The Water Margin (1972) Poster

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Becomes more and more powerful
unbrokenmetal24 March 2007
Based on historical events of the 12th century, "Water Margin" tells the story of 108 heroes referred to (by their enemies) as the "Liangshan bandits". They want to fight against a corrupt government, and therefore they ask 2 famous fighters to join them. These 2 are reluctant at first, but get into trouble with the so-called law very soon. Thus they don't really have freedom of choice anymore.

"Water Margin" is a fine example of Eastern classics produced by Shaw Brothers who got a cast full of stars together including Tetsuro Tamba as Master Lu. The best role, however, went to David Chiang as his right hand man Yen Ching, the Young Dragon. With irresistible charm, he defeats anybody - from pretty ladies to fierce fighters. The movie begins slow, introducing countless characters, but becomes very powerful and gripping in the second half. One recurring theme of the musical score seems to be inspired by Carlo Rustichelli's music for "I quattro dell'Ave Maria", which reminds the audience once again how often western movies and kung-fu cinema influenced each other. "Water Margin" was later followed by the sequel "All Men Are Brothers".
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The Water Margin
BandSAboutMovies8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Also known as Outlaws of the Marsh and Seven Blows Of The Dragon, this Shaw Brothers movie was directed by Chang Cheh and tells the story of the 108 Heroes. The book that it is based on is considered one of the masterpieces of Chinese literature, containing many of its most beloved characters like Wu Song, Lin Chong, Pan Jinlian, Song Jiang and Lu Zhishen. It even has an influence on Japanese literature.

This movie starts by introducing nearly every single member of the Honorable 108, a group of mountain bandits who live by a code of honor and who have also pledged to return freedom to the people. This movie is just a few chapters of the overall story, so of course it can get confusing and who could remember all of those names, unless they were super invested in the source material?

This part of the story - chapters 64 to 68 of the one hundred chapters in the novel - is about Yen Ching the Wanderer and how the 108 Heroes - still the Outlaws of Mount Liangshan - comes to join and also how his mentor Lu Jun-yi gets framed by sinister fighting machine Shi Wen-gong, who is working for the Chinese government.

Two years later - it was filmed at the same time but censorship reared its head and it took some time to get all the gore past the government - the sequel All Men Are Brothers has the Imperial Court offering to erase all of the crimes of the 108 if they stop an invading army from taking over China.

Speaking of gore, Yen Ching gets revenge against his mentor's traitorous wife Lady Chia by punching her through the stomach. After all, she got bored because her husband was such a good person and she set him up to add some excitement to her life.

The music in this movie is incredible, like some kind of prog rock organ jam out which doesn't match the period time of this film, but when it's this good, who cares? The opening introduction of each character is the kind of thing I watch again and again.

New World Pictures brought this to the U. S., but not before cutting a third of the movie, having the Shaw Brothers shoot an additional sex scene and recording a new narration.
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More interesting conceptually than narratively, and offers some (but not a lot of) entertainment
Jeremy_Urquhart26 July 2023
The Water Margin is the Avengers: Infinity War of Shaw Brothers movies, though I'm not sure if any other chapters of the epic story it partially adapted here were necessarily told in other movies. It still feels like getting introduced to a story that's ongoing; maybe like coming to the end of Marvel's third Phase without watching anything from the firsty 10 years of the MCU (I double down on the superhero movie comparison there, making it even more likely that I'm going to annoy someone).

I guess the comparison came to me because there are so many characters here, and even though I've only really scratched the surface of everything made by Shaw Brothers, I still recognized a ton of actors here (the movie probably gets an extra half-star for David Chiang; I just always like seeing him on screen, and he's cool/charming).

Action is okay. Pacing stays fast because of how much is happening and how many characters there are, but those qualities also make things harder to follow. It feels a little more like a drama than an action movie at times, but maybe that's a consequence of watching it a couple of days after John Woo's martial arts film Last Hurrah for Chivalry, which was probably more than 50% action; just relentless stuff.
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All-star cast in swordplay epic based on Chinese classic
BrianDanaCamp8 September 2001
Co-directed by Chang Cheh, SEVEN BLOWS OF THE DRAGON (1972, aka THE WATER MARGIN) is an action-packed Shaw Bros. costume adventure based on incidents from the multi-volume Chinese literary classic, 'Water Margin,' aka 'All Men are Brothers.' The U.S. release version (which showed in American theaters in 1973) was, at 79 minutes, severely cut, leaving glaring gaps in the story and action. (With the news of the impending digital remastering of the Shaw Bros. library, we can now hope for a future uncut release of this title.) Still, it's worth seeing as an example of unabashed nonstop fighting and colorful historical adventure involving a host of characters from the Sung Dynasty, including the infamous band of 108 Outlaws, 'gallant men' who allied together to become bandits after political corruption and court intrigue made them wanted men.

The focus of the film is on Master Lu, the famed Jade Dragon, who is imprisoned on trumped-up charges arranged by a devious steward having an affair with his wife. Members of the 108, including the boisterous, rotund Black Whirlwind, set out to rescue Master Lu and avenge the wrong done to him. Directing the official pursuit of Master Lu is his former friend and classmate, Golden Spear, who leads his forces into a climactic battle with the 108 and a one-on-one duel with Lu.

There is lots of action and intrigue in a film that moves at a dizzying pace, with great fight scenes involving all sorts of exotic weapons (including Black Whirlwind's pair of battle axes); an all-star cast; and a surprising nude scene featuring Master Lu's adulterous wife. The lead players include Chang Cheh regulars Ti Lung, David Chiang and Chen Kuan Tai, along with Lily Ho (as Tigress), Ku Feng (as Welcome Rain), Fan Mei-Sheng (as Black Whirlwind), Wu Ma, and, in an unusual bit of casting, Japanese star Tetsuro Tanba as Master Lu. (Western viewers may recall Tanba's portrayal of Tiger Tanaka, the head of the Japanese Secret Service, in the 1967 James Bond film, YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE, and his role as a government official in MESSAGE FROM SPACE.) Golden Spear is played by another Japanese actor, the lesser-known Toshio Kurozawa.

SEVEN BLOWS OF THE DRAGON was followed by a sequel, SEVEN SOLDIERS OF KUNG FU, also reviewed on this site, with most of the stars returning, which detailed the further adventures of the 108 after they were pardoned by the Emperor and assigned to make war on rebel armies.

ADDENDUM (October 6, 2007): Since I wrote the above review, the original full-length Shaw Bros. release version of the film, in Mandarin with English subtitles, has come out under the title THE WATER MARGIN, in a restored/remastered letter-boxed edition on both Region 3 DVD (from Celestial Pictures) and Region 1 DVD in the U.S. (from Image Entertainment). The R3 is 120 min., while the R1 is 125 min., a difference probably attributable to PAL-to-NTSC conversion for the R3. In any case, fans basically get approximately 40 more minutes of the story, with scenes that flesh out some of the characters and their relationships. An opening text crawl informs us that the film is based on chapters 64-68 of the original literary work.

One of the special features on the R1 DVD is a one-minute-and-36-second "extended love scene" that was specially shot by Shaw Bros. for the dubbed U.S. release version and includes shots of a nude body double (for actress Ling Ling, who plays the adulterous wife of Master Lu) sharing the screen with actor Tien Ching (as Lu's treacherous aide) in the film's one sex scene.

One important distinction between the original Hong Kong version and the English dub known as SEVEN BLOWS OF THE DRAGON is found in the music score, which was largely redone for the English dub, mainly to replace music cues on the original track that were lifted from Dominic Frontiere's score for the 1968 Clint Eastwood western, HANG 'EM HIGH, which was still fresh to many American moviegoers (and to lawyers for United Artists) when SEVEN BLOWS OF THE DRAGON was released in 1973. The original Shaw Bros. music score was patched together from a variety of different sources and sounds awfully arbitrary, with the HANG 'EM HIGH cues being particularly distracting, the only glaring flaw in an otherwise masterful Hong Kong costume epic.

The film's sequel, reviewed on this site as SEVEN SOLDIERS OF KUNG FU, has also been released on Region 3 DVD by Celestial, under the title ALL MEN ARE BROTHERS. Also available is THE DELIGHTFUL FOREST (1972), newly restored as well, something of a prequel to THE WATER MARGIN, in that it shows what led Ti Lung's character, Wu Sung, to join the 108 outlaws just before the events of this film.
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Sprawling Shaw Brothers epic
Leofwine_draca18 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
THE WATER MARGIN is the Shaw Brothers' attempted adaptation of the massive Chinese novel of the same name which is so big that only a few chapters were brought to the screen for this tale. It's definitely an epic by Shaw Brothers standards, with an all-star cast who are constantly introduced throughout the picture and a sprawling, densely-plotted narrative. I think this film has the most plot I've seen in a Shaw movie and it certainly keeps you involved throughout.

The film has the epic look and feel of something like THE 14 AMAZONS although the really big battle stuff is saved for the climax and worth the wait. This part of the film is Shaw at their most traditional, with different fighters pairing off to battle it out with their individual styles and weapons, and it's great fun and surprisingly gory in places. However, the preceding story is perhaps even more interesting. The narrative is constructed in such a way that you're never sure where exactly the tale is going to end up and it keeps you guessing throughout as to the outcome.

As such I found it a very involving watch and one that demands close attention. There are a ton of famous faces here from the big names like David Chiang and Ti Lung to the experienced character actors like Ku Feng. Lung is hardly in it but does get to fight at the end unlike Chen Kuan Tai who seems to just vanish after his introduction. Chiang gets a big role through and is entirely likable in it. Interestingly enough, the two major rival roles are played by a pair of Japanese actors, Tetsuro Tanba and Toshio Kurosawa, and both are very effective.
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Large scale historical epic
ChungMo31 May 2006
It would be interesting to find out how the directorial chores were divided on this very enjoyable production. The style is consistent throughout most of the film except for some poorly shot opening scenes. Those who wince at the classic Chang Cheh red paint brutality will be relieved to know that it's limited to the very end of the film. The rest of the film is filled with good action and brisk plotting.

The film is filled with dozens of unique characters, all introduced with title cards even 90 minutes into the film. Readers of the famous book might be interested but most are useless to remember as they barely ever do anything. Fortunately the film has enough merit that you can easily watch without getting confused by the parade of introductions. The two Japanese leads are excellent as is the rest of the ensemble cast while David Chiang carries the majority of the film's personality.

There is a strong spaghetti western influence which is not a bad thing in this case. The music soundtrack seems to be entirely ripped off from other films. But the tracks stolen are mostly good, if unusual, choices.

The martial arts are frequently very good when Chiang's character is fighting. It's a version of Chinese wrestling that is not shown too often. Chuan Chen must have been the wrestling choreographer since his only other film credit is the sequel to this film. The weapon battles are early versions of the classic choreography of Liu Chia Liang and Tang Chia.

Many HK martial art dramas from this era are either too stagy or too brutal for my taste. This film strikes a good balance. Recommended.
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Only for those very familiar with "Shuihu Zhuan"
planktonrules31 October 2012
"The Water Margin" is based on a great ancient tale from Chinese literature. HOwever, it's not the entire story--just a small portion of the text "Shuihu Zhuan". I am certainly no expert on it--and that's a serious problem, as I had a lot of trouble understanding the context for the film as well as the sheer number of characters. Keeping track of them was impossible for me though I assume many Chinese viewers would be far more material with the characters and source material. I wish I could have sat and watched this with a Chinese scholar--and it's very likely you'll feel the same way. The story is about revenge and abuse of power--but I did have significant trouble following the story. And, although it's a Shaw Brothers film, martial arts are not that prominent in the movie. My advice is that if you know the story well, watch it. I have no idea how to score it for you. But, for the average fan of martial arts flicks who is NOT familiar with the story, I say skip it--it's just too confusing and the action isn't enough to keep your interest.

By the way, when this film began, my uncle turned to me and asked a very obvious question--'how are those boats moving so fast?'. This is because the ships' sails are not down and there are no oars--yet the ships are going VERY fast across the water! This is supposed to be the Middle Ages--yet the boats appear to be moving as a result of outboard motors. Could the ancient Chinese have been THAT clever? I think not--though they were darned advanced at the time!

By the way, much of the soundtrack for this film was 'borrowed' from the Hollywood film "Hang 'em High". It's pretty weird, as the original film was a western made to look and sound like a spaghetti western--and now it's in a Chinese martial arts film!
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Is bigger better...?
poe42628 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Even at the time of its initial US release, THE WATER MARGIN (known to moviegoers then as SEVEN BLOWS OF THE DRAGON) was generally acknowledged one of the better imports because, unlike most "kung fu movies" of the day, it boasted an actual storyline. Although it wasn't always clear, even then, who was who or who was on whose side, the mere fact that there were exchanges of dialogue at all elevated SEVEN BLOWS OF THE DRAGON to unheard of heights among the cognoscenti. Until its recent release on DVD, I had no idea that it was based on a novel (much less a novel boasting a hundred or more chapters). That explains a lot. (Not that it makes it any clearer who's who or who's on whose side...) It was cool to see David Chiang again as "the master of the eighteen tumbles," and I'm still looking forward to the (hopefully eventual) release of Wang Yu's THE Chinese PROFESSIONALS (which I still remember as being a great deal of fun and preferable, back then, to most everything but Bruce Lee's movies).
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Incredible film
LiamTheBear9 March 2006
First time i saw this film was back when I was 5 years old. We had it in beta format. it was titled Seven blows of the dragon. The fight scenes and weapon usage is flawless. Epic. unforgettable. Last time I ever saw this film was more than 20 years a go. Now, amazingly, it has been released on DVD in it's original title on the Shaw Brothers DVD collection. ( Everybody note, the DVD title of this film is "The Water Margin" ) I also found a sequel of this film called "All men are brothers", but it's no where near as good as this film. Rent it, enjoy it. It will definitely build you up towards one of the most intense final confrontations you've ever seen on a kung-fu movie of this kind.
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A Classic...
Kung Lao27 July 1999
This movie was released in the US in the mid-seventies as Seven Blows of the Dragon as there are seven bandit warriors, though barbaric, are considered the heroes. They have names like Young Dragon (David Chiang (the only cast member I recognize), Tigress, Red Devil, etc. There are also a few "old-master" types who provide much of the drama and action.

Seven Blows of the Dragon was one of the biggest budgeted Hong Kong films of the time, and the story is a true epic scale presentation. Unlike most movies of the time inspired by Bruce Lee films, where the lone hero usually battles against bad guys with a revenge style motive, Seven Blows of the Dragon involves the old masters, the mountain outlaw band, and marauding kung fu armies, and the clash in the end features all three parties going at it, until only the old masters make for a satisfying conclusion.

The version of Seven Blows I saw was a pan and scanned cable TV print which had horrible video transfer quality. Perhaps someday the film will get an international release in its widescreen glory. The dubbing is not bad for a movie of this type. The voices are a little cartoonish, but somehow it adds to the larger than life characters portrayed in the film.

Seven Blows of the Dragon is a classic of the genre. The martial arts action is non-stop, and the film captures the flavor of ancient China. I don't believe it's currently available on video, but check your old mom'n pop videostore for a copy from the eighties. Or keep your eyes peeled on late night TV. I saw it on TNT a couple years back at 3 in the morning.
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The water margin aka 7 blows of the dragon
langbro-7534717 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For whatever reason I was unable to see the dubbed version of this movie when renting from prime video. Also, the music to this version of the movie was totally different from the classic dubbed version I saw. Actually disappointed in the change because the music in run run Shaw movies really helps with setting the tone of the movie. I'm curious as to why the change and was it for this version of the movie only? I know the name is different, but why the music change? Actually, when did they change the music that makes it different from the dubbed version? Why didn't prime video make the dubbed version available for those of us who only have known the dubbed version! I'm definitely requesting a credit towards another rental because I truly didn't enjoy as I thought because it wasn't the dubbed version.
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A Classic Plain and Simple!!!!!!!!!
multiverse8 November 2001
If you want a great martial arts flick with unbelievable choreography check this masterpiece out well worth your time to watch and savor!!!! David Chiang shines in this movie his grace and style is a wonder to behold.Hunt this movie down now! If you enjoy any kind of action/martial arts movie you will not be disappointed!
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