non-present, or at least not the most important element of the movie. This is comedy in its most simple and perhaps also purest form. But no, that of course does not guarantee a good movie as well. "Holiday on the Buses" its simple humor certainly entertained me and kept sure that I was enjoying the movie but with my brains switched off, obviously.

This movie really doesn't have the most subtle or well thought out humor in it. The movie has a very overly present sexist undertone, in which all the woman are basically portrayed as lust-objects. The sort of Benny Hill kind of humor. All of the moments are also terribly simple and predictable but yet you still laugh at them since it simply is too ridicules and over-the-top all to not to do so.

Still "Holiday on the Buses" still work completely successful as a comedy since it lacks one important fundamental thing; Good main characters. The main characters in this movie are dirty, not so good looking old men. How are we supposed to like or feel for any of them or even sympathize for them? Because of this, the movie often falls flat as a comedy. It makes the movie its humor even more cruel and perhaps even offensive by todays standards. No way a movie like this could or would be made this present day.

Only for the most hardened fans of British humor. Everyone else, just skip it.

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ShadeGrenade17 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
'The Radio Times' gave this film a one-star rating ( meaning 'poor' ) while in the same issue awarding six stars ( meaning 'excellent' ) to the atrocious 'Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who S#####d Me'. The third and last cinematic outing for Stan Butler and co. appeared months after the television series ended. The first two films had come out in the summer, while the third was a Christmas release. The advertising campaign was not as aggressive as the others, which might go some way to explaining its disappointing box office performance. Plans for a fourth picture - 'Still At It On The Buses' - were dropped.

Stan and Jack are ( finally ) dismissed from the bus depot and finish up at a surprisingly sunny looking holiday camp in North Wales. As was the case with 'Mutiny', there's a fair amount of product placement, in fact the 'Pontins' name is visible in every other shot. In a mind-bending coincidence, Blakey is there too, as Security Inspector. Arthur Mullard and Queenie Watts play 'Wally' and 'Lil Briggs', their characters from Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney's other hit L.W.T. sitcom 'Romany Jones'. Wilfred 'Steptoe' Brambell crops up as a randy pensioner ( look out for the moment when he slips on the dance floor. Looks accidental to me ).

As you'd expect from a film of this type, subtlety is virtually non-existent; the script contains almost every seaside postcard joke written. 'Little Arthur' has aged considerably since his last appearance, meaning we are thankfully spared all those 'potty' gags. I wonder if Sir Fred Pontin was happy to see the name of his business linked to exploding toilets, bare bottoms and randy nurses. If nothing else. 'Holiday' reminds one how poorer the television series was when Reg Varney and Michael Robbins left. It was good to see the cast back for one final romp.

Don't watch if you want great comedy, but if you want a good dirty laugh, by all means tune in. Funniest moment - Stan driving under a low bridge, terrifying everyone on the upper deck! Second funniest moment - Stan blowing up the drains with a cigarette end!
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The weakest one
r96sk28 December 2020
The last film to come from the 'On the Buses' television series, the weakest one at that.

'Holiday on the Buses' isn't far off the preceding two spin-offs, but it just felt a bit flat throughout to me. I didn't feel bored by any of it, though also didn't find that much entertainment either. It's just very meh. I am someone who enjoys the actual on the bus shenanigans most, which is somewhat lacking here - and even when they are on a bus, it's a tour one. The sexism remains, to the shock of nobody.

Reg Varney, Bob Grant and Stephen Lewis remain enjoyable, especially Lewis. As with the its predecessors, none of the support cast stand out majorly. There are a few amusing moments, but more limp ones to be honest. Most of the jokes felt repeated from the 1971 and 1972 productions.

No surprise they ended these films here.
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Another dismal,depressing blot on 70's British Cinema
BJJManchester7 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The 3rd and last big screen spin off from the very popular ITV sitcom of the early 1970's,HOLIDAY ON THE BUSES is every bit as resistible and crude as the previous two efforts,and observing from a standpoint three and a half decades later,it is truly mind boggling that even one film was produced in this franchise.

What constitutes the plot surrounds the adventures of Stan Butler (Reg Varney),his conductor Jack (Bob Grant) and their bumblingly autocratic Inspector Blake (Stephen Lewis) after their sackings from their regular jobs at the bus depot.They all find work in similar positions at a holiday camp with Stan's family (Doris Hare,Anna Karen,Michael Robbins) following therewith.

British cinema had a deserved and considerable reputation for high quality in the 1960's,but much of this was due to American financial support and guidance which sadly drew to a close as the 1970's dawned.Thereafter,notable homegrown titles (GET CARTER being the among these very few exceptions) became as rare as Mick Jagger in a stable marriage,and UK cinema went down the road of cheap budgets,sleazy and witless sex comedies (The CONFESSIONS series,COME PLAY WITH ME) and flabby,elongated celluloid versions of various TV shows,mostly sitcoms (this being one of many hideous examples).Only DAD'S ARMY and PORRIDGE came off fairly respectably in this regard;the quirky success of the first ON THE BUSES film (it was the biggest box-office hit of it's year in 1971,nonsensical to think now!) led to two further sequels.

To be fair,the TV series itself had a cheerful,ripe,non-PC vulgarity about it which was reasonably tolerable in half-hour sitcom form,but stretched to three times that length it taxes the patience beyond belief.It's ironical that HAMMER FILMS produced this effort as it virtually resembles a horror film in the literal sense,with ancient puns,hackneyed,poorly-timed slapstick and awful,seedy production values.

A chance to send up the cheesiness of the British holiday camp is totally wasted here in favour of the above elements,and it is most bizarre,if not gruesome,to see the obviously 50-something Varney and the beaky-nosed,long-toothed Grant managing to instantly charm young women barely in their early twenties,while constantly laughing at their own bravado and lame jokes.The presence of Wilfrid Brambell (from STEPTOE AND SON) romancing the aged Miss Hare does not help matters either,and even though the film lasts about 1 and a half hours,it drags on to an interminably depressing degree.

Thankfully,this was the last film in this most dire of film trilogies,and the TV series itself came to an end around the same time,with a sequel (DON'T DRINK THE WATER,which was roundly savaged by the critics and ignored by audiences) following in 1975.Most of the leading actors involved were not seen much afterwards,but the worst affected was Bob Grant.Afflicted with depression and other mental problems for many years,he committed suicide in 2003.A sad coda to a sitcom that was the most popular of it's era (it has not aged too well either),and should have remained that way,rather than the three financially successful but artistically hopeless big screen hybrids which diluted the happy memories and occasional merits of it's TV counterpart.

RATING:2 and a half out of 10.
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kchowdry10 January 2022
I Know this is not a popular view ..but this movie is near-excellent! ...The very funniest of British 70s Comedy with a superb cast ofsubtle-nuance actors ...One of the funniest movies you will ever see in your Life!!! ....forget pompous garbage and just enjoy....a lot of people say this is the weakest in the series .. Its not ...its the Best of them all ...enjoy and have a Laugh !
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Dirty Old Men
Theo Robertson11 February 2003
The problem this film has is the same problem the TV series had and that`s the laddish Stan and Jack . There`s nothing wrong with laddish characters but Stan and Jack are played by actors who seem to be in their late 40s/ early 50s ! And there`s something objectionable - not to mention crediblity defying - as they cop off with girls young enough to be their daughters

As for the rest of HOLIDAY ON THE BUSES , I found it instantly forgettable . It`s basically a 30 minute episode spun out to 90 minutes with having all the action take place at a holiday camp instead of a bus station

Amazingly almost a third of voters on this site have given it a 10 ! Come on guys , this film doesn`t deserve more than a 5
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How do they pull?
lampton1 February 2001
Holiday... marks the epitome of early/mid 70s low brow humour. The British industry was in a dire state and the majority of films churned out were things like this. Anyway, the film is excellent. Stan and Jack, the world's oldest swinging batchelors, somehow pull every young bird around which gives hope to us lesser mortals because if they can (especially Jack) then we all can. There's plenty of innuendo, wearing of flares and cravets on view and it all amounts to a classic film. If only things were like that now...
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