IMDb Polls

Poll: The Emotionary

Actress Eden Sher of The Middle recently published her book, titled The Emotionary. It is "a dictionary of words that don't exist for feelings that do."

Which of these words Eden included in her book would you be most likely to use?

Discuss the list here

Results of 496 votes:

  1. 1.

    Dan Castellaneta in The Simpsons (1989)

    SNACKTIVITY (n): the act of eating purely for recreation
  2. 2.

    Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man (1988)

    DYSCOMMUNICATIA (n): the inability to articulate a feeling through words
  3. 3.

    Michael Shannon and Tova Stewart in Take Shelter (2011)

    CASTRAPOLATE (v): (of a person or situation) to predict the worst possible outcome based on nonexistent evidence

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