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Once Again Constance Cummings Proves She is Talented As Well As Beautiful!!!
kidboots7 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When Robert Young reported to Columbia to star in "The Guilty Generation", he was still wet behind the ears. He wore one of his own rather scruffy suits and Harry Cohn reportedly blasted him and wouldn't let him on the set until he appeared in a nicely tailored suit as befitted his role as an up and coming architect. Young apparently never forgot that dressing down and never turned up on set without looking well dressed in the future. Robert Young did very well in a demanding role - it was his first year in films - and proved that he had a real future in movies.

Marco Ricca (Robert Young) is now John Smith, Architect. He has changed his name to avoid the shame of being affiliated with Tony Ricca (Boris Karloff) who is a notorious gangland mobster and also his father. Initially he is determined to get his brother away from his father's evil influence but that storyline petered out when John goes to Florida to work on a hotel design and meets beautiful Maria (Constance Cummings), daughter of Tony Ricca's arch rival Mike Palmero (Leo Carrillo). Both she and her brother Joe (Leslie Fenton) are feeling the strain of being the children of a mobster. Joe, in trying to live up to his father's reputation, drinks too much and at a party given for Maria, gets drunk and makes a fool of himself. People leave in disgust and John is the only one who stays around. He tells Maria his real identity and that he knew her when they were children - he used to give her candy hearts and from this a Romeo and Juliet story emerges.

Even though the film belongs to Leo Carrillo, Boris Karloff proved (despite his English accent) that he was a superb character actor. Who knew where his career may have gone if he hadn't been given the Monster's role in "Frankenstein". Meanwhile the gang war gets out of hand with Marco's brother dying in a shootout. While ostensibly a gangster/romance with the emphasis definitely on romance, there is almost no action - except for the death of Joe. All the action is viewed via newspaper headlines. This may have been Columbia's answer to Warner Bros. "Little Caesar" and "The Public Enemy". By 1931, even though they had Frank Capra, they were still only a minor studio and didn't have the money to splash out on lots of flashy action so they compromised by taken a different slant - a romance about the children of gangsters - the "guilty generation".

The ending is a complete surprise - two thirds of the way through, Palmero indicates that he is going to quit but secretly he has no intention of doing so and when his son Joe is shot, sets a plan in motion that will leave his daughter very soon a widow. He doesn't reckon with his right hand man (good old Murray Kinnell, who was "Puttyface" in "The Public Enemy") and even his own mother (Emma Dunn) who realise that Palmero is mad with revenge and both contrive to bring about a happy ending.

Constance Cummings, who was a 1931 Wampas Baby Star, proved once again that she was one of the most talented as well as beautiful of the younger stars. Leslie Fenton (who was "Nails" Nathan in "The Public Enemy"), I believe, was under-rated and under-used in his film career. He eventually turned to directing.

Highly Recommended.
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Boris Karloff as The Godfather...
AlsExGal24 December 2012, not really, but the British Boris is playing the head of one of two feuding (Italian??)-American crime families. Boris plays the head of the Ricca clan, Tony Ricca. Leo Carrillo, who is actually Spanish in descent - in fact a member of an old California Spanish land grant family - plays Mike, the head of the rival Palmerro clan.

This is a late Prohibition Era film in which the public is said to be on to the Mafia and beginning to demand action - there were several of these made in the early 30's - as the bloodshed has begun to spill onto the streets and takes the lives of innocent children. Meanwhile the warring clans have taken to killing off each other's family members in a last ditch grab for sole control of "the rackets".

The central theme of the film is the romance between young Marco Ricca and Maria Palmerro, both straight kids caught in a gangster world. Marco was taken away from his father's life of crime by his mother at the age of ten, but he has returned to America an architect who has changed his name to John Smith. Maria Palmerro is the only daughter of Mike Palmerro, the enemy of Marco/John's father. John thinks there is no danger in this association since he has long been estranged from his father, is truly legitimate, and nobody knows of his true family ties. Marco has a brother who is working in his dad's criminal enterprise, and likewise Maria has a brother who is working in her father's criminal enterprise.

This is mainly Carillo's film, as his character gradually lets the desire for revenge get the best of his common sense at the expense of his entire family. He's a brutish man, such as in a scene where he threatens his daughter that if she doesn't change out of her black dress into a white party dress he'll cut the black dress right off her body with a pair of scissors. He has raised an equally brutish man in the person of his grown son, who decides if his speakeasy flapper girlfriends are not welcome at his sister's party he'll just shove the actual party guests into the pool.

You can tell something dreadful is coming, but you're not just sure how or when or to who it is coming. I'll let you watch and find out.

The movie pulls some punches as it never actually comes out and says Prohibition is the source of the problem, instead everyone keeps talking about "the rackets". Likewise no one ever mentions the nationality of the warring families specifically. Ruth Warren is terrific as a gum-chewing gun moll-like publicist that Palmerro has hired. Although Phil Tead plays the news reporter who is writing stories on the warring clans, Mr. Tead is a dead ringer for Walter Brennan. Emma Dunn, who plays Mike Palmerro's mother, is the only member of the cast who convinces me she is Italian (although she is actually British) as she desperately tries to perform CPR on Mike's conscience.

I'd recommend this one - it certainly is rather unique among early 30's gangster films.
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Now that's some odd casting...
planktonrules9 May 2010
So, let's pretend you are a Hollywood producer back in 1931 and you are planning on making a movie about mobsters--Italian mobsters to be precise. So, for the roles of mobsters and family members of the Ricca and Palmero family, who would you pick? Well, unless you were insane, you probably wouldn't pick the British Boris Karloff, Hispanic-American Leo Carrillo or the Waspy Constance Cummings or Robert Young. And, oddly, these are exactly the actors chosen for this film that is a bit like "Little Caesar" and "Romeo & Juliet" merged into one. The only one in the cast that came off as Italian was the English actress Emma Dunn--now SHE seemed like she was cast well as she sounded Italian and was quite effective. Now I am NOT saying that the others were bad--they just didn't seem very Italian.

The film begins with nice-guy Young getting a surprise visit from his dad (Karloff). It seems Karloff is hurt because his architect son has changed his name and wants nothing to do with the family business of killing people and selling bathtub booze. But, despite his charming personality, Young is determined to make it on his own and tells his father to leave.

A bit later, the film shifts to another unhappy child of a different gangster. It seems that Constance wants to be accepted by high society but her thug brother and father (Carrillo) make it really tough. When she throws a fancy party, the brother starts acting tough by throwing people into the pool. When Young stops him, the brother is about to shoot him! Nice family, huh?! Well, it seems that Young knew Cummings when they were kids. This, combined with their angst about their mob families makes their falling in love natural...except the two fathers are rivals bent on killing each other as well as wiping out the other's family! As a result, the Romeo & Juliet angle enters into this fateful romance.

Overall, this is a low-budget but entertaining film from Columbia. It's well worth seeing and a nice reworking of Shakespeare--minus all the olde tyme dialog. However, for fans of Karloff, be forewarned that he's really not in the film that much and I assume he was billed as high as he was due to his recent appearance in "Frankenstein". Regardless, it's a tough little film that I enjoyed.
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The Guilty Generation (1931) **1/2
JoeKarlosi6 February 2006
A very youthful Robert Young (of "Father Knows Best") plays an architect named "John Smith" who's changed his true name from Marco Ricca in order to sever any ties with his despicable gangster father, Tony Ricca (Boris Karloff). There's a war between the Italian Ricca family and their rivals, the Palmiero family, who are lead by Mike Palmiero (Leo Carrillo). In between mutual tit for tat retaliations of a very GODFATHER-like nature, of course things get even more complicated when John Smith falls in love with crime boss Palmiero's daughter, Maria (Constance Cummings).

This was a moderately enjoyable picture with some fun to be had, though it comes up just a wee bit short of being genuinely "good", and coughs up a rather abrupt and unsatisfying ending that doesn't satisfy our expectations. It's nicely directed most of the time by Rowland V. Lee but tends to lag every now and then. It's Leo Carrillo who is the real draw of the film and he's completely believable as Mike Palmiero. Boris Karloff is a real hoot as an Italian crime leader, but unfortunately has his best scene at the start of the movie and isn't featured very much thereafter. Recommended to be seen, if you can come across a copy. **1/2 out of ****
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The Petit-Princes Of Prohibition And Gangland Warfare
Patriotlad@aol.com23 January 2007
While it is true that this interesting crime drama has a few significant "holes" in it -- like casting Boris Karloff with his crisp enunciations as an Italian-immigrant mobster -- the film stands as a persuasive cultural document indicting the whole Prohibition Era. For those who do not know anything about our true American history, there was about fifty-two years of social agitation behind what was known as The Temperance Movement, culminating in a Constitutional amendment and "the Volstead Act." In a curious tandem movement, the long-running "Suffrage" movement for women to have the vote became intertwined and then interlocked with "Temperance." What began as a local issue, restricting or banning the sale of alcoholic beverages at a time when nearly all adult men drank beer, whiskey or gin, eventually morphed into statewide legislation. The problem was complex, however, as "dry counties" competed with "wet counties" inside of states, and then across state boundaries, as dry states conflicted with wet states.

When Congress proposed the "Prohibition" amendment in December of 1917, the country had been involved in the Declared War that T. Woodrow Wilson campaigned against in his 1916 re-election bid, since April of '17. As tens of thousands of U.S. troops were training for and shipping out for the battlefields of France, where they would learn to enjoy French wines, cognac and champagnes, their Congress was moving to provide Prohibition of drinking alcohol from sea to shining sea. The amendment as proposed achieved ratification on January 29th of 1919 and its provisions took effect one year later.

Thirteen years and twenty-one days later, Congress moved to repeal the Prohibition Amendment and this counter-amendment was ratified by December of 1933, or nine months into the new administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In those thirteen years and nine months, the structure and integrity of American society was wholly changed and radicalized. Minor criminal gangs in the major cities blossomed into full-fledged crime syndicates, as the taste for liquor and beer among the people wholly overwhelmed the legal reality of Prohibition.

Thus, the "Roaring '20s" was a time when stock market speculations and easy money rode the same horses as did "bootlegging" or the illegal importation or illegal manufacture of beer and hard liquors ... in every part of the country. Thousands of men -- and some women and children -- were killed in the revolving battles between bootlegging gangs in the major cities, and the violence only got worse as the profits from "speakeasy" saloons and "rum-running" grew larger and larger. Municipalities and county governments were suborned. Governors were bribed, and Customs officials bought or intimidated into silence.

The background of this movie is that history: the two gangs, seeming to be from Chicago although not specifically mentioned as such, are the Ricca and the Palmero, whose leaders were formerly partners and whose families were formerly friends.

As the movie unfolds, the violence between the gangs escalates into killing each others' operatives, each others' cousins, and then each man's sons. And against this hideous background, even if played at a lower key, the daughter of Palmero meets and falls in love with the second son of Ricca, who has been raised abroad and who has changed his name to "Smith." No, it's not "Romeo & Juliet" at all but there are some similarities.

Others have commented on how this fledgling romance comes across as being "sappy" or syrupy. That's right. But that's what movie going audiences wanted in the middle of the early years of the Depression. The violence described in this film is not shown specifically, but it lurks in the shadows like a Kabuki puppet.

Leo Carrillo and Boris Karloff do very well in their roles, and the absence of any background music makes this film more intensely visual, although there are scenes where music is played in a club or for a party. The lavish life style of the Palmero family, in their Florida mansion, is another element in the fictional "testament" of just how warped the social order of the United States had become under Prohibition, and under the tyranny of these petit-princes of the Prohibition Era.
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Worth Watching
Michael_Elliott26 February 2008
Guilty Generation, The (1931)

*** (out of 4)

Warner had The Public Enemy, Universal had Scarface and Columbia had this little gem from director Rowland V. Lee. A young couple (Robert Young & Constance Cummings) fall in love even though their fathers (Leo Carrillo & Boris Karloff) are rivals of opposite gangs. There's no doubt this lifts the story of Romeo and Juliet and while it starts off a bit shaky there's no denying the final twenty minutes are extremely good as the girl's father finally finds out who the boy's father is. Everyone gives a very good performance but Cummings is the real standout with her delightful charm. Karloff is also very good in his few moments at the start of the film. It's really great that TCM is showing all these rare Columbia films and I can't wait to see what else they have from this period.
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Romeo and Juliet in the Mafia
boblipton6 February 2006
Some parts of this movie have not survived seventy-five years well, and at times the dialogue limps. Robert Young, as the young lover, speaks in a voice that is annoying in the high register. Constance Cummings is a beautiful young woman and a good actor. Boris Karloff handles his rather small role gracefully, with just an air of lurking menace.

But it is Leo Carrillo, who begins the movie looking like a buffoon and ends the movie as a terrible monster, who owns this movie. I won't give away any details, but the ending, once you realize its inevitability, is a real shocker.

Does Carrillo's performance make the movie worth seeing? Yes, although just barely, and you may need a bit of patience until the movie is worthwhile, but perhaps the mobile camera-work will keep you interested.
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Frankenstein's goombah
F Gwynplaine MacIntyre6 February 2006
'The Guilty Generation' has a misleading title. This movie would seem to indict a generation, but it's actually more interested in indicting an ethnic group ... to be precise, the Italians. This movie takes place in a universe where everyone named Angelo or Luigi is automatically a gangster. Late in the film, there's some brief dialogue about honest Italians vilifying the crooked members of their 'race' ... but most of this movie seems to indicate that Italian ancestry and criminal behaviour are mutually inclusive.

Robert Young is a rising young architect named John Smith, a name guaranteed to attract attention. Indeed, we soon find out that he was born Marco Ricca, son of gangster Tony Ricca. The latter is played by Boris Karloff, looking not remotely Italian. (Although Italian-American actor Abe Vigoda was a Karloff lookalike.) Karloff brings deep conviction and presence to this role, but his performance is not very convincing. Part of the problem is that Tony Ricca's dialogue is full of "ain't"s and other grammatical errors, yet Karloff speaks these thick-eared lines in his usual cultured tones. Elsewhere, Murray Kinnell is good in a supporting role, but his well-bred English accent seems out of place in a setting that's knee-deep in goombahs.

There are excellent performances by two actors unknown to me, Emma Dunn and Elliott Rothe. Also impressive is Leo Carrillo. Because of his short stature and thick accent, Carrillo is best known for comic roles. Here, he's chillingly believable as a crime lord, utterly ruthless and unforgiving. Much of the film takes place in the sumptuous Florida mansion owned by Carrillo's character. I was astounded that Columbia Pictures -- at this point, a studio barely out of Poverty Row -- were able to achieve these production values.

Also quite good, in a supporting role, is Ruth Warren as Carrillo's press agent. Unfortunately, Warren was precisely the same character type as several other better-known and better actresses -- Jean Dixon and Glenda Farrell spring to mind -- so she failed to claim a niche for herself among Hollywood's character actresses. As the romantic leads in this melange, Robert Young and the insipid Constance Cummings are as dull as dishwater. I've never yet seen a performance by Cummings that impressed me.

'The Guilty Generation', well-directed by the underrated Rowland V Lee, and nicely photographed by Byron Haskin, is probably of greatest interest to Karloff fans. Be advised that Karloff's role is actually quite small, and he's miscast. Overall, I'll rate this movie 6 out of 10.
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Good for an Unknown Film, but a Victim of Some Near-Fatal Miscasting
joe-pearce-127 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A gangster-Prohibition drama with elements of Romeo and Juliet in it would more likely have been expected from Warner Bros. in 1931, but Columbia just about made the grade here, even with some miscasting problems. I am usually all in favor of casting against type (I still think Gregory Peck's Captain Ahab is one of the monumental screen performances, far more so than his Atticus Finch, which had been pretty solid Peck territory since the days of GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT), but to have the heads of the two feuding gangster families portrayed, very definitely as Italians, by Boris Karloff and Leo Carrillo is a bit much, perhaps. Karloff, one of my very favorite actors, would not be horrible if they had changed his character's name to Will Pratt, but both in aspect and speech he is about the least convincing Italian I have ever seen, and only slightly eschews his British accent. Not that he acts badly; he's just totally wrong. Carrillo, who was a Broadway leading man and came into the movies as one (he is excellent in MR. ANTONIO, and does manage to get the girl - Grace Moore, yet - in LOVE ME FOREVER), giving a surprising number of solid acting performances in roles that weren't confined to comic Mexican sidekicks (one reviewer tells us that he was confined to comic roles because of his short stature, but he was 5'10" and tipped the scales at about 180 or so), even after he started acting such comic roles in VIVA VILLA! An American of impressive American and Spanish pedigree, Mr. Carrillo spoke English with no accent but was always putting one on in his films. The Spanish one worked fine, but not so much the Italian one, at least not in this film. While the role itself is the starring one of the movie, he often seems to be delivering his lines in a staccato rhythm and without rendering full meaning to the thoughts he is imparting. But it is interesting to see him here. Constance Cummings is okay as Carrillo's daughter, but the only actor in the film who gives a totally excellent and, more important, a totally convincing line delivery is Robert Young, only 24 at the time and in the first year of his talking film career. As with his performance in THE BLACK CAMEL the same year and in STRANGE INTERLUDE the next year, he is the most convincing actor in the cast. He's the only one in it who seems to understand how to act for talking pictures! Leslie Fenton is good as Carrillo's son, but would be better only a year later in THE HATCHET MAN. The surprise here is the casting of Emma Dunn as Carrillo's mother, complete with reasonably convincing Italian accent - well, more convincing than Carrillo's anyway. In loads of films, she is probably best remembered today as Donnie Donegan's nanny in THE SON OF FRANKENSTEIN, but it would take better powers of observation than mine to realize it was the same actress in both roles; I knew it only because her name was up there in the credits. In fact, she's as excellent as is Young, but in a role that lends itself to a few emotional outbursts, one of which turns out to be what they used to call a "corker". Others have mentioned the "surprise" ending, and it must have been quite a surprise to 1931 audiences, although it was repeated just often enough later on to temper that reaction. Here's the spoiler, folks. Such a surprise also found its way into THE INVISIBLE RAY, THE DARK COMMAND, and THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE. Anyway, for a mostly forgotten movie, this will keep you interested even if no one ever gets to see and hear Boris Karloff smack himself in the head while shouting "Mamma mia!"
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Underrated look behind the scenes of Prohibition's death throes
abchulett21 March 2010
Having looked at a few of the other reviews here, some of which predictably say this is a "pale imitation of Warner Bros. gangster pictures," I have to chime in with a dissenting opinion. Those more famous films, such as "Little Caesar" and "Public Enemy," with their iconic Edward G. Robinson and Jimmy Cagney, respectively, are a whole different type of animal; you're comparing apples and oranges. Those are the seminal action films, bad guy as antihero, cautionary tales about the ultimate end of reckless lawlessness.

"The Guilty Generation" focuses instead on the offspring of two of the biggest crime families involved in bootlegging. While a gang war whirls around the shoulders of Robert Young & Constance Cummings's characters they are trying to get away from the business, while each has a brother who's trying to follow in father's footsteps. Apt comparisons to "Romeo & Juliet" are made, and the similarities extend to the fact that both began life as a play before being made into films.

And that's probably part of the problem movie purists have with TGG. While the aforementioned WB pics are more action-oriented, with lots of shootouts and chases, TGG is more about the internal and intergang politics and the romance. They are also more "talky," which some people have a real problem with. In this case it works, IMO.

Leo Carillo & Boris Karloff play the heads of the families; in keeping with the early '30s, their accents are not accurate (see Jimmy Stewart as a Hungarian in "The Little Shop on the Corner" for one of thousands of examples of worse casting in this regard), but they do well personality-wise in their roles.

Don't overlook the secondary characters, such as Ms. Cummings's excellent Italian grandma and her father's press agent, who provide terrific support and comic relief.

Maybe it's just the fact that this one took me completely by surprise, but I'd rather see it again than any of the aforementioned films or even the more-similar "Godfather" pictures. It avoids the bloody shootouts of the latter, yet has more to do with the human beings affected by the action than the former, and it ultimately shows a prime example of when it's most correct for children to rebel against their parents. An interesting story, well acted, perfectly paced, and with even a couple of nice plot twists. I think it holds up quite well.
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Leo Carrillo vs. Boris Karloff
whpratt116 May 2003
Viewed this film in the 1940's and again on late night TV. This film is about two notorious gangsters, Mike Palmero(Leo Carrillo, who played in the Cisco Kid 1950 TV series as Pancho) and Tony Ricca (Boris Karloff), who are trying to gain control of the bootlegging racket. Maria (Constance Cummings, who appeared in Wings TV show(1985) Palmero's daughter, is afraid of him and hates the business he is involved with. She falls in love with Ricca's son, Marco(Robert Young, who was Marcus Welby in a famous TV series). The film made by Columbia pictures was a great gangster film and the beginning for Carrillo, Karloff and Robert Young.
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Surprisingly great
ianduke-3203419 August 2021
The fact that Boris Karloff co-stars is not why I'd recommend this movie. In fact, he probably has no more than 5 minutes of screen time if I were to guess. However, the characters are wonderful and easy to dissect and the romance mixed with gang wars make for a entertaining classic.
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pale imitation of Warner's gangster films
malcolmgsw2 July 2007
I first saw this film in 1999 when the NFT had a season of early Columbia films.Having just seen this again my initial reaction is unchanged.It lacks believability and the casting of dear old Borris as an Italian gangster makes it difficult to take seriously a lot of what follows.Compare this film with its Warner contemporaries Public Enemy or Little Caesar and this comes third by a long distance Leo Carillo is a pussycat compared to Edward Robinson.By the way Carillo was born in California and his accent was put on and not natural.I thought that the ending was totally unbelievable although a bit startling.Still reasonably entertaining.
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see it for the acting
mukava99126 March 2010
The performances by Leo Carrillo, Constance Cummings, Robert Young and Leslie Fenton make compelling entertainment out of this rather routinely mounted drama about the social hardships faced by the grown children of successful Italian-American gangsters. While they live in the splendor of their parents' ill-gotten gains they remain social pariahs and must go to great lengths to achieve respectable lives.

Cummings and Young are a sort of Romeo and Juliet, offspring of rival criminal kingpins Carrillo and Karloff, respectively, who fall in love. Carrillo is quite scary as a cold-blooded hoodlum, but Karloff can't get the accent right and sounds awkwardly British, and bearing no resemblance of any kind to Robert Young doesn't help. Leslie Fenton as Carrillo's dissolute son does a good job playing nasty, particularly in a well-shot scene that has him rampaging through a garden party and knocking guest after fully clothed guest into the pool.
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Allies John Smith
sol-kay18 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** A Pre-Frankenstein Boris Karloff plays notorious New York City mob boss Tony Ricca who's involved in a bloody turf war with rival mobster Mike Plamero, Leo Carrillo, that soon got out of hand. With two infants, one in a baby carriage, getting killed in a cross-fire between the Ricca and Palmero gang it's decided by mob boss Palermaro to skip town and head down to Miami Florida until the heat blows off.

In Miami Palmero tries to go legit and clean up his image as well as that of his his pretty daughter Maria, Constance Cummings, who's only crime is in her being related to him. Unknown to the Pamero Clan Ricca's son Marco, now calling himself John Smith, played by Robert Young is also in Miami to do a job, not of the criminal nature, for a friend of his in constructing a new luxury hotel in the outskirts of town. It's when John is invited by his employer to a party thrown for Parmero's daughter Maria that he soon finds out that his past of being the successor to the Ricca Mob Empire, which he tried like hell to avoid, would never leave him. Not that John was that interested in becoming a mob boss but that his life will always be in danger in him being related to one.

With the mob war still going on up north in NYC between the Ricca and Palmero gangs it soon hits home with Tony Ricca's brother Benedicto, Elliott Rothe, is gunned down in a mob ambush by the Palmero Gang. Ricca seeking revenge has Palmero's party going son Joe, Leslie Fenton, killed in a car accident when he tried to escape being hit by Ricca's goons. Unknown to both Plamero and Ricca their children, John & Maria, had fallen in love and were now planning to get married regardless of what their blood feuding parents thought about it! What was once a well kept secret about John Smith's real identity became known to the late Joe Palmero who's hired detectives found out, through foreign newspapers clippings, that he in fact was non other that Tony Ricca's boy Marco! It was that vital information that Joe Palmero spurted out, just before he expired, to his dad's men who were at the scene of his fatal accident!

It's when Mike Palmero finds out the "good news" about his daughters marriage, that happened just an half hour before he found out about it, to John Smith aka Marco Ricca he coolly planned to knock of his new son-in-law before he ever goes on his honeymoon-in Havana Cuba-with his daughter.

***SPOILERS*** Things don't exactly go the way that Palmero planned it with his top henchman Jerry Baxter, Murray Kinnell, refusing to set the innocent, in Joe Plamero's death, John Smith up and allowing John, together with himself, to make a clean getaway from the Ricca compound.

***MAJOR SPOILER*** The worst-far far worst-was yet to come for the now angry as hell, in Baxter not following his orders, Palmero in that his mom Mrs. Nina Palmero, Emma Dunn, who by now just about had it with her sons criminal activities in feeling that this time he was going too far. It was Mama Palmero who finally put an end to her son Mike along with them before he was able to get John Smith knocked off !
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The bard meets the godfathers.
mark.waltz15 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Forty years before Mario Puzo's best- selling novel got Marlon Brando to put cotton in his mouth, two New York godfathers went at it in this modern adaption of "Romeo and Juliet". Boris Karloff and Leo Carillo are two rivals fighting over the same territory by knocking off each other's kin one by one, getting closer until practically nobody is left.

Karloff has a laughable Italian accent here with Robert Young ridiculously cast as his shoe-polished haired son, running off to Florida in an attempt to escape his grasp. He ends up ironically at one of Carrillo's parties where he meets and falls in love with his daughter, Constance Cummings. Bodies continue to enter the morgue until the final confrontation. In one of her more off-beat roles, veteran character actress Emma Dunn is memorable as Carrillo's mother, vowing to go to surprising lengths to end the violence.

Practically every archetype of " Romeo and Juliet" are present, much like the many modern updated and of course "West Side Story". There is a great use of props, especially a gun which is actually a cigarette case in disguise. The party sequence is quite lavish, much like the ones on each of the three "Godfather" films. The miscasting of Karloff and Young do bring on some unintentional laughs, but the conclusion is one that may leave you in shock.
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The Best Gangster Flick Ever Made!!
grafxman25 April 2013
An excellent cast of skilled actors and actresses coupled with a terrific, original script make this movie the best gangster flick ever made. Forget Cagney, Bogart and Edward G. Robinson. None of the gangster flicks those guys ever made is as good as this one. Here's Leo Carillo as a completely ruthless cold blooded killer who lives with his mother, a son and a beautiful daughter. His opponent is Boris Karloff who has two sons. He is not yet famous for his portrayal of the Frankenstein monster. Both of these men are serious cold blooded killers trying to put each other out of business by whacking each others people. One of Karloff's sons changed his name to escape the shadow of his father's bootlegging business. Carillo's daughter has no escape from her thuggish father. Then they meet and fall in love. Make no mistake. You will never see a more intelligent drama than this one. Everything about it is just wonderful especially the totally unexpected climatic ending.
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Leo Carrillo and Boris Karloff as rival gangsters
kevinolzak29 March 2021
1931's "The Guilty Generation" was the last feature that Boris Karloff did before starring as The Monster in James Whale's "Frankenstein," here cast as vicious New York mobster Tony Ricca (future Monster Glenn Strange as a bodyguard with one line), opening the picture with his best scene against Robert Young as successful architect John Smith, secretly Ricca's estranged son, his mother having spirited him off to Europe for a proper education at the age of 10. Rebuffing his father's unexpected offer of a position of power providing he use his birth name, John sets off for Florida to begin a new project, only to be invited to a birthday party for pretty Maria Palmero (Constance Cummings), daughter of Tony Ricca's former partner Mike (Leo Carrillo), a bitter breakup that finds both men engaged in tit for tat violence that will strike closer to home before long. The young couple hit it off rapidly, until John learns the identity of the girl, a nervous laugh betraying a secret only revealed to her the following day, when he apologizes by admitting that he was her very first kiss as a child, and that his real name is Marco Ricca, son of Tony. Both are dismayed by the gang war instigated by their respective parents, choosing to hide John's true identity from Mike but not his approving mother Nina (Emma Duun), nor sassy publicist Nellie Weaver (Ruth Warren). By the time John and Maria decide to marry, Mike faces the tragedy of losing his son Joe (Leslie Fenton) to the Ricca mob, his dying testimony revealing John Smith to be an alias for Ricca's son, a fact that may doom poor Maria to become a widow even before the honeymoon in Havana. This Columbia release arrived months after the 1-2 punch of "Little Caesar" and "The Public Enemy," never glorifying but vilifying the gangsters on screen and the innocent lives claimed in their ambition for power and status. Karloff was hardly adept at playing one but acquits himself well despite the Italian name, 4 scenes resulting in 7 minutes screen time. Carrillo is the real standout, almost likable in his way yet quite ruthless overall, a stark contrast to his later comic typecasting though he did make a return to villainy opposite Lionel Atwill in PRC's 1945 "Crime, Inc." Constance Cummings is a fetching, winning presence as the long suffering daughter, but Robert Young is wildly miscast as an Italian gangster's son, not helped by an unconvincing mustache, coming off his feature debut "The Black Camel," with Bela Lugosi. Constance had previously worked with Karloff in her first film "The Criminal Code," only three months away from her third opposite Boris, "Behind the Mask," while the vastly underrated Ruth Warren deserved a higher profile career than playing uncredited maids or scrubwomen, her final role coming in a 1961 episode of Karloff's THRILLER, "Late Date" (Emma Dunn of course got to be frightened by The Monster himself in 1939's "Son of Frankenstein").
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A tragedy similar to Romeo & Juliet....but not.
michaelRokeefe12 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The classic Romeo & Juliet is loosely adapted and modernized by director Rowland V. Lee. Picture 1930's New York and rival gangs once co-existing until a harsh argument causes a more than strong rivalry...deadly rivalry. The lovely Maria Palmero(Constance Cummings), the daughter of mobster big Mike Palmero(Leo Carillo), happens to meet an ambitious young architect named John Smith(Robert Young)and the two are smitten. John's true identity is Marco Ricca and is the son of Carillo's rival Tony Ricca(Boris Karloff). Now you see where this story is going. The two lovebirds want to keep their relationship secret obviously, but unfortunately Mike Palmero finds out who his daughter is about to marry and vows to have him erased from the picture. In the end it is big Mike himself that stops breathing...but who pulled the trigger? Other players include: Leslie Fenton, Ruth Warren, Murray Kinnell, Glenn Strange, Lynton Brent and Emma Dunn.
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Leo Carrillo
januszlvii20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Leo Carrillo.( Mike Palmiero) really makes the Guilty Generation work. Why? Most gangsters despite being bad have a bit of decency within them especially concerning family ( Watch Lucky Number Sleven to see what I mean).. Mike does not. He is planning to kill his daughter. Maria ( Constance Cummings), for falling in love ( and especially marrying) Marco Ricca ( Robert Young), the son of his rival. Tony ( Boris Karloff). It is important to note that Marco does NOT enter the family business ( he changes his name to John Smith and becomes an architect), so Maria will NOT be disrespecting and betraying her father. It is interesting to noteTony respects his decision not to enter the family's bootlegging business ( even if he does not agree). Mike is basically a cancer whose killing of one of Tony's sons, leads to the retaliation murder of his son Joey ( who is following in his father's footsteps), and spoilers ahead turns his mother ( Emma Dunn) against him and she along with a decent gang member named Jerry are the ones who help Maria and Marco. She in the film's most shocking scene, is forced to shoot Mike to death ( almost like putting a rabid dog out of its misery). Again it is important to note the difference between Mike and Tony. Tony although a bad guy, is not going to the extreme and kill Marco, because he married Maria, and somehow betrayed the family like Mike was planning for Maria for marrying Marco. This is a film well worth watching especially because of the chilling performance of Leo Carrillo. 9/10 stars.
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Better than the more recent films like "The Godfather" - Carrillo is amazing!
ronrobinson330 September 2023
So, this is why I am going through all the films in chronological order - the good and the bad. There are so many great films that never made it to the top of the "Best Films" list. If I just watched "The Greatest Films of 1931", etc. I am sure I would NOT have had the pleasure of seeing this film.

"The Godfather" almost pales in comparison to this great film about feuding mafia families and their acts of obligatory revenge.

Where do I start? I don't want to give the story away but, suffice it to say, there are so many great portrayals in this film it is hard to just focus on one part of it. It works so well as a whole.

Leo Carrillo is mind blowing as the "Godfather" of one of the top mafia families. He goes in and out with his sweetness and ruthlessness and warmth and cold cruelty like "falling off a log". He makes it look so easy and natural. He has a son who is a buffoon and lazy. But he has a daughter portrayed by Constance Cummings who is a knockout and is trying to be accepted in high society though everyone knows she is the daughter of a gangster.

Robert Young belongs to the opposing family. Years ago, he left the mob to start a new life on his own. He even changed his name. Boris Karloff plays his father and even Karloff does a great job without going over the top, as he can sometimes.

The families are constantly playing "tit for tat". A cousin is killed so they must get revenge by killing a cousin of the other family. Then a son. Then a brother. And so it goes back and forth.

As fate would have it, Robert Young attends a party and falls for Cummings before they each realize whose families they belong too. But this is no "Romeo and Juliet" plot, though it sounds like it. The couple are always on the edge of being found out and their lives could be over in a heartbeat.

Emma Dunn is amazing also as the grandmother trying to get her son Carrillo to go straight. She could have easily playing the "hand wringing" and weepy character, but she does not. She plays the mother real and strong and believable. She is perfect!

I must mention Ruth Warren. She adds some humor and wise cracks to the film playing Carrillo's press secretary. She is the only character who can believably make cracks and comments and observations right in Carrillo's face and get away with it.

I can not praise this film enough. It moves at a good pace. It is intriguing to watch. The actors do an amazing job.

How have I never even heard of this film or the great Leo Carrillo??

I would watch this again. I enjoyed it that much. There are few films I would say that about!!

So spend the time to watch this 1931 "Godfather"-type classy classic. I dig through the mud to find such gems so you don't have to! And, if you see this one, you will thank me!
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Decent early mob melodrama
funkyfry4 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Boris Karloff and Leo Carillo play two feuding mobsters, but the attention is on their children, played by Constance Cummings and Robert Young, who have fallen in love and must keep his identity a secret. The film has some pretty good writing, some unusual angles, but on the whole it's not a very ambitious movie. Perhaps fearing public censure for glamorizing mobsters, the film makes sure to include some social protest angles, such as a newspaper writer who seems to be personally angry at the mafia. And there are numerous references to children and "baby carriages" being caught in the crossfire of the mafia wars. Nevertheless the film depicts ordinary Americans enjoying bootleg liquor quite liberally.

The film's best scene is one which involves Carillo's character and Emma Dunn, who plays his long-suffering mama. Cloaked in cinema shadows, Dunn excoriates her son and warns him that his son "will be next." Karloff mostly appears in the early parts of the film, and much more time is given to Carillo and his side of the family. Carillo is excellent. Young is just himself, appearing unconvincingly Italian in his mustache, and Cummings seems to be having some problems with her line readings. They're an appealing couple but their love affair, like the film itself, is nothing to write home about.
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